Fipronil for cockroaches: description of the active substance and reviews of the drugs

There are many modern drugs on the market for products that allow you to quickly and effectively get rid of cockroaches. After all, these insects, even unpleasant in appearance, cannot be called welcome neighbors, not to mention the fact that they leave traces of vital activity on food products and things and carry dangerous infections. Therefore, owners of apartments and private houses are puzzled by choosing a good drug. Among the popular chemicals against cockroaches, one can safely name fipronil, or rather, products in which it is a key component.

Properties of fipronil

A chemical substance with this name can only be purchased in the form of preparations, since it is not sold in its natural form. This broad-spectrum insecticide belongs to the phenylpyrazoles family.

Fipronil is a strong poison for cockroaches, which has a slow effect on their body and is used as an additive in bait. It was developed by the French concern Rhone-Poulenc between 1985 and 1987. In 1993, the product was patented in the United States. Since 1987, fipronil has been widely used against more than 250 insects in many countries around the world.

Cockroaches don’t even have to take fipronil internally - it begins its destructive effects after a while, even if the parasite simply runs its whiskers across the gel. The principle of action of the substance is a toxic effect on the cells of the central nervous system of insects, resulting in blocking of GABA-related glutamate and chloride channels.

Infected individuals return to the nest and transfer part of the poison to their fellows. As written in the instructions, the inevitable death of parasites occurs within 24 to 72 hours. Since dead cockroaches are eaten by still living ones, further transfer of poison from individual to individual continues. The lasting effect after using fipronil-based products lasts for another 1 month.

As the manufacturer notes in the instructions, if the drug comes into contact with human skin, slight irritation may occur. If accidentally swallowed, seek immediate medical attention as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, abdominal pain, weakness and even convulsions are common symptoms. Since these types of drugs are very toxic, they should not be used in areas where there are children and pregnant women.

Far East

As an active ingredient in insecticides, fipronil belongs to the chemical class of phenylpyrazoles. The chemical formula of fipronil, its spatial model and the appearance of 95% of the technical product are shown in Fig. below. The technical product is a colorless crystalline powder that smells rather strongly of mold and is poorly soluble in water (1.9 mg/l at pH=5 and 2.4 mg/l at pH=9). Dissolves better in non-ionic solvents; technical fipronil solution is slightly yellowish in color. The saturated vapor pressure of fipronil is low: 3.7E-4 mPa at +25 degrees Celsius. In air and sunlight in the presence of moisture, fipronil forms metabolites (sulfides, sulfones, amides), which are also insecticides.

Chemical formula and appearance of fipronil

Note: Crystalline fipronil in appearance and odor can easily be confused with powdered penicillin, which requires strict adherence to precautions for handling this substance.

The effectiveness of the product - benefits and harms

If we take into account the cascade effect, the mortality rate of cockroaches and other insects can be up to 95% in the first 3 days. The product has pronounced toxic properties because its smell and taste are not unpleasant for pests. Therefore, they gladly swallow the poison.

Cockroach corpses and feces remain filled with a sufficient amount of toxic substance to destroy healthy parasites. The benefits of this component of drugs are also great in other areas - it is used as the main component of anti-flea products for pets and to control pests that cause damage to the agricultural sector.

The harm of the product lies in its high degree of toxicity to fish and invertebrate creatures living in the water. Its ability to combine with sediment and low solubility in water can reduce the danger. This is relevant for owners of aquarium fish who plan to use drugs in the form of a spray.

The described component is also destructive for bees. If you have parrots or other birds in your apartment or house, remember that if they swallow drugs containing this component, there may be undesirable consequences for their health. It is recommended to limit the movement of birds around the premises for at least a month, which must pass from the moment of treatment.

Chlorpyrifos for bedbugs - instructions for use

Before starting the procedure, the drug is diluted in a proportion of 50 grams of the substance per ten-liter bucket of water. The liquid is poured into any sprayer and all surfaces are sprayed: walls, furniture, floors, window sills. Corners, crevices and baseboards should also not be skipped. During operation, it is better to keep the bottle at a distance of 30 cm from the surface.

During preparation for the procedure, wet cleaning is carried out, since the solution cannot be washed off for one and a half to two weeks after the etching. Clothes, curtains and bed linen are washed at a temperature not lower than +90 degrees. It is better to move the furniture to the center of the room, and if possible, then disassemble it. Hygiene items, food and children's toys are hermetically sealed or placed on the balcony.

When the treatment is completed, the home is ventilated for several hours. To consolidate success, you can repeat the event after 10 days. After this, the apartment is thoroughly cleaned using soap and soda.

Fipronil-based products

In a number of countries around the world, fipronil is included in various drugs and is sold under different brand names. For example, in China and the USA, the production of “Regent”, which contains this substance, has been established.

The product is effective against butterflies, grasshoppers, locusts, and beetles. In the United States, products under the trade names “Goliath” and “Nexa” are used against cockroaches and ants. The drug “Adonis” helps residents of Kazakhstan and the island of Madagascar fight locusts. The termite population in Australia and Africa can be reduced by using the preparations Taurus, Termidor, and Ultrathor.”

In the UK, the above ingredient is a general purpose insecticide. In order to rid their pets of ticks and fleas, Americans and Europeans can use Frontline TopSpot, Fiproguard, Flevox and PetArmor. In New Zealand, a component of the products helps destroy poisonous wasps.

In our country, it is a key component of such drugs as “Regent-25”, “Frontline”, “Eslanadez-gel”, “Anti-cockroach-gel”, “Brownie Proshka”, “Maxforce Gold”, “Executioner”, which allow you to fight against cockroaches in the home.


For example, Regent is effective against many insect pests, in addition to cockroaches. It is available in powder form; before use, the drug should be diluted in water. To get rid of household pests, a simple irrigation of the room will be enough. If used for horticultural crops, spraying should be used.

Since the effect of baiting after irrigation does not occur immediately, since the drug gradually weakens the strength of the chitinous cover of the body of pests, baits created with this powder have gained popularity. If swallowed by a cockroach, they will quickly cause its death.


“Executioner” was produced in Germany and is successfully used in our country. It is offered by the manufacturer in the convenient form of a concentrated emulsion, which must be diluted with water shortly before use. Spraying will not get rid of parasites as quickly as you would like, so decide how to feed the product to uninvited guests.

Brownie Proshka

“Brownie Proshka” is a product intended for household and medical disinfestation, which works well against cockroaches and ants. The gel is applied with a dispenser syringe to the places where insect movement is most often observed. It guarantees excellent results and has an affordable price for everyone.

Whichever of the drugs based on the component described in the article you use, remember the need to observe the rules of sanitation and hygiene in your own home.

Chemical composition

Cockroach gel is a poisonous bait. To understand how it works, you need to understand the composition. Typically, it includes five main components.

  1. Insecticide. A poisonous element that leads to the death of cockroaches. It can be intestinal and contact.
  2. Fat base (usually glycerin). Thanks to it, the gel does not dry out for a long time and sticks to the legs and body of insects.
  3. Attractant. Acts as a fragrant bait for cockroaches. People and pets do not smell.
  4. Repeller. A bitter additive that discourages pets from licking the gel from the surface.
  5. Preservative. Ensures long-term preservation of the product when opened.

The death of a cockroach after contact with an insecticide does not occur instantly. The insect has enough time to return to the colony and “infect” other pests with the poison that remains on its legs.

Where do cockroaches come from?

Domestic cockroaches are a problem in apartment buildings and dormitories. They visit private houses less often and it is easier to drive them out of there. And in human anthills there is freedom for pests: you can travel to different apartments to find a better shelter. There is always water and food, a comfortable temperature and many secluded corners.

Where can cockroaches come from?

  1. If your house has a garbage disposal, then sooner or later you will see barbels, if not at home, then definitely in the entrance.
  2. Usually insects come from neighbors. And not necessarily from loved ones: pests travel freely through ventilation shafts, penetrate through cracks in walls and doors, and can crawl along the facade of a house.
  3. They sneak in from outside, for example, your guests bring them, or you yourself can bring a couple of individuals from vacation.

If you notice one Prussian, then perhaps it is a scout. He separates from the main colony to find a new suitable home for it. The main population will follow in his wake. So take immediate action.

Preventing the appearance of bedbugs in the house

In order not to wonder how to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment, learn the basic rules for preventing their occurrence:

  • When purchasing new furniture, items and mattresses, check them for traces of bedbugs;
  • after returning from vacation, carefully wash all personal items from your suitcase;
  • monitor the condition of pets, especially those who have access to walks outside;
  • If you suspect that your neighbors have bedbugs, take preventive measures.

Regular thorough cleaning of the apartment, including wet cleaning of hard-to-reach places, is the best prevention of bedbugs. By wiping closets, sorting through clothes and linens, moving furniture aside, you can easily and quickly find nests of parasites or single insects.

If the presence of bedbugs in an apartment is detected, then it is necessary to urgently take all measures to remove them. You can do this yourself, strictly following our instructions and instructions for the selected product.


An absolutely selective neurotoxin is impossible, because The nervous system of animals is generally organized according to the same principles. Therefore, fipronil is a rather dangerous substance, and its toxicological indicators are by no means mild:

  • LD50: rats 97 mg/kg body weight orally; 2000 mg/kg cutaneously. Mallard duck 2150 mg/kg; pheasant – 31 mg/kg. CK50 for Japanese carp 0.34 mg/l (96 hours); for daphnia 0.19 mg/l (48 hours). That is, the reaction of specific living organisms to fipronil is very individual.
  • ADI for humans is 0.0002 mg/kg body weight.
  • OBUV in the air of the working area – 0.1 mg/cu.m. m.
  • OBUV in atmospheric air – 0.0001 mg/cu. m.
  • MPC in soil – 0.05 mg/kg.
  • MPC in water of reservoirs is 0.001 mg/m3. dm.

Note : LD50 is the dose of a substance from which 50% of experimental subjects die within 24 hours. CK50 is the concentration of a substance in the environment that causes the death of 50% of its inhabitants within a specified time.

Symptoms of acute intoxication with fipronil, in order of development and/or degree of poisoning: nausea, causeless agitation, irritability, nervous tremors (tremor), lethargy (severe general lethargy up to lack of sensitivity to pain and restless sleep), convulsions, death. Mild poisoning goes away without treatment if the effect of the drug stops. In case of severe poisoning, treatment is symptomatic; There is no specific anidote. In addition, fipronil is currently the surest candidate for “devil poisons”: even mild poisoning with it after a long time affects the kidneys, liver, and thyroid gland. Research in this regard is far from complete (it takes a lot of time), but it seems that fipronil is no safer than the other “devil poison” thiuram (thiram).

Spray Baron

Available in 100 ml bottles. Contains 0.3% concentration of the active ingredient – ​​Fipronil. It takes 4-7 days to destroy a complete colony of cockroaches. The product should be sprayed at a distance of 25 centimeters from the treated area.

Places to use the spray:

  • space under or behind the kitchen stove;
  • space under the sink and refrigerator;
  • space near the microwave and trash can;
  • under the bath;
  • along the perimeter of ventilation holes and inspection hatches;
  • along the baseboards;
  • in the area of ​​the entrance door.

Usually a single treatment with Baron is enough for an acceptable result, but it is better to repeat the procedure after 1-2 weeks. To treat an area of ​​50 sq. meters, one can of spray is enough.

Gel Eslanadez

Contains two active ingredients: Fipronil 0.03% concentration and Imidacloprid 0.5% concentration. One of the most powerful means for fighting cockroaches, but it is also the most unsafe for humans and pets.

Provides long-term protection against the return of parasite colonies - up to two months. Available in the form of syringes containing 20 or 50 ml of gel. The tube contains 30-75 grams of the substance. The gel is colorless. After the initial treatment, repeat treatment should be done after 2 weeks.

A dozen insecticidal products are made based on Fipronil (most are produced in European countries)

Before using the gel, you need to thoroughly clean the room and remove all visible food crumbs (so that the cockroaches eat the gel). The advantage of the gel is that it can be applied to areas that are inaccessible to other means.

One of the components of Eslanadez is Bitrix, a very bitter substance that makes the gel safe. The fact is that after tasting the gel, any pet will not want to eat it. Thus, the manufacturer managed to achieve safety for using the gel in apartments.

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