Instructions for use of Tetrix for bedbugs: dosage, composition, how it works, pros and cons, precautions

Tetrix is ​​a Dutch insecticidal drug that has proven itself well on the Russian market. It is used in the work of government organizations and companies involved in pest control.

Tetrix is ​​a concentrated mixture of two drugs: cypermethrin and metaphos (a methyl analogue of thiophos). Professionals note the high effectiveness of this drug. But there are also risks of using it, which we will discuss in this article.

Composition of the drug


This is a contact-intestinal insecticide with paralyzing action. It has an equally good effect on the nervous system of larvae and adult bedbugs.

There are 8 isomers of cypermethrin, which have different effects on insects. The substance is stable in an acidic environment. Also, resistant to heat and ultraviolet radiation. However, in an alkaline environment, cypermethrin hydrolyzes and loses its properties. Not dangerous to plants, but poses a threat to small pets, fish and beneficial insects.

If cypermethrin is not washed off, it remains on surfaces for up to 1 month after treatment.

There is no consensus regarding resistance (addiction of bedbugs to the drug).

This pyrethroid was previously thought not to cause resistance. But now there is evidence that addiction occurs after a series of treatments: the enzyme esterase in the gastrointestinal tract of parasites breaks down cypermethrin to the original molecule and makes it safe.


Parathion-methyl, a methyl analogue of thiophos, is an insectoacaricide. It poses a danger to both insects and warm-blooded animals.

The action of methyl parathion is due to its alkylating properties. In the insect's body, it binds vital enzymes (AChE), which leads to disruption of acetylcholine metabolism and poisoning. By type of action, it is a contact poisonous substance with a deep effect.

On the surface of plants, metaphos lasts only 36 hours, in the soil - 7 days. But on non-living objects it can last up to 14 days. It is a highly toxic substance that can cause paralysis and seizures.

The phenomenon of resistance has been proven: after several treatments, races of mites and other insects resistant to metaphos appear.

Exterminators claim that Tetrix has no analogues in terms of effectiveness against bedbugs. But there are effective imported and domestic drugs: GET, Kombat, Raptor, Forsyth, Tsifoks, Fufanon and others.

Where to buy TETRIX for bedbugs and not a fake?

The question “where to buy Tetrix for bedbugs?” occurs in most people who encounter pests. But the original drug has become terribly scarce since 2016, when the Dutch company limited the production of this product by two. Tetrix began to be supplied to Russia only in 5-liter canisters and is already packaged in smaller containers in Russia. But unfortunately, such a question as “who can buy the original Tetrix from” and who can’t, remains open to this day. Not a single company has the right to sell in our country, because... The product is prohibited from free sale. You can only purchase this miracle product from reputable companies that sell anti-bedbug products in our country and see for yourself the authenticity of the product. Alternatively, you can type in the Yandex search bar “Tetrix for bedbugs fakes” or “Tetrix for bedbugs reviews” and decide for yourself who to buy it from. Judging by the collected reviews on various portals, we strongly do not recommend buying this drug on message boards (Avito, Yula).

Tetrix review:

“My boyfriend and I started renting a one-room apartment in Moscow; we ourselves are very clean, but the former owners left us bedbugs in the apartment. After a week of torment, we began to look for a remedy for bedbugs; we read reviews about Dutch-made Tetrix, which is considered an effective poison. At the same time, after reading bad reviews about fakes, we decided to order from the first company that was in first place in Yandex. We did everything according to the instructions as much as possible and the result did not take long to arrive. The bugs disappeared after the second treatment and we haven’t seen them yet.” Anna, Moscow

As for the cost, on honest sites it fluctuates around the following figures:

• 1 liter canister – 6000 rub.

• Canister 5 l. — 20,000 rub.

You should also be very careful about the price; on many scam sites it fluctuates around 4,000 rubles per liter. We hasten to warn you that such companies will sell you a Russian drug under the guise of Tetrix.

Advantages and disadvantages

Can I use Tetrix to kill bedbugs myself? Of course it is possible. This is done by many owners who are faced with an invasion of parasites (not only bedbugs, also fleas, cockroaches, ants). But there are a number of problems:

  • Price: the smallest bottle of 250 ml costs $25 - $30. Therefore, it is advisable to buy Tetrix together with your neighbors. And treat the entire entrance or riser of the house at once. This, by the way, is the best strategy in the fight against bedbugs.
  • Tetrix is ​​difficult to obtain, and there is a possibility of buying a fake. To avoid this, do not buy the product in markets, from hand, on tap, etc., no matter how profitable it may be. Purchase insecticides only from specialized stores, online stores or pest control companies.

However, all the inconvenience and expense are well worth it. After careful and thorough treatment using protective equipment, bedbugs will no longer bother you. Numerous customer reviews and opinions of exterminator experts confirm the effectiveness of Tetrix.

Effect on bedbugs

Metaphos, like all other FOS, interferes with the work of the very important enzyme AChE. In the nervous system of the bug, it is responsible for transmitting impulses along the nerves

The toxic substance phosphorylates AChE and thereby turns off its activity. As a result, there is a malfunction in the functioning of all body systems and, as a consequence, the death of the insect.

Cypermethrin also has neurotoxic properties, but it comes from the other side. It promotes depolarization of the membrane membrane and slows down the closing and opening of sodium channels. As a result, synaptic disturbances occur, which first cause convulsions and then paralysis of the limbs.

The routes of penetration of the product are contact and intestinal, and metaphos also enters through the respiratory tract, acting as a fumigant. According to the manufacturer,

Tetrix gets rid of not only larvae and adults, but also eggs.

How to treat a room

Preparing the premises

In rooms, clear access to areas where bedbugs accumulate, move furniture away, dismantle sofas, etc.
Remove pets and their belongings (bedding, toys, bowls, etc.) from the premises. Remove all products and objects that can be treated without poison (bed linen and clothes, toys, personal items, dishes, etc.)

Preparation of the solution

Tetrix is ​​available in 5 liter canisters, 1 liter plastic canisters and 250 ml glass bottles. One small bottle will be enough to treat 120 square meters. The product, which is a yellowish liquid, must be diluted (30 ml per 1 liter of water) in a sprayer or bucket. Water for dilution should be at room temperature or cold.

It is best to apply Tetrix with a spray, but a brush will also work.

Personal protection

A gauze bandage is not enough. The minimum necessary protective equipment is goggles, a respirator, rubber gloves, and boots. It is best to carry out the treatment in protective overalls, but not every farm has one. There should be no one in the premises except the person performing the processing. This primarily applies to pregnant women and children.

Where to look for bedbugs in an apartment, treatment areas

Let's start with the fact that Tetrix is ​​a concentrate that we need to turn into a working aqueous solution. To do this, mix the concentrate with water in proportions according to the instructions. The treatment itself is carried out using a spray bottle or sprayer by spraying the solution onto the surface. We treat walls, floors, furniture. Places under beds and sofas, behind paintings and carpets. Baseboards, cracks, all openings where bedbugs can hide. Ventilation, entrance door threshold, window sills and window frames. The back wall of cabinets, shelves and folding furniture mechanisms. After processing, ventilate well. Upon returning home, wet clean all surfaces that come into contact.

In the morning, the husband, watching the picture of his wife doing her hair and covering her hair with hairspray, says: “You shouldn’t transfer dichlorvos, your cockroaches are immortal!”

Instructions for use

Open windows for constant air flow. Apply the product to:

  • ventilation grates,
  • sleeping places (beds, sofas, etc.), especially below and on the sides of the walls,
  • cracks in the floor, joints with baseboards,
  • walls, wallpaper seams, sockets.

Bedbugs can even settle in your computer. Therefore, the processing really must be total.

Important! Under no circumstances should you smoke, eat or drink while baiting bedbugs with Tetrix.

If during the application of the solution you feel dizzy or have excessive dryness in your mouth, then you need to stop treatment and go out into clean air. After baiting, remove all clothes, swim and rinse your mouth with soda solution. Soak contaminated clothing in soap and soda solution and wash.

About security measures

Tetrix for bedbugs
Before using the product, you should read the manufacturer's recommendations (instructions for using Tetrix for bedbugs are available on each container).

Due to the fact that Tetrix has a toxic composition, its use requires the following precautions:

  1. It is unacceptable to carry out treatment with concentrated Tetrix composition in the absence of personal protective equipment. It is mandatory to use a respirator, rubber gloves, safety glasses, as well as a long-sleeved robe or other clothing that is as closed as possible.
  2. It is contraindicated to eat, drink water or smoke during treatment.
  3. To avoid unnecessary contact with a toxic composition, it is preferable to ensure that the spray bottle is in working order before carrying out treatment.
  4. At the end of the procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap, wash your face and rinse your mouth with clean water.


The drug is produced in the Netherlands. Requires careful handling and the use of personal protective equipment, as it is classified as class 3 when ingested, and class 2 when volatile. Includes:

  • cypermethrin 10%;
  • chlorpyrifos 20%;
  • solvent;
  • emulsifier.

The concentrate is light yellow in color with a rich chemical odor. Effective on cockroaches at all stages of development, household fleas, adult mosquitoes, bedbugs, and ticks. It has a nerve-paralytic effect, causing paralysis and subsequent death of pests. Thanks to the tandem of two active ingredients, it has a detrimental effect even on those insects that have adapted to pesticides.

Anti-cockroach drug Sichlor

All my independent attempts to remove cockroaches from the apartment were unsuccessful. I have tried literally everything that is on the shelves of hardware stores and folk remedies. However, it was not possible to completely destroy the insects. A friend advised me to use professional preparations for cockroaches and gave me a small bottle of Sichlor. The smell of the product is terrible, but it did the job. I didn't even expect such an effect. For literally two days I swept up and disposed of the dead individuals. A year has passed since the treatment and cockroaches no longer visit my apartment.

The action of the drug and its effectiveness

  1. The main components of this remedy, when in contact with blood-sucking insects, cause paralysis and then death.
  2. The effect of Metafox is immediate.
  3. Soon after spraying, this poison quickly evaporates.
  4. Citromethrin decomposes within twenty days.
  5. It should also be noted that it is temperature resistant.

The effectiveness of Tetrix is ​​very high. After treatment, it reliably cleans the house of insects. A more reliable result will be obtained when several apartments are united together to carry out disinfestation. For home use, it is recommended to purchase the drug in bottles of 250 milliliters.

Xulate s25

A new generation microencapsulated drug from Spanish manufacturers. The cost of 1 liter of product is quite high - 5800 rubles. In online stores you can find 50 ml packaging adapted for household use. This amount is more than enough to process 100 m². There is also Xulat micro - narrow long bottles for home use.

New generation microencapsulated drug Xulat c25

I work as an exterminator in a Moscow company. We purchased a batch of Xulat, it is very popular among customers. The product showed the greatest effectiveness in apartments with average infestation. I can recommend Xulat C25 to people who are afraid of chemical odors, since only fragrance is felt in the preparation. Otherwise, it is inferior to ordinary professional concentrates for fighting insects, and people often neutralize its prolonged effect by cleaning.

Safety for people and pets

The package with Tetrix states that this product is quite dangerous. What does this mean? As mentioned above, the drug contains two different poisons. These are cypermethrin and metaphos.

While the first of them has a weak effect on humans (and works well on insects), the second is comparable in strength to strychnine or prussic acid. This is a very dangerous component. Therefore, when working with Tetrix, you must follow the rules for safe handling of the drug.

How does the mentioned poison affect humans? It works when:

  • inhalation of vapors;
  • contact with the mucous membrane;
  • contact with skin.

Disadvantages of Tetrix

The disadvantages of the drug include the following factors.

  • High cost (from 2000 rubles per bottle of 250 milliliters). But this price is compensated by the effectiveness of the drug.
  • The second disadvantage is that the drug is unsafe for health. It is advisable that the processing be carried out by professionals. If a person wants to treat an apartment on his own, then failure to comply with safety measures can lead to serious poisoning with the product.
  • The drug is difficult to obtain. It is not sold in stores and markets; it can only be found on specialized websites or in large cities.
  • How safe is Tetrix?

    If you carefully examine the label of the Tetrix bedbug remedy, you can easily notice a red square and the inscription “Danger”. These signs, as well as the names of the poisons included in its composition, are indeed indicated for a reason - the product is very dangerous for use by non-professionals.

    Although cypermethrin in the composition of the drug is characterized by relatively low toxicity towards humans and animals, nevertheless, the methyl analogue of thiophos is a strong poison of the organophosphorus group. Thiophos and similar substances (metaphos, methylethylthiophos) can be compared in toxicity to hydrocyanic acid or strychnine. Moreover, they are absorbed into the blood very quickly.

    It is also useful to read: Reviews of the product Executioner Super for bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas and ants

    And one more thing: Where the hell did bedbugs come from in the apartment and what to do in such a situation

    You can be poisoned by them only by inhaling their vapors or after getting a large dose of poison on the skin and mucous membranes. If you do not take immediate action in case of poisoning, you may even develop seizures and other unpleasant consequences. Accordingly, if used incorrectly, Tetrix is ​​a poison not only for bed bugs, but also for people.

    If you are determined to start exterminating bedbugs with the help of Tetrix, you need to arm yourself with a change of clothes, gloves and a respirator, as well as preferably glasses to protect your eyes. After treating surfaces affected by insects, you need to remove the protective equipment used, wash with soap and rinse your mouth.


    On the second floor below us lives such a family... just terrible! The bugs have come from them, so much so that I can’t even sleep at night, I can’t sit on the sofa. Everywhere on the Internet they write about the super drug Tetrix, it seems to kill bedbugs instantly. Only it is sold on Moscow websites, and you still have to wait for delivery. In general, we didn’t wait, we called our disinfection service and made an appointment for treatment.

    Daria, Novosibirsk

    How to use Tetrix correctly?

    It must be said right away that only healthy people should treat the premises in compliance with all safety rules. Children and pregnant women are not allowed to be in the room at this time.

    It goes without saying that during and immediately after spraying the drug you should not eat or smoke. Before use, spray guns must be checked to ensure they are in good working order, so as not to come into contact with the poison again.

    On a note

    If the product does get on the skin, you should quickly wash it off with warm water and soap, then treat the skin area with a solution of ammonia (5 percent), and then rinse again with water. Before washing, clothes used during processing must first be soaked in household (or, in extreme cases, baking) soda, and then rinsed thoroughly until the water is clear. The greenish color of the water occurs due to the breakdown products of metaphos, which is destroyed under the influence of an alkaline soda solution.

    Tetrix must be diluted strictly according to the instructions that come with the bottle or canister. The treatment itself is carried out using a sprayer or spray bottle by spraying poison onto walls, spaces under beds, sofas, carpets and mattresses, into all sorts of cracks and openings, ventilation grilles, onto the back surfaces of cabinets, pictures, etc.

    After applying the product, you need to properly ventilate the room and try not to go there without a respirator for several hours. Then you need to wash the floor and other surfaces with which people or pets may come in contact with soap and water.

    Does karbofos help get rid of bedbugs in an apartment?

    Price and where you can buy it

    This product is not cheap or easily available. Thus, a glass bottle containing 250 milliliters of Tetrix usually costs 2,000 rubles.

    This cost makes it unattractive for individual apartment owners:

    • Its main buyers, as a rule, are professional exterminators who deal with the treatment of fairly large areas.
    • It will also be convenient to use Tetrix when residents of an apartment building decide to jointly carry out pest control of their entire home.

    If you are planning to buy this drug, it is recommended to look on the Internet to see what its original packaging looks like, so as not to make a mistake when purchasing. Unfortunately, this drug is counterfeited a lot (there are both Russian and Chinese counterfeits) and it is thus possible to purchase an unknown, ineffective drug under the guise of Tetrix.

    Note that although this product is effective, buying it is not as easy as it might seem. It is very difficult to find it for free sale.

    If you want to find it, we note that it is easiest to purchase for residents of large cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg:

    • In the first case, it will be convenient to use the services of a specialized site, such as or another site: Here you can receive goods with delivery throughout the city and region.
    • If the buyer is located in St. Petersburg, it will be convenient to use the website The price of this product in all listed places is approximately the same.
    • How can residents of Russian regions purchase such a drug? It can be supplied by the sites listed here. But you need to remember that this is done on an advance payment basis.
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