Dust against bedbugs, pros and cons of using a home remedy

The appearance of bedbugs in an apartment causes unpleasant feelings and disgust. Insects are capable of frightening with an unpleasant appearance; they bite strongly and drink blood. Parasites can introduce infections into the blood, which can later cause the development of dangerous diseases and complications.

Therefore, when they appear, you should immediately take the necessary measures to eliminate them. To combat bloodsuckers, there are many inexpensive insecticides, for example, dust.

This product is highly effective and can eliminate adults and larvae. But before using, you should carefully review the instructions.

The principle of operation of the dust and its effectiveness compared to other means

Dust is a powdered insecticide for killing bedbugs and other insects. Based on the principle of action, dusts are divided into:

  • contact - penetrate the parasite’s body through the chitinous cover and kill it,
  • intestinal - act when they enter the digestive system of an insect.

To combat bedbugs, only contact dusts are suitable. Parasites feed on blood and have a piercing-sucking mouthparts, so they simply cannot eat dust.

In terms of their impact, powders cannot be called the most effective means; in this they can compete with aerosols that are sold ready for use. Powders need to be diluted beforehand, although not all of them. But unlike aerosols, dusts are long-acting agents; they retain their properties for up to 3 weeks. Aerosols kill insects at the moment of treatment, as soon as the cloud dissipates, the effect stops.

Bedbug gels work in a similar way to powder, but are more expensive. And treating an apartment with crayons is a labor-intensive process and is inferior in efficiency to dusts.

Pros of powders:

  • affordable price,
  • duration of action,
  • safety for people and pets.


  • bedbugs die after contact with the powder, this takes from 2 days to a week;
  • do not destroy bedbug eggs;
  • repeat treatments will be required.


  • affordable price;
  • economical consumption;
  • absence of odor and toxic chemicals in the composition;
  • penetrates even the most inaccessible places;
  • safe for all family members, animals and the environment.

Operating principle: the drug is based on diatomite, a fine powder obtained from fossilized deposits of diatoms. This is a natural material that is an excellent absorbent. Affects insects physically. Solid microparticles injure the chitinous cover of the pest and draw water from the body, dehydrating it and thereby causing sudden death.

Precautionary measures:

  • When cleaning the premises, wear gloves.
  • With open vents and windows
  • In the absence of people and animals
  • There should be no food or utensils nearby during processing.
  • Avoid contact of dust with eyes and skin (in case of accidental contact, rinse with water)
  • After finishing treatment, wash your face and hands with soap and water.
  • Cleaning can be done 24 hours after treatment with a soap-soda solution using rubber gloves.

Composition and properties

Dusts contain 1 or more types of insecticidal agents. It is advisable to use multicomponent preparations, since they are more effective against bedbugs that have become resistant to certain toxins. It is recommended to use dusts that contain organophosphates and pyrethroids.

Fragrances, talc, etc. are used as auxiliary ingredients. This is necessary to prevent caking, maintain texture and mask the unpleasant dust odor.

Synergists are often added to the composition - substances that increase the effectiveness of insecticides.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

The advantages of dusts include:

  1. Convenient to use. You can use the powder immediately after purchase; no complicated preparation is required. The instructions are simple, so you don't need to call an exterminator.
  2. Economical. The cost of the powder is low, and 50 g is enough to process 10 square meters. m.
  3. Long shelf life. Most dusts can be stored for up to 5 years if the recommendations are followed.
  4. Relatively low level of toxicity when compared with other insecticides. The compounds are not released into the air. Most of the substances belong to the 4th hazard class. After the treatment you can stay in the apartment.
  5. Wide spectrum of action. The products destroy not only bedbugs, but also fleas, ants and cockroaches.
  6. Presence of residual effect. The dust continues to work for some time after the procedure, preventing re-infection.

Disadvantages are relatively low efficiency and delayed expiration.

Dust will not help with severe infection, only at the initial and intermediate stages.

Instructions for using dusts

The powder should be sprinkled throughout the house. You can dilute DDT with water and treat the room with the liquid. It is either sprayed or applied with a sponge to baseboards, window sills and sofas. DDT is scattered on horizontal surfaces. If the item is made of a rough material, it can be sprinkled in a vertical position. Due to the uneven texture, some of the dust will linger.

The dust is sprayed with a spray bottle.

The following areas should be treated:

  • seams on mattresses;
  • baseboards and the space behind them;
  • the inner parts of the sofa, as well as seams, the area under the upholstery, folds in the material, etc.;
  • space under the carpet;
  • floors;
  • wallpaper joints if the coating has come off;
  • the inner surface of cabinets, their rear walls;
  • laminate and parquet, peeling coating.

Top 6 popular dusts against bedbugs

A wide range of dusts sometimes makes it difficult to choose the right one. After studying statistics and consumer reviews, we selected the six most effective dusts.


A powerful and effective remedy for parasites. It was developed back in the Soviet Union for baiting bedbugs at military facilities. Today it is used only by disinfection companies. This is due to the high cost of dust.

Today you will have to pay almost 2000 rubles for 250 g. The services of a professional insect removal company will cost less. Klopoveron is based on a synthetic insecticide that paralyzes parasites in a short time.

Clean house

This dust also works well against bedbugs. Many professional services use it in their work. It has a high toxicity rate, so you should be very careful when working.

Dust should be poured under the mattress, along baseboards and near cabinets. To treat an average one-room apartment, you will need 250 g of Clean House (5 bags of 50 g each). To get a good result you need to use them all. A week later, the procedure must be repeated, but with less dust. A packet of the substance will cost 15 rubles.


This substance is based on fenvalerate, boric acid and lubricating oil. Phenaxin perfectly destroys bedbugs and does not emit an unpleasant odor. Dust is highly valued precisely for this property. It can be safely used in residential buildings, hotels and public catering establishments.


This dust acts in the same way as Phenaxin, only consumers respond to it much better. The substance effectively eliminates not only bedbugs, but also all household insects. For a 125-gram pack you will pay only 22-27 rubles.


Kills various insects well. Very economical: to treat an area of ​​70 m², only 150 g of Tornado is enough. The dust is sold in 50 g bags costing 30 rubles. It can also be purchased by weight.


Riapan is effective for 14-21 days. It is based on permethrin. A 125 g pack of dust can thoroughly treat a room of 20 m². Riapan is commonly used in the fight against bed bugs.

Bottom line

Bed bugs have been living next to humans for many centuries in a row. It has been possible to get rid of them only recently, when the chemical industry began to produce high-quality drugs that contain powerful substances.

Spray Clean Home with chamomile extract has many positive reviews from customers and is very popular. This is no coincidence, because its unique composition is designed to effectively influence parasites.

A prolonged active state allows you to destroy pests and scare away new people who want to move into the apartment.

The complex effect on domestic parasites allows a person not to worry about subsequent preventive measures.

  1. We poison bedbugs using Karbofos. Advantages and disadvantages of the drug, instructions for use, safety measures, reviews
  2. We get rid of bedbugs using the German remedy “Executioner”. How to use the drug, where it can be purchased, customer reviews
  3. Everything about sofa bugs in your apartment: where do they come from, why choose a sofa, how to get rid of them at home?
  4. Destruction of cockroaches using Raptor aerosol. Spray composition, instructions, safety, precautions during use, useful tips


  • https://ZelenPlaneta.ru/blohi/insektitsidnoe-sredstvo-chistyj-dom-ot-bloh.html
  • https://masterklop.ru/sredstvo-chistyiy-dom/
  • https://KlopVred.ru/blohi/chistyj-dom-ot-bloh/
  • https://DomZnatok.ru/vrediteli/klopy/sredstvo-chistyj-dom/
  • https://StopKlopam.com/aerozol-i-dust-chistyj-dom-ot-klopov-instruktsiya-po-primeneniyu/
  • https://obnaruzhil.ru/muhi/sredstvo-chistyj-dom.html
  • https://klopovich.ru/klopy/sredstva/effektivnost-sredstva-chistyj-dom-v-borbe-protiv-klopov.html
  • https://combat-dez.ru/sredstvo-ot-klopov-chistyi-dom-effektivnost-plusy-i-minysy/
  • https://BezTarakana.ru/sprej-chistyj-dom-s-ekstraktom-romashki-instruktsiya-effektivnost/
  • https://butox.ru/domashnie-vrediteli/chistyj-dom-ot-bloh.html

How to choose the right product

Before purchasing powder to combat parasites, you need to determine exactly what bugs have infested your home. Signs of the presence of insects:

  • Bites on the body. They look like large red blisters and are accompanied by itching and swelling.
  • Bedbug waste is brown grains.
  • Blood stains on the bed, they appear when a person crushes bedbugs at night.
  • An unpleasant odor is felt in places where insects are suspected to accumulate.

Bedbug bites are often confused with allergies.

Bedbugs can also be found in bed frames - their most common habitat.

Bedbugs can often be seen in furniture, crevices and cracks.

Once you are sure that bedbugs are visiting you at night, you can purchase powder. Tips for buying dust:

  • Take contact dust, otherwise it will be useless.
  • Choose the brand that suits the price.
  • Despite the fact that dust is used economically, you need to calculate how much is needed to treat the entire area. For a one-room apartment you will need 4-5 sachets of 50 grams each.

Read the information on the packaging carefully. If there are small children or pets in the house, then not all dusts will be suitable. Some of them are toxic.

Reasons for the appearance of bedbugs in the house

Many people mistakenly assume that the reasons for the appearance of such tenants in an apartment are dust and dirt. But if we take a closer look at their vital activity and methods of reproduction, it becomes clear that they do not appear in a simply dirty room. To do this, the male must fertilize the female, and she, in turn, lays eggs. Therefore, if bedbugs appear in your home, do not sin with poor cleaning.

Bed bugs are small in size, so it is not difficult for them to move to you from your neighbors. Even the smallest crack will be a good guide for finding a new habitat. And for a whole family of such bloodsuckers to appear in the house, one fertilized female is enough.

Don't think that these comrades live only in furniture or mattresses. They are also perfectly hidden in the folds of clothing. Therefore, if guests come to stay with you, they can also bring bedbugs with them. You can also pick up parasites in a hotel room. At night, they can move into a bag with things, and then end up in your cozy nest.

By buying a piece of furniture secondhand, you can not only save money, but also get new residents into your home. Therefore, before purchasing, you should carefully inspect everything and make sure that there are no insects or their metabolic products.

First signs of appearance

Since these representatives of insects feed exclusively on blood, they try to settle closer to the place where a person or animal sleeps. Bedbugs also sleep during the day and are active at night. Therefore, if in the morning you notice many small bites on your body that resemble an allergic rash and cause severe itching, then these uninvited guests have appeared in your home. Bites can also cause allergies. Therefore, first of all, you should treat the skin with a soda solution. To eliminate redness and itching, you should use special ointments. If you are allergic to a bite, then take any antihistamine, but do not prescribe the dosage yourself. Here it is better to consult a specialist or carefully study the instructions.

When there are more bedbugs, you will notice their waste products on the edge of the bed or upholstered furniture. Bloodsuckers also molt periodically, so you will notice their chitinous cover on the bed. In addition, very small blood stains may appear on the bed linen, which are not easy to notice. But if you see a large number of such spots, then bedbugs live with you.

If you suddenly notice an unpleasant odor in the apartment that will be constantly present, then this is one of the signs that these insect representatives live with you. This smell will come from their excrement. Females also use a special enzyme during egg laying. This is necessary so that the eggs are securely attached to the surface. But the smell will not appear immediately; you will only feel it when the bedbug family grows to large sizes.

If you suspect that such bloodsuckers are living with you, you should lay down a white sheet and turn on the light at night. All the insects will not have time to hide, but they will be easy to notice on white bedding. Such parasites do not make nests; they can live throughout the apartment. Usually they can be found in the folds of the sofa, under mattresses, in closets among clothes. They can also live in sockets, cracks in the wall, behind pictures and under rugs.

General rules for using dusts against bedbugs

Depending on the selected dust, there are two processing methods. With the first, the powder is diluted in water, with the second, this is not necessary, since the dust loses its properties. Read the information on the packaging carefully. Rules for using dry powder:

  1. Before treatment, wet clean the apartment.
  2. Move furniture away from the walls.
  3. Use a cotton gauze bandage and gloves when processing.
  4. Put away food and dishes.
  5. Sprinkle dust in places where bedbugs accumulate and move, as well as in corners, crevices and under baseboards.
  6. After a week, carry out the treatment again.

Important! Do not delay re-treatment, otherwise bedbugs will lay new ones from the eggs remaining after the first use. And then the work will be useless.

When treating with dust diluted in water, follow the same rules. To spray, use a spray bottle in places where insects accumulate. To dilute the dust in the correct proportions, follow the manufacturer's instructions.

How to prevent re-infection

Preventing re-infestation is sometimes more difficult than getting rid of domestic parasites. Pests can be brought home at any time. They don't care whether the room is clean or not. Another question is whether they will stay and whether it will be comfortable in this apartment.

It is necessary to create unbearable conditions for bedbugs (and other parasites). Regular wet cleaning, constant ventilation, cosmetic repairs, and sealing cracks will help with this. In the apartment you need to deal with the appearance of dampness and mold, cluttering with unnecessary things.

Furniture needs to be repaired and wiped. Do not allow baseboards to lag behind the walls - this is a favorite place for bedbugs to live.

During frequent business trips or trips, in order to avoid infecting your luggage with bedbugs from hotels, you need to follow several rules:

  1. store your luggage away from the sleeping area, preferably in the bathroom;
  2. upon returning home, wash things immediately at high temperature, separately from the things of other family members;
  3. if some clothing or item cannot be washed, it must be frozen or vacuumed, wiped with water and aromatic oils;
  4. suitcases and travel bags must be thoroughly vacuumed.

As a preventative measure, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the water during wet cleaning. This will repel parasites from the apartment.

After the trip, all things need to be sorted over the bathroom. Parasites will fall out and be noticed. Such items should be washed at a temperature not lower than + 50 o C.

You also need to unpack packages; they can also bring parasites into the house. Ventilation must be closed with special grilles to protect yourself from the penetration of parasites from neighbors. By using all means against parasites, you can cope with them.

Preparation for processing

How to use the dust is indicated in the instructions; it also describes the preparation process for subsequent treatment of the apartment.

It must be carried out correctly; the effectiveness of subsequent processing will depend on this.

The apartment should be treated like this:

  • Dust should be wiped off surfaces with a damp cloth. It is also necessary to analyze the deposits of things.
  • It is necessary to remove the curtains and curtains and wash them. Bedbugs often lay eggs on their surface.
  • Bed linen needs to be washed. When washing, the temperature range is set from 60 to 90 degrees.
  • It is advisable to remove paintings, posters and carpets from the walls. Things need to be treated with dust.
  • The furniture is moved away from the walls so that the back parts can be processed without difficulty.
  • It is recommended to remove clothes, belongings, and linen from closets and wash them. Bedbugs can often lay eggs on them.
  • Dishes in the kitchen are put away in drawers. The items are first wrapped in plastic bags.
  • Food is placed in a secluded place. It's better to put them in the refrigerator.
  • Household members and pets must leave the premises. There should be no one in the apartment except the one who will carry out the processing.
  • It is recommended to close doors and windows tightly.
  • If necessary, unscrew the skirting boards; this will make it easier to process these areas.

Pre-prepare all protective equipment for processing. It is recommended to spread the dust using a respirator and protective clothing. Substances can enter the respiratory tract and cause poisoning.

It is advisable to wear thick gloves on your hands.

Drug price

One of the main advantages of the drug “Clean House” is its low cost. The price of these products in different forms varies. For example, a bottle of aerosol costs about 200-250 rubles, a spray is a little more expensive, but it also has a larger volume. Dust is the cheapest, its price for 50 grams is about 40-50 rubles, and the gel costs about 100 rubles for 20 ml.

The entire line of products called “Clean Home” contains chamomile extract, which enhances the effect of the active substance. During treatment, it is better for all household members to leave the apartment for several days.

Before using the product, be sure to read the instructions very carefully and follow them strictly. The final result, as well as your safety, will depend on this.

How long will this treatment last?

If the dust treatment of the room is carried out according to the rules, then it will be possible to get rid of all the bedbugs in one go.

But this result is to be expected if there are few parasites. If the room is heavily infested with bloodsuckers, re-treatment may be required.

It is worth spreading anti-bedbug dust or spraying the solution 7 days after the first use.

Repeated use will eliminate parasites and larvae. The dust that remains in cracks and hard-to-reach places acts on bedbugs for 4 weeks.


  • You can get rid of newly hatched nymphs by boiling bed linen, ironing it and treating it with a steam generator.
  • After the baiting of bedbugs is completed, the consequences in the form of nests remain in many places. Many try to remove them physically - by trampling them. The technique is certainly effective, but the best way to get rid of residual effects is to wash floors and other surfaces with a soap-salt solution.
  • The incubation period for bedbug eggs is 2 weeks; after this period, re-treatment of the premises must be mandatory. Otherwise, a horde of bedbugs will attack the apartment again.
  • Features of Ecodust

    Ecodust is a natural, environmentally friendly product that is used to eliminate insects in the apartment and in the garden. It comes in powder form, which is recommended to be poured into areas where parasites are concentrated. The effect occurs immediately after treatment.

    Ecodust is often used against bed bugs.

    This is due to the following features of this drug:

    • has high safety. The drug does not have a harmful effect on people or pets.
    • Easy to use, just sprinkle the powder on the bedbug habitat.
    • It contains no poisons or chemicals. Does not have a pungent odor.
    • Has an immediate destructive effect on parasites.
    • Not addictive.
    • Does not have harmful effects on skin or health. Does not emit pollutants.

    Bedbug dust is considered an effective remedy that helps quickly eliminate all unpleasant inhabitants from the apartment. Before using it, it is worth considering important qualities, features and preparation rules.

    When using it, it is imperative to comply with all the necessary requirements on which the effectiveness of the drug depends.

    Efficiency of application

    Whether or not dust helps against bedbugs can be found out from the instructions for this product. But it is known that this remedy has a detrimental effect on fleas, cockroaches, ants, and bedbugs.

    For the latter parasites, this substance will be lethal even in small quantities. It works quickly and eventually leads to the destruction of the entire population.

    The composition of the dusts has a contact chemical. Thanks to him, the drugs have versatility - they can be used for different types of parasites. The effectiveness is not affected by temperature indicators; it is effective in heat and cold.

    However, if there is strong humidity, the drug may lose its properties, so it should be stored away from water.


    5 effective ways to destroy bed bugs in an apartment

    Safety of use

    Dusts presented on the antiparasitic market are safe for people and animals when used correctly, even if a small amount of the product enters the body. Upon contact with skin, the dust does not cause any allergic reactions, unless, of course, there is an individual intolerance to individual components.

    Dusts used in military installations or in agriculture are highly toxic. They are available only to legal entities and are expensive. Such products cause vapor poisoning if used incorrectly. If you neglect safety rules, you can inhale large amounts of powder and there is a risk of poisoning.

    Signs of poisoning:

    • irritation on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes;
    • body tingling;
    • numbness;
    • headache;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • diarrhea.

    If you experience such symptoms, consult a doctor immediately!


    A correctly selected place for storing the drug should be inaccessible to children and pets and should be kept away from food, avoiding rooms with high air humidity, avoiding contact of the product with other active chemicals and open flames, as well as highly heated objects.

    IMPORTANT! Before starting treatment, it is worth checking the expiration date of the drug; if it is already coming to an end, it is better not to use the product, but to buy a new one.

    Important Tips

    No matter how carefully you apply the dust, you will not be able to get rid of bedbug eggs. For this reason, repeated treatment is necessary, due to which the young hatched individuals will be destroyed.

    Water-soluble dusts against bedbugs are more convenient to use. They are easier to apply to various surfaces, and they stick to them much better.

    Almost all modern powder insecticides have a neutral odor and evaporate extremely little. Therefore, without much concern, they can be left on pieces of furniture for several days and their presence will be quite safe. However, if you use old formulations (based on DDT), remember that such dusts can accumulate in the body. Therefore, after treatment they must be washed off thoroughly.

    On a note! For this reason, today DDT is not recommended for use in everyday life and agriculture! It is much safer to use modern insecticides - they are not inferior in effectiveness to their predecessor and at the same time are not capable of causing much harm to the health of humans and domestic animals!

    During processing, it is extremely important to ensure that there are no children or pets in the room. Dusts in small quantities are not dangerous, but it is better for children and animals not to come into contact with them. In addition, the condition of other residents should be taken into account - if someone has allergies or suffers from bronchial asthma, all prescribed safety measures must be followed. It is advisable to remove persons with high sensitivity to the components of the drug from the premises during treatment.

    Don't expect instant action from the dust. A positive result will be observed only a few days after treatment. In the first few days, the activity of bedbugs will decrease, but only slightly. Therefore, first of all, you must initially decide whether this remedy is right for you or whether you need a faster result.

    So, having examined the properties and principle of operation of dust from bedbugs, we can highlight its main pros and cons. Positive aspects are safety for people and warm-blooded animals, effectiveness and prolonged action. Among the negative characteristics are the low concentration of the active substance and, compared to other insecticides, dusts are not very convenient to use.

    Release forms

    The effectiveness of the insecticide under discussion depends on several factors. First of all, it depends on the number of insects in the house and the extent of bedbug infestation. An important factor for achieving the best results is the competent choice of the form of the drug. There are four such forms in total:

    • aerosol;
    • dust;
    • gel;
    • spray.


    Peculiarity. Aerosol “Clean House” for bedbugs is the most popular form of all existing ones. This is due to the ease of use of a bottle of household poison. The contents of the container do not need to be mixed with anything; you don’t have to worry about spilling it. Simply press the valve and spray onto potentially dangerous areas. A three-second spray is sufficient to treat one “square” area.

    How to use

    1. Remove the stopper from the bottle.
    2. We direct to the area where the parasites were noticed.
    3. Spray for a few seconds.
    4. After 15 hours we repeat the procedure.

    Cypermethrin in the aerosol contains 13%, and tetramethrin - 2.5%. Particles of poison entering the airspace become harmless to humans and warm-blooded animals within a couple of hours.


    Peculiarity. Bedbug dust “Clean House” is a powder that has an unsightly gray color. It is designed to spread in places where bedbugs are concentrated. But, judging by user reviews, it has proven itself much better in the fight against cockroaches and moths. Due to the reduced concentration of active substances, compared to an aerosol, more powder has to be used. A 50-gram package is enough to treat half a standard room in an apartment.

    How to use

    1. We put on rubber gloves and a respirator.
    2. We open the package with dust so as not to accidentally spill its contents.
    3. Sprinkle powder on bedbug nests.
    4. After three to four hours, we wash off the powder, having prepared a soap solution in advance to thoroughly wash the places where the dust was applied, as when working with poison in the form of chalk.

    The dust contains 0.2% cypermethrin and 0.02% tetramethrin. However, the composition of the powder is supplemented with another component - piperonyl butoxide, the concentration of which is 10%. Having become part of the liquidation “trinity”, the substance significantly prolongs the effect of the two toxic components. This means that dust treatment can be done once and, as a rule, does not require repetition.


    It comes in the form of a pencil, with which you need to apply 3-4 cm strokes in insect habitats. It also contains alpha-cypermethrin, which has a toxic effect.


    Peculiarity. Clean House Bed Bed Spray is a relatively new form of insecticide. It differs from an aerosol by the same pressure inside and outside the bottle. While for aerosol these indicators are different. In addition, the latter sprays larger particles - approximately 5 microns, while aerosol particles are about 2-3 microns in size.

    How to use

    1. We remove the limiter.
    2. We spray a few times to the side to bleed out the air.
    3. We aim the nozzle at the parasites and spray their habitats.
    4. If necessary, pour the contents of the bottle into a garden sprayer and work with it.

    It is believed that liquid preparations in the fight against bedbugs are more effective than “Clean House” powder for bedbugs. Therefore, if you have dust in the house, you can prepare the spray yourself. To do this, you need to dissolve 5 g of dry substance in 0.5 liters of water, pour it into a sprayer, and carry out the treatment in a well-known way.


    Peculiarity. Gel “Clean House” is found on the shelves of supermarkets and hardware stores less often than other forms of poison. However, this particular form is considered one of the most promising. First of all, due to low toxicity. At the time of treating the house, the family does not have to leave their home walls at all - even pets can stay inside (provided that you prevent them from coming into contact with the insecticide). The person doing pest control only needs to wear rubber gloves and a respirator. Protective clothing is not required.

    How to use

    1. Apply a thin layer of gel to the areas where bedbug nests are concentrated.
    2. Leave it for two weeks.
    3. After the specified time period, completely rinse off the remaining product with water.
    4. Apply a new portion of gel.

    Prevention of insects

    After removing cockroaches from your home, it is important to take into account the mistakes and factors against which the parasites settled and multiplied. Cockroaches penetrate many apartments, but remain where they find favorable living conditions.

    Simple and effective recommendations:

    • do not leave unwashed dishes on the table or in the sink;
    • clean the kitchen every day;
    • bring the trash can in on time;
    • wipe up crumbs from the table and spilled drinks;
    • eliminate leaks in the kitchen and bathroom: without access to water, cockroaches quickly leave the home;
    • make sure that rotting food waste does not fall near the bucket;
    • do not flood the plants, check that water does not stagnate in the trays
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