AVZ Bars insectoacaricidal collar for cats 35 cm.


The Bars flea collar is made of polymer tape of different lengths for cats and dogs. Inside there is material impregnated with insecticidal substances. Upon contact with skin, active components accumulate in hair follicles and sebaceous ducts. Within a few hours they spread throughout the animal's body.

On a note!

The flea collar for cats Bars is available in a length of 35 cm. It is possible to adjust the cat accessory to the individual neck size. The excess part is easily cut off with scissors. The Bars collar for small breed dogs is 35 cm. For large breeds it is 50, 80 cm.

BARS – collar for cats against ticks, fleas, lice and lice, length 35 cm AVZ (1 piece)

BARS is a Russian trademark, which since 1993 has been developing and producing medicines for animals.


The insect-acaricidal collar Bars contains fipronil and an insect growth regulator, as well as auxiliary components, as active ingredients. In appearance, it is a polymer tape 35 cm long, with a slight specific odor, equipped with a buckle for fixing it on the animal’s neck. Packed in cardboard boxes, 1 piece each.


The combination of insecto-acaricides in the collar exhibits synergistic action against larvae and mature ticks of the Ixodidae family and insects Linognathus setosus, Trichodectes canis and Ctenocephalides spp. The high antiparasitic activity of the collar is due to the presence of fipronil and an insect growth regulator in the polymer tape. The mechanism of action of fipronil is to block the GABA-dependent receptors of the parasite and disrupt neuromuscular transmission, which leads to its paralysis and death. The insect growth regulator inhibits the processes of chitin formation, disrupts the processes of molting, pupation and fledging of the parasite. In terms of the degree of impact on the body of warm-blooded animals, the drug is classified as a moderately dangerous substance and does not have a locally irritating, resorptive-toxic, embryotoxic, teratogenic or sensitizing effect.


Prevention and treatment of cat entomosis (lice, fleas, lice). Prevention of infestation of cats with ixodid ticks.


After opening the package, the collar is put on the animal, adjusted in size so that there is a gap of 1 - 1.5 cm between the neck and the ribbon, then the end of the ribbon is passed through the loops of the buckle, and the excess is cut off. In the first days of using the collar, an ixodid tick may attach, but after a day it dies and falls off spontaneously. The duration of the protective effect with continuous use of the collar is: against ticks - 4 months, against fleas, lice and lice - 5 months.


In most cases they are not observed. In some animals with hypersensitivity, signs of intoxication and allergies are possible (tremor, vomiting, excessive salivation and lacrimation, itching, irritation and redness of the skin). If these signs or other manifestations of intolerance appear, the collar should be removed.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the polymer collar tape. It is not allowed to be used by kittens under 8 weeks of age, as well as by animals suffering from infectious diseases and convalescent animals.


At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly with soap. If you have cuts or abrasions on your hands, it is advisable to use rubber gloves.


With caution (list B). In a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, out of reach of children and animals. Separated from food and feed at temperatures from 0 to 25 °C. Shelf life: 2 years.

, Russia. Information about the composition and ingredients, color scheme, technical and other characteristics, country of origin, appearance and delivery package of the product is for reference only and is based on the latest information available at the time of publication. Delivery of this product is carried out to all regions of the Russian Federation.

Composition, action

The active components of the collar are several substances with different mechanisms of action. Modern, low-toxic fipronil disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, causing paralysis and death. Diflubenzuron is a regulator of insect numbers. Affects the ability to lay eggs. Stops the process of parasite reproduction.

The active components enter the body of fleas through contact, partly through food. They act on adults and larvae.

On a note!

The product prevents helminthic infestation. Remains effective against fleas for about 4 months. It is recommended to remove it during swimming.

Bars flea collars for cats and dogs

Leopard for cats - instructions for use

Leopard is an effective antiparasitic drug that is prescribed to prevent infection of an animal by fleas, ticks (including lice-eating, ixodid and sarcoptic ticks), as well as lice. The product is available in different forms and has a repellent effect.

Bars is also prescribed for medicinal purposes to rid an animal of fleas, lice and ticks, having a detrimental effect at the first contact with them. The product has a pleasant odor and does not have a toxic effect on animals, provided that the application is correct.

Active substances

The antiparasitic effect of the drug is due to the presence in its composition of a number of components that have a strong effect on the neuromuscular system of parasites, as well as leading to disruption of their development, paralysis and death. These components include fipronil, diflubenzuron and dicarboximide. The auxiliary substances in this case are castor oil and glycerin.

The flea remedy Bars is available in three different forms - in the form of a spray, drops and a collar. Each of the above forms of the product has its own application, packaging and appearance. The speed of getting rid of parasites directly depends on the correct use of the drug, as well as the effectiveness of preventive measures.

Bars flea drops for cats - instructions

The drug Bars in the form of drops is packaged in polymer bottles with a special pipette - a dropper, which greatly simplifies the process of its use. The solution should be applied to areas of the animal's skin freed from hair, in places inaccessible for licking. This could be the area between the shoulder blades, in the neck or head area.

It is important that the product is applied exclusively to intact areas of the skin. It is necessary to dose the medicine based on the weight of the animal:

Cat weight Dosage

Up to 1 kg0.3 ml (10 drops)
From 1 to 3 kg0.6 ml (20 drops)
More than 3 kg1 ml (whole pipette

The instructions included with the Bars drops for cats also state that re-treatment with the drug should be carried out no earlier than 30 days after the last use.

To get rid of ticks, one drop of the drug is applied to the affected area of ​​skin, and then wait about 30 minutes. If after the specified time the parasite has not separated from the skin on its own, it is pulled out with tweezers and eliminated.

Spray leopard for cats - instructions

Spray Bars, which has a particularly effective effect against fleas, is packaged in plastic bottles equipped with special spray heads.

The drug is applied after preliminary shaking to individual parts of the animal’s body, namely: paws, neck, tail, ears and torso.

If the cat is a long-haired breed, the product is sprayed “against the grain” onto the base of the hair and skin.

The instructions for spraying Leopard spray for cats are from a 20-centimeter distance, making sure to avoid getting the drug in the mouth, eyes and nose. For therapeutic purposes, the spray is used once, and for preventive purposes - no more than once a month. When treating a bed for a cat or pet, you should not allow it near it for three days, and then only after washing it with detergent.

Leopard collar for cats - instructions

The leopard anti-flea and tick collar for cats is a special form of antiparasitic drug, which is a thin 35-centimeter ribbon made of polymer material, complemented by a buckle. The collar should be put on without unnecessary tightening: there should be a distance of 1 – 1.5 cm between it and the animal’s neck.

After adjusting the collar to size and tightening it with the buckle, the excess tape is cut off. Continuous wearing of the collar provides reliable protection against lice and fleas for 5 months, and against ticks for 4 months.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of the drug Bars in any form is contraindicated for the following categories of representatives of the cat family:

  • Sick and weakened animals.
  • Kittens under 8 months of age.
  • Animals that have hypersensitivity to certain components of the product.

In other cases, negative manifestations when using the spray, drops and collar are rarely observed. If the product gets on the mucous membrane, irritation occurs. In exceptional cases, allergic reactions are possible, which manifest themselves in the form of tremors, itching, excessive salivation and lacrimation.

Leopard for cats - reviews

Review of Bars drops for cats, writes Katerina. I learned about how terrible the consequences of tick infestation can be a few days ago.

There is a Persian cat living in my house, all so good and fluffy, as it should be. When I returned from work, I found scraps of fur all over the apartment.

I thought that my cat was just playing around, she was even going to scream, but then I saw a scratched wound on her chin.

I took my pet to the veterinarian, where they found the culprit of the problem and prescribed Leopard Spot-on anti-tick drops. I will say right away that the product is effective because within 20 minutes after application to the affected area the tick fell off. Now I will be more attentive to my cat - I don’t want any more parasites to attack her.

Barsa price for cats

You can buy the antiparasitic drug Bars for cats at any veterinary pharmacy, although the cost depends on the form of the drug and the point of distribution.

  • Barf forte drops for cats - about 250 rubles;
  • Spray Bars for cats - about 200 rubles;
  • Bars collar for cats - about 150 rubles.

Storage conditions of the drug

Regardless of the pharmacological form, the drug Bars must be stored in a dry place, protected from children and animals, avoiding contact with direct sunlight. The optimal storage temperature varies from 0 to 25 C.

The drops and collar are suitable for use for 2 years from the date of production. The spray expires within a year after manufacture. After the expiration date, the use of any type of Bars drug is prohibited.

Source: https://murlo.org/ru/bars-dlya-koshek-instrukciya-po-primeneniyu/


Flea collars
Products should be removed from packaging before use. Place it around the neck and secure it in such a way that the distance from the neck to the accessory is at least 1 cm. The excess part of the tape is cut off with scissors. You are allowed to wear the collar continuously for six months. One accessory is enough to protect your pet for the entire warm period.

On a note!

Instructions for use are extremely simple. Animals respond well to the collar itself. But if it is noticed that a dog or cat is trying in every possible way to pull off the accessory, it is necessary to examine the pet. This behavior is typical for a situation where an allergy occurs with itching and burning.

The product begins to act 2 hours after putting on the accessory. This is how long it takes for the active substances to accumulate in the skin cells. If you plan to go out into nature with your pet, it is advisable to wear the accessory 2 days before the event.

Flea collar Bars

Vera Boykova

Sage (12366) 5 years ago

In this sense, everything is fine; after all, you wash your hands after contact with an animal. But look at the animal - my cat has all the hair coming out under his collar - he has an allergy. So pay attention to how his skin feels under the collar, so that if anything happens, remove it immediately.

I won't tell anyone

Master (1177) 5 years ago

Don't be afraid, it's not harmful)

Peace and love

Sage (16672) 5 years ago

Not harmful

Alishka Tambovtseva

Pro (699) 5 years ago

My dog’s fur came out from the “leopard” drops on the back of his neck and a purulent inflammation began, then he was treated for a month, the vet said that it was because after bathing the dog did not dry well and strictly forbade us to use these drops, now only such collars We buy it for all our dogs and cats; it does not harm the health of either the dogs, the cat, or us) I think a collar is the best option!


Thinker (8231) 5 years ago is harmful, Bars drugs are generally very “vigorous”... I recommend buying your cat a repellent GreenFort BioCollar based on a composition of natural essential oils to repel dog ectoparasites (fleas, lice, lice, mosquitoes, flies, horseflies). BioCollar GreenFort: - safe for humans and animals; - has no restrictions on the physiological state;

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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