Clean House insecticidal traps for cockroaches and ants, 6 pcs.

Trap Cockroach trap A clean house destroys the cockroach population without much human effort. The device is placed in places where insects are most concentrated, along the trajectory of their movement, and left for 1-2 months. Mass death of pests is observed within 3 days; it takes 1 month to exterminate the entire population.

Operating principle

Cockroach trap Clean Home is a combination of effective insecticides with flavors and food additives. The discs consist of a gel substance that is resistant to external factors - temperature, sunlight. Poisonous properties last up to 2 months. Cockroaches are attracted to the smell of fragrances. Pests eat the poison with a huge appetite, thanks to the presence of food additives.

The poison does not act immediately, so insects eat it without fear and carry it to secluded places for the larvae. Approximately on the third day, mass poisoning begins, the death of the pest population. After 7-14 days, a new generation of larvae appears, which also gradually die out before they have time to lay eggs.

On a note!

To make Clean House traps more effective, you need to keep your kitchen clean so cockroaches don't have access to other food.


A popular form of release for home use is an aerosol. The places where the largest concentration of individuals was noticed and the places where they are most likely to appear are processed. After the aerosol is applied to the surface, it is most effective for two hours, but the effect lasts up to two weeks.

The aerosol contains 2 active substances - cypermethrin and tetramethrin. This combination of insecticides provides high efficiency. In addition, the possibility of addiction to the insecticide is excluded. Available in a convenient spray bottle. Before applying the substance, the bottle must be shaken.

Treat baseboards, drainpipes, ventilation holes, back walls of furniture, under furniture. After the procedure, you must leave the room for about 2 hours, the windows must be closed. After returning, the apartment is well ventilated and wet cleaning is carried out in those places with which the person comes into contact.

The benefits include:

  • Convenient and easy to use;
  • Quite fast result;
  • Does not have an unpleasant odor;
  • Low price.

The aerosol has its own disadvantages, which include:

  • Toxicity, danger to people and animals;
  • The larvae remain untouched;
  • Has a short period of action.

If we talk about clean home aerosols, they are considered to be the fastest and most effective insecticides. By the way, aerosols from other manufacturers are also considered the most effective compared to other forms of release. Simple use also adds to its popularity, because immediately after purchase it is ready for use, and there is no need to prepare solutions and mixtures.

The procedure for treating a living space with an aerosol consists of several stages.

At the first stage, be sure to prepare the room; for this you need:

  • Sweep the apartment, remove all dust and cobwebs;
  • Move furniture away from the walls, remove all surfaces behind cabinets and the back walls of furniture;
  • Hide all dishes and kitchen utensils, close household appliances;
  • Hide food in the refrigerator, containers and bags that are hermetically sealed;
  • Wet cleaning of the entire apartment is carried out.

The aerosol must be applied to clean surfaces to prevent the substances from mixing with dust, which will significantly reduce effectiveness.

Once the room has been cleaned, you can begin applying. Remember that the product is toxic and therefore dangerous to the health of humans and pets.

Be sure to follow safety precautions:

  • You can work with the drug only when using protective equipment.
  • It is necessary to wear a respirator, gloves and safety glasses, the body should be covered as much as possible with clothing.
  • Only the person performing the procedure should be in the room.
  • There should be no residents or pets in the apartment.
  • The drug is applied at a distance of 20 centimeters from the surface.
  • You are not allowed to smoke, eat or drink indoors during the procedure.

When processing, pay attention to the baseboards, since most often they make nests there. Pests choose hard-to-reach places to live; carefully inspect the furniture for cracks. Don't forget to check the wallpaper for voids; if there are any, be sure to treat them. Also apply the aerosol on the walls behind the radiators, under the window sill, on the back walls of furniture, on ventilation grilles, pipes, corners in the bathroom and toilet, surfaces under washbasins and sinks. The aerosol can be applied to upholstered furniture, as the substance leaves no traces.

As soon as the procedure is completed, it is necessary to remove protective equipment, wash your hands with soap, wash, change clothes and leave the room for 2 hours. Upon returning to the apartment, you need to ventilate it well and create a draft. Wet cleaning is also carried out using a soap solution. Cleaning must be done with gloves. Surfaces with which people and pets come into contact are cleaned.

Since the drug has no effect on the larvae, they remain untouched and after a while young individuals appear. It is recommended to re-treat after two weeks. Be sure to follow preventative measures.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • convenient use;
  • safety for humans and pets;
  • long period of validity;
  • used for destruction, prevention;
  • affordable price, economical consumption;
  • does not leave marks on the surface to which it is glued.

The only disadvantage we can note is that cockroaches do not always crawl towards the traps. If Clean House discs are placed incorrectly, the likelihood of extermination of insects is reduced, and parasites continue to multiply.

Composition of Traps Clean House

The main active ingredient is chlorpyrifos, and other additives are included solely to attract insects as quickly as possible. This form of poison always shows its effectiveness due to a kind of chain reaction. One insect becomes infected, and then for just a few days the entire colony is affected. The cockroach carries the poison into the den on its legs.

The prepared trap offers the following advantages in use:

  • No harmful fumes;
  • Possibility of placement on any surfaces;
  • The effect lasts for a whole month;
  • You will see the first results within three days.


The manufacturer of Clean House traps is Russia. The shelf life is 3 years from the date of manufacture in unopened form. After placement in the room, the discs are changed after 2 months.

The active component is the insecticidal substance chlorpyrifos (0.05%). Additionally, the bait contains a preservative, stabilizer, gelling agent, and food additives. The insecticide has a contact-intestinal effect. After touching the poison, the cockroach becomes dangerous to others - it transfers a dose of poison to its relatives. The maximum effect is observed when eating poison.

Clean Home Cockroach Trap Strengthened Formula 6pcs


  • Destroys the entire colony
  • Safe for Pets


Fipronil - 0.05%, binder (gelling agent), preservative, bitrex (bitterness), food additives.


The action of the Clean House trap is based on the “domino principle”: a cockroach, eating the bait, becomes a carrier of a toxic substance. After returning to his shelter, he alone infects other insects and the death of the entire colony occurs.


The action of the Clean House trap is based on the “domino principle”: a cockroach, eating the bait, becomes a carrier of a toxic substance. After returning to his shelter, he alone infects other insects and the death of the entire colony occurs.

Open the Clean House package and remove the traps. Place in places where cockroaches accumulate or live (near baseboards, water, heating and sewer pipes, under cabinets, sinks, behind the refrigerator, stove, on shelves, near the toilet, etc.) on horizontal and vertical surfaces using adhesive tape.

To destroy ants, place Clean House traps in places where they accumulate or move intensively (paths).

Consumption rate: 6 “Clean House” traps on an area of ​​up to 15 square meters. m. If there are a large number of insects, the consumption rate can be increased to 12-15 Clean House traps on an area of ​​up to 15 sq.m.

Clean House traps can be left for 1-2 months. The first dead insects appear on the 1st day; mass death is noted on the 2-3rd day.

Dead insects should be periodically collected and thrown into the sewer or burned.

To prevent the appearance of cockroaches, replace Clean House traps every 2 months. When using Clean House traps, it is not recommended to use aerosol insecticides. Use the Clean House trap immediately after removing the packaging.


In an emergency situation, if there is significant damage to the packaging and spillage of the product, cover the contaminated area with sorbent materials (sand, earth, sawdust, rags), and then collect it in a container for subsequent disposal. Wash the contaminated area with a 5% aqueous solution of soda ash. When cleaning, use special clothing and personal protective equipment: overalls, rubber gloves and shoes. In case of poisoning with the drug through the digestive organs, drink several glasses of water with adsorbent (10-15 crushed tablets of activated carbon per glass of water). If your health condition worsens, consult a doctor. Do not put anything into the mouth of an unconscious person. In case of contact with skin or eyes, rinse them thoroughly under running water or a 2% solution of baking soda for 5-10 minutes. If the eyes are irritated, drip a 30% solution of sodium sulfacyl; if painful, instill a 2% solution of novocaine.


In domestic conditions - in places inaccessible to children and pets, separately from food products, medicines and animal feed. Temperature conditions for long-term storage of the product are from 0°C to +40°C. Shelf life 72 months from the date of manufacture.


Traps are produced packaged in 6 pieces in a cardboard package.

Instructions for use

The use of poison is permitted in residential premises. If there are small children or animals, the discs are placed behind the furniture, in a hard-to-reach place. In other cases, they are laid out along the baseboards, glued to toilets, water pipes, drain pipes, and trash cans. Massive death of cockroaches is observed after 3 days, traps are left for up to 2 months. For prevention, disks are constantly updated after the specified time has elapsed.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • remove the discs from the packaging;
  • determine the places of greatest concentration of cockroaches;
  • glue in horizontal, vertical position.

It is imperative to limit insects’ access to other food, wipe sinks and washbasins dry, and prevent the accumulation of liquid. Without water, insects live no longer than 9 days.

Efficiency, according to buyers

Reviews of the Clean House cockroach traps are mostly positive.

Last year we got cockroaches. I sprayed Clean House spray on the baseboards and put traps behind the furniture. We got rid of the Prussians in a couple of weeks. If you use only bait, you will have to wait several days for the results. The spray kills cockroaches instantly; the rest are poisoned when they eat the disks.

Marina, Moscow

They poisoned cockroaches in the hostel with sprays, and protected themselves from re-infestation with traps. A very useful thing. The boys had cockroaches on the first floor, the girls and I lived on the second floor and periodically saw insects in our home. We bought Clean House traps and hung them around the perimeter of the room. The Prussians did not bother us.

Elena, Perm

Analogs from other manufacturers

Effective traps are produced by many domestic and foreign companies. The principle of operation is similar, the price is different. You can use the products:

  • Combat;
  • Absolute;
  • Raptor.

The Clean House traps for cockroaches are used in conjunction with dust and aerosol from this company. When used together, the pests can quickly disappear and their reappearance can be prevented.

Assortment of the Clean House brand

The following means of combating cockroaches and other insects are produced under the name Clean House:

  • an aerosol that allows you to instantly destroy crawling and flying insects;
  • spray designed to combat fleas and bedbugs;
  • gel in a syringe - has a prolonged effect, allowing you to destroy red prussians and black cockroaches for a long time;
  • powder that can be used in pest control;
  • chalk - applied to various surfaces to fight cockroaches;
  • traps – widely used to destroy “incoming guests”.

To understand the rules of use and the differences between these tools, let’s consider everything in order.

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