The best Chinese remedies for cockroaches, analogues, reviews

  1. Method of using Chinese powder against cockroaches
  2. Procedure for use, safety rules
  3. Features of quality insecticides

A large selection of powdered insecticides makes the consumer think about what to choose. Sellers recommend Chinese powders for cockroaches - effective, but low-hazard and inexpensive.

The most common types of Chinese-made dust are:

  • Qian Wo Duan;
  • Green Leaf;
  • SLS Powder.

They are granules or powder without a particular odor, color from white to light brown.

Scope of application – all insects that should not be in a residential area. These are cockroaches, ants, fleas (about 30 species in total). The manufacturer guarantees 100% destruction of unwanted neighbors.

Chinese poison - powders, composition, cost, how to use, how and where to order

Often dry bulk material can be used in different ways:

  • powder is scattered over surfaces;
  • diluted with water to obtain a liquid that can be used as a spray.

Dry powder is used to treat horizontal surfaces. It spreads easily throughout the apartment, so it is recommended to treat hidden areas. For comparison, a liquid based on dry matter is used to irrigate all surfaces: horizontal, vertical.

Most Powerful Effective Cockroach Killing Bait powder (Cockroach Miezhangqing) from the manufacturer KPDH

The drug is available in green packaging. The powder is characterized by a light shade, the structure is heterogeneous - fractions of the substance are of different sizes. The composition includes an insecticide with enteric contact action. The product is available in a package containing 10 packets of the product. Price – 240 rub. You can purchase it on


  • ease of use;
  • safety for people and animals;
  • combined effect: repels, destroys insects.


  • when processing the premises, it is necessary to wear protective equipment; at this stage, powder particles may enter the respiratory tract;
  • the drug resembles crumbled cookies, it has a sweetish smell, and therefore should be kept away from animals and children.

Reviews of Cockroach Miezhangqing

I bought a packet of the product when I was already desperate to find an effective drug. Our insecticides (which are often found on sale) no longer help. The Chinese powder turned out to be quite good. After that I bought several more packages.

Maryana, 34 years old, Simferopol

Qian Wo Duan (Chinese Dragon)

Average price – 50 rub. You can search for the drug on the website The packaging is black. This Chinese cockroach powder is used according to the standard scheme - scattered over prepared substrates, which are then laid out in hidden areas in the kitchen. The composition includes sulfuramide, salts of acetic acid.


  • ease of use;
  • universal effect: not only cockroaches die, but also fleas, ants, and other insects;
  • long-term effect – up to 2 months;
  • low consumption - up to 15 g per room of 15 square meters. m.


  • toxicity, caution should be exercised when using the product;
  • the powder spreads around the kitchen.

I ordered the drug on Aliexpress. I took it “for change” because there was still some change left on the card. I decided to try a drug about which I periodically hear positive reviews. I also liked the principle of its operation.

Marina, 28 years old, Tomsk

Killing Bait

Available in yellow packaging. Release form: powder contained in sachets. There are 10 pieces in the box. Packaging price – 200 rub. You can purchase the drug on The composition includes a poison of intestinal contact action.


  • ease of use: the product is poured onto paper sheets, laid out taking into account the recommendations, for example, to protect an area of ​​3 square meters. m, it is enough to apply 3 points of powder with a diameter of up to 3 mm with some increments;
  • high efficiency - according to consumer reviews, the drug really works.

DGatza Cockroach – Bait powder

The drug is produced in white and green packaging. Release form: powder in bags. The average price is 350 rubles on Aliexpress.


  • universal action: the drug destroys insects of different species;
  • safety of animals, children, pregnant women;
  • The product is ready for use: the bait with poison is poured onto a plastic backing and left in a visible place.


  • the drug needs to be updated periodically;
  • The product is used for mild to moderate infestation of the apartment.

Method of use:

Divide one pack of powder into 3 or 4 parts and place them in the place where cockroaches always appear. The cockroaches will eat the bait and we just need to wait a few more days, they will all die.

Features of dust selection

The modern market for insect repellents offers a large selection of dusts. When purchasing which you should consider several factors:

  1. Degree of infection of the room - powder insecticides work well at the initial stage of infection and as a preventive measure. The strongest dust based on karbofos is considered to be the strongest.
  2. Furniture - the specificity of the treatment forces us to move the furniture away from the walls, and then wash it off the powder. There is a natural-based dust; when using it, you will not worry about the condition of the furniture.

Advantages and disadvantages of cockroach repellents from China

The choice in favor of insecticides from the People's Republic of China is most often made for the following reasons:

  • low price;
  • ease of use;
  • high rates of effectiveness in the fight against insects;
  • economical to use;
  • prolonged action;
  • absence of contamination on the treated surfaces;
  • instant effect.

However, opponents of Chinese chemicals are guided by the following arguments:

  1. Funds from China enter the country illegally and do not undergo state certification.
  2. Most often, the chemicals are toxic and potentially unsafe for humans and pets.
  3. The instructions are written in Chinese, it is impossible to find out the composition, expiration date and method of use.
  4. It is almost impossible to buy products in stores, you can only order on Aliexpress.

How safe is the poison for people and pets?

Against cockroaches

To protect yourself and your animals, be sure to follow the following rules:

  1. When working with insecticide, carefully read the instructions in Russian. Before use, use protection: gloves, goggles and mask;
  2. Ventilate the room after disinfection;
  3. The powder is scattered from the packaging onto the surface (paper, cardboard, newspaper). Place the surface with the product in a box in a corner of the room, under furniture, behind heating radiators, on a cabinet and other places.
  4. If you are making an insecticidal liquid (bottle), it is important to follow the recommendations on the insecticide box. It is important to understand that a strong poison can cause poisoning, and a weak composition will be ineffective in controlling pests.
  5. Carrying out cleaning after 7 days from the date of use of the composition.
  6. The safest products for humans are microcapsules.

Important! If you decide to use the Qian Wo Duan insecticide, it is not a bad idea to worry in advance about the safety of loved ones, especially children and animals, both at the time of treatment and after disinfection is completed.

Chinese magic insect pen - chalk for killing cockroaches

Chinese chalk for cockroaches

Insecticidal chalk, used to kill cockroaches in domestic residential and non-residential premises. The active substance does not act immediately; infected insects spread the poison throughout the colony, which prevents the reappearance of pests.

When to use a chalk pencil

Today, an insecticidal pencil against cockroaches is used not only by residents of private households or apartments, but also by employees of hospitals, clinics, as well as owners and employees of warehouses. It comes with detailed instructions for using the drug.

According to the recommendations specified in the instructions, this insecticidal agent can be applied to office furniture, as well as to corridor baseboards and dorm walls. However, there are also places where you cannot use a cockroach pencil.

For example, such chalk cannot be used in a kindergarten, because small children can easily climb into those places that are usually treated with insecticide.

Accordingly, a child can lick the insecticidal chalk from his fingers with his tongue and become poisoned by it.

In such a situation, adults do not immediately guess the reasons for the sudden poisoning of their child in kindergarten. This leads to serious damage to the baby's health.

In addition to licking his fingers, a child can instantly become poisoned by an insecticidal pencil from cockroaches by chewing on the crayon!

Also, this drug should not be used in poultry or livestock farms.

After all, a chicken that accidentally pecks a poisoned cockroach first poisons itself, and then passes the insecticidal poison along the food chain to humans.

In addition, with extreme caution it is necessary to use chalk against cockroaches in a private household or apartment in which a pet lives - a cat or a dog.

Such a drug can only be used in places with which these animals will not come into contact.

The effectiveness of the insecticide

The effectiveness of insecticidal chalk against cockroaches is directly related to the conditions and quality of its application. If there are a lot of such insects in an apartment or private household, then chalk is unlikely to save the residents from them.

A cockroach pencil significantly reduces their population, but does not eliminate them completely. It should be borne in mind that the toxic components of the drug do not act immediately.

Thus, cockroaches die only if they run around on the chalk for a long time, and then carry it on their paws to their nests, where they later die.

Cockroach chalk is considered a slow-acting remedy. It systematically, rather than instantly, destroys these household pests.

You also need to keep in mind that such a pencil is a toxic insecticide. It should not be applied to kitchen counters, or near bowls of pets (cats, dogs, etc.) or near plates or other utensils.

Cockroach chalk prevents the proliferation of these parasites, and in case of a small infestation of an apartment or private household, this drug completely clears the entire living space of them.

However, more often these insects resist such poison well.

The fact is that cockroaches develop specific resistance to chalk pencils over time.

Therefore, in order to get a long-term positive effect, you need to use chalk from fresh chemical poisons that cockroaches have not previously encountered.

Otherwise, such a pencil quickly ceases to work, and small parasites do not die and continue to live peacefully in the apartment.

How long does a cockroach pencil last?

Many people do not know how this chalk works and how long it remains effective. A Chinese pencil against specific types of cockroaches is effective for 7-10 days.

After this time, the tenant carries out 1 more sanitation.

The fact is that in 7-10 days such a poison quickly loses its useful specific properties.

At the same time, such chalk often falls off walls or from various inclined surfaces, which also reduces its effectiveness.

Manufacturers of chalk pencil recommend that residents, after 7-14 days, first carry out wet cleaning, and then apply fresh, rather than outdated, insecticidal chalk to the baseboard or other surfaces.

Benefits of a pencil against cockroaches

  • Effective at high humidity and high temperatures
  • Has a long validity period of up to 30 days
  • Insects do not develop resistance
  • The insecticide pencil does not have an unpleasant odor

Disadvantages of a pencil against cockroaches

  • has a short exposure time - it must be regularly applied to the drawn chalk lines;
  • this product can only be stored under such conditions - at low air humidity, in a dark place and at room temperature;
  • kills cockroaches only if the insects touch the chalk line.

What it is?

Dust is a powdery substance that has strong insecticidal properties. It has such a great effect on living organisms that it comes in 50 gram packs. This volume of anti-cockroach poison is enough to treat 10 square meters of a room that is infested with pests.

All products in powder form are called dusts. But this is a wrong statement. At first, such drugs were called DDT; they had a reduced amount of harmful components.

Dust powder against cockroaches does its job well. Its composition contains special additives that allow you to kill long-horned beetles for a long time. Just one application allows you to get rid of annoying longhorned beetles forever. This substance has no expiration date, it always works regardless of temperature changes, the main thing is not to use it in high humidity.

Top 3 smoke products from China

Reliability comparable to professional pest control is provided by Chinese smoke bombs. Their distinctive features:

  • generate more toxic substance than aerosols;
  • evenly distribute smoke that kills cockroaches;
  • gas penetrates into hard-to-reach places without leaving traces;
  • the product affects all individuals in the colony, eggs and larvae of cockroaches.

The most reliable smoke (gas) products from China are:

  1. Insecticidal gas brand AGRIHAND. Available in blue 25 g jars containing 6% active ingredient. After opening the package, the closed room is treated with smoke for 2 hours, then ventilated. One can is enough for 25 hours of continuous smoking.
  2. Poisonous smog OGFFHH. The red plastic body of the product contains a powder that requires the addition of 28 ml of water to activate. The product is placed in the center of the room and they leave, tightly closing the doors and windows behind them. After 2 hours, the space is ventilated.
  3. Smoke Donghua. After lighting the fuse in a bright blue plastic cup, smoking occurs for 2-3 hours. It is recommended to place the product on a non-flammable surface, and after treatment to enter the room only wearing a protective mask.

Popular means

The following popular Chinese-made chemicals for fighting Prussians are presented on the market:

  1. Powder . Available in golden foil bags with a volume of 3 g. The contents of the package are divided into 3-4 parts, scattered into paper bags and placed in places where cockroaches are expected to accumulate. According to the manufacturers, the pests will die within 3 days after the poison enters the body. The final effect occurs within 1 month, when the chemical is eaten by the hatched larvae. The cost of 5 packages is from 70 rubles.
  2. Powder Cockroach Killing Bait. Granulated light powder in yellow sealed bags, packed in 5 g. The product is scattered on paper bedding in places that are difficult for children and animals to reach. The poison kills the cockroach by entering its body through the intestines, but does not infect other individuals in the colony.
  3. Yunsha Kill Cockroaches Gel Bait. Gel bait in a blue and white tube with a slight chemical odor, one package of which is enough for approximately 20 m of the treated area. Apply a little product to baseboards or under furniture every 35–40 cm along the walls. The first dead individuals will be noticeable after a day, and you can completely get rid of the pest colony in 3–4 weeks. Price - on average 100 rubles per tube.
  4. Magic feather. The chalk is white, 7.5 cm long, and comes in a yellow-blue cardboard package. A unit of product is enough to treat 200 m2 of space. Cost – 150–200 rubles.

Professional types of poisons

During professional processing, gels, crayons and powders are not used. Most often, disinfectants (SES) use concentrated emulsions sprayed throughout the room using a spray bottle - professional chemicals against cockroaches. The TOP 5 according to the rating of popular cockroach repellents includes:

Sipaz Super

Liquid sold in 1 liter canisters. The drug successfully copes with the destruction of cockroaches; it contains substances that are relatively safe for humans and animals. Sipaz can be used for spraying in residential areas. Average cost 3.1-3.2 thousand rubles.* Ram. A poisonous liquid sprayed indoors helps destroy not only cockroaches, but also other insects. Suitable for use in residential areas, but animals and children must be removed from the apartment before treatment. Professional exterminators use special protective suits. Price 1 liter - 2.4-2.5 thousand rubles.*


A highly active drug, after using which cockroaches disappear almost immediately. Cockroach poisoning with Sichlor is carried out in residential and non-residential premises - greenhouses, basements, cellars. It is toxic, therefore, remove people and animals from the apartment or house before use. It is best if the treatment is carried out by specialists from the sanitary and epidemiological station. The cost of a 1 liter canister. — 3.7-4 thousand rubles.*


The name speaks for itself. An indispensable remedy that can be used to poison cockroaches. Dangerous for humans and pets. Use only according to the instructions and in compliance with all safety standards. The price of the drug is 2.5-3 thousand rubles.* Fufalon-super. The drug is so effective that re-treatment may not be required. A toxic product, like any other poison, children and animals should leave the room before using it. A relatively cheap drug - the average price is 1.2-1.5 thousand rubles per liter.*

No less effective:

  • For-Site (5 liters of concentrate will cost 10-11 thousand rubles);
  • Agran (concentrate price 2.2-2.5 thousand rubles per 1 liter).*

Important! When calling the sanitary and epidemiological station and calling the exterminator, you need to ask about the name of the mixture they use. So, if in the house, in addition to cockroaches, there are other insects (lice, fleas, bedbugs), then disinfectors are warned about this, this will allow them to select a multifunctional poison that can destroy all insects. The price of what professionals have to use to poison cockroaches cannot be called acceptable. But sometimes there is no other choice.

Difficulties in choosing a product

The problem of finding a suitable means for exterminating cockroaches in an apartment worries many. The thing is that nowadays there is a huge selection of the latest products of this type, so many people simply get lost when they come to the store. In Soviet times, everyone poisoned cockroaches only with Dichlorvos. It is also present in modern stores, but the composition of the drug has changed a lot. The thing is that only decades later scientists realized how dangerous the substance was for humans, which was used to poison cockroaches in apartments before. Now there are no problems with this, since mostly insecticides for cockroaches contain elements that are relatively safe for humans. Moreover, some products are even offered with a whole range of poisons, so parasites have no chance of survival.

An additional advantage of modern drugs that effectively fight cockroaches is that they are either odorless or pleasant. In earlier times, the process of baiting insects in an apartment was comparable to a chemical attack, which was considered harmful to cockroaches, but also negatively affected human health.

The problem of finding a suitable means for exterminating cockroaches in an apartment worries many

But you can remove cockroaches on your own only if the infestation of the apartment is not too serious. In the most severe cases, you should not rely on store-bought remedies. Here you need the help of professionals. It will not be cheap, but sometimes it is the only way to quickly and reliably get rid of parasites in the apartment.

What should you consider when purchasing cockroach poisons?

When choosing a poison against cockroaches, it is important to remember not only effectiveness, but also safety. Even the most advertised product can cause serious harm to health.

When processing a room, be sure to wear thick protective clothing, gloves, a respirator and goggles. While spraying an apartment with insecticides, you should not talk, smoke or eat.

After completing the procedure, take a shower, rinse your mouth thoroughly and wash your work clothes.

What else is worth paying attention to is the speed of action of the drug and its effectiveness. It happens that an expensive product does not live up to expectations, but a cheap one, on the contrary, quickly gets rid of domestic parasites.

It is also important to take into account the form of release of the poison, because aerosols act instantly, but require repeated use, and gels in syringes do not begin to work immediately. Cockroach traps will not completely eradicate the population, but their use is absolutely safe for people and animals.

How to get rid of insects

Chinese poison for cockroaches
Among the most popular means in the fight against insects, chemical compounds should be highlighted - Chinese powder for cockroaches. There is no point in using them just like that. After all, if a chemical has a detrimental effect on a cockroach, then it can cause significant harm to human health.

Note! The fight against “uninvited guests” takes a lot of effort, money and time. To begin with, you should use the most harmless drugs.

An inexpensive recipe will come to the rescue in resisting the invasion of cockroaches. Finely chop the onion, add tbsp. soda Sprinkle the resulting composition around the apartment, in places where insects accumulate. The procedure must be repeated until the insects leave the apartment.

Features of quality insecticides

The high effectiveness of powdered products is due not only to the action of the toxic substance, but also to the fact that particles of the product remain on the surface of the insects, so even more individuals are “pollinated.”

Advantages of drugs from the group of high-quality insecticides:

  • quick effect;
  • long-term exposure;
  • does not leave dirty spots on treated surfaces;
  • affects most insects;
  • non-toxic for warm-blooded animals and people;
  • convenience and ease of use;
  • affordable price; affects both adults and larvae;
  • convenient packaging.

Desirable treatment sites should include parasite travel and localization routes, as well as colony, feeding, or breeding sites.

For cockroaches, these are places along walls, baseboards, in cracks and holes. And also under sinks, bathrooms, and near the trash can. It is also advisable to treat behind and under household appliances and furniture. Powders have a contact-intestinal effect, with a nerve paralytic effect. Some of them repel insects, others directly poison. The effect of dusts is extended over time - first those who ate the poison die, then those who got dirty in it. The action of the powder is prolonged, that is, the crumbs that remain in the apartment will continue to be poisoned by visiting Prussians.

Methods of use

Application of insect dusts The powder is intended for sprinkling paths on a vertical surface. Thanks to its flowability and small particles, the product penetrates into the cracks under the floor and baseboards. They remain unchanged for a long time. To increase the effectiveness of dusts, the method of application was somewhat diversified.

  • Powder in its pure form. Sprinkle paths with the product near the trash can, along baseboards, behind furniture, under bathtubs, sinks, and toilets. In places where cockroaches like to be.
  • Solutions. Compensates for the lack of loose dust. The powder cannot be applied to a horizontal surface or bridges. Dissolve in water at room temperature and pour into a spray bottle. You can treat the back side of the furniture with the product, pour it into the cracks, spray pipes and sewers.
  • Poisonous treats. To bait insects, contact with the poison is sufficient. The cockroaches begin to clean the soiled body, in the process the poison enters the intestines and begins to act. To speed up destruction, powders are added to foods with a strong aroma - boiled eggs, potatoes, cookies with milk, beer. Form small balls or pour treats into saucers.
  • Houses. The powder has one drawback - it stains the surface and gives the rooms a sloppy appearance. To smooth out this inconvenience, the dust is scattered not on the floor, but in a cardboard box or matchbox. Pests love such devices.

Analogs from other manufacturers

The chemical industry offers consumers a huge number of products to combat tenacious and practically invincible cockroaches. Their unique ability to adapt to insecticides forces scientists to constantly develop new formulas. The following means are popular among the population:

The range of products is varied, the main thing is to choose the “right” product. It is imperative to fight cockroaches. Insects are a source of dangerous diseases and spoil food. The buyer decides independently which products to give preference to - Chinese or other manufacturers.

Cockroach. How much of this word. An extremely vile creature. We had not seen them for ten years and thought they had already died out, but one fine day we were visited by a simply colossal invasion. Immediately a herd. It got to the point where they walked day and night and didn’t feel embarrassed, but at night, if you turned off the lights, there was no peace at all. We slept with the light on.

The epic search for a means of destruction began. We tried everything that was available, we even contacted the SES, but nothing. The SES said that it was not an epidemic to call them. They offered everything they could and sent us on our way. Everything they took was either ineffective or not very effective. The population decline was insignificant. Let alone complete destruction.

We could neither eat nor sleep. Cooking also became torture, they are nearby. That's why we started searching on the Internet. There were many offers on Aliexpress. We decided to use this product for testing.

I liked the price. A little less than two hundred rubles, ten sachets. The bags are small. I didn’t measure it, about 10 cm long, about 6 cm wide. Made of thick foil. Sealed well. All labels on the packaging are mostly in Chinese and very little in English. On the reverse side it is completely Chinese.

Therefore, what is written is not known. However, the seller on the website posted a method of application, which is good. Each bag has a cut on the side. Makes opening easier.

It comes off freely with a slight stretch, but there is no fear that it will spill.

After opening, the powder appears. Large granules, it feels like it is slightly damp. Yellowish in color. Reminds me of fresh sawdust. The thought inadvertently crept in, maybe we were deceived and this is sawdust? But we already got it, we still have to try. Without smell. Everyone who was in the house smelled it and said there was no smell.

How it might affect people is not known. It didn't seem to have any effect on us. We placed it in places inaccessible to children and animals. One time, the child finally got to one and climbed in with his finger. We washed it and everything was fine, although it was scary, you didn’t want to touch it yourself.

Directions for use from the seller (this is exactly what we did): Distribute into 3-4 packages and place in the required places. After a week, change places.

We rolled up paper bags. We divided one bag not into 3-4, but into 4-5 bags.

The bags turned out even larger than necessary. Maybe a little less. Close-up view of the mixture in small bags. As far as I could capture.

They laid them out in all possible places and began to observe. It's interesting. The cockroaches simply flocked to this mixture. This made us happy. Apparently it is fragrant for them. After eating the cockroach became inadequate. He crawled with difficulty, skidding first in one direction, then in the other, barely moving. This is a must see.

A day later, insect corpses began to appear in the poison.

Two days later, we felt a decrease in the number. In places where there were large concentrations, decent piles of dead insects formed. A week later, the places where the clusters were located were empty, and the cockroaches were almost invisible. A month later we began to breathe freely. There was a feeling that they were all extinct. It became like this in the little bags.

There are only corpses around...

A month later we carried out a general cleaning. We just raked out heaps and, which made us very happy, we didn’t come across any cockroaches. The seller asks to transfer the poison, but we were unable to do so. There are too many places where we put them and we simply have nowhere to move them. 10 bags of this mixture were more than enough for a three-room apartment.

After 1.5 months, we began to come across cockroaches again, in single quantities. Maybe someone hid themselves, or maybe they’re crawling from somewhere again. We really liked the product, it simply saved us. But! It only kills. Now we are thinking about adding another Chinese-made product that will infect the colonies.

After 6 months: cockroaches are encountered periodically, but still in single quantities. There were especially a lot of them in the kitchen cupboard with cereals. Now it's empty, not a single one. The poison is still the same, lying in the same places. Where it is located, cockroaches no longer appear. We are glad!

List of the best drugs

It happens that the necessary product is not on sale. In this situation, you can buy any available product produced in China. Before purchasing, it would be a good idea to read cockroach poison reviews. Pay attention to the following drugs. Chinese cockroach poison effectively fights insect infestations:

  • Most Powerful Effective Cockroach Killing Bait powder. Chinese cockroach powder is a bait. Combines double action: destruction and repelling. Chinese remedy for cockroaches with a contact-intestinal spectrum of action. The product is packaged in 5 g bags.

Important! It is allowed to use Chinese cockroach poison in a black box in public catering establishments.

  • Killing Bait. The product is applicable for the destruction of adult individuals and their offspring. The drug is applicable in residential premises, industry, canteens, kindergartens, shops, and other organizations. The poison does not release toxins or specific odors. Packaging: 5 g.

It is recommended to update the bait 3 days after the first treatment.

A folk method of treating an apartment, as prevention and destruction

Any means used to remove cockroaches from an apartment have pros and cons. Traditional methods are no exception. Therefore, study this issue thoroughly and decide whether to limit yourself to these measures or not. And then we will tell you what these methods are.

Pros and cons of folk remedies for treating apartments against cockroaches

lack of complex preparation

financial savings

breadth of choice

Cockroaches are characterized by addiction to insecticides and poisons, and they are not able to adapt to many remedies from folk recipes (for example, to boric acid)

the absence of overtly aggressive and toxic components, and if present, their action is short-lived

ease of manufacture

the need for repeated processing and application

there is a chance of intoxication of humans and pets, but only in cases of improper use

repellent methods do not guarantee that parasites will not return again

the need to remove dead individuals from the apartment

Pre-preparation and cleaning stage

To make the process of removing cockroaches using traditional methods more effective, you need to carefully prepare.

If possible, it is recommended to start a war with red longhorned beetles during the cold winter months. During this period, it will be possible to perform additional freezing of various things, including carpets, textiles, soft toys, books.

Before getting rid of cockroaches, it is worth remembering that there is a substance without which the substances of the vast majority of living organisms are impossible - water.

If they have access to life-giving moisture, insects can survive for a long time without food, and also save themselves from poisoning by strong insecticides by drinking a lot of liquid.

Therefore, during preliminary preparation, it is important to completely block the pests’ access to water, for which you need to identify and eliminate all leaks, close the taps tightly, do not leave cups with tea residues on the tables, and wipe the sinks and bathroom dry after use.

Simple preparation steps can remove the cockroach threat from your home by enhancing the effectiveness of traditional methods against parasites. In addition, an important step will be to perform a thorough general cleaning before removing cockroaches from your home using folk remedies, including:

blocking insects’ access to food and water (cleaning up and monitoring the appearance of any crumbs scattered in cereal cupboards, wiping sinks, etc.); removing dirty dishes from sinks, from open surfaces, from the microwave and oven of any food and food debris; using airtight containers to store food supplies; elimination of frozen fat on the stove, tiles, hood and other kitchen surfaces. To get rid of cockroaches forever, cleanliness will be your main ally in the war. The lack of garbage and unsanitary conditions in the premises will make living conditions for insects unacceptable.

In addition, general cleaning will allow you to identify the main places where Prussians gather, to which you will need to pay close attention during the fight against home invaders. After this, you can begin to actively act in the way that is most convenient.

Traditional methods of fighting red barbels

The collection of folk wisdom is full of various methods and methods that are aimed at conducting active combat operations for the cleanliness of your home and removing parasitic insects from it. Therefore, everyone will choose for themselves a method to remove cockroaches that will be most suitable in terms of labor costs and efficiency.


The technique does not require the use of toxic agents. Nature itself helps get rid of pests. Cockroaches are thermophilic, so they do not tolerate sudden drops in ambient temperature. Temperatures of -10˚C are fatal for cockroaches. This is the basis for the method of freezing rooms.

It is impossible to hide from the cold penetrating into every corner and secluded place, so adult insects and larvae will die. However, the technique cannot be used in modern city apartments with central heating.

It will be ineffective and may cause damage to your heating and plumbing systems.

The method can be implemented in private housing constructions located in regions with cold winters. To freeze, the heating is turned off, windows and doors are opened, as well as all cabinet doors, drawers and other closed furniture.

This home technique involves leaving the room for three or more hours so that the outside temperature becomes equal to the indoor temperature.

Duct tape

Double-sided or single-sided tape, as well as special anti-insect tape, can be an effective means of collecting larvae and adult cockroaches. But it is useless in the fight against eggs.

The nuances and features of using these home remedies include:

low cost (often there is no need to even use the entire roll of adhesive tape or tape); It is better to use cardboard or paper substrates as a base for sticky materials so that the surfaces do not get dirty with glue. Prepared sticky traps are laid out on the floor, behind household appliances, inside furniture. The tape is changed as it fills. The main advantage is the ability to attach adhesive tape to any surface, including vertical ones (walls, cabinet walls, etc.).

Homemade traps

Often, as a measure of getting rid of cockroaches, folk methods suggest making various ingenious traps, inside of which there is bait.

For example, you can use a small glass jar with liquid honey or a little beer poured into the bottom. The edges of the neck must be lubricated with vegetable oil or Vaseline.

A couple of such traps, left overnight in places where mustachioed Prussians have been observed, will bring a “catch” of insects. You will have to destroy the cockroaches manually.

Let's give another example of how to prepare a trap. In terms of its method of action, it is similar to the method of catching pests with sticky tape, but it is precisely a trap due to the use of bait.

Double-sided tape is glued to a wide piece of thick cardboard or gel-based glue is applied (it dries more slowly). A drop of honey or other aromatic bait is placed in the middle. The next morning a lot of parasites will be caught in the trap.

Boric acid

When searching for an answer to the question of which remedy will be most effective in combating a cockroach infestation in an apartment, many people think of boric acid. This is precisely the option for how to effectively kill cockroaches using home remedies.

The effectiveness of using different recipes with boric acid has been tested over generations and decades. And when combined with other methods, the war against pests will remove cockroaches from the home forever. Here is one of the effective recipes based on the use of the product.

Poison from boric acid and eggs. For processing a home with an area of ​​60-65 sq.m. you need to prepare:

boric acid – 50 grams (buy at your nearest pharmacy); chicken yolks – 4 pieces (hard-boiled); potatoes - 2 medium-sized pieces (boil with peel). The ingredients are crushed and thoroughly mixed to form a plastic dough. Small balls are rolled out of the mass and placed in places where cockroaches have been spotted - near baseboards and window slopes, behind kitchen furniture and appliances, under plumbing fixtures, etc.

You should not expect a quick effect from using this product. However, after 10-14 days, the Prussians will begin to leave their homes, realizing that a significant part of their population has already died, which means there are unsuitable living conditions here.

Essential vegetable oils

Perhaps the simplest folk remedies are the use of sharp and strong aromas against the Prussians, which discourage insects from smelling. This leads to disorientation and makes the life of the barbel uncomfortable.

Such folk methods include the use of fresh and dried herbs, plants, flowers or essential vegetable oils.

Which plant is best for removing cockroaches? Cockroaches are especially negative about aromas:

  • eucalyptus;
  • wormwood;
  • geraniums;
  • mint;
  • cedar and other conifers;
  • lemon balm;
  • lemongrass.

Of course, it is impossible to poison a parasitic insect with these substances. However, it is quite possible to scare them away from their usual habitats.

There are several ways to treat a home.

  • Place twigs, bouquets of dry or fresh plants near pest habitats.
  • Dilute 15-20 drops of oil of your choice in a liter of water. Wipe the baseboards, slopes, kitchen work area, sinks, and area near the trash can with the solution. The mixture can also be used to clean floors. This will help scare away red longhorned beetles from their usual feeding areas. It is recommended to carry out such cleaning two to three times a week.
  • Dilute 10 drops of oil and 2 tablespoons of vinegar in 0.5 liters of water. Fill a container with a spray bottle with the solution and spray it daily in the nooks and crannies of all living spaces, including the bathroom and toilet.
  • Choose a plant that has the most acceptable aroma for humans. Soak a cotton pad with the essential oil of this plant, then apply it to ventilation grilles, sink and bathtub drains, and trash cans.
  • Moisten cotton pads or balls with oil and place them in places where insects were seen.

The main disadvantage of using oils and plants is that they do not poison, but repel domestic parasites. In addition, they may cause allergic reactions. Therefore, their use must be careful.

Expert advice

It is important to remember that cockroaches willingly live and reproduce in unsanitary conditions. However, no one is safe from their appearance, since Prussians can migrate to an apartment from their neighbors, and they live in hostels everywhere. If it was not possible to avoid the appearance of pests, then you should competently approach the issue of their destruction.

Before treating the room, a thorough wet cleaning is carried out, all furniture is moved away from the walls and household appliances and electronics are covered.

Products are hidden in sealed containers, clothes and personal items are shaken and placed in tight bags. An integrated approach is guaranteed to get rid of cockroaches, when 2-3 products are used simultaneously. Good results will come from the combined use of a long-acting gel and an aerosol that destroys pests instantly.

Additionally, you can place several traps in different places in the apartment. Disinfestation is carried out simultaneously with neighbors so that cockroaches do not have a chance to move into the neighboring apartment.

Many people are accustomed to considering Chinese goods to be of low quality and short-lived. Maybe so, but when it comes to cockroach repellents, the Chinese poison is in no way inferior in quality to its European counterparts, and it is quite inexpensive.

Information about cockroaches

The most common cockroaches found in our area are red and black cockroaches; they have adapted well to living with humans. Seemingly harmless insects that disgust most people can turn out to be dangerous to humans.

A cockroach cannot cause serious wounds to an adult, but there are cases when hungry cockroaches have eaten the skin of sleeping babies. The main danger posed by cockroaches is the transfer of infection from basements and landfills to the apartment. Prussians can carry a large number of infectious diseases, including dysentery, tuberculosis, hepatitis, and cholera.

Cockroaches prefer to choose dark, warm and humid places to create a colony, the bathroom and kitchen are ideal.

Prussians reproduce very quickly; one female can produce up to 40 small cockroaches per month. And after a month and a half, the new generation is ready to reproduce.


Reviews of Chinese powder confirm the high quality of safe insecticides.

I am very pleased with the unique Chinese invention against cockroaches – Killing Bait. Desperate to get rid of the pests, we ordered the poison online. They scattered the bait everywhere and literally after a few days they began sweeping up dead cockroaches. It's been a month since there hasn't been a single Prussian. The powder really works and leaves no chance for arthropods to survive. I recommend.

Finally, I found a really good remedy for cockroaches - this is the Chinese insecticide Shazhangnongsuoye. I bought 3 jars at once because the insects were not keeping me alive. I diluted the liquid as the seller advised and treated my kopeck piece. I thought it was just another “dummy”, but in the morning I found dead cockroaches. Within a week, all the parasites died. It's been a month now and there hasn't been a single pest. I recommend this Chinese drug to everyone.

Chinese liquids

China is not limited to producing powdered insecticides. The range of pesticides includes liquid preparations.


One of the highly effective means used to combat cockroaches and other household insects. The main advantage of the Chinese insecticide is its safety for others. The drug does not have a strong irritating odor.

Liquid product

The emulsion is in a white bottle with a special cap that reliably protects the product. The main active ingredient of the Chinese drug is chlorpyrifos, which has a nerve paralytic effect on cockroaches and other parasites. As a result, insects die from paralysis and suffocation, infecting their relatives. The price of the drug varies from 100 to 200 rubles per bottle.

Rules of application:

  1. The instructions in Russian allow you to correctly prepare the working solution and carry out pest control measures. The manufacturer recommends dissolving the contents of one package in 500 ml of water.
  2. The resulting liquid should be poured into a spray bottle and treated in areas where cockroaches are likely to live and move. The first results are visible immediately. To enhance the effect, it is not recommended to decontaminate the treated areas for 3 days. If you repeat the treatment after 3–4 days, then, according to the manufacturer, there will no longer be cockroaches in the room.


The liquid product, packaged in white plastic bottles with a spray, is another Chinese “miracle” used in the fight against cockroaches. The presence of a special device greatly simplifies the procedure for treating the room. The average cost of a bottle is 145 rubles.


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