Rules for using Baron spray to kill cockroaches: composition, how it works, pros and cons, precautions

Spray Baron against cockroaches belongs to the new generation of drugs. It contains an effective insecticide with a wide spectrum of action that penetrates the insect body through the chitinous cover and respiratory tract. For the final extermination of red cockroaches or black cockroaches, repeated treatment is required after 2 weeks.

What kind of remedy is this?

The Baron product is available in a convenient spray form and is used to treat premises against cockroaches. The volume of one bottle is 100 milliliters.


The drug contains the modern insecticide fipronil, which has a wide range of applications. Its concentration is only 0.3%. On the one hand, this is small, and it is precisely this low content that explains the low toxicity of the product. But, on the other hand, this amount is six times higher than the minimum dose required to effectively kill cockroaches.


When working with insecticides, care must be taken to protect the skin and respiratory tract. Fipronil causes poisoning with headache, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, and weakness. If it comes into contact with the epidermis, it provokes an allergic reaction.

At the first signs of poisoning, you must stop work, rinse your mouth with a soda solution, take at least 2 tablets of activated carbon, and go out into the fresh air. Allergies are treated with antihistamines and products for external use.

At the time of disinfestation, there should be no other people or animals in the house. Pets can also get poisoned. This manifests itself in drowsiness, apathy, lack of appetite, and drooling. A small dose of fipronil is not life-threatening, but it can make you feel worse.

The Baron remedy for cockroaches is actively advertised on the Internet; you can order it on various websites. The cost of a bottle is within 1500 rubles

Effect of the drug

The product kills cockroaches effectively and fairly quickly. Its active component fipronil belongs to the category of contact insecticides, that is, minimal contact with the treated surface is sufficient to infect an insect. The substance enters the body either through the shells of the chitinous shell, or through the digestive organs (if the individual eats poisoned food), or through the respiratory system.

The substance acts directly on the nervous system and has neuroparalytic properties. Fipronil, entering the body, disrupts the conduction of impulses along nerve endings, which leads to paralysis of almost all important organs and systems of cockroaches. And when the respiratory system is paralyzed, death occurs instantly as a result of suffocation. It is noteworthy that the infected individual spreads the active component throughout the population, coming into contact with other insects. As a result, they all become infected, and the extermination of the colony that has inhabited the house or apartment begins. "Baron" is an effective means of mass destruction.

The drug acts quite quickly. Thus, the first dead insects will be detected just a few hours after the room has been treated. And within a few days, almost the entire population will die out. Within a week, not a single trace of cockroaches will remain.

Popular insecticide gels

Regardless of what composition will be used, in order to get a positive result, you must follow the instructions for use and do not forget to read the manufacturer’s comments regarding the treatment.

Gel "Brownie" against ants

The main active ingredient is the intestinal poison finpronil. It is odorless and harmless to humans and pets. The packaging is available in the form of a 30 ml tube. This volume is quite enough to treat a room of 50 m2.

The bait is gradually consumed by pests and accumulates inside the body, slowly acting on it from the inside. The creatures begin to feel very sick only on the second day, and this time is quite enough to infect the entire colony. The drug will protect the house for 90 days.

Gel "Great Warrior" against ants

Gel formulations are the most effective in the fight against annoying pests

This remedy is considered targeted. It helps in the fight against garden and house ants. The gel is presented in the form of food bait, which contains two toxic substances. The destruction of pests is carried out under the influence of a substance such as chlorpyrifos, the concentration of which is 0.3%, as well as diazinon in a ratio of 0.2%.

The gel base is the substance Bitrex.

The product goes on sale in two versions.

  • syringe with 30 ml dispenser;
  • tube with a volume of 40-80 ml.

It is advisable to use a syringe when it is necessary to reach the most inaccessible places. Since it has a long tip, the solution will be easily distributed in those areas where furniture is connected, holes under the baseboard, as well as cracks in the floor.

The poisons in the complex form a rather harmful composition, the effect of which begins one and a half days after application. The active components will be active for several weeks, which will destroy even deposited larvae and prevent their reappearance

To obtain maximum effect, it is important to strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Otherwise, the composition may not live up to expectations.

It is important that the strips with gel should not be dusty, and their contact with water is not desirable, since it will cause the product to lose its properties.

Application is carried out around the perimeter of the apartment or house where the ants move. It is permissible to draw strips along water supply and sewerage pipes if there is no condensation on them. The length of the dotted line stroke is 5-6 cm, and when applied again, 2-3. Subsequent treatment is done for the purpose of prevention in order to completely eliminate the appearance of pests in the house. The interval between etching is 30 days.

For your information. When working with poisons, direct contact with human skin and mucous membranes is strictly prohibited. If this happens, you should immediately consult a doctor, especially if reactions such as itching, rash, and swelling, etc. occur.

Gel “Clean House” against ants

The composition is considered an excellent way to treat the most secluded places in the house. Distribution is carried out using a dosing syringe. Capacity - 35 ml. Provided that the insect infestation is not too severe, the volume is enough to treat 50 m2. After the insects taste the product, their death will begin after 24-36 hours.

During this period, the poison, as in previous cases, will be distributed among the nests. After the action ends, the gel can be easily removed from a variety of surfaces. Therefore, you can safely apply a dotted line to linoleum, baseboards and similar surfaces. Some people pour the gel into small baths and place them where the pest colony is active. If there are a huge number of these creatures in the house, then re-treatment should be carried out after 30 days.

It is worth noting that the “Clean House” anti-ant gel receives only positive reviews, as it is effective, not harmful to humans, and does not damage the surfaces of furniture and finishing materials.

Gel "Raptor"


  • packed in a convenient package with a dispenser in the form of a long spout;
  • after removal there will be no stain left;
  • active destruction begins only on the 14th day due to the fact that the composition contains a low concentration of toxins;
  • Suitable for use in garden areas.

How to use?

Baron is easy to use. It is completely ready to use, so you just need to open the bottle and start processing. Spray the product, holding it at a distance of 20 - 25 centimeters from the surface, and treat all areas of the room where cockroaches are usually found.

The following areas must be subject to mandatory treatment:

  • In the bathroom, you need to spray the product on the perimeter of the inspection hatch, the space under the sink and bathtub, water pipes, and also on the ventilation grille.
  • In the kitchen, areas under and behind the stove and refrigerator, under the sink, near the trash can, under the table, under the microwave oven and kitchen units, that is, those areas where food and water are usually available, are treated.
  • In the bathroom you should spray the spray on the ventilation hole, the perimeter of the inspection hatch, as well as the sewer riser and water supply.
  • When processing the corridor, be sure to pay attention to the baseboards, the entire perimeter of the front door and trim, as well as existing cracks.

Usually, one treatment is enough to completely destroy cockroaches, but to consolidate the effect, you can repeat it after one to two weeks in order not only to destroy the surviving insects, but also to prevent the appearance of new ones that come from neighbors or from the entrance.

Preparing the bait

To destroy mole crickets, the gardener needs to prepare bait, which is mixed with an aqueous solution of the product. First you need to cook porridge from any cereal. Mole crickets eat this dish with greater pleasure than leaves and roots of plants.

After the porridge has cooled, you need to add a solution of Vofatox, prepared from 10 grams. of the drug and 3 liters of water, and two or three tablespoons of toasted sunflower oil, the aroma of which attracts the mole cricket.

The porridge for bait must be well boiled so that the aqueous solution of Wofatox saturates the porridge through and through. After this, everything needs to be mixed well.

This mass can be added to holes prepared for seedlings, or to holes for planting potatoes. The second way is to spread the bait around the roots of the plants at a depth of 10 cm and sprinkle with soil.

Alternatively, you can make grooves along the rows of plants 15 cm deep, roll the porridge into balls and place them at a short distance from each other.

The mole cricket looks like a real monster: terrifying front paws with “claws”, a mobile body about 7 cm long, ending with three incomprehensible processes. Nature did not give this insect such a terrible appearance in order to scare the gardener. Strong and flexible segments and powerful front paws are ideally suited for digging passages in any hard soil. Plant roots, potato tubers or beet balls get in the way - everything will be chewed through by powerful jaws. Sometimes it happens that the owner comes to his beds and sees: young, recently appeared shoots lying as if some villain had cut them off with scissors. Such harm is also the work of the mole cricket. The insect has an excellent sense of smell and can smell its favorite food from afar. The developers took this feature into account when releasing the drug Medvetox.

Precautionary measures

To use the spray as safely as possible, you should follow some precautions:

  1. After treatment, it is recommended to ventilate the room for half an hour to remove particles of the drug floating in the air, as well as eliminate the odor.
  2. Do not allow the drug to come into contact with your eyes, mouth or nose. If this happens, then it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the affected area with running water.
  3. The use of the spray by persons under the age of majority, as well as by young children, is not allowed.

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

The cost of one bottle is 1150 rubles. It is not easy to find Baron product in hardware stores and specialized departments, since it is probably supplied in small quantities and not to all cities. But you can order online. Visit the official website, leave your details and wait for a call from the manager who will confirm the information. Delivery is carried out by Russian Post and usually takes about two weeks. Payment is made upon receipt, and the delivery cost is only 250 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the drug "Baron":

  • This product acts exclusively on cockroaches, it is absolutely safe for pets and children, since the concentration of the active substance is negligible. And therefore, the drug can be used not only for home self-disinfestation, but also in veterinary medicine to destroy parasites.
  • The manufacturing company is fully confident in the effectiveness of the drug and guarantees the destruction of cockroaches, so it is ready to return the money to the client if the number of insects does not change after treatment.
  • During treatment, all residents can be in the room; they do not have to leave, which is very convenient.
  • The release form ensures complete processing and uniform spraying. The spray particles cover the entire surface and leave no chance for insect pests.
  • Economical consumption. One bottle is designed for approximately two hundred presses. This volume is quite enough to process the entire apartment. As a rule, it takes 2/3 of a bottle to kill cockroaches in two rooms. But it is better not to throw away the remaining amount, but to leave it for possible re-processing.
  • The drug does not have an unpleasant or pungent odor. After treatment, you can feel a light menthol aroma, which will not irritate or cause discomfort.
  • You can get a discount when purchasing multiple packages.
  • Extremely simple to use. Firstly, you do not need to carry out any additional actions, because the spray is completely ready for use. Secondly, the release form is very convenient, so processing will take no more than 10 - 15 minutes. Thirdly, after baiting it is not necessary to carry out general cleaning; washing the floors to get rid of dead cockroaches is enough.
  • You can purchase the product quickly and easily, without leaving your home.


  • Quite a high cost. But if you consider that the product is effective and the consumption is economical, then the treatment can be considered not very expensive.
  • Unfortunately, it is not easy to find the drug “Baron” in stores; it is extremely rare on sale.

Analogs from other manufacturers

Analogs of Baron spray are available for sale:

  1. Clean house. The product, popular among consumers, acts instantly thanks to the active ingredients: cypermethrin, tetramethrin, piperonylbutine. Does not release toxic substances during use.
  2. Cucaracha. It has a long-lasting effect and contains components that are tasty for cockroaches. Half an hour after contact, paralysis of the insect occurs. During this time, he manages to infect his relatives.

The product should be used strictly in accordance with the instructions. Only in this case the manufacturer guarantees a high result. If Baron spray appears on store shelves at a very affordable, low price, it is likely that it is a fake. The cost of the original is rather high, so you need to be more careful when purchasing.


Reviews about the drug "Baron":

  • “We encountered an infestation of cockroaches about three years ago, when our neighbors started renovations. And since then we have been waging an ongoing battle against these insects. We tried everything, but to no avail. All the baseboards are sticky, there is a constant smell of aerosols, and at least the cockroaches can easily run through the poison. But one day I was advised to use the Baron remedy. I cleaned the toilet, kitchen and hallway, and the next morning I found the corpses of cockroaches. But I wasn’t surprised, because I’d seen them before, but I couldn’t get rid of the pests completely. But a week later, walking into the kitchen at night, I realized that it was absolutely clean! Since then, the insects have not appeared."
  • “Good domestic spray. There is no need to mix anything, you can start processing right away. There is a smell, but it resembles menthol, that is, it is not unpleasant. The product was delivered the very next day (I live in Moscow). Ten days have passed since the treatment, and during this time not a single cockroach has appeared.”
  • “I tried dozens of remedies, nothing helped get rid of cockroaches. But the Baron product was a pleasant surprise. The application is simple and convenient, there is almost no smell, and the insects actually die quite quickly.”

If insects do not allow you to live in peace, purchase the Baron product and destroy all the cockroaches!

Methods for controlling cockroaches

Humanity has been fighting such insects for centuries. Today, there are many effective methods, both at home and using special chemicals and various techniques. Every housewife who has ever encountered such a problem knows where to buy cockroach poison that is suitable for her.

The fight against cockroaches should take place in stages and include a set of certain measures:

  1. All products that are in the public domain must be packaged in cling film.
  2. Napkins, paper towels and other kitchen hygiene products should also be packed.
  3. The work surface, sink, stove must be dry and clean. Leftover food is excluded.
  4. The cracks in the walls and ventilation must be tightly insulated, since insects can enter the apartment from neighbors.
  5. Try to empty the trash can as often as possible, avoiding large accumulations of food scraps.
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