Instructions for using the Fufanon insecticide for treating plants

Category: Pesticides Reading time: 9 min · Views: 1,407

Fufanon belongs to a class of insecticides that are active against various garden and household pests. The basis of the drug is the active substance malathion, which paralyzes insects and leads to inevitable death. The substance can be used in open areas and in closed spaces. In the house, fufanon quickly destroys cockroaches, bedbugs, aphids, fleas, and ants.


The active ingredient of Fufanon is malathion - the commercial name of karbofos, which is familiar to gardeners. This is a monodrug of the class of organophosphorus compounds. Karbofos contains active sulfur, which increases its effectiveness at high temperatures. The substance malathion has a strong unpleasant odor and oily consistency.

In its pure form it is not a dangerous substance, but its aqueous solution has a detrimental effect on insects. Due to its rapid solubility in water and other organic solvents, malathion permeates plant juices on which garden insects feed. This leads them to death.

The pests stop feeding within a couple of hours after the spread of the pesticide, and death occurs within 24 hours after poisoning. The poison paralyzes the nervous activity of the insect, which leads to blocking of all vital functions.

The product's validity period in open ground is up to 15 days; in greenhouse conditions, the product protects against pests for up to three weeks inclusive.

All drugs in the Fufanon line are deadly to the inhabitants of water bodies.

The drug is available in several forms:

  • emulsion concentrate;
  • water emulsion.

A simple emulsion concentrate has a strong odor, which persists in the fruits even without exceeding the dosage of the drug and violating the timing of spraying. Therefore, EC is used for spraying industrial crops, grains and stocks. For horticultural crops, an innovative preparation based on a water emulsion is produced - Fufanon Nova - odorless. For ease of use on individual plots, the drug is packaged in ampoules of 2 and 6.5 g.

You can also find another drug from the line on sale - Fufanon Super. It differs from Fufanon Nova only in packaging and place of sale - the household goods department.

Is it possible to mix Fufanon with other preparations for treating a garden plot? This drug is not compatible with all chemicals, so before mixing you should check the instructions for compatibility.

Compatibility with other insecticides

To increase the effectiveness of the poisoning procedure, gardeners and gardeners mix several drugs at once. In the case of Fufanon, manufacturers recommend using it as an independent remedy. The drug is highly effective and does not require additional effects or synergists.

Combined use with pesticides is allowed. The drugs are mixed in one tank and poured into a household spray bottle. The following is used as an additional poisonous drug:

  • Polyram DF;
  • Preparation No. 30;
  • Zircon;
  • Colloidal sulfur;
  • Epin Extra.

If, when mixing two products, sediment appears at the bottom of the tank, this indicates their incompatibility and such a mixture cannot be used. Firstly, efficiency decreases, and secondly, the danger to plants and the environment increases.

Disadvantages of Fufanon

However, the drug Fufanon has weaknesses, one of them is the adaptation of pests to the poison. If an insect manages to survive after consuming poison, it mutates and perfectly adapts to all poisons of a similar effect. In this case, you will have to treat the area with insecticides based on a different chemical base.

The drug Fufanon Nova is very dangerous for bees; use during flowering of plants is strictly prohibited.

The danger of the Fufanon Nova insecticide for bees is great; it can destroy the entire apiary. The infected bee does not die immediately; it manages to inform other bees about the honey-bearing place.

The effectiveness of Fufanon decreases in proportion to the increase in air humidity and the number of pests. Therefore, it is better not to use it in wet weather. If there are too many insects on the site, Fufanon may not be able to cope with them.

An overdose of a pesticide is dangerous for plants. Even a minimal excess of the specified dose of the substance can lead to the shedding of leaves. Therefore, before spraying, correctly calculate the dosage and area of ​​application of the solution.

First aid

“Fufanon” is classified as Group III of danger for humans and animals; it is dangerous for fish and bees. It is not recommended to carry out treatment on a personal plot during the flowering of honey plants.

In case of drug poisoning, take the following measures:

  1. The poisoned person is undressed and allowed to wash with soap and water.
  2. In case of nausea, the stomach is washed out, inducing vomiting.
  3. In case of contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes, rinse with plenty of clean running water.
  4. They put you to bed and call a doctor at home.


Application in subsidiary farming

The area should be sprayed on the day the solution is prepared, as it gradually loses its properties in the air. It is better to treat the area in dry, cloudy weather at dawn (after dew) or at sunset. You also need to choose a calm day so that gusts of wind do not carry the spray in another direction.

Fufanon in the garden should be used according to the weather forecast. After spraying, at least 4 hours must pass before the first drops of rain, otherwise the work will be done in vain. In damp, cool summers, fruit trees and vegetable crops cannot be treated with simple Fufanon, as the fruits will give off a chemical taste. It is better to use the Nova or Super option, which has no odor.

When treating fruit trees and shrubs, do not allow the toxic mixture to get on the soil. This will worsen the taste of root vegetables: carrots, potatoes, beets, radishes.

Flow and concentration

The quality of processing directly depends on the correct use of this product, so it is important to know how to dilute the emulsion. According to the instructions, the working liquid for controlling pests and bedbugs should be prepared in a ratio of 1 ml of product per 1 liter of water, regardless of the type of drug.

Permissible consumption rates of working fluid:

  • field crops – 2–4 l/ha;
  • fruit trees – 6–15 l/ha;
  • berry bushes – 4–6 l/ha;
  • grapes – 8–12l/;
  • open ground vegetables – 2–4 l/ha;
  • vegetables in protected soil – 10–30 l/ha.

To carry out disinsection in order to destroy cockroaches and fleas, it is recommended to dilute Fufanon in a ratio of 9-11 ml per 1 liter of water. The consumption rate in this case is 100 ml per 1 sq. m. m.


Dosage for different crops

In order not to exceed the drug consumption rate, it is recommended to use a regular medical syringe.

Cucumbers, tomatoes

These crops are attacked by aphids, mites, whiteflies, sprout flies, and thrips. Seedlings should be treated when pests appear. If spraying does not help the first time, re-treatment is carried out after 10-14 days. The working solution is prepared from 2 ml of the drug per 1.5 liters of water. For an area of ​​100 m2, 10 liters of the finished solution are consumed.

In greenhouses, agriculture is attacked by greenhouse whitefly, leafminer flies, aphids and thrips. Plants are treated when parasites appear en masse. One application is enough for up to 35 days. The solution is prepared from 6.5 ml of pesticide per 2 liters of water; up to two liters of the finished solution are consumed per 10 m2.

Cabbage, peas, corn

To treat these crops, you will need 10 liters of ready-made solution per area of ​​100 m2. To prepare a working solution, you need to mix 2 ml of Fufanon with 1.5 liters of water. Crops are attacked by various pests: cabbage cutworms, aphids, whiteflies, moths, pea weevils, whiteflies, thrips, leafhoppers, bean moths, and pea codling moths.


To treat seedlings, you will need to dilute 2 ml of concentrate in a liter of water. To treat an area of ​​100 m2 you will need only 10 liters of the finished solution. Fufanon protects beets from leafhoppers, bedbugs, leafminer flies, beet aphids, and moths.


To protect the crop from attack by parasites, seedlings are sprayed. For the working solution, use 2 ml of concentrate per 3 liters of water. To protect an area of ​​100 m2, 10 liters of the prepared mixture are needed. Sunflowers are attacked by aphids and bugs.

Apple tree, pear tree, grapes, currants, gooseberries

To process these crops, prepare a mixture of 2 ml of concentrate and 1.5 liters of liquid. One adult tree requires up to 5 liters of the prepared mixture, and a young seedling - from 1.5 to 3 liters. For berry bushes and grapes, 1.5 liters of mixture is consumed for an adult plant and 1 liter of mixture for a young bush.

Cherry, sweet cherry, plum, strawberry

To treat plants, prepare a mixture of 2 ml of concentrate and 1.7 liters of water. Young fruit seedlings need about 2 liters of the mixture, and an adult plant - 5 liters. To spray strawberries, it takes 1.5 liters per 10 m2. Plants are treated when there is a massive attack of insects.


This plant destroys raspberry beetles, aphids, raspberry bud moths, mites, and raspberry weevils. To treat the bushes, make a mixture of 6.6 ml of concentrate and 3 liters of liquid. The first spraying should be carried out a week before flowering, and the second after harvesting.


To protect the cuttings from pests, they are soaked in the prepared mixture for a couple of minutes. The mixture is made from 2 ml of concentrate and 3 liters of water.

Ornamental plants

Ornamental crops are loved by mites, leaf miners, apple borers, leaf rollers and aphids. To protect plants from parasites, up to three sprayings are carried out during the growing season. The mixture is made from 6 ml of concentrate per 3 liters of liquid. Three liters of the prepared solution is enough to treat an area of ​​10 m2 of visible crown.

From domestic cockroaches and bedbugs

The use of Fufanon indoors against bedbugs, ants, fleas, flies and cockroaches has its own peculiarities. Sometimes there are even more insects than before using the drug. This is explained by the different body structure of domestic parasites from garden pests.

For bedbugs, it is better to use Fufanon Green Belt. 100 ml of the finished mixture is consumed per square meter of room.

To treat the room, you need to dissolve an ampoule (2 ml) in two liters of clean water. If there are a lot of insects, you should take two ampoules instead of one. To prevent insects from hiding behind the furniture, it is moved away from the walls. The room is well ventilated beforehand, and after spraying the apartment is left for 2 hours. But it’s better to leave the premises for a day. After a couple of weeks, disinfection is repeated to destroy insect larvae and eggs.

To properly disinfect the room, you should use a paint brush or spray bottle.

You cannot leave even a centimeter of untreated surface. Furniture begins to be disinfected from the back. Don't forget about carpeted floors and walls - insects can hide there too.

Upon returning home, you should do a general cleaning and wipe the floors and doors with a weak soda solution (st/l per liter): this will protect against the penetration of toxins through the skin or through the respiratory tract. It is also recommended to wash all items and wash all dishes. Toxic substances settle densely on all surfaces and pose a certain health hazard. If there are animals in the house, you need to wash their bowls too.

How to use correctly (instructions)

  1. The volume of the container for the solution must be at least 10 liters. Initially, one or one and a half liters of water should be poured into it, and the contents of the ampoule or bottle should be added there.
  2. The solution must be stirred and wait for the reaction to complete.
  3. When it becomes transparent, you need to add clean water to the container until you obtain the total volume indicated for a specific crop. The instructions for use always contain accurate information. After this, the solution can be used for its intended purpose.

Spraying of garden plants and garden trees should be done only in the early morning or in the evening, in the absence of wind. It is advisable that the weather be cool.

These conditions are necessary so that, under the influence of hot sunlight, the solution does not evaporate from the leaves, stems and branches of plants, but is thoroughly absorbed.

Precautionary measures

When making the mixture and working with Fufanon, you need to wear protective overalls (or other clothing), leather shoes, and special gloves for working with toxic substances. The respiratory tract should be protected with a respirator rather than a regular mask. If you don’t have a respirator, then you need a multi-layer mask (4 layers of gauze) soaked in soda solution. As the soda solution dries, the mask should be re-wetted.

The contact time with karbofos is limited to two hours.

On top of work clothes, a raincoat down to the toes must be worn, always with a hood. There must be a helmet on the head up to the ears and below. The body should be protected as much as possible from possible contact with the pesticide. Increased precautions are necessary due to the ability of karbofos to easily dissolve in organic liquids, such as human sweat.

When working with pesticides, smoking, drinking liquids and chewing food is prohibited. If poisoning does occur, you should immediately call an ambulance. Medical assistance is necessary even at the slightest sign of malaise or internal discomfort. Symptoms of poisoning can appear for a very long time (up to three days), but the body needs help on the day of intoxication.

Signs of poisoning:

  • labored breathing;
  • disorder of the entire digestive system;
  • blue discoloration of the skin;
  • increased blood pressure, accompanied by lethargy and headache;
  • constriction of the pupils.

If you notice that a toxic chemical has come into contact with the skin, you should immediately wash the affected area with a weak soda solution (a couple of tablespoons per liter). If the poison gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, you need to rinse the visual apparatus with plenty of water (running).

If a toxic chemical penetrates inside, you should immediately take activated charcoal and induce vomiting. After vomiting, you need to take activated carbon again at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. However, these manipulations do not cancel a visit to the doctor, even if the condition seems satisfactory.

Fufanon, a remedy against bedbugs, ticks and cockroaches: instructions for use and reviews


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Substitutes for Fufanon are drugs based on the same active ingredient - malathion. These include:

  • Avidust;
  • Atlant 50% k.e.;
  • Insecto-ESTA;
  • Karbofos 50% a.e.;
  • Pedilin.

Preparations with organophosphorus substances:

  • Alioth;
  • Fly eater;
  • Vallar.

Nicotine preparations:

  • Gaucho;
  • Admir;
  • Confidor;
  • Kopfidor;
  • Biotlin Bau.

The drug Biotlin Bau is sold ready-to-use; it does not need to be diluted with liquid beforehand. Nicotinoids are recommended if insects have adapted to organophosphorus substances. Experienced farmers advise periodically changing insecticides so that parasites do not get used to them.

The following drugs effectively neutralize parasites:

  • Confidelin;
  • Corado;
  • Monsoon;
  • Tanrek.

The packages indicate the exact dosage of use and methods for preparing the mixture for spraying. The listed drugs cope well with pests such as:

  • aphid;
  • whitefly;
  • thrips.

Rules for choosing insecticides:

  • You cannot purchase drugs for future use; it is better to buy in small quantities for one-time use;
  • Before purchasing, you should carefully read the instructions;
  • When purchasing, you should take into account the ability of insects to adapt to the active substance of the drug.

Farmers recommend preparations based on waste products of beneficial microorganisms: they are safe for pets and do not harm bees. One of these drugs is Fitoverm. It is based on a substance produced by soil fungi. You can use Fitoverm without fear of harming pets, and the substance does not penetrate into fruits and root crops.

Characteristics of the product

Fufanon is a multifunctional drug in the form of a yellow liquid concentrate. Its active substance remains effective for up to two weeks after spraying.

It has a poisonous effect on insects in a variety of ways:

  1. During contact with the pest.
  2. Once inside the parasite.
  3. Through the respiratory system during crop processing.

The chemical is used to eliminate insects that can destroy plants, fruits of trees, shrubs and vegetables. It reveals properties well when destroyed:

  • Cockroaches.
  • Aphids.
  • Ticks.
  • Weevil.
  • Locusts.
  • Klopov.
  • Komarov.
  • Bloch.

The active particle - malathion, getting inside the insect, suppresses the course of many important processes, which causes disruptions in the transmission of nerve impulses. As a result, the pest becomes paralyzed and then dies.

Features of the drug

Fufanon has the following advantages:

  1. Suitable for processing various agricultural plants.
  2. Effective for sucking and gnawing parasites.
  3. The active particle does not lose its functions when climate conditions change.
  4. Combines with other chemicals.
  5. Copes well with insects that are not susceptible to natural insecticides.

Bottom line

The insecticide Fufanon and its varieties are widely used to protect gardens and vegetable gardens from insect pests. The drug is ready for use and is available in convenient packaging - vials, canisters and ampoules. To prepare the stock solution, you simply need to dilute the concentrate with clean water.

Fufanon has a significant drawback - resistance. If the insects managed to survive the first chemical attack, they mutate and become accustomed to the toxic substance. Some insects (cockroaches) can use toxic chemicals that are familiar to them as food. To prevent resistance, it is not recommended to use Fufanon twice in one season: you need to alternate insecticides.

Preparatory work

Concentrated liquid with malathion is a fairly powerful poison, so it must be used as carefully as possible. In order to understand all the nuances of using Fufanon, you need to read the instructions. It must be provided with each ampoule, canister or bottle. You cannot use the liquid in concentrated form - you must prepare a solution.

When using malathion, you need to follow the rules and prepare the room for further processing.

Initially, a general cleaning is done in the apartment or house, then all dishes and food are removed from the room. Once poison gets on them, they will no longer be suitable for use. In addition, it is necessary to pack and remove hygiene items and personal items that cannot be washed.

There should be no animals, birds or fish in the room.

If it is not possible to remove the aquarium, then carefully cover it with a glass lid during disinfestation. Only 1 person should remain in the house, namely the exterminator. He must wear protective clothing and a mask.

To make it more convenient to work, immediately move all the furniture away from the walls and remove the paintings, which will help in the future (if a nest of insects is discovered during the preparatory work). You need to prepare not only the room, but also the person who will carry out the processing.

He must wear a protective suit, rubber gloves and a mask.

Glasses that will protect your eyes from toxic liquid will not be superfluous. While the exterminator is treating the premises, you must not smoke, eat or drink. This can only be done after removing protective clothing and taking a shower.

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