How to breed Tsifoks against mosquitoes, instructions for use

If the insect population has exceeded all reasonable limits and traditional methods can no longer cope, called specialists use Tsifox, a potent insecticide. It is used more often against “floor” insects, forgetting about the ability of Tsifoks to destroy flying pests. Tsifoks against mosquitoes is used not only indoors, but also in open spaces. This effective insect repellent can be purchased at garden centers and used independently. But compliance with safety measures when spraying Cifox is mandatory.

Composition and properties

It is a nerve poison. The drug has a long duration of action. When using Tsifox to kill house bugs, cockroaches, and ants, the effect of the drug is 1-1.5 months. Tsifox protects against flying insects for 1-4 weeks. When treating a water surface, the effect of the insecticide is felt within 1-3 weeks.

Cifox contains 25% cypermethrin. Working solutions of this substance should contain 0.01-0.3%. The instructions for the drug contain detailed recommendations on how to dilute the emulsion when using the solution against various types of insects. The shelf life of the product is 5 years from the date of issue.

Analogs containing cypermethrin - Cypermethrin, Medilis Cyper.

On a note!

The diluted drug is suitable for use within 8 hours.

The advantages of the substance are its rapid action on pests, long-lasting action and effectiveness against all types of insects. Disadvantages include the need for protective clothing and lengthy preparation before processing. Protective clothing is necessary because the concentrated toxic chemical also has a nerve-paralytic effect on people.

Instructions for use

Before dissolving the concentrate, complete three preparatory steps.

  1. Clear the furniture. Remove all clothes and belongings from closets and chests of drawers - the shelves should be empty. Move pieces of furniture away from the walls to work in nooks and crannies.
  2. Put away food and utensils. Seal all food, plates and cups and take them out to the balcony.
  3. Remove animals from the apartment. The fumes from the drug are toxic to pets; take them outside. If this is not possible, remove the aquarium with fish from the visit and close it tightly.

Preparation of the solution

Before self-disinfestation, you must study the instructions. The solution must be prepared based on the degree of infection of the room and the type of insect that attacked it. To remove ants, lice and bedbugs, a concentrate of 0.05% is needed, and for more tenacious parasites (fleas, cockroaches, flies) - 0.1%.

The substance must completely dissolve, so the composition must be thoroughly mixed in water. Disinsection is carried out in four stages.

  1. Fill the pan. Take a separate container and pour one third of tap water into it.
  2. Stir the composition. Add the required amount of solution and mix.
  3. Bring until ready. Add the rest of the water to the desired concentration and shake again.
  4. Prepare your sprayer. Leave the product to sit for five minutes and then pour it into a spray bottle.

“Tsifoks” against bedbugs remains active for eight hours after its preparation, but it is better not to hesitate and carry out disinfestation immediately.


Apply the prepared solution to the favorite habitats of pests:

  • walls and corners;
  • areas with peeling wallpaper;
  • skirting boards and floors;
  • electrical appliances, sockets;
  • slopes, cracks and doorways;
  • furniture frames, carpets;
  • lower zone of window sills;
  • wardrobes and chests of drawers - inside and outside;
  • beds and chairs - bottom and back surface;
  • watches, paintings.

For the best effect, treat individual objects, tile joints and smooth floor surfaces with a brush dipped in the applied compound.

How to use

Tsifoks against mosquitoes
Instructions for using Tsifoks provide for different consumption of the product and its concentration in the solution for different types of insects. Mosquitoes are also included. It is difficult for bloodsuckers to enter a city apartment and there are enough conventional drugs there.

In and around the country house, mosquitoes can find a lot of shelters and reservoirs for breeding. You will have to process not only your own plot, but also the area around it. These insects do not fly far, but a circle with a radius of 100 m needs to be sprayed. Depending on the area that needs to be treated, the instructions indicate how to dilute Tsifoks against mosquitoes or their larvae.

To kill mosquitoes, the concentrate is diluted at the rate of 1 ml per 2.5 liters of water. Consumption rates for the finished emulsion:

  • for the destruction of adult mosquitoes 50-100 ml/m², consumption depends on the characteristics of the treated area and the population size;
  • to destroy larvae, the product consumption is 10-30 ml/m² for fire barrels or other small bodies of water and 100 ml/m² for large natural bodies of water.

Artificial digging pits are processed according to the second option, although they may seem small.

The secret of success is in the composition

The active component of Cifox 25 is the broad-spectrum insecticide cypermethrin. The total proportion of poison is 25%. Additionally, the composition includes fragrances and emulsifiers. An analogue of the drug is Cypermethrin.

The concentrate is sold in containers of different sizes - 50, 500, 1000 ml. Immediately before use, it is necessary to prepare a solution - add the specified amount of concentrate to cold water and mix. Pour into a spray bottle or spray bottle.

Cypermethrin penetrates the mosquito's body through contact, through the respiratory system. The death of the insect occurs within 20 minutes after contact with the poison. The insecticide disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, causes muscle paralysis and death. The cost of a 50 ml bottle is 400 rubles.

On a note!

Cypermethrin is included in many domestic and foreign mosquito repellents. The drugs differ from each other in the concentration of the active component and fragrances that mask the pungent odor of the insecticide.

Processing rules

To better destroy bloodsuckers, treatment of a summer cottage against mosquitoes is carried out after preliminary preparation: mowing down unnecessary plants along the perimeter of the area near fences, as well as around ponds. This reduces the number of hiding places for adult mosquitoes.

After preparation, the surfaces of the walls of all buildings, bushes, trees and grass are treated with the Tsifox solution. To destroy the larvae, spray the surface of reservoirs with standing water.


Fish ponds, water sources for irrigation and drinking, swimming places, and running water should not be treated.

Use of Tsifoks for protection against mosquitoes

Additional Information

The drug is used not only to eliminate various pests, but also to treat chicken coops. In this case, a 0.01% solution concentration is indicated. The composition is sprayed into the room, left for 12 hours, then the residue is removed with water.

Tsifoks can be used to eliminate hornets and wasps. But at the same time, Tsifoks is also dangerous for bees. Beekeepers should take this into account. It is also not recommended to get the composition on grass that animals eat. In this case, they may die.

If the composition is accidentally ingested into the body (swallowed), the following symptoms occur:

  • nausea and vomiting syndrome;
  • headache;
  • trembling of hands and feet;
  • increased salivation;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

If these symptoms appear while using the solution, you should urgently visit a doctor or call an ambulance.

Before the doctor arrives, you need to provide first aid to the victim, which consists of the following:

  • providing the person with fresh air (you can open the windows if the procedure was carried out in a residential area, or take him outside);
  • rinsing the nasal and oral cavity with a 2% soda solution;
  • taking activated carbon (calculating weight: 1 tablet for every 10 kg);
  • washing the eyes with Albucid or another drug that is on hand;
  • washing the skin on which the product has come in contact with soap and water.

On a note! The drug Cifox has an unpleasant odor, so it is recommended to wear a respirator when using it.

How to use Tsifoks against bedbugs?

The first step is to carry out preparatory work that involves removing from the premises any things that can be damaged by the action of Cifox:

  1. We remove plants, personal hygiene products, food, light furniture, toys.
  2. We take out the aquarium or pet cages; if this is not possible, cover them with something (towel, polyethylene, oilcloth).
  3. We carry out wet cleaning of the room, paying special attention to baseboards, the space under the bed and furniture, and doorways.

Next, we proceed to creating the solution. If the colony of bedbugs is small and they have appeared in the apartment recently, make a 0.01% solution (2 ml of product per 5 liters of water). If the colony is large, you need a 0.05% solution (2 ml of product per 1 liter of water).

We process surfaces under the bed and furniture, we process doorways, window frames, baseboards. When processing wood, fabric and plywood, we increase the amount of the drug (since these materials absorb moisture, which means the consumption of the product should be higher ).

We carry out the work with the windows open, so you don’t even get poisoned. Without ventilation, even a respirator will not protect you; there will be toxic Cifox fumes in the room.

Security measures

Remember that work is only possible with the use of protective equipment. There should be no other people or animals in the apartment. During treatment, it is prohibited to smoke, eat or drink in the apartment. According to the instructions, only people who have reached 18 years of age can work with the drug.

In case of poisoning, nausea, headache and dizziness, increased salivation, and weakness may occur. If any symptoms appear, you should immediately stop working with the drug, change clothes, wash your hands, wash, rinse your mouth with water and soda, and go outside. If symptoms do not go away, call an ambulance.

If Zifox comes into contact with your skin, rinse immediately with water. If it happens that Zifox gets into the mouth, you should immediately induce vomiting. To do this, you need to drink about 3 glasses of water. After vomiting, after 5 minutes, drink up to 20 tablets of activated carbon. The tablets are taken with plenty of water.

Appointment of Tsifoks

The drug is used in the following cases:

  • fight against ixodid ticks, which are carriers of tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis, Lyme disease and other diseases;
  • destruction of synatropic insects - cockroaches, ants, fleas, mosquitoes, flies, rat mites, bed bugs;
  • disinfestation of premises against lice and scabies mites;

Tsifoks is destructive to bees and fish, so they are prohibited from treating domestic water bodies, and it is also not recommended to spray the drug during the flight of bees.

Release form

A popular product for combating harmful insects is produced in Russia. The concentrated emulsion is poured into plastic containers. The volume of bottles is 50, 500 ml and 1 liter.

When removing various types of parasites and pests, owners and professional exterminators prepare a working solution of a certain concentration: the product is diluted with clean water to the required levels.

How to get rid of wireworms in the garden and prevent the pest from reappearing? We have the answer!

Read useful tips on how to get rid of fruit flies in the kitchen at this address.

Indications for use

"Tsifoks" is intended for the extermination of the following pests and parasites:

  1. Bloch.
  2. Cockroaches.
  3. Klopov.
  4. Much.
  5. Scabies, ixodid and rat mites.
  6. Muravyov.
  7. Lice.

The drug is recommended to be used:

  1. In foci of pediculosis infection.
  2. In the area where scabies spreads.
  3. In structures and cars of the subway and railway.
  4. In open areas of the natural environment.
  5. Indoors.

Important! Under no circumstances should you treat reservoirs intended to provide water to residential areas, as well as in protected areas.

The toxicity of the product requires handling in a protective suit and in a ventilated area.

To proceed to processing, you should prepare a working solution.

Rules for preparing the emulsion:

  1. The drug is diluted with water and processing begins immediately, without delay for several hours. Water can be used from any drinking source or reservoir. The solution requires thorough dissolution of the product in water. To do this, when mixing the components, you need to stir constantly for about 7 minutes.
  2. After preparing the emulsion, it must be poured into a special container with a sprayer (whether it is a professional sprayer such as an Automax or an aerosol generator or a small one), which is capable of evenly covering the surfaces with the insecticide.
  3. To kill insects indoors, it is recommended to pour the emulsion into a special container capable of spewing droplets with a diameter of about 150-300 microns.
  4. To process large open areas, it is advisable to install the device on a car. A prerequisite for the sprayer: drops with a diameter of 25-155 microns.
  5. Fine-droplet sprays are commonly used to poison mosquitoes. To do this, make a solution with the drug in diesel or other oil in a ratio of 1:1-10, respectively. 400 ml of product is enough to treat 1 hectare.

Important! Be careful not to exceed the recommended dose per area.

For a certain type of pests and parasites, there is a drug consumption table given below.

Table 1. Treatment solution for arthropod insects
Insect species Concentration (%) according to DV Amount of drug in solution, ml
100 ml 500 ml 1000 ml
Bedbugs 0,01 0,4 2 4
0,05 2 10 20
Ants 0,04 1,6 8 16
0,05 2 10 20
Cockroaches 0,1 4 20 40
Fleas 0,01 0,4 2 4
0,05 2 10 20
0,1 4 20 40
Fly larvae, flies 0,1 4 20 40
0,05 2 10 20
Bell mosquitoes 0,1 4 20 40
Lice, scabies and rat mites 0,05 2 10 20
Flies imago in the natural environment 0,1 4 20 40
in the home 0,05 2 10 20
Wasps 0,1 4 20 40
Mosquitoes imago 0,01 0,4 2 4
0,05 2 10 20
larvae 0,01 0,4 2 4
0,05 2 10 20
0,1 4 20 40
Table 2. Solution for treatment against ixodid ticks
Genus of ticks Consumption rate of the drug ml/ha Solution concentration, % Amount of product in solution, l
in the Far East by drug 100 ml 500 ml 1000 ml
Ixodes (more than 200 species) – carriers of encephalitis, borelliosis, etc. 250 0,0625 0,25 0,0025 0,0125 0,025
500 0,1250 0,5 0,005 0,025 0,05
750 0,1880 0,75 0,0075 0,0375 0,075
Dermacentor, Haemaphysalis are carriers of Marseilles, Mediterranean, and Astrakhan fevers. 1200 0,3 1,2 0,012 0,06 0,12

Please note that to treat clothing against ixodid ticks and fleas, you should prepare a separate emulsion.

  1. To prepare 1 liter. you will need 0.005 l. drug, where the concentration for the drug will be within 0.5%, and for the DV - 0.125%.
  2. To prepare 5 l. you will need 0.025 l. drug, the concentration for the drug and for the DV is the same.
  3. To prepare 1 liter. you will need 0.005 l. drug, where the concentration for the drug will be within 0.5%, and for the DV - 0.125%.
  4. To prepare 10 l. you will need 0.05 l. drug, concentration by agent - 0.5%, by DV - 0.125%.

Indoors, the Zifox solution should be applied with a spray bottle to:

  1. Rosette zones.
  2. The reverse side of paintings, wall clocks, panels.
  3. Skirting boards.
  4. Curtains.
  5. Frames of sofas and beds.
  6. Wallpaper joints.
  7. Corners of shelves and drawers.
  8. The reverse side of technical devices.

The effect of the drug begins within 20 minutes. Pests and parasites crawl out of their hiding places into visible areas to die.

After treatment, you should leave the room for at least 10 hours and open all windows. Need to clean up after returning

Particular attention should be paid to surfaces in contact with humans - tabletops (wipe with a solution of water and soda or soap), sofas, curtains (vacuum or wash in hot water)

The product has no effect on eggs, but hatched individuals end up on treated surfaces and are also destroyed.

Bedbug exterminator "Executioner"

Today, Executioner is considered one of the best insect repellents. It is sold under a special German license and guarantees high quality and efficiency. The drug contains fenthion

This is a substance that has a paralyzing effect on insects. It is important to note that the substance is absolutely harmless to people and animals. Fenthion can only cause side effects if it enters the stomach in large quantities.

The substance is sold in a small bottle. If used correctly, you can rid your apartment of unwanted insects in a couple of hours. You can buy Executioner online or at any grocery store.

The purchased product must be dissolved in a small amount of water. Usually half a liter of liquid is enough for one bottle of Executioner. Pour the mixture into any container with a spray bottle. Spray the products on all surfaces, especially where you have seen parasites.

According to people, with one bottle you can thoroughly treat a large sofa or all the baseboards in one room. If you want to poison bedbugs in the entire apartment, then buy about 20 bottles of Executioner.

  • Will not harm furniture or other surfaces, does not leave stains.
  • It acts not only on adult insects, but also on larvae.
  • The insects die a couple of hours after treating the apartment.
  • Acceptable cost of the drug.

Here are some of the disadvantages of the Executioner:

  • Pungent, unpleasant odor. It will disappear in a few hours.
  • It is addictive to parasites. If the insects did not leave the first and second times, then during the third treatment the product may no longer work.
  • You need to prepare the solution yourself using purchased bottles.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug Cifox

The drug Cifox gained popularity due to its positive qualities, which are much more numerous than the disadvantages. These include:

After treating a room with Tsifoks, a persistent odor remains for a long time. You should not be afraid of it, since under the influence of oxygen the toxin contained is destroyed.

The disadvantages include the following:

Rules for carrying out Tsifoks treatment indoors

To safely treat a room from unwanted insects, you need to remember some important rules:

  1. Carry out wet cleaning in the room.
  2. Place food and medicines out of reach of the sprayed solution.
  3. Prepare a container for the finished mixture and a sprayer. Ideally, a special spraying apparatus would be suitable.
  4. Take care of the personal safety of the person carrying out the processing. He must wear closed clothing, shoes, a scarf, gloves, and a respirator for breathing safety. After the event, you must take a hygienic shower, wash used clothes, and clean your shoes.
  5. During the event, be sure to ventilate the room.
  6. Do not eat, drink or smoke in the treatment area.
  7. 12 hours after the work, wash the room with warm water.

For chemical treatment, you can use a regular sprayer.

Preparation of a solution for the destruction of ixodid ticks

To prepare a solution against ixodid ticks, you need to dilute 5 ml of concentrated emulsion in 1–2 liters of water. The volume of the finished solution is calculated per 1 hectare of the area surface. The rules for preparing the solution are described above.

Rules for processing a land plot

To effectively treat an open area against ticks, you must adhere to the following rules:

Treat the area twice per season: in early spring before planting seedlings (April - early May) and in late autumn after harvesting (late October - November). Choose a dry, warm, windless day. In such weather, ticks are on the surface, making them easier to destroy. Ideally, three days before treatment and three days after it there will be no precipitation in the form of rain or snow. If it rains immediately after using chemicals, the poisons will be washed away and the result will be zero. So check the weather forecast. Perform the treatment no later than 40 days before harvesting. This is necessary so that the chemicals that fall on garden crops have time to be neutralized by rain, watering and plant activity. The danger of poisoning and severe intoxication of the body is high during the first month after treatment. Before the procedure, also remove garden furniture and equipment. On the day of the procedure, exclude children and pets from the area. Don't forget to take care of yourself too. Over the main closed clothing, put on a robe or a special protective suit, a scarf, gloves, and put on high boots or closed shoes. Protect your breathing with a respirator. After work, wash your clothes, shine your shoes and take a hygienic shower. Avoid chemicals getting into water, especially drinking water.

Enter the territory without protection after 3 days. Pay special attention to garden paths, recreation areas and areas near the entrance to the room. Spray any shrubs and trees no more than 1.5 meters high

The above makes no sense: there are no ticks there.

Among the most popular drugs designed to protect against mosquitoes, the product “” deserves special attention. This product is an amazing combination of affordable price and incredible efficiency. The drug is able to fight not only mosquitoes, but also other blood-sucking insects. The product is intended for protection not only indoors, but also outdoors. If safety precautions are observed, Tsifoks is not capable of harming human health, but has a detrimental effect on insects.

About the manufacturer

The drug "Tsifoks" was developed and produced by a Russian company that has been producing and selling disinfectants for more than 15 years. Its arsenal includes such well-known brands as “ECTOMETRIN”, “AFLORAN”, “MEDILIS”, “MEDIRET”, “MEDICHLOR”.

The scope of application of the products produced by this manufacturer is becoming wider every year. In 2009, the company created a number of new products to get rid of head lice. Also at this time, the arsenal of chemicals for treating open areas against ticks was replenished.

Laboratory MediLIS LLC, working closely with various research institutes, occupies a leading position in the development and production of disinfection products. This company employs doctors of biological, chemical and medical sciences, whose work has been awarded high government awards.

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