"Tsifoks": how to dilute, in what proportion to use against bedbugs, ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches and lice

If insects appear in the apartment, you need to get rid of them immediately. They cause disgust with their appearance, spoil food and carry dangerous infections. "Tsifoks" is one of the drugs that effectively solves the problem.

"Tsifoks" is an insectoacaricidal concentrate. It is used by exterminators to eliminate insects in public places: hospitals, supermarkets, educational institutions, and in all types of transport. The product is also intended for self-treatment of apartments and garden plots. It allows you to get rid of parasites quickly and for a long time.

General properties of Tsifoks

According to the instructions, Tsifox has an insectoacaricidal effect, ensuring the complete destruction of ants, cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, scabies and rat mites, larvae and adults of mosquitoes and flies, lice within 20-25 minutes. The duration of action of Cifox depends on the type of surface being treated and on the concentration of the emulsion (from one week to three months). The residual effect of Cifox on indoor surfaces ranges from one to three months; in an aquatic environment – ​​1-3 weeks; in open nature conditions (when using Tsifoks to combat mosquito components) - from one to six weeks; when treating against ixodid ticks - from one to two months. As a result of contact with clothing, ixodid ticks die, while the acaricidal effect of Tsifox will last up to two weeks.

Reviews of Tsifox confirm that the effectiveness of the drug largely depends on the sensitivity of arthropod populations to its active component.

Some reviews of Tsifoks say that when using the product to combat insect populations that are highly resistant to peritroids, its insectoacaricidal effect is significantly reduced.

Description of the drug

Tsifox for bedbugs is a product for professional use; it is successfully used by exterminators and allows you to clear your apartment of bedbugs forever.

Due to its particular toxicity, it is recommended for use only by specialists . At the same time, subject to certain precautions, it is possible to use it independently . Due to its high toxicity, this drug is quite difficult to find on the open market. But nowadays it is still possible to find sources of acquisition.

The substance has a pungent, persistent odor that is very difficult to remove from the room

The action of the anti-bed bug Tsifox is based on the substance cypermethrin . It is a highly toxic poison of the peritroid group, obtained from alkaloids. It is able to destroy the chitinous covering of insects and penetrate the body and digestive system, blocking cell impulses. Disruption of the functioning of various organs of bedbugs leads to the death of the pests.

The drug is capable of destroying both adult insects and insect larvae. It acts almost instantly, and the bedbugs die from destruction of the nervous system.

Indications for use of Tsifoks

  • destruction of synanthropic insects - bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, fleas, flies and rat mites;
  • disinsection of premises in foci of pediculosis and scabies against lice and scabies mites;
  • disinfestation at metro and railway transport facilities;
  • combating various components of midges in natural conditions - when treating stagnant artificial and natural reservoirs of temporary or permanent existence, areas of territory covered with vegetation, in buildings and structures. The use of Tsifoks is strictly prohibited in reservoirs for economic purposes used for breeding poultry and fish.
  • fight against ixodid ticks - carriers of Lyme disease, pathogens of tick-borne encephalitis, tick-borne borreliosis and other diseases (treatment of natural sites).

Preparation of working solution

To prepare the working solution you will need 4 ml. tsifoksa, which is diluted in a bucket of water. With these proportions, the concentration of the solution is 0.1%, which is quite enough to get rid of parasites. You cannot change the proportions yourself; firstly, this will not affect the result in any way, and secondly, it can only harm those living in the apartment.

After mixing the components, the solution needs to sit a little for 5-10 minutes, then it can be used. The solution is applied in two ways. Some of it is poured into a spray bottle, which is convenient for treating hard-to-reach places and crevices. The second part can be applied using a regular brush. After 2 days the procedure is repeated.

If during the procedure you feel symptoms of poisoning, for example, dizziness, nausea, lacrimation, etc., immediately stop work and go outside. It is necessary to change clothes, wash and rinse your stomach. When symptoms do not go away, consult a doctor.

Preparing the premises

As mentioned earlier, a lot depends on the degree of contamination of the room. If you noticed these parasites at an early stage, and they did not have time to create a huge colony, then the treatment itself will follow a simplified scheme. In the case where there are already a large number of them, you need to carry out the procedure very carefully.

The result will also depend on how correctly you prepared the room before the procedure. Preparation is also necessary for safety reasons.

  • Be sure to remove all food from surfaces; they can be hidden in the refrigerator and packed in bags. Also hide dishes and kitchen utensils.
  • We hide all personal hygiene products, children's toys, and hide clothes.
  • We clean all surfaces as much as possible from any things and objects.
  • We remove bed linen, bedspreads and other textiles; they need to be washed.
  • Be sure to wash animal bedding.
  • After washing all textiles, they must be ironed to high temperature, this will help get rid of parasite eggs.

A few words should be said about the parasites themselves in order to understand what we are fighting against. The fact is that fleas do not lay eggs in one place, nor do they parasitize only on the body of an animal. They use the body of animals and humans only for saturation, then the females leave it and lay offspring. With this procedure, they can leave eggs on absolutely all surfaces. Most often these are carpets and rugs, upholstered furniture; in large populations, they climb into hard-to-reach places, crevices and baseboards, where they also leave offspring.

It is very important to carry out a general cleaning of the premises before processing, during which it will be possible to get rid of a large number of eggs, from which the younger generation emerges within 2 weeks. The first thing you need to do is thoroughly vacuum the carpets, furniture, and all textiles. Next, get rid of cobwebs and dust and perform a wet cleaning.


During this procedure, only the person performing it can be in the apartment. All residents and pets must leave the premises. If there is an aquarium in the apartment, then it is better to take it out; when this is not possible, be sure to cover it with a lid.

So, protective equipment must be used. It is necessary to wear protective overalls that will prevent the substance from coming into contact with the skin. If this is not available, you can wear pants and a long-sleeved sweater, but remember that the clothes must be washed after treatment. Rubber gloves are also used. Since application is carried out using a sprayer, keep in mind that microparticles of the drug will be present in the air throughout the room; be sure to use a respirator and safety glasses.

The substance is applied to all surfaces where the largest concentration of parasites is expected. If the infection is severe, you will need to move the furniture away from the walls to treat the baseboards.

After the substance is applied to the surface, you must leave the apartment for at least 8 hours. The ideal option is for the family and their pets to move for several days during the treatment, which allows them to complete all the steps without haste and take maximum care of safety.

You need to change clothes, wash your hands and face, and go outside.

Activities after treatment

One person returns to the apartment, who must ventilate the room well and carry out wet cleaning. It is necessary to pay special attention to surfaces with which people and animals come into contact; there should be no toxic substance on them.

The poisonous agent can only remain in hard-to-reach places. Keep in mind that small children and animals can pick up objects from the floor and they should not come into contact with the drug.

Instructions for use of Tsifoks

Working emulsions of the product should be prepared immediately before using Tsifoks. It is necessary to dilute Tsifox with tap water, continuously stirring the resulting solution for five minutes. It is recommended to use the finished emulsion within eight hours. To apply Cifox, large-volume large-droplet sprayers are most often used. To destroy rat mites, scabies mites, ants, and bed bugs, use a 0.05% aqueous emulsion of Tsifox. To combat cockroaches, fleas, flies, mosquitoes and their larvae, use a 0.1% aqueous solution of the product.


The drug Tsifoks has an acceptable cost. The low concentration of the working solution (range from 0.01 to 0.1%) explains the economical consumption of the insecticidal and acaricidal agent.

The cost depends on the volume of the product:

  • 50 ml – 180 rubles.
  • 500 ml – 950 rubles.
  • 1000 ml – 1400 rubles.

Find out how to get rid of an earthen rat in your country house and prevent the rodent from reappearing.

Read about how to get rid of bedbug bites on your body and what to apply on them on this page.

Follow the link and read the information on how to get rid of small red ants in your apartment.

Precautionary measures

Preparation of the emulsion and refilling of containers should be carried out at special gas stations. According to the instructions, persons under 18 years of age, nursing and pregnant women, as well as persons with hypersensitivity to pesticides are prohibited from working with Cifox. Smoking, drinking, and eating are prohibited at work sites.

Persons working with Tsifoks must be provided with personal protective equipment - overalls (overalls made of water-repellent or thick fabric), sealed goggles and a respirator. After work, you should thoroughly wash exposed areas of the body with water.

Disinsection of premises should be carried out with open windows and vents. After work, the room must be ventilated for half an hour. Cleaning the room with open vents and windows should be carried out 9-12 hours after disinfestation.

Release form

The drug is available in the form of a concentrated solution, which is bottled in green plastic bottles. There are several volumes of the product produced:

  • For small treatment areas - Tsifoks 25 ml;
  • For treating apartments - Tsifoks 50 ml;
  • If it is necessary to treat the garden - Tsifoks in volumes of 500 ml and 1000 ml.

Tsifox 25% concentrate is classified as class 3 moderately dangerous toxic substances when inhaled and class 4 when exposed to the skin.

It is necessary to calculate the correct concentration of the drug, because this indicator is the second most important after the quality certificate, which determines the level of toxicity and duration of action of the active component. Plus, it is recommended to purchase the product only in trusted sales departments, for example, in a pharmacy or specialized stores.

The solution should be stored at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. If the temperature regime is not observed, the effect of the active substance is reduced.

First aid for Cifox poisoning

Reviews of Tsifox indicate that poisoning with this drug results in headache, weakness, vomiting, unpleasant taste in the mouth, nausea, which worsens when smoking or eating, excessive salivation, and irritation of the respiratory organs. If these symptoms appear, you must immediately remove contaminated clothing and rinse your mouth with a 2% solution of baking soda or water.

In case of accidental ingestion of Cifox, drink 2-3 glasses of water and induce vomiting. Then you should drink one or two glasses of water with 10-20 tablets of activated carbon.

If Cifox gets into your eyes or skin, you should immediately wash the contaminated areas with water or a 2% solution of baking soda.


Even such an effective product as Cifox has several nuances of use that owners should be aware of:

  • strict adherence to dosage is required. The degree of impact on parasites and pests depends on the correct dilution of a potent insecticide;
  • Disinsection must be carried out wearing safety glasses, a respirator, a special suit or thick clothing with long sleeves. Neglecting protective measures leads to negative skin reactions.
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