Ultrasonic rodent and insect repeller Pest Reject

When unexpected guests appear in the apartment, it is terrible. Mosquitoes fly into the light, and cockroaches crawl out of basements. It’s even worse if rodents appear: life in an apartment in this case ceases to be comfortable. But do not despair, all problems have a solution. In this case, Pest Reject will help - an ultrasonic repeller that will help get rid of pests.

The repeller keeps insects and other pests away from your home.

Ultrasonic Pest Reject (Repeller)

(Russian adapted translation of the official instructions for the Pest Reject Repeller).
It is difficult to imagine human life without a variety of domestic animals - cats, dogs, fish, guinea pigs and a large number of other wonderful representatives of the fauna. However, such proximity is not always pleasant and voluntary. In this case we are talking about parasites and pests in the form of insects and rodents that live next to a person without any desire of the latter.

New ways and means are constantly being invented to combat them. Among the most innovative and effective is the Pest Repeller ultrasonic insect and rodent repeller. The article discusses in detail the properties and characteristics, operating principle and advantages, as well as the rules for the practical use of this device.

Effective pest control

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, in the modern humane world they treat not only beneficial animals and insects with care, but also pests. If we talk about humane disposal of insects and rodents, then Pest Reject is perfect for this purpose (Figure 1).

Note: Recently, drugs and products that physically destroy pests have become less popular precisely for reasons of humanity. Therefore, the Pest Reject device began to enjoy increased consumer demand. Effective pest control with the Pest Reject is possible thanks to the innovative design of the device. After you plug it into a power outlet, an electromagnetic field filled with ultrasonic pulses is formed in the room. In such conditions, neither insects nor rodents will be able to exist normally. The fact is that due to such radiation they lose orientation in space, become restless and cannot eat normally. Accordingly, they do not die physically, but simply leave the premises with uncomfortable living conditions.

Figure 1. Device against insects and rodents Pest Reject
Despite the strong radiation and negative impact on insects and rodents, the device is absolutely safe for human health, and large pets (for example, cats or dogs) do not feel strong impulses. However, it should be taken into account that the device can have a negative effect on rats, hamsters and guinea pigs, so it is better to move them to another room while the room is being disinfected.

Description of the electronic repeller Pest Repeller

Reject is a compact device that is designed to repel various insects (bugs, cockroaches, ants, etc.) and rodents (mice, voles, rats and others). The case is made in the form of a flat plastic box of a rectangular shape with rounded corners. The device is equipped with a plug for inserting into a socket and connecting to the electrical supply necessary for operation of the device.

The device is equipped with several auxiliary devices for controlling and monitoring the operation of the electronic repeller. These include:

  • a button that turns the backlight of the Pest Reject electronic device on and off;
  • a backlight bulb that allows you to easily detect the repeller in an unlit room;
  • three warning lights:
  • red – lights up when the device is turned on;
  • yellow – signals the start of the electromagnetic function;
  • green – shows the operation of the ultrasonic function on the Pest Reject.

Pest Reject

is an effective replacement for other means of combating unwanted neighbors in the form of rodents and insects - mousetraps, adhesive tapes, repellent plates, etc. The main advantages of the device are: ease of practical use combined with affordable cost and high efficiency. An additional reason for the popularity of the device is its long service life and minimal operating costs.

How Pest Reject works

The effectiveness of the practical use of the Pest Reject Repeller is based on the negative impact that high-frequency ultrasound has on almost all types of rodents and insects. It is produced by an electronic device, thanks to the presence of a special microprocessor, as a result of which an ultrasonic and/or electromagnetic field is created in the house or room, which is unpleasant for pests and parasites. These include rodents and a wide variety of insects - bedbugs, cockroaches, lice, ants.

Ultrasonic waves are beyond the perception of human hearing. In addition, they do not have any negative effect on the body of residents, which makes the use of Pest Reject (Repeller) absolutely harmless for the inhabitants of an apartment or house, including large pets - cats or dogs. That is why its use is noticeably preferable from the point of view of the safety of insecticidal treatment or deratization with chemicals that are toxic both to pests or parasites, and to the person himself and his pets.

How Pest Reject works

Naturally, if you are planning to use a new pest control product, you will be interested in the characteristics and operating principle of such a device. Since Pest Reject is considered one of the most effective devices for eliminating rodents and insects, we will try to describe in detail and in an accessible form the principle of its operation.

Note: First of all, you should pay attention to the technical parameters. The weight of the device is only 95 grams, and the dimensions are 60*95 mm. Accordingly, if you insert the device into a socket, it will be almost invisible.

In the device settings, you can freely set the frequency of ultrasonic wave production (from 2.5 to 5 minutes). At the same time, the manufacturer recommends periodically changing this indicator so that pests are not able to adapt to new living conditions. However, if you forget to change the frequency, do not worry: after a while the device will independently change this indicator in offline mode.

The efficiency of the device is explained by the fact that Pest Reject not only emits ultrasonic waves, but also creates an electromagnetic field that propagates through the wiring. This creates an unfavorable living environment for insects and rodents, even if they are located in remote or hidden corners of the room.

The secret of the effectiveness of Pest Reject is that its work is based on the characteristics of insects. The fact is that in most cases they communicate using ultrasonic waves. Accordingly, when the device is connected to the network, a special ultrasonic radiation is generated, which signals the insects about impending danger and they, guided by instincts, leave the room.

The manufacturer recommends leaving the device turned on for 2-6 weeks, but provided that there are already pests in the room. If you plan to use the device exclusively for prevention, it will be enough to turn on Pest Rejek for 5 days every few months. Owners of large private houses or other premises are recommended to carry out treatment in all rooms one by one, since the range of the device does not exceed 200 meters.

Insect + rodent repeller Pest Reject - characteristics and properties

Despite its budget price and small size, the Pest Reject is a relatively complex electronic device. The device has the following set of technical and operational characteristics:

  • Pest Reject type - ultrasonic repeller of insects and rodents;
  • coverage area (minimum guaranteed/actual) – 100/200 sq. m.;
  • scope of application of Pest Reject – indoors;
  • material for the manufacture of the case – plastic;
  • power supply – power supply from a 220V network;
  • power consumption – 4 W;
  • frequency – within 50-60 Hz;
  • Pest Reject case dimensions (height/width/depth) – 9.5 or 11.5/6 or 7/6.5 cm (depending on model and modification);
  • The weight of the device is approximately 160 g.

Thanks to its thoughtful design and ultrasonic effects, the Pest Reject electronic repeller has the following properties:

  • prevents feeding and reproduction of bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects, as well as small rodents within the range of action;
  • forms a force field that prevents pests and parasites from entering the building;
  • does not involve the use of toxic chemicals;
  • safe for most pets that are relatively large in size;
  • equipped with automatic protection against power surges.

Fact or Fiction

Often the reasons for negative reviews about the drug are the purchase of counterfeits and long delivery times. Positive reviews claim that the device is quite effective; the main thing is to buy it from a trusted manufacturer . You also need to follow the instructions, otherwise excesses cannot be avoided. It is best to go to the official website of the company and place an order there, only in this case the quality and efficiency of the device is guaranteed.

Practice shows that repellers work as they should, so there can be no room for doubt

According to the instructions for use of Pest Reject, you should not expect an immediate effect from the repeller. Many consumers have negative impressions because they expected the effect the same day they turned on the device. But this is impossible. It takes some time to achieve tangible results.

The cost of the Pest Reject repeller ranges from 500 to 3 thousand rubles. who want to make money on naive buyers demand an inflated price for goods

And the low cost suggests that it is definitely a fake. Today the price for the repeller on the official website along with a discount is 1390 rubles.

This video talks about an ultrasonic insect and rodent repeller:

The secret of action

Pest Reject will fit into any interior; it is stylish and compact, has a smooth body without protruding wires, which is especially important when there are children in the house. Its action is based on low-frequency magnetic radiation. A second after switching on, the impulses penetrate into the farthest cracks in the room and begin to negatively affect the nervous system of pests. Rodents do not die immediately: first they leave the territory, so cases when lifeless carcasses are found behind a cabinet are excluded.

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The pest repeller only works effectively in medium-sized enclosed spaces

Pest Reject can be used over a large area, although the device has low power and consumes little energy. If the house is two-story, then it is worth installing one device on each floor.

You should not expect an instant visible effect from Pest Reject: insects, like rodents, begin to leave their usual habitat after three days of operation of the device. Flies and mosquitoes will also have no desire to fly into an open window. Only people and their pets will feel comfortable near the device.

Device characteristics

The repeller has a clear advantage: if you purchase it, there will be no need for other investments. Pest Reject runs on mains power and does not require any maintenance or additional equipment. If you use it correctly, then there will be no problems with repairs.

The main characteristics of the device are as follows:

  • Pest Reject is compact, measuring 6.5 cm x 7 cm x 11.5 cm;
  • weight is 160 grams;
  • radiation frequency 50−60 kHz;
  • coverage area up to 200 sq. m;
  • operates from a 220 V network;
  • The body is made of high quality white plastic.

The repeller is very easy to use, it also comes with instructions in Russian.

Features of use and validity period of the device

One of the significant reasons for the popularity of the electronic repeller from the Pest Reject series is the practicality of using the device. The ultrasound device does not require any special care. It has an unlimited shelf life, and the manufacturer provides a 12-month warranty.

An important feature of using Pest Reject is the ability to operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The design and protection system of Pest Reject can easily withstand this operating mode. Reviews from customers who have been using the device for several years do not contain any mention of breakdowns or failures of the repeller.

Instructions for use of the ultrasonic insect and rodent repeller Pest Reject

When purchasing a device from a reputable supplier or directly from the manufacturer, the Pest Reject device is equipped with detailed operating instructions. The document was compiled in several of the most common languages ​​in the world, including Russian.

The text of the instructions for using the Pest Reject electronic emitter contains several warnings, the meaning of which is as follows:

  • Do not use the device if your pets include small rodents - guinea pigs, rabbits or hamsters. Other pets - dogs or cats, large birds and rodents - tolerate the effects of Pest Reject painlessly and without any negative consequences;
  • the repeller does not have a negative impact on the operation of computers and other electrical appliances;
  • The main requirement for safe operation of Pest Reject is that no water gets inside the device. Therefore, it is not recommended to install the device near flower pots or vases;
  • Pest Reject begins to affect bedbugs, cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes and other insects in the area of ​​the device, as well as rats and mice immediately after switching on. Guaranteed elimination of the presence of the listed fauna representatives occurs in 1-2 weeks. If we are talking about fighting flies or mosquitoes, it is advisable to leave a window or door open when connecting the Pest Reject to the electrical network so that they can freely leave the room;
  • the simultaneous use of Pest Reject and toxic chemicals and insecticides is ineffective, since they have a fundamentally different mechanism of action;
  • Some varieties of cockroaches have a relatively high resistance to ultrasound and electromagnetic fields, so it will take a little more time to fight them. However, a positive result is guaranteed;
  • It is not recommended to use the device outdoors, as this is ineffective and may harm beneficial insects and rodents within the radius of the device.

The main precaution when using Pest Reject is the need to strictly follow the instructions for use. The sequence of actions for connecting and further using Pest Reject is as follows:

  • To get started with Pest Reject, you need to unpack the device and plug it into the electrical outlet of your home or apartment.
  • The switching on of the device is indicated by a red light, which should be constantly lit throughout the use of the Pest Reject. Normal operating mode involves sequential flashing of two other lights - yellow and green, which indicate the operation of the two main functions of the repeller - ultrasonic and electromagnetic.
  • For ease of use of the device at night, an auxiliary backlight function is provided. It is turned on by a special white button, which is located on the top of the Pest Reject body.
  • As noted above, the device can be used around the clock throughout the year.
  • When purchasing two Pest Reject devices, it is recommended to connect them to power sources that are as far apart as possible from each other.

An important additional requirement is that the product must be disposed of in accordance with the laws of the country in which the Pest Reject repeller was used. Its implementation is mandatory, since any electronic device contains components and substances that require special disposal conditions.

Instructions for use

Instructions for using Pest Rreject are also in Russian; they are quite simple and accessible even to a child. The device must be removed from the packaging and plugged into a power outlet, and left to work continuously for 2-4 weeks. During this period, results will be noticeable. The device will not heat up and affect the operation of other electrical equipment. After 14 days, cockroaches will begin to leave living quarters; it will take about a month to get rid of their larvae.

If suddenly the repeller is turned off for a while, this will not affect its effectiveness. You can turn it off completely only when all pests have completely disappeared from the house. But for prevention purposes, you should turn on the device for 4-5 days once a month. This is especially true for houses in which there is a store on the ground floor. The device is effective at repelling ticks, so it is also indispensable outside the city.

Benefits of Pest Reject

The demand for the Pest Reject electronic repeller among Russian consumers is explained by the impressive set of advantages that the device demonstrates. The main one, without a doubt, is the budget cost of the device. An additional argument in favor of its purchase is the absence of serious operating costs - to operate Pest Reject for an unlimited time, you do not need to purchase any consumables or components, and all costs are limited to paying for electricity, the need for which is extremely small.

Other important advantages of an ultrasonic rodent and insect repeller are the following:

  • efficiency. Purchasing Pest Reject guarantees getting rid of bedbugs, cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, ants, fleas and other insects, as well as mice, voles and rats over an area of ​​up to 200 square meters. m.;
  • extreme ease of operation. To turn on the device, just plug it into a power outlet;
  • practicality of use and no requirements for care or maintenance of Pest Reject. After connecting to the power supply, the owner can forget about the Pest Reject - the repeller will operate in automatic mode, properly performing the functions assigned to it;
  • safety. The use of the Pest Reject electronic device does not involve the use of any chemicals containing toxic or poisonous substances. Therefore, the negative impact on humans and large-sized pets is completely excluded. As a bonus, there is reliable protection against power surges and power failures, which prevents device failure and ensures a long service life;
  • versatility. Pest Reject is equally effective against almost all insects (the only relative exception is some types of cockroaches, which take a little longer to repel), including flies, bedbugs, mosquitoes, ants, etc., as well as rodents, including rats, mice , voles and others;
  • compact dimensions. The Pest Reject electronic device, thanks to its well-thought-out design and operating principle, takes up little space;
  • minimum load on the power grid and no interference. Connecting the device does not affect the operation of other electrical household appliances, either in terms of load on power supply systems or in terms of generating interference;
  • continuity of impact. Pest Reject is intended for continuous use, which does not lead to rapid failure of the device;
  • Ease of Management. Checking the operation of the electronic repeller is extremely simple - just one glance at the light bulbs located on the front panel of the case is enough;
  • Spectacular and effective night lighting. The presence of an auxiliary backlight function in combination with constantly burning signal lights allows you to use the device for lighting in the dark.

Such an impressive and large-scale list of advantages best demonstrates the reasons for the popularity of the Pest Repeller ultrasonic repeller in today's conditions. An important advantage of the device is the almost complete absence of disadvantages, a few words about which still need to be said.

Advantages of the Pest Reject repeller

The modern market offers a huge number of devices and products designed to combat pests and rodents. Unfortunately, as practice shows, not all of them are effective, and some are too expensive (Figure 2).

The Pest Reject ultrasonic repeller will be the best option for pest control, as it has numerous advantages:

  1. Wide spectrum of action: the radiation of the device allows you to completely get rid of rats, mice, mosquitoes, flies, spiders and other insects in a room of 200 square meters.
  2. Safety: the waves of the device are not capable of causing harm to human health and are safe for dogs and cats. In addition, during operation the device does not emit toxic substances or unpleasant odors.
  3. Ease of use: To get rid of pests, just plug the device into a power outlet. At the same time, it consumes little electricity, so it can be used in conjunction with other devices powered by electricity.

Figure 2. Advantages of the device
In addition, in case of severe pest infestation, the device can be left turned on for the whole day. At night, a small light on the body of the device lights up, which effectively performs the function of a regular night light. It should also be taken into account that, despite its high efficiency, the device has a very affordable price, especially when compared with the price of services for professional disinfection of premises. Using Pest Reject, you don't have to constantly buy batteries or charge batteries for uninterrupted operation of the device. Since the device operates from a stationary power supply, you just need to plug it into an outlet and leave it for the required period. As soon as you notice that the pests have left the premises, Pest Reject can be turned off and reconnected for prevention only after a few months.

Disadvantages of the electronic ultrasonic device Pest Reject

Some of the disadvantages of Pest Reject include the cost of the device. Most of the alternative options for controlling pests and parasites - repellent strips, sticky tapes, crayons - will be somewhat cheaper. But in this case, an obvious fact should be noted - the difference in price is insignificant, but in efficiency it is huge, and in favor of the electronic repeller.

If we compare the cost of Pest Reject with modern chemical means of disinsection and deratization, which have similar efficiency in practical use, the advantage of an ultrasonic device in terms of financial criteria turns out to be very impressive.

Another disadvantage of Pest Reject, which can also hardly be called significant, is its resistance to ultrasound, which is characteristic of some varieties of cockroaches. In such a situation, it should be remembered that insects of this species have an extremely high adaptability to a variety of means of combating them. This circumstance does not prevent the Pest Reject electronic device from effectively repelling them, although this requires more time than for bedbugs or mosquitoes.

Methods and conditions for purchasing an ultrasonic insect repeller Pest Reject

Pest Reject devices against mosquitoes, linen bugs, domestic cockroaches, mice, rats, other insects and rodents are always present in the catalog of our online store. We offer potential buyers favorable conditions for purchasing an electronic ultrasonic repeller, which are as follows:

  • affordable prices from the manufacturer, which are achieved through established partnerships;
  • durable and reliable factory packaging that ensures the safety of Pest Reject during transportation;
  • several methods of payment for goods, including cash and non-cash payments;
  • various delivery options for the Pest Reject (Repeller) ultrasonic repeller throughout Russia - by courier to the client’s door, cash on delivery, parcel via Russian Post, transport, pickup from Vladimir or Moscow.
  • We are ready to discuss the terms of individual cooperation with wholesale and regular customers. To receive a personal commercial offer that includes additional bonuses and discounts, all you need to do is contact a company specialist in any available way - by phone, email, during a personal visit to the office or using the callback service.

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