Plant pest control product – Akarin (instructions for use)

Author: Elena N. Category: Insecticides Published: December 04, 2011Republished: February 04, 2019Last edits: March 12, 2021

Among the many modern means of controlling plant pests, Akarin is deservedly considered one of the best drugs. Taking into account the wishes of gardeners, manufacturers have created an insectoacaricide that, if the instructions are followed, effectively destroys parasites - mites, butterflies, ants, caterpillars, mole crickets, aphids, leaf rollers and other pests, but does not kill other forms of life. Actually, Akarin is a new generation of Agravertine.


Akarin is a biological insectoacaricide of contact-intestinal action for the destruction of mites on berry bushes and vegetables. It has also proven itself in the fight against many harmful insects, while the active ingredient of the drug - Avertin-N - does not accumulate in fruits and does not lead to poisoning. Akarin is created from streptomyces soil fungi that produce neurotoxins. Akarin also copes with parasites on indoor plants, and in this case its ability to act selectively is especially valuable.

Advantages of Akarin over other insecticides:

  • the drug does not develop resistance in pests;
  • within two days after treatment, vegetables and fruits can be eaten;
  • the drug can be stored for up to 2 years;
  • Akarin affects ticks and most harmful insects;
  • the effectiveness of the drug increases with increasing air temperature;
  • Akarina solution is used very sparingly: the foliage does not need to be doused, as is the case with other drugs, it only needs to be slightly moistened;
  • The insecticide is compatible with fertilizers and growth stimulants, so you can kill insects, feed plants and strengthen their root system in one procedure.

Properties of the drug

Akarin (Akarin) is a biologically active insecticide of contact-intestinal action, capable of destroying pests in a short period. It blocks the parasites' ability to digest and absorb nutrients. The effect appears four hours after eating the leaves, and after a day most of the insects die. Compared to other biological products, Akarin has a long shelf life of 2 years.

Effect of acarin on the Colorado potato beetle

The extract of the streptomyces fungus effectively fights the moth butterfly, ants, aphids, mole crickets, leaf rollers and other insects. The drug is safe for humans, pets and the environment, but when using it, you should follow the instructions. If you take more than the specified product and apply it incorrectly to plants, it can harm the bees. At home, if it gets into an aquarium, Akarin is destructive for ornamental fish.

Advantages over other antiparasitic compounds:

  • affects most pests;
  • natural;
  • does not cause resistance (addiction);
  • safe for insects that feed on agricultural pests;
  • has a long shelf life;
  • decomposes within a few hours;
  • can be combined with growth stimulants and fertilizers;
  • It is used sparingly.


The drug is intended for therapeutic and prophylactic use. Akarin blocks the ability of insects and ticks to digest and absorb nutrients. It has a very high speed of action: the drug paralyzes gnawing pests within 4-8 hours, and sucking pests within 8-16 hours after the solution hits the leaves. Akarin has a double effect: it affects the pest when the solution comes into direct contact with it, as well as when the solution gets into contact with the plant on which the pest feeds.

The effectiveness of the drug can be reduced by weeds: before treatment, clear the area of ​​them, remove shoots affected by pests on plants, and only then proceed with treatment.

  • The drug Bankol - reviews and instructions

Treatment of indoor plants with Akarin

If wet wiping of leaves or ultraviolet disinfection does not help, then you can use Akarin.

Processing houseplants has its own nuances. For example:

  1. Spraying should be carried out on the balcony, in the bathroom, on the street or in the entrance. The solution should not come into contact with food, personal items, animals, body parts or eyes.
  2. If the treatment took place at home, then after the procedure you need to perform a thorough wet cleaning. Do not allow people or animals to touch them until the solution on the leaves has completely dried.
  3. Before processing the leaves of the plant (on both sides), do not wipe them with a damp cloth. Moisture prevents the solution from penetrating.
  4. If we are talking about violets, then before spraying it is necessary to remove the buds and flowers. During the “treatment” the plant needs to “rest” a little.
  5. For preventative purposes, you should spray all the flowers in the house, even healthy ones.
  6. You can wipe the window sill and window frame with the remains of Akarin so that possible pests do not even come close to the plant. After a couple of days, the treated surface should be wiped with soapy water.
  7. After the “treatment” is completed, the plant should be placed in a room without drafts and direct sunlight.

If the pests do not disappear the first time, then the destruction procedure must be repeated a week later.

Instructions for use Akarin

Akarin is available in ampoules of 2, 4, 5 ml and in bottles with a capacity of 1 and 5 liters. First, the required dose of Akarin is dissolved in 500 ml of water, then the composition is brought to the required volume by constantly adding water and stirring. The crops are processed at a temperature of 12-25 Cº on a calm, fine day, early in the morning or after 18 hours. The foliage needs to be sprayed with the composition on both sides. It is very important that after completing the procedure there is no rain for at least a day, otherwise you will have to repeat the treatment. It makes no sense to spray plants with Akarin immediately after rain.

A day or two after spraying the plants with Akarin, the pests will begin to die, but the most powerful effect appears on the fifth or sixth day. Since this insecticide is not resistant, the intensity of its action does not weaken with repeated treatments.

CulturePestDrug consumptionSolution consumption
PotatoColorado potato beetle larva2 ml per 1 liter of water6-10 l per 100 m2
CabbageTurnip white, cabbage white and scoop4 ml per 1 liter of water4-8 l per 100 m2
CurrantSawfly, moth, leaf roller3 ml per 1 liter of water1-2 l per bush
CurrantSpider mite2 ml per 1 liter of water1-2 l per bush
Roserose aphid5 ml per 1 liter of water10-20 l per 100 m2
RoseSpider mite2 ml per 1 liter of water10-20 l per 100 m2
RoseWestern flower thrips10 ml per 1 liter of water10-20 l per 100 m2
Cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, peppersMelon and peach aphids8 ml per 1 liter of water10 l per 100 m2
Cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, peppersSpider mite1 ml per 1 liter of water10 l per 100 m2
Cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, peppersWestern flower and tobacco thrips10 ml per 1 liter of water10 l per 100 m2
Apple treeLeaf rollers, mites, moths2 ml per 1 liter of water2-5 l per tree
Apple treeHerbivores2 ml per 1 liter of water2-5 l per tree
Apple treeCutworms and codling moths3 ml per 1 liter of water2-5 l per tree
Apple treeAphid6 ml per 1 liter of water2-5 l per tree

Unused working solution must be disposed of in accordance with the instructions. But you can pour it under potato bushes to prevent the spread of wireworms.

Storage conditions and expiration dates

Concentrated emulsion Akarin retains its properties for 2 years from the date of manufacture. Therefore, summer residents often buy the drug with a reserve.

Due to the toxicity of the concentrate, it is necessary to create suitable preservation conditions for it.

  1. Places are selected that are as inaccessible as possible to children and pets.
  2. Store Akarin in utility rooms, away from food, sources of water and sunlight.
  3. The shelf on which the drug will be kept should be located at a considerable height from the floor.

Packages containing Akarin should not be piled with other items. This can lead to destruction of the packaging vessels and leakage of dangerous toxin.

Precautionary measures

Akarin is classified as toxicity class 3. This means that it is slightly toxic to humans, birds, earthworms and fish, but poses a danger to bees, and this must be taken into account.

  • To prevent the drug from getting into the eyes, skin and lungs, spraying should be carried out in protective equipment: work clothes, boots, goggles, a respirator and gloves.
  • It is strictly not recommended to smoke, drink or eat anything while working with the composition.
  • Upon completion of the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash the equipment and gloves, without removing them from your hands, with a five percent soda solution. After this, you can take off everything except your gloves.
  • Goggles and a respirator should be washed and kept in a disinfectant solution, and work clothes should be briefly soaked in a soapy solution with the addition of soda and washed. After this, you should wash the gloves again with soap, and only then can you remove them.


Akarin combines well with other insecticides. Therefore, you can safely add growth stimulants, fertilizers and all kinds of microelements to the working composition. This will provide the crops with additional protection, increase plant immunity and feed them.

The surfactant components added to the preparation will make the solution effective against small rodents, as well as sucking parasites living in the soil.

If you add a little insecticidal (or laundry) soap to Akarin, this will help the drops of the working solution stick to the foliage and linger for a longer time.

First aid

If, nevertheless, you manage to be poisoned by Akarin, take urgent measures to save yourself, but after providing first aid, be sure to consult a doctor, even if it seems to you that the threat to your health has passed. Here's what you should do:

  • How to use Fufanon correctly in the countryside
  • if the solution gets on your skin, you need to carefully blot it and rinse the area thoroughly with water, or better yet, with a weak soda solution;
  • if the composition gets into your eyes, rinse them with your eyelids open with a running stream for at least a quarter of an hour;
  • if you inhale Akarin vapors, you need to take a deep breath of fresh air and call a doctor;
  • if the composition gets into the digestive organs, you should rinse your mouth and induce vomiting by drinking a lot of water with activated carbon at the rate of 1 g per 1 kg of body. The procedure is repeated several times. There is no need to induce vomiting after the last charcoal intake, but you should consult a doctor.


In cases where it is not possible to use Akarin, you can choose a similar version of the product. Analogs in action and composition are:

  • Fitoverm and Vertimek;
  • Actofit and Agravertin.

Agricultural products work great after treating plants. There are certain disadvantages of use, recommendations for combination, timing of application and dosage. But all the nuances are discussed in the instructions for use.


Grigory: I am an experienced gardener, so I start fighting pests in my garden beds in early spring. Of all the drugs I have used before, I was most impressed by Akarin - a powerful but inexpensive insectoacaricide, which is also very economical in use. When processing, it is important not to forget about protective equipment - a mask, goggles, gloves and clothing.

Marina: Akarin is, in my opinion, the most successful preparation of biological insecticides. It turned out that one ampoule was enough for me to preventively treat not only plants, but also the soil at my dacha. There is no harm from it to people or animals, but if you have allergies, there may be problems, so you need to test the drug first.

Rimma: Akarin is an excellent combination of price and quality: inexpensive, but very effective. There is too much fuss with folk remedies, because they do not destroy, but at best only scare away pests that do not disappear anywhere, only move from one crop to another. Akarin performs its task radically: there are no beetles on potatoes, no mites on currants. And the aphids are gone. However, we must not forget about precautions.

Tatyana: Akarin acts very quickly: as soon as she sprayed the roses with it, the aphids immediately froze. Then for several days I removed it from the bushes with rags and brushes. Since the product is produced in our country, it is not in short supply, and its price is reasonable. Treatment with Akarin did not affect flowering: the buds appeared in due time.

Katerina: carried out aphid prevention and was surprised to find dead spider mites. Here is what Akarin means: both against insects and arachnids. And, by the way, I worked without a respirator. Well, it just happened by accident, I won’t do it again next time, I just had already prepared the solution, and suddenly it turned out that I had touched my mask somewhere. Of course, Akarin has a strong smell, but there were no consequences.

Official website and manufacturer's recommendations:

  • How to spray plants with HOM

Mechanism of action

The parasite repellent for the garden Akarin is widely used in the post-Soviet countries. Has a wide spectrum of action. Recommended for both open and closed ground.

When creating the substance, the main task was: prevention and protection against spider mites. But when used in practice, the drug showed excellent results: parasitic insects, such as:

  • mining insects;
  • thrips and sawfly;
  • Colorado potato beetle and aphid;
  • herbivorous mites and other lepidopteran pests die.

Akarin is also effective in the presence of root-knot nematodes, which are often found in closed soil of all types.

Security measures

The product belongs to toxic drugs: the first class of danger for bees, the third - for humans and animals. When using, be sure to follow safety precautions:

  • dilute the composition in special containers;
  • strictly adhere to the dosage of the substance;
  • treat plantings using personal protective equipment (mask or respirator, gloves, overalls).

After processing, the fruits are eaten only after 4-5 days. The same time is kept for cut flowers. It is prohibited to use the product in rooms where there are people with allergies. In such cases, less toxic analogues are used if necessary.

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Interaction with medications

The active ingredients Hepatamine and Vasalamin potentiate the anginal activity of Coramine. However, doctors do not recommend combining the dietary supplement with medications that contain high molecular weight organic compounds.

Alcohol compatibility

The instructions do not contain information about the interaction of bioactive components of dietary supplements with ethyl alcohol. It is assumed that alcohol may inhibit the therapeutic activity of tablets due to the destruction of biopolymer compounds by ethanol.

Unkarin Art Life: indications and contraindications

Indications: – viral infections; – inflammatory processes; – intoxication of the body; – immunodeficiency; – autoimmune diseases; – allergies; - Crohn's disease; - cirrhosis of the liver; - stomach ulcer; - chronic fatigue; – inflammatory diseases of the joints; - haemorrhoids; – in complex treatment of oncological pathologies; – benign tumors; - premenstrual syndrome; – during radiation therapy and chemotherapy; – candidiasis; – as a preventive, restorative remedy.

Contraindications: – pregnancy;

– lactation period; – individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The article was compiled using the following materials:

Literary sources:


State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2012. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia)


State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2013. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia)


State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2014. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia) Download >>>


State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2015. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia) Download >>>


State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2016. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia) Download >>>


State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2022. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia) Download >>>


State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2022. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia) Download >>>

Sources from the Internet:


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