Instructions for use of Tsifoks against bedbugs, cockroaches, mosquitoes, ticks, flies

The human home attracts many insects, because here there is food and favorable conditions for life and reproduction. But such a neighborhood brings a lot of trouble to people, since the appearance of insects leads to damage to food, property, and bites on the body.

Blood-sucking parasites pose a particular danger, since many of them are carriers of infectious diseases. Disinfestation with chemicals helps get rid of insects. One of them is Tsifoks, which has long established itself as an effective remedy.

  • 5 Precautions
  • 6 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 7 Conclusion
  • Description and purpose

    This drug has a wide spectrum of action. But before using it for pest control at home, you need to clearly understand what Cifox is and how to use it correctly so as not to harm your health.

    This chemical is a concentrated, yellowish suspension with a strong, specific odor. Before use, the drug must be diluted with water. Tsifox has a detrimental effect on bed bugs, cockroaches, fleas, mosquitoes, ants, and flies. The product is suitable for treating industrial, residential and warehouse premises.

    Composition and release forms

    This product is sold only in liquid form. You can purchase it in plastic bottles of 50 ml, as well as bottles of 500 and 1000 ml. The product is additionally packaged in a cardboard box, which contains detailed instructions on the rules of use.

    The active component of Cifox is cypermethrin, the mass fraction of which in the product is 25%. It has a contact effect and, when it comes into contact with the body and paws of an insect, blocks nerve impulses going from the brain to the limbs. This causes paralysis of the parasite and then death.

    The composition of the Tsifox product also includes additional components: fragrances, emulsifiers, solvents. They mask the specific odor of the active component and promote its uniform distribution in the preparation.

    Release forms

    How to dilute and consumption rates

    Before carrying out disinfestation in the house against bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects, Tsifox must be diluted with water. This must be done immediately before the procedure, since the working fluid remains active only for 8 hours. With longer storage, the insecticidal properties are lost.

    Recommended solution concentration depending on the type of insect being destroyed:

    • fleas, bedbugs, ants – 0.5 ml per 1 liter of water;
    • flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches – 1 ml per 1 liter of water;
    • ixodid ticks – 1.25 ml per 1 liter of water.

    You need to dilute Tsifox against bedbugs, as well as against other types of insects, in a plastic container. After dilution, the resulting liquid must be thoroughly mixed until smooth. Only after this the solution should be poured into a spray bottle. If the number of insects in the room is small, the recommended consumption rate is 50 ml per 1 sq. m. m, and in the event of mass reproduction of pests and parasites, it should be doubled.

    Instructions for use

    Before carrying out disinfestation in an apartment with Tsifox, you need to prepare it. To do this, remove pets and remove indoor plants in advance. It is also necessary to cover the aquarium, put food in the refrigerator and pack it in airtight containers, and hide clothes in a closet or put them in plastic bags.

    Upon completion of preparation, carry out wet cleaning to remove dust from surfaces. Once preparation is complete, processing can begin. It is recommended to carry it out with the windows open due to the specific pungent odor of the solution.

    At the end of disinfestation, the apartment must be closed for 12 hours, and then ventilated for 2 hours and washed with a soda solution of surfaces that will come into contact. General cleaning can only be done after 2 weeks.

    Wet cleaning

    To kill bedbugs

    When using Tsifox for bedbugs, you need to spray the solution in the places where the parasites are supposed to live. To do this, open sofas and armchairs, remove mattresses from beds in order to improve access of the working solution to the habitats of parasites. Spray the diluted Tsifox bedbug repellent from a distance of 20 cm from the surface.

    Particular attention should be paid to:

    • skirting boards;
    • window frames, doorways;
    • folds and creases in the upholstery of upholstered furniture;
    • joints of frames of beds, sofas, armchairs;
    • the reverse side of carpets, paintings, peeling wallpaper;
    • ventilation hatches, switches and sockets;
    • cracks in the walls and floor near the sleeping areas.

    To kill cockroaches

    When using Tsifoks against cockroaches, it is necessary to carry out disinfestation in the same way as for bedbugs. The solution must be applied pointwise to areas where pests are concentrated, taking into account their lifestyle. The concentration of the diluted solution of Tsifokson should be greater than that for bedbugs. The drug should be sprayed on the surface and, if necessary, applied with a brush.

    To kill cockroaches, you must carefully treat:

    • baseboards, adjacent sections of walls and floors to them;
    • areas near the trash can;
    • under the washbasin;
    • joints of water pipes;
    • ventilation hatches;
    • behind the batteries.

    Dead cockroaches

    To kill ants

    According to the instructions for use, Tsifoks is also effective against ants. In this case, you need to spray the product in places where insects move. The drug should also be applied to corners and crevices, as well as other places where an anthill may be located. If necessary, treatment should be repeated after 2 days.

    To kill fleas

    Tsifox also helps get rid of fleas in your home. But the drug cannot be used to kill parasites directly on the animal’s body. For this purpose, only specially designed targeted drugs are suitable.

    The diluted solution of Tsifoks should be sprayed onto the pet's bedding and around adjacent areas of the floor, walls, and baseboards. If necessary, the carpets in the house should also be treated.

    To destroy ixodid ticks

    It is also possible to use Tsifox against ticks, but to do this you need to dilute the suspension taking into account the recommended concentration. To treat your garden plot, you need to spray the solution on the grass, bushes and trees, as well as garden paths and benches. Carry out the procedure in dry, windless weather.

    To destroy possible ixodid ticks on clothing, you should put things in a thick plastic bag and spray the solution inside for 5 seconds. Then tie it tightly and leave for 2 hours. After this, you need to wash the items at the maximum permissible temperature, dry and iron.

    For the destruction of adults and larvae of mosquitoes

    Tsifox also helps get rid of mosquitoes. To do this, spray the solution in corners and on dark areas of the walls where these flying insects prefer to hide. The consumption rate in this case is standard, that is, 50 ml per 1 sq. m. m. When using Tsifoks for disinfestation of basements and underground communications, according to the instructions for use, the concentration should not be increased, but the consumption rate must be doubled.

    For the destruction of adults and larvae of flies

    The product Cifox has a detrimental effect on flies and their larvae. To destroy them, it is recommended to spray the working solution in places of their mass accumulation and planting. Particular attention should be paid to sunny, well-heated areas of walls, lamps, door frames, trash cans, and window frames.

    Additional Information

    The drug is used not only to eliminate various pests, but also to treat chicken coops. In this case, a 0.01% solution concentration is indicated. The composition is sprayed into the room, left for 12 hours, then the residue is removed with water.

    Tsifoks can be used to eliminate hornets and wasps. But at the same time, Tsifoks is also dangerous for bees. Beekeepers should take this into account. It is also not recommended to get the composition on grass that animals eat. In this case, they may die.

    If the composition is accidentally ingested into the body (swallowed), the following symptoms occur:

    • nausea and vomiting syndrome;
    • headache;
    • trembling of hands and feet;
    • increased salivation;
    • the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

    If these symptoms appear while using the solution, you should urgently visit a doctor or call an ambulance.

    Before the doctor arrives, you need to provide first aid to the victim, which consists of the following:

    • providing the person with fresh air (you can open the windows if the procedure was carried out in a residential area, or take him outside);
    • rinsing the nasal and oral cavity with a 2% soda solution;
    • taking activated carbon (calculating weight: 1 tablet for every 10 kg);
    • washing the eyes with Albucid or another drug that is on hand;
    • washing the skin on which the product has come in contact with soap and water.

    On a note! The drug Cifox has an unpleasant odor, so it is recommended to wear a respirator when using it.

    Precautionary measures

    It is necessary to use Tsifoks for disinfestation in the house while observing personal safety measures. Before preparing the solution and carrying out the treatment, you need to wear goggles, gloves, a respirator and clothing that covers the exposed areas of the body as much as possible.


    You can work continuously with the product for no more than 3 hours, and the windows must be open. During disinfestation, it is prohibited to drink, smoke, or eat food. If a solution or suspension gets on the skin or mucous membranes, immediately wash off the drug with a stream of water.

    Failure to comply with personal safety rules can cause poisoning. If you feel nausea, headache, general weakness, or dizziness, you need to go out into the fresh air and take activated charcoal.

    Danger of poisoning

    "Tsifoks" is a low-toxic drug, but prolonged interaction with it and failure to comply with precautions can lead to poisoning or allergies.

    Signs of poisoning:

    • headache;
    • copious amounts of saliva;
    • vomiting and nausea;
    • dizziness;
    • weakness.

    At the slightest sign of discomfort, stop pest control, put on clean clothes, and rinse your mouth with a soda solution. If the product gets on your skin, wash the affected area with soda solution. Take 20 tablets of activated charcoal and an antihistamine to prevent an allergic reaction. If you feel worse, be sure to consult a specialist.

    "Tsifoks" is flammable, store it away from fire and heating devices, in a hermetically sealed container. Place the toxic product out of the reach of children and pets, away from medications and food.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Judging by the numerous positive reviews, the use of Tsifox allows you to quickly clean your home of bedbugs, mosquitoes, flies and other insects.

    Main advantages:

    • high efficiency;
    • quick results;
    • long-lasting protective effect;
    • wide spectrum of action;
    • does not leave stains on the surface.


    • high toxicity;
    • requires preliminary dilution with water;
    • has a rich specific smell;
    • over time it becomes addictive in insects.

    Chemical properties of Tsifoks

    The active substance consists of a 25% solution of cypermethrin. When it gets on the surface of a bug, it has a nerve-paralytic effect on its body. The poison penetrates the skin of the insect, paralyzes and kills.

    The bedbug remedy Tsifoks has positive and negative sides.

    The positive ones include:

    • long-term effect. After proper treatment of the apartment, insects will die for several more weeks. This allows you to kill small bugs and get rid of eggs;
    • the ability to kill not only bedbugs, but also other pests living close to people;
    • rapid action on parasites. 30 minutes after applying the poison, all insects will begin to die.

    Tsifox has no obvious disadvantages, but baiting should be done carefully and carefully, following the instructions in order to avoid chemical poisoning of a person.

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