Pros and cons of using Mashenka chalk in an apartment

There are many products that protect our homes from harmful insects, but many housewives like the good old Mashenka chalk for its effectiveness and ease of use. This remedy has been known for a long time, and recommendations were passed on from mother to daughter: to draw white stripes along the floor and walls. This method is effective, but if you use only it, you will not get half the benefit from the popular insecticide. If you have already chosen white bars, try to reveal all their positive qualities when using them.

Chalk Mashenka from ants: instructions and reviews

Various insecticides have been developed to control crawling insects.
Chalk Mashenka is a time-tested and effective remedy. The drug is available in pencil form. It is convenient for them to draw on walls, shelves and other places with large concentrations of insects. More often, chalk is used in the house to fight ants. Articles on the topic An effective remedy for house ants An effective remedy for cockroaches in an apartment How to remove cockroaches Composition of the product

Most of the pencil consists of a mixture of auxiliary components - plaster and chalk. They account for 95% of the total volume. The remaining 5% is occupied by chlorpyrifos, a combination of several active substances of contact and intestinal action. It includes:

  • Zeta-cypermethrin is a compound belonging to the toxic group of pyrethroids. The substance blocks nerve impulses in ants, leading to paralysis of the insect. Long-term use of the drug does not lead to the development of addiction in insects.
  • Deltamethrin is a substance that enhances the effect of zeta-cypermethrin. When it enters the gastrointestinal tract of ants, deltamethrin affects the motor centers of insects, leading to their death.

How to get rid of midges in the kitchen: where do insects come from and how to poison them How to get rid of mosquitoes in an apartment Ant farm complete with insects Instructions for using chalk Mashenka from ants The pencil
does not contain substances that could attract insects, so it is recommended to apply it in places where they accumulate or directly on ant paths. You can use chalk in three different ways:

Using chalk, draw solid or dotted stripes 1 to 4 cm wide. The more ants there are in the house, the wider the line should be.

In places protected from direct sunlight: baseboards, the back surface of furniture, household appliances, the area near the trash can, on the internal shelves of cabinets.

The chalk must be crumbled and the powder diluted with warm water. Distribute the resulting liquid using a brush or spray bottle.

On an anthill, trails, places where insects gather.

Mashenka's pencil must be crushed to a powdery state.

Sprinkle the product in places where ants are most often found - near baseboards, trash cans, front doors, on windows.

Toxicity and precautions

Chalk Mashenka from ants is dangerous not only for insects, but also for humans and pets. Use it while adhering to the following safety rules:

  • After opening the package, it is forbidden to handle the chalk with bare hands. The treatment of the apartment must be carried out using rubber gloves.
  • After completing the procedure, you should thoroughly wash your hands and face with soap.
  • You should draw with chalk in places that are closed to children and pets.
  • It is necessary to distribute the liquid mixture made from chalk in closed clothing, having first put a mask or respirator on your face. After the procedure, you need to ventilate the room.
  • Before use, carefully read the instructions and check the expiration date of the product.

Advantages and disadvantages of Mashenka chalk
Pencil Mashenka from ants, like other insecticides, has its pros and cons. The main ones include:

  • Versatility. The product eliminates not only ants, but also cockroaches, bedbugs, and other crawling pests.
  • Ease of use.
  • Affordability. The average cost is about 100 rubles per package.
  • Low consumption. One pencil is enough to process 30 m2.
  • The validity period of the product reaches 30 days.
  • The product has no unpleasant odor and leaves no residue after rinsing.
  • The drug is effective only against a small number of insects.
  • The substance is toxic to people and pets.
  • The product has a low speed of action. The peak effectiveness of Mashenka occurs 3-4 days after use.

When ants appeared in the apartment, I immediately bought Mashenka chalk. The drug, time-tested and relatively safe, failed this time. The ants did not completely disappear even a week after applying the chalk. I had to look for another poison.

I used Mashenka's chalk to get rid of ants in my dacha. I diluted the powder in warm water, treated all the paths with the solution and filled the anthill. After 2 days there was not a single pest left on the site. Now I use it every year for prevention.


Enemy No. 2 - universal aerosol “Mashenka”

They were so impressed by its consumer popularity that they expanded the line of insecticidal products, judging sensibly that blows to the cockroach scourge should be struck from different sides. This is how the “Mashenka” aerosol appeared, produced in convenient packaging - in 180 cc cans.

Aerosols, as a rule, contain nerve agents. According to the manufacturers' plans, the cockroach inhales them, and paralysis and suffocation occur - the cockroach would like to breathe, but it can't, it doesn't work out for it. This is the exceptional effectiveness of the “Mashenka” aerosol.

As the name suggests, the aerosol acts not only on cockroaches. It is also contraindicated for flies, moths, mosquitoes, fleas, ants and bedbugs.

Aerosol advantage

  • It is convenient for them not only to kill, but also to scare away. And not only crawling, but also flying insects.
  • Does not leave marks on the surface being treated, unlike chalk.
  • Specifically, the “Mashenka” aerosol does not have a strong odor and has a longer residual effect compared to analogues - 28 days after use.

And all this at a price of 80 rubles per can.

Precautionary measures: when processing, close windows and doors (you are not killing cockroaches outside, but indoors) and remove household members (you are not killing them). It will be possible to return to the premises no earlier than in an hour. And you will need to immediately open the window so that the remaining smell goes away

And you will need to immediately open the window so that the remaining smell goes away.

Chalk "Mashenka" for cockroaches - advantages and disadvantages of the drug

An inexpensive white block can solve the problem of harmful insects in an apartment where children or allergy sufferers live. The drug has earned many positive reviews. Consumers especially like the low toxicity to people and pets and the high efficiency in killing insects.

  • low cost;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • easy to apply to any materials and just as easy to wash off;
  • helps against several types of insects.

Of course, any poisonous drug is dangerous for babies, who, crawling on the floor, can erase a line with a pen and then put their dirty fingers in their mouths. If there are small children in the apartment, draw lines only in places inaccessible to them. Adult cats and dogs are unlikely to lick crayon marks, and kittens and puppies may be interested in an incomprehensible pattern - protect them from contact with poison. It is most convenient to treat the apartment when the whole family and pets go to the country for several weeks; before they return, you will carry out a wet cleaning, collect dead insects with a vacuum cleaner - and there will be no dangerous traces left.

The drug “Mashenka” also has disadvantages. An apartment with white stripes on the walls and along the baseboards does not look very aesthetically pleasing. It is advisable to carry out the treatment at a time when guests rarely come to you. Users also note that the drug acts for a short time as a disadvantage. The lines have to be renewed periodically; the drug is destroyed especially quickly by sunlight.

Chalk "Mashenka" is not a brand, its name is not protected by copyright, and many companies produce this drug. Often negative reviews come from those who bought a block on the market cheaply, produced in an unknown place. Chalk is not that expensive; when purchasing, give preference to companies that specialize in producing insecticides and have earned a good reputation.

Pros and cons of the drug

The product has many advantages over other popular insecticides. Its advantages are undoubted:

  1. Productivity. The effect of using “Get” is prolonged, as it lasts a long time and allows you to destroy even newly appeared cockroaches. As soon as the young offspring of cockroaches hatch, they will also be infected.
  2. Ease of use. It is quite simple to prepare a working solution and spray the room with it, and to destroy pests you do not need to “fill” the entire apartment with the preparation. The cockroaches will still spread the active substance throughout the colony.
  3. Safety. The product is non-toxic for humans, as well as for their pets. Vapors are present in the air only during treatment, and after ventilating the room they will disappear. People don’t need to leave their apartment for a long time; “Get” doesn’t even give off an unpleasant odor.
  4. No damage to surfaces. There will be no streaks or stains left from the product on the floor or furniture.
  5. Versatility. If there are other pests in the apartment besides cockroaches, they will also die.
  6. Economical. The consumption of the concentrated product is quite low, one bottle is enough for the entire apartment.

“Get” has, perhaps, only one drawback - it costs more than its analogues, but the efficiency exceeds the money spent.

How does Mashenka chalk work against pests?

The active ingredients of the crayon - zeta-cypermethrin and deltamethrin - make up only 5-10% of the weight of the pencil. The rest of the mass includes gypsum and chalk. Contact action drug: for an insect to be poisoned, it must touch the drawn strips. Usually one block is enough for a large room; to process a private house or apartment you need to stock up on 3-4 crayons.

Chalk "Mashenka": instructions for use

Using the Mashenka chalk is very simple; it has the shape of a block, familiar to everyone since school. Do not rely on your skills, the instructions for use were written for a reason, you should read them. You can simply draw lines in places that are difficult for children to reach and inconspicuous, but there is no guarantee that active movement of insects will occur there. For maximum efficiency, outline the entire perimeter of the room with a continuous line at least 2 cm wide. Draw a closed outline along the baseboards on the floor and on the walls. Now the cockroach will not be able to leave or enter the room without touching the poisonous trail.

Treat utility entry points, ventilation openings, and window sills. If there are cracks or holes in the structures, draw a continuous closed outline around them. Draw a circle around hard-to-reach places where insects like to nest: the back walls of furniture, the interior cavities of cabinets and sofas. For convenience, you can chop the block and sprinkle powder on the places where pests accumulate.

When fighting harmful insects, you need to take precautions and protect yourself from contact with poison. When drawing the lines, you can open one edge of the package and hold the drug by the cellophane wrapper, but it is better to wear rubber gloves. Try to prevent particles of the drug from getting on your face: if you are crushing chalk or sprinkling powder on insect nests, it is advisable to protect your eyes with glasses. After work, wash your hands and face with soap, and only then can you touch food products.

Security measures

The treatment is carried out by relocating household members to another home for a couple of weeks.
Before returning, it will be enough to do a thorough wet cleaning and collect dead insects with a vacuum cleaner. Further contact with surfaces that previously had chalk marks is safe. No grains of the substance remain in the air. When machining while the core is being worn, the chips fall off rather than moving around like dust.

How to protect yourself and your loved ones:

  • Do not unpack the crayon completely. Remove only part of the packaging and hold it while drawing lines. Cellophane will protect the skin from contact with the poison. If by chance the wrapper tears completely, you should work with rubber gloves.
  • Wear a mask or respirator. This is necessary in order to protect the respiratory tract from poisoning - some crayons generate dust when drawing lines.
  • Protect children. Draw in places inaccessible to children. If age allows, you need to explain to the child what these lines are and why they should not be touched.
  • Keep your pets safe. For warm-blooded animals the harm is minimal, but it does exist. You need to try to limit your four-legged friend’s access to the marked areas. It is best to give it to relatives, friends or a pet hotel for a while.

Even after a while, when the chalk has worn off on its own, you should not forget that it was applied. General wet cleaning is the only measure to neutralize active substances that probably remain on surfaces.

Symptoms of poisoning in cats and dogs

The first sign of possible crayon poisoning from cockroaches in an animal will be packaging damaged by teeth and the absence of crayon in it.

After some time, all or some of the symptoms of poisoning may appear:

  • lethargic state of the animal;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • refusal to drink or, conversely, excessive drinking;
  • elevated temperature.

What to do if your pet has eaten poison?

In case of insecticide poisoning, it is necessary to show your pet to a veterinarian as soon as possible. When visiting him, it is better to have the packaging of the drug with you so that the doctor can accurately prescribe treatment based on the active substance.

Before visiting the doctor, you can give the animal an activated carbon tablet and give it plenty of water.

What to do if a child ate a crayon?

At the slightest suspicion that even a small amount of chalk components have entered the child’s body, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible. When calling an ambulance, listen to the recommendations and follow them until the doctor arrives

Be sure to show the packaging so that doctors understand what exactly caused the poisoning. The child will receive emergency assistance and his life will be safe.

The use of special insecticidal pencils has its advantages and disadvantages. If a problem with cockroaches arises, you first need to analyze the situation and choose the right method to combat them. If the insect population is not too large, instead of sprays that are particularly toxic, it is wiser to use cockroach chalk.

Chalk "Mashenka" for bedbugs

We cannot always choose clean neighbors for ourselves. If behind the wall there is dirt, disorder, insects run freely throughout the apartment, then soon they may move in with you.

For prevention, carefully treat all places where uninvited guests may appear:

  • window and door openings;
  • ventilation holes;
  • pipeline route locations;
  • area around sockets.


It is noteworthy that the insecticidal pencil is also suitable for preventive purposes. This use is possible if you know for sure that your neighbors in the building have bed bugs. Don’t wait for them to reach your home, urgently purchase and use Mashenka chalk.

No special preparation is required for preventative measures. There is no need to disassemble furniture or take things out of cabinets. All you have to do is draw lines along the baseboards and the back of sofas and beds, as well as where the openings connect to other apartments. For example:

  1. Ventilation grates;
  2. Places near the threshold and doorway;
  3. Around sockets;
  4. Gaps near the joints of heating and water supply pipes;
  5. The upper and lower parts of window sills and window frames;

Lines for preventive treatment do not have to be multi-layered and wide. Sufficient width for such purposes is from 1 to 2 cm.

The “Mashenka” anti-parasitic pencil has its undoubted advantages, but you should pay attention to the degree of infestation of the apartment. In advanced cases, the result of using the product will not satisfy you

Chalk “Mashenka” - treating an apartment for fleas

First, arm yourself with a vacuum cleaner and clean all hard-to-reach places, crevices, upholstered furniture and toys, this way you will collect the bulk of both insects and their eggs. Burn the filter or treat it with an insecticide. Take Mashenka crayons and draw stripes along the floor and walls. The cat's or dog's bedding can be covered with powder, and after a while washed in hot water.

Does Mashenka chalk help against ants?

Cockroaches and fleas may jump or fly over the drawn lines. Ants do not have such abilities, and a line 2 cm wide will become an insurmountable obstacle for them. They will bring pieces of the “delicacy” to the nest, feed all the inhabitants, and treat the female laying eggs. After some time, the entire family will be destroyed.

In the garden, you can sprinkle powder on the ground around the anthill. If there are aphids on the plants, make a water solution and spray the affected bushes with a spray bottle. This way you can deal with 2 types of pests at once. The same liquid composition can be poured directly into the anthill. Remove the top layer of soil and pour the powder or pour the liquid preparation into the place where insects accumulate. The principle of action of the drug in any form is absolutely the same.

Winning the fight against cockroaches is not easy, since these insects are very tenacious and easily adapt to various unfavorable conditions. But nowadays it has become easier to solve the problem, since there are many different drugs on sale to kill these harmful insects. A popular remedy is chalk for cockroaches, called by the manufacturers by the affectionate female name “Mashenka”.

Cockroaches are the scourge of many homes; picky insects can live in a country house, in an ordinary city apartment, or in luxury apartments. Insecticides, which come in a variety of forms, are successfully used to control insects.

One of the easiest to use and cheapest medications for cockroaches is the “Mashenka” chalk (pencil). At the same time, the product allows you to get a good result, especially if there are few insects in the house.

Proper Use

In order to get the maximum effect, as the instructions for use say, it is necessary to treat every room in the room. It is necessary to draw a line about 2 centimeters wide; it should be a contour that is not interrupted. You can close contours on the floor, baseboards, and walls.

The most dangerous places through which “uninvited guests” enter the home are: ventilation, window sills, communications. Give them maximum attention.

In addition, it is necessary to treat house plants. The thing is that a flower pot provides moisture, which attracts cockroaches, so they are often found in the area nearby. To do this, chalk is dissolved in water and the plants are sprayed with a spray bottle. The water dries out and the toxin remains on the surface.

There is no need to worry about plants, since it does not absorb poison and does not retain it, so plants, fruits, buds will not contain toxins.

Also, a spray bottle is used in places where the largest number of cockroaches are noticed; to do this, spray the area generously.

The chalk works as follows: as you receive a dose of toxin, poisoning gradually occurs. The big plus is that one cockroach, returning to its colony, will infect the rest. And such an infection occurs due to the fact that these insects are cannibals and do not hesitate to eat the corpses of their relatives.

There is one very important point. Many owners, having won the fight against insects, think that the situation is under control, but this is a mistaken opinion. The thing is that, having gotten rid of the adults, there is another threat - the younger generation.

When the adults are infected, they die, but the eggs in the females remain intact, they develop and the young hatch, which worries you again

It is important to skip this moment; they need about 2.5 months to develop, but an invasion can occur earlier. In order not to give them a chance, you need to regularly update the outline with chalk.

Another scenario: they may appear again from your neighbors. Therefore, do not forget about preventive actions.

As a preventative measure, it is necessary to treat:

  • Window openings;
  • Door openings;
  • Ventilation holes;
  • Gaps near communications;
  • Gaps near electrical outlets;
  • Skirting boards.

Description of the product

Chalk “Mashenka” is an insecticidal agent that has a contact effect, that is, in order for the insect to receive a dose of poison, it needs to come into contact with the surface treated with chalk.

The drug contains an effective insecticide - chlorpyrifos, but the main substance of the product is a cementing composition. When particles of the drug enter the digestive system of an insect, the cement blocks its functioning, resulting in the death of the insect.

Advice! You can buy Mashenka chalk in almost all hardware stores. The product is inexpensive, one pack is enough to treat 20-30 meters of area.

Packaging and appearance

Externally, the product looks like ordinary school white chalk, which does not have a distinct odor. Packaged in paper or polymer packs, decorated in blue tones. Instructions for use must be printed on the package. The weight of one package is 20 grams.

Storage conditions

To prevent the chalk from losing its insecticidal properties, it is important to store it correctly. Storage conditions:

  • room temperature;
  • lack of high humidity;
  • no direct sunlight.

Advice! Chlorpyrifos is unstable to ultraviolet radiation, so Mashenka’s pencil should not be stored in places exposed to direct sunlight.


The product belongs to the IV (highest) safety class, that is, chalk is of low toxicity for humans, of course, unless you start using it internally in large quantities. However, you should not neglect basic security methods:

  • The chalk should be stored in its original packaging away from food products;
  • When using, it is not recommended to hold the pencil with bare hands; it is better to use gloves. You can apply the product by holding it through the packaging.

Composition of the drug

The active ingredient in Get is chlorpyrifos 5%. This is an insecticide belonging to the class of organophosphorus compounds. It has been used to control insects for about 20 years. During this time, the substance has established itself as a reliable broad-spectrum agent. The compound retains its toxic effect for a long time. Get's products use a unique technology - the active insecticide is placed in polymer capsules. Chlorpyrifos is found under a microscopic capsule shell.

Microcapsules are in an aqueous environment, stabilizers make the composition homogeneous. Chlorpyrifos belongs to the second class of danger to humans; the use of an insecticide under a polymer shell reduces the level of toxicity to humans.

Get Total

A modern universal drug is guaranteed to get rid of cockroaches and other pests.

Advantages of the product:

  • does not pose a risk to the health of adults and children;
  • exhibits a long-lasting effect, after treatment the protection lasts for 6-18 months;
  • completely destroys the population of household insects;
  • there is no unpleasant odor, streaks or stains after treatment;
  • easy to use.

If it is necessary to treat large areas, you can purchase the drug in a 1 liter package.

Get Express

Get Express is the fastest-acting drug in the series. It is produced in the form of a suspension with the active ingredient lambda-cyhalothrin. It has intestinal, contact and repellent effects. Belongs to the class of pyrethroids that block the activity of the nervous system. The chemical compound quickly affects adults, but does not kill eggs. The residual effect on the treated surface lasts 1-2 months. From the moment it dries, the product enters the fourth hazard class (minimal health hazard). The advantages of the suspension include:

  • speed - red and black cockroaches die after 2 hours;
  • safety for people and animals;
  • destroys insects that are resistant to other drugs;
  • does not leave stains on furniture.

The product can be used in industrial and residential premises, medical and children's institutions. The recommended dosage of the solution is 50 ml Get Express per 1 liter of water. For organizations, the drug is available in a 1 liter bottle.

Pencil Get Dry

A hard insect repellent pencil is designed for treating various surfaces: concrete, plywood, fabric, whitewash. The product is not absorbed, retaining the active ingredient chlorpyrifos in areas where the appearance of Prussians is possible. One package is enough to apply to 8 square meters. m. Get Dry has several advantages:

  • microcapsules remain on the surface for 1 to 1.5 years;
  • a universal product that can destroy any household pests: cockroaches, bedbugs, ants;
  • the pencil does not pose a danger to people.

Soap Get

Get soap against cockroaches has an insecticidal effect. It is used as an aid. Soap is applied to a moisture-absorbing surface: fabric, wood, concrete, fiberboard. It is used to treat kitchen furniture, seams of upholstered furniture and curtains. This treatment creates a long-lasting protection effect against cockroaches and other insects. Using soap is simple - rub the selected surface with a bar. It is recommended to wear rubber gloves during processing. One bar of Get soap weighing 175 g is designed for 6 square meters. m of surface. The product is stored in its original packaging (tin can) and used as needed.


Let's look at how you can use Mashenka's pencil to carry out pest control in your apartment.

Three ways

There are three different ways to carry out pest control using chalk:

  • Drawing lines. This is the most popular and convenient method of use. The chalk is used for its intended purpose, that is, simply draw lines with it in those places where the paths of cockroaches pass, as well as near insect habitats.
  • Use in crushed form. If you crush the pencil to a powder, the product can be used as a dust, that is, scatter it near places where cockroaches accumulate.
  • Solution. Dilute one powdered chalk in five liters of water, use the prepared solution to wash surfaces - furniture, floors, plumbing items, pipes, etc.

Carrying out processing using the classical method

Since, most often, a pencil is used to draw lines in the habitats of cockroaches, let’s consider how to use this tool correctly so that the effect is maximum.

  • Holding the chalk by the free edge, you need to draw continuous (not dotted!) lines. It should be remembered that this is a contact insecticide, so you should not give insects a chance to pass through the line without getting dirty.
  • The following places need to be treated: thresholds, window sills, baseboards, ventilation grilles, places near sockets and switches located on the walls adjacent to neighboring apartments. It is imperative to treat the places where public building pipelines pass (sewage risers, heating system, water supply).
  • It is useful to treat furniture from the inside. It is worth treating the shelves and drawers in cabinets and cabinets. It would not be superfluous to outline large furniture - sofas, chests of drawers, etc.
  • It is imperative to carry out the treatment in the bathroom, draw lines at the places where the pipes pass, treat the space under the bathtub, make a line around the toilet.

The completed lines retain their properties for about a week, then the treatment can be repeated.


Wear gloves when drawing barrier stripes with chalk. If you decide to work with a spray bottle or dry powder made from chalk, you should also wear a respirator.

The following are subject to insecticide treatment:

  • the entire perimeter of the rooms along the baseboard;
  • space on the floors under furniture and carpets;
  • furniture on all sides and inside;
  • shelves with books;
  • places where the wallpaper is coming off the walls;
  • objects located on the walls, from the front and back sides;
  • cracks and secluded places in the house;
  • windows, window sills, radiators, door jambs;
  • ventilation vents.

After such a thorough treatment of the bedbug-infested apartment, you need to leave it for a day. When you return, you should wash objects and surfaces with which you constantly come into contact with soap and water. Everything that does not need to be touched should remain as is – treated with chalk for another 10 days. The residual effect of the chalk chemicals on insects will still remain. After 4-6 weeks, general cleaning with a soap and soda solution will be required.

After the specified period, the bedbug eggs present at the time of the first chalk treatment will hatch into larvae. All of the above will need to be re-coated with insecticide. In a few days, the bedbug population will completely die.

Is this remedy effective?

If the infection is severe, you should not use the product; you will need to select a more concentrated and effective insecticide and carry out a total treatment. As a preventative measure, Mashenka's pencil is very convenient. For example, if neighbors start poisoning cockroaches, then the insects will begin to actively crawl into adjacent apartments.

To protect yourself, it is worth drawing and regularly updating lines at places of general building communications - ventilation, pipelines, electrical wiring. You can use a pencil after a total treatment to prevent re-infection.

So, a cockroach pencil with the romantic name “Mashenka” is a fairly effective means of preventing cockroaches from entering your home. You can also use chalk if the premises are mildly infested. But if there are a lot of insects in the house, you should choose more “killer” products.

With which it is difficult for outdated pencils to compete. But not all products created decades ago are ready to lose ground. Cockroach chalk Mashenka confidently stands on the same shelves with the latest developments in this direction, in no way inferior to them in popularity. You can purchase it not only in Moscow, but also in any city in the country.

How to choose a product and what exactly it is suitable for treating the room

Recommendations to help you choose the right drug:

If possible, consider products that have instructions in Russian on the label. This makes it easier to use. It is necessary to decide which form of release is suitable for processing a home under given conditions. For example, gel and chalk are products for cases when there are still few insects. A concentrate or powder (a liquid can also be prepared from it) can help deal with severe infestation of an apartment. Substance consumption. Chinese funds are often spent slowly

However, it is important to determine approximately how many bottles or Chinese cockroach poison you will need in a black box in order to immediately order the required volume. This will allow you not to disrupt the processing scheme, i.e.

because when ordering online, medications may arrive later than required. Then the processing efficiency will decrease. Considering that it is not always possible to read the instructions and evaluate the effectiveness of the drug in another way, you should read reviews of Chinese products. This will help you navigate among a wide range of similar drugs.

It is recommended to order products with the expectation of a full course of treatment of the room

Active substance

The cockroach remedy Mashenka, despite its many years of existence on the market, is a modern drug: the manufacturer regularly makes changes to the composition, adding new, improved insecticides.

Chalk, which can be purchased today, contains the following substances:

  • Deltamethrin. Poison of intestinal and contact action. It affects the nervous system when it comes into contact with the body, paws or stomach. Quickly leads to paralysis and death.
  • Zeta – cypermethrin. It differs from the previous component in the structure and composition of the molecules. A synthetic substance from the group of pyrethroids.
  • Chalk filler, which contains poison.

Cockroach chalk contains two different insecticides. This is done to prevent insects from developing resistance to the product.

Why Mashenka is good

The Mashenka pencil against cockroaches has a number of advantages, thanks to which millions of customers choose this product:

  1. Chalk Mashenka against cockroaches, reviews of which may be mixed, effectively destroys cockroaches.
  2. The low price of the pencil makes it accessible to all groups of the population. Even the cheapest products of a different type will cost more than Mashenka chalk.
  3. This product does not generate dust, does not smell, does not emit toxins - it is safe to use. This is especially important for families with children or owners of furry pets.
  4. It is very easy to wash off pencil streaks, unlike other cockroach medications.
  5. Mashenka is well remembered from childhood. In those times when other means were unavailable or did not exist at all, it was Mashenka who helped get rid of cockroaches.

These reasons explain the fact that in many apartments today you can still find chalk strips around sinks, behind the refrigerator, and on the inside of kitchen cabinet doors. Often, close to the line drawn, there are corpses of those who underestimated the cockroach chalk.

Since childhood, I remembered that we always had these lines and stripes behind the refrigerator, around the sink and trash can, around the kitchen furniture, and in the toilet. Therefore, when I myself needed to remove cockroaches from the house, I immediately ran to the store for Mashenka. I thought it wouldn’t work today, because cockroaches mutate and adapt. But no, Mashenka did not disappoint, just like many years ago.


No matter how good the drug is, it has some disadvantages:

  • short validity period - strips must be regularly updated so that they do not lose effectiveness;
  • an insufficient effect is possible if the apartment is heavily infested;
  • Inhalation of insecticide particles by animals may result in poisoning.

When applying chalk, you should wear a medical mask or respirator and gloves. After work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

How to use it correctly

There is nothing complicated about using Mashenka to fight cockroaches. It is necessary to apply stripes in those places that are especially often visited by cockroaches: behind the refrigerator, around heating pipes or appliances, at the sink, near the trash can. All necessary places are indicated on the packaging of the chalk.

  • Draw lines on baseboards and back panels of furniture. This should be done especially carefully on kitchen furniture. If possible, mark the entire perimeter of the rear panel.
  • Enclose the trash can in a chalk ring. Make sure that the bucket always stands inside the circle.
  • Make markings around the entire perimeter of the sink. Mainly, it is from this source that cockroaches quench their thirst.
  • Outline the perimeters of all ventilation ducts.
  • Surround the legs of the tables with a chalk pattern so that an insect, crawling onto the table, is forced to walk on the chalk.

The stripes should be thick so that cockroaches cannot step over them, but pass with all their legs. The price of chalk is low, so saving is inappropriate here.

The number of Prussians destroyed by chalk depends on the timing of its use: the longer the “drawings” are left undisturbed, the longer they will destroy arthropods. You should not remove the strips until the cockroaches are completely gone. Treatment should be repeated until the cockroaches disappear. Only there can one be sure that man and means have defeated the most ancient creatures on earth.

I still remember how my mother regularly bought a Chinese anti-cockroach pencil at the market. They died almost instantly. Now that I was faced with such a problem, I didn’t think that I would find a piece of chalk. didn't help. I was preparing to buy expensive sprays and gels, although I don’t really believe in their effectiveness. And suddenly in the store I see Mashenka’s pencil, similar to the one I remember! I was glad to see him, like an old friend. I immediately bought a year's supply. True, I used it very generously, so my supply was significantly reduced. I smeared everything possible, making sure not to apply it in the most noticeable places. And now I’ve been living peacefully for a month now. There are no old cockroaches left, and I am no longer afraid of new ones.

You can use both chemicals and folk remedies, the main thing is to start exterminating the Prussians immediately after their appearance. Cockroach chalk Mashenka has been used for several decades to successfully remove red cockroaches.

Many owners of infested apartments believe that Mashenka is the one who will most effectively deal with mustachioed insects.

Insects that occupy an apartment usually plunge the owners of the premises into shock, because the family of pests multiplies quickly.

Without taking immediate action, unexpected “tenants” will fill the entire home, threatening to displace the inhabitants.

Most often, cockroaches encroach on the territory, attracted by the large amount of food and moisture necessary for life.

Chalk Mashenka is a small gray pencil.

The weight of the bar is about 20 grams, but this is enough to treat a small room against cockroaches.

  • deltamethrin;
  • gypsum (helps keep its shape and not crumble during use);
  • zeta cypermethrin (insecticide).

The packaging of the chalk is waterproof, which allows it to be stored for a long time without losing its properties that are harmful to the Prussians (provided that all storage rules required by the manufacturers are followed).

The active ingredients of the drug are the latest pyrethroids, which act only upon contact.

It is enough for an insect to run over the product applied to the surface so that a few particles of the toxic substance remain on its limbs.

From the extremities, insecticides certainly enter the oral cavity, then into the intestines (Mashenka chalk also tends to be absorbed through the body).

The poison spreads in the body of the barbel instantly and begins to act. First, a malfunction occurs in the nervous system, after which important organs for life stop functioning.

The death of the Prussians occurs after complete paralysis. This happens literally a few hours after the insecticides penetrate the body of the mustachioed “tenant.”

Another significant plus is that an infected cockroach can spread a toxic substance, because it manages to return to the nest, where it comes into contact with several fellow tribesmen.

The insecticide particles continue to act, infecting other longhorned beetles along the chain. Mass death of red “neighbors” occurs 3-5 days after exposure to the pencil.

When the home is not heavily infected, it will take about a month to completely exterminate the Prussians. During this time, several treatments may be necessary, this will significantly increase efficiency.

Home preparation

Be sure to paint stripes on door frames and even window frames. It is also important to block all approaches to objects attractive to cockroaches:

  • kitchen stove;
  • trash cans;
  • dining table;
  • refrigerator;
  • kitchen sink;
  • bedside tables with food supplies.

Often new “guests” enter an apartment cleared of cockroaches, especially if they are infested with pests.

You can stop all attempts by barbels to develop new territories by applying cockroach chalk around all cracks in the walls, ventilation ducts, and pipes.

Such prevention will allow you to keep your home clean for a long time, and by making it a rule to regularly apply the product, whiskered insects will probably no longer bother you.

Composition and appearance

The manufacturer is Russia, but Mashenka chalk for cockroaches is an analogue of a Chinese-made insecticide, also popular and highly effective in the country of porcelain.

The pencil consists of chalk, gypsum and two toxic substances - deltamethrin and zeta-cypermethrin. Both of them are contact poisons, toxic to animals and people, and therefore this drug is assigned a 4th degree of danger.

Why are there plaster and chalk in the composition? These simple components, in turn, are binders and are necessary for attaching the poison to the surface, so that the activity is maintained for a long time.

Positive and negative qualities of chalk

Chalk has the following advantages:

  • efficiency;
  • high prevalence;
  • ease of use;
  • absence of an unpleasant odor that could attract pets;
  • low level of toxicity;
  • the product is multifunctional, as it helps to get rid of not only cockroaches, but also harmful creatures such as woodlice, ants, bedbugs, fleas and some others;
  • low cost.

Among the disadvantages, we note that the substance, although low-toxic, is still dangerous for a living organism, so it is strongly not recommended to use it in residential areas where there are small children. Caution must also be observed if cats, dogs and other pets live in the living space. But regarding these minor shortcomings, almost all cockroach repellents have them.

Also, chalk from cockroaches Mashenka requires special storage conditions - it is a dark place at room temperature, in which air humidity is low.

This remedy will be ineffective in case of severe infestation of living space by cockroaches. More precisely, you additionally need to use various gels and other drugs that will enhance the effect, for example. The use of several substances guarantees a more lasting result.

Use chalk with caution, observing safety precautions so that the substance does not get on the skin and mucous membrane. Follow the rules for using Mashenka indicated on the packaging!

Conclusion: is it possible to remove cockroaches using chalk?

Having considered the general aspects of using a pencil, we can give an overview of the positive and negative aspects of its use.


  • Ease of use;
  • low price;
  • no odor;
  • low toxicity.

The low cost (about 20 rubles) and the effectiveness of the product, according to customer reviews, have led it to wide popularity among analogues. Chalk Mashenka allows you to destroy various insects, which confirms the length of its presence on the insecticide market.

The absence of odor makes it possible to treat the apartment with the residents present in it.


  • short period of action;
  • low efficiency with a large number of insects;
  • danger to animals and small children.

The drug retains its properties for 7 days, after this period only residual qualities remain. Pencil lines are negatively affected by heat and sunlight. Therefore, one treatment will not have the desired effect, and it is better to carry it out at least 2-4 times.

When small children and animals live in the house, the substance on the floor can enter the baby’s body and lead to poisoning from the poisons contained in the pencil.

Having some disadvantages, Mashenka chalk continues to remain the most affordable means for effectively exterminating various insects in residential areas.

How does the MASHENKA anti-cockroach pencil work?

The instructions for using Mashenka for cockroaches state that the chalk contains contact poisons, that is, cockroaches become infected with it immediately after crawling along the line drawn with a pencil.

The effect of the insecticide is an impressive sight. When the cockroaches realize (so to speak) that they have begun to be poisoned, they panic and begin to pour out literally from all the cracks, dying as they go. Then all that remains is to collect the poisoned individuals and throw them in the trash.

Speaking specifically about Mashenka’s action, it’s as if she’s tearing insects apart from the inside. The poisons included in the composition block nerve impulses, that is, they have a nerve-paralytic effect. The muscles contract, tremors develop, and, as a result, paralysis. Thus, the insect dies in terrible agony.

Instructions for use

All that remains is to find out where to buy Mashenka for cockroaches, how much the substance costs and reviews about it. But first, let’s dive a little into the instructions to learn about the rules for using this tool.

According to various sources, the effectiveness of a pencil against cockroaches lasts from 40 to 70 days, that is, if you apply poison to surfaces today, you can forget about using it for at least a month.

Before use, you must wear gloves and a special mask that will protect your respiratory tract. Use a pencil to draw chaotic lines, preferably in all rooms in the house.

Attention is paid to the following areas (along them):

  • skirting boards;
  • doorways;
  • ventilation holes;
  • under the window sills;
  • necessarily - behind furniture (cabinets, chests of drawers, beds, etc.);
  • sewer and water pipes;
  • thresholds.
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