Tsifox remedy for bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, flies, mosquitoes, ixodid ticks, 500 ml

Cifox — 25% cypermethrin emulsion concentrate, a transparent yellow liquid with a specific odor.

The product belongs to class 3 of moderately dangerous drugs.

The Cifox product is used to kill bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, fleas, mosquitoes, flies, scabies and rat mites. It is allowed to be used at the following facilities: in public utility facilities, in basements, in residential and industrial premises, in children's institutions, with the exception of canteens, playrooms and bedrooms, in railway transport and subway facilities.

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How to breed Tsifoks

Tsifoks is available in a liquid concentrate, which is more convenient than powder insecticides. Let's look at how to breed Tsifoks from bedbugs.

Proportional ratio of water and Tsifoks: 1 liter to 2 ml, respectively. It needs to be prepared in a special way: pour the required amount of water into a large container, pour in the insecticide and mix thoroughly with a stick (at least 5 minutes of intensive stirring). The solution is then poured into a sprinkler.

By the way! The instructions for use state that the aqueous solution of Tsifoks is only valid for 8 hours. Therefore, everything that has been prepared should be sprayed around the room, and not left for next time.

Mode of application

You can buy Cifox, but you cannot use it in its pure form. Before processing, prepare a special solution according to the proportions from the manufacturer. Only if you follow the recipe, the effect manifests itself most quickly.

Complete destruction of pests occurs within twenty minutes, which you can determine yourself by looking at the dead individuals. Concentrate your attention on the places where you most often notice insects.

Working emulsions of the “Tsifox” product for the destruction of synanthropic arthropods:

Insect type Concentration (%)

in the Far East

Quantity of product

in working emulsion, ml

1 l 5 l 10 l
Cockroaches 0,1 4 : 996 20 : 4980 40 : 9960
Bed bugs 0,01 0,4 : 999,6 2 : 4998 4 : 9996
0,05 2 : 998 10 : 4990 20 : 9980
Fleas 0,01 0,4 : 999,6 2 : 4998 4 : 9996
0,05 2 : 998 10 : 4990 20 : 9980
0,1 4 : 996 20 : 4980 40 : 9960
Ants, rat and scabies mites, lice 0,05 2 : 998 10 : 4990 20 : 9980
Flies imago outdoors 0,1 4 : 996 20 : 4980 40 : 9960
indoors 0,01 0,4 : 999,6 2 : 4998 4 : 9996
0,05 2 : 998 10 : 4990 20 : 9980
Flies larvae 0.1 4 : 996 20: 4980 40 : 9960
Wasps 0,1 4 : 996 20 : 4980 40 : 9960
Mosquitoes and their larvae 0,01 0,4 : 999,6 2 : 4998 4 : 9996
0,05 2 : 998 10 : 4990 20 : 9980
0,1 4 : 996 20 : 4980 40 : 9960
Bell mosquitoes (larvae) 0,1 4 : 996 20 : 4980 40 : 9960

Note: working concentrations are selected depending on the specific object being processed, taking into account entomological and sanitary-epidemiological indications.

Working emulsions for the destruction of ixodid ticks:

Genus of ticks Consumption rate

means, l/ha

Work concentration


Quantity of product

in working emulsion, ml

in the Far East within means 1 l 5 l 10 l
Ixodes 0,25 0,0625 0,25 2,5 12,5 25,0
0,50 0,1250 0,50 5,0 25,0 50,0
0,75 0,1880 0,75 7,5 37,5 75,0
Dermacentor, Haemaphysalis 1,25 0,31 1,25 12,5 62,5 125

Working emulsion for treating clothing against ixodid ticks and fleas:

Work concentration


Quantity of product

in working emulsion, ml

in the Far East within means 1 l 5 l 10 l
0,125 0,50 5,0 25,0 50,0

How to use Tsifoks from bedbugs

Like any liquid insecticide, Tsifoks needs to be sprayed (sprayed) around the apartment. The product should tightly cover all surfaces, and on absorbed areas (upholstered furniture, chair upholstery, carpets) you need 2 times more of the product.

Before using Tsifoks against bedbugs, you need to prepare the room by isolating all people and animals from it. You should also remove food and personal items. Disassemble furniture, move cabinets.

You need to spray Tsifox bedbug repellent in the following possible habitats and movements of insects:

  • frames and back walls of furniture;
  • reverse side of wall hangings;
  • joints of wallpaper and baseboards;
  • back surface of paintings;
  • ventilation;
  • all sorts of cracks.

Spraying is carried out in a ventilated area, because the drug is toxic. No, anyone who doesn’t know how Tsifox works on bedbugs considers this stupid, believing that disinfestation in this case will be useless. But liquid poison does not evaporate immediately, so the effectiveness of open windows will not decrease. Moreover, this is part of safety precautions.

Tsifoks buy in Moscow

The effectiveness of treating an object with Tsifoks depends not only on the correct calculation of the concentration and preparation of the solution, but also on preliminary measures. For best results, it is necessary to prepare the room for spraying the drug. To do this, remove large debris and carry out wet cleaning. After this, it is necessary to carefully examine the object, find all the nests of synanthropic insects, and estimate the approximate population size.

Preparation for processing an apartment also includes the following activities:

  • move furniture to the center of the room or remove it from the room;
  • remove all curtains, pictures and remove carpets and bed linen;
  • take the pillows to another room;
  • turn over or remove the mattress;
  • clothes can be left in the closet if its interior space is not planned to be processed;
  • remove all food, dishes, personal hygiene products, and cosmetics from the room;
  • clear the room of pets, indoor plants and people.

Tsifoks can be bought in Moscow in a specialized store. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions. It is important to take safety precautions and use personal protective equipment while working.

Comparison of Tsifox with other liquid insecticides

Pros of Tsifoks

  • Affordable price. 500 ml costs 350-450 rubles. This is enough for high-quality processing of an area of ​​1 hectare or more than 10 apartments. It is the price of Tsifoks against bedbugs that is often the determining factor when choosing an insecticide.
  • Performance. Within half an hour you can see bedbugs crawling out of their hiding places in search of a place not treated with an insecticide.
  • Duration of action. Even after cleaning, poison particles remain on hard surfaces, repelling new bedbugs.
  • Leaves no traces due to the transparency of the solution.

Disadvantages of Digital.

  • The bedbug poison Tsifox is addictive in insects, so it may not work if neighbors have previously poisoned parasites with the same remedy.
  • The drug is toxic, therefore, if safety precautions are not followed, it can cause poisoning in people and animals.
  • Cleaning after treatment with tsifoks

Composition and release form

In addition to the main substance cypermethrin at a concentration of 25 percent, the insecticide includes excipients :

  • Emulsifiers.
  • Stabilizers.
  • Fragrances.
  • Solvent.

Zifox is produced in concentrated form. It is a clear, yellowish liquid. Packaged in bottles of 50, 500 and 1000 ml. A small bottle of 50 ml is enough for complete disinsection of an apartment.

What to do after treatment for bed bugs

After disinfestation, you should leave the apartment for 12 hours, leaving the windows open. Upon returning, you need to put on a protective suit, gloves and a respirator, tuck your hair under a scarf and start cleaning. The question of how to wash off the poison from Cifox bedbugs worries users more than the treatment process itself. Because the owners usually have to clean their apartment themselves.

Surfaces are cleaned using a regular solution that can be easily prepared at home. You need to pour warm water into a bucket, add a couple of tablespoons of laundry soap shavings and 2 tbsp. soda Wipe all surfaces thoroughly, then go over them again with clean water.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tsifox is a highly effective drug . Thanks to its long-term action, it destroys both adult individuals. So are the newly hatched specimens.

The poison is quite affordable . During the treatment, in addition to bedbugs, all other insects in the apartment also die. The advantages also include the low price of the poison and its cost-effectiveness.

The preparation is absolutely harmless to the surface of furniture . disappears from the upholstery of upholstered furniture , so there is no need to wash it.

The disadvantages of Tsifox include its high toxicity and the possibility of poisoning when used. Bedbugs can adapt to the drug , so after an unsuccessful attempt to destroy all parasites, repeated treatment will be useless.

ATTENTION. The smell from the drug remains in the apartment for quite a long time. But this is not dangerous to health, since the toxic effect is destroyed under the influence of oxygen.


Tsifoks for cockroaches is a popular remedy, there are different reviews about it.

After the cockroaches appeared, I didn’t think twice about it. I read on the Internet that Tsifox is considered an effective remedy. I bought it at a hardware store. Before processing, I prepared the solution according to the instructions. I processed all the places where arthropods were observed. A week later there was no trace of the pests left. When working with the drug, open the windows, otherwise you may get poisoned.

Evgeniy, 32 years old

After repeated attempts to kill insects, I decided to try Tsifox. I prepared the solution and strictly observed all proportions. I treated the apartment and went to spend the night with a friend so as not to breathe in toxic elements. Returning home, I found insect corpses, there were no more living specimens.

Victoria, Kyiv

We decided to poison the cockroaches with Tsifox. After treatment with the solution, after a couple of days, arthropod corpses began to appear. After 2 weeks, there was no trace left of the individuals. In addition, the product destroyed not only the adults, but also the larvae, since there are no more pests in the apartment. Tsifoks is an effective remedy that kills insects quickly. It contains a strong insecticide that blocks the respiratory system. Individuals die instantly. Due to the high activity of the toxic substance, it is popular.

Liana, 30 years old

How to prepare an apartment before treatment

Bed bugs are resourceful and enterprising creatures. They can choose the most unusual places for their habitat, including an outlet, household appliances, a computer, a clock. At the same time, they definitely settle only in the room where the person sleeps. It is recommended to prepare the bedroom for disinfestation especially carefully.

  • Move furniture away from the walls, remove all clothes from closets, and throw bedding in the wash. Bed cannot be treated with Tsifoks.
  • It is necessary to check the walls for any loose wallpaper. Very often bedbugs form their nests there. In this case, the wallpaper will have to be torn off. The same should be done with linoleum on the floor.
  • There should be no other people or animals in the room. Aquariums with fish are well covered with a lid. Fish are one of the few living creatures on which cypermethrin has a lethal effect.

Before carrying out disinfestation, it is necessary to search for bedbug nests. If it can be detected, the effectiveness after the first treatment reaches 100%. No need to repeat. When a room is heavily infested, there are several nests. You will have to check every centimeter of the room.

First aid to the victim

The first step is to take the poisoned person out into the fresh air. Make a two percent solution of baking soda to rinse your nose and mouth. Force you to take activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of person’s weight) or another absorbent.

Albucid is instilled to protect the eyes. The exposed surface of the skin on which the drug has come into contact is washed with soap and water.

The Cifox product has many positive reviews and is used not only to get rid of bedbugs. It helps get rid of ants, ticks, cockroaches, wasps, fleas and other insects.

This drug helps get rid of parasites for a long time not only in the apartment, but also in the garden. When used indoors, the main disadvantage is the unpleasant odor that can be felt for some time.

If you adhere to all of the above recommendations and precautions, the disinfestation of the apartment will be carried out efficiently and safely for the health of both the person carrying out such a procedure and the rest of the family members.

Brief description of the drug

Tsifoks is a yellowish liquid with a strong unpleasant odor. The product is stored in plastic bottles and contains Tsifox emulsion. The substance must be diluted with warm water in the specified percentage to obtain an effective insect repellent.

To get rid of bedbugs in a two-room apartment, 50 ml of Tsifox is enough. This volume is enough to carry out two-time treatment of a living space.

To get rid of bedbugs in a four-room apartment you will need a 500 ml bottle.

Precautions and problem solving in case of poisoning

Before baiting bedbugs with such a potent drug, you need to be sure that all safety rules are followed.

Disinfestation is prohibited for children, pregnant and lactating women, and people with allergies.

Equipment required to process the premises:

  1. clothes that you don’t mind throwing away after the procedure or overalls;
  2. Rubber Shoes;
  3. sealed goggles to protect eyes from toxic fumes;
  4. gauze bandage or respirator.

After work, you should thoroughly rinse any areas of your body that may have received insect poisoning liquid.

The poison should not be rubbed into the skin; simply wash the affected area with soap and water.

Effect on insects

Tsifoks against cockroaches begins to act 30 minutes after treatment. Cypermethrin penetrates the insect body in two ways:

  • Through the digestive tract;
  • Through the chitinous shell.

After penetration, the drug begins to block the nervous system and paralyze the respiratory tract. The arthropod dies instantly. The description of the drug states that the highest activity is observed in enclosed spaces, the product works for up to 3 months. If used in water or outdoors, the validity period is reduced to 6 weeks.

Customer reviews show that the drug is active after the first treatment with small concentrations of insects; if there are a lot of them in the room, re-application cannot be avoided.

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