"Global" from cockroaches: description, instructions, customer reviews

Are cockroaches annoying you? These unattractive-looking insects are frequent “guests” in houses and apartments. They can appear alone, or organize real “invasions” on human homes. Such neighbors in the house are not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. They spread various infections, spoil food, and contaminate dishes.

How to simply and safely get rid of Prussians once and for all? An effective remedy is Globol (Globol), a gel against cockroaches. This German-made drug is merciless to insects and completely harmless to humans.

Where to buy and how much it costs

The most convenient way to buy Global anti-cockroach gel, as well as other products in this line, is online.
The network has addresses of stores where you can order insecticides with delivery. Another pressing question is how much the chemical costs. The average price of one tube is 350 rubles. Since this cockroach treatment is often counterfeited, you need to be careful when purchasing. The too low cost of the poison, not exceeding 200 rubles, should alert

In addition, the original packaging always contains protective membranes and a hologram. To avoid mistakes, you should first look at the photo. The tube of poison should say “Globol” - this is its correct name. When ordering poison, it is better to ask the seller to send a copy of the certificate.


Cockroach repellents in gel form are produced by the following brands:

  • Forssyth;
  • Dohlox;
  • Raptor;
  • Combat;
  • a href=»https://apest.ru/tarakany/4-sredstva/91-gel-chistyj-dom/» target=»_blank»>Clean House.

For advanced cases, large numbers of insects should be dealt with comprehensively. In addition to using gel, you can use traps, aerosols, dusts, and do not forget about regular wet cleaning. Sometimes cockroaches appear from neighboring apartments through cracks and holes in ventilation shafts. You need to take care of insulating your home.

Mode of application

Hold the tube of gel in your hands for 10 minutes, warming it. This will make the product more plastic, it will be easier to separate and lay on the surface to be treated. Then open the lid and apply the gel in small drops to the floor near the baseboards, under the windows, in the cracks. Treat areas around sewer pipes, kitchen sinks and washbasins, stoves and refrigerators.

Cockroaches often settle in various cabinets, not always those where food is stored. Drops of gel are also placed along the paths of their movement. The distance between them is about 5 cm. To prevent cockroaches from freely entering the apartment through the ventilation holes, they are also treated.

After the gel has completed its task of killing insects, it will have to be removed. If the owners do not want to wash the remaining product from glass, tiles or furniture, it is more advisable to make traps for cockroaches. To do this, apply the paste to pieces of paper, which are laid out in places where insects move or where insects may accumulate. It will be easy to remove them after use.

Rules for processing the premises

The drug can be applied in two ways. The first is to draw dotted lines in the areas where these parasites are most likely to appear. The distance between drops of gel should be 10 centimeters. This could be drains, plumbing, sinks, door frames, the back of furniture, and so on.

The second way is to create traps. To do this, you need to cut small strips of paper onto which the composition is applied. These homemade traps should be placed in areas where cockroaches are most concentrated.

Before you start treating your apartment with gel, it is better to put on special gloves on your hands that will protect your skin from contact with the poison. to store tubes of gel in a dark place so that children cannot reach it. They should be opened only before starting work, having first kneaded them in your hands. This will make the paste softer.

It is best to treat the apartment together with your neighbors in order to destroy insects throughout the house. Care should be taken to ensure that cockroaches do not come running from other rooms. You can close the ventilation with a mesh, treat the apartment threshold, riser, and so on with gel.

To treat a private home you will need several tubes. The amount of gel used depends on the degree of contamination of the room. If there are too many cockroaches, then it is better not to skimp on insecticide.

How to distinguish a real Globol?

At the same time, do not accidentally buy a fake or analogue. Unfortunately, there are many such “leftist” products on the market that imitate effective products from Globol. You can distinguish the original by the following parameters:

  1. The gel itself is a beige substance with a slight chocolate smell. This aroma is explained by the fact that cocoa butter is used as the fat base for the paste.
  2. There is a special hologram on the packaging.
  3. It must be indicated that the product was made in Germany. If it says that an insecticide was released in another country, then you should not buy it.
  4. The name of the drug consists of Latin letters - “Globol” or “Exil”. If it is written in Russian and has different or additional letters, then it is a fake.
  5. The seller has a certificate of conformity for the products.

There are also analogues of the original globall. All of them, judging by the reviews, are much less effective. So be careful when purchasing.

Instructions for use

Rules for using Global paste:

  • Pre-mash the contents of the tube;
  • Global gel should be applied in dotted lines or drops at a distance of 5-10 cm onto dry surfaces or onto substrates for which cut paper or cardboard strips are used;
  • then the substrates with the applied poison are laid out in places where cockroaches may accumulate: along the baseboards, behind the sink, next to the sewer pipes, under the bottom of cabinets, the stove and the refrigerator;
  • Be sure to apply the gel around the hood, through which insects can enter the apartment or kitchen (on the inside of the grille);

The effective effect of the German gel on cockroaches begins to appear within 2-3 days. Infested pests crawl into open areas of the room, moving at a slow speed and with a noticeable lack of coordination. The effect of the gel lasts for 3-4 weeks, after which (if there are surviving insects), it is recommended to repeat the treatment.


After moving to a new apartment, I encountered hordes of cockroaches. After reading online reviews about Exile, which used to be called Globol, I decided to purchase this gel. In the first 3 weeks, the number of insects decreased noticeably. After 2 months I used the product again, but the second time it did not help get rid of cockroaches. I had to switch to an analogue of another brand.

Valentin, Moscow

I read a lot of positive reviews about Exile gel. I purchased it from an online store and used it according to the instructions. But the paste did not make any impression on the cockroaches. After that, I purchased the Russian product Super Fas and forgot about the existence of the Prussians.

Dasha, Omsk

Useful materials

Read other articles about cockroaches:

  • To successfully combat these parasites, you need to know where they come from in your apartment, what they eat? What is their life cycle and how do they reproduce?
  • The most common types here are red and black. How are they different and what to do if you see a white cockroach in your apartment?
  • Interesting facts: what nicknames did people come up with for these insects; did you know that there are flying species; some myths about where the mustachios disappeared and what it could mean?
  • Can cockroaches cause physical harm to humans, such as biting or getting into the ear and nose?
  • A detailed article about how to get rid of them, the most effective methods of control and prevention.
  • There are now many treatments on the market against these parasites. Therefore, we wrote an article about how to choose a drug that is right for you, described the best products available today, and compiled a rating of insect repellent drug manufacturers.
  • And of course, we couldn’t ignore all sorts of folk methods, in particular the most popular is boric acid.
  • Well, if you yourself cannot cope with uninvited guests, then we recommend turning to professionals. They have modern fighting technologies and will save you from misfortune once and for all.
  • Find out if electronic repellers help?
  • Means that have proven themselves against these parasites: powders and dusts, crayons and pencils, traps, gels, aerosols.

Review from a woman who used this product:

I have two small children in my home, so I looked for a product that would have minimal toxins but would still be effective. I read that children very often develop a severe allergic reaction to their bites. On the advice of friends, I purchased Absolut gel. The store said that this product is very popular, and many people choose this product when fighting bedbugs. There were quite a lot of bedbugs in my house, so I had to do three treatments. Thanks to the manufacturer for helping me quickly get rid of insects!

Marina, Samara

Fighting cockroaches

Cooking in the vicinity of cockroaches is not the most pleasant experience. Longhorned beetles manage to chew through plastic bags and get into refrigerators. At night, the kitchen turns into their kingdom. If you suddenly turn on the light at night, you can see them crawling along tables, floors and walls. And what can we say about what it’s like to eat when these parasites are running around the table!

People have been struggling with cockroaches for a long time. Many means of destroying them and security measures have been invented to prevent them from appearing. Unfortunately, not all means give the desired result. The main problem with all poisons is insect resistance. If some insecticide has already been used several times, then there is a high probability that repeated treatment with the same drug will no longer be effective.

Using insecticidal chalk as an example, it was noticed how quickly insects get used to them. However, there are other drugs. Among them are:

  1. Aerosols;
  2. Traps;
  3. Gels.

Unfortunately, they also have similar disadvantages. In addition to becoming addictive, the products can be dangerous for people and animals. Aerosols can affect the health of those living in the house, but they cannot have any effect on cockroach eggs.

Benefits of the drug against cockroaches

Globol has the following advantages:

  • acts on the entire population of cockroaches in the house, and not on an individual pest;
  • it can be used indoors where there are small children;
  • This gel is inexpensive. On average, its price is 200 rubles;
  • with a small or medium pest infestation, one application of Global is enough to completely get rid of all insects in the house;
  • resistant to external factors, retains its structure in the open air;
  • It is quite easy to apply to all surfaces, including hard-to-reach ones.
    19 years of work experience Contents of the article

You know that for centuries the life of mankind has been associated with many insects, the existence of which next to people is no longer considered something surprising. And the main task in relation to these uninvited guests is to prevent the appearance and, as a consequence, of the proliferation of pests.

First of all, you need to analyze through what routes insects could have entered your home and what reasons prompted them to stay.

For densely populated cities, it is common for pests to move from neighbors, thanks to air ducts and through household items.

Comfortable conditions can serve for the reproduction of single individuals. These include high indoor humidity and direct access to water and food.

Among the variety of drugs aimed at controlling pests, namely Prussians, it is quite difficult to choose a product that will meet all your requirements and correspond to the price-quality ratio. It is not always possible to decide right away; numerous advertisements do not always reflect the real state of affairs.

For this article, a review of the Global anti-cockroach remedy will be conducted.

The advantages, quality and characteristics declared by the manufacturer are described. Instructions are given on how to distinguish a fake and how to increase the effectiveness of the active substances.

Anti-counterfeit protection

The popularity of the product also has a downside: Global gel is often counterfeited. German manufacturers have provided the packaging with a special holographic sticker to protect consumers. Since 2016, the drug under the old name has not been supplied to Russia, but an analogue called Exil is available for sale. The packaging design has been preserved, and the consumer is offered a product that fully corresponds to the characteristics of the long-known Globol product.

One of the disadvantages of the product is its rare availability in retail chains, so it is best to order it from an official distributor via the Internet. The cost of the drug in this case is about 300 rubles.

The chemical industry has developed many pest control and protection products, but the best way to protect your home from uninvited guests is to constantly maintain cleanliness in the house and monitor the slightest sources of infestation. It’s easier to fight pests when there are only a few of them, so you shouldn’t lead to massive battles.

Review from a man who tested the effectiveness of the product:

I've always been very suspicious of people who don't want to hire professional pest control when faced with a bedbug problem. But not so long ago, I myself encountered this problem, and I did not have the opportunity to carry out professional treatment, and then my son began to be allergic to bites. I realized that I couldn’t wait any longer and started studying literature on the Internet. Considering that I have a small child in my house, I chose a product based on its safety. Gels have proven themselves quite well in this regard. Gel Globol quickly got rid of bedbugs.

Alexey, Moscow

Instructions for use of insecticide

The drug is low-toxic and does not cause harm to humans and pets.

REFERENCE! To discourage animals from eating the delicious-smelling gel, a special bitter substance is added to Globol.

It should be remembered that despite the low level of toxicity, the main component of the Global drug is a toxic substance, so it is recommended to store the packaging out of the reach of children and open the gel immediately before use. Disinsection should be carried out wearing protective gloves.

How to use?

Before starting work, knead the tube of gel until soft.

You can apply the paste in different ways:

  1. dotted line (distance between points 5-10 cm) directly on the surface;
  2. Squeeze the paste pointwise onto thick sheets of cardboard and place it in hard-to-reach places (on cabinets, behind the refrigerator, behind household appliances).

This method is suitable for treating an apartment where small children live in order to limit their possibility of contact with poison.

Where to apply the gel:

  1. on the thresholds of the bathroom or toilet to block the path to the water for insects;
  2. on the baseboards behind the stove, refrigerator, i.e. to places where cockroaches have something to eat;
  3. next to the sink, pipes (water and sewer);
  4. along the perimeter of the ventilation grilles.

Strips of cardboard with gel are laid out according to the same principle: in places where cockroaches are most concentrated.

To achieve maximum results, all three types of the drug are used:

  1. First, you need to treat the surfaces with an aerosol (you can spray upholstered furniture, the interior surfaces of cabinets, where gel cannot be applied).
  2. Then coat the room with gel, which will finish off the hordes of cockroaches, and also, due to the duration of its destructive action, the young shoots hatched from the eggs.
  3. And, finally, use traps to prevent further occurrence of parasites in the apartment.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug


  • pleasant chocolate smell that does not require long-term ventilation of the room after treatment;
  • low toxicity class;
  • commercial availability;
  • the drug is hypoallergenic;
  • throughout the entire action does not lose its characteristics;
  • does not pose a danger to humans and animals.

Flaws :

  • not cheap;
  • leaves stains;
  • When purchasing, you may run into a counterfeit product.

As you can see, Global has many more advantages than disadvantages. This means that in the difficult fight against the cockroach plague you have a faithful and reliable assistant.

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with other remedies for cockroaches: Dohlox, Executioner, Regent, Karbofos, Fas, Raptor, Forsyth, Mashenka, Get, Combat, Cucaracha, Raid, Clean House.

General Safety Precautions

The gel is dangerous for insects, but humans must take the following precautions:

  • wear thick rubber gloves to protect the epidermis of your hands;
  • If the paste gets on your skin, rinse the area thoroughly;
  • if after the gel the skin is itchy, inflamed, red, take an anti-allergy remedy;
  • if it gets into the mouth, rinse and rinse immediately, and also drink an adsorbent to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • keep the tube and drops away from children and pets so that they do not eat the delicious-smelling gel;
  • Store the tube of paste in a cool, dark place, tightly closed.


In addition to Global gel, several other forms are available that help destroy cockroaches. To get the best result, it is recommended to use several varieties of this product:

  • The spray is used to instantly eliminate insects indoors. It is convenient for those who are afraid to put poison in corners due to the presence of children or pets. While the premises are being treated, it is necessary to take all household members out for a walk, and after 3-4 hours return and ventilate the apartment;
  • Global paste is a long-term remedy that is applied to remote, hard-to-reach places. It has a rather unpleasant, repulsive odor, so the animal does not become particularly curious about the poison. That is why the gel is not considered dangerous for mammals. But if the child nevertheless puts poison into his mouth, it is necessary to urgently give him an adsorbent. If the baby’s health worsens, be sure to rinse the stomach and provide him with plenty of fluids;
  • It is better to use traps when the main insect baiting is over. This is more of a preventive remedy that will protect the house if cockroaches decide to return to the abandoned territory again.

Precautionary measures

Although the manufacturer guarantees safety, precautions should be taken because chlorpyrifos is a real poison. If the dose is exceeded, it causes severe intoxication. The main danger of the gel is for pets, as it tastes sweet. A large animal will not die; it is in danger of being poisoned. A small cat or dog may die if it licks a large amount of gel.

When working with Global from cockroaches, you must wear rubber gloves. It does not affect the skin, but there is a danger of contact with the mucous membrane. This may lead to:

  • nausea;
  • urge to vomit;
  • stomach pain.

Getting the Global cockroach gel into the eyes is considered especially dangerous, which can lead to serious consequences. Its activity in places of use remains for 4 months.

How to spot a fake

Now Globol gel is the most frequently counterfeited of all known insecticides acting against cockroaches. A few rules that will help you distinguish from a fake and buy the original active Exil gel:

  • all gels with the names Globol, Global, etc. are outdated or counterfeit, because this brand is no longer sold in stores;
  • gels called GlobalAl are a homemade counterfeit of a well-known brand;
  • the original cream is sold only in 75 ml tubes;
  • the gel visually resembles an ointment, has a light beige color and a slight chocolate smell;
  • The product is packaged in cardboard containers of paler shades compared to previously released ones, and the company’s hologram is located at the bottom right on the front side.

Advantages and disadvantages

Global is popular and has no analogues, despite the fact that it appeared on the market quite a long time ago (more than 13 years). This is due to a number of factors:

  • high efficiency of the drug;
  • ease of application;
  • no pungent odor;
  • after treatment you will not have to leave the room;
  • Global gel is characterized by a wide spectrum of action, which means it simultaneously gets rid of various pests;
  • it is relatively safe for animals and children, since due to its specific taste it is impossible to use it, and even if the animal accidentally tries the bait, it will no longer approach this product;
  • after application, the drug continues to act for several weeks;
  • Global can be used on different surfaces: horizontal, vertical.

The main disadvantage of this product is the low rate of impact on pests. The result should be expected in 1-2 weeks. We must not forget about the need to clean up after pest control is completed, since the remnants of the gel will lie throughout the apartment. However, the use of any insecticidal agent requires cleaning of contact surfaces.

The substance chlorpyrifos is known for its wide spectrum of action. This means that it can be used not only against cockroaches, but also in the fight against other crawling pests

Pros and cons of Globol

Globol paste with chlorpyrifos is considered one of the best chemicals for controlling cockroaches. Among its advantages:

  • High efficiency. Ridding your home of insects begins after a few days. Within a month, the entire population of cockroaches is destroyed.
  • Duration of action. Thanks to the use of an oil base, the product does not dry out for 60 days (up to 45 days in the open air).
  • Safety of use. Globol is low toxic to mammals and hypoallergenic.
  • Ease of use. The room can be treated in the presence of people and pets. The product is easy to apply and has a pleasant smell.

However, buyers note a number of disadvantages of the insecticide:

  • High probability of buying a counterfeit drug. Even the presence of a holographic sticker does not always guarantee the originality of the product.
  • No immediate effect. It will take several weeks to kill the entire insect population. Getting rid of cockroaches in a few days is guaranteed only by calling professional exterminators.
  • Price. Globol gel is not a budget product: the minimum cost of the paste is 200–250 rubles per tube.
  • Difficult to remove when applied directly to the surface. Sometimes, after the product expires, it dries out and becomes difficult to clean off. In this case, it is necessary to resort to soaking the product. After some time, the remaining gel can be easily removed even from delicate surfaces. To prevent complications in the future, it is recommended to apply the paste to pieces of thick paper.

Despite the noted disadvantages of the drug, it enjoys well-deserved popularity among consumers. This is due to its effectiveness, prolonged action and low level of toxicity to humans.

What is the effect of Global based on?

Gel Global

Global gel is produced on the basis of the insecticide chlorpyrifos; it belongs to modern drugs with a contact mechanism of action. You can buy this tube even if there is a huge concentration of red Prussians in the house. One adult, on whose paws the components of the gel remain, is capable of transferring its particles to places where its relatives gather, where they also receive a portion of this poison. Thus, gradually the entire population of insects living in the house becomes infected with chlorpyrifos within one to two weeks. This insecticide acts slowly but steadily - dead individuals can be seen within a few days. At first, cockroaches begin to have difficulty oriented in space; you can notice that they move slowly and do not try to hide. Slowing the transmission of nerve impulses disrupts the functioning of all body systems of insects, and they die.

You can also buy a product in global gel against garden ants that enter the house. Also, some note that this drug helps reduce the number of flies and bedbugs. It is recommended to apply the gel twice; the activity of the active substance lasts for about a month. The second treatment is carried out approximately two to three weeks after the first. It is necessary for preventive purposes and therefore the gel must be applied during this period where cockroaches can re-enter the house. That is, these are ventilation grilles, places where pipes enter apartments, baseboards.

Operating principle

The gel contains chlorpyrifos, the effect of which is enhanced by attractants. The paste is prepared on the basis of cocoa butter, which lures insects with a pleasant chocolate smell . Due to the remaining components, Globol gel retains its properties for a long time, does not dry out, and the poison does not erode.

It is believed that Global gel against cockroaches does not lead to parasites becoming accustomed to the poison. Since the insect does not die immediately, it manages to infect many relatives. After treating the premises with Global, an insect epidemic occurs within one to two weeks. Cockroaches begin to have difficulty oriented in space and crawl into the middle of rooms. Since these insects are capable of eating the corpse of their relative, the action of the insecticide will overtake them in the same way.

The advantages of the drug include:

  1. Cost savings;
  2. Safety for animals and people;
  3. Hypoallergenic;
  4. Efficiency;
  5. Pleasant aroma;
  6. Extension two months;

Global cockroach paste can be used in different ways. In addition, as the cockroaches die, such side effects after treatment do not appear, such as a large number of corpses that need to be swept out of their apartments every day. The insect population is gradually decreasing.

Description of the tool "Global"

A product such as Globol today occupies the first position among popular insecticides. A German-made drug designed to effectively combat cockroaches. You can find different forms of release on the market, but if we talk about the most popular, then this is definitely a gel. In addition to efficiency, it can offer other benefits.

The effectiveness of the drug is ensured thanks to such an active substance as chlorpyrifos. A fairly potent insecticide, the effectiveness of which also depends on the method of action on the insect. It is able to penetrate the parasite’s body in two ways, which significantly increases its effectiveness. Firstly, it enters the body in the digestive tract, along with food. Secondly, for the poison to begin its destructive effect, it is enough for the cockroach to come into contact with the drug.

Another advantage is the long-lasting effect of the insecticide after treating the room. Fatty components prevent the gel from weathering and drying out; it retains its original shape for a long time and retains its properties. The composition also includes special additives and flavorings, they are designed to attract the cockroach with the smell, and they would eat it with appetite. The manufacturer also took care of safety. By adding a component that has a bitter taste. So, if there are animals in the apartment, after trying it, they will not want to help themselves to a dangerous substance.

Composition and purpose of the product

Globol (now marketed under the name Exil) is designed to kill crawling insects. Most often it is used against cockroaches and ants. The drug is available in the form of a gel, spray and block traps.

The spray is sprayed, after which all residents need to leave the premises for a couple of hours. Then ventilate the apartment so that the smell of the substance disappears. There is no need to leave home when using the gel. But it is difficult to protect small children from contact with the gel. The spray does not leave visible marks. Therefore, sometimes its use is preferable.

Trap blocks are installed after applying the gel or spray to catch the remaining cockroaches. They are also used when insects rarely appear in the apartment.

Gel Exil/Global is a mustard-colored paste. It has a barely noticeable odor. It is not strong, so it does not cause discomfort or allergic reactions. It contains:

  • contact insecticide chlorpyrifos, which has a wide spectrum of effects on insects;
  • insecticide attractants-intensifiers;
  • additives that attract cockroaches.

The gel is packaged in tubes of 75 g. One tube will be enough to treat a room of 60 m2. This is a small house or apartment consisting of several rooms.

New name for the gel

In the last year, the best paste (according to customer ratings) has been produced under the name Original Exil Schaben Paste - a paste for killing cockroaches, produced by Terrasan GmbH (Germany). The volume of the tube, which is designed to process 60-75 sq. m of room is 75 g.

The contents of the tube are odorless and effective against crawling insects in heated premises (residential and office spaces, garages, entrances, etc.).

Methods of destroying Prussians

Now there are a great variety of drugs aimed at eliminating cockroaches. They all have their pros and cons.

European quality against the Prussians

In order not to make a mistake in choosing an effective product, you need to be guided by reviews, evaluate the conditions that are favorable for the appearance of insects in your home: the location of garbage containers, the state of communication systems, etc.

Unique drug Global

One of the recognized drugs is the German drug - Global cockroach gel. Efficiency and optimality are guaranteed thanks to traditional German quality and many years of experience of the manufacturer.

Functional essence of globol cockroach remedy

German manufacturers chose chlorpyrifos as the active ingredient of this product.

The pest, after contact with the global cockroach product, is affected by chlorpyrifos. It does not die at the same moment, but spreads its grains to the location of its colony. In other words, only a few individuals, in contact with the gel, can exterminate a large family.

The global gel gained its uniqueness thanks to special additions.

What is the success and popularity of globol schaben paste

75g tubes are enough to treat 60 meters of area

  • Global cockroach repellent is available in an easy-to-use, measured tube - 75 g. This mass is enough to treat a room of up to 60 square meters.
  • The convenient form of manufacture, in the form of a gel, makes it possible to easily apply the product to the desired areas, preventing rapid drying. Easily washed off from surfaces.
  • The prolonged effect on pests lasts a month. A noticeable effect is visible after just a few days after the start of the procedure. Cockroaches crawl into areas accessible to humans during the daytime, moving with a noticeable lack of coordination. A large-scale epidemic appears within one to two weeks.
  • Effective bait: high content of natural honey and chocolate attracts pests.
  • The predominant advantage of the product is the absence of a specific odor. In contrast to other drugs against cockroaches, which, if used in violation of the instructions, cause intoxication in households, globol gel does not pose any danger. The product is absolutely hypoallergenic and does not cause side effects in case of unintentional contact.

Step-by-step instruction

Before you start using the drug for its intended purpose, you should gently knead it in your hands to give the gel additional plasticity. Then proceed to treat the room, applying the contents of the tube to places where pests are large: sewer pipes, spaces under window sills, baseboards, kitchen furniture.

In addition to the traditional method, you can resort to building baits. To do this, you need to cut narrow strips of paper and apply drops of the product on them.

Multifunctionality of the product

Effective against many types of insects

Of the many ant gels, globol is perhaps the most effective drug. When protecting against ants, one drop is enough, which can kill up to 500 insects.

In addition, the number of victims that this product copes well with includes insects such as mosquitoes, flies, various kinds of midges, spiders and other pests.

Main characteristics

One of the most effective drugs is considered to be Global for cockroaches, which reliably and quickly rids an apartment of parasites. You can purchase it in specialized household chemical stores.

In this video, the author reviews the Global remedy for cockroaches:

Gel composition

The main active ingredient of Global is the insecticide chlorpyrifos, which is a broad-spectrum dangerous poison. When the insects eat the bait, they become carriers of the poison and infect the entire cockroach population.

An insect that has eaten a toxic substance does not die immediately, but after 2 days, so it is able to infect a large number of parasites.

The drug is sold in 75 ml tubes. This is enough for a room of 70 square meters . The tube has a narrow nozzle, which is convenient for applying the gel to hard-to-reach places.

In order to avoid buying a counterfeit, you should pay attention to the packaging, which should have a holographic sticker in the form of a circle and a sign of the country of origin.

Operating principle

The main principle of action is direct contact of insects with the product. Having found out the habitats of cockroaches, the gel must be applied along the paths that the insects make. The first month the product has a detrimental effect on the Prussians, the next few months it performs preventive and protective functions.

A noticeable effect will be visible a few days after applying the product. Cockroaches will begin to crawl out in the daytime, moving slowly and inhibited, without trying to hide. In 10 days a big epidemic will begin. The Prussians will die en masse.

The drug “Global” creates an epidemic in an insect colony, as it is transferred from an infected individual to a healthy one

The drug does not have an unpleasant odor . If used correctly, home owners will not experience any discomfort. There are no side effects observed upon contact with skin, since the drug is hypoallergenic. This is interesting: thiuram powder for cockroaches.

The principle of action of Global gel on cockroaches

Globol has a complex effect, including contact, intestinal and fumigant methods of poison transmission. The active substance enters the body of insects not only through the chitinous cover and stomach, but also through the respiratory tract. In addition, it is easily carried on the legs of a cockroach and thus reaches the places where they are most concentrated. Insects become infected not only from transferred gel microparticles, but also by eating infected relatives. Thus, cockroaches have no chance to avoid insecticide poisoning.

When ingested by an insect, chlorpyrifos binds protein enzymes responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to muscle tremors and subsequently to paralysis and death of the individual. The beginning of the process of infection of the colony can be judged by the atypical behavior of cockroaches. Insects cease to be afraid of humans and crawl out of their shelters during the day; their movement speed decreases. Death occurs within a period of several hours to a day and a half. The entire process of destroying a colony in an apartment lasts about a month.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of Globol paste:

  • attracts cockroaches, thanks to the additional natural ingredients contained with the aroma of honey and chocolate;
  • attracted by the taste and smell, insects eat the bait and infect their relatives within 7-14 days;
  • infected cockroaches die within 2-3 days after contact;
  • the paste is easy to apply in any place in the room, even hard-to-reach, and then it is easily washed off without noticeable marks;
  • has a long validity period, which allows you to reliably protect your apartment from the invasion of parasites;
  • hypoallergenic and low toxic.

Disadvantages of the drug:

  • a large number of fakes;
  • It is addictive to insects and stops working over time.

Forms and composition of the drug

Globol is produced by a well-known German company and is an opaque dark beige paste. The gel is packaged in 75 gram plastic tubes.

The composition of the insecticide includes:

  • Active substance – chlorpyrifos (0.5%);
  • Fat base – cocoa butter;
  • Attractants;
  • Preservatives.

REFERENCE: The drug is very economical; one package is enough to treat an area of ​​70 square meters. meters.

In addition to the gel-paste, Globol is available in the following forms:

  • Aerosol;
  • Traps.

The volume of the aerosol can is 400 ml. The spray is easy to use - it is sprayed at a distance of 10-15 cm into pest nests or directly onto cockroaches. There is no need to wash floors and furniture after using the aerosol.

Traps are placed in rooms after they have been treated with Globol gel to prevent the reappearance of harmful insects in the apartment.

Release form

Gel against cockroaches Exil Schaben paste has one release form - a tube weighing 75 grams, packed in a green cardboard box with a picture of a kitchen set and a dead cockroach. The manufacturer claims that one package is enough to treat a room of up to 75 square meters. meters. But consumption depends on the degree of pest damage and may vary.


The package contains a phrase with a spelling error: “From the Tarkans.” The manufacturer explains that this was done specifically to avoid counterfeit goods.

What should you pay attention to before purchasing?

In order for the purchased product to provide good results, you must use only original products.

Websites that officially sell global send their customers a photocopy of its certificate along with the product.

You need to pay attention to the following signs:

  1. The presence of a hologram on the cardboard packaging that contains the tube with the gel.
  2. Country of origin: Germany. In this case, you need to look for the name Globol Schaben Paste or Exil.

With the growing popularity, most effective remedies are counterfeited. The price often remains high, but the quality is noticeably lower. If you compare the characteristics described above with the cost, you can be sure that the product is original.

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