Application of Butox in veterinary medicine and disinfection of premises

"Butox" is a drug designed to destroy most types of parasitic insects that settle on domestic animals.

This tool has the following features:

  1. Pyrethroiddeltamethrin is one of the main components that make up Butox; it is what ensures its effectiveness.
  2. Each liter of concentrated preparation contains about 50 mg of deltamethrin.
  3. Externally, it is a liquid with an oily structure and a light yellowish tint.
  4. Mixes well and dissolves in ordinary water.
  5. It has a specific and not entirely pleasant smell, although quite weak.
  6. The product is intended for external use only; entry into the body is unacceptable.


“Butox” has become widespread, and its popularity is largely due to the combination of a high degree of effectiveness, versatility and low cost.

The main purposes of the product are:

  1. External treatment of virtually all types of domestic animals, including fur-bearing varieties.
  2. Treatment of residential apartments or houses, as well as premises in which farm animals are kept.
  3. Destruction of virtually all varieties of fleas and ticks, flies, flying blood-sucking insects, bedbugs and other types of parasites.

Processing procedure

Since the drug is a toxic pesticide, therefore, in addition to using protective equipment, it is necessary to ensure good air ventilation so that toxic fumes do not enter the respiratory tract. Therefore, the procedure is carried out with the windows open. Only the person carrying out the treatment is in the room; all other residents, as well as pets, must leave the apartment.

We make sure to carry out the following preparatory procedures:

  • We remove all clothing, personal items, toys, and other items from surfaces.
  • Remove all food from surfaces and remove dishes from surfaces.
  • If there is an aquarium, it must be taken out of the room.
  • Move furniture away from the walls.
  • Carry out wet cleaning.

Next, we proceed directly to processing the room. In this case, it is necessary to pay more attention to the floor, baseboards, and cracks. The surfaces of cabinets, tables, and other furniture do not need to be treated. During the procedure, all rooms are treated at once.

At the end of the treatment, remove protective equipment, wash your hands, wash, change clothes and leave the room for at least a few hours, then it is correct not to return to the apartment for two days.

Most often, after a week the procedure is repeated. This is due to the fact that the active component does not affect egg laying, so the young generation must be disposed of immediately, without allowing them to reproduce.

Instructions for use

Preparation of the solution

“Butox” is sold in ampoules that contain a concentrated product, so it should last for quite a long time. However, this drug is not drops for treating animals, so before use it will first need to be prepared by making a special solution.

This process is carried out as follows:

  1. Preparation of an aqueous emulsion; for this, one Butox ampoule, the volume of which is usually 1 ml, must be diluted in 4 liters of water.
  2. Determine the required dosage of the product, since depending on the purpose of use and the type of parasite, the concentration of the working substance may vary.
  3. The solution must be prepared immediately before use; under no conditions or periods of time is storage of the product already diluted in water allowed.

Animal handling

When externally processing animal skin or fur, you must follow the rules below:

  1. The animal can be sprayed with the solution from a spray bottle or prepared for bathing using this product. The second option is more effective in destroying existing parasites.
  2. If treatment is carried out solely for prevention or to kill ticks, then the concentration of the solution must be increased.
  3. In the spring and autumn months, which are potentially dangerous, regular treatment of animals is necessary; this can be done every week.
  4. To treat an animal's scabies, one treatment is not enough; several procedures will be required, and there must be a week's break between them.
  5. If for some reason bathing is not possible, then the spraying method is used, starting treatment from head to tail. The paws are processed last.
  6. During any procedures, it is necessary to avoid getting the drug into the digestive system or mucous membranes of the animal. It is for this reason that it is necessary to ensure that Butox is not licked off the wool after processing.
  7. After the procedure has been completed, the animal must be isolated from any other pets for some time.
  8. For three days after the treatment, it is not allowed to come into direct contact with the animal, including petting it.
  9. Within five days after the treatment, it is unacceptable to send the animal to slaughter if we are talking about agricultural breeds. However, even before this date, its meat can be used to feed various predatory and carnivorous animals.
  10. Short-haired breeds or animals with no hair at all should be treated with a sponge. Also, in this case, it is not necessary to apply the drug over the entire body of the pet; it will be enough to treat only individual affected areas.

Premises treatment

Using Butox, you can also disinfect the premises; such a measure will have a double effect, since it will not only help get rid of parasites, but will also additionally destroy ants, flies, cockroaches and other insects living in the treated area.

This process has the following features:

  1. Depending on the type of parasite, you will need to use 15-30 ml. "Butox", which are diluted in 10 liters of ordinary water.
  2. When treating rooms with surfaces with a smooth structure, you can get by with 5 liters of the drug for every 100 square meters.
  3. When treating rooms whose surfaces have a porous structure, the volume of the product doubles.
  4. It is necessary to take precautions to prevent contact of the product with the skin, mucous membranes or inhalation of its fumes.

Butox-50 AgroZooVet OLKAR.

COMPOSITION AND RELEASE FORM The emulsifying concentrate contains 5% of the synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin.
In appearance it is a light yellow oily liquid, emulsifies well in water, with a weak specific odor. 1 liter of concentrate contains 50 g of deltamethrin. Packaged in ampoules of 1 ml. PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES Butox 50 has a wide spectrum of insecticidal and acaricidal action, is active against ixodid, scabies, chicken, cat mites, flies, midges, bedbugs and other ectoparasites of animals. Having entered the body of arthropods, deltamethrin contact or enterally accumulates in the ganglia of peripheral nerves and inhibits their activity. It disrupts the coordination of the pathogen's movements, then causing its paralysis, lethargy and death. The drug is moderately toxic to warm-blooded animals; in recommended doses and concentrations it does not have a local irritant or allergenic effect. Effective against ectoparasites resistant to phosphorus and organochlorine compounds. Toxic to fish and bees. INDICATIONS To combat animal ectoparasites (ixodid mites, scabies mites, lice, lice eaters, flies, horseflies, bedbugs, midges and others). DOSES AND METHOD OF APPLICATION Butox 50 is used only for external treatment of animals and premises. Immediately before use, prepare an aqueous working emulsion of the drug. Animals are treated by spraying or bathing. Buying animals Before carrying out mass treatments, each batch of Butox 50 is first tested on a small group of animals (10 - 15 heads) of varying fatness and age, which are monitored for 2 - 3 days. If there are no complications, treatment of the entire livestock of animals begins. After cleaning the bathtub for bathing, make a preliminary mixture of the required amount of Butox 50 (in accordance with the dosage for bathing). Distribute the solution throughout the entire container, then stir for 10 minutes. To get a perfect emulsion, you first need to pass 20 animal stirrers through the container. After the animals have removed 10% of the total volume of working fluid from the bath, it is replenished to the original level. In this case, 0.9 liters of Butox 50 is added to each ton of added water. Make sure that the first 20 animals wash again during the bathing course. Before treatment, animals should not be tired and should not be thirsty. Treatment in very hot weather is not recommended. After treating 2.5 - 3 thousand sheep, the acaricidal liquid is poured into settling wells, preventing it from entering water bodies or rivers. The bath is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and washed with water, which is also drained into settling wells. Spraying animals Before using Butox 50, it is necessary to make a preliminary mixture in 1 liter of water, add it to the required amount of water in the spray tank and mix thoroughly. During each course of treatment, a minimum of 3 liters of diluted product must be used per animal. The sequence of spraying the animal: ears, head, body, tail, area around the anus, limbs. Particular attention must be paid to the affected areas. Do not wash off the drug

It is not recommended to spray against the wind. Dosage

Amount of Butox 50 per 100 liters of water

ParasitesSpray treatmentBathing treatment
Bath fillingBringing to initial volume
Scabies100 ml100 ml150 ml
Lice25 ml25 ml37.5 ml
Flies/ticks50 ml50 ml75 ml

Amount of Butox 50 per 1000 liters of water

ParasitesBathing treatmentSpray treatment
Preventative treatmentBath replenishment
Ixodid ticks750 ml1000 ml750 ml
Scabies mites - preventive treatment (1 treatment) - therapeutic treatment (2 treatments with an interval of 8 - 10 days)600 ml 1000 ml900 ml 1500 ml600 ml 1000 ml
Lice250 ml375 ml250 ml
Flies and other insects500 ml750 ml500 ml

Treatment of dogs, cats and fur-bearing animals Treatment of premises

Insect speciesPorous surfaceSmooth surface
Creeping insects Butox Consumption per 100 m230 ml/10 l water 10 l solution30 ml/10 l water 5 l solution
Flying insects Butox Consumption per 100 m215 ml/10 l water 10 l solution15 ml/10 l water 5 l solution


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Particular attention must be paid to the dosage, since it can be changed depending on a number of circumstances corresponding to each specific situation.

So, when bathing an animal, you must follow the following rules:

  1. When treating an animal for fleas or lice eaters, you will need to dissolve one Butox ampoule in 3-4 liters of water.
  2. When carrying out various preventive measures, as well as to destroy ticks, one ampoule is diluted in 1-1.5 liters of water.
  3. When treating scabies, one ampoule is dissolved in a liter of water.

If you refuse to swim and use the spraying option, the following doses are considered safe:

  1. 25 ml. "Butox" per liter of water to kill lice.
  2. 5 ml. "Butox" per liter of water to kill different types of fleas.
  3. 1 ml. "Butox" per liter of water to treat scabies.

If the product is used to treat a room rather than an animal, then its dosage also continues to depend on the type of insect that is intended to be destroyed:

  1. 15 ml. “Butoxa” is diluted in 10 liters of water to destroy all types of flying insects.
  2. 30 ml. "Butox" is diluted in 10 liters of water if crawling types of parasites are being fought.
  3. The consumption of the drug should be 5 or 10 liters for every 100 square meters of smooth or porous surface, respectively.

Precautionary measures

Butox is moderately toxic to humans, so you should protect your eyes, organs of vision, breathing and skin from the action of the emulsion. You should work in gloves, safety glasses, a respirator and special clothing. If the concentrate gets on the skin, wash it off with a stream of water. Before work, it is advisable to consume 5-10 tablets of activated carbon.


Do not treat sick, weakened or less than six months old mammals. Butox should not be used in combination with organophosphate insecticides.


The withdrawal period for meat is 5 days, for milk - 3 days. Therefore, cows should be treated during dry periods or the products should be fed to animals.


Non-residential premises are used for storing Butox. The drug contains a volatile organic solvent, so it should not be stored near heating equipment. Shelf life at temperatures from -15 to 40 °C is 48 months.

Efficiency and effect of the drug

Despite the fact that many people are often alarmed by the too low cost of this product, it has managed to prove itself on the positive side, proving its high level of effectiveness time after time.

The principle of action of the drug is based on the following processes it causes:

  1. When processing an animal, the active substance is absorbed through the skin and removed through the intestines. If you follow the prescribed dosages, there are no side effects or allergic reactions.
  2. Deltamethrin, despite the fact that it has a rather complex chemical formula, includes only one isomer that can have an insecticidal effect. Upon contact with the parasite, it begins the process of destruction of the insect’s nervous system; first of all, a failure occurs in metabolic processes associated with acetylcholine and potassium.
  3. As a result of this effect on the body and a number of systems, the insect experiences nervous overexcitation, which leads to its death.
  4. The active component is a long-term excretory substance, so the protective effect against various types of parasites persists for several weeks after the animals have been treated.


Pyrethroids are able to interact with lipids of the skin, as well as plant leaves. The water and organic solvent evaporate and the waxy substance adheres to the fats. For warm-blooded creatures, pyrethroids are low-toxic because they are almost not absorbed, remaining on the surface of the skin. The second defense mechanism is the rapid destruction of the active substance to harmless compounds. Cold-blooded animals do not have defensive devices, so the pyrethroid, when it gets onto the surface of the body or into the intestines of the insect, deactivates acetylcholine. The functioning of the nervous system is disrupted, paralysis occurs, and the arthropod dies. When working with Butox 50 and other drugs containing pyrethroids, caution is required. Drops that fall on a flower plant will kill the bees, and if the drug spills on the soil and is then washed away by rain into the river, the fish will die.


“Butox” has not been tested for compatibility with most other antiparasitic agents, so the combined use of several drugs at the same time is not recommended; moreover, the effectiveness of this insecticide is quite sufficient for the high-quality destruction of insects.

Considering the fact that it contains deltamethrin, Butox is definitely incompatible with the following elements:

  1. Oxidizing substances.
  2. Substances belonging to the halogen group.
  3. Insecticides based on organic phosphorus compounds.


The active principle of Butox is deltamethrin, which is a synthetic pyrethroid. Dalmatian chamomile (pyrethrum) is known to repel insects, and the powder made from the flowers has long been used against bedbugs. Deltamethrin is a waxy substance that is insoluble in water. Therefore, an auxiliary component of the drug is an organic eluent. The insecticide is sometimes called Butox 50 because it is a 5% deltamethrin solution. It is an oily liquid with the smell of kerosene, capable of forming a stable emulsion with milky water.

Hazard class and safety measures

In accordance with GOST, “Butox” belongs to the third class of hazard, that is, to moderately dangerous substances that can cause an allergic reaction if the dosage is violated and poisoning if ingested, but do not pose the same danger to warm-blooded creatures as to insects

The following precautions must be observed when using this drug:

  1. Before using the product, you must carefully read the instructions for use.
  2. When using the product, you must wear protective clothing, which, among other things, includes safety glasses, a hat, a respiratory mask and disposable rubber gloves. It’s best to wear things that you won’t mind throwing away later.
  3. After completing the treatment, you must thoroughly wash all exposed areas of the body with soap.
  4. In case of contact with mucous membranes or inside the body, it is necessary to immediately rinse them with a significant volume of water. If these measures do not help and an allergic reaction occurs or any side effects occur, you should immediately seek emergency professional medical help.
  5. Empty Butox containers, as well as unused remains of the product, are subject to mandatory disinfection. This procedure is carried out by allowing soda ash to sit in a prepared solution for at least 6 hours, after which the container must be rinsed with clean water.
  6. The containers in which the product was located are not allowed to be further used for household or any other purposes, even if they have been thoroughly disinfected.

How to use Butox for bedbugs

To kill bed bugs, you need to dilute 1 ml of the product in 1.3 liters of water. In case of massive infection of the premises, it is recommended to use the solution once a week for 2-4 weeks. If the effect is not enough, make a more powerful concentrate - 1 ml of product per 1 liter of water.

Before using Butox you need to prepare the room:

  1. We move all the furniture from the periphery of the room to the center.
  2. We disassemble, if possible, the structure of the bed for independent cleaning of bedbugs.
  3. We remove all wall accessories.
  4. We remove food, medicines, personal hygiene products, plants, and accessories for animals from the premises.
  5. We carry out dry cleaning first and then wet cleaning.
  6. Open the windows to ensure adequate ventilation in the room.

Next, we move on to treatment, which consists of applying the product with a spray bottle or other convenient device to the “favorite” places of bed mites. First we process the baseboards, doorways, and window frames.


“Butox” is sold individually in ampoules, boxes with different numbers of ampoules, as well as in bottles of various sizes.

The most common types of packaging are:

  1. An ampoule for one-time use costs from 5 to 15 rubles.
  2. A box with 5 ampoules costs about 90 rubles.

You can purchase the drug in departments with household chemicals or in various specialized stores with veterinary supplies.


Many people have already used the product to destroy various types of parasites; below are their impressions of the result and effectiveness of the drug:

  1. Vyacheslav: “My family and I live in a village, we usually keep a large number of animals, so Butox has become one of the main assistants on the farm. I tried to use it for the first time, since it was possible to treat not only cats and dogs with this product, but also sheep, cows and other animals that live with us. Thanks to this, it was possible to remove not only all the parasites, but now even flies with horseflies do not fly close to livestock. I think that Butox would also be effective for exterminating cockroaches and other domestic insects, but we don’t have them to test.”
  2. Oksana: “I started using Butox after the vet recommended it. I have a Saint Bernard, which is not helped by other flea treatments, and the anti-parasitic drops that need to be applied to the withers cause a severe allergic reaction. “Butox” has no such side effects, it helped to quickly remove insects, now we use it once a month as a preventive measure, since we often go outdoors, where there is always a risk of picking up a tick.”
  3. Mikhail: “A friend recommended me a drug called Butox, I didn’t want to use it for a long time because the price was too low. One day I finally decided to test it in action when my shepherd dog got fleas. The product coped well with the task of quickly destroying them. Now in the spring and fall we use it weekly as a preventive measure. It turns out that, unlike expensive analogues, the effect lasts one week, and not one and a half to two months, but Butox has a significant advantage. The point is that the fleas died instantly after treatment, that is, they did not have time to scatter throughout the apartment. Among the shortcomings of the drug, I can only highlight a rather strong and pungent odor, although the instructions said that it was not particularly noticeable. After bathing the dog, you have to ventilate the premises for another 15-20 minutes to get rid of it. Considering this feature of Butox, I did not risk using it to treat the apartment, although the instructions stated that this is a recommended measure for the destruction of remaining insects and their larvae.”
  4. Yulia: “A good and effective drug at an affordable price. The only downside is the strong and extremely unpleasant smell, but the result is worth it. I use it to treat cats, which are very sensitive to many products, and Butox does not contain components that are dangerous to them. Before leaving for the dacha, I use the solution to treat the entire apartment; in just a few days, the smell has time to completely disappear, but the house is protected from parasites, and ants and cockroaches completely disappear.”


The most important contraindication is intolerance to deltometril. But this can only be revealed after the first treatment. In this case, you need to immediately bathe the animal, take a bath and treat the surfaces where the substance is located with a soap solution. The room needs to be ventilated.

Other contraindications:

  1. weakness in humans and animals.
  2. Respiratory diseases and cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Colds and sore throat.
  4. skin irritation.
  5. When for one reason or another your eyes become watery.
  6. Shedding of animals, as during this period their skin sensitivity increases.
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