Destruction of wasps and wasp nests in Moscow and the Moscow region

Wasps are unwanted neighbors that appear in the warm season and deprive even the most patient home owners of peace. At the same time, being in the same territory with them is dangerous, because they can bite you, children or animals. Their bites are not only painful, but also poisonous.

They are very aggressive, attack in swarms, and wasps, unlike bees, can sting the victim several times. Therefore, it is necessary to take timely measures against wasps.

It is also worth noting that wasps will cause damage to the crop and farm - they will spoil berries and fruits, food located at home or on the street. Wasps can also cause significant economic damage to beekeepers by destroying bee hives and killing bees.

There are several types of wasps in Moscow and the Moscow region; they are distinguished by size and color. They primarily live in colonies, building hives or open nests depending on the species.

Most often, the problem of removing wasps is faced by owners of dachas and their own plots. These wild insects are able to build strong nests for themselves in any place convenient for them, sometimes inaccessible to humans - in the attic, in the barn, in the bathhouse, under the roof. From there they can attack in a swarm.

Central SES specialists are ready to help you protect yourself and your family from these dangerous insects. We work quickly, accurately and efficiently - every individual will be destroyed, and the threat will be left behind.

Price for disinfestation of wasps and hornets

A free guarantee for pest control is provided in case of complete treatment of an apartment (common areas + rooms) or house. In case of partial treatment, there is a possibility of insects migrating to untreated premises.

  • Treatment of wasps and hornets in homes and suburban areas

    Sanitation of wasps and hornets in country housesPrice
    up to 100 m2from 4500 rub.
    100 m2 – 200 m235 RUR/m2
    200 m2 – 300 m230 rub./m2
    300 m2 – 400 m225 RUR/m2
    400 m2 – 500 m220 rub./m2
    500 m2 – 1000 m218 RUR/m2
    more than 1000 m2negotiable

Order treatment for wasps and hornets


As for insecticidal gels, with their help it is quite possible to get rid of wasps both in an apartment and outside it. These products are good because they do not require dilution or other additional preparation measures. This is a completely ready-to-use preparation that contains both bait attractive to insects and toxic substances. Plus, the gel will stick to any surface and, thanks to its thick consistency, will retain its activity for a long time.

When using gel preparations for wasps, they are applied near the nest - along the entire perimeter of a tree trunk, wall, ceiling, or on sheets of paper, which are then attached in close proximity to the insects' home. This treatment significantly increases the likelihood that wasps will find the bait and begin to feed on it. In this case, you can use any insecticidal gels: “Fas”, “Absolute”, “Globol”, etc.

Wasp extermination service in Moscow

Never try to get rid of wasps yourself. This is a big risk for your health, and without special equipment it will be difficult and very dangerous! Disinsection against wasps and hornets requires knowledge, skills and a professional approach.

To ensure that the destruction of wasps is safe for you and your family, it is better to contact the SES. Sanitary and Epidemiological Station specialists have all the necessary protective equipment and professional equipment for high-quality treatment of wasps in residential buildings and summer cottages. We will rid your home or property of wasp nests of any size. We will treat even hard-to-reach places, destroy larvae and eggs, and all this without the slightest harm to the health of your family and pets.

A wasp nest can be destroyed and removed only after treatment with an organophosphorus insecticide. Preparations based on this substance are produced for many types of insects. We use chemicals that are 100% effective. The drugs we use belong to the least toxic class 4. They can even be used in kindergartens and food production.

Unlike common do-it-yourself methods, this measure will save you from an unwanted neighborhood for a long time. In addition, trying to get rid of the nest using improvised means will only anger the insects.

Remember! Independent attempts made to destroy wasps and hornets can be not only ineffective, but very dangerous for your health. Wasp control experts strongly recommend refraining from this activity and entrusting the solution to this problem to professional services.

What to do if bitten by a wasp?

Attempting to destroy a wasp nest on your own often results in multiple stings. If you are allergic to wasp venom, even one bite is dangerous, which can lead to the development of Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock. If you are nevertheless bitten by a wasp, take first aid measures:

  • Rinse the sting site with cold water to remove any remaining wasp venom.
  • Treat the skin with an antiseptic (iodine, Miramistin, hydrogen peroxide).
  • Take an antihistamine in accordance with the instructions for it (Suprastin, Zyrtec, Diazolin, etc.).

If you feel unwell, contact your doctor. If an allergic reaction develops quickly, call an ambulance. Medical assistance is necessary if you receive multiple bites, especially if after them you notice the appearance of swelling, fever and symptoms of intoxication.

Destruction of hornets

If you have hornets in your home or area, this is a reason to sound the alarm. These insects are larger than wasps (up to 3.5 cm in length) and more dangerous. You need to get rid of them as soon as possible before they cause irreparable harm to your property and family.

After a single fertilization, a female hornet can lay eggs for the rest of her life. The bite of 3 adult hornets can kill a person, and a bite of 10 adults can kill cattle. There is no doubt that urgent professional help is needed to destroy hornets! We are ready to leave shortly after your request.

Remember! Under no circumstances should you attempt to remove hornets yourself! You can anger the insects and get dangerous bites. The use of chemicals also does not always give the desired result - store-bought preparations may be unsuitable or completely useless.

Ways to deal with hornets

When the Central SES specialists arrive, they will first inspect the entire area to identify the location of each nest. Usually these are roofs, sheds, hollows, attics and garden beds.

They will then treat the areas in the hives around the area where more insects are concentrated with special preparations. Once on the body of one pest, the substance gradually spreads throughout the entire nest. The entire population is poisoned.

If the hive is located in a hard-to-reach place, we will treat the surrounding area. Poisoning will occur in the same way.

Effectively getting rid of hornets

By contacting us for help, you can be sure that the hornets will not return to your home for a long time.

Remember! If you are faced with such a problem, do not risk your health and nerves. Call us right away, and we will arrive on the day of your request at a time convenient for you!

Other reasons to choose the services of Central SES of Moscow:

  • We select high-quality drugs from leading manufacturers; they are more expensive than dubious products from stores, but they are safe and have been tested by experts more than once;
  • We work carefully and quickly - there is no need to be afraid that the situation will get out of control, specialists regularly practice their skills in exterminating insects;
  • We leave immediately;
  • There will be no smells or debris left after the specialists’ work;
  • We provide a 1 year warranty.



The following types of drugs are available to control insects:

  • Traps with glue or gels for poisoning insects. In most cases, they are used to rid a home of cockroaches, but they can also be suitable for wasps.
  • Insecticidal aerosols. They are sold in special bottles and can be used immediately for their intended purpose.
  • Poisonous powders. This product is added to homemade traps. There are two types of powders: instant action (when the wasp, having fallen into the trap and tasting the bait, immediately dies) and long-term (when the wasp only eats the bait, and then feeds the poisoned food to the young, after which they all die).
  • Chemical concentrates. Before using these drugs, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions and, guided by them, make the solution yourself. The main advantage of such products is their versatility, since they can be used to destroy nests or to prepare baits.
  • Ultrasonic repeller. Before you destroy these insects, you should take into account that they are hunters, which means they exterminate pests in gardens and vegetable gardens. Therefore, in order not to kill wasps, but only to scare them away from a person’s home and location, repellers were invented. They work from sockets; after being plugged in, the device emits sound waves that humans cannot feel, but are easily picked up by mice and various insects. They develop a feeling of anxiety, so they very quickly leave their habitat.


The most common chemicals are:

  1. " Karbofos". You need to spray the nests with this product. In some cases, repeated spraying may be necessary after one part of the insects has already died and the surviving part has calmed down.
  2. Boric acid. It is added to traps and baits as an insecticide.
  3. "Delta Zone". It is also added to bait to kill wasps.
  4. Get . It can be mixed into bait or used to treat the nest. The active substance in this drug is harmful not only to wasps, but also to other insects.

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Destruction of wasp nests and hornet nests

Before destroying a hive or wasp nest, it must be found. Wasps explore places hidden to humans. It should be a dark and inaccessible place. Often the choice falls on hollows, cracks in the ground and trees.

Finding the habitat of pests is quite simple. They leave the bait in an open space and watch where the striped insects are flying from and to.

Sometimes it is difficult to find the location of the hive, so it is necessary to track their route of movement.

Among the buildings, the most suitable for these insects are sheds, attics, toilets, and outdoor showers.

A wasp nest on a balcony can be located:

  • under the ceiling;
  • under the window sill or ebb from the outside;
  • between layers of balcony wall decoration.

Wasp nest in a summer cottage:

  • on the tree;
  • in the ground;
  • in grass;
  • in any country house building (usually under the ceiling).
  • warehouse or household premises that are little used;
  • space under the roof;
  • bush, hedge.

Wasp nest in a building or structure:

  • under the roof in the attic;
  • under the façade cladding;
  • under the ceiling of the porch or entrance area.

It is possible to completely remove wasps or hornets only in one case - by destroying the nest. The safest way, which does not require your participation in the process itself, is to call specialists.

Specialists from the Central SES will destroy wasps in the most inaccessible places. After inspecting the site and determining the number and size of colonies, a control agent and method of application are selected. After applying the chemical, the nest is removed and the wasps are destroyed.

How to find a wasp's nest in the house

To successfully drive wasps out of your territory, it is advisable to first find a nest. What do you need to know first for this? First of all, these hymenoptera avoid places where they can be easily found. Therefore, you need to pay attention to hard-to-reach, quiet and dark nooks. Potentially attractive places could be:

  • attics;
  • clay walls;
  • cluttered cabinets and shelves;
  • wall cladding with cracks.


If there is no nest in these places, then you can try this method. Wasps are attracted to the smell of raw meat or fish, so you need to put a piece on the table and watch carefully. As soon as the insects react to the bait, you need to track where they fly next.

Methods of dealing with wasps in the country

The methods used to kill wasps are divided into mechanical, chemical and temperature-chemical methods.

Removing wasp nests mechanically

The simplest, but at the same time requiring experience and special training from the performer. The essence of this control method is to remove the nest or hive and immediately destroy it.

The practical skills of our disinfectors work well in combination with modern protective equipment and equipment for the safe dismantling of nests. After dismantling, the disinfector disposes of the nest. The disinfector will treat the location of the nest with a repellent insecticide.

The mechanical method of exterminating wasps in a summer cottage is used for small colonies of insects.

Chemical treatment for wasps

Chemical baiting is more effective for large populations of insects. When the nests are within reach for processing and subsequent dismantling.

This method is based on pre-treatment of the nest location with a chemical composition. The hive itself and the area around it are treated with the composition, the main attention is paid to the entrance hole.

With this method, 90% of the insects inside die. The treated socket is removed from its mounting location and disposed of.


Modern insecticidal substances will help in pest control. However, it is worth remembering that for greater efficiency, adults, larvae and the queen are destroyed. It's not always easy.

Special means can be used in traps. Insecticides are produced in the form of powders, gels and glue. Sprays are used to kill wasps in their habitat. They will even help against larvae.

The most popular means

  • Boric acid can be used in baits - there is no strong smell.
  • Dichlorvos. The substance is quite effective, but very toxic. Don't forget about safety precautions. Use protective gloves, masks or respirators.
  • Karbofos is one of the inexpensive drugs. It often doesn't work the first time. The treatment is dangerous during the flowering period due to its particular toxicity.
  • Get-agent , which is used in baits and when processing nests. It should be used with caution as it affects all insects.
  • OtOs. The drug does not need to be diluted, it is already prepared and includes: insecticide, sugar, flavoring. Does not harm beneficial insects.

Adhesives are generally suitable for adults. The mixture is applied to cardboard and the bait is placed.

Temperature-chemical method

Sanitary and Epidemiological Station specialists use this method of insect control if the hive is located in the layers of a wall or roof structure, in a word, in hard-to-reach places or a place where it is not possible to dismantle the structure for direct access to the hive.

This method is based on the use of cold or hot fog generators in combination with smoke bombs. An insecticide with penetrating power provided by the generator fills the space of the hidden cavity and destroys insects.

The effectiveness of such treatment is considered to be the highest in the pest control industry today.

Any of the above methods is sufficiently effective to eliminate problems with wasps or hornets in suburban areas. SES services are provided in strict compliance with the norms and rules for carrying out insecticidal treatments.

Professional pest control has a long-lasting effect, and the specialists of the Central Sanitary Service will give you a 12-month guarantee. The wasp extermination agents used have been certified and approved for use in residential premises.

Take care of your own safety

Security is the first thing to think about. Wasp stings can be truly dangerous, especially considering that the wasp does not lose its sting when bitten and can sting again and again. Those who have already fought with wasps on their own property recommend wearing as much clothing as possible that does not fit close to the body. Moreover, it is advisable to tuck its edges under a belt, gloves and boots. But it is best, in our opinion, to borrow a special protective suit from a beekeeper friend.

In addition to protective clothing, you will also need a reliable flashlight because... Often wasp nests are found in dark corners or unlit attics. Ideally, you need even, constant lighting, so it is better to mount the lantern on something static, such as a tree or wall.

If you are fighting ground wasps, prepare several buckets of earth with which you can fill the nest if you need to quickly retreat from the battlefield and you do not want a “train” in the form of a wasp swarm to follow you. Remember that these wasp nests have several entrances.

Take care of antihistamines and ice cubes that you can apply to the bite sites if they still cannot be avoided. A tourniquet will not be amiss. It is sometimes applied to prevent the absorption of wasp venom if a severe allergic reaction is observed.

Don’t forget about your loved ones, as well as your pets: while the nest is being destroyed, cover them in a place inaccessible to wasps

Never start wasp control alone. Every hero needs a “squire” and a faithful ally, because an allergic reaction to a wasp sting can cause dizziness, confusion, heart pain, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, suffocation as a result of swelling, etc.

Think about escape routes in case you fail to destroy the entire swarm right away.

If you are still not ready to call the experts, then the following information will also be useful to you.

How to get rid of wasps and hornets yourself?

Folk remedies

In addition to the help of specialists and the use of patented drugs, you can turn to folk remedies. One of the most popular is the bait trap. It is made from a plastic bottle: the top part is cut off and placed in the second (neck down). The bottom is filled with sweet, possibly fermented (spoiled jam, beer, apples, meat). Such foods will almost certainly not attract bees and other pollinating insects. An insecticide is also placed in the trap (choose an odorless one).

Often gardeners pour pest control into a bag and put it on the nest. Thus, all exits are blocked. Remove the trap after 3-4 days, listening carefully to the noise. For the same purposes, use a bucket or large pan. Afterwards everything is treated with the drug again. The method is quite dangerous. Don't forget about protective clothing and be careful.

How to get rid of wasps in the house

These pests can live in the ground, in the attic, as well as in walls and under floors. In the last two cases, disinfestation is most difficult. We offer an effective method.

You will need a plastic or rubber tube. It is attached to a bottle containing any effective product. The second end is inserted into the gap in the floor or wall. All other openings that insects can use to escape are tightly closed. The poison is injected at intervals of 7-15 minutes. After the death of the wasps, all openings must be blocked so that new individuals cannot settle there. It is also worth equipping yourself with a protective suit and removing people and pets from the room.

Fighting ground wasps

There are several reliable methods to get rid of wasps in the ground.

  • Burn out the nest. A simple but dangerous method. You need to pour a couple of liters of kerosene into the hole (you can use gasoline) and make a thin burn line. Don't forget about personal safety.
  • Using boiling water requires several repetitions. Also, do not forget to cover the nest after processing (you can use a stone).
  • Insecticide infusion. Be sure to seal the entrance with a rag soaked in the preparation.


Before you start working on getting rid of pests in your home on your property, think about a way to protect yourself from wasp bites. These insects, unlike bees, can bite several times in a row. It is recommended to wear clothes that cover the entire body, but do not stick to the skin. If possible, wear a protective suit.

You should also find a good bright lantern, because wasp “houses” are often found in walls and attics. It's best to securely mount it on a wall or tree to get even lighting.

To get rid of earth wasps, prepare several buckets of soil to cover the nest. There is no point in fighting dangerous parasites alone. A companion who will provide first aid if necessary will not be amiss.

OS features

Before moving on to a dangerous fight, I recommend getting acquainted with some of the character traits of wasps.
They are fearless

They even attack those who are many times larger than their entire colony.

They are cunning

In case of danger, transmit information quickly and save others.

They're quarrelsome

Wasps attack when they feel like it, and not just in case of danger or threat.

They are merciless

They bite several times without pity, maybe even in company. Their poison is toxic.

They are omnivores

Adults feed on sweet nectar, while their larvae are fed protein foods.

Why is a wasp sting dangerous?

A wasp sting is extremely difficult for a person to bear. And if bees sting only in defense, then wasps are very annoying, they fly into vehicles, get under clothes and into bags.

With the help of a sting, the female wasp lays eggs, but when threatened, she releases a toxin from there.

By the way, only the female has a sting. The danger of bites lies in the injection of poison, more than once. The venom contains serotonin, histamine, amino acids, peptides and a strong neurotoxin. The substances act on red blood cells and hepatocytes in human blood. Repeated entry of the poison into the bloodstream provokes an allergic reaction. The consequences can be dire - Quincke's edema, anaphylaxis and death.

In addition, a wound will appear on the skin, and bacteria can penetrate into it, after which inflammation will develop, developing into a purulent process.

According to experts, insect venom can cause partial paralysis, myocardial ischemia, vascular collapse, bronchospasms, hemorrhagic vasculitis, and this is not a complete answer to the question of why a wasp sting is dangerous.

By the way, not everyone has allergies. Many people experience discomfort after a wasp sting and forget about it after a couple of days. The causes of an allergic reaction depend on heredity and sensitization (the allergen was encountered for the first time, a false reaction).

Allergy symptoms are redness and itching at the site of the bite, pain, swelling, dizziness, Quincke's edema, loss of consciousness.

Being bitten by wasps is very unpleasant and even dangerous, which means you need to minimize the risk of their appearance in advance.

Sticky traps

Here it is allowed to use ready-made sticky traps, such as “Kapkan”, “Alt” or “Apcoll”. Glue is applied to pieces of cardboard and a sweet bait is placed in the center, for example, a piece of melon, watermelon, banana, etc. Wasps will flock to the sweet aroma and stick.

This remedy works well against wasps in nature, but it is not suitable for destroying a nest. The fact is that you will have to spend quite a lot of time on this, and only the working individuals will be destroyed, while the queen and larvae will remain in the nest.

Insect locations

Most often, these annoying insects build their homes not in apartments, but under roofs, under canopies and near attics. But sometimes wasps are able to gnaw even wood and concrete in order to take root in the room as best as possible. And then, getting rid of pests becomes much more difficult.

You can climb onto the roof or attic to inspect the presence or absence of nests under construction and eliminate them in a timely manner. By the way, removing nests yourself is a very dangerous thing, but if you dare to take this step, then after removing the nest, you must immediately burn it. Otherwise, the angry wasps will not let you leave peacefully. It is best to act at night, but there is an increased chance of causing yourself any injuries or injuries.

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