Fumigators for fleas in the apartment - reviews and instructions for use

  1. What is a fumigator, types, how does it work? Electric fumigator
  2. Burning spiral
  3. Pyrotechnic fumigator
  4. Fumigation chamber
  • Electrofumigators for fleas
  • Aquafumigators
      How does a flea aquafumigator work?
  • How to use an aquafumigator
  • Favorable places for fleas to live
  • Where are they hiding in the apartment?
  • How to determine if there are parasites in the house
  • Under what conditions do fleas not live?
  • A modern insecticide actively used at home is a flea fumigator. Let's consider how effective it is, how it works and whether it destroys all insects.

    Where do fleas come from in the house?

    This question is asked by almost all housewives - despite constant wet cleaning and maintaining cleanliness in the apartment, no one is safe from the appearance of these small and nasty bloodsuckers in the home.
    The answer to this question is clear if a four-legged creature lives in the house and often walks outside. If there are no animals, then the apartment is infected through the basement, where these “neighbors” always live. The basement is always dark, warm, humid and there are no constant disturbing factors - simply ideal conditions for the life of not only fleas, but also many other insects. Since fleas have incredible jumping ability, they easily “travel” on people’s shoes and the paws of animals throughout the entire entrance, always “visiting” one or another apartment. You should get rid of such “guests” immediately, immediately after the first signs of their appearance become obvious, because fleas are carriers of quite serious diseases - various dermatitis, salmonellosis and typhoid fever. Naturally, the appearance of insects in the house is always a big and quite unpleasant surprise for the owners. Residents, exhausted by their appearance, usually simply forget that fleas, cockroaches, mosquitoes and butterflies sharing their living space are very afraid of many substances: unpleasant odors, cold, loud sounds. All this, when used correctly, is a powerful weapon to combat them. You should take a closer look at flea “phobias” and think about how to use these fears to combat them.

    The greatest horror for these insects are substances with a pungent odor, which have a detrimental effect on the flea’s body and destabilize its nervous system. Fleas will no longer be able to leave a room treated with such a substance; they die right on the spot under the influence of the insecticide. Based on this principle, means have been developed to kill fleas in pets - drops or spray on the withers spread a “terrible” smell for fleas, as a result of which the parasites do not perceive the dog or cat as a “gastronomic object” or “living space” and do not jump on it. Although pets also smell this smell, its low concentration in the drug minimizes the risk of poisoning the pet itself.

    Danger of insects

    Earth flea bites are far from harmless. On the contrary, they pose a great danger to humans. First of all, it is severe itching and allergic reactions. Even anaphylactic shock cannot be ruled out. Bite wounds can fester and eczema forms in their place. Infection is also possible .

    In addition, fleas carry dangerous, fatal diseases . These are typhus, plague, hepatitis, encephalitis, salmonellosis. Fleas are also carriers of helminths: cucumber tapeworm, nematodes, and toxocara. Added to this is sleep disturbance due to fear of bites, the inability to invite guests, and, as a result, extreme stress.

    In case of bites, you should never scratch them to avoid infection. First, the wounds should be washed with soap and water. Then treat with an antiseptic, for example Chlorhexidine. To eliminate swelling and itching, use antigestamines and ointments. In particularly serious cases, you should consult a doctor. For animals, flea bites are no less dangerous. Small dogs or kittens can even die from parasite bites. Animals scratch itchy areas and can cause infection.

    Classification of fumigators

    There is a wide range of devices of this type, but they are all divided into several main groups:

    • pyrotechnic fumigator for bedbugs;
    • electric;
    • steam based.

    The last option is represented by one variety so far. This is the Raptor aquafumigator, it also helps get rid of bedbugs.

    Electrical and pyrotechnic

    This type of device has been used for a long time and is popular.

    Pyrotechnic fumigators

    This group includes devices that operate on the principle of smoldering of the active component. A striking example is spirals. A solid fumigant is used. When ignited, the substance smolders, which contributes to the release of the active component, which poisons the air.

    The disadvantage of this method is the appearance of smoke. This is due to the fact that, along with the insecticide, the composition of the solid substance also includes other components. When they burn, smoke is released. The principle of operation of such devices resembles incense sticks, only instead of aroma there is a pronounced unpleasant odor.

    Electric fumigators

    There is no need to ignite the solid substance. The active components are released when connected to mains voltage. Types of devices:

    • with liquid fumigant;
    • with tablets;
    • with plates.

    The heating element contributes to the increase in temperature. There is no smell. The disadvantage of such devices is the need to connect to a power source.

    When the power goes out, bedbugs become active again. Internal structure of the electric fumigator

    Liquid fumigators

    They showed great effectiveness against flying blood-sucking insects. The liquid is in a special flask and is connected to a heating device. The liquid fumigator operates using electric current. The active ingredients are synthetic and natural insecticides. In most cases, permethrin.

    Liquid flea fumigator

    When heated, toxic components are released into the air. For a person, this is a tiny dose of poison, so the body does not even feel such effects of poison. The poison enters the body of fleas through breathing. Causes muscle paralysis and death.

    Instructions for use:

    • To start working, you need to plug the fumigator into a power outlet;
    • leave overnight;
    • During the day the fumigator is turned off.

    One bottle lasts for almost a month. If the room area is large, several devices are installed in one room.

    On a note!

    Effective products: Raptor, Clean House, Moskitol. The cost of a liquid fumigator is on average 300 rubles.

    Spirals, plates

    There is a wide selection of plate-based fumigators on the market. The mechanism of action is similar to previous devices. Instead of a bottle with liquid, a special plate impregnated with insecticides is used.

    Spirals, plates for insect control

    Spirals are made from a material similar to plates. Completely impregnated with poisonous components. Poison is released into the air when burned. The dose is enough to poison fleas, but not enough to harm humans.

    On a note!

    The use of spirals in a residential area - apartment, house - is inconvenient due to the unpleasant smell of smoke and the risk of fire. The spiral should be used under supervision.

    Instructions for use:

    • The plate is placed in the fumigator and the device is plugged into an outlet. One plate is enough for the night. They turn it off during the day.
    • The spiral is placed on a support made of non-flammable material and set on fire.

    Whether a fumigator will help against fleas depends on the degree of infestation of the room. In most cases, this option of fumigators is used as temporary protection before choosing a more effective method. The cost of production is about 100 rubles. The set includes the fumigator itself, 10 plates, for a spiral you will have to pay around 50 rubles.

    Smoke bombs

    Smoke bombs for fleas

    It is advisable to use flea fumigators in the form of smoke bombs when the premises are extremely infested with fleas. More suitable for exterminating parasites in basements and entrances.

    There are several variants of checkers, differing in the set of active components. Sulfur compounds and insecticides are used.

    The effect of smoke fumigators lasts about 2 hours. After thorough ventilation, the poison evaporates and finally disappears on the surface after washing with water with the addition of baking soda and laundry soap.


    Fumigators are dangerous to others. Disinsection should be carried out using a respirator. Leave the room 5 minutes after smoke appears. Ensure the room is completely sealed.

    Instructions for use:

    • place the checker on a fireproof base;
    • set fire to;
    • leave the room for 2 hours 5 minutes after smoke appears.

    Disadvantages: fire hazard, unpleasant odor that lasts for a long time after treatment. Advantages - rapid destruction of fleas and larvae at different stages of development. Smoke penetrates into any cracks, leaving fleas no chance of survival. However, it does not affect eggs. To completely eradicate the parasite population, it is recommended to re-treat after 14 days.

    Effective means – Quiet Evening, Mukhoyar, Climate, Fas, City. The average price of products is 250 rubles.

    cyphenothrin: ecotoxicity

    IndexMeaningSource / Qualitative indicators / Other informationExplanation
    Bioconcentration factorBCF:
    CT50 (days):
    Bioaccumulation potential
    Mammals - Acute oral LD50 (mg/kg)318E3 RatModerately
    Mammals - Short-term food NOEL(mg/kg):
    (ppm food):
    Birds - Acute LD50 (mg/kg)> 5620L3 Virginia quailShort
    Birds - Acute toxicity (CK50 / LD50)
    Fish – Acute 96 hour CK50 (mg/l)0.00034B4 Rainbow troutHigh
    Fish - Chronic 21 day NOEC (mg/l)0.000056B4 Rainbow trout
    Aquatic invertebrates - Acute 48 hour EC50 (mg/l)0.00043B4 Daphnia magna (Daphnia major, Large water flea)High
    Aquatic Invertebrates - Chronic 21 day NOEC (mg/L)0.00009B4 Daphnia magna (Daphnia major, Large water flea)
    Aquatic crustaceans - Acute 96 hour CK50 (mg/l)
    Bottom microorganisms - Acute 96 hour CK50 (mg/l)
    Bottom microorganisms - Chronic 28 day NOEC, static, Water (mg/l)
    Benthic microorganisms - Chronic 28 day NOEC, Sediment (mg/kg)
    Aquatic plants - Acute 7 day EC50, biomass (mg/l)
    Algae - Acute 72 hour EC50, growth (mg/l)
    Algae - Chronic 96 hour NOEC, growth (mg/l)
    Bees - Acute 48 hour LD50 (µg/individual)
    Soil worms - Acute 14-day CK50 (mg/kg)
    Soil Worms - Chronic 14-Day Maximum Non-Effective Concentration, Reproduction (mg/kg)
    Other soil macroorganisms, such as springtailsLR50 / EC50 / NOEC / Action (%)
    Other Arthropods (1)LR50 (g/ha):
    Action (%):
    Other Arthropods (2)LR50 (g/ha):
    Action (%):
    Soil microorganisms
    Available data on the mesoworld (mesocosm)NOEAEC mg/l:
    NOEAEC mg/l:


    Aquafumigator for killing parasites

    New modern fumigator. Produced under the well-known brand – Raptor. It is a device consisting of several parts - a bottle with liquid, a container in the form of a glass, a jar containing the active ingredient.

    The principle of operation is similar to the method of drip spraying or hot fog. When heated, vapors containing poison particles are released into the air. Due to its light molecular weight, it penetrates into any crevices and fabric surfaces.

    The maximum effect of the insecticide lasts 2 hours, but even after that a thin protective film remains on the surface, which continues to exterminate fleas for another week.

    Instructions for use:

    • remove the jar from the packaging;
    • pour water into a special container to the indicated mark;
    • place a jar with the active substance inside;
    • After 5 minutes, smoke will appear, this is a sign that it is time to leave the room.

    After 2 hours, you should thoroughly ventilate the apartment and wash areas where your hands will touch. The aquafumigator Raptor for fleas leaves mostly positive reviews. Customers were captivated by the ease of use and efficiency. The smell is practically not noticeable; when aired, it quickly evaporates. There is no need to ignite, the risk of fire is minimized.

    On a note!

    The cost of an aquafumigator in Moscow is 450 rubles. Sold in specialized stores, ordered via the Internet.

    The sharp smells of vinegar, wormwood, ammonia, and essential oils repel fleas. These products can be used for minor contamination of the premises. If you need to get rid of fleas in an apartment with a high number of parasites, disinsection is necessary. In this case, it is best to use more effective means - the Raptor aquafumigator, sprays. In parallel with the disinfestation of the premises, dogs should be treated and fleas should be removed from cats.


    Raptor for pest control in aerosol form is the most common option. It is used for self-treatment of space and surfaces indoors.

    If you take precautions, the product not only demonstrates the expected effect, but also does not harm family members, including pets.

    The Raptor anti-flea spray contains three basic components:

    1. Tetramethrin. Responsible for the neuroparalytic effect of the drug. In combination with cypermethrin it forms a poisonous tandem.
    2. Cypermethrin. Affects the nervous system of adults and larvae. The effect of the component lasts for the next 3 weeks while the substance remains on surfaces.
    3. Piperonyl butoxide is a synthetic component that multiplies the effect of the other two components.

    Attention! The volume of the product against fleas and other pests is large - 350 ml. The amount of substance is enough to treat a room of up to 50 square meters.

    Precautionary measures

    The use of insecticides in everyday life is associated with risks to the health of people and animals

    Therefore, it is important to take precautions when using RAPTOR at home. To a greater extent, they relate to aerosol, but an aquafumigator against fleas in an apartment must also be installed, strictly adhering to the manufacturer’s recommendations:

    1. Before processing, put on protective equipment: gloves, clothing that completely covers the body, a respirator.
    2. Avoid contact of components with mucous membranes and skin. If this happens, rinse thoroughly with plenty of water. If you feel worse, call an ambulance.
    3. Inhabitants of the house: pets, adults and children must leave the house during treatment.
    4. Do not allow products to come into contact with fire, food, or electrical appliances.
    5. Store RAPTOR in a dry, dark place, away from children and animals, at room temperature for no more than 3 years. Avoid exposure to sunlight and overheating above +40°C. Do not disassemble the structure.
    6. Discard immediately after use.

    Instructions for use

    The operating principle of the aquafumigator is very simple:

    1. It is necessary to open the package, remove the container with the substance, a plastic container and a bag of water.
    2. Pour the liquid from the bag into a container.
    3. The container must be placed in a container of water.
    4. After this, the room should be left immediately.
    5. The substance creates steam that can break into inaccessible places. Therefore, aquafumigators have the highest degree of efficiency.
    6. The duration of the effect is 2-3 hours. You should not be in the room at this moment.
    7. Then the room must be thoroughly ventilated or not entered for 24 hours.

    The use of an aquafumigator must be accompanied by safety measures :

    1. Before the procedure, you must turn off the fire safety sensors. It is advisable to inform your neighbors about this so that they do not perceive the smoke as a fire.
    2. Food, dishes, clothes, indoor plants, and animals should be removed from the room
    3. Cabinet doors should be opened to allow the substance to penetrate into all corners.
    4. The aquafumigator must be installed in the center of the room.
    5. One device is enough to treat an area of ​​no more than 30 square meters. m.
    6. After 3 weeks, the room must re -treated.

    How does an aquafumigator work?

    Aquafumigator Raptor

    The operating principle of the aquafumigator is quite simple:

    • After opening the package, you need to take out all its contents: a metal container with the active substance, a plastic container and a bag of water.
    • The liquid in the bag is poured into a container.
    • The container with the insecticide is removed from the packaging and placed in a container with water.
    • After which the premises should be left immediately.
    • When in contact with liquid, the insecticide forms a thick vapor, which is very dangerous for fleas and other parasites. Toxic vapors penetrate into all hard-to-reach places, cracks and crevices, which cannot be done with the help of other anti-parasitic agents. It is thanks to this property that aquafumigators have the maximum level of efficiency.
    • The duration of action of the aquafumigator is 2-3 hours. It is contraindicated to be in the room at this time. If possible, it is better not to enter the room for a longer period of time.
    • Before bringing children and animals into the house, the room should be thoroughly ventilated to remove odors.

    Advantages of the product

    The product has many advantages.

    • Instant action.
    • Proven effectiveness.
    • Penetrates even into hard-to-reach places (cracks in the floor, baseboards).
    • Long period of action of the aerosol after spraying (“Raptor” retains its insecticidal effect for 2-3 weeks after spraying, killing even eggs laid by fleas).
    • Affordable price.
    • "Raptor" against fleas is an economical remedy, since one bottle can treat an average apartment.
    • Easy to use.
    • The smell of mint. The aerosol, when sprayed, really spreads a musty smell.

    Rules for using the Raptor fumigator

    Instructions for using the bedbug fumigator are located on the packaging. It is first necessary to prepare the apartment for processing. If you strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions, assembling and installing the destruction device will take literally a few minutes:

    1. There should be no food, pets or people in the room where disinfestation is carried out.
    2. Pour water into a plastic container and place a metal container in it.
    3. Install the bedbug aquafumigator on a flat surface in the center of the room or near the sleeping areas.
    4. Close the windows and leave the room for 2-3 hours.
    5. After treatment, ventilate the apartment or house.

    Reviews of the Raptor aquafumigator against bedbugs confirm its effectiveness against adult parasites.


    I purchased a device to get rid of bedbugs in my apartment. I was impressed by the ease of use - you don’t need to do anything: prepare the solution, then treat the apartment with it. The fumigator does everything himself. The insects disappeared after the first treatment, but to be on the safe side, I bought another device. You can confidently add an aquafumigator to the list of the most effective remedies for bedbugs.

    Olga, Vitebsk

    What forms of release of the drug are there?


    A fairly popular form of release, which is characterized by ease of use and maximum effect.
    In this case, the treatment is carried out with steam, which is converted from an insecticide. Cyphenothrin has a detrimental effect on parasites. This substance is quite versatile and allows you to destroy different types of parasites. Steam treatment allows you to touch all surfaces and hard-to-reach places without human intervention, the substance is evenly distributed over the entire area. Regarding the advantages of this form of release, it should be noted:

    • Easy and convenient use;
    • Treatment of the entire apartment;
    • Fight against any parasites.

    If we talk about the disadvantages, then there is only one; all residents and animals need to leave the premises during the treatment; they can be returned to the apartment after at least 3 hours.

    Treatment with an aquafumigator is performed as follows:

    • If the apartment has fire detectors, they need to be turned off for a while;
    • It is necessary to take out the container and place it on a flat surface, place it in the very center of the room;
    • The product from the bag is poured into the reservoir.
    • Next, you should leave the apartment, having previously closed the windows and doors.

    Upon return, the apartment is well ventilated. In one application, you can destroy the entire colony of adults. Since the eggs will remain untouched after 2-3 weeks, the procedure is repeated.


    A very popular form of release, which allows you to quickly process and get rid of fleas. Thanks to the composition, which includes two active substances, a complex effect is achieved. The main active components are cypermethrin and tetramethrin, they affect the nervous system through the contact method. In addition, the action is prolonged, which allows you to destroy parasites for a long time after spraying the drug.

    The advantages of this form of release include lower cost, convenient use, high efficiency and a pleasant odor. The disadvantages include the toxicity of the drug, so safety precautions must be followed.

    Before use, be sure to read the instructions for use. The can must be shaken before spraying. Don't forget to clean the room and wear protective equipment. When spraying, the bottle should be held vertically at a distance of 20 centimeters from the surface to be treated.

    After spraying, you need to leave the room. Upon return, ventilate the room well and carry out a wet cleaning. After about a month, the procedure is repeated.


    The well-known plates also work against fleas. Due to the substance with which the plates are impregnated, when heated, a toxic chemical is released, which has a nerve-paralytic effect. But more often they are used as auxiliary or preventive agents.

    What else you need to know when using a fumigator


    When using an aquafumigator, the manufacturer recommends observing the following measures.

    1. If there are fire safety sensors in the room, they should be turned off, and only then should the apartment be treated.
    2. All food, dishes, children's things and toys should be removed from the area being treated. The same should be done with indoor plants. Similar measures are being taken in relation to pets and their food trays.
    3. The doors of all cabinets, cupboards, sideboards and tables should be open so that the vaporous insecticide can easily penetrate into all the nooks and crannies - the favorite habitats of fleas.
    4. For proper operation and to avoid falling, the aquafumigator is installed on a flat surface in the central part of the room.
    5. When treating a room, you should correctly calculate the dose: one device is enough for an area of ​​no more than 30 square meters. m.
    6. After 3 weeks, the house should be re-treated to eliminate the possibility of insects hatching from the eggs spreading.

    Raptor brand flea fumigators are sold in many hardware stores and supermarkets.

    The nuances of using a fumigator

    The manufacturer itself stipulates several requirements that it is advisable to fulfill when carrying out disinfestation in this way.

    First of all, before use, it is necessary to turn off all fire safety sensors, if any, in the apartment. It is also best to warn your neighbors in advance so that they do not mistake the steam in the room for smoke from a fire.

    You also need to open all the cabinets wide so that steam can easily get into the most remote corners where parasites can hide.

    To consolidate the results obtained, it is worth repeating the treatment after approximately 21 days. This is due to the fact that new individuals may emerge from the eggs during this time.

    One aquafumigator is designed for disinfestation of a room with an area of ​​30 sq.m. If the room is larger, then you need to purchase two bottles and use them at the same time.

    The instructions do not indicate some important points. For example, it is imperative to remove all food and utensils from the room being treated.

    How the device works

    Rodents and some insects are indeed very sensitive to ultrasound. In the case of mice and rats, the effect is directed to their nervous system. The animals panic and quickly run away.

    Insects also negatively perceive such acoustic influences - they perceive ultrasound as the buzzing of the wings of relatives, warning of danger.

    Stop, but fleas don’t buzz with their wings, which means this very sound is indifferent to them! Therein lies the catch. The effect of ultrasound on “bloodsuckers” has not yet been fully studied.

    All developments are at a purely theoretical level, and positive results, if not accidental, are an exception and not a pattern. So at present, there are no truly effective household ultrasonic flea repellers.

    Efficiency of application

    By type of use, devices are divided into pyrotechnic: spirals, smoke bombs and electric. The electric fumigator for bedbugs comes in 3 variations:

    • liquid aerosol;
    • pills;
    • plates.

    In apartments and houses, devices powered by the network are more often used. When heated, the plates emit an unpleasant odor for bed bugs. It is impossible to destroy them in this way, but it is quite possible to protect yourself from night attacks for a short period of time, provided that the parasites do not live directly in the bed or bedding.


    On a note!

    Given the low effectiveness against crawling blood-sucking insects, bedbug plates are not produced.

    Among the fumigators that can be used against bedbugs, it is worth highlighting the following popular means:

    • Raid;
    • Mosquitall;
    • Fumitox;
    • Raptor.


    When we checked into the rented apartment, it turned out that besides us there were other guests - bedbugs. They didn’t experiment with folk remedies; they ordered treatment from the sanitary service, but the circumstances were such that it was possible to carry out disinfestation only after 3 days. We decided to test the Raptor bedbug fumigator, which we usually use to repel mosquitoes. The only plates available were those with chamomile extract, so there wasn’t much to choose from. The device was connected near the bed. Oddly enough, there were no more bedbug bites, and the fumigator helped us survive those three days.

    Nikolay, Moscow

    How to use smoke bombs?

    Let's look at how smoke bombs are used in the fight against bedbugs.

    Preparing the premises

    Before starting processing you must:

    • Evacuate people and domestic animals from the area where treatment will be carried out;
    • Disassemble sofas and beds to provide better access to their internal structures, where bedbugs most often hide;
    • Open all cabinets and shelves. Clothes should be packed in vacuum bags, dishes and food should be removed;
    • It is advisable to remove carpets, paintings, photos and other decorations from the walls;
    • Carefully close all windows and doors, block ventilation vents;
    • If a fire alarm is installed in the house, then it must be turned off during treatment.


    Now you need to activate the smoke bomb. If it is a pyrotechnic preparation, then the checker is placed on a non-combustible material - brick, metal sheet, etc. To activate the aquafumigator, water is poured into a large container and the contents of the small container are immersed in it.

    Having activated the checker, you must immediately leave the room, tightly closing the door behind you. The action time of a checker depends on its type (this parameter is indicated in the instructions). After completing the treatment, you will need to open the windows and doors, creating a draft. And after removing smoke from the premises, you will need to carry out a thorough cleaning, washing all surfaces with water.

    Preparation and carrying out disinfestation

    Before you dilute Deltsid and start spraying, you need to clean the room. It should be taken into account that after treatment, the substance deposited on the furniture and floor cannot be washed off for 2 weeks.

    Therefore, before starting disinsection it is necessary:

    1. Vacuum all carpets and paths, upholstered furniture, corners and dusty places where flea eggs may be found.
    2. Do wet cleaning: wash the floor and wipe the surfaces.
    3. It is better to move the furniture away from the wall to open access to the baseboards.
    4. Immediately before starting pest control, close all windows and doors.
    5. It is better to temporarily evict pets from the apartment.

    Carrying out disinfestation

    Sequence of actions and rules for treating an apartment with Deltsid against fleas:

    • the liquid is sprayed at a distance of 20 cm from the surfaces, and the spray bottle must be held at arm's length;
    • The room should be treated starting from the floor and up to a height of 1.5 m, which is associated with the ability and length of flea jumps;
    • thoroughly treat the pet’s bed and sleeping area;
    • walk along the baseboards with a spray bottle, spray into all the cracks in the floor and on the walls;
    • process fabric products: carpets, furniture coverings, etc.

    After the apartment has been treated for fleas with Deltsid, the room should be hermetically closed for 1 hour, then it should be ventilated by opening all windows for 2 hours.

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