Bedbug poison Get: the product is worth buying. Description and instructions

Many people recommend this remedy for bedbugs. Read >>>!

It is difficult to escape from bedbugs. And yet, a remedy has appeared that copes with these parasites. This is Get (Get) - a remedy for bedbugs. (Read the article - How to remove bedbugs).

The article will introduce readers to the new drug, clearly explain what the new drug consists of, how harmful it is for the apartment owner, and also teach how to use Get correctly.

Here you can also view reviews from those who have already used the drug.

Microencapsulated insect killer Get Total (Get Total) bottle 100 ml

Get Total is a special liquid that is used for self-extermination of bed bugs, cockroaches, ants, fleas, flies, wasps and other insects that cause discomfort to a person in everyday life.
✅ and today, the drug Get is one of the most popular, innovative, modern and effective insecticides intended for use by the population in everyday life. The product can cope with insect infestations of any degree of complexity. The characteristics and effectiveness of GET® Total are perfect for disinfestation of apartments, as well as commercial facilities for any purpose.

What do you get using Get Total?

  • The effectiveness of the drug exceeds all expectations. Get kills pests rather than repelling them.
  • Safe for people and pets. Confirmed by tests and certificate.
  • The period of validity for the destruction of insects is 6 months. Barrier protection for your home.
  • Without smell. The drug Get has a neutral odor that disappears instantly.
  • Does not leave stains or marks on furniture and interior items. There are no caustic substances in the composition.
  • Ease of use and ease of self-processing of any area without special equipment. equipment.
  • Excellent consumer reviews about the effectiveness of the practical use of the drug.
  • The modern formula is synthesized to kill insects accustomed to chemicals.

Analogs from other manufacturers

The rating of the best drugs that kill cockroaches includes the following analogues:

  1. Sinuzan. An effective, safe product, the active substance in it is chlorpyrifos. Available in the form of a liquid suspension.
  2. Agran. The active substances are cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos, which have a nerve-paralytic effect on insects.
  3. Xulate C 25. A reliable product that shows excellent results, developed on the basis of chlorpyrifos.
  4. DobrokhimMicro. A highly effective, safe, odorless preparation against cockroaches. The active substance in it is chlorpyrifos.

To kill cockroaches, manufacturers produce drugs in the form of gels. They are easy to use and show good results in the fight against insects. The following gels are in demand among consumers:

  • Dohlox;
  • Exil.

It is difficult to say which of the proposed means to choose. Most often, people are guided by personal considerations, taking into account their financial capabilities and previous experience.

How Get works on insects

Get Total is a microencapsulated suspension of prolonged action. It consists of microcapsules with the toxic substance chlorpyrifos, the size of these micro balls is from 5 to 80 microns. These capsules stick to the body and limbs of the insect. The infected individual takes these microcapsules to its nest and nesting sites, thereby redistributing the toxic component of the Get product. Chlorpyrifos is released from microcapsules and destroys the entire colony of pests, such as bedbugs or cockroaches.

1. The insect, unsuspectingly, crawls on the microcapsules.

2. Capsules stick to the limbs and body of the pest.

3. The individual takes the poison to its nest and infects its relatives.

4. After some time, an insecticide is released from the granules, which kills the carrier.

The picture below illustrates the technology of action of the Get product against bedbugs, cockroaches or other insects.

How to search for numbers in Get Contact

The number search function is one of the main ones - it is available initially after downloading without any additional settings. All registered users can use any features of the service without any restrictions. For example, you are not sure who is calling: a scammer, a spammer or a normal person. With the help of GetContact you will find out the correct answer in just 2 minutes.

Instructions on how to check the number

So, you have downloaded and installed the application on your smartphone running Android or iOS. Click on the program shortcut and on the main page select “Number Search” or click the “Start Search” link. You can search by first or last name, or by phone number.

On the page that opens, under the main commands menu, you will find the number of users who have saved the selected contact in their phone. Now click on the “More results” button - you will be taken to a list of all signature options for the selected user in the phone books of other subscribers.

Instructions for using Get for bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects

1. You will need: a manual household sprayer (spray), water and Get

2. Be sure to shake the bottle! Mix the required amount of product with water. Dilution proportions Get.

3. Pour the solution into a spray bottle. You can also mix it in a spray bottle.

4. Apply the resulting solution to all surfaces in the room and furniture.

Preparing the room before treatment with Get

1) Carry out wet cleaning to remove chemical traces of insects from walls and other surfaces.
2) Remove or cover personal items such as furniture cushions, children's toys, dishes, food.

3) During sanitization, limit access to the premises for people and pets.

4) Move furniture away from the walls to gain access to all secluded places where insects may accumulate.

5) Take care of respiratory protection. If you don't have a respirator, use a gauze bandage on your face.

Treating an apartment against bedbugs with Get

Bedbugs are predominantly nocturnal insects. They recognize the presence of prey by the concentration of carbon dioxide and an increase in temperature, determining their source. Only hungry individuals are able to break their normal routine and crawl out during the daytime.

Therefore, when trying to detect clusters of bedbugs, you need to use their “logic” - look for them in narrow cracks and folds where light does not penetrate.

Bedbugs are also excellent “travelers,” covering distances of up to 4 meters per hour. This is enough to crawl for a bite even from another part of the room. Although a well-fed bug is quite slow and usually hides not far from the victim in order to wait out the danger, and only then return to its usual habitat.

Usually fertilized females migrate to new places in order to find a less competitive place for offspring, so if you have a bug from a neighboring apartment, then most likely you will be in trouble. But they usually live in groups, so exterminating bedbugs at an early stage is not a huge problem.

  • When processing, try to simultaneously wash all items at a temperature of at least 50 C°.
  • If possible, douse areas where bedbugs accumulate with boiling water before treating them.
  • Move the bed away from the walls after bedbug treatment.
  • Do not rush to remove contaminated furniture from the room. This can make the situation worse.

Treating an apartment against cockroaches with Get

Cockroaches are indicators of the ecological state of our environment.

Being synanthropic insects, cockroaches prefer human food scraps. That is, the presence of cockroaches indicates the good environmental friendliness of our products. It would seem that you should be happy, but only their appearance does not evoke the most pleasant feelings, not to mention the intestinal diseases that cockroaches carry on their legs from rotting food debris.

They prefer to behave modestly in the presence of the owner of the home and hide in corners behind furniture, which is the reason for their successful resettlement. You will notice their presence when the number is sufficient.

Cockroaches cannot exist without water. They need it just as much as people do. At the same time, her cockroaches need very little; even a piece of fruit can satisfy the needs of the whole “family”. Not the best news for those who like to eat outside the kitchen.

Grocery stores and warehouses are often located in the houses. Remember that cockroaches can easily get to you through ventilation, pipes and even through the front door.

Take care to isolate such migration paths using sealant or their equivalents.

Using the insect repellent Get, cockroaches can be affected by contact and intestinal methods. Try combining actions. For example, after treating surfaces with a solution of the product, place baits in those places where cockroaches enter before entering your apartment (ventilations, plumbing units, storage rooms). The bait can be made using ground egg yolk, a little sugar and undiluted product. Bring the consistency of the bait to a thick paste form, store it for no more than 2 weeks, or until it is completely dry (fresh bait is much more attractive).

Treating your apartment against fleas with Get

If there are fleas in your apartment, do not rush to blame your pet, if you have one. Of course, buying a special collar and shampoo for him is a must, but not the only thing that needs to be done. Fleas often breed well in the basement if it is humid and there are rodents.

In the vast majority of cases, it is rat fleas that attack people's homes. If you live on the lower floor, fleas appear on you from year to year, especially during rainy periods, do not doubt - these are fleas from the basement.

In such cases, it would be ideal to carry out both disinfestation and deratization of the basement itself, but this will fall on the shoulders of those responsible for the premises. Demand this from the management company, because this must be done without fail.

Your task will be to prevent further reproduction and spread of fleas throughout the apartment.

To do this, you will first need to prepare the premises:

  • if possible, reduce the clutter in the room;
  • wash children's toys;
  • get rid of accumulations of dampness, including floor pots with indoor plants;
  • wash the surfaces with chlorine or other disinfectant solutions, walls to a height of 1.2 m.

After disinfestation, it is advisable to inspect and wash linen, upholstered furniture covers, tulle and curtains, bathrobes and towels more often. This is caused by the fact that fleas lay eggs at a great distance from themselves.

Treatment against wasps, hornets, bees using Get

Fierce defenders of their hive, they can inflict painful bites on anyone who might pose a threat to them. Therefore, be careful and carry out treatments strictly in the early hours, when wasps or hornets are less active.

When searching for a hive, you need to pay attention to where insects are planted. After the wasps have settled, they begin to look for an opening leading to the hive and enter there. If you have the opportunity to inspect the cavity where they crawl, be sure to do so (remember to be careful). If you can get close to the hive, you need to isolate the hive with a bag and leave a hole for injection of the product. Spray 200 ml of working solution. Treat window frames and mosquito nets. Also, a cube of refined sugar soaked in the product will serve as bait.

If the hive is very small (which often happens with wasp colonies), you don’t have to use the bag, but it’s definitely worth taking care of protective equipment.

If the hive is out of reach, then it is necessary to treat the insect landing sites, and also if the cavity where the nest is hidden is quite cramped and has few exits, you can insert the spray tip into the slot and spray the solution in fine spray mode. After spraying, seal the gap with tape or its equivalent.

How to use

Any sane person will not need to explain that the use of insecticides requires the use of personal protective equipment. A mask and gloves are mandatory tools when baiting parasites. These are basic precautions.

Any instructions tell you how to use the drug. Get should be diluted with water in a volume of one to ten or one to twenty. It all depends on the type of insect.

Insect Concentrate (active substance),% Quantity of product in ml. for 1 liter of water
Individuals of cockroaches0,51001000
Individual ants0,2550500
Individuals of bedbugs0,2550500
Flea individuals0,2550500
Flies (adults)0,251001000
Flies (larvae)0,251001000
Mosquitoes (adults)0,2550500
Mosquitoes (larvae)0,2550500
Rat ticks0,2550500
Individuals of skin beetles0,2550500

Before using the drug, it should be shaken very well so that the capsules react better.

The dosage should be followed exactly as indicated in the table above. Pour the drug into a container with a spray bottle and use it for its intended purpose. The sprayer makes the whole process much easier.

Next in the process you need to treat all surfaces, the insides of cabinets, bedside tables, all covered areas and potential hiding places. Pay attention to sewer and ventilation ducts. Be sure to walk through and do not wash off for as long as possible those places that your children and animals do not come into contact with.

It is not necessary to completely treat all places in the room; it will be enough to treat the most key places where parasites accumulate. Clothes, linen and toys should also not be treated. The drug is not intended for this.

You can use the room as usual almost immediately. It does not emit any odor or toxic substances for people and animals. And this is probably its main advantage. In this case, your apartment will also not need to “stand”, unlike the use of aerosol products.

What pests does Get Total eliminate?

Laboratory studies and tests of the Get Total microencapsulated suspension have proven that the product is universal and effectively destroys almost all household insects. The maximum destructive effect of the drug was registered against bedbugs, red cockroaches, pharaoh ants and house fleas.

How to dilute Get, product concentration according to insect type

Based on the data obtained from the analysis of feedback from our clients, we can say that at present, more and more consumers who have carried out disinfestation with this suspension agree that Get is the most effective remedy for bedbugs. To remove a population of bed bugs from an apartment, only 1–2 treatments and 5–17 days are required for the colony to self-destruct. Also, with the drug Get Total, it is easy to effectively exterminate cockroaches in an apartment. Many positive reviews and photo reports confirm the killing power of Get against cockroaches.

Dilution proportions of Get Total in water, depending on the type of insects

Insect type

Quantity of Get per volume of water, 1 bottle

Cockroaches 1 l
Ants 2 l
Bedbugs 2 l
Fleas 2 l
Carpet beetles 2 l
Wasps 1 l
flies 1 l
Hornets 1 l
Crickets 2 l
Bees 1 l
Earwigs 2 l
Mosquitoes 2 l

Attention! Strictly observe dilution proportions! This is the key to guaranteed high-quality destruction of all pests at the site. Tested in practice: Increasing concentration worsens the effectiveness of Get Total! Get is not an agricultural pesticide, but a microencapsulated emulsion. A technology completely different from acute insecticides. To achieve the stated result, you need to act strictly according to the instructions.

How to distinguish the original product from a fake

To avoid falling into the trap of unscrupulous manufacturers supplying counterfeit Get for cockroaches, you should know the differences and signs of the original insecticide:

  • externally, the bottle has a white opaque appearance, packaged in 100 ml bottles, a yellow label with a black inscription Get;
  • The top of the bottle with the product is covered with foil with the image of the Get logo;
  • the production date is pressed into the paper, but not printed with ink;
  • Goeth suspension looks like a white or light cream liquid with an orange or alcohol aroma. If you smell a strong smell of gasoline or other solvent, then the likelihood of a fake is high.

On a note!

The cost of the original drug is about 700 rubles, which is due to the complexity of the encapsulation production technology, so a lower price is evidence of either a diluted solution being sold or a counterfeit one.

Analogues containing chlorpyrifos - Gel Global, Lethal Force, Great Warrior, Delicia in tablets.

Where to buy Get remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches in Vladimir or the Vladimir region

You can buy Get Total in Vladimir at the address: Vladimir, Oktyabrsky district, st. Green, 1 “A”, office. 1.06. Driving directions

"Vladimir SES" is the official dealer of Get Total insecticide in the territory of Vladimir and the Vladimir region. Information about this is posted on the official website. You can verify this by following this link www.vladimir.get.rf. You can also make a purchase of Geta through the official online store of the drug - Get.rf. In this case, the order will be automatically forwarded to our sales department. Since Vladimir SES is the exclusive representative of the Get shredder in the Vladimir region, our responsibilities include processing and fulfilling orders from the manufacturer throughout the 33rd region.

There are two ways to buy Get from bedbugs in Vladimir

1) Pickup from the point of sale on Zelyonaya. Opening hours: weekdays from 10:00 to 18:00. If for some reason you cannot come during our working hours, then call the manager at 8 and agree on a time convenient for you, from 7:00 to 21:00 on any day of the week.

2) Delivery by courier in Vladimir. Delivery of Get/Get anti-bedbug and cockroach products is made on weekdays from 11:00 to 20:00. Delivery cost within the city: 200 rubles. Delivery to the microdistricts of Vladimir: Energetik, Yuryevets, Orgtrud, Kommunar, Bogolyubovo, Mostostroy, Lesnoy, as well as to “Yama”, is 200 – 270 rubles, depending on the remoteness of the delivery address.

Don’t know where to buy Get product in Vladimir? A store of professional disinfectants for the public is at your service.

Buy Getty for bedbugs in the Vladimir region

1) Russian Post cash on delivery. We send the Get tool to any locality in the Vladimir region where there is a Post Office. Payment for the order is made at your post office upon receipt of the order. The cost of such a shipment is 350 rubles.

2) Russian Post first class. After 100% prepayment for the goods, the order is sent to your address. Nothing is paid at the post office anymore. You just receive the parcel. The cost of such a shipment is 250 rubles.

3) Pickup from a point of sale in Vladimir.
If you do not want or are not able to wait while the parcel arrives by Post, come to our office and purchase the product on the spot. ✏️ Instructions for use Get Total (Get Total)

Difference between Gett and Get

The cockroach remedy Gett, similar to the newer drug Get, is its previous form, which is no longer produced. Gett was sold as a water-dispersed solution of chlorpyrifos, which could be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed around the room to kill insects.

Since both drugs are similar in name, many people sometimes confuse them. However, in the store you can now only buy modern Get. Both products have a similar advantage - a weak non-toxic odor; in the new Get, after treatment, only the aroma of oranges and a little alcohol is felt, which is quite pleasant and does not create discomfort for the inhabitants of the treated apartment, house or office, hospital or cafe.

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