Iskra product line: Bio, Gold, M, Double effect with instructions and features of use against pests

Author: Elena N. Category: Insecticides Published: December 22, 2011Republished: February 22, 2019Last edits: March 12, 2021

This drug for protecting plants from more than 60 types of pests was created in 2000 by the trading and industrial company Technoexport and since then has been successfully used both on agricultural areas and on private plots. At the very beginning of the occupation of plants by pests, it can be very difficult to determine what kind of insect you are dealing with and what kind of drug should be used to destroy it. In these cases, the insecticide Iskra Double Effect, a complex product with a wide spectrum of action, will help you avoid mistakes.

Features and types

The Iskra line of insecticides is produced domestically. The first pest control product Iskra appeared in 2000, and since then the range has been constantly updated with new products.

In total, the kit includes five insecticides:

  • Iskra M;
  • Bio;
  • Golden;
  • Double effect;
  • Triple effect.

The composition contains various active components, which allows the use of Iskra group insecticides against most pests that attack vegetable beds and trees in the garden.

Effectiveness against insects has been proven in practice:

  • leaf-eating caterpillars;
  • whiteflies;
  • leaf roller;
  • spider mite;
  • moths;
  • aphids;
  • thrips;
  • Colorado potato beetle.

Most insects do not develop resistance to Spark, and one procedure is enough for an entire season. Suitable for all types of plantings:

  • open beds;
  • greenhouses;
  • film greenhouses, polycarbonate.

How to use

The remedy for the Colorado potato beetle, Iskra, is added to the water, then poured into a spray bottle and sprayed on the bushes. This is done in the morning or evening to avoid bright sunlight. It is not recommended to spray during wind and rain.

Attention! Spark from the Colorado potato beetle, instructions for use - the drug can be used to treat plantings throughout the season. You can spray the bushes a second time after 14 days. When processing, try to ensure that the product gets evenly onto the leaves and spreads over them. When dissolving, first pour in a small amount of water, then add water.

You can also spray the tubers before planting. To do this, place the sprouted greenish tubers on polyethylene and spray with the solution. Then dry the tubers and you can plant.

Iskra Golden

This pesticide is based on a substance from the nicotinoids category - imidaclorpide, which is harmful to a large range of insects. This type of spark is one of the newest insecticides and is used in 120 countries around the world.

It does not pose any particular harm to humans or animals; it is also non-toxic to the inhabitants of water bodies and earthworms. Poison for bees (class I).

Features of the drug Iskra Zolotaya

The product has a long-lasting protection effect and remains on plantings for up to 25-30 days. It is not afraid of rain, moisture during irrigation, and is actively absorbed into the ground part of crops, excluding fruits. The poison does not penetrate into tissues and does not accumulate in potato tubers.

Iskra Zolotaya is effective against a wide range of insects, but more often it is used against insidious aphids and the ubiquitous Colorado potato beetle (adults, larvae). It is effective in hot weather, and pests that have shown resistance to other drugs often die.


  • powder (40 grams);
  • emulsion (1 and 5 ml – ampoules, 10 ml – vials);
  • sticks (sticks) for preventive protection against insects that threaten indoor plants (contain insecticide, nutrients), packaged in blisters of 20 pieces.


Depending on the form of Iskra Zolotoy used, the dosage and consumption are calculated:

  • on potatoes - 8 grams of powder (1 ml of emulsion) stirred in a bucket of water, use a bucket for one hundred plantings;
  • on an apple tree - dissolve 40 grams (5 ml) in a bucket of water. Consumption – per hundred square meters (the norm is determined by the number of pests and the area affected by the crop) up to 10 liters;
  • for cucumbers – 40 grams (5 ml) per bucket. Consumption – liter per 10 sq. meters;
  • sticks are used on indoor plants; the quantity depends on the diameter of the flower pot. For small containers (6-9 cm) - one stick, for large pots (from 40 cm) - 5-6 sticks.

Cucumbers and ripe tomatoes are eaten after a week, potatoes are harvested no earlier than 3-4 weeks after the last spraying procedure.

Analogues of the product are Commander, Prestige, Tanrek, Corado.

Impact on the environment

The chemical does not pose a threat to the environment if you follow the dilution rules and application standards. The substances do not accumulate and are completely destroyed within 21-28 days after application to fruits, shoots, and greens.

Since Iskra eliminates all insects, its disposal is prohibited near water bodies, beehives, and flowering plants.

Iskra M

It is based on the substance malathion (hence the marking with the letter “M”), a liquid analogue of the well-known karbofos. The drug is poisonous to bees, which means it is advisable not to spray the crops during the flowering period.

Active for up to 7-10 days, the last procedure is allowed four weeks before harvesting. With constant use on the site (over a number of years), resistance is detected in some pest populations.

Features of Iskra M

The product is effective in combating different groups of pests:

  • thrips;
  • sawflies;
  • leafhoppers;
  • bedbugs;
  • mites;
  • aphids.

It is advisable to use it during mass attacks of insects; for prevention, use more gentle biological agents. Gardeners note that the drug gives an effect faster when alternating with pyrethroid insecticides.


  • emulsion, in ampoules 5 ml;
  • concentrate 10 ml.


For all treatments, dilute 10 ml of the product in a bucket of water. Labor consumption rates (per hundred square meters):

  • on cucumber and tomato plantings on ridges - 5 l;
  • on cabbage beds - 10 liters (against white grass, cutworm).

For 10 sq. meters in shelters:

  • on greenhouse tomatoes – 2 l;
  • cucumbers – 3 l.

On currants - about 1.5 liters per bush (against copperhead, sawflies, scale insects, gall midges, and bud moths). In the garden, 4-5 liters are spent per tree. Protects against weevils, codling moths, copperheads, aphids, and mites.

Medicine for caterpillars

Many gardeners do not know how to deal with codling moths, sawflies, moths, leaf rollers and other pests. The specially developed Iskra-M anti-caterpillar product is ideal for treating berry bushes and fruit trees. It is available in 10 ml bottles and 5 ml ampoules. The active ingredient in it is malathion. It can also be used to protect a number of other crops: cabbage, melons, watermelons, tomatoes, cucumbers growing indoors, citrus fruits, various ornamental and flower plants.

The Iskra preparation can be successfully used both in open ground and in greenhouses. The pest control works fairly quickly. True, when treating plants in open ground, the protection period is short - when exposed to wind and water, its effectiveness decreases. Its frequent use affects the proliferation of pests. But before using it, you need to be prepared for the fact that it has a strong unpleasant odor. The drug is removed from plants within 7 days.

Spark Double Effect

The bright shiny packaging indicates that the product is used against a whole range of pests (up to 60 species). Active components:

  • permethrin;
  • cypermethrin.

Both substances from the group of pyrethroids are characterized by rapid action. In addition to them, the composition includes fertilizing (potassium) and special anti-stress components that allow you to quickly revive a damaged plant.

Gives the greatest effect against:

  • aphids;
  • thrips;
  • flies and their larvae;
  • whiteflies;
  • all kinds of beetles (sawflies, leaf beetles, raspberry beetles);
  • Colorado potato beetle,
  • leaf flea beetles.

Does not work against ticks and slugs. Form of production: tablets in a package, each weighing 10 grams.

Security issue

When working with a toxic drug, personal protective equipment should be used. Put on rubber gloves, a respirator, a suit with trousers, a jacket with sleeves. Violation of these requirements leads to negative consequences.

Precautions when working with pesticides

When the poison gets on the skin, irritation and allergic rashes occur. Penetration into the respiratory tract threatens poisoning of varying severity.

First signs:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • cardiopalmus.

If you feel worse, you should take activated charcoal and take a shower. If the condition does not return to normal within a few hours, call an ambulance. There are no negative consequences if you use Iskra Triple Effect in accordance with the general rules for handling toxic substances.

Spark Triple Effect

One of the company’s latest developments is a drug with enhanced action against the potato pest – the insidious Colorado potato beetle. Contains three active ingredients:

  • permethrin;
  • imidaclorpid;
  • cypermethrin.

Like previous remedies, it is not poisonous to humans, but is dangerous to bees. It has a contact and intestinal effect on the pest. Released in tablets, each weighing 10.6 grams.

Work protection rules

When using any insecticidal formulations, standard precautions must be followed:

  • abstain from eating;
  • work in overalls and gloves;
  • use masks or respirators;
  • After spraying, take a shower and wash clothes.

Economical to use and affordable, the Iskra line of products allows you to reliably protect your garden and vegetable plots from insidious pests. New generation insecticides are less toxic, effective against a large number of dangerous insects, and some of them even help improve immunity in plants.

Natalia Severova

Compatibility with other tools

All types of the drug are approved for use with other insecticides, acaricides, and fungicidal groups. In tank mixtures, the exact dosage is observed and the components are thoroughly mixed.

On a note!

It is not allowed to use alkaline solutions that reduce the effectiveness of the active ingredients of Iskra.

Precautionary measures

Iskra Bio is a safe drug for higher animals and humans. The remaining insecticides belong to the 3rd hazard class - these are low-hazard compounds. However, they are able to accumulate in living tissues, being absorbed through the skin.

Therefore, it is necessary to treat plants with Iskra insecticides using protective equipment: closed work clothes, a respirator, and rubber gloves.

If you plan to treat a houseplant, then the procedure must be carried out in a ventilated room. In this case, you also cannot do without a respirator and gloves, as well as safety glasses, since splashes of the solution can get into your eyes.

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