Fufanon: instructions for using an insecticide against pests in the garden and home

Fufanon is one of the most effective insect repellents. The drug itself is a broad-spectrum organophosphorus insecticide. Fufanon has a fumigant, contact and intestinal spectrum of action for the extermination of insects of various species. The drug has a third level of toxicity for people and animals, so it can be used even in residential areas.

History of the creation of the drug and its effect on pests

This insecticide was developed at the end of the first half of the last century by American specialists from the American Cyanamid Company specifically to combat “harmful” bugs in garden plots. The product belongs to organophosphorus substances and received the original name “Maloton”.

A few years later, this drug was synthesized in the Soviet Union.

Currently, this product can be found on the shelves of specialized stores under the following names:

  • Maloton;
  • Karbofos;
  • Fufanon;
  • Malathion.

Therefore, we can say that these are analogues of Fufanon.

Also on sale are mixtures of insecticides that include Fufanon, and such preparations are more effective than each of them individually.

An effective pest control product:
This insecticide is available in the form of a colorless, odorless, oily liquid. It dissolves in water, but not completely. Fufanon is better soluble in acetone or similar organic solvents. This pesticide can be sold in powder form, impregnated with a pesticide, and you can also find liquid Fufanon, packaged in ampoules or vials.

On a note!

The main active substance of the drug Fufanon is dimethyldithiophosphoric acid (45-56%). In pests, this drug is converted into malaoxon, which negatively affects the nervous system of the bugs, disrupts the functioning of the digestive tract, and as a result, the pests die.

Insecticide Fufanon description, instructions for use - video

Fufanon: application of insecticide

This drug can effectively destroy most garden and vegetable pests.

Fufanon should be used in the following cases:

  1. to destroy “harmful” insects in garden plots and vegetable beds;
  2. get rid of bedbugs;
  3. destroy cockroaches;
  4. a weak solution of the product is used to treat clothes and rooms when lice appear;
  5. the drug is also effective against ticks.

Modern biological fungicidal drug:
Insecticide Fufanon is effective against spider mites, weevils, garden moths, aphids and a number of other harmful insects.

It is important to know!

However, Fufanon is also toxic to beneficial insects - bees and bumblebees, ladybugs and wasps. Therefore, it is forbidden to use Fufanon during flowering of cultivated plants (so that pollinating insects do not die), as well as in June, when ladybugs reproduce.

This insecticide does not penetrate deep into plant tissue and is therefore not phytotoxic. After spraying, Fufanon protects plants from pests for a couple of weeks.

After the insects eat the poisoned foliage, they stop eating after a couple of hours, then become paralyzed. Complete death of pests occurs within 24 hours after spraying.

Possible health hazard

Although fufanon is low-hazard for humans, ignoring the precautions specified in the instructions for the drug can lead to poisoning by insecticide vapors, with the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • salivation;
  • stomach ache;
  • constriction of the pupil;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • respiratory irritation;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth.

The first thing to do is to go outside, take off clothes soaked in the chemical and rinse your mouth with water. In case of severe poisoning, immediately call an ambulance. If it gets into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly several times with cold water and consult a doctor.

Fufanon line of drugs

Insecticides from the Fufanon product line go on sale, which are intended for different purposes, although they have a similar composition and approximately the same principle of action:

  • “Fufanon-Super” - this drug is intended for disinfestation of various types of premises to get rid of bedbugs, cockroaches and other synanthropic insects.

  • The preparations “Fufanon-Kon”, “Fufanon-Expert” are intended to protect cultivated plants from insect pests. Moreover, these products can be used over large areas or in private gardens. The drugs are effective against sucking and gnawing pests, as well as against ticks.


According to the instructions, the drug is sprayed on plants that have been attacked by pests:

  • mites (these are small arachnid insects with a body length of 0.03 mm-1 cm in males, and 0.05 mm-3 s in females; they have a round body covered with bristles, it is divided into 2 parts; there are 2 pairs of eyes on the head ; 6 pairs of legs; mites pierce leaves with their mouths and suck juices from plants),
  • thrips (very small insects with an elongated body, 0.5-1.5 mm in size),
  • weevils (small coleopterous bugs),
  • aphids (small insects from the hemiptera family, body shape similar to a drop of water),
  • codling moths (grayish-brown butterflies),
  • leafrollers (whitish-gray butterflies),
  • whiteflies (look like tiny white moths),
  • scale insects (tiny insects covered with scutes that look like flat brownish or yellowish-brown plaques),
  • copperheads (small insects with transparent wings),
  • crimson beetles (they have an oval-shaped body 3.8-4.3 mm long, the body itself is brownish, yellowish hairs, brown legs and antennae appear on it),
  • sawflies (they have 2 pairs of thin long wings, a bridge between the thoracic and abdominal sections),
  • moths (very tiny butterflies, wingspan - 10 mm),
  • white butterflies (rather large butterflies with white wings, on which black corners are visible),
  • gall midges (the raspberry gall midge measures 2.5 mm, has a black body, long yellowish-brown legs, and hairs on the wings).

The drug also helps against bedbugs in the apartment. Malathion, when it enters the intestines of an insect, has a paralyzing effect on its central nervous system and the pest dies.

At the same time, you can combine this drug and spraying with other means, in addition to Bordeaux mixture.

Fufanon: instructions for use of the drug

For different garden and vegetable crops, the dosage of this drug may be different. Therefore, before preparing the working fluid, you should carefully study the instructions for using the Fufanon insecticide.

The Fufanon working solution is prepared immediately before treatment; leftover liquid cannot be left “for later”; it should be disposed of immediately after completion of work.

Fufanon Nova. Instructions for Use - video

For pome fruit trees

Apple trees, pears, quince and other similar trees are treated with Fufanon against aphids, codling moths, mites, apple blossom beetle, weevils, leaf rollers, copperheads, sawflies, scale insects, and false scale insects.

The solution for treating trees is prepared as follows:
11-14 ml of insecticide are dissolved in a bucket of water. Trees should be sprayed with Fufanon during the growing season, the product consumption is up to 5 liters for each plant, depending on the age and variety. The period of protection against pests is 20 days.

Fufanon for currants and gooseberries

These berry growers are treated with Fufanon against moths, aphids, moths, gall midges, leaf rollers, sawflies, scale insects and false scale insects. To prepare the solution, dissolve 12 ml of the product in a bucket of water.

Typically, up to 1.5 liters of solution is consumed per bush. The protection period is 20 days.

For stone fruits

Plums, cherries, and apricots are treated with Fufanon against the same pests as berries. The working fluid is prepared as follows:
10-12 ml of insecticide is dissolved in a bucket of water. Spraying is carried out during the active growing season; up to 5 liters of product are spent on each tree (depending on its size). The protection period is up to 20 days.

Fufanon for treating strawberries against pests

The bushes of this berry crop are treated against mites, sawflies, and raspberry and strawberry weevils. The bushes are sprayed twice - before the formation of buds and during the formation of ovaries. For 10 sq. m of area requires 1.5 liters of product.

For vegetable crops

Cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers are sprayed with the Fufanon insecticide against ticks, aphids, thrips, sprout flies, cabbage cutworms, whiteflies, whiteflies and other pests. 13 ml of insecticide is diluted in a bucket of water, and treatment is carried out during the period of growth of green mass. For 10 sq. m area, 1 liter of solution is consumed.

Fufanon for grapes

Grape plantations are sprayed against mealybugs and mites. 13 ml of the chemical is diluted in a bucket of water and sprayed on the grapevines during the period of growing green mass.

Depending on the size of the grape vines, from 2 to 5 liters of solution are consumed per bush. The waiting period is 20 days.

For ornamental crops and garden flowers

These plants are sprayed against a whole range of harmful insects. 13 ml of Fufanon is diluted in a bucket of water and the flowers are treated before budding and after flowering. For every 10 sq. m area requires 1.5-2 liters of working fluid.

Fufanon against cockroaches

10-20 ml of insecticide are diluted in a liter of water and cracks, thresholds and other places where these insects can hide are treated. For every sq. m area, up to 100 ml of solution is consumed. In total, no more than 2 treatments are carried out.

Fufanon against flies

For each liter of liquid, add 10 ml of Fufanon and treat trash cans, cowsheds or poultry houses, and street toilets. Solution consumption – 500 ml per square meter. m.

Fufanon for fleas

3.5-5 ml of the product is diluted in a liter of liquid and sprayed to combat fleas on walls, floors and baseboards, using up to 100 ml of solution per square meter. m.

Fufanon for bed bugs

Dissolve 3.5 ml of Fufanon in a liter of water and apply the product to those places where bedbugs accumulate.

Bed linen cannot be treated with Fufanon.

Preparation of working solution

Fufanon's instructions indicate that to achieve the best results, the drug must be used in strict accordance with the instructions. The standard formula for preparing the solution is to dilute 10 ml of insecticide in 10 liters of plain water. You must first prepare a concentrated solution. To do this, you need to mix the drug with a small amount of water, and only then this concentrate is diluted into a working solution. As a result, you should get a cloudy white liquid, a little thick. The finished solution is poured into a spray bottle taking all precautions.

Advantages of the drug

Experts include the main advantages of the Fufanon insecticide:

  1. Possibility of application on various vegetable and horticultural crops;
  2. the drug is effective against various types of pests, including ticks;
  3. complete death of insects occurs 24 hours after treatment with Fufanon;
  4. ease of dilution of the drug and simplicity of treating plants with this product.

Fufanon-nova. One of the best insecticides - acaricides - video

Among the disadvantages of Fufanon, you need to remember the following:

  1. the product is toxic to bees and water inhabitants, so treatments should not be carried out during the flowering period. Also, crops cannot be processed near water bodies - the distance from the cultivated area to the shore must be at least 2 km;
  2. insects develop resistance to the drug, so during the season you should change the product to insecticides with other active substances in the composition;
  3. Spraying is carried out in protective clothing. It is also necessary to protect your eyes, nasopharynx and hands, as the product is quite toxic.

Compatibility with other tools

Fufanon can be used with certain types of pesticides:

  • "Kurzat R" and "Poliram DF" are used for preventive purposes and to treat plants against viruses and fungi.
  • “Preparation No. 30” is used to combat insects that colonize the roots and dried leaves of plant crops in winter.
  • “Colloidal sulfur” helps fight powdery mildew, oidium and scab.
  • “Zircon” enhances the growth of the root system and stimulates fruit formation.
  • » stimulates the plants’ own powers.

The combination of Fufanon with these products has been proven by numerous experiments, so their combination can be safely used to treat household and garden crops.

Experts do not recommend combining the insecticide with other drugs in the fight against parasitic insects. If you decide to do this, then first you should check the compatibility of the products by taking a small amount of them. If a precipitate forms after stirring, then the combination cannot be used.

Fufanon is not recommended to be combined with the following drugs:

  • Preparations or oils with an alkaline reaction;
  • Compounds containing copper, calcium or sulfur;
  • Mineral fertilizers containing sulfides.

Toxicity class and precautions

The toxicity class of the chemical for humans and warm-blooded animals is 3.

During processing, you should wear protective clothing, a respirator and special glasses, as well as latex gloves. While carrying out such work, you must not eat, drink or smoke.

After finishing the treatment, you need to wash your face and hands with soap, preferably take a shower.

Poisoning Spider Mites with Fufanon - video

Manual work in the garden and vegetable garden can be carried out 10 days after spraying, mechanized work - after 4 days.

It is forbidden to spray Fufanon near water bodies, as well as during flowering of cultivated plants, since its toxicity class for bees is 1.

How to treat a room

Fufanon belongs to drugs with a medium degree of toxicity (class III), which means that you need to wear personal protective equipment when working with it. Before you start making the solution, you need to put on rubber gloves, a closed suit and a respirator. There should not be a single exposed area of ​​skin left on the body.

Do a wet cleaning of the room, wash the floors and vacuum the carpets and upholstered furniture. Don't forget to notify your neighbors about the treatment.

After all preparations are completed, you can begin preparing the solution.

Treatment with Fufanon against bedbugs must be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions and compliance with personal safety rules. Disinsection work must be carried out in a special protective suit with long sleeves, gloves and a hat. Having a respirator and goggles will protect your respiratory tract and eyes from toxic fumes.

You can work with the product using a spray bottle or a wide paint brush. After completing the procedure, you should leave the room and close the windows and doors tightly. It should remain in this state for 24 hours. After the specified time, the apartment should be well ventilated so that the unpleasant odor disappears.

Before treating your home for bedbugs, you must remove animals and children from your home.

Please note that it is recommended to remove even fish and amphibians from the apartment. You will also need to move all food products into a hermetically sealed refrigerator. Thoroughly spray all surfaces, close the house and leave it for two days. All windows and vents in the room must be tightly closed to achieve maximum effect.

All windows and vents in the room must be tightly closed to achieve maximum effect.


After 48 hours, wipe all surfaces with a soda solution and ventilate the premises for several hours.

When working with the drug, it is prohibited:

  • drink,
  • smoking,
  • Eating,
  • rub your eyes or rub your face.

If the product gets on your skin, immediately wash it with water and soda. If the drug gets into your eyes, they should also be thoroughly rinsed with running water.

It is better to work with Fufanon wearing rubber gloves, a respirator and special work clothes. After treating your home, it is recommended to take a shower and thoroughly wash the items you were wearing at high temperatures.

When working with the drug, it is very important to observe the following precautions:

  • There should be no people, pets (as well as fish, birds) and indoor plants in the room being treated; it is recommended to keep the windows open - the drug is toxic and has a strong specific odor.
  • You can use the treated premises only after 24 hours after additional treatment with a soda solution (250-300 g per bucket of water) and subsequent general cleaning with ventilation.
  • The preparation of the product and disinfection must be carried out using personal protective equipment: overalls or a robe, a cotton scarf, an apron and sleeves made of rubberized material, rubber gloves, and protective goggles sealed to the face.
  • It is prohibited to drink, eat, or smoke in the treated area.

If after treatment an unpleasant taste in the mouth, vomiting, headache or pain in the stomach appears, you must go out into fresh air, take off contaminated clothing, then rinse your mouth with a 2% soda solution or plain water, in especially severe cases, consult a doctor.

If the drug gets into your eyes, rinse them with plenty of cold water, if pain occurs, drip a 2% solution of novocaine and immediately contact a specialist.

If during the treatment of premises with Fufanon against bedbugs and other pests the drug comes into contact with the skin, the affected area should be immediately washed with plenty of soap and water.


This product is rightfully considered one of the most powerful and effective insecticides, while having a fairly low consumption. What is the price of this miracle drug and where to buy Fufanon to get rid of bedbugs and other parasitic insects?

Expiration date and storage location

The shelf life of the Fufanon insecticide is 3 years, after which the product is destroyed and loses its properties.

The drug must be stored in dry, fairly warm rooms, in places inaccessible to children or pets. The packaging of the drug during storage must be sealed.


Do not store this insecticide near food, dog and cat food, or medications.

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