Raid against cockroaches - battle to the last pest

Aerosol Aerosol Raid against cockroaches and ants is a product designed for self-removal of synanthropic insects. Inside the can there is a fast-acting insecticidal substance. There is no unpleasant odor due to the presence of special fragrances. Destroys adults, nymphs of different ages, and larvae after birth. It belongs to the third class of hazardous substances; if the instructions for use are followed, it does not threaten the health of people or pets.

Operating principle

Raid anti-cockroach aerosol is sold ready-made and does not require dilution with water. It operates on the basis of two insecticidal substances. Provides instant, prolonged action. Maximum effectiveness is observed in the first 2 hours, then the properties gradually disappear. The drug is finally neutralized after 14 days.

Raid enters the body of insects through the intestinal contact route, disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, and provokes muscle paralysis. Death occurs within a few minutes. The first results of the product are noticeable 30 minutes after surface treatment.

On a note!

The chain reaction is ensured by Reid's contact action. A cockroach, soiled with poison, crawls into a shelter and transfers a dose of poison to its relatives. Mass death of insects is observed within 3 days after disinfestation.

Components of the drug

The drug is a universal remedy, the action of which is aimed at destroying various crawling and flying insects that are harmful to humans. Raid is also effective against bedbugs. Available in the form of an aerosol, which contains a mixture of toxic ingredients:

  • Cypermethrin (0.1%) is a powerful insecticide of the pyrethroid group that affects the nervous system of bedbugs. It prevents the passage of impulses, causing paralysis and then the inevitable death of the insect. It has the maximum effect on the pest organism on the first day of use. The residual effect lasts for two to three weeks.
  • Prallethrin (0.03%) is a similar insecticide with nerve paralytic action.
  • Imiprothrin is a modern generation insecticide that has an immediate effect on parasites.

Also, the basis of the Reid product includes a solvent and flavoring.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • instant results;
  • prolonged action;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • does not stain furniture, does not leave marks on the surface;
  • kills sexually mature and immature individuals;
  • low risk for humans and animals;
  • sold ready-made.


  • relatively high price;
  • does not affect eggs in the ooteca;
  • quickly loses its properties and requires repeated treatment;
  • a specific smell persists in the room for several days.

On a note!

Aerosol Reid is not addictive to cockroaches because it contains several active substances. Repeated treatment is as effective as the first.


Raid mosquito repellent aerosols
The most convenient form among all mosquito repellents. The use of aerosols provides the following advantages:

  1. High processing speed.
  2. Possibility to take with you.
  3. Protects indoors and outdoors.
  4. Effective immediately after spraying.

Among the disadvantages of Raid sprays are:

  1. Impossibility of spot application.
  2. Large consumption of funds.
  3. Dissipates quickly.
  4. High toxicity.

Raid mosquito repellent in aerosol form can protect not only from mosquitoes, but also from flies, hornets, bees, moths, as well as other flying and crawling insects.

The rules for using Reid aerosol are similar to all other brands of this release form. The can of the substance must be shaken thoroughly and then sprayed onto the desired areas. The average cost of one bottle of Raid is 300 rubles.


Of all the mosquito repellents our family has tried, the Reid aerosol turned out to be the most effective. It really works almost immediately after spraying. While preparing for the summer season, we always stock up on these products.

Yuliana, Moscow

Composition, release form

Raid is available in bright red cylinders with a capacity of 300 ml. This quantity is enough to treat several rooms - kitchen, bathroom, toilet, corridor. Consumption: 20 ml per 1 sq. m. The shelf life of the chemical product is 2 years. After the first use, the aerosol must be used up within a year. The country of origin is the Netherlands; the product is produced under license in Russia.

The active substances are insecticides: cypermethrin, imiprothrin. The concentration of each is 0.1%. They belong to the third class of hazardous substances; when used correctly, they do not threaten the health of people or pets. The effect is gradually lost under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

The product consists of:

  • Cyfluthrin;
  • Imiprotrine;
  • Prallethrina;
  • Butane/isobutylene/propane;
  • Hydrocarbon solvents;
  • Isopropanol;
  • Fragrances.

Thanks to this set of components, insects die immediately, and new ones do not fly in, sensing the poison molecules. The shelf life of Reid aerosol is 4 years. It is equipped with a convenient sprayer that does not allow you to spray more substance than necessary. If there are only a few bugs, the product may last for several years if stored properly.

Instructions for use

Anti-cockroach aerosol is used in residential premises in the absence of other people or animals. Before processing the rooms, you should clean the floors, wash the floors, and hide the food. Spray the product with the windows open, then close it for several hours, leave the room or stay in another room. During processing, you need to use personal protective equipment: rubber gloves, a mask or a respirator. Furniture is moved away from the walls.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • shake the can;
  • spray from a distance of 20 cm from the surface;
  • carefully treat areas where cockroaches are most concentrated, be sure to baseboards, the floor under the wall, furniture on the back side, trash cans, trash cans, water pipes, sink counters, washbasins.

To increase the effectiveness of the Raid, you need to leave the room closed for 2 hours or more, then thoroughly ventilate it and do a wet cleaning. A soap-soda solution completely neutralizes the effect of the poison. In hard-to-reach places, leave the product to work.


After 14 days, disinfestation should be repeated, since the product has no effect on the eggs. When young cockroaches appear, it is necessary to increase the concentration of poison to destroy them.

Safety regulations

When using Raid anti-cockroach products, you must adhere to certain safety measures.

Among them:

  1. Disinsection must be carried out with gloves.
  2. During the procedure you should not drink, smoke or eat.
  3. Do not spray the aerosol near an open fire.
  4. During processing, place products in airtight containers.
  5. Avoid contact of aerosol and gel with mucous membranes and skin.
  6. At the end of the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  7. Store insecticidal agents at a temperature not exceeding +300C out of the reach of children.


Reviews of the Reid cockroach aerosol are left by buyers on forums where issues of combating synanthropic insects are discussed.

When you need urgent protection against cockroaches, it is recommended to buy Raid. You can find the drug in any hardware store or household chemicals department. The product contains a specific odor, but it is not unpleasant and dissipates fairly quickly. It is better to carry out disinfestation in the evening, when the activity of the Prussians increases. In the morning, the dead parasites are raked out. Kills insects in 3 days. Repeated processing is mandatory, even if no live Prussians were visible.

Angelina, Moscow

Raid cockroach spray is the first aid when detecting insects in the house. If you react in a timely manner, you can get rid of cockroaches in one treatment. It is recommended to treat the entire room, not selectively in several places. Wet cleaning is carried out the next day. The maximum properties last for 2 hours, but a pronounced prolonged effect is observed for another couple of days. I liked the product, I recommend it!

Irina, Voronezh

Preparing the premises for treatment against bedbugs

The bug is a slow-moving insect that feeds mainly at night and on our blood. Therefore, we carry out processing near our vacation spot. First, let's prepare the area for processing:

  • We will carry out mechanical treatment using a vacuum cleaner. This will help us partially destroy the encountered individuals, open nest sites and determine the number of infestations.
  • We move all the furniture away from the walls.
  • Removes bed linen, curtains, curtains and sends them to the wash.
  • We remove households and pets from the area for the duration of treatment.
  • Cover aquariums and house plants.
  • Place all dishes in cabinets, and clothes in cabinets unless cabinet treatment is required.
  • Pack food, cosmetics, and personal hygiene products in plastic bags.

Other forms of release

The Reid brand produces another effective product against cockroaches - a bait trap. The gel-like substance contains insecticides, flavors, and food additives. The design is a box containing the active substance abamectin. When consumed, the female loses the ability to fertilize and stops laying eggs. Traps are used in parallel with an aerosol to kill cockroaches and as an independent means to prevent infection.


Spirals Raid against mosquitoes
Insecticide in dry form, designed in the form of spirals. To activate the active substance, it is necessary to set one end of the product on fire and position it so that the smell of combustion products ends up where people are.

This is a relatively inexpensive method of protection and very effective. Mosquitoes fly nearby, but when they try to get closer, they lose their spatial references. For 10 pieces you will have to pay an average of 60 rubles.


A spiral is a rather dubious way to protect against mosquitoes in nature. In a semi-closed gazebo, it also saves, but in nature we didn’t notice the effect. The effectiveness of Reid spirals greatly depends on the nature of the wind, because it blows the active substance to the side, and mosquitoes calmly fly up to us and bite us. You also need to use additional cream or spray.

Ivan, Tula region


Aerosols are the most common form of drugs with a toxic effect. They are easy to use, do not require strict adherence to personal safety; it is enough to use rubber gloves, a mask or a respirator. Many domestic and foreign manufacturers produce similar products. Effective remedies for cockroaches:

  • Raptor;
  • Clean house;
  • Combat;
  • Dichlorvos.

Aerosol Raid is effective for mild to moderate infestation, if there are too many insects, use concentrates or call specialists to carry out professional disinfestation.

Description of insecticides, types

When faced with such a problem as bedbugs, and this is sometimes a really serious problem, a person’s normal desire is to quickly exterminate this parasite. We are faced with the question of how to do this? At the moment, there are several solutions to this problem: Either fight it yourself using insecticides or home remedies, or call professional exterminators. If home remedies help in the initial stages of infection, then in case of serious infection you need to resort to the help of professional insecticides or call exterminators. The insecticide market offers several types of products:

Concentrated water-based emulsions - sold in ampoules, bottles and canisters. These include drugs such as Averfos, Cucaracha, Alatar, Get, Medilis, Cypermethrin, Agran, Fufanon, etc. Many of them are used by professional exterminators.

Powders (dust), insecticidal chalks - these include the insecticidal Chalk Mashenka, Ecokiller dust, Clean House dust, Phenaxin dust, etc.

Sprays are the most convenient to use, they help well at the initial stage of infection and as a preventive measure. These include Raid, Raptor, Dichlorvos, Combat, etc.

Features of the life of cockroaches

It is difficult for modern people to be surprised by cockroaches, since these pests are distributed throughout the world and can be found anywhere.
Some insects live up to 5 years. Pests can feed on anything, including paper, leather and even soap. Humanity has been trying for many years to get rid of these mustachioed pests, but since they adapt with amazing ease to any poisons and chemicals, are unpretentious in food and, according to some biologists, are not even sensitive to radiation, the fight against them will continue for many years.

Important! The mustachioed enemies of humanity, multiplying with amazing ease, contaminate food products, short circuit electrical wiring, damage the most modern and expensive equipment, in addition, they carry many dangerous diseases and can cause allergies. .

Mosquitoes fly and fall and fall! And they stack themselves!


Since spring, uninvited representatives of the animal world have appeared at my home, a group of insects, a subspecies of blood-sucking creatures, with a vile and treacherous character.

I think everyone guessed that we are not talking about butterflies and birds, but about the most harmful mosquitoes and gnats.

Everything would be fine, but these flying aggressors decided to take my blood without my consent. But I have no desire to chase them on hot summer nights with a fly swatter. Therefore, mosquitoes have been declared: No entry!

This packaging, box

Instructions and other information for the consumer

The box says that this product is produced by Shanghai Johnson Ltd., China. Now you can sleep peacefully at night, and not listen to the annoying buzzing and cover your head. Just unscrew the cap on the bottle, screw it into the electric fumigator and plug it into the outlet.

This is what the bottle itself looks like with a cap

Right up to the bottom of the bottle there is a rod inserted, which, when heated, emits some kind of unpleasant and even fatal aroma for mosquitoes. I usually place it under the window, in an outlet near the baseboard. I open the window wide, fly, mosquitoes, if you don’t value life!

And this bottle is screwed into the fumigator and is ready for use

And in the morning on the white windowsill I see everyone who wants to drink my blood but has not reached the goal. And I don’t feel sorry for them! This is not a donor point for you. As long as you have Raid and mosquito repellent, you have nothing to profit from here!

Composition and precautions closer

The composition is also indicated: Prallethrin 1.6%, solvents, antioxidant.

Precautionary measures are indicated - remove all fish, birds, turtles, and other curious living creatures, and also do not swallow the liquid and do not get your hands into it. Well, I think this is already clear, but still.

I tried different means, but I didn’t find anything more effective!

Barcode, production date

Traps Raid

What is truly safe is cockroach traps! All toxic substances are located inside a fairly durable box, which will be too tough for most pets. But cockroaches will happily get inside and eat the bait. Most likely, this will be one of the last meals of their lives.

But there is a trick - the insect will not die immediately. It will have time to get to its nest. There will be a massive infection of other individuals. The result is impressive - the entire colony dies out! As a rule, the death of a cockroach occurs 1-3 days after consuming the poison.

The trap will not spoil the appearance of the room; it is compact and convenient. In addition, the box is easily attached to any surface thanks to the adhesive layer on the back side. The small size of the “device” allows you to place it anywhere:

  • near the trash can
  • behind the battery,
  • in the ventilation pipe.

In this case, the effectiveness will be the same everywhere - the effect of the poison is not weakened due to low temperatures or changes in humidity. The action of the insecticide lasts about 3 months, so the Raid trap also provides a preventive effect on cockroaches.

After a cockroach eats the bait, the process of destruction of the nervous system immediately begins in its body. This continues for quite a long time, various organs will gradually fail, as a result of which the pest will first be paralyzed and then die.

It happens that a cockroach survives exposure to poison. This is not a problem for Raid traps - the bait contains a substance that will deprive the enemy of the ability to reproduce. This way the colony will stop growing anyway!

Important. You can watch the process of food absorption by a cockroach in real time. The upper part of the trap is transparent, the insect will be in the palm of your hand

You can also regulate the duration of the harmful effect of the trap by adjusting the amount of bait inside the box.

How to help with poisoning

If Raidmax from cockroaches gets into the lungs, you must immediately leave the room, thoroughly rinse your eyes and nose, and wash the areas on the skin where Raid has come into contact. To remove the drug from the body, it is recommended to use soap or an aqueous solution of soda and ammonia.

Rinse eyes with plenty of water or soda solution. You need to wash thoroughly, removing the smallest particles of Reid. After washing the eye, it is recommended to treat it with sodium sulfacyl.

If signs of poisoning appear, you should induce vomiting, drink activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight) and a laxative. After this, call a doctor.

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