Cold mist against cockroaches: composition, action, properties

Cockroaches are extremely tenacious insects. They adapt to any living conditions and reproduce at a catastrophic rate. The appearance of sewer cockroaches in an apartment or private house promises residents many problems. An unpleasant neighborhood is fraught with deterioration in the sanitary condition of the home, spoilage of food and the spread of dangerous diseases. In this case, only effective means will help. The method of poisoning cockroaches with gas has proven itself quite well.

No one is immune from the emergence of Prussians. They enter a person’s home through ventilation ducts, cracks, garbage chutes, with bags from stores, move into folds of clothing, etc.

Expert advice

Unsanitary premises constitute a special risk area. Be sure to remove crumbs from the table, take out the trash on time, do not leave food uncovered, wipe the sink dry and close the taps tightly.

Features of smoke bombs

They kill almost all insects that can be found in your home, even mosquitoes. Pests that inhale toxic smoke die within 24 hours. After ventilation, the housing is completely safe for people.

The properties and features of the use of smoke bombs are influenced by their composition.

The most common checkers consist of:

  • Hexachlorane. Poison that paralyzes pests. Kills, in addition to cockroaches, many insects living in the ground and on plants. Only herbivorous mites do not react to it.
  • Sulfur compounds. When burning, they transform into sulfur dioxide, which kills fungi and bacteria. The product destroys cockroaches, ants, fleas and other living creatures. This substance is in demand among livestock farmers.
  • Bromide. It is a fungicide that kills bacteria and fungi. It is often used for disinsection of personal plots.
  • Permethrin. This insecticide, which gets into the intestinal tract, causes paralysis of the nervous system in cockroaches.

Cockroach checkers are effective in hangars, warehouses, houses, cottages and other buildings.

Features of cold fog treatment

When disinfesting residential, commercial and industrial premises from cockroaches, it is critical to follow the sequence of actions in carrying out the work and thoroughly follow the recommendations of specialists. Not only the effectiveness of the entire event, but also its safety will depend on this. SES is responsible for the quality of services provided and provides an official guarantee for them. The preparation of the premises for treatment and its subsequent cleaning is carried out by the owners or tenants themselves.

In the premises of companies and organizations, disinfestation work should be carried out only by specialists. Owners of private houses and apartments can try to destroy cockroaches themselves using household products, but this option is ineffective. At best, it brings temporary relief. It is impossible to get rid of the entire colony in this way, especially when cockroaches live throughout the house. Another disadvantage of independent control is that it contributes to the development of resistance of cockroaches to toxic substances. This only complicates the situation when it finally comes to contacting the SES.

Ways of penetration of cockroaches

Even if the house is in perfect order, cockroaches may periodically appear in it. This is not a surprise for residents of apartment buildings; everyone knows that there are practically no obstacles to migration for these ubiquitous insects.

In order to somehow prevent cockroaches from invading your apartment, you first need to understand how they get there.

Traditional sources of cockroaches and ways of their penetration:

  • grocery stores and cafes located on the ground floors of apartment buildings;
  • garbage chutes;
  • ventilation ducts;
  • interblock gaps.

Cockroaches can also come from apartments where baiting was carried out, or from the basement. The surviving insects migrate to a safer place and happily settle there. That is why it is recommended to periodically organize mass persecution of cockroaches. But this is extremely difficult to achieve.

Favorable conditions for cockroaches to live in residential premises:

  • access to food and drink;
  • a full trash can left overnight;
  • wet sink;
  • leaking faucet;
  • comfortable temperature (cockroaches hate the cold);
  • many nooks and crannies.

Cost of exterminating cockroaches

Cockroaches are dangerous insects that require elimination by both organizations and individuals alike. Therefore, it works with all types of objects, from home to warehouse, store or restaurant, and effectively exterminates cockroaches at affordable prices.

Regular disinfestation

Prices** for organizations for the provision of services, rub./1 sq.m., per month, excluding VAT, for food facilities in Moscow (within the Moscow Ring Road)*
Area, sq.m.up to 100from 101 to 300from 301 to 500from 501 to 1000from 1001 to 2000from 2001 to 3000over 3000
pest control2100.00 - fixed cost13,009,758,455,333,251,82
deratization and disinfestation2500.00 - fixed cost14,4310,148,975,623,282,03

One-time disinfestation

Prices** for organizations for the provision of one-time services, rub./1 sq.m., excluding VAT, for food facilities in Moscow (within the Moscow Ring Road)*
Area, sq.m.up to 100from 101 to 300from 301 to 500from 501 to 1000from 1001 to 2000from 2001 to 3000over 3000
pest control5940.00 - fixed cost55,0041,2535,7522,5513,757,70
deratization and disinfestation6720.00 - fixed cost61,0542,937,9523,7613,868,58

**The cost of services for exterminating cockroaches in Moscow, given in the tables, is calculated for objects located outside the Moscow Ring Road, the cost of services is calculated using the formula S=Sm+L*35, where S is the cost of services, Sm is the cost of services in Moscow, in within the Moscow Ring Road, L — from the Moscow Ring Road, in kilometers.

Regular disinfestation

Prices** for organizations for the provision of services, rub./1 sq.m., per month, excluding VAT, for non-food facilities in Moscow (within the Moscow Ring Road)*
Area, sq.m.up to 100from 101 to 300from 301 to 500from 501 to 1000from 1001 to 2000from 2001 to 3000over 3000
pest control1400.00 - fixed cost10,007,506,504,102,501,40
deratization and disinfestation2100.00 - fixed cost11,17,86,94,322,521,56

One-time disinfestation

Prices** for organizations for the provision of one-time services, rub./1 sq.m., excluding VAT, for non-food facilities in Moscow (within the Moscow Ring Road)*
Area, sq.m.up to 100from 101 to 300from 301 to 500from 501 to 1000from 1001 to 2000from 2001 to 3000over 3000
pest control5400.00 - fixed cost50,0037,5032,5020,5012,507,00
deratization and disinfestation6100.00 – fixed cost55,53934,521,612,67,8

**The cost of services for exterminating cockroaches in Moscow, given in the tables, is calculated for objects located outside the Moscow Ring Road, the cost of services is calculated using the formula S=Sm+L*35, where S is the cost of services, Sm is the cost of services in Moscow, in within the Moscow Ring Road, L — from the Moscow Ring Road, in kilometers.

Disinsection in residential premises - (extermination of insects - cockroaches, ants, fleas, etc., with the exception of bedbugs)
VolumeCost of services (RUB, including VAT 18%)Warranty
Common areasFrom 2000Is not provided
1-room apartmentFrom 30006 months
2-roomFrom 3500
3-room apartmentFrom 3800
4-room apartmentFrom 4000

Cockroaches are dangerous insects that require elimination by both organizations and individuals alike. Therefore, it works with all types of objects, from home to warehouse, store or restaurant, and effectively exterminates cockroaches at affordable prices.

Operating principle

Smoke bombs generate large volumes of smoke, which is a fine insecticidal aerosol. One bomb is capable of producing a much larger volume of poisonous puffs than several cans of conventional aerosol, Raptor or Dichlorvos.

The resulting smoke is evenly distributed throughout all the nooks and crannies of the room. The size of smoke particles is tens of microns, so they are able to penetrate into the thinnest cracks - under the baseboard, through furniture upholstery, etc.

Smoke bombs act quickly; cockroaches, having “swallowed” the smoke, quickly die. The poisons contained in it have a prolonged effect and simultaneously through contact, through the intestines and by fumigation.

The cost of processing depends on the chosen method and the area of ​​the object

  • 1 room
    Cold Fog / Hot Fog / Barrier Protection

    from 1900₽

    Order processing

  • 2-room
    Cold Fog / Hot Fog / Barrier Protection

    from 2200₽

    Order processing

  • 3-room
    Cold Fog / Hot Fog / Barrier Protection

    from 2400₽

    Order processing

  • 4-room
    Cold Fog / Hot Fog / Barrier Protection

    from 2600₽

    Order processing

  • Legal entities
    Cold fog / Hot fog / Barrier protection / Required package of documents

    from 5₽/m2

    Order processing

Advantages and disadvantages

Smoke bombs are an interesting alternative to conventional pest control products. And like any chemical product, along with its advantages, it also has a number of disadvantages.

Pros of smoke bombs:

  • efficiency - smoke releases many toxic substances that kill insects;
  • ease of use - no need to run around the house, spraying nooks and crannies or laying out poisons that are dangerous for dogs and cats;
  • low cost - the effect is no worse than after professional treatment;
  • the poison lasts for three days;
  • smoke can seep into the thinnest cracks and nooks of the room;
  • the poison penetrates the respiratory organs of insects and also seeps through their chitinous cover;
  • no repeated treatments are required - cockroaches die immediately;
  • applicable in almost any room, including very large ones;
  • Compared to the services of professional exterminators, treatment is much cheaper (even if the most expensive exterminators are used).


  • the smoke emitted by the bombs is very caustic and, settling on surfaces, leaves a residue, which then has to be washed off;
  • the smell is difficult to remove after treatment, its presence is felt for several days;
  • if you violate safety measures, you can provoke poisoning in people;
  • it is impossible to control the treatment process; smoke spreads everywhere, regardless of the wishes of the homeowners.

Is there a guarantee for the extermination of cockroaches?

The quality of the specialists’ work is fixed by drawing up a contract. It indicates the scope of work, type of services, and validity period. If during the warranty period after cleaning the cockroaches return, the defects will be eliminated free of charge. The client is provided with:

— complete solution to problems with “uninvited guests”;

— safety for humans and their pets;

- preventing the return of the “mustachioed scourge.”

Modern insecticides are odorless and protect against such problems for at least a year. Treating an apartment against cockroaches in Moscow with a guarantee is not a fantasy, but a carefully prepared and high-quality job.

Types of checkers

There are checkers on the market that differ in their properties. They depend on what poison the products are made from. Depending on the ingredients, smoke bombs can be effective, useless, or even dangerous. Therefore, when buying them, pay attention to what the main component is in them.

Based on hexachlorane

Hexachlorane is a contact pesticide. It is a white or light brown powdery substance that is toxic to humans and animals. Penetrates the digestive system of cockroaches and paralyzes them. Death comes quickly.

The use of hexachlorane in residential areas is prohibited due to its severe toxicity. In developed countries of the world this substance has long been banned. If you see it as part of a smoke bomb, do not take it - it is strictly forbidden to use it in a residential area.

Hexachlorane, when affecting humans, causes:

  • fainting and loss of consciousness;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • convulsions;
  • paresis.

Hexachlorane can provoke leukocytosis, decreased blood sugar levels, toxic damage to the kidneys and heart muscle, acute dermatitis and many other dangerous ailments.


Sulfur is a general purpose pesticide that is a contact fungicide. It is commonly used in agriculture to control insects. Approved for use in enclosed spaces.

Sulfur bombs are usually used to fumigate basements to kill mold and mildew. Sulfur has low toxicity and is not dangerous to humans, but one cannot count on greater effectiveness. Sulfur cockroaches are difficult to remove.

Sulfur provokes:

  • eye and skin irritation;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • laxative effect.


Permethrin is a poison that destroys various insects and is considered the best base for checkers. Once in the body, the toxic substance paralyzes and kills insects.

Permethrin is dangerous for pets. It is not dangerous to humans if you follow precautions.

Permethrin bombs have become widespread as an effective tool for controlling insects of various types, and can be used in:

  • warehouses;
  • catering premises;
  • hotels;
  • housing;
  • zoos and pet stores;
  • various public spaces;
  • medical institutions.

Such bombs are especially effective in places where it is difficult to use sprayers - inside machines and units, on high-height structures, in lofts, etc.

What is cold fog

Cold fog is a professional method for controlling insects indoors. It is used by SES employees. It is based on the use of special generators. The devices give the parasite baiting agents the necessary consistency. The method has proven itself in practice in the fight against various types of pests. Let's figure out how cold fog treatment for cockroaches works and why it is so effective.

Composition of cold fog

Cold fog consists of a mixture of water and an insecticide that poisons insects. The solution is prepared immediately before use. The components are mixed in strictly established proportions. For each product, the ratio of water and emulsion is individual. It is described in the instructions. Professional preparations have a concentrated form. The main active ingredients in them may be:

  • cypermethrin;
  • alphacypermethrin;
  • fipronil;
  • chlorpyrifos;
  • malathion;
  • fenthion;
  • propoxur;
  • imidacloprid;
  • deltamethrin;
  • lamba-cyhalothrin;
  • Thiamethoxam.

The list goes on. Some of these components are related, others belong to different groups of active substances.

Cockroaches are capable of developing resistance - immunity to chemical compounds of insecticides. Such immunity is formed when they tried to poison the colony with something, but did not completely destroy it. The probability of finding a “pure” population of cockroaches in a city is close to zero. The breadth of choice of main components in professional products allows you to select an effective composition even against colonies with high and pronounced resistance.

If the product was selected correctly and the treatment was of high quality, the cockroaches disappear within 1–4 weeks after the cold fog. In the first days it may seem that there are more pests. This is a temporary effect. It is caused by the primary reaction of insects to the effects of the drug. The products will affect the parasites for another 1–1.5 months after treatment, “finishing off” the surviving cockroaches and those that have recently hatched from the eggs.

Operating principle

Insecticides for baiting cockroaches can be contact, intestinal, or combine both types of effects. For the contact agent to work, it must be on the pest’s body. This is how indoor spraying works. The intestinal remedy must enter the parasite's body. This is the operating principle of poison baits.

Professional treatment of an apartment against cockroaches with cold fog is carried out using combined or contact action agents. After spraying, the drug settles directly on insects and the surfaces on which they move. Once on the body of the pest, the insecticide begins to penetrate the body. The visible effect of exposure is observed on average after 3–5 days. The exact timing depends on the characteristics of the specific active ingredients.

The death of parasites is caused by disturbances in the transmission of nerve impulses. Different active ingredients can provoke this process in different ways, but the result is always the same - cockroaches die from paralysis.

Benefits of cold fog

For the treatment to be effective, the drug must cover the surfaces in the room with a dense, uniform layer and get into hard-to-reach areas - crevices, cracks, cavities. A cold fog generator for cockroaches does this job perfectly. The device is an automatic high power sprayer.

The generator nozzle turns liquid insecticide into a fine cloud. The droplets in it are so small that the product looks like fog. Generators operate from a wall outlet. At high power, the torch - a stream of insecticide escaping from the device - can reach a radius of 10 meters. This sets the poison cloud in motion and its penetrating power increases.

The benefits of cold fog include:

  • versatility - suitable for most rooms;
  • speed of application - a room of 30 square meters can be processed in 1.5–2 minutes.
  • high penetrating ability - “reaches” even those pests that are hiding;
  • uniform coverage - parasites have nowhere to hide from the effects of the drug.

The only disadvantage of cold fog is the presence of odor in the products used. Drug manufacturers are constantly trying to solve this problem, but there are still no insecticides that do not smell at all. Modern, high-quality, professional emulsions for baiting pests have a fragrance. After wet cleaning and prolonged airing, their smell disappears.

How to use checkers?

Smoke bombs may differ in their composition, volume, and area covered. However, the rules for using them are almost the same.

How to use a smoke bomb:

  1. In the room where you plan to poison cockroaches, close all windows and doors tightly.
  2. Remove all household members and pets while the poison is active.
  3. Place all clothing, linen, dishes, toys, food and textiles in plastic bags. Cover anything that cannot be placed in a bag with film. Unpacked items will retain a specific odor for a long time.
  4. Open all interior doors, as well as cabinet and nightstand doors. Move furniture away from the walls.
  5. If your home has fire alarms, turn them off. Or cover it with tape, otherwise it will work.
  6. Place a metal container - a basin or pan - in the center of the room.
  7. Place the checker in the container. Light its fuse. As soon as smoke starts emitting, leave the room. Even if the product belongs to the class of low-toxic substances, breathing them is extremely dangerous.

There is a type of checkers - aquafumigators. There is no need to set them on fire; they begin to smoke after interacting with the aquatic environment.

Operating procedure

Before treating a room with smoke to attract cockroaches, you must:

  • take all food out of the room;
  • Pack tightly and, if possible, remove all dishes;
  • hermetically pack personal belongings and clothing;
  • carefully close all passages through which insects can leave the treated room and crawl to neighbors after activating cockroach checkers;
  • Before treating cockroaches with gas, doors and windows must be tightly closed;
  • place a smoke bomb in the center of the room, always inside a metal container - a bucket or frying pan to protect the floor;
  • leave the room for 4–5 hours when it starts to smoke;
  • ventilate the treated area for several hours, thoroughly wash all exposed surfaces with soap or soda.

After about two weeks, repeat the treatment to avoid the re-emergence of insects from eggs.

Precautionary measures

When marinating cockroaches with insecticidal gas, you must remember the following precautions:

  • do not inhale insecticidal smoke, do not allow it to enter the lungs;
  • leave the room as quickly as possible after throwing the token;
  • place and light the pawn only in a metal container placed on a heat-resistant material;
  • provide intensive ventilation and carry out wet cleaning.
  • processing and cleaning of the premises must be carried out in closed clothing; After cleaning, take a shower.

How to ventilate the room after treatment?

Smoke will come from the bomb for about 5 minutes. Over the next 2-3 hours, smoke will spread throughout the living space, and the poison will settle on all surfaces, which is why it is so important to cover upholstered furniture with film.

After 2-3 hours the home needs to be ventilated:

  1. Open windows and doors to create a strong draft. Windows must remain open for at least 2 hours.
  2. Vacuum or broom any dead cockroaches. Throw them directly into the garbage disposal.
  3. Wash the floors and wipe all open surfaces with damp cloths - window sills, cabinets, etc. For washing, use shampoo or other detergent.

There are products that, after using them, you can move in by simply doing a wet cleaning. But there are checkers, after which it is not recommended to enter the home for at least a day. For information about this, read the instructions for the drug. In any case, if possible, it is better to spend the night in another place.

How to treat cockroaches with cold fog

When ordering a service, processing is scheduled for a specific date and time in the coming days. If necessary, it can be done urgently. This issue must be agreed upon with the SES manager. On the day of processing, service specialists:

  • arrive at the specified address;
  • inspect an apartment or other object and give final instructions on what needs to be moved or removed;
  • prepare the preparation and fill the fog generator with it;
  • treat every room and/or area.

After this, the facility must be left closed for at least 3 hours. This is necessary so that the sprayed drug settles. The exact waiting time depends on the insecticide used. It will be announced by SES specialists before processing.

After the specified time has passed, they return to the apartment or room and carry out basic wet cleaning. This is already done by the owners of the property. The exterminators' work has now been completed. Surfaces are wiped with soap and soda solution and water several times. The premises are ventilated for at least 1 hour, preferably more. This cleaning allows you to remove the smell of the product and its components in easily accessible areas.

General cleaning of the premises is carried out 1–1.5 months after the day of treatment. During this procedure, residues of the product are removed not only from contact surfaces, but from hard-to-reach places - from the back and inside of furniture, from corners, from behind baseboards. Exact personal instructions in this regard, again, can be obtained from exterminators.

The cost of the service for apartments depends on the number of rooms. For private homes, industrial, commercial and other premises, the price of cold mist against cockroaches is calculated depending on the area per square meter. An approximate calculation can be made using the calculator on the website. The exact price must be clarified by calling the SES.

What else do you need to know about using smoke bombs?

Smoke bombs are still little known to the average consumer, so when using them, questions and even troubles may arise. In addition, checkers may differ in their application, intensity, toxicity and other properties.

Having purchased a saber of a particular brand, you need to individually familiarize yourself with the features of use. However, there are nuances that should be taken into account when using any product.

What to pay attention to when using smoke bombs:

  • Smoke bombs have no effect on cockroach eggs. Therefore, the treatment will have to be repeated in about a couple of weeks, when the young animals hatch.
  • Killing all the cockroaches “registered” in the apartment is not enough. Measures must be taken to prevent the entry of new insects. To prevent “illegal immigrants” from settling in the territory freed from competitors, glue traps should be placed or the perimeter of the housing should be outlined with chalk.
  • Animals should not be left in the house during treatment. And let them eat cockroaches - alive, half-dead and dead. Cats and dogs are especially sensitive to checker toxins. After eating a cockroach, they can become poisoned, and the first symptom of intoxication is intense salivation.
  • When settling on surfaces, smoke forms a thin film. Which remains in the cracks and everywhere where the rag did not reach during cleaning. Thanks to it, the house is protected from cockroaches for a long time (up to 3 months). This applies to the most powerful and effective checkers.
  • A second treatment is not always required. If a product is used, after which a protective film remains, there is no need for repeated treatment - the hatched nymphs will carry the poison into their digestive tract with their paws.
  • Prevent insects from escaping. Cockroaches, smelling smoke, may try to escape from the room through the ventilation shaft. To prevent this from happening, you should seal the escape routes with tape.

Where are checkers sold and at what price?

These products are sold along with goods for gardeners and fishermen; you can also buy them in online stores. However, you don’t need to pay attention to the fact that they are presented as mosquito repellents. They also work against cockroaches, proven by experience.

Checkers cost several hundred rubles. The price sometimes depends on the quantity purchased. So the permethrin brand “Quiet Evening” will cost 400...500 rubles. a piece. This is inexpensive, if you take into account that professional treatment of a one-room apartment using “cold fog” costs 2000...4000 rubles.

When purchasing a smoke bomb on an online resource, it is advisable to leave your feedback on the results of its use. Information from a direct user of any product is always useful; it helps other buyers make their choice and save money.


Security measures

If used incorrectly, smoke bombs can cause intoxication in households. To prevent this from happening, precautions must be taken.

Safety regulations:

  • When you put the saber into operation, do not inhale smoke vapors. Leave home as soon as possible. And when you open windows and doors for ventilation, do it as quickly as possible, holding your breath and trying not to breathe in the rooms. Before launching a checker and opening windows after processing, it is recommended to equip yourself appropriately. Wear a long-sleeved jacket, pants, gloves, and a mask or respirator over your face. After finishing the treatment, take a shower.
  • Place the checker in a stable and large container. Tall and wide so it doesn't fall out. Do not leave checkers on the floor or furniture - they will definitely damage them.
  • Warn your neighbors. It is important to understand that anti-cockroach checkers are more intended for homes. If you want to use a bomb in an apartment, you must coordinate your actions with your neighbors, to whom the smoke may reach.
  • Don't forget about your health. Smoke insecticides should not be used in homes with asthmatics and allergy sufferers.
  • Choose the location of the product carefully. When lighting a saber, turn off everything that could become a source of sparks. Install at a distance of at least 2 m from gas and electrical appliances. Do not use checkers in tight enclosed spaces, do not place them in cabinets, under tables or counters - an explosion may occur.
  • Store unused checkers in a closed cabinet. So that children have no access to them.

It is not recommended to carry out processing without an assistant. If you light the fuse, do not leave the room in time, and inhale the poison fumes, you may lose consciousness. Therefore, we need a person at the exit - for safety net.

How dangerous are cockroaches?

The issue of exterminating cockroaches, as well as treating bedbugs, is not only an aesthetic one. This is also a health issue, especially if we are talking about a home with small children or a catering establishment.

Living together with pests causes allergic reactions in many people. The fact is that cockroaches are the most powerful allergens among all types of insects. Allergies manifest themselves in the form of inflammatory processes, and small children under one year of age are at risk - they are most sensitive to contact with parasites and their waste products.

The presence of these insects indoors is also dangerous for asthmatics. Due to chitin getting into the respiratory tract, their health worsens, weakness, fatigue, and depression appear. There is a risk of an increase in the number of asthma attacks.

Like many other insects, cockroaches can be carriers of a number of dangerous viruses: tuberculosis, salmonellosis, polio, and toxoplasma virus. They carry bacteria, worm eggs and fungal infections on their paws and inside their intestines.

They also pose a danger to infants - there are known cases where insects crawled onto sleeping children and chewed off the epidermis on the face.

Products that have been in contact with parasites should not be eaten. By moving on kitchen counters, tables, and bedding, the pest also exposes you to the risk of infection.


The biggest advantage of smoke bombs that attracts consumers is their effectiveness and ease of use. Many owners of houses, cottages and other premises have already managed to evaluate their effect, leaving detailed and honest reviews.

Ekaterina L., Irkutsk region. The cockroaches were probably brought to the dacha from the city. There is no way to get them out of there. No, no, and one or two will slip through the ventilation. I decided to light “Quiet Evening”. Everyone fell. And cockroaches, and flies, and mosquitoes. Enough for the whole season.

Alexey O., Kirovo-Chepetsk. The cockroaches appeared suddenly, apparently they came running from the neighbors. A friend who works at the SES advised me to use the Fas checker. I did everything as written in the instructions, in a matter of minutes all the cockroaches, from small to large, were destroyed.

Nikolay L., Kovrov. They poisoned cockroaches with “Climate”. They smell terrible. They ventilated the house for a long time, but then they went to spend the night with relatives, because there was nothing to breathe. Cockroaches and mosquitoes died at lightning speed. The product is truly killer.

Insect smoke bombs are one of the most effective and convenient means for controlling cockroaches. To get the maximum effect from their use, you need to choose the right product, taking into account its features, properties and parameters.

Who carries out disinfestation with cold fog

Cockroach repellents can be intended for personal or professional use. The instructions for the former indicate that they are suitable “for household use by the general public.” The second are drugs “for use by personnel of organizations that have the right to engage in disinfection activities.” We are talking about employees of sanitary and epidemiological services (SES). They are the ones who treat premises and objects against cockroaches.

The selection of suitable products, their proper preparation, the use of fog generators - all this requires professional skills and knowledge. Its effectiveness largely depends on the experience and competence of the specialist performing the processing. Also, disinfection with cold fog against cockroaches should be carried out taking into account the requirements of current legislation. At the SES, full-time disinfection doctors are responsible for the safety of processing and its compliance with standards.

Death from the first floor

A criminal investigation into the death of two children in an apartment in the Zheleznodorozhny district of Simferopol has been completed. An individual entrepreneur and his acquaintance are subject to Part 2 of Art. 236 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Violation of sanitary and epidemiological rules, resulting through negligence in the poisoning and death of people”), they face up to five years in prison.

The tragedy happened in November 2022. A medical team was called due to a sudden deterioration in the health of three children living in an apartment above a non-residential premises rented by one of the accused. By the time the ambulance arrived, the 10-month-old child had died, and the eight-year-old girl had already died in the hospital. Doctors managed to save a five-year-old boy and the children's mother. The main version of what happened was poisoning with a substance of unknown etiology; a “long-term comprehensive forensic medical examination” was carried out, reported the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for Crimea and Sevastopol.

Believe the poisoned

Photo: IZVESTIA/Dmitry Korotaev

Wash with soap: sales of household chemicals have increased sharply

Russians continue to increase supplies of cleaning and hygiene products

As a result, it turned out that the cause of the tragedy was the actions of an individual entrepreneur who rented non-residential premises on the ground floor of the house. To exterminate cockroaches, he decided to carry out pest control there without resorting to the services of specialists. He bought a special disinfectant, which he gave to his friend. He spread the pills around the room, closed the entrance and left. Between November 22 and November 24, 2022, the tablets released poisonous phosphine gas. Through ventilation and leaky ceilings, he entered the apartment on the second floor, which caused the death of two children.

“He knew for certain that the premises were located in a five-story building, above which there were residential apartments, the floors between them were not airtight, they were connected by ventilation holes,” the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee reported. — The defendants in the criminal case fully admitted their guilt in the crime.

The press service of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee explained to Izvestia that the entrepreneur had to warn about the work, ventilate the premises, carry out cleaning, and generally did not have the right to carry out this work on his own.

However, as experts interviewed by Izvestia noted, the most important violation is the use of a toxic chemical, which under no circumstances can be used in houses with residential premises.

Regain control

In general, there are serious problems in the area of ​​circulation of pesticides, insecticides and herbicides, says State Duma deputy, member of the Committee on Agrarian Issues Alexey Sitnikov.

“We have absolutely free circulation of these chemicals, which for a long time was not regulated,” he told Izvestia. — In the USSR there was a system when the circulation of these substances was recorded, certain regulations were prescribed, but now it has been lost. Plus, the state border is absolutely transparent for these chemicals.

Believe the poisoned

Photo: Depositphotos

According to him, there is no control over the chemical composition of these drugs and the chain of their resale. Previously, after purchasing a drug, a report on this was sent to the relevant government service, but now the system needs to be restored.

Slaughterhouse: a new drug effectively destroys grain fungus

The chemical created to combat phytopathogens is much cheaper than foreign ones, is safe for humans and does not harm the environment.

“Recently, the State Duma adopted in the first reading a bill that will allow monitoring the certification and use of chemical protective and preventive means produced abroad,” the deputy noted. — This law is really necessary for the safe use in Russia of funds that are imported from abroad.

In addition, Sitnikov emphasized, it is necessary to exclude the free sale of chemical protection products against pests and plant diseases.

“Recently, any grandmother could buy an ampoule of a very harsh insecticide, pour it on her plot and then sell her products as environmentally friendly,” he said.

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