Instructions for use Butox 50 against fleas in the apartment

Butox-50 AgroZooVet OLKAR.

COMPOSITION AND RELEASE FORM The emulsifying concentrate contains 5% of the synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin.
In appearance it is a light yellow oily liquid, emulsifies well in water, with a weak specific odor. 1 liter of concentrate contains 50 g of deltamethrin. Packaged in ampoules of 1 ml. PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES Butox 50 has a wide spectrum of insecticidal and acaricidal action, is active against ixodid, scabies, chicken, cat mites, flies, midges, bedbugs and other ectoparasites of animals. Having entered the body of arthropods, deltamethrin contact or enterally accumulates in the ganglia of peripheral nerves and inhibits their activity. It disrupts the coordination of the pathogen's movements, then causing its paralysis, lethargy and death. The drug is moderately toxic to warm-blooded animals; in recommended doses and concentrations it does not have a local irritant or allergenic effect. Effective against ectoparasites resistant to phosphorus and organochlorine compounds. Toxic to fish and bees. INDICATIONS To combat animal ectoparasites (ixodid mites, scabies mites, lice, lice eaters, flies, horseflies, bedbugs, midges and others). DOSES AND METHOD OF APPLICATION Butox 50 is used only for external treatment of animals and premises. Immediately before use, prepare an aqueous working emulsion of the drug. Animals are treated by spraying or bathing. Buying animals Before carrying out mass treatments, each batch of Butox 50 is first tested on a small group of animals (10 - 15 heads) of varying fatness and age, which are monitored for 2 - 3 days. If there are no complications, treatment of the entire livestock of animals begins. After cleaning the bathtub for bathing, make a preliminary mixture of the required amount of Butox 50 (in accordance with the dosage for bathing). Distribute the solution throughout the entire container, then stir for 10 minutes. To get a perfect emulsion, you first need to pass 20 animal stirrers through the container. After the animals have removed 10% of the total volume of working fluid from the bath, it is replenished to the original level. In this case, 0.9 liters of Butox 50 is added to each ton of added water. Make sure that the first 20 animals wash again during the bathing course. Before treatment, animals should not be tired and should not be thirsty. Treatment in very hot weather is not recommended. After treating 2.5 - 3 thousand sheep, the acaricidal liquid is poured into settling wells, preventing it from entering water bodies or rivers. The bath is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and washed with water, which is also drained into settling wells. Spraying animals Before using Butox 50, it is necessary to make a preliminary mixture in 1 liter of water, add it to the required amount of water in the spray tank and mix thoroughly. During each course of treatment, a minimum of 3 liters of diluted product must be used per animal. The sequence of spraying the animal: ears, head, body, tail, area around the anus, limbs. Particular attention must be paid to the affected areas. Do not wash off the drug

It is not recommended to spray against the wind. Dosage

Amount of Butox 50 per 100 liters of water

ParasitesSpray treatmentBathing treatment
Bath fillingBringing to initial volume
Scabies100 ml100 ml150 ml
Lice25 ml25 ml37.5 ml
Flies/ticks50 ml50 ml75 ml

Amount of Butox 50 per 1000 liters of water

ParasitesBathing treatmentSpray treatment
Preventative treatmentBath replenishment
Ixodid ticks750 ml1000 ml750 ml
Scabies mites - preventive treatment (1 treatment) - therapeutic treatment (2 treatments with an interval of 8 - 10 days)600 ml 1000 ml900 ml 1500 ml600 ml 1000 ml
Lice250 ml375 ml250 ml
Flies and other insects500 ml750 ml500 ml

Treatment of dogs, cats and fur-bearing animals Treatment of premises

Insect speciesPorous surfaceSmooth surface
Creeping insects Butox Consumption per 100 m230 ml/10 l water 10 l solution30 ml/10 l water 5 l solution
Flying insects Butox Consumption per 100 m215 ml/10 l water 10 l solution15 ml/10 l water 5 l solution


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Description, action, composition

Butox 50 is a concentrated yellowish oily liquid. It dissolves well in water and has a specific pungent odor. To treat animals or when the number of fleas is small, you can use the drug packaged in 1 ml ampoules. There are 5 pieces in a package. For use in large apartments and houses, buy Butox in a 1 liter canister.

The active component is a new generation insecticide - deltamethrin. It has a wide spectrum of action, is active against many domestic parasites, insects that parasitize cats and dogs.

The insecticidal substance penetrates the body when treating the premises by contact, through the spiracles. Deltamethrin disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, causing muscle paralysis and death. The rate of death depends on the dose of poison that enters the body.

The maximum effect lasts for 2 hours after application. Over time, the Butox flea remedy loses its properties, but remains effective for about another day. Destroys adults, larvae of different ages, does not kill eggs. To permanently get rid of fleas, repeated treatment is required 2 weeks after the first disinfestation to consolidate the result.

On a note!

The product is used for treating dogs, chickens, cattle, pigs, removing fleas from cats, as well as disinsection of barns, residential apartments, and houses. In veterinary medicine they practice bathing and spraying. The emulsion is used to treat ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, helminths, and gadflies.

Frequency and dosage of use

According to the instructions for use, in the fight against lice eaters and fleas you will need a dose of Butox dissolved in 3-4 liters of water.

In the fight against ticks, Butox is used in a more concentrated form - 1 ml per 1.3 liters of water. The same solution is used for preventive purposes. It is used during peak pest activity, treating the animal every week.

Dog scabies are treated with 1 ml of emulsion diluted in 1 liter of water. The main thing is to follow the dosage and be sure to re-treat no later than after 10 days.

These dosages are given for the administration of a bathing solution.

If you decide to spray an animal, then you need to dissolve the appropriate amount of emulsion in a liter of water:

  1. For scabies – 1 ml per liter.
  2. For ticks – 0.7 ml per liter.
  3. For fleas – 0.4 ml per liter.

The concentration of Butox solution depends on the purpose for which it will be used.
You need to spray the animal starting from the head and moving towards the tail. Paws and tail should be treated at the very end of the procedure.

Butox does not irritate the skin and does not cause side effects if the drug is used according to the instructions.

Butox 50

The drug Butox 50 is a 1 ml Butox solution packaged in ampoules (5 pieces). The animal is treated in a comfortable environment, preferably in the warm, but not hot, season. Dogs and cats must be healthy and not weakened. For flea control treatment, one ampoule is dissolved in 3-4 liters of water.

It makes sense to carry out the procedure in the air or in a well-ventilated area; it is better to do this with a mask and eye protection.

General recommendations

Butox50 is a highly effective means of combating exoparasites and in some cases can have a sanitizing effect on a number of pathogens due to its pesticide action. When purchasing Butox 50 in ampoules, the instructions for it contain a detailed description of the procedure for treating your pet.

It's not difficult, but it does require some precautions.

The key feature of Butox is its low price; as a rule, you can buy the product in veterinary pharmacies in the form of one ampoule. Its cost is significantly lower than other “pipette” drugs that are used for treatment, and its effectiveness is much higher.

Also for Butox 50, the instructions for use contain information on the treatment of tick-borne infestations in animals. Moreover, treating your pet will cost a minimal amount, the effectiveness will be very high, and the toxicity will be low.

Despite the fact that few pet owners know about this quality of Butox, it is a highly effective drug for a number of diseases. It is distinguished by low toxicity, price and high efficiency in the fight against a number of parasitoses in animals.

In some cases, subject to safety rules, it can be used to treat a person under the supervision of a doctor. For example, for complex scabies, mites infestation of the scalp. Treatment is carried out once every 7-10 days, without violating the dosage.

Drug price

You can buy Butox at a veterinary pharmacy, a specialty store, or you can order online. The price of Butox for treating an apartment in ampoules is 90 rubles. per package. You can purchase 1 ampoule - the price is about 20 rubles. A canister with 1 liter of concentrate is sold via the Internet. The cost is within 4000 rubles.

Analogues of Butox

Due to the high cost, many people prefer to buy Butox analogues. These include;

  • Bayofly;
  • Sebacil 50;
  • Neocidol;
  • Butoxcept;
  • Ectosan.

Can be stored for 3 years from the date of manufacture away from sunlight. Dilute before use, use the prepared solution within 24 hours.

How to use Butox for bedbugs

To kill bed bugs, you need to dilute 1 ml of the product in 1.3 liters of water. In case of massive infection of the premises, it is recommended to use the solution once a week for 2-4 weeks. If the effect is not enough, make a more powerful concentrate - 1 ml of product per 1 liter of water.

Before using Butox you need to prepare the room:

  1. We move all the furniture from the periphery of the room to the center.
  2. We disassemble, if possible, the structure of the bed for independent cleaning of bedbugs.
  3. We remove all wall accessories.
  4. We remove food, medicines, personal hygiene products, plants, and accessories for animals from the premises.
  5. We carry out dry cleaning first and then wet cleaning.
  6. Open the windows to ensure adequate ventilation in the room.

Next, we move on to treatment, which consists of applying the product with a spray bottle or other convenient device to the “favorite” places of bed mites. First we process the baseboards, doorways, and window frames.


Pyrethroids are able to interact with lipids of the skin, as well as plant leaves. The water and organic solvent evaporate and the waxy substance adheres to the fats. For warm-blooded creatures, pyrethroids are low-toxic because they are almost not absorbed, remaining on the surface of the skin. The second defense mechanism is the rapid destruction of the active substance to harmless compounds. Cold-blooded animals do not have defensive devices, so the pyrethroid, when it gets onto the surface of the body or into the intestines of the insect, deactivates acetylcholine. The functioning of the nervous system is disrupted, paralysis occurs, and the arthropod dies

When working with Butox 50 and other drugs containing pyrethroids, caution is required. Drops that fall on a flower plant will kill the bees, and if the drug spills on the soil and then washes off with rain into the river, the fish will die


According to the instructions, Butox is used to destroy crawling and flying arthropods on animals, walks, pastures, and in premises including housing. The drug has a protective effect. You should not bathe the animal three days before and the same time after treatment.

Butox 50, like other pesticides, does not affect arthropod eggs, so you need to wait three days until the larvae hatch

In order for them to become poisoned, it is important not to dilute the pesticide. It is believed that the toxicity of pyrethroids for warm-blooded animals is 2000 times less than for cold-blooded animals.

But this is in case of contact with skin. Therefore, when working with Butox and analogues, it is necessary to protect your eyes, nostrils, and mouth.

Active ingredient and principle of action

Deltamethrin is used as the main active ingredient of Butox. This is a highly effective insecticide from the pyrethroid group used in agriculture. Like most isomers of this group, the action of deltamethrin is based on the activity of chrysanthemum acid, the free radicals in the formula are bromine atoms. In its technical form, deltamethrin is insoluble in water, so in the household it is used in ready-made form in Butox ampoules of 1 ml, the contents of which are diluted in 3-4 liters of water and used for treating premises and animals.

Method of penetration and absorption - contact and intestinal pesticide. Butox is used only for external use; recommended doses do not cause allergies. The substance is widely used in the agricultural sector, in households and in medicine to combat a number of parasites, harmful and synanthropic insect species. The deltamethrin formula contains only 1 isomer, which has a strong insecticidal effect. To create the drug, the one that has the most powerful insecticidal effect of the 8 existing isomers was chosen.

All pyrethroids have a destructive effect on the insect’s nervous system, disrupting calcium metabolism in synapses, and act on potassium-sodium channels, disrupting acetylcholine metabolism. As a result of strong stimulation of the nervous system, exoparasites die, and the protective effect of the active substance lasts about 15 days.

Analogue preparations of deltamethrin contained in Butox include butoflin, splender, decamethrin and others. The preparations are used for spraying agricultural crops and controlling pests. For warm-blooded representatives of the animal world, including humans, deltamethrin and Butox are moderately toxic substances. It is not used near apiaries; residues are not poured into open ground near water bodies due to the high toxicity of the isomers to fish.

Butox instructions for use and effect of the drug

The low cost of Butox may give the wrong impression of its weak effectiveness. In fact, this drug has proven itself to be a fairly safe and effective remedy. When using the drug, it is recommended to ventilate the apartment so that the pungent and unpleasant odor disappears.

“Butox” makes it possible to get rid of the following types of parasites:

  • lice eaters;
  • fleas;
  • mites;
  • flies;
  • lice;
  • vile;
  • bedbugs.

The main active element in the drug is the pyrethroid deltamethrin. The product itself has a yellow-gray color and an oily structure. The destruction of insects and parasites is explained by the concentration of the synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin in the peripheral nervous system of the parasites, which leads to blockage of impulse neural activity and death.

Using Butox on the skin of cats and dogs

“Butox” - a drug available to every owner of a cat or dog, differs favorably from other drugs in that it can be effectively used both on the skin and during the treatment of any living space, as well as the immediate sleeping area of ​​the pet. Thus, the destruction of parasites is carried out in any possible places in which they may be hiding. This is an absolutely safe treatment for both animals and their owners.

This product is used externally in the form of an emulsion solution - both for spraying the skin and for bathing. The oily solution is prepared immediately before use; it is prohibited to store this composition “in reserve”. It is also prohibited to use Butox on sick animals. It is not advisable to wet the animal’s skin 3 days before treatment and after 3 days, otherwise the effectiveness of the drug will decrease.

  • For treatment for preventive purposes or, if necessary, to get rid of ticks, a dose of Butox (1 ml) is mixed in 1.4 liters of water.
  • To treat the skin of a pet, use 1 ml of solution mixed with 4–5 liters of water. Bathing in this composition will make it possible to completely get rid of fleas and lice.
  • During scabies, “Butox” is diluted in the amount of 1 ml per liter of water, the surface of the animal’s skin is treated twice with a break between treatments of one week.
  • In autumn or spring, especially when parasites are more active, you need to use this drug every week.

If for some reason it is not possible to bathe your pet, then the instructions allow you to resort to spraying the skin, gradually moving along the body in the direction from the tail to the ears and completing the treatment with the paws. For treatment, the amount of product used is diluted in one liter of water:

  • 1 ml – against scabies mites;
  • 5 ml – against ticks;
  • 25 ml – against lice.

After treatment, it is necessary to prevent your pet from licking the drug from its body. Short-haired animals are disinfected using a soft sponge in individual parts of the body; for the best treatment result for long-haired pets, it is recommended to bathe the animal completely. There is no need to rinse off the product after swimming.

After treatment, a residual effect is observed for two weeks. When one procedure is not enough and it was not possible to destroy all the parasites at once, then it is repeated no earlier than two weeks later.

Advantages and disadvantages

The flea remedy “Butox” is quite common and has pros and cons of use. What are the advantages of the drug:

  • The results from use last for about 8 weeks.
  • The drug is safe when used correctly.
  • Preparing the solution is simple.
  • Affects fleas and some other parasites.
  • Allows you to get rid of adults the first time.
  • One ampoule costs on average about 30-50 rubles, which is cheaper than many insecticides.

Instructions for using this substance against fleas in an apartment are included in the package. The concentrate must be diluted in 3-5 liters of water at room temperature.

What are the disadvantages of the drug:

  • It is required to buy goods only in trusted places, as there is a risk of buying a fake.
  • The solution has an odor that lasts for 2-3 months.
  • The substance cannot be used on all animals - the substance is dangerous for pets under six months old.
  • Repeated applications may be necessary as the insecticide is not very effective against insect eggs.

The solution for treating residential premises and animals should be prepared immediately before using the drug. The finished mixture cannot be stored for a long time. The drug has positive reviews, is accessible and inexpensive in comparison with analogues, the active ingredient of which is deltamethrin.

Instructions for use

The insecticide is sold in glass ampoules. The concentrate is strong and requires dilution according to the instructions before use.

How to prepare the solution?

To prepare the solution, you need to dilute the ampoule in water (4 l). A veterinarian will help you determine the required emulsion concentration for a specific parasitic insect.

It is necessary to dilute the composition immediately before use, since the properties of the drug are not preserved in a diluted form.

Animal handling

External disinsection of animals requires compliance with its own rules:

Treatment of livestock or pets can be done by bathing or spraying with a spray bottle. If you plan to fight ticks, preventive measures, the concentration of the drug should be increased. Particular attention is paid to the fight against parasites in spring and autumn

Since insects are active, preventive measures are carried out weekly. Some parasites are not so simple and require repeated procedures. To combat scabies, a week interval is maintained between manipulations. When spraying, it is important to avoid getting “butox” on the mucous membranes and in the digestive tract. In this case, the composition is sprayed over the entire surface - from head to tail. During the period of manipulation, the animal must be isolated

Contact with other pets is excluded. Short-haired breeds are wiped with a sponge soaked in the preparation.

Note! It is not advisable to sleep with animals, pet them or have close contact after the procedure. Still, “butox” has some toxic effects.

Premises treatment

Disinsection with “butox” does not pose a danger to animals, and nevertheless, the dosage prescribed in the instructions should be maintained. Aerosol irrigation of industrial and residential premises, places where animals are kept, is carried out simultaneously with the animals. The concentration is diluted depending on which ectoparasites are planned to be combated.

If the surfaces are smooth, the product consumption is two times less than for the same area with a porous structure. For example: in the first case, 5 liters of “butox” are consumed per 100 m2. If the product is used for crawling pests, use a 0.3% concentration. To destroy flying insects, dilute 7.5 cm 3 in 5 liters of water.

Disinfestation of the chicken coop is carried out in the absence of birds. Perform mechanical cleaning of the room and spray surfaces. It is advisable not to let the chickens run for several days. After processing, ventilate the barn.

If cats and dogs have caused increased flea activity in the apartment, irrigate all surfaces, carpets, floors, and the animals’ favorite resting places. To do this, add 1 ml of the drug to 1.5 liters of water. During the procedure, animals and family members should not be in the apartment.

Let's celebrate! Return is possible only after thorough ventilation. After two weeks, the disinfestation is repeated, since the eggs were not damaged as a result of the first procedure, so the larvae will definitely be born.

General description and composition

Butox is a universal insecticide used against entire groups of domestic pests. Butox can be used to kill fleas, lice, ixodid and scabies mites.

The product is available in the form of a concentrated emulsion, packaged in 1 ml ampoules, and also in the form of a solution. Composition of Butox:

  • deltamethrin is the main active ingredient;
  • catalysts;
  • stabilizers;
  • fragrance

First of all, you need to treat the structural elements of the bed, the space around and under it, around the furniture

It is important not to confuse “Butox 50” for removing fleas and ticks from animals with Butox solution for treating agricultural premises. The latter is available in 1 liter bottles

In general, both options can be used to kill bedbugs, but the second is more effective.

The average cost of 10 Butox 50 ampoules is 90 rubles. The cost of the solution is 50 rubles per 10 ml (enough to treat one large room). The easiest way to purchase the product is at pet stores or household chemical stores.

How does Butox act on bedbugs, and how effective is the product? (+video)

Butox works on the same principle as most other insecticides. When the parasite comes into contact with the drug, it becomes infected, which slowly but surely affects the insect’s nervous system.

This period lasts several hours, after which the parasite dies. During the time that his nervous system “fails,” the parasite manages to infect other relatives. The bonus is that you can partially eliminate the problem with cockroaches.

Bed bug corpses will still contain a large dose of poison, so when cockroaches eat the corpses, the latter will also be infected. But Butox is not a specialized remedy against cockroaches, which is why it has such a scourge. it will help only partially.

The big problem with the drug is that it does not affect the clutches of parasites. This means that several repeated treatments of the room are necessary so that the hatched offspring are also infected. Usually 2-3 repeated treatments over 1-2 months are sufficient.

It is strictly not recommended to use Butox and other insecticides at the same time. The exception is specialized insecticidal products aimed at destroying the clutches of domestic parasites. In this case, the effect of the treatment will be extremely powerful.

Is the product dangerous for humans and pets?

Butox is a fairly aggressive and toxic substance, but if used correctly, the product will not harm either pets or humans. Serious harm can occur if the solution is accidentally swallowed or gets on mucous membranes.

To avoid intoxication, we carry out processing work in protective clothing. We use rubber gloves, construction glasses, a change of clothes with long sleeves, a respirator or even a gas mask.

When processing, windows should be open to allow fresh air to flow. But do not allow drafts - the doors must be closed. This way you will prevent both drafts and the penetration of product vapors into other rooms.

The best remedies for bedbugs at home


Medilis-ANTICLOP is an insecticidal agent with targeted action against household (bed) bugs.
Duration of action after application is more than 60 days. One-time processing. Repeated processing is necessary only for entomological indicators. Composition: Thanks to the combination of 3 active ingredients (tetramethrin + cypermethrin + permethrin), it works well on bedbug eggs and adults. Sold in plastic bottles with a sprayer of 250 ml.

Method of application: using a jet at a distance of 10 cm from surfaces, treat places where bedbugs accumulate, live and move: joints of parts in beds, sofas, armchairs, cracks in walls, under window sills, along baseboards, borders, in places where wallpaper lags, the back of paintings, carpets , around door, window frames and ventilation grilles. Shelf life: 4 years. The product is ready for use (no need to dilute with water). Intended for use in everyday life by the population, as well as for professional disinfestation Video of MediLIS series bedbug repellent


ECOKILLER is a natural insect repellent that is safe for people and animals. The product consists of 100% diatomite powder (in other words, silicon). Operating principle: contact. Microparticles of the product, getting on the body, joints, joints, disrupt the outer cover of the wax layer, which leads to the death of the insect from dehydration. ECOKILLER is not poison or chemicals; the process of killing bedbugs occurs by drawing moisture from the body of insects.

  • No toxic chemicals and no odor
  • Does not cause allergic reactions or poisoning
  • Approved by the Federal Budgetary Institution of Scientific Research Institute of Disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor
  • 100% guarantee of results within 20 hours after treatment against bedbugs
  • Shelf life is unlimited when stored in a dry and dark place
  • Convenient bottle allows you to spray the product even in hard-to-reach places

See how to properly use ECOKILLER to treat a room against bedbugs:

This is what a bed bug looks like:


Medilis-SUPERPOWER FOR BUGS – an insecticidal agent against resistant populations of bedbugs.

This product is specifically designed to get rid of resistant (resistant) bedbug populations. It must be used when products containing pyrethroids or FOS do not help. The duration of the effect is shorter than that of pyrethroids or FOS (up to 3 weeks), but Medilis-superpower against bedbugs has a quick and acute effect on bedbugs. The manufacturer states that tests in real conditions on particularly resistant bedbugs have given excellent results.

Composition: In addition to cypermethrin, the composition contains the active substance imidacloprid from the Neonicotinoids group. Imidacloprid has contact, intestinal and systemic effects on the insect. According to scientific data, bedbugs are highly sensitive to imidacloprid and therefore products based on it are recommended to be used on populations of bedbugs that are resistant to other groups of insecticides. Bottle volume 250 ml. Method of use: using a jet at a distance of 20 cm from surfaces, treat places where bedbugs accumulate, live and move: joints of parts in beds, sofas, armchairs, cracks in walls, under window sills, along baseboards, borders, in places where wallpaper lags, the back of paintings, carpets , around door, window frames and ventilation grilles. Shelf life: 4 years. The product is ready for use (no need to dilute with water).


D/V: Alphacypermethrin (78%) Chlorpyrifos: (11%)

This pest control product was developed by the Finnish chemical industry - “Instituutin Kemianteollisuus”. The binding components of the disinfestant were developed and aimed specifically at the destruction and removal of bedbugs. "CIMEX" promotes 100% destruction of insects and prevents the re-entry of parasites into the treated area!


The drug is diluted from 2 to 3 liters of water (t °C +30, +40°) per 100 ml. substances. The room is treated using a manual or compression sprayer. When processing, take precautions, use a respirator, gloves or other similar protective equipment. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with cool water! “CIMEX” does not contain active acids! When the prepared solution comes into contact with the skin, it does not cause chemical burns or irritant skin reactions. The consumption of one capsule is calculated for (50-150 sq/m) of the room being treated, depending on the amount of furniture. The bathroom and dining area do not need treatment! The diluted solution is stored for no more than 10 days (t °C +2 to +10)

Disinsection against bedbugs is carried out:

destructive force

The “Deadly Force” aerosol contains a substance of the pyrethroid class – cypermethrin. It is this that provides the insecticidal effect against household insects. This is a fairly stable substance and does not decompose under the influence of sunlight and high temperatures in a short time. Toxicity for humans is average (hazard class III).

Some new generation aerosols contain a number of other substances. They can also be insecticidal in their action (for example, imiprotrin) or bactericidal (isopropyl alcohol, alkylbenzyldimethyl). This concomitant antibacterial effect will reduce the contamination of bedbug habitats with pathogenic microorganisms. “Deadly Force” also includes a perfume composition that reduces or completely eliminates the unpleasant chemical odor of the product.


Bed bugs are distinguished by their vitality, rapid reproduction, and ability to adapt to toxic substances. Karbofos combines 3 directions of action - larvicidal, ovicidal, imagocidal. Malathion has a nerve-paralytic effect and penetrates the skin and respiratory tract. Leaves no chance of survival for adults or larvae. Due to the strong concentration of the active ingredient, Karbofos destroys the egg shell. This is not typical of all new generation insecticides. The larvae, remaining in the egg, lose the ability to develop normally. And if they are born, they are immediately exposed to poisons. Because the drug leaves a protective film on the surface. It will be in effect for several months.

Instructions for use

Immediately before disinfestation, prepare a solution. Dilute the concentrated emulsion in a ratio of 2–5 ml per 1 liter. water at room temperature. Mix well for 5 minutes. Place in a spray bottle. It should be taken into account that on absorbent surfaces the consumption of the product increases by 2 times. Increased concentration of solution – 5 ml per 1 liter. Water is required when the room is heavily infested with bedbugs. Or if the treatment is being carried out for the first time. Reuse a less concentrated solution of Karbofos.

How to prepare an apartment for disinfection against bedbugs:

Delta Zone

You can buy this chemical in the online store. The price will be approximately 600-700 rubles per 50 ml. It is sold in a bottle in the form of a highly concentrated emulsion, which, according to the instructions for use, must be diluted in water. Manufactured by a Korean company. There are a large number of reviews from customers about the effectiveness and excellent results after using the insecticide.

This drug is microencapsulated. There are few such insecticides yet, but most likely they are the future. This means that the special liquid contains a huge amount of nanogranules with an active compound.

Microcapsules are convenient because after processing, when the water dries, a layer consisting of them remains on the surface. When a bug or any other insect passes by, granules with deltamethrin are attached to its legs and chitinous shell. After this, the pest gradually dies. Because of its flat shape, the bug catches the most insecticide, so it dies faster. The main substance affects the nervous system of the parasite, which leads to paralysis and death.


Tsifox is a concentrated solution, the main active ingredient of which is cypermethrin. It consists of eight isomers, thanks to which it destroys flying and crawling insects. The composition also includes solvents, fragrances and emulsifiers. Tsifoks for bedbugs is sold in bottles of 50 ml, 500 ml and 1 l. The liquid is clear or slightly yellow in color and has a sharp and specific odor. The drug is resistant to acidic environments and ultraviolet rays. Neutralized with an alkaline solution.

Since Tsifox only affects adults and larvae, complete destruction of the population occurs in 20-30 days. Thanks to the contact action, the chemical components kill those parasites that subsequently emerge from the eggs laid by bedbugs.

In order for the product to be as effective in the future, it must be stored correctly. The bottle should be hermetically sealed and stored in a dark place, not exposed to direct sunlight. The drug is highly flammable, so it must be kept away from heating devices.

Removing bed bugs from an apartment:


The active ingredient of the powdered product “Super Fas” is a synthetic pyrethroid – cypermethrin. Due to its prolonged effect, it is included in many drugs. The active action is to suppress the nervous system of the bug. Cypermethrin penetrates the insect's body through the integument (chitinous membrane) and the digestive system, clogging the spiracles and irritating the intestines. Normal organ activity stops, the bug “breaks” into paralysis and death occurs. The drug, which has a dual effect, contains, in addition to cypermethrin, a neonicotinoid – thiamethoxane. Unlike its companion, this is a fairly new chemical substance that began to be actively used in the fight against blood-sucking insects in the late 90s of the last century.


The Research Institute of Disinfectology recently developed an effective powder against bedbugs, called Klopomor. There are already good reviews about it.

The use of an insecticide is as simple as possible. So, according to the instructions for use, it is necessary to treat places where insects accumulate and live with the drug. After this, it is necessary to ventilate the room for about half an hour. It is also recommended to wash work surfaces with which a person comes into contact. The spray costs from 400 to 700 rubles. Let's take a closer look at its composition and instructions for use.

The insecticidal agent Klopomor includes four main components:

  • permethrin,
  • cypermethrin,
  • organic solvent,
  • piperonyl butoxide.

The insecticide is designed to effectively kill bed bugs and other insects. The use of this powder requires special precautions. It is used in places with a particularly large number of insects by conventional spraying. Processing is carried out exclusively with rubber gloves and a mask on the face. After work, wash your hands with soap and rinse your mouth.

Protect yourself from getting the product on your skin or eyes. If powder gets on the skin, according to the instructions for use, it is recommended to use a 2% soda solution to treat the damaged area.

Lambda Zone

Lambda Zone is a new generation insecticide. In any case, that's what its manufacturer says. The product is created only in South Korea using patented technology. The product itself is a microencapsulated suspension. This means that the insecticide, namely lambda-cyhalothrin with a concentration of 2.5%, is placed in carbon nanotubes. The latter, in turn, are located in nano-capsules in the aqueous sphere. Due to this, only a small amount of this product is needed for 1 liter of water.

These main advantages of the drug contribute to the fact that it is quickly becoming popular and in demand among those who suffer from bedbugs or other insects. However, it also has its disadvantages. The main one is the high price. Perhaps one bottle is affordable for the majority of the population ( 650 rubles in Russia), but for thorough disinfestation this will not be enough. Although it is not needed as much as other products, the price for pest control from SES or private services is often lower than the final cost of the product.

Another disadvantage of the insecticide is that it cannot be used on clothing, bedding and children's toys. Because of this, these items will need to be processed separately, because a couple of bedbugs can easily hide in these things. And this is not always easy. On the other hand, when using Lambda Zone, even bedbugs that survive disinfestation will die as soon as they enter the area treated with the insecticide.


The substance was created based on new technologies using an original patented formula. The main effective components: two poisonous insecticides of contact and intestinal type (a group of pyrethroids and a group of organophosphorus compounds), a pesticide of intestinal contact action, acting as an amplifier of the toxicity of insecticides. The components are in the emulsion in the form of microscopic particles, which enhances their activity in the working solution. The effect is prolonged on treated and dried surfaces. Microcapsules of the drug left after treatment on objects that have not been wet-cleaned “cling” to the legs of insects, are carried by them to places of accumulation, and also penetrate upon contact into the body of bedbugs through the chitinous shell. Contribute to mass destruction.

Preparation of the drug

Specialty hardware stores do not sell the insecticide. The place where you can buy Zonder for bedbugs is the disinfection departments of sanitary or other special services. The concentrated emulsion is sold in bottles (100; 250 ml) and canisters of 1 and 5 liters with roll-on caps. It has the color of weakly brewed tea and a specific smell.


Insecticide-acaricide Agran is a synthetic drug that stops the vital activity of bedbugs and any other parasitic and blood-sucking insects in human housing. The composition of the product is as follows:

  • Cypermethrin 5% (second generation pyrethroid, insecticide) -
  • Chlorpyrifos 50% (broad-spectrum contact insecticide)

Thanks to the complex composition, the elimination of insects is achieved both when the drug is consumed orally, and even with the slightest contact with the product. If it hits any part of the body, the insect dies. The advantages of using Agran against bedbugs are as follows:

  1. Long-lasting effect - the release of substances harmful to parasites lasts for a sufficiently long period of time, which ensures the death of all hatched nymphs.
  2. High concentration - the proportion of active components in the product is high, one bottle is quite enough to treat a large room several times due to abundant dilution.
  3. Low cost - the product is accessible to everyone.
  4. Ease of use - the product can be sprayed on any surface, or moistened with it on floors, or spilled into cracks behind baseboards. The method is chosen by the person himself depending on the need.


When choosing a bedbug repellent, we place the following requirements on it:

Its effectiveness in solving our problem and safety directly for us. Since basically all drugs are made on the basis of peritroids or on the basis of FoS (organophosphorus compounds), their principle of action is the same. They differ only in the amount of one or another substance included in the composition.

The spray contains 3 substances:

  • Cypermethrin 0.1% contact substance from peritroids. It affects nerve endings, blocking them causing paralysis of the insect and subsequent death.
  • Prallethrin with a concentration of 0.03% has the same principle of action as cypermethrin.
  • Imiprotrin - enhances the effect of the peritroids included in the product.

Spray Raid is a contact insecticide, that is, it interacts with the insect through direct contact and is transmitted to all individuals upon their contact. Getting inside through the chitinous shell of the insect’s body, it blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, causing paralysis of the insect and subsequent death. Available in the form of a spray with a volume of 400 ml, and is enough to treat 15 - 20 m2. The residual effect is up to 15 days, which is quite a long period for sprays. Available with added fragrance - the smell of citrus, lavender, etc.


The main advantage of the Raptor manufacturer is the ability to select individual products for almost every type of insect. Moreover, each such product contains different insecticides, and the form of the product is also different, so we can say that the manufacturer takes into account the specific characteristics of different insects. Of course, this approach is the most effective in combating parasites. Raptor has several products against bedbugs: Bedbug aerosol is a unique product that is used to combat only bedbugs. An aquafumigator is a set of tools that provide instant elimination of any insects using an effective method of spreading insecticides throughout the treated area. Anti-crawling spray is a remedy that is equally effective against bed bugs and other types of wingless insects, such as ants, cockroaches, and so on.

Alphacypermethrin and neopinamine forte are contact action insecticides. This means that for a positive effect they must reach the surface of the parasite’s body. After this, the insecticide molecules are impregnated inside through the shell of the chitinous cover, as well as through the spiracles of the insect, and a toxic effect develops. Permethrin molecules are also characterized by good and long-term stability in the external environment. When placed on different surfaces, they do not lose their effectiveness for several days.


Forsythe anti-bedbug product is available in the form of a slightly golden emulsion with a distinct, specific odor. The drug is packaged in canisters and bottles of different sizes. The smallest bottle contains 50 mg of concentrate, which is diluted with water before use.

The composition of the product is represented by the following components:

  • fenthion 25%;
  • fragrance;
  • stabilizer;
  • Excipients.

The current active component is fenthion, a new generation insecticide. After the bug comes into contact with the poison, the parasite’s nervous system is blocked, paralysis occurs, which leads to its death. The drug Forsyth is used for disinfestation in medical and school institutions, which confirms its safety. The product is effective not only against bedbugs, but also ants, cockroaches, and fleas.

This drawback is compensated by a prolonged effect - the product retains its properties for 3-4 months, thereby ensuring the death of the younger generation.

According to reviews of Forsyth against bedbugs, the drug has a number of advantages:

  • reliable result - if an apartment or house is heavily infested, it will be possible to get rid of parasites in 10-14 days;
  • long residual effect, which avoids re-processing;
  • ease of use - just dilute the Forsyth product with water in accordance with the instructions and the working solution is ready;
  • does not emit toxic fumes, so its use is possible even in a house where small children live.

Empire 20

The insecticide is available in the form of a thick, pale yellow suspension, packaged in 100 ml plastic containers. A specially developed microencapsulation technology was used in the production of the chemical. The active substance of the drug is enclosed in shells, which facilitates its gradual release. Therefore, you can use the product not only to destroy blood-sucking insects, but also to prevent their reappearance in the apartment.

The insecticide contains chlorpyrifos, a chemical compound that experts classified as hazard class 3. This means that if the working solution is prepared incorrectly or safety precautions are not followed, the drug can cause harm to the health of humans and pets. The thick emulsion also contains: preservatives; emulsifiers; dispersants; substances for the formation of microcapsules.


Thanks to its unique formula, Tetrix is ​​considered one of the leaders in the fight against blood-sucking insects. Its active ingredients are Cypermethrin and Metaphos (methyl analogue of thiophos). Both of these products are widely used for professional pest control.

Created in 1974, the artificial compound Cypermethrin was first used to kill pests on plants. The drug began to be used as an active means to combat parasites at home a little later. Cypermethrin attacks the digestive system, as a result of which bedbugs cannot suck blood normally and die .

Both Metaphos and Cyperamine also have an effect on the nervous system of parasites, which leads them first to paralysis and then to death. Both of these agents act selectively only on blood-sucking insects in the form of bedbugs, fleas, and ticks. At the same time, they destroy not only adult individuals, but also egg clutches.


Medilis cyper is a modern insecticidal preparation, which is an emulsion concentrate with 25% of the active substance. The drug is yellow, transparent. For use, the emulsion must be diluted with water. Available in the form of ampoules of 1 ml, glass bottles of 10 ml and plastic bottles of 50 and 100 ml. The shelf life is 5 years.


The product contains emulsifiers, fragrance and cypermethrin. The active ingredient is cypermethrin, an insecticide of the pyrethroid group. It works by contact-intestinal method. Once on the chitinous cover of the bug, cypermethrin penetrates the body and destroys the insect’s nervous system, which leads to its death.


The product "Phenaxin" is a product and is a powder for dilution with liquid or for dry processing. Powder packaging - 100, 125, 200 g. It can be used not only against bedbugs, but also against any other pests - cockroaches, fleas, ants.

The active substance of the drug is fenvalerate (0.35%) - an insectoacaricide from the pyrethroid group. Additional components:

  • White soda
  • Boric acid
  • Talkomagnesium
  • Kaolin
  • Oil


Dobrokhim Micro bedbug repellent is a modern drug for killing bed bugs. The formula of this insecticide is borrowed from such famous products as Empire and Master 250. It is based on the organophosphorus compound chlorperifos, which is contained in a microcapsule made of a polymer base, which provides the product with unique effectiveness. The synthesis of such a complex formula is technologically very difficult, so the product is not cheap. But its effectiveness, safety and duration of action pays off its cost many times over.

The product is diluted with water and applied to surfaces with a regular household spray bottle.

To remove bedbugs you need:

1. Do a wet cleaning of the room to wash away chemical traces of insects, to provoke a feeling of temporary disorientation in them.

2. Take care of personal protective equipment. It is recommended to use: rubber gloves, a chemical suit (a raincoat is possible), safety glasses, a respirator. Open the windows!

3. Dilute “Dobrokhim” with ordinary water, at room temperature. For 1 liter of water, 4-5 milliliters of the drug. Concentration must be strictly observed! The product can be diluted directly in a spray bottle.

4. Using an ordinary household spray bottle (which is usually used to spray flowers), spray the solution into places where insects may appear. Recommended application areas: baseboards, borders, door jambs, window frames, cornices, switches, sockets, ventilation grilles, wallpaper areas, bed frames, sofas and armchairs. Not processed: soft toys, bed linen, bedspreads, mattresses, covers for chairs and sofas, clothing.

5. After treatment, ventilate the room well for an hour! It is recommended to leave the room for 3 hours after treatment, then you can wet clean the floors. There is no need to rinse off the product applied to walls and furniture.

Helpful information:

Destruction of bedbugs; Destruction of cockroaches; Destruction of ants;

Treatment for bedbugs; Destruction of fleas; Extermination of insects;

Destruction of mosquitoes; Destruction of mice; Medicines for bedbugs;


The domestic drug is much more effective than the imported one. A foreign product works great outside our country or in the first year of its appearance on the Russian market. Subsequently, this drug begins to be diluted, which reduces its beneficial properties. For example, spraying dogs

Butox has long been the most effective means of combating external parasites in Russia. The cost of the drug in large containers (especially for farmers) is much cheaper than in ampoules. The only negative is that the protection against ectoparasites is short-lived. It is necessary to repeat the treatment after 10 days due to the development characteristics of insects.

How consumers respond to the drug

Consumers who have used Butox-50 are usually divided into two camps: satisfied and dissatisfied. Satisfied people note the high effectiveness of the drug in the complex treatment of animals and the premises in which they are kept. They are also pleased with the low cost of the drug Butox-50, the price of which, we repeat, is about one hundred rubles per package (5 ampoules). Dissatisfied people complain about the degree of toxicity of the drug, as some experience allergic reactions. Some note a deterioration in the health of their pets and attribute this to drug poisoning.

The third category of livestock breeders believes that treating pets with Butox is already outdated, and prefers to use other flea and tick remedies that are more convenient to use, such as drops, sprays and collars.

Some consumers add the product to water and wash the floor to prevent and kill parasites. As a result, parasites do not appear or disappear.

User experience with Butox

Customer reviews about the action of Butox confirm its effectiveness. Users note the presence of an odor that disappears 1–2 days after using the drug. The effect against parasites is observed after a day of treatment.

Many people prefer washing floors with a Butox solution to fine-drop spraying. This way you can avoid contact of toxic substances with objects that do not need treatment, and reduce the risk of butox getting on mucous membranes from the surrounding air. If there are pets in the apartment, they must be treated for parasites at the same time.

When it comes to direct treatment of pets, many people prefer other forms of flea treatment: drops on the withers, collars, sprays, shampoos. The drug market is large and users find the safest and most convenient products for treating pets.

Consumer Reviews

Reviews from netizens about the use of Butox for fleas in an apartment are mostly positive. The low price of the drug and the reliability of the product are noted. Some users note that after the initial treatment there were no more insects in the house, which means that the drug is strong and effective.

The downside is the unpleasant smell. It takes a long time to weather if furniture, curtains, or carpets have been treated. For Butox to be safe and effective, you should buy products only from reputable stores, as there is a risk of buying a fake.

Flea Butox is an effective insect repellent. Its advantage is that the resulting solution can be used to treat animals, as well as surfaces in the house, that is, the drug is universal. However, there are some contraindications, so you need to carefully read the instructions before use.

Butox-50 in ampoules, instructions for use, analogues

Reviews of this drug often receive praise. What causes this? Let's figure out what the features of this tool are and how to use it correctly. The antiparasitic agent “Butox-50” looks like an oily liquid of light yellow color, which has a specific odor, not very pronounced. For use at home, use “Butox-50” in ampoules, which allows you to correctly and without much effort prepare an active solution that is safe for others. For convenience, the ampoules are packed in cardboard boxes of five pieces.

“Butox-50,” the instructions for use of which are in the package, is used to kill fleas, lice, lice, chicken mites, scabies and ixodid mites, as well as flies, mosquitoes and bedbugs.

The working solution of the drug must be prepared immediately before use. To do this, the concentrated Butox-50 emulsion is diluted with cool tap water in proportions that depend on what parasites are to be fought:

  • Lice, fleas, lice eaters - 1 ampoule (1 ml) per 4 liters of water. Repeated treatment is carried out after a month.
  • Ixodid ticks - 1 dose per 1.5 liters of water. The second treatment should be carried out after 2 weeks, and after that - as necessary.
  • Scabies mites - 1 ampoule per 1 liter. Not only the affected area should be treated, but also the area around it. After a week and a half, the event is repeated.

Calculate the required concentration of the drug using the general formula:

(A*B)/C=X, where A is the required concentration of the working solution; B—required amount of emulsion (ml); C is the content of the active substance in the solution (%); X is the amount of concentrate (5%) required to prepare 1 liter of working fluid.

For example, you need to prepare a liter of solution with a concentration of 0.004%. The data is substituted into the formula and you get:

X= (0.004%*1000 ml) / 5%

X= 0.8 ml

This means that in order to prepare 1 liter of 0.004% solution, you need to take 0.8 ml of concentrate (5%); for 10 l - 8 ml of Butox (8 ampoules), which is diluted in a small amount of water and poured into a prepared container, then adjusted to the required volume.

Analogues of Butox-50 are the following drugs:

  • "Neocidol";
  • "Neostomazan";
  • "Sebacil 50%";
  • "Ektosan";
  • "Biofly";
  • "Deltalan-50".

Release form and features of Butox

Butox is a product for dilution with water for treating premises. The drug is produced in the form of a concentrate in ampoules containing a product volume of 1 ml. Flea ampoules are used quite economically - a 1 ml solution is enough to treat a small apartment.

The nuances of using the concentrate in ampoules:

  • After treatment, you need to ventilate the apartment and leave the home for several hours.
  • The drug in unopened ampoules is good for up to 4 years if stored correctly. It should not be used after the expiration date.
  • The substance must not be allowed to enter.
  • The drug should not be used to treat sick, small or old animals.
  • The remaining solution cannot be stored and must be disposed of immediately.

Usually the insecticide is sold in packages in a cardboard box - there are 5 ampoules inside the box. But in some stores you can purchase goods individually. Butox is a liquid resembling oil - used exclusively for external treatment of animals or apartments. The concentrate is first diluted in several liters of water.

One of the well-known analogues of Butox for fleas is Butoxcept. This drug is also available in ampoules and has the same active substance. Before using the insecticide, it must be diluted.


The most important contraindication is intolerance to deltometril. But this can only be revealed after the first treatment. In this case, you need to immediately bathe the animal, take a bath and treat the surfaces where the substance is located with a soap solution. The room needs to be ventilated.

Other contraindications:

  1. weakness in humans and animals.
  2. Respiratory diseases and cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Colds and sore throat.
  4. skin irritation.
  5. When for one reason or another your eyes become watery.
  6. Shedding of animals, as during this period their skin sensitivity increases.

Butox action

Flea Butox is a concentrate that is available in ampoules containing 1 ml. substances. To use the insecticide, it will need to be diluted with water in proportions according to the instructions. This product is not drops for animals and cannot be used in concentrated form.

Before working with the product in flea ampoules, it is necessary to prepare protective gloves; it is also advisable to purchase special glasses and a mask so that the substance does not get into the eyes or respiratory tract. The insecticide is used only for external use; it should not be ingested by humans or animals. This causes severe poisoning.

A substance that helps get rid of parasites is deltamethrin. In high concentrations it is dangerous for people and animals. This component provokes disruption of the nervous system in blood-sucking parasites. It causes paralysis and is fatal. The greatest effect of use can be achieved a couple of hours after use. After this, the solution gradually loses its properties.

The insecticide allows you to immediately destroy only parasites and larvae; it is less effective against insect eggs. In this regard, some time after the initial disinfestation of the premises, it is necessary to re-treat the housing with a solution made from this concentrate.


At the veterinary pharmacy you can purchase the drug “Butox-50″ in ampoules. Five ampoules are packed in a cardboard box with instructions for use.

Immediately before treating the animal’s skin, make a solution using concentrated emulsion and water in the following ratio:

  1. 1 ampoule or 1 ml of butox is diluted in 4 liters of water to combat lice, lice, and fleas. A month later, another treatment is carried out.
  2. 1 ampoule of the product is diluted in one and a half liters of water - for treatment against ixodid ticks. You can re-treat the skin at intervals of two weeks, and then as needed.
  3. 1 ampoule of the product is diluted in 1 liter of water to treat the skin against scabies mites. In this case, not only the affected area is treated, but also all areas around it. The treatment can be repeated only after a week and a half.

Water for preparing the solution should be cool or at room temperature.
The animal's skin can also be treated by spraying. For this purpose, dilute 25 ml of Butox in one liter of water. The resulting solution is placed in a container with a spray bottle and applied to the skin of a cat or dog, spreading the fur with a brush. They begin to process the animal from the head, smoothly moving towards the tail. The tail and paws are sprayed last. During processing, make sure that the wool does not become wet. Due to the low toxicity of the drug, it is better to use the spray method in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area.

To rid your pet of fleas, you will need to treat him with this product once every two weeks. As a preventative measure in the warm season, one treatment per month is sufficient.

Not only the animal itself and the place where it sleeps is subjected to disinsection, but also the entire room in which the animal lives.

Removing fleas indoors

Sometimes, even without the presence of animals in the apartment, fleas may appear in the room. To get rid of uninvited tenants, you should treat the premises with a special compound. All carpets must be vacuumed and cleaned before treatment. It is also recommended to move upholstered furniture to treat the back wall and pre-wash the floors with clean water.

To prepare the solution, take 10 liters of water and add 30 ml of emulsion to it. This solution is enough to treat a surface of 200 square meters. Not only the floor itself should be treated, but also all baseboards and cracks in them. Depending on the quality of the treatment, you can repeat the procedure after 5 or 10 days.

Precautionary measures

The owner of a dog or cat should follow safety precautions when treating their pet. Familiarization with the instructions for use and compliance with the dosage must be carried out without fail. When handling an animal, the owner must use rubber gloves, a mask and safety glasses. You can also use special disposable clothing and a head cap.

After treatment, it is recommended to wash your hands and exposed skin with soap and water under running water. It is advisable to disinfect all used containers using soda ash. It is not recommended to use containers after butox for domestic purposes.

How to treat a room with Butox

First, we must not forget that deltamethrin is moderately toxic not only to pets, but also to humans. Therefore, before working with the drug, it is necessary to protect the respiratory tract and skin from penetration of the substance. Features of using the product:

It is better to dilute the drug and carry out irrigation in a respirator; most often, the contents of a 1 ml ampoule are emulsified in 1.5 liters of water; Butox should be diluted immediately before use; You cannot combine a drug based on deltamethrin with organophosphorus insecticides; alternatively, instead of spraying, you can wipe the desired surfaces with a rag moistened with the solution and wash the floors with the prepared emulsion; You must wear gloves on your hands, and after finishing treatment, wash your hands thoroughly with soap; you need to treat all rooms at once, apply the composition to the floors, paying special attention to the corners of the room; Butox should not be allowed to come into contact with food: shelves, tables, and refrigerators do not need to be treated; The room must be well ventilated during and after disinfestation; The floors have not been washed for a week; it is better to clean the room using a vacuum cleaner.

Carefully read the instructions: it indicates how to dilute the drug for treating different surfaces - concrete, wood, stone, plastic. The instructions for treating 100 m² recommend diluting 30 ml of butox in 10 liters of water. If the room area is large, you can buy a package of the drug of 5 ampoules or butox, packaged in a liter container.

If there were a lot of insects, then repeated treatment may be necessary in a week. The need for additional use of the drug is due to the fact that Butox may not have a full effect on the new generation of insects that appeared after disinfestation from preserved eggs.

Premises treatment

Please note that for Butox 50 the instructions contain data on treating premises to remove insects. In general, 1 ml is diluted in 1.5 liters of water, the product is sprayed, and the room after 2-3 hours of treatment with the window closed is well ventilated.

Spray the contaminated areas of the room generously with the prepared solution. The drug does not leave any traces on furniture and textiles, the smell disappears completely after a few hours.

Butox is widely used to treat pens, sheds and chicken coops. The drug effectively kills all flying and crawling arthropods, as well as others, including ants, bedbugs, lice beetles, and mealybugs. The application rate depends on the type of surface.

On average, the following formula is used for crawling insects: per 100 m2 you need 30 ml per 10 liters of water. Butox is also sold packaged in 1 liter canisters.

It is better to carry out work in a respirator, gloves and a face mask (ideally a gas mask). After treatment, no wet cleaning is carried out in the room for at least a week. Additionally, it is necessary to treat all animals that are not allowed into the pen until the surface is completely dry.

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