Instructions for using the Fufanon insecticide for treating plants

The insectoacaricide Fufanon is today the most popular pesticide for agricultural and household use throughout the world. Fufanon is sold in packaging ranging from 2 ml ampoules to railway tanks and wagons. The popularity of Fufanon is due to the following. its advantages:

  1. Low cost;
  2. Effective against almost all insects and herbivorous mites;
  3. Increased effectiveness in hot weather, which is characteristic of few inexpensive insecticides;
  4. In a neutral environment it is relatively weakly active, but sharply increases toxicity in an alkaline or acidic environment and, especially, under the influence of enzymes of the affected objects, i.e. in the body of insects and mites;
  5. Speed ​​of action – waiting time for protective action is 0.5-3 hours;
  6. Almost complete absence of translaminar activity and, as a consequence, phytotoxicity;
  7. As a consequence of point 4 - Fufanon is compatible in tank mixtures with most fertilizers and pesticides;
  8. To date, no long-term consequences from the correct use of Fufanon have been noted.

The disadvantages of Fufanon are generally common to most insecticides of the FOS class (see below):

  • Causes resistance of pests, therefore it should be used in alternation from year to year with preparations on a different chemical basis;
  • As a mutagen for warm-blooded animals, it has a pronounced threshold of action, so strict adherence to precautions during work, dosages and regulations for use is mandatory!
  • Highly toxic to bees and fish;
  • It has a strong unpleasant odor and/or taste, so the applicability of Fufanon on fruit and berry crops is limited.

Precautionary measures

The ADI (permissible daily intake into the human body) and MAC (maximum permissible concentration) in soil for malathion are quite high: ADI = 0.3 mg per 1 kg of body weight, and MAC = 0.2 mg per 1 kg of soil.
Maximum concentration limit of karbofos in water of reservoirs is 0.05 mg/m3. dm. This is resp. 300, 200 and 83 times more than for one having approx. the same effect of cypermethrin and its preparations, for example. very popular Inta-Vir. However, the volatility of malathion is also much higher: the concentration of its saturated vapor in the air is 2.26 mg/m3. m at +20 degrees, 5.6 mg/cu. m at 30 degrees and 13.37 mg/cu. m at 40 degrees. MPC of malathion in the air of the working area (operator in PPE) 0.05 mg/cu. m, and in normal atmospheric air (people without PPE) 0.015 mg/cu. m. Calculate for yourself how many people can suffer from thoughtless handling of Fufanon and karbofos: this is useful for understanding the essence of safety rules when working with pesticides. Considering these factors and that working in Fufanon often occurs in the heat, and also that special insulating PPE with one-sided vapor permeability is very expensive, it is better for a small owner to use Fufanon in PPE constructed similarly to that for cypermethrin, with one exception:

  • On the body - ordinary work clothes.
  • On your feet - leather shoes.
  • On your hands - protective gloves with high gauntlets for working with pesticides.
  • For the respiratory system - a petal respirator. It is better to apply a 3-4 layer gauze bandage soaked in a weak solution of baking soda on it. As it dries, the bandage should be moistened with the same solution, extending beyond the working area.
  • On top of level 1 equipment is a plastic raincoat down to the toes with a hood with an elastic band.
  • On top of the cape is a head cap or helmet with a transparent face shield covering the head to the ears or beyond.

The purpose of all this rather curious-looking ammunition is to prevent direct contact of the drug vapor with the grease on the body: karbofos is highly soluble in it.

The time spent working with Fufanon in homemade PPE should be limited to 2 hours. While working, you must not eat, drink or smoke. If the slightest signs of illness appear, you should immediately stop working and consult a doctor. We emphasize: at the slightest sign of discomfort! Symptoms of karbofos poisoning develop slowly: after taking a lethal dose, respectively. outcome without treatment occurs within 30 minutes - 72 hours. The obvious symptoms of Fufanon poisoning are:

  1. Uncontrolled digestive tract disorders: vomiting, diarrhea.
  2. Dyspnea.
  3. Cyanosis (blue discoloration of the skin).
  4. Hypertension (increased blood pressure) – lethargy, heaviness in the head.
  5. Miosis is constriction of the pupils.

If the drug gets on the body, it should be washed off with water and the affected areas wiped with a cotton swab moistened with a solution of 1-2 tbsp. l. baking soda per liter of water. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them under running water. If ingested, take 2-3 activated carbon powder with a glass of water, then another 2-3 glasses of water and induce vomiting. After providing self-help, you should also consult a doctor without delay.

Security zones when working with Fufanon are:

  • For water sources and people – 50 m.
  • For residential buildings – 15 m.
  • For open reservoirs – 1.5 km.
  • Apiaries for Fufanon Nova – 6 km, Fufanon KE – 3 km.
  • Restriction of bees' flight accordingly. 96 and 72 hours.

Purpose of the drug

The drug fufanon is used to kill insects that live in human homes and pests that eat vegetables, fruits and berries. The product has a detrimental effect on them:

  • With direct contact;
  • If the product is inhaled during spraying;
  • If it enters the stomach of an insect along with sprayed fruits.

Fufanon effectively fights the following insects:

  • Homoptera;
  • Fleas;
  • Coleoptera;
  • Mosquitoes;
  • Lepidoptera;
  • Locust;
  • Diptera;
  • Weevils;
  • Ticks;
  • Red ants;
  • Street and house flies;
  • Bed bugs;
  • Mol.

Fufanon is one of the most low-toxic drugs in its class.

History, appearance, principle of operation

The product was developed in the early 1940s by the American company American Cyanamid Company to kill insect pests and belongs to the class of organophosphorus compounds. It was called "Maloton". After some time, the substance was synthesized in the USSR.

The drug can be found on store shelves under the following names:

  • Maloton,
  • Karbofos,
  • Fufanon,
  • Malathion.

Fufanon is a colorless, odorless, oily liquid. The substance dissolves in water, but not completely, however, it dissolves well in organic high-molecular solvents (646, acetone). But most often the drug goes on sale in the form of a powder impregnated with an active pesticide (although it can be found in liquid form in ampoules or vials).

The active ingredient of fufanon is dimethyldithiophosphoric acid. Once in the body of insects, it is processed into malaoxon, which interferes with their metabolism and disrupts the functioning of the nervous system of the parasites. Subsequently, the pests die.

1- Spider mite 2- Weevil 3- Garden moth 4- Aphid. Fufanon will save you from all these pests

Chemical structure and action

Chemically, karbofos is an ester of dithiophosphoric acid, i.e. it contains active sulfur. This is due to the increased activity of the drug at temperatures above +25 degrees Celsius.

The structural formula of karbofos (malathion) and its spatial model are shown on the left in Fig. Pure malathion is a colorless oily liquid with a nasty odor that sticks to a certain surface better than sunflower oil and makes it non-wettable. This is why malathion initially found application in ore flotation.

Chemical formula and scheme of action of karbofos

Pure malathion is not very toxic and is easily neutralized by weak alkalis (eg, soda ash solution). But its solubility in water (145 mg/l) is sufficient to obtain a pronounced contact effect on pests, and good solubility in organic solvents enhances the penetration of the substance into the body of gnawing and sucking insects. When they feed, they are inevitably smeared with plant juice, and it always contains aldehydes, alcohols, ketones and other substances in which malathion dissolves well.

In the pest's body, malathion is firstly broken down according to the diagram at the top right in Fig. for very toxic esters of thiosuccinic and fumaric acids and the salt of dimethylthiophosphoric acid. The protective and digestive enzymes of the target in this case do him a disservice. It is difficult to obtain these poisons in the laboratory; they are very dangerous for all animals and quickly disintegrate in air. And so – the pest prepares a deadly poison for itself from moderately toxic raw materials.

Secondly, if the pest is an insect, in its body under certain conditions a specific reaction of malathion hydrolysis occurs according to the diagram at the bottom right in Fig. Its product, malaoxon, is an even stronger and more persistent poison for insects. This explains the different periods of protective action of Fufanon in different cases: on ticks in the open air for 5 days, on insects in the same place for 7 days, and in rooms where the lighting is weak and daily temperature fluctuations are small, up to 21 days.

Note: the contact activity of malathion is still much weaker than the intestinal one, therefore Fufanon against sucking pests is most effective against heat-loving species with thin integuments, for example. aphids, see video:

Video: Fufanon against aphids

Three ends of one stick

Malaoxone is not only a poison for insects, but also a mutagen. Among the surviving mutants, they are resistant to both malathion and all OPCs. In this case, it is possible to eliminate the resistant population 100% only by leaving the land fallow for 2-3 years and using preventive treatments with pesticides on a different chemical basis: carbamates, pyrethroids, neonicotinoids.

Until recently, it was believed that the breakdown products of karbofos in warm-blooded animals were slightly toxic and did not damage their DNA. But in recent years it has been discovered that under certain conditions, both a certain amount of malaoxone and dithiophosphate, which is highly toxic to vertebrates, are formed.

The conclusion from here is trivial for all pesticides: do not exceed dosages and do not experiment on your own with the regulations for use!

How to use Fufanon against bedbugs

Like other insecticides, Fufanon has a high degree of toxicity, so if used incorrectly it can cause considerable harm to health. Work with the insecticide must be carried out extremely carefully, and the use of gloves and a protective mask is mandatory.

Depending on the type of prepared solution, you should choose the method of its application. When you make a concentrated composition, it is best to apply it with a soft brush, but a diluted aqueous solution of Fufanon is best sprayed on interior items and furniture.

The following areas of the room must be treated:

  • walls and floors around the perimeter of the room - in the smallest cracks and cracks, as well as under baseboards and thresholds, bedbug colonies are usually located, so these areas require high-quality treatment,
  • hard-to-reach places - radiators and ventilation, pipe joints and connecting strips of doors and windows, where eggs can often be found,
  • pieces of furniture - the inside of sofas and armchairs, walls and connections of drawers in cabinets, wall shelves and floor cabinets. Soft coverings should be washed, non-removable parts should be vacuumed, and then treated with a solution.

In cases where it is undesirable to spray an item - for example, the upholstery on a chair is made of the finest fabric or the furniture covering is too delicate - you can freeze these items. This method is good for winter time; it is enough to take the items out onto the balcony or leave the doors and windows open for 1-1.5 hours. At temperatures below -22 degrees, all living organisms, including bedbugs, die.

To protect yourself from negative aspects when using Fufanon, it is important to follow basic precautions:

  • It is worth preparing the solution and spraying in old home clothes; after the event, all things should be washed with powder,
  • To protect the eyes, it is recommended to use special glasses, and a respirator or gauze bandage will help prevent microparticles of the drug from entering the respiratory system,
  • It is strictly forbidden to eat, drink or smoke in the treated area, since insecticide droplets sprayed into the air can enter the body,
  • When carrying out treatment against bedbugs, people and pets should be removed from the rooms; it is best to install indoor plants near open windows and doors.

Such simple tips will help minimize the harm from the toxic solution and treat the room as quickly and efficiently as possible.


Where to buy fufanon and its average price

Fufanon-Nova is a type of fufanon, differing from it in the concentration of the active substance. Fufanon-Nova is known not only for its fast action and high efficiency, but also for its lower toxicity and, most importantly, the absence of a strong odor, which is characteristic of ordinary Fufanon. That is why this drug is very popular for controlling bedbugs, since it can be used indoors. This drug is produced in completely different forms: both in ampoules and in 5-liter canisters.

Fufanon can be found and purchased at any gardening store that sells poisons and fertilizers for the garden. You can find Fufanon in vials, ampoules and canisters. The price of the drug will depend on this. The price of this drug in a bottle is from 100 to 200 rubles, and you can buy a canister for about 3,500 rubles.

“Fufanon” contains derivatives of dithiophosphoric acid. The active ingredient is an improved form of malathion, an organophosphorus compound used to exterminate parasitic insects and disinfestate premises. Thanks to the various fragrances included in the drug, the product has a less pungent odor.

REFERENCE: The drug “Fufanon” is an analogue of the popular remedy for bedbugs “Karbofos”. The main difference is less toxicity.

Release forms:

  • Ampoules, volume 5 ml,
  • Bottles, volume 10 ml,
  • Canisters with a volume of 1 and 5 liters (for disinfestation of large areas).

There are two solution concentrations: 44 and 57%. The choice of concentration is determined by the degree of contamination of the room. The product is produced by Keminova-Agro (Denmark). Analogue products from other manufacturers are fake. The product can be purchased at veterinary pharmacies and household chemical stores.

Active substance malathion 440 g/l and aqueous emulsion.

The solution has a highly soluble oily structure, light color, weak odor, and cloudy. Its effect lasts for fourteen days. "Fufanon-nova" penetrates the gastrointestinal tract, paralyzes the insect, and the pest dies. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the date of production.

The anti-bed bug drug Karbofos is similar in components and action.

"Fufanon-nova" is moderately dangerous for people and animals (hazard class 3), but very dangerous for fish and bees

The drug is quite strong, you need to use it very carefully, taking all precautions to protect your health, the health of your children and your beloved pets.

Experts speak about the drug as follows:

  1. Ivan Smirnov, exterminator: “If the room is slightly infested with bedbugs and if you are fighting them on your own, I would advise using a less aggressive means of the fourth hazard class. Fufanon-nova has a higher hazard class, which increases the risk of poisoning. Drugs of the fourth hazard class are less harmful and do not have a strong effect when they come into contact with things and objects. But if you are determined to solve the problem once and for all, and are confident in your abilities, then use Fufanon-nova. Be sure to use gloves, a respirator, safety glasses and be patient. Fufanon-nova is odorless, effective and is a good means of pest control.”
  2. Elena Gavrilova, specialist at the sanitary and epidemiological station: “With repeated use of Fufanon-nova, larvae and bedbugs may develop an addiction to the components of the drug. Because of this, it will be almost impossible to get rid of pests. To prevent bedbugs from becoming accustomed to the drug, Fufanon-nova should be alternated with other pest control agents. The treatment should be carried out no more than once a month, but it is better to call specialists.”

The drug can be purchased at flower shops that sell special fertilizers and chemicals for pest control, in specialized stores or departments. The easiest option is to order from an online store.

For a standard package of 6.5 ml of product per 5 liters of water, the price ranges from 20 to 27 rubles.

Preparative forms

“Simple” smelly Fufanon is produced in the form of an EC emulsion concentrate with an active ingredient content of 570 g/l. Its danger class for humans and bees is the same: 3rd, which is explained by the strong smell that repels pollinators. The smell of the drug can remain in juicy fruits, even if the MRL (maximum permissible level) of malathion is observed in them, therefore “simple” Fufanon EC is used mainly on grains, industrial crops and against stock pests. In the garden and in the garden, “simple” Fufanon is applicable in hot, dry summers, provided that the degree of pest damage to plants is not higher than average.

Insectoacaricide Fufanon Nova

The drug Fufanon Nova has been developed for household plots in the form of an aqueous emulsion of VE with an active ingredient content of 440 g/l. Thanks to a specially selected isomer composition, this drug does not smell. Fufanon Nova is available in ampoules of 2 and 6.5 g, see fig. on the right, which is convenient for dosing the drug.

See the presentation video about Fufanon Nova below:

Video: about Fufanon Nova

However, due to the lack of odor, the hazard class of Fufanon Nova for bees became 1st and its use during the flowering period of honey plants is strictly prohibited. The ban is not only formal: some of the affected bees manage to return to base before they die. An average beekeeper can determine from the dance of the bees the direction of summer and the distance to the bribe site, and he will have every reason to charge the careless gardener the cost of the lost apiary + compensation for losses + moral damages.

Note: the registration period for Fufanon drugs in the Russian Federation expires in the period from 2024 to 2027 and, most likely, will be extended.

Super or Nova?

Fufanon preparations for bedbugs, cockroaches, mosquitoes and ants

Fufanon Super is also available for sale, but you need to look for it not in agricultural stores, but in ordinary hardware stores: Fufanon Super is a remedy for synatropic insects - parasites, bloodsuckers and parasites. The composition and absolutely all properties of Fufanon Super are identical to Fufanon Nova. This is the same drug in different packaging: without a catchy verbal additive in ampoules of 5 ml, or in bottles from 200 ml to 1 l, see fig. on right. There is only one difference: Fufanon Super is not an agricultural product and is not certified as an agrochemical product.

Note: the hazard class of all Fufanon preparations for fish and aquatic organisms is 1st (deadly).

Is Super to blame?

The dosages of the Fufanon Super insecticide are indicated on the packaging and its insert, but since this is not an agricultural drug, but a household one, they are not instructions for use, but a warning as a safety measure. Hence the complaints: I sprayed Fufanon (imidacloprid, Aktara, Actellik, Inta-Vir, etc.), and they only became more numerous.

The fact is that synatropic insects are organizationally, so to speak, much higher than plant pests. In colonies, for example, aphid hierarchy is not expressed. And communities of synatropic insects (except, perhaps, mosquitoes) represent all stages of complexity of their structure up to “superorganisms” - anthills. Therefore, household insecticides of the “spray and forget” principle are in principle impossible. To defeat unwanted cohabitants, you need to know their habits very well, identify their nesting places, communication and migration routes, and, based on specific local conditions, develop tactics and strategies for destruction. An almost complete analogy: the dosage and consumption rates of the drug here are something like a fighter’s personal weapon, and you, or a professional exterminator, act as a military leader. For more information on using Fufanon Super against bedbugs and cockroaches, see the video:

Video: Fufanon Super against bedbugs and cockroaches

What to do after treatment

We leave the room for 5 - 7 hours, for the best result for a day. Upon return, open the windows and thoroughly ventilate. Using a soda solution (250g per bucket of water), we wipe the entire contact surface of tables, the outside of furniture, etc. Complete cleaning should be carried out after 3 - 4 days. Fufanon is a contact insecticide, that is, it penetrates through the chitinous membrane into the inside of the bug and affects the nerve endings, causing paralysis and death of the insect. With proper treatment, the entire population of bedbugs dies within 3 days. The residual effect allows you to fight both adult individuals immediately and newly hatched eggs within 3 - 4 weeks. they do not die during processing because they have a strong protective shell, but the residual effect of the product kills the hatched larvae. The incubation period of which is about 2 weeks. We send the clothes in which the treatment was carried out to the wash, and take a shower ourselves.

Announcement: Refined gourmet, insatiable beast in bed. A connoisseur of women's bodies, looking for a woman with soft velvet skin. Bedbug

Compatibility of the drug with other drugs

In tank mixtures, Fufanon is often used with other pesticides.

  1. “Kurzat R”, “Poliram DF” are fungicides for the prevention and treatment of viral and fungal plant diseases.
  2. “Preparation No. 30” against insects overwintering in the roots and on dried leaves of plants.
  3. “Colloidal sulfur” is added when treating grapes against oidium, powdery mildew and scab of berry bushes.
  4. “Zircon” is an enhancer of root growth, fruit formation and “Epin Extra” is a stimulator of the plant’s own powers.

We recommend that you read reviews of the drug Biotlin. Experienced gardeners and gardeners recommend using the unique product Inta-vir, more details here.

Compatibility with these drugs has been tested experimentally and is successfully used in garden plots.

It is not recommended to mix Fufanon with other pest control products, as it is very effective and gives good, lasting results on its own.

To check compatibility, one drug is added to another; if a precipitate forms, the drugs are not compatible.

Reference. “Tank mixture” is a mixture of various drugs that not only quickly deal with pests, but also fight plant diseases at the same time.

The drug Fufanon instructions for use

Insects must be controlled effectively. Only the drug “Fufanon” will help to destroy bedbugs forever. The instructions for using this product tell you how to work with it correctly in order to achieve a lasting result and not return to repeated treatments.

The product is diluted in water strictly in the specified proportion. The drug is applied to the backs of furniture, floors, and also in places where insects accumulate, where larvae can be deposited.

Skirting boards, cracks in wallpaper, panels, all kinds of floor gratings and ventilation passages, thresholds, carpet and path inversions are processed.

If you overdo the solution, you may end up with an allergy or poisoning. Therefore you should be very careful. When treating premises, it is not allowed to drink, eat or smoke.

The emulsion dissolves very quickly, so you need to work with the resulting solution as quickly as possible.

After treating the room with the drug, it is closed to prevent drafts and left for a day, after which a general cleaning is carried out with a soap solution. For a sustainable result, it is recommended not to open the room for several days (two or three).

Regardless of the form of packaging the drug is produced in - capsules, bottles or canisters, you must always follow the recommendations indicated in the instructions for use for the Fufanon product. Reviews from consumers of this drug are mostly positive and prove that this product can permanently rid you of the presence of bedbugs and other pests in your home and garden. After such thorough treatment of your home, you can sleep peacefully.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

The advantages of the drug include the following:

  • The drug is suitable for protecting most plants ;
  • Highly effective against a whole range of insect pests (sucking, gnawing insects and herbivorous mites);
  • Has a fumigant effect with low toxicity;
  • “Fufanon” works both independently and as part of tank mixtures, and is well compatible with other insecticides;
  • Quick initial action , waiting period - from several hours to 1 day;
  • Long-term protective effect – 2-4 weeks;
  • Modern DV formula from a European manufacturer (Denmark);
  • Low cost of the drug.

The disadvantages include those that are characteristic in general for pesticides of the FOS group, including:

  • It has resistance , so it must alternate when used with drugs of another group;
  • It is a mutagen , which requires strict adherence to the instructions for use (dosages and work schedule);
  • Highly toxic to fish and bees;
  • "Fufanon", being a fumigant, has a strong unpleasant odor , which limits its use when processing berry crops

Using Fufanon indoors

First of all, the product is successfully used to combat pests of domestic plants and bed bugs.

"Fufanon" for the protection of indoor plants

Indoor flowers are subject to invasion by most of the same parasites as garden crops, so the drug has found wide use at home, especially with the advent of Fufanon-nova. The effectiveness of the treatment is very high; in a matter of days, all the pests that were destroying the plants disappear; moreover, many note that after the treatment, the flowers began to produce fresh shoots and leaves in place of the dead ones and, in general, grow more luxuriantly.

I fought aphids on Tradescantia. I bought Fufanon-nova. I note that the ampoule is plastic, unlike the glass ampoule of the usual Fufanon. The drug is white and is diluted with less water than usual. But the main thing is that there is no pungent smell, this is a big plus! It worked great, the aphids are no more, and no matter how much time has passed, they don’t appear!

Julia S.

Fighting bed bugs

But Fufanon is especially often used at home against bedbugs. Those who have ever encountered bed bugs will forever remember the discomfort from their appearance, their bites and the difficulties with which they are removed. Fufanon deals with them as quickly as possible. And if you consider that the price for it is very low, and along the way it destroys, in addition to bedbugs, a whole army of other insects - ants, fleas, flies, cockroaches - it can be noted that the drug is very profitable, which is confirmed by the reviews of those who successfully got rid of from this misfortune.

Of everything I’ve tried against these bed bugs, I prefer Fufanon. Very effective against these unpleasant insects. The bedbugs disappeared quickly and never returned, although I had not seen any results with other medications before. I also use it for prevention in the garden. The smell, of course, is terrible, the drug is dangerous, but surprisingly effective.

Elena R.

In fact, Fufanon can replace a whole arsenal of pest control products. In addition to apartments and houses, it can be used over large areas - in warehouses, industrial premises and shops, etc.

Treating premises against bedbugs

When working indoors, you must follow the same precautions as recommended for outdoor work. In addition, from the house where treatment for bedbugs is planned, all animals, including birds and fish, must be removed, plants must be removed, and there should be no people there, except for those carrying out disinfestation.

In addition, it is necessary to remove all washable items, personal hygiene items, and food products, preferably in sealed packaging.

Furniture and other items need to be disassembled into small parts so that it is possible to treat joints and dark corners where bedbugs like to nest.

To destroy domestic bedbugs, it is recommended to use Fufanon Green Belt for bedbugs. The solution is made from one 5 mg ampoule dissolved in 5 liters of water. After preparing the emulsion, it must be used immediately. Consumption is 50 ml per 1 sq. m on a flat surface and 100 ml per 1 sq. m on absorbent. The effectiveness of the drug largely depends on the exact adherence to the recipe when preparing the solution.

Malathion enters the body of house bugs very quickly, after which they die instantly. The effect of the drug lasts up to two weeks, during which time adult parasites, the young generation and larvae die.

The room must be etched thoroughly, avoiding untreated areas. To do this, it is convenient to use spray bottles or paint brushes. Furniture and other interior elements are processed first, first the back and only then the front sides. It is imperative to treat walls, baseboards, thresholds, windows, doors, floors, ceilings, treat all cracks, the space behind loose baseboards, peeling wallpaper, inside ventilation, under carpeting.

After etching, it is recommended to close the room for a day, and if possible up to three days, after which the room is cleaned using a soda solution that neutralizes the effects of toxins. Furniture and other items need to be treated with the solution. Then you need to wash all fabric items and wash all the dishes.

"Fufanon" is actually a remedy that you can rely on. Reviews about it confirm its high effectiveness in the fight against garden pests and household parasites, including bedbugs.

What is it used for?

In agriculture, Fufanon is used to kill harmful insects and ticks. The working solution is highly active in the fight against gnawing insects that destroy stocks of seed and grain crops at grain processing plants and food in warehouses. The drug is also widely used in the medical, sanitary and household fields for disinfestation.

A malathion-based product is one of the most effective options for controlling bed bugs, which show little sensitivity to other insecticides.

Regulations for the use of {$title} in private farming

Application rate of the drug (l/ha, kg/ha, l/t, kg/t)Culture, processed objectHarmful objectMethod, processing time, application featuresWaiting period (multiplicity of processing)Output deadlines for manual (mechanical) work
13 ml/10 l waterApple, pear, quinceApple flower beetle, aphids, weevils, codling moths, leaf rollers, copperhead, sawflies, scale insects, false scale insects, mites Spraying during the growing season.

Working fluid consumption – 2-5 l/tree (depending on age and variety)

11.5 ml/10 l waterCherry, sweet cherry, plumAphids, weevils, codling moths, sawflies, cherry flies, silkworms, moths, leaf beetles, moths, scale insects Spraying during the growing season.

Working fluid consumption – 2-5 l/tree (depending on age and variety)

13 ml/10 l waterCurrants, gooseberriesAphids, moths, gall midges, leaf rollers, sawflies, scale insects, false scale insects, moths, moths Spraying during the growing season.

Working fluid consumption – 1-1.5 l/bush

11.5 ml/10 l waterStrawberriesRaspberry-strawberry weevil, sawflies, mites Spraying before and after flowering.

Working fluid flow, up to 1.5/10 m

13 ml/10 l waterGrapeTicks, mealybug Spraying during the growing season.

Working fluid consumption – 2-5 l/tree (depending on the age and type of bush formation)

13 ml/10 l waterCabbageCabbage and turnip whites, cabbage cutworm, cabbage moth, flies, aphids, thrips, whitefly Spraying during the growing season.

Working fluid flow, up to 1/10 m

13 ml/10 l waterOpen ground cucumber and tomatoMites, germ flies, aphids, thrips Spraying during the growing season.

Working fluid flow, up to 1/10 m

13 ml/10 l waterFlower crops, ornamental shrubsPest complex Spraying before and after flowering.

Working fluid flow, up to 1.5/10 m


Advantages of the drug

  • versatility in coverage of pests and crops,
  • fast action combined with high efficiency and low toxicity,
  • guaranteed quality from a European manufacturer,
  • lack of odor due to the water base.

More about karbofos

In one of our articles, we have already discussed in detail all the benefits and harms of karbofos, so we will not dwell on the details any further. However, it is worth noting that karbofos belongs to the group of organophosphorus compounds. Representatives of this group are very toxic to insects, which confirms their effectiveness, but at the same time they are no less poisonous to humans and other warm-blooded animals. Among other things, karbofos heavily pollutes the environment. If you slightly exceed the dose or do not correctly match the different components of the solution with the participation of karbofos, you can cause severe poisoning in humans.

For these reasons, from the beginning of the 90s of the 20th century, karbofos began to be abandoned in different countries, and by the end of the 90s, it was Russia’s turn. The names “karbofos”, like “dichlorvos”, are not protected by copyright, so they can be used by manufacturers of various insecticidal products. This is what they do, taking advantage of the old, good, proven attitude of consumers towards karbofos.

As for true karbofos, it continues to be produced, but in its pure form is no longer available to a wide range of consumers. It can be purchased by organizations engaged in professional insecticidal activities, or it can be included in commercial products for the control of pests or parasites. Which, in fact, can be observed in the case of Fufanon.

“When we realized that there were bedbugs at home, we started looking for information on how to destroy them, and settled on Fufanon Super. At the same time, we really liked that it has a long-lasting effect and you don’t have to worry about repeated treatments. That’s how it turned out - three months have passed since the first treatment, and there are still no bedbugs.” Igor

Composition and release forms

The drug can be found on store shelves in two release forms, differing in the concentration of the active component.

  • Fufanon Nova is a classic drug widely known among consumers. It helps a lot if you have just started to notice parasites in your apartment, getting rid of them in one moment. The Fufanon Nova modification for bedbugs contains 44% of the substance, which affects the area of ​​influence: the product is often applicable when it is necessary to treat crops against any type of pest. It is advisable to fight bedbugs with this drug when the apartment is not yet heavily infested.
  • "Fufanon Super". The drug is used if the contamination of the premises has reached peak values. The active substance is contained in a higher concentration - 57%. Moreover, the formula includes additional components that enhance the effect of the drug and increase the duration of the effect on insects. If your choice falls on this pesticide in liter containers, then you can buy it for about 1000 rubles.

Basic Precautions

Experts point out that plants can only be processed with glasses, gloves and a respirator. Do not smoke, eat or drink while preparing the emulsion.

When the procedure is completed, all exposed areas of the body must be thoroughly washed under running water and soap. Be sure to rinse the mouth and change things. If the drug somehow gets into your mouth, then you need to drink several glasses of clean water, take activated charcoal, or even induce vomiting.

If you experience dizziness, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, a severe headache, excessive salivation, nausea or even vomiting, then you need to urgently take action and seek help from a doctor. If the solution gets on your skin, you should not try to wipe it off, you just need to wipe it off with something (for example: cotton wool) and only then wash that area with soap.

Fufanon is a strong, moderately dangerous drug, when working with which all precautions must be taken. Its shelf life is 3 years from the date of manufacture

After using the drug, the empty container must be burned; it is forbidden to throw it in the trash or into a pond. The spray bottle is washed thoroughly. You can work with the solution for no longer than three hours.

The insecticide can be stored at temperatures from -30⁰С to +30⁰С in a dry place. The drug should be kept away from food and medicine. Access to it for children and the stomach should be blocked. The pesticide can only be used in freshly prepared form, since after a certain period of time its properties are lost.

Fufanon is a unique remedy that you can rely on. Numerous positive reviews about it confirm its effectiveness in the fight against garden pests and household parasites, including bed mites. The main thing to remember is that you can achieve a positive result only if you follow the instructions for use and dosage for each crop.

At our dacha for a long time, the gooseberry bushes were simply covered with some kind of parasites, I don’t know their exact name. We fought with folk methods, but nothing helped. The store advised me to buy Fufanon. At home, we prepared the solution according to the instructions and began spraying each bush daily. Literally on the third day the insects disappeared, our joy was gone. But after 3 weeks they appeared on our site again. We started spraying everything again and they disappeared. This year we will definitely use this insecticide, but Fufanon is super.


Every year we use Fufanon-nova to spray fruit trees, shrubs and young seedlings. The product is very effective and harmless to humans. The only caveat is that we dilute the product together with the detergent. An excellent effect is obtained; all insects and even ants, which strive to harm the plants, die.


The first time I came across the insecticide Fufanon K.E. was when a tick appeared in our vineyard. I had simply never encountered such pests before, so initially I didn’t know what could be done. On the gardening website they recommended this particular product to me. Only two sprays were enough for the tick to disappear. Now I always have this drug on hand.


Is Fufanon dangerous for humans?

Review #8: My fight against bedbugs is going with varying degrees of success. I treated everything I could with Fufanon, the smell almost drove me crazy. A week later I thought I was getting bites again, but it turned out I had developed an allergy. The remedy may be strong, but it is dangerous for humans.

Review No. 9: It seems to me that Fufanon is not the most suitable way to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment; after all, the toxicity, smell, etc. will not have a beneficial effect on your health. If you are prone to allergies, don't risk it! Use in the garden - it’s safer.

How to treat a room

Fufanon belongs to drugs with a medium degree of toxicity (class III), which means that you need to wear personal protective equipment when working with it. Before you start making the solution, you need to put on rubber gloves, a closed suit and a respirator. There should not be a single exposed area of ​​skin left on the body.

Do a wet cleaning of the room, wash the floors and vacuum the carpets and upholstered furniture. Don't forget to notify your neighbors about the treatment.

After all preparations are completed, you can begin preparing the solution.

Treatment with Fufanon against bedbugs must be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions and compliance with personal safety rules. Disinsection work must be carried out in a special protective suit with long sleeves, gloves and a hat. Having a respirator and goggles will protect your respiratory tract and eyes from toxic fumes.

You can work with the product using a spray bottle or a wide paint brush. After completing the procedure, you should leave the room and close the windows and doors tightly. It should remain in this state for 24 hours. After the specified time, the apartment should be well ventilated so that the unpleasant odor disappears.

Before treating your home for bedbugs, you must remove animals and children from your home.

Please note that it is recommended to remove even fish and amphibians from the apartment. You will also need to move all food products into a hermetically sealed refrigerator. Thoroughly spray all surfaces, close the house and leave it for two days

All windows and vents in the room must be tightly closed to achieve maximum effect.

After 48 hours, wipe all surfaces with a soda solution and ventilate the premises for several hours.

When working with the drug, it is prohibited:

  • drink,
  • smoking,
  • Eating,
  • rub your eyes or rub your face.

If the product gets on your skin, immediately wash it with water and soda. If the drug gets into your eyes, they should also be thoroughly rinsed with running water.

It is better to work with Fufanon wearing rubber gloves, a respirator and special work clothes. After treating your home, it is recommended to take a shower and thoroughly wash the items you were wearing at high temperatures.

When working with the drug, it is very important to observe the following precautions:

  • There should be no people, pets (as well as fish, birds) and indoor plants in the room being treated; it is recommended to keep the windows open - the drug is toxic and has a strong specific odor.
  • You can use the treated premises only after 24 hours after additional treatment with a soda solution (250-300 g per bucket of water) and subsequent general cleaning with ventilation.
  • The preparation of the product and disinfection must be carried out using personal protective equipment: overalls or a robe, a cotton scarf, an apron and sleeves made of rubberized material, rubber gloves, and protective goggles sealed to the face.
  • It is prohibited to drink, eat, or smoke in the treated area.

If after treatment an unpleasant taste in the mouth, vomiting, headache or pain in the stomach appears, you must go out into fresh air, take off contaminated clothing, then rinse your mouth with a 2% soda solution or plain water, in especially severe cases, consult a doctor.

If the drug gets into your eyes, rinse them with plenty of cold water, if pain occurs, drip a 2% solution of novocaine and immediately contact a specialist.

If during the treatment of premises with Fufanon against bedbugs and other pests the drug comes into contact with the skin, the affected area should be immediately washed with plenty of soap and water.

This product is rightfully considered one of the most powerful and effective insecticides, while having a fairly low consumption. What is the price of this miracle drug and where to buy Fufanon to get rid of bedbugs and other parasitic insects?

Application against MOSQUITOES

An effective result is observed when treating against mosquitoes and their larvae in the basements of residential buildings, in natural reservoirs of non-fishery significance, and urban park reservoirs.

Mosquitoes (adults and larvae)— 1.5 ml./ 1 l. water to kill larvae; — 3.5 ml./ 1 l. water - from imago Indoors, workers irrigate planting areas and window openings with a solution to prevent flying mosquitoes. For effective treatment, it is recommended to treat the external walls of the room. To destroy the larvae, the product is evenly applied to the surface of the water surface of reservoirs, pools or water containers.

a) 50 ml./m2 on non-absorbent surfaces (glass, tiles) and 100 ml./m2 on absorbent surfaces;

b) 200 ml/m2. in the basements of residential buildings, wastewater, etc.

Repeated treatments are carried out according to entomological indications with the appearance of mosquito larvae of 2-3 instars.

Application from ANTS

Red house ants

3.5ml/1l. water Treat places of movement and accumulation of insects

Consumption rate: not less than 0.1 l./1 m2.

Benefits of Danish bedbug repellent

Like any drug, Fufanon has advantages and disadvantages. Positive aspects of the product:

  • Low toxicity. Virtually safe for the human body and pets,
  • Due to the presence of active substances in the composition, it quickly and effectively destroys blood-sucking parasites,
  • No traces on the floor, walls and other surfaces after the treatment of the room, since the preparation is colorless,
  • It has an immediate effect on the body of bloodsuckers, causing their death, as it quickly spreads along the entire perimeter of the room,
  • A long-term effect that allows you to destroy the next generation of parasites emerging from the laid clutch.

However, it also has some disadvantages:

  • Long period of weathering from the room. It is recommended to return to the apartment after disinfestation on the second, or preferably the third, day.
  • Parasites completely die only 4-5 days after the disinfestation procedure,
  • If there is severe infection, re-treatment is required.
  • Treated upholstered furniture remains toxic for a long time, so it must be used with caution. It is advisable to take it outside for ventilation.

Fufanon against bedbugs belongs to hazard class 3 and, due to its qualitative characteristics, allows you to kill synanthropic insects almost instantly. The manufacturer highlights the following advantages of its branded product:

  • the uniqueness of the chemical formula, which ensures high efficiency in the fight against parasites living near humans,
  • lack of resistance in bedbugs and other pests to organophosphorus substances, which are synthetic chemicals,
  • the ability of the product to evaporate - the fumigation effect allows microscopic particles of the product to penetrate hard-to-reach places and overtake pests, and also serve as a repeller for the invasion of new bugs,
  • the quality of the drug does not decrease over a wide temperature range,
  • Fufanon against bedbugs can be combined with other insecticides to enhance the overall effect, but it is not recommended to use drugs that have an alkaline reaction, containing copper, sulfur and various sulfides.

Thanks to these properties, the product allows you to quickly and effectively, however, with strict adherence to the instructions, get rid of synanthropic insects.

Purpose and areas of application

The pesticide is developed and used to kill synanthropic insects, i.e. those associated with human habitation and practically never found in the wild. The drug "Fufanon-super, VE" is intended to destroy:

  • cockroaches,
  • flies,
  • red house ants,
  • bed bugs,
  • pray,
  • cat and dog fleas,
  • mosquitoes,
  • mosquitoes
  • flies

It is used for treating residential and industrial premises, as well as food and medical institutions.

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