“Clean Garden” for garden treatment: instructions for use, advantages and benefits

The fight against domestic insects can take a long time. But not if you use “Clean House”.

This is an insecticide that has already proven its effectiveness and is easy to use. It is available in the form of powder, gel and chalk. It destroys bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches and other insects. Do not think that they can only appear in dirty rooms - insects also penetrate into crystal clean apartments. The product will also help for preventive purposes.

Insecticide composition

The “Clean House” consists of chemicals, many of which were discovered back in the 70s of the last century. However, their action in the fight against insects has proven to be effective.

Active components

The “Clean House” aerosol and spray contain substances such as tetramethrin and cypermethrin . Their amount in the product is safe for people, but harmful to insects. These are ingredients of contact and food action.

Active molecules penetrate through the pores of the chitinous cover of insects. Through food action, the product only affects cockroaches; bedbugs are resistant to it, since they feed exclusively on human blood.

Tetramethrin has a nerve-paralytic effect, stimulating inhibition and then complete cessation of the activity of the nervous system and other organs. The insect thus experiences paralysis and death.

The concentration of the component reaches 13% percent. Cypermethrin paralyzes the muscles of the insect and causes the internal organs to stop functioning.

The bedbugs have not gone away, further actions

You began to notice that after baiting with Clean House chemicals, new bedbugs began to appear, which means that you did not meet the following requirements:

  • the premises were not properly cleaned;
  • the drug was used incorrectly;
  • re-treatment was not carried out (in case of mass accumulation of individuals).

If it seems that bedbugs have become accustomed to the toxin, call your local SES to find out about other effective medications. In difficult situations of a mass attack of bedbugs, call the service to your home for professional treatment of the premises.

Note! Getting rid of bedbugs in an apartment building alone is difficult. Disinfection must be simultaneous and carried out by all apartment residents. This will limit the movement of bedbugs from one area to another.

Forms of release of the product

In addition to being released as a spray (aerosol), it is available in the following forms:


Its concentration of substances is lower than in other forms of release, so the consumption of the substance increases.
One of the disadvantages of the product is the inability to process vertical surfaces.

The advantage is the presence of piperonyl butoxide in the dust, which prolongs the action of toxic substances and helps in the fight against insect eggs and larvae.


It comes in the form of a pencil, with which you need to apply 3-4 cm strokes in insect habitats. It also contains alpha-cypermethrin, which has a toxic effect.


This is a convenient product in the form of a syringe, which also helps against house ants. Its thick consistency allows you to apply precise dotted lines in the required places and on any surface - both vertical and horizontal. The activity of the drug lasts up to several months.


The Clean House product is compatible with various insect repellents. It doesn't matter at all in what form it is used. Whether it comes in gel, powder, chalk or spray form, it will have the same results.

It can be used with:

  1. Aerosol "Raid".
  2. Raptor.
  3. Battalion commander
  4. Executioner.
  5. Karbofos.
  6. Gel "Globol".
  7. Crayons "Mashenka".
  8. Dust "Tornado".
  9. "Agran".
  10. "Delta Zone".
  11. "Inta-Vir".
  12. "Taran" and many others.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the “Clean House” insecticide is its effectiveness, proven over a long time. It belongs to the fourth class of hazardous substances and is considered low-toxic.

It is also attractive due to its relatively low cost.

An aerosol is much more convenient than a powder, but the powder can boast a prolonged effect. The “Clean House” product can be used in any room - residential, commercial, in dachas and country houses. The product does not leave stains and is easy to remove with soapy water.

The disadvantages of the drug include its slightly unpleasant odor, which is felt for some time. Another disadvantage of the aerosol is its uselessness in the fight against insect larvae.

Rules for working with the drug

When using dust, simply sprinkle the powder in areas with large concentrations of insects. Leave it for about 4 hours, and after this time you can ventilate the room and remove the powder. It is important to immediately wash all surfaces where the substance was located with soda. After this, dilute the dust in water: 10 grams per liter of water. Then simply spray the solution around the apartment using a spray bottle.

Due to the fact that bedbugs are highly resistant to various types of chemical poisons, you should not spare the substance. It is necessary to use the drug in the fight against bedbugs more than in the fight against other insects.

After the procedures, it is important to ventilate the room well so that the drug is completely evaporated. Also carry out wet cleaning, but do not wipe hard-to-reach places so that the substance remaining there will repel pests for a long time.

Precautionary measures

Although the product has low toxicity, some precautions should be taken:

  • there should be no people or pets in the room where processing takes place;
  • You should wear thick gloves on your hands, and you should also wear clothes that completely cover your body. A respirator or medical mask and safety glasses are required;
  • Windows must be open during processing;
  • after treatment, the room must be washed and thoroughly ventilated;
  • After use, wash your hands, face and body.

Impact on human health

If you follow all precautions, protect your skin, eyes and respiratory tract, there will be no poisoning.

The drug can harm your health only in the first hours of treatment, then the molecules disintegrate in the air and are harmless.

Environmental impact

You can’t just spray an aerosol into the air—it’s ineffective. “Clean House” products in any form of release have minimal harm to the environment - they are certified and labeled “Nature Product”. The tetramethrin contained quickly disintegrates in the air if it is not mixed with other chemicals.

Important! The safety radius is five meters.

Safety for others

Spray Clean House is sprayed into the air, so when working with it, you must follow safety rules. When processing an apartment, there should be no unauthorized persons in the room, especially pregnant women, small children, and the elderly.

It is better to carry out spraying together in order to observe each other’s condition and provide assistance if necessary. The treatment must be carried out carefully, but there is no need to linger for a long time in a room with chemicals in the air.

To work with Clean House spray and other toxic agents, you must use personal protective equipment. It is necessary to wear thick clothing so that it covers the entire body without leaving any exposed areas.

Instructions for use

The method of using the product depends on what form of release is chosen by the buyer - aerosol, powder, gel or chalk. Let's consider the general rules for applying and preparing the room for processing.

How to prepare the room?

The rules for preparing the premises are the same for the entire line of Clean House products:

  • Dishes and food must be removed from the premises;
  • All unnecessary things must be put in the closet;
  • Furniture - move away from the walls;
  • Mattresses should be raised;
  • Bed linen and mattress covers - remove;
  • remove the pillows to dry on the balcony;
  • All carpets must be rolled up and removed from the premises;
  • The curtains need to be removed;
  • Clocks, posters, paintings should not hang on the walls.

How to apply insecticide correctly?

The method of applying the drug depends on its type:

  • Aerosol. Shake the can well and start spraying. For each meter there are 5 seconds of treatment with the drug. They spray on places where insects accumulate, treat floors, ventilation, window sills, walls and furniture. A special nozzle should also be used to treat hard-to-reach cracks.
  • Powder. The dust is diluted in water at the rate of 10 grams per liter of water, poured into a bottle with a spray bottle and the room is treated. After this, the container must be thrown away. Another option is to scatter on horizontal surfaces and wash off after a few days with soapy water. When treating with powder, special attention is paid to baseboards, where the powder should be left for a while. It is worth keeping pets away from them.
  • Gel syringe. Thanks to special aromatic substances, insects will not be able to ignore this bait. The convenient shape of the syringe will allow you to apply precise dotted lines on the surface. The insects will die within 24 hours.
  • Chalk. One product is enough for 20 sq.m. Before use, you need to remove part of the crayon from the polyethylene and, holding the other end in the package, draw several lines in places where insects accumulate.

What to do after processing the apartment?

After using the “Clean House” product, you should thoroughly wash the room, do wet cleaning and ventilate.

Attention! You can treat the surfaces with a water-soda solution. The clothes in which the person carried out the treatment must be washed. Hands and face - wash with soap.

If necessary, re-treatment is carried out after one to two weeks.

Preparatory stage

Despite the fact that liquid and dry forms of insecticide are used differently (dust is not applied to vertical surfaces), the preparatory stage, regardless of the chosen form, is always the same, consisting of five steps.

  1. Cleaning. Before the liquidation operation begins, the apartment must be thoroughly cleaned. The floor should be washed with a damp cloth soaked in clean water, without adding chemicals. The dust needs to be wiped off and the carpets need to be vacuumed.
  2. Clearing the premises. It is advisable that all warm-blooded creatures, including household members, leave the apartment. Only the “exterminator” should remain in it. If fish or reptiles live in the house, and it is not possible to remove the terrarium or aquarium, these objects should be covered with something on top.
  3. Removal of bed linen. Sheets, pillows, blankets and mattresses must also leave the house. Send them to the balcony or to a bench in the yard. The fabric tends to absorb insecticides that are sprayed or thrown, which then come into contact with your body.
  4. Isolation of products. Food should not come into contact with poison. Therefore, at the time of spraying the aerosol or spray, it must either be eaten or sent to the refrigerator.
  5. Moving furniture away. Cabinet and upholstered furniture must be moved away from the wall. The back surfaces must be processed. Perhaps a nest of bedbugs has already appeared on one of them, or will appear in the near future if you ignore this requirement.

Reviews of the “Clean House” product

  • “We live in a hostel and constantly struggle with cockroaches. Since we had a baby, the use of chemicals has become impossible. The store recommended Clean House products. We used the aerosol and all the cockroaches disappeared.”
  • “The neighbors warned that they would poison cockroaches, so I got scared and bought a “Clean House” chalk. I used it according to the instructions. I didn’t see a single cockroach running away from my neighbors in my apartment.”
  • “I use a syringe gel and aerosol “Clean House”. All the cockroaches disappeared, I found dead ones under the refrigerator. Now I spray an aerosol as a preventative measure. I recommend this product to everyone!”

The “Clean House” line is a guarantee of peace of mind from insects in any room.
Everyone will choose a product according to their needs and wallet. The manufacturer offers convenient forms of using the drug - from a syringe to an aerosol. Safety, effectiveness and affordability explain why customers choose these products.

How to prevent re-infection

Preventing re-infestation is sometimes more difficult than getting rid of domestic parasites. Pests can be brought home at any time. They don't care whether the room is clean or not. Another question is whether they will stay and whether it will be comfortable in this apartment.

It is necessary to create unbearable conditions for bedbugs (and other parasites). Regular wet cleaning, constant ventilation, cosmetic repairs, and sealing cracks will help with this. In the apartment you need to deal with the appearance of dampness and mold, cluttering with unnecessary things.

Furniture needs to be repaired and wiped. Do not allow baseboards to lag behind the walls - this is a favorite place for bedbugs to live.

During frequent business trips or trips, in order to avoid infecting your luggage with bedbugs from hotels, you need to follow several rules:

  1. store your luggage away from the sleeping area, preferably in the bathroom;
  2. upon returning home, wash things immediately at high temperature, separately from the things of other family members;
  3. if some clothing or item cannot be washed, it must be frozen or vacuumed, wiped with water and aromatic oils;
  4. suitcases and travel bags must be thoroughly vacuumed.

As a preventative measure, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the water during wet cleaning. This will repel parasites from the apartment.

After the trip, all things need to be sorted over the bathroom. Parasites will fall out and be noticed. Such items should be washed at a temperature not lower than + 50 o C.

You also need to unpack packages; they can also bring parasites into the house. Ventilation must be closed with special grilles to protect yourself from the penetration of parasites from neighbors. By using all means against parasites, you can cope with them.

What to do after treatment

After completing the procedures, the room must be ventilated for 30–60 minutes.

  1. Remove personal protective equipment.
  2. Wash your hands with soap and wash, rinse your mouth.
  3. Get out into the fresh air.

According to reviews, the product works most effectively if you leave everything as is and go to visit someone for the night. Clean up the next day.

After 1 hour, you can start wet cleaning. Soda and soap are added to the water. Wash should be done in places where residents can touch it with their hands. In hard-to-reach places you can leave the product for further impact.

Everyone else can enter the house after cleaning is completed.

You need to take a shower and throw the clothes that were disinfected in the wash.

The spray is not a long-acting insecticide. The active ingredients disintegrate quite quickly in the air.

If the premises are slightly infested, Clean House will deal with parasites 100%. Subject to compliance with all rules of use. If there are a large number of bedbugs, additional measures will be required.

Bottom line

Bed bugs have been living next to humans for many centuries in a row. It has been possible to get rid of them only recently, when the chemical industry began to produce high-quality drugs that contain powerful substances.

Spray Clean Home with chamomile extract has many positive reviews from customers and is very popular. This is no coincidence, because its unique composition is designed to effectively influence parasites.

A prolonged active state allows you to destroy pests and scare away new people who want to move into the apartment.

The complex effect on domestic parasites allows a person not to worry about subsequent preventive measures.

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