Instructions for using Phenaxin against bedbugs, cockroaches, mole crickets and ants

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantage of Phenaxin is its reasonable cost.
One small bag will cost you less than 40 rubles. Quite a weighty argument in favor of the product, considering the prices of other modern cockroach remedies. Another advantage is the relative safety of the drug.

If you take precautions and strictly follow the instructions for use, the risk of poisoning or allergies is zero.

The powder does not have an unpleasant odor, unlike many cockroach repellents. A pungent odor is the most common symptom of many insecticidal products. Phenaxin does not have such problems.

The powdered form allows you to use infected cockroaches as a weapon in the fight against their fellows. The toxic substance sticks to the paws and abdomen, and the imago, without suspecting it, the parasite transmits the poison to other individuals.

Among the disadvantages, consumers most often cite its effectiveness only in the case of combating a small number of insects. If there are quite a lot of “tenants” in the apartment, this powder will only provide temporary help.

Also, Phenaxin is not able to destroy eggs laid by cockroaches, which leads to an endless stream of pests in the house. Cracks in walls and other secluded places where cockroaches can hide cannot be treated with this product - this is also a big disadvantage.

The composition includes boric acid in powder form. This suggests that the effect of the powder is intended only for cockroaches. The acid enters the cockroach's body through holes in the chitin coating, and it dies from dehydration. The poison will not affect bedbugs and other blood-sucking creatures. For them, it is necessary to purchase more universal drugs.

Customer reviews about the product that we found on the Internet.

The effectiveness or disadvantages of the drug can be judged by reviews. Currently, before purchasing any new, unfamiliar drug, people look for information on the Internet. They also read reviews of it there. Some of them are given in our article.


“Bed bugs appeared in the country house. I found it right under the mattress. The house is small, I decided to buy an inexpensive product. The store recommended this drug. She trotted the whole house. Especially under the mattress. A week later she came and washed everything. The bedbugs have disappeared. Inexpensive and effective!”


“The product is simple, inexpensive and has its own spectrum of action. I noticed insects in my child's bedroom. You can't really hurt anything. I decided to try the powder. For a week the child slept in another room. The bedroom was disinfected. We succeeded in destroying the parasites!”


“I had to buy a sofa secondhand. I was not happy with the purchase for long. He began to become covered in spots and itchy bites. I didn’t understand what was happening right away. Then it came. There were bedbugs in the sofa. I bought this drug at a hardware store. I paid only 20 rubles for it. Sprinkled the entire sofa up and down. I haven't slept on it for two weeks. The room also had to be tidied up a little. I checked every day. I didn’t see any living bedbugs. A week later I repeated the procedure again. The insects died. Vacuumed well and that was the end of it!”


Any remedy for bedbugs will give good results if used correctly. Phenaxin is intended to combat adult insects and those with a low degree of spread. Manufacturers do not hide this. You can't expect miracles from him.

If the apartment is infested with bedbugs and it is unclear where they come from, it is better to use other drugs. is perfect . The drug is made in Germany and has a huge number of positive reviews.

How to get rid of bed bugs at home

Getting rid of bedbugs is a labor-intensive and lengthy process. Here are some recommendations that will simplify your work:

  • Try to find the source of infection. The choice of means and the effectiveness of the results depends on this.

  • When choosing a drug, consider the degree of contamination.

  • Products with greater effectiveness are more toxic and require the use of special suits and personal protective equipment.

  • If there are small children and animals in the house, preference should be given to less toxic drugs.

  • When disinfecting, you need to treat all furniture, floors, walls, and doorways.

  • Make cosmetic repairs - fix cracks in the walls, glue up wallpaper, and so on.

  • If such measures do not bring the desired results, then you need to seek help from special services for the control of harmful insects.

The medicine against bedbugs in the apartment must be used in compliance with all safety rules specified in the instructions. Otherwise, you may get poisoned.

Description, release form and composition

The manufacturer of the insecticide Fenaxin is the company Agrovit. The product itself is available in powder form, but there is another product from the same company on the market - Phenaxin Plus.

Moreover, the only difference between Phenaxin Plus and regular Phenaxin is that the former is available in the form of granules, not powder. There are practically no differences in effectiveness, although many buyers believe that Phenaxin Plus is more powerful than regular Phenaxin.

As mentioned earlier, this remedy is effective against various insects. Unfortunately, it is also harmful to beneficial insects, including bees, which should be kept in mind when using the product on agricultural plots.

Directly classic Phenaxin is effective against a huge number of insects, including the following species:

  • ants,
  • cockroaches,
  • mosquitoes, bedbugs,
  • ticks and midges,
  • mole crickets.

Due to its composition and release form, Phenaxin Plus is applicable only for the destruction of mole crickets. Why is that? The fact is that in the form of granules the product is not eaten by blood-sucking and some other insects, so Phenaxin Plus has practically no effect on them.

The powder does not require entry into the pest’s intestines; it simply sticks to the limbs and, due to its toxic effect, paralyzes the insect’s nervous system. By the way, Phenaxin Plus destroys mole crickets in the same way, that is, by paralyzing the functioning of the nervous system.

This insecticide is toxic not only to insects. If it gets on the mucous membranes or in the digestive system, severe poisoning may develop in people or animals.

Phenaxin is a fairly cheap insecticide. The average cost of 125 grams of the product is 35 rubles (as of the beginning of 2022).

You can purchase this drug in almost any store that sells protective equipment for the home, garden or vegetable garden. As a rule, in online stores the price for this product is lower (by about 5-10%).

Phenaxin Plus (200 grams) costs an average of 47 rubles, in online stores - about 38 rubles.

Clean house

  • Fenvalerate (0.35%) is the main active ingredient
  • Boric acid (0.25%) – auxiliary insecticide
  • Lubricating oil (2.5%) – ensures adhesion of the product to the legs of insects
  • Auxiliary fillers – kaolin, white soda, talc.

The action of the drug is aimed at damaging the nervous system of insects. Paralysis occurs due to contact of insects with the powder. This is followed by inevitable death.

Available in ready-made plastic bags. Packaging 100 and 200 grams for treatment of residential premises. It is possible to purchase packaging weighing up to 20 kg for agricultural needs. The drug is stored for one year.


Phenaxin cost

The drug Phenaxin not only has positive properties, but is also affordable. The product is distributed through a network of veterinary pharmacies and hardware stores. You can also purchase the powder at a market that sells industrial goods. The cost in Moscow depends on the weight and form of release.

Name Weight Price, rub.)
Phenaxin 125 mg 35–45
250 mg 75–97

Manuals, Instructions, Forms

How does it work"

"Phenaxin" against ants is used not only by apartment residents, but also by gardeners to save plantings. Before spraying the powder in the apartment, you need to determine the “path” along which insects walk. To do this you need to watch the ants. The powder is applied in a thin layer along the ant path. Most often, such places are cracks in doors, windows or floors.

To drive ants out of the garden, treat places where they accumulate: anthills, rotten stumps. Ants love to eat ripe berries, promote the spread of aphids and spread weed seeds. Termites can destroy a fruit tree or damage a wooden structure. Apply the powder to the soil around those plants where you most often see ants. Do not pour a mountain of product; a layer of 0.5 mm is enough. The procedure is carried out daily until the insects disappear completely.

The two-tailed insect (also known as the earwig and the “pincher”) is an unpleasant insect that can cause pain to humans and animals with a sharp bite. In addition, the two-tailed plant is dangerous for many garden and indoor plants. At the end of the body there are cerci that resemble small claws. Double-tailed plants start in damp rooms (perhaps you live on the first floor, and there is a flooded basement below you).

Insects enter the house through all possible loopholes. For Phenaxin from dvuhostok to work, spray the powder near the baseboards, treat thresholds, doorway lines, and window sills. Plug any existing cracks. The first result will be noticeable after a couple of hours. The procedure can be repeated after a week. Do not allow animals into the treated area.

One of the reasons for the appearance of “Prussians” in an apartment is lack of hygiene. However, these unscrupulous insects often live in panel and multi-storey buildings. They travel to neighboring apartments through holes in the walls for water pipes. Homes with a garbage disposal are especially at risk. A cockroach can often be found in the kitchen.

Phenaxin powder should be sprayed behind baseboards, near the trash can, in the sink, near openings for pipes and ventilation grilles. To treat horizontal surfaces, you need to prepare a solution: dissolve 5 g of insecticide in 100 g of water. In addition to using poison, try to keep the kitchen clean and do not leave food or crumbs on the table.

If you decide to use Phenaxin for mole crickets in the garden, look for a product called Phenaxin Plus. The drugs are not analogues. The release form, composition and method of application differ. The granules have a very attractive smell and taste for garden pests. 2 weeks before planting, you need to dig holes at a distance of 1 m from each other and pour 10 granules into them. Just 3 hours after eating the drug, the insect dies. The product provides protection against mole crickets for 14 days.

A universal remedy is always less effective than a narrowly targeted drug. To guarantee success in pest control, you need to use comprehensive methods. "Phenaxin" shows good results in eliminating insects from the house and garden.

Preparation for processing

Like any disinfestation, treatment must be carried out in the absence of people and pets. It is prohibited to treat minor children, pregnant and lactating women. People with skin sensitive to chemicals, allergies and asthmatics. Before starting treatment, carry out wet cleaning using a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth. Use a vacuum cleaner to collect any bedbugs you encounter, during the cleaning process you will find nests and be able to determine the overall infestation of the apartment. And treatment on a clean surface will remain effective longer than on dust.

  • Remove bedding, curtains and drapes and put them in the wash.
  • Remove carpets, paintings and other decorative items from the walls.
  • Move all the furniture away from the walls towards the center of the room, we will need the entire perimeter of the room.
  • Cover the aquarium and houseplants.
  • Pack dishes and food tightly in plastic bags or packaging film.
  • Cosmetics and personal hygiene products are also hermetically packaged.
  • Clothes are put away in the closet unless closet treatment is required.
  • We disassemble the bed: remove the mattress and turn over the frame.
  • We unfold the sofa.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you start using powder to kill bedbugs, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of this form of insecticide.

First, let's note the advantages of the product:

  • Availability - one of the most affordable insecticides is bedbug powder: where can you buy this product and how much does it cost? Various types of dusts are sold in hardware departments, the cost of one package depends on the type, the cheapest products cost about 20 rubles,
  • Two options for use are ways to use this remedy for bedbugs: the powder is simply scattered or diluted with water and used as a solution,
  • Prolongation - toxic components remain active for a long time. Therefore, one treatment will destroy the entire population of parasites, including new generations of larvae emerging from eggs.

Check out -

Disadvantages of the product:

  • Average effectiveness - for this bedbug remedy to work, the powder must fall on the legs or body of the insect, and the parasite must come into contact with it. For this reason, it is recommended to use dust (powder) against bedbugs when the degree of infestation of premises is low,
  • Not a very convenient way to use it. The poured powder cannot be removed for several days,
  • It is unsafe to work with dusts; you must protect your nose and mouth with a respirator; these substances are dangerous if inhaled.

Dust from bedbugs

How it works

The product Phenaxin is available in sachets of 100 and 200 g, which are respectively enough to treat 30, 60 sq. m area. Composition of Phenaxin against bedbugs:

  • fenvalerate 0.35% is an insecticide related to pyrethroids that affects the nervous system of insects;
  • boric acid 0.25% – auxiliary substance (acts on cockroaches);
  • oil 2.5% – is added for good adhesion of the poison to the paws of pests.

The active substance pyrethroid, getting on the legs and in the digestive tract of the insect, causes paralysis, as it acts on the nervous system, which leads to the death of the parasite. This poison is classified as not very toxic - class 3. Phenaxin powder against bedbugs is effective when their numbers in the room are low, when they have just begun to inhabit the apartment; it does not affect pest eggs. If there are a lot of bedbugs in the house, then it is better to use stronger poisonous agents.


Like all pyrethroid substances, Phenoxin affects bees and fish; this should be taken into account when using it in the house. The powder should not be poured near ponds, aquariums, or, when treating country houses, near an apiary.

Advantages and disadvantages of using Phenaxin

Reviews of Phenaxin for bedbugs confirm the advantages of this insecticide:

  • can be used in finished form (powder),
  • slight toxicity,
  • low price,
  • ease of use, you can do it yourself without inviting a special service,
  • unstable smell,
  • long-term effect of the substance is 1 month,
  • 2 hours after treatment you can enter the room.

Phenaxin powder
Disadvantages of using Phenaxin:

  • it is impossible to treat hard-to-reach places, it is difficult to apply on uneven surfaces, because the powder crumbles or is blown away by a draft,
  • Over time, bedbugs become resistant to Phenaxin; moreover, they do not move around the apartment as quickly as cockroaches, so they do not help infect their fellows,
  • phenaxin does not act on bedbug eggs,
  • cannot be used to treat sofas, upholstered furniture or
  • poisons insects only upon direct contact.

Bedbug treatment areas

The bug does not go far from its feeding place, which means we begin treatment at our resting place.

  • We treat the bed and sofa, everything and everywhere inside and out.
  • Mattress, seams, zippers, labels.
  • All bedside furniture, bedside tables and chest of drawers. Inside, from the bottom, the back wall and all the retractable elements.
  • Backs of carpets, paintings, photo frames, etc.
  • Places under the window sill and heating panel.
  • All the cracks in the floor and baseboards around the perimeter of the room.
  • Inspect the electronics, turn off the power in advance.
  • Check sockets and switches - also turn off the power in advance.
  • As a preventative measure, treat the ventilation shaft and entrance door frame; they may escape from neighbors.

A man is sitting in the kitchen. Suddenly a cockroach crawls out. Cockroach: Hey man, my son is having a wedding under the refrigerator. Be a friend and sprinkle some dichlorvos there for fun.

Upon completion of treatment, ventilate the room for an hour; the residual effect of the drug lasts up to 1 month. Leave the product in places inaccessible to children and animals for a month and then carry out general cleaning. Treat contact surfaces (tables, chairs, door handles, etc.) with soap or water-soda solution.

Does Phenaxin powder help against cockroaches?

For a long time now, humans have been waging an unequal battle with cockroaches.

Many drugs have been invented as a weapon to deter parasites. Phenaxin anti-cockroach powder has received positive reviews.

Description of the drug

"Phenaxin" is a product produced in powder form. It contains fenvaperate and boric acid. These are the leading components that cause death in pests.

ATTENTION. Do not confuse "Phenaxin" and "Phenaxin plus"

Both drugs are manufactured and used in the agricultural sector to exterminate mole crickets.

"Phenaxin" has a number of advantages:

  1. Does not cause harm to people or pets when used correctly.
  2. Does not cause a bad odor.
  3. Moderate price (40-45 rubles per 100 g).
  4. Easy to use.
  5. Long period of validity (1 month).

The drug also has some disadvantages:

  1. Does not have a harmful effect on cockroach eggs.
  2. It has a positive effect only with a small number of parasites in the room.
  3. May be addictive to cockroaches, so continuous use is not recommended.
  4. Kills insects only upon direct contact.
  5. Cannot be used in hard-to-reach places.
  6. Cannot be used for disinsection of furniture and clothing.

Instructions for use

REFERENCE. "Fenaxin" is sold in packages of 100 and 200 g. This is enough for disinfestation of 20 sq. m. area. Before starting work, you need to take care of the safety measures:

  1. Ensure that there are no children, pets, or aquarium fish in the room.
  2. Move ornamental plants, food products, and dishes to another place.
  3. Wear a protective suit, respirator, gloves, and special glasses.

Operation of the drug does not cause any difficulties. Anyone can follow the instructions.


  1. Pierce the packaging in the indicated places.
  2. Sprinkle the contents of the package in the form of a path where the cockroaches were (behind baseboards, near the trash can, cracks, holes, etc.).
  3. Wipe the contents of the room with a rag soaked in a soap-soda solution.
  4. Ventilate the room.
  5. After completing the procedure, you should wash thoroughly.
  6. Carry out other measures to combat cockroaches in parallel. For example, wash clothes, clean the room from crumbs and debris, etc.

Smoking is not allowed during disinfestation.

Care and caution are required to avoid contact with skin.

The drug remains effective for a month. If the number of parasites does not decrease, then their number is too large. In this case, you should use stronger means. It should be remembered that their chemical composition is not suitable for all residential premises.

Consumer Reviews

"Phenaxin" is perfectly applied to a flat surface. But cockroaches can appear anywhere. In a draft, the drug can fly around the room, which is very inconvenient. After use, the pests disappeared, but a month later they appeared again.

Maria, Abakan

I preferred this product because of the low price. "Phenaxin" is a good drug, but it is not suitable for people with a sensitive sense of smell. While I was pouring in the powder, I swallowed the smell and sneezed for an hour. But the cockroaches disappeared completely.

Olga, Cheboksary

We lived in a hostel for some time and came into contact with the problem of cockroaches. We decided not to put off resolving this issue for long. We purchased Phenaxin and completely treated the entire room. Returning a day later, we came across many dead cockroaches.

Konstantin, Chelyabinsk


"Phenaxin" is considered a budget option for exterminating cockroaches when there are small numbers of them. The desired effect is achievable only if the instructions for use are followed.

Useful video

How to get rid of cockroaches using traditional methods in the video below:

Description of the product

Manufacturer: Russian. The drug for cockroaches is available in the form of dust (powder).

Many sources erroneously indicate another form of Phenaxin - granules. “Agrovit” actually produces them, but they are intended to combat mole crickets.

The powder against cockroaches is white in color with small inclusions, without a pronounced odor. The product is sold:

  • for home use in polyethylene packages of 100-200 g;
  • for sanitary services in craft bags of 10-15-20 kg.

Danger to humans

The drug is not dangerous for the human body and pets. The structure of the pyrethroid group products is reminiscent of the natural insecticides found in chamomile.

Phenaxin poisons paralyze the nervous system of cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas and other domestic parasites, and this leads to the death of insects. This effect does not apply to humans and domestic animals. But when applying the powder, you need to protect your hands with rubber gloves, and it is better to remove pets from the room for a while, since Phenaxin can cause allergic reactions.

Important! Phenaxin is dangerous for fish. If there is an aquarium in the room, then it must be removed while the apartment is being treated.

The drug Phenaxin is quite affordable and widespread. You can buy it in almost every hardware store, pharmacy, and market. A bag weighing 100 gm costs between 30–45 rubles, depending on the place of purchase. Today there are many online stores where you can buy Phenaxin at a favorable discount.

Not only Phenaxin is on sale, but also Phenaxin Plus. These are two drugs with different purposes. The first is effective against bedbugs, cockroaches and other household pests, and the second is used to control agricultural pests and is produced in granules

When choosing a product, pay attention to its name.

User reviews

She lived in the village for a long time, and then moved to the city. The apartment went to a small family. Everything would be fine, but cockroaches... They advised me to buy Phenaxin. Excellent powder. Instantly got rid of an unpleasant neighborhood.

Svetlana. Saint Petersburg

It’s unclear where, but bedbugs appeared in the apartment. We tried different chemicals, but Phenaxin turned out to be the most effective. Only three treatments of the apartment, and it was as if there were no bedbugs. We recommend it to everyone, an effective powder. The Grishchenko family. Nizhny Novgorod

A comfortable life was ruined by a nightmare called cockroaches. They appeared everywhere: in the kitchen, in the pantry, and even snooped around the rooms. They advised me to buy Phenaxin. I bought it and was satisfied. Within two weeks the parasites were completely gone. More than six months have passed and they are gone!..

Alyona. Yekaterinburg city

How dangerous is it for humans?

Regarding the toxicity of the drug, it belongs to hazard class 3, which means that it is safe when used correctly. Components may cause allergic reactions. If you avoid direct contact with the skin, mucous membranes and respiratory tract, the treatment will not cause any problems. Also for animals, the main thing is to remove surfaces that are in direct contact. But for fish it is very dangerous and they need to be protected; it is better to take the aquarium out of the room.

Pros and cons of the drug

Each parasite repellent has its own advantages and disadvantages that need to be taken into account when purchasing.

Phenaxin has the following advantages:

  • Sold ready-made
  • Low toxic,
  • Low cost
  • Easy to use,
  • Does not have a strong odor
  • Valid for one month
  • After treating the room, you can go there within two hours.


  • Frequent use can cause addiction in the insect, which leads to the development of resistance to the drug and its ineffectiveness,
  • Hard-to-reach places are treated poorly
  • Does not affect insect eggs
  • Effective only in places where they accumulate,

Controlling pests indoors is not an easy task. You have to experiment with different kinds of drugs and remedies. But the effect from them is not always positive. Only through trial and error can you choose the right product to help get rid of insects in your home. But it should be remembered that the treatment of the premises must also include the treatment of the things located there. This is the only way to achieve complete destruction of parasites.

Fleas appeared in the country house, since I rarely go there, I noticed only when there were a lot of them. I had to quickly decide something; I didn’t want to spend the night with them. Since the dacha is located far from the city, I had to go to the neighbors, who gave me Phenaxin. I won’t say that the product was super helpful, but most of the parasites disappeared. I'll use it again in a couple of weeks, maybe the effect will be better. Maria

Efficiency of dusts

According to the author of this article, most of the dusts on the market are very effective and are quite suitable for mass use, however, the effectiveness drops significantly if the room is not subject to banal hygiene standards, i.e. it is simply damp and dirty. If, after treatment, conditions favorable for the life of insects remain in the room, then soon another one will take the place of the extinct population; but it can be even worse, since the few surviving insects can reproduce, spreading their set of genes to the entire population, which can make it more resistant to the remedy that was used previously. Trite, but important.

Thus, if you keep the room clean, you can achieve high efficiency from almost any product, but each of them has its own mechanism of action, which should be understood when processing. Below, using examples of several means, this issue will be discussed.

Instructions for use

To be able to get rid of bedbugs, you need to know how to use dust correctly. There are two ways to do this. First, scatter the powder, second, dilute with water and treat the surfaces with the solution.

It is not individual areas or pieces of furniture that need to be treated, but the entire apartment. Before processing, you need to remove food, pack small items in bags, and take children and animals to another room.

After this, spread the powder evenly with a sponge or large brush.

Particular attention should be paid to upholstered furniture, window sills, and baseboards. If a solution is used, it is applied from a spray bottle

When the liquid dries, a toxic layer will remain on the surfaces, which will have a poisonous effect.

After treatment, the apartment is left closed for several hours, after which it is ventilated and cleaned. In places where access is difficult, it is better to leave the powder, dust soap or other product for several days. After a week or a week and a half, it is advisable to repeat the treatment: this will help destroy the offspring of bloodsuckers. If the instructions for using dust from bedbugs are followed, the insects can be quickly exterminated.

Safety of powder use

The powder will show its activity within a month, and during this period it is necessary to limit access to treated areas for children and pets. Fish are highly susceptible to the effects of the product; during treatment, the aquarium must be tightly covered.

Tips for working safely with Phenaxin are as follows:

  • When processing, wear protective clothing, a mask (respirator), goggles and gloves.
  • Remove children, animals, elderly people, and pregnant women from the premises
  • Avoid the presence of allergy sufferers and asthmatics in the apartment
  • Remove indoor plants from home before treatment
  • Close the dishes, kettle, toothbrushes tightly in bags, put the food in the refrigerator
  • After treatment, take a shower and wash clothes
  • Do not allow contact with skin, mucous membranes, eyes, do not swallow or inhale the drug

Attention: If the product enters the body, drink as much water as possible, take enterosorbent, and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

Instructions for use

The procedure for carrying out disinsection treatment of premises is regulated by the instructions. The bag of powder is pierced in the places indicated on the package. The powder is poured through the punctures into the habitats of the parasites. The procedure for processing the premises is as follows:

  1. Before using the powder, places where cockroaches, bedbugs and other pests accumulate are determined, their nests and egg laying are identified.
  2. Phenaxin is applied to every place in the room where parasites can live: floors, thresholds, baseboards, heating and sewer openings, ventilation inlets. Particular attention is paid to hard-to-reach corners of the room, crowded with furniture.
  3. Facing surfaces, door frames, walls, areas under paintings and carpets are carefully processed.
  4. Be sure to pour the powder between the walls of upholstered furniture, under mattresses and in areas of loose wallpaper.

The properties of Phenaxin last for a month, reviews of people who have already used the drug confirm this. Approximately 10 hours after applying the powder, the treated surfaces are thoroughly washed with water adding soda and detergents.

The most effective remedies and poisons for cockroachesXulat C25 and Xulat micro for bedbugs: instructions for use, reviewsElectronic fumigator - a device for exterminating insectsFufanon: instructions for use, composition and properties

In hard-to-reach places, the drug can be left for a longer period. After treatment, the room must be ventilated for an hour. Things and bedding in the room should be boiled before treatment, as bedbug larvae may remain in them.

Repeated treatment should be carried out after two weeks, since during this period a new population of parasites appears from the remaining eggs. Before using Phenaxin, you must wear rubber gloves and a cotton-gauze bandage to avoid direct contact with the drug.

Benefits when used against insects

Like any chemical against bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches and other household pests, Phenaxin has certain advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages of the drug include:

  • Phenaxin powder is completely ready for use and does not require preliminary preparation.
  • The affordable price ensures the availability of the drug to every consumer. In the line of drugs for domestic insects, Phenaxin is one of the cheapest.
  • Disinsection work can be carried out independently without the involvement of workers from specialized services.
  • The versatility of the powder. When used indoors, not only cockroaches and bedbugs die, but also fleas, flies and other blood-sucking insects.
  • No strong odor. After treating the room, an unpleasant odor remains, but it completely disappears due to ventilation.
  • Fast action. After treating the room with drugs, you can be in it within a few hours.
  • Throughout the month, Phenaxin retains its active effect.
  • The composition can be stored for a year, and at the same time it does not lose its chemical characteristics.

Cons of Phenaxin

But at the same time as the effectiveness of Phenaxin, reviews of the powder indicate some disadvantages:

  • there is no guarantee that the drug will ensure complete destruction of parasites,
  • phenaxin does not pose any danger to bedbug eggs and after a while new offspring will hatch from them,
  • the result is guaranteed only if the powder gets on the legs or body of the insect,
  • Do not apply the product to upholstered furniture, toys and clothing,
  • It is quite difficult to apply powder on uneven surfaces, and it blows off the floor even with the slightest draft,
  • phenaxin is not a poison capable of destroying large populations of bedbugs; it is effective only in rooms where the number of insects is small.

The development of resistance by insects to the active substance is the main disadvantage of the drug Phenaxin. Reviews from people who have repeatedly treated premises with this drug indicate that disinfestation must be carried out comprehensively

This is especially important for apartment buildings or hotels. Only complete treatment of entire buildings will provide the expected effect

How to use it correctly

It is necessary to apply the product in those places where the activity of cockroaches is most noticeable; hard-to-reach places are also treated. Since you will be working with a toxic substance, it is imperative to follow safety precautions and use protective equipment.

In order for the use of phenaxin to bring maximum effect, it is necessary to properly prepare the room and treat the necessary surfaces. It is necessary to carry out measures after treatment.

You can hear about this processing method, when a solution is prepared from powder and surfaces are treated with it. It is worth saying that this preparation is not intended for preparing a solution, and contact with water significantly reduces the effect of the insecticide.

Preparing the premises

A very important step when carrying out any disinfestation is the preparation of the premises; you will need:

  • Move all the furniture away from the walls, so we get access to the baseboards;
  • Cabinets in which processing is planned are completely emptied;
  • Be sure to hide all food products, they are packed in sealed bags or containers, dishes and all kitchen utensils are also hidden;
  • Clear surfaces of unnecessary objects;
  • Next, be sure to sweep, remove all cobwebs and carry out wet cleaning.


There should be no people or animals in the apartment during the procedure, only the person who carries out the treatment remains. If you have an aquarium, it is better to take it out; if this is not possible, be sure to cover it.


Working with the drug is prohibited for people suffering from allergies, asthma and those who have increased sensitivity to chemicals.

All procedures are carried out only using protective equipment. It is necessary to wear long-sleeved pants and a jacket, and be sure to use rubber gloves, safety glasses, and a respirator.

It is necessary to pay attention to the baseboards, under cabinets, behind the radiator, near the window frame. Furniture, door frames, ventilation holes are processed. In the toilet and bathroom, corners, pipes, and under the sink need to be treated. Monitor the behavior of cockroaches, mark for yourself the places where you notice them most often, and also track where they run away after turning on the light.

Post-treatment procedures

Take off protective equipment and clothing, wash your hands with soap, wash, rinse your mouth, take a shower, work clothes should be washed. Leave the premises for several hours. Upon return, ventilate the room well. Next, you need to carry out wet cleaning using soda and soap; for this we dilute the components in water. It is good to rinse those surfaces that are accessible to humans and animals. The product should only remain in hard-to-reach places. Clean with gloves. Remember that the drug is dangerous to human and animal health.

Principle of action on bedbugs

Another important question is what effect the powder has on bedbugs. To combat these insects you need a contact dust. When the powder hits the body of the bug, it immediately begins its work. The chitinous shell of the parasite is corroded, its nervous system is damaged, and the bloodsucker dies. After penetrating the parasite’s body, the active components poison it within a few seconds.

The use of intestinal dust for these insects is not advisable. They are bloodsuckers, so they physically cannot eat dry food.

Advantages and disadvantages

Bloodsuckers multiply very quickly, so the fight against them cannot be delayed. The main question of interest to the owners of affected apartments is whether dust helps against bedbugs. This tool has enough advantages:

  1. The active substances act for a long time, during which bed bugs continue to die.
  2. The product is stored for a long time and practically does not lose its properties.
  3. As confirmed by reviews of dust from bedbugs, this drug can also kill other insects: ants, cockroaches.
  4. Dust costs several times less than other chemicals.

Dust powder for bedbugs also has disadvantages. First of all, it is an unpleasant odor that slowly dissipates. And also, insects die only if their paws themselves fall into the poison. Because of this, treatment for bedbugs may take longer.

Another disadvantage of the drug is its high toxicity.

It is dangerous for people and animals, so care must be taken during processing.

Analogs from other manufacturers

Dusts from domestic and imported manufacturers, based on chemical and natural insecticides, are available for sale. They differ in their active component, effectiveness, and degree of danger to humans and animals.

  • Pyrethrum. It is produced on the basis of the natural insecticide pyrethrin, which is obtained from Caucasian chamomile. The action lasts for a maximum of 2 hours.
  • Super Fas. The drug acts similarly to Phenaxin. Retains properties for up to 2 months. Massive death of cockroaches occurs within 2 weeks.
  • Dust Clean House.
  • Thiuram. An effective product based on a fast-acting insecticidal substance. It is quite dangerous for humans, so it is used when the premises are heavily infested. Strict adherence to instructions is required.

The price of analogues is from 20 rubles. up to 1000 rub.

Phenaxin, like any dust, acts only after contact with insects. If the drug is placed in the wrong place, the desired result may not occur. In the bathroom, you need to renew the protective layer every 14 days, since the powder loses its properties in a humid room.

The most popular brands of dusts

Manufacturers offer a variety of brands of powdered products; here are descriptions of the most popular dusts.


Popular type of dust. Ideal for disinfecting upholstered furniture as it does not leave marks on the upholstery. The drug remains active for a long time; it is recommended to leave it for three weeks. Such a long period of activity makes it possible to destroy the entire population of parasites in one treatment.


A drug created for the needs of the army. Klopoveron is a powerful synthetic insecticide that instantly destroys parasites. Its disadvantage is the high price.


Bifenthrin is a powder against bedbugs from the group of pyrethroids and is an insecticide with enteric contact action.

Can be used against:

  • bedbugs,
  • fleas,
  • cockroaches

Bifenthrin affects the insect's nervous system, causing agitation, paralysis and death. The product has low toxicity for warm-blooded creatures.



A popular drug is bedbug powder Phenaxin. Dust is approved for use in apartments, hotels, kindergartens, sanatoriums, canteens and other public places. The product contains fenvalerate and boric acid. It is recommended to use dust to combat flightless synanthropic insects. This bedbug powder is odorless, so its use does not cause discomfort to residents.



One of the most famous means for combating bedbugs is Karbofos. This is an effective insecticide that is not addictive to insects. Destroys larvae and adults, does not damage egg laying. Therefore, several treatments are required.

The product is sold in the form of:

  • ready solution,
  • powder, which is diluted with water before application.

The last option is good because the dry preparation has a longer shelf life than the ready-made solution.

It should be noted that Karbofos bedbug powder has mixed reviews; consumers note that the drug effectively destroys insects, but has an extremely unpleasant, persistent odor and does not dissipate for several days after treatment.


– anti-bedbug powder of plant origin. The raw materials for it are the inflorescences of Dalmatian chamomile. This product is absolutely safe for warm-blooded organisms, including humans. Therefore, you can even sprinkle the powder on bed linen.

The disadvantage of the product is its instability. The active substances that cause the death of insects last only a few hours. Therefore, treatment must be carried out every 1-2 days.

The drug is recommended to be used in combination with other insecticides, using Pyrethrum to treat sleeping furniture, clothing, or for preventive treatment.


Typhoon is an anti-bedbug powder based on imidacloprid. This is a pesticide with enteric contact action, used to combat synanthropic insects.

The dust remains active for 5 days after application, then the treatment will need to be repeated.


This is an odorless bedbug powder recommended for preventive use. The product is not very effective, since it retains its toxic properties for only a few hours.

Clean house

Under the “Clean House” brand, a whole line of products for the destruction of parasitic insects is produced.

One of the options is Clean House - powder for bedbugs, reviews of this drug are mostly good. Consumers note its effectiveness and the absence of a pungent odor.

Powder composition

The product is available in powder or granular form. Active substances that help get rid of insects are:

  • pyrethroid fenvalerate;
  • boric acid.

Fenvalerate has an intestinal contact effect and belongs to the peretroid group of drugs. Boric acid also has poisonous properties and a pungent odor. Phenaxin contains excipients - lubricating oil, talc, soot. The oil is not a toxic substance, but it helps the poison stick to the legs of ants and spread among insects.

Fighting ants

"Phenaxin" against ants is used not only by apartment residents, but also by gardeners to save plantings. Before spraying the powder in the apartment, you need to determine the “path” along which insects walk. To do this you need to watch the ants. The powder is applied in a thin layer along the ant path. Most often, such places are cracks in doors, windows or floors.

To drive ants out of the garden, treat places where they accumulate: anthills, rotten stumps. Ants love to eat ripe berries, promote the spread of aphids and spread weed seeds. Termites can destroy a fruit tree or damage a wooden structure. Apply the powder to the soil around those plants where you most often see ants. Do not pour a mountain of product; a layer of 0.5 mm is enough. The procedure is carried out daily until the insects disappear completely.

How to use Phenaxin against bedbugs

It is recommended to use Phenaxin for treating premises at the rate of 5 g per 1 sq. m. m in two possible ways:

  • the powder scatters in the areas where bedbugs live - to do this, just pierce the bag at the marked points and spray through the holes;
  • Treat areas where insects accumulate with an aqueous solution using a spray bottle.

Before you start using Phenaxin, you should carefully inspect the places where bedbugs are found. These are cracks in furniture, mattresses on the bed, the floor under the bed, baseboards around the perimeter of the room. During treatment, the powder or solution is applied directly to these areas. The effect of Phenaxin lasts almost 1 month, so pets and small children should not be allowed into such places.

10 hours after successful application, dead pests should be collected and burned. The room must be well ventilated and wet cleaned. Since Phenaxin does not act on bedbug eggs, it is recommended to re-treat it after 10-14 days, when the next generation appears.


Phenaxin and Phenaxin Plus should not be confused; they have completely different purposes. The first is used to combat domestic parasites, and the second – against garden parasites (mole crickets, etc.).

Mechanism of action on bedbugs

The active component of the drug has a nerve-paralytic effect on blood suckers. When a bug gets on the body, it causes paralysis, and the pest does not have long to live. In addition, the bug carries poison into the colony and infects its relatives. The poison works for a long time and the substance applied to the surface continues to fight living creatures for up to a month.

Phenaxin belongs to the third class of toxicity, and if there are few insects in the house, it can cope with them. In case of severe infestation, it is better to choose another remedy for bedbugs. This is due to the fact that, unlike the nimble cockroach, the bedbug is a sedentary creature. It moves slowly, so there is no guarantee that the poison will get into the nest.

It should be taken into account that the female takes care of the offspring and lays eggs in inconspicuous places, for example, under a mattress or in the upholstery of upholstered furniture. Typically, such masonry is not exposed to powder at all. Therefore, Phenaxin does not kill bedbug eggs, which are also protected by a dense shell.

What to do in case of poisoning

The cockroach repellent Phenaxin is classified as class 4 of low-hazard substances and is safe when used correctly, but if you ignore the instructions, poisoning is possible.

  • if the powder gets into the respiratory tract, the victim must be provided with access to oxygen, given water or a soda solution to rinse the mouth;
  • if the product gets on the skin, wash it off with running water;
  • If the powder gets into the mucous membranes of the eyes, you should rinse them with water and drip Albucid or Novocaine.

Preventing and treating bites

After sleepless nights and itchy bites, one question is spinning in my head: “What to anoint the body with so that bedbugs don’t bite?” There are such means. Insects do not like strong odors. Alcohol repels well. Before going to bed, you can spray your body with your favorite perfume or cologne.

Essential oils and plant tinctures are perfect for these purposes.

What to do if the bites have already covered the body? Medicine for bedbugs is sold in every pharmacy. Bepanten, Fenistil gel, Psilo-balm, Elidel have proven themselves. The products are suitable for use by adults and children. If you experience a severe allergic reaction to insect bites, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Features of the insecticide Phenaxin

5 advantages of using Phenaxin powder:

  1. Convenient packaging helps to spray the dust sparingly, in the correct concentration.
  2. The multicomponent composition provides a quick effect plus a wide halo of damage.
  3. Substances of low toxicity and optimally selected concentrations allow you to return to the treated room within 2-3 hours after etching.
  4. Valid for up to 4 months after spraying.
  5. Product with an indistinguishable odor, non-allergenic.

A successful first treatment clears the area of ​​the most common parasites in the form of young or mature individuals. And in order to destroy cockroaches that hatch later, the procedure should be repeated after 3-4 weeks.

  • after 4 treatments, the effectiveness begins to decrease - each new generation of cockroaches develops resistance to chemicals;
  • It is convenient to treat all surfaces with powder, but removing dust residues from carpets and upholstered furniture is not easy;
  • the drug does not affect eggs and larvae, so re-treatment after 1-2 months is not necessary.

This is a two-component production product, Russian Federation. Phenaxin cockroach powder is packaged in 125 g and 10-20 kg. Shelf life: 1 year. The recommended consumption rate (5 g/m²) will allow you to treat the area of ​​1 room apartment with 1 pack.

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