How to get rid of spiders in the country: in a private house and in the garden

Many species of spiders prefer to settle near humans, including in country houses. They do not cause harm to garden crops, but they perform an important function: they destroy flies, bedbugs, aphids, leaf rollers and other insects. Despite this, most people cannot stand the sight of spiders and are afraid of being bitten, so they prefer to get rid of them by all known means. Let's try to figure out what species live near people and how to remove them from your summer cottage.

What species can be found at the dacha

Spiders are predators, representatives of the animal world.
In summer cottages they are found everywhere: both in residential buildings and in nature. The table contains information about spiders that prefer close proximity to humans:

Black or gray house spider

A ubiquitous species. Lives in trees and almost does not reproduce at home. Often found in rooms where it enters through open windows and vents. The size of the female reaches 3 cm, the male – 1.5 cm.
Harvester, long-legged or moss-legged

Lives in the garden (often on the external walls of houses), but with the onset of cold weather it moves indoors. It has a brown oval body up to 1 cm long and long legs. Prefers to live next to windows, feeding on midges and flies.
Hobo Spider

Lives on the street, but is also found in houses, getting there through open doors and windows. It has a brown color and dark stripes on long powerful limbs. The bite of such a spider causes pain and an allergic reaction.

In the garden there are all the species listed earlier, as well as other arthropods: wasp spider, wolf spider, etc. Almost all of them are harmless to humans, but they can bite if they feel threatened.

Spider bites are most dangerous for children and people with weakened immune systems.

Are there any benefits to spiders? Is it worth fighting them?

The mere sight of spiders often irritates people, and even frightens some people, but, by the way, spiders help people. They feed on insects that may enter the home. There are individuals capable of catching more than 500 insects harmful to humans per day. Another amazing fact is that by the spider’s actions you can determine what weather is expected, like little weather forecasters. If a spider breaks its web, it means there will be a thunderstorm. The appearance of small spiders in the house indicates the approach of sunny and warm days. Also, if you notice a lot of these arthropods in the spring, then it is believed that autumn will not be pleasant with warm weather. Spiders also have disadvantages. Many people are so frightened by the sight of these insects that they can faint, and cobwebs in the corners of the house can hardly be considered decoration. If the spider is not poisonous, then, perhaps, these are all its shortcomings.

We get rid of them in a private house

To get rid of spiders, you need to create conditions for them in which they cannot exist and reproduce. To do this, the following measures should be taken.

Clear out the attic and basement

Most spiders get into the basement first and then scatter throughout the house. Your task is to create the most unfavorable conditions for them. To do this, just update the whitewash on the walls and ceiling. Arachnids cannot stand the smell of lime, so they avoid such premises for a long time.

Expert opinion

Mityuk Stefania Bogdanovna

As for attics, in dachas they are used to store old things. Dryness, twilight, warmth, absence of people - all this attracts spiders and causes them to actively reproduce. To get uninvited guests out of the attic, you need to do a thorough cleaning and throw away everything unnecessary.

Destroy other insects

Spiders come to those houses where there is food. By destroying flies, mosquitoes, ants and cockroaches, you will deprive uninvited guests of food and force them to leave the premises. To combat insects, you can use folk remedies and household chemicals. A universal fumigator will be a good help in this matter.

Clear the area around the house

The easiest way for a spider to get into a room is to move there on objects and plants located near the building. Therefore, the space near the house needs to be cleaned: remove weeds, fallen leaves, building materials, and abandoned objects.

Clean up the house

The cleaner the house, the less often spiders appear in it, so cleaning is an integral step in getting rid of arthropods. The first thing to do is vacuum all horizontal and, if necessary, vertical surfaces. Particular attention should be paid to cracks, corners, baseboards and secluded places behind furniture.

Sometimes spiders make nests at the bottom of beds, inside sofas and armchairs. Another way to remove cobwebs is to use a mop wrapped in a damp cloth or gauze.

After cleaning, you need to throw away the debris from the vacuum cleaner and the cloth that was used to collect cobwebs. It is not advisable to leave all this at home or in the yard, because the spiders will scatter throughout the area, and new individuals will hatch from the eggs.

Block all possible access routes

To prevent the spider from getting into the house, you need to inspect all the openings leading inside: seal the cracks along the windows and doors, repair the ventilation grilles, install mosquito nets, and seal the pipe openings.


To radically combat spiders in the house, chemical agents are used:


Spray against crawling insects with instant action and long-lasting effect. It has a distinct mint scent and is applied to areas where spiders gather, their routes of movement and habitat areas (cracks, baseboards, spaces between walls and furniture). The distance between the bottle and the surface to be treated should be about 20 cm.

Joker Bun

A universal drug that destroys all types of insects. The aerosol is sprayed onto the floor, walls, corners, crevices, furniture and other places where spiders can hide. Before treatment, windows and doors are closed, people and animals are removed from the premises. Half an hour after spraying the product, the house is thoroughly ventilated.


Aerosol for the control of arthropods. Used in private homes, utility rooms and outdoors. When sprayed, it leaves microcapsules on the surface that stick to spiders and destroy them. The effect of the drug manifests itself within 3-4 hours and lasts up to 3 months.


A powder that is made from natural fossils. It has high absorbent properties, so when it comes into contact with an arthropod, it literally sucks all the moisture out of it.

Aerosol against crawling and flying insects with instant action

The product is sprayed directly onto the spiders for 1-2 seconds, after which the room is ventilated for half an hour. It is recommended to use the spray with open vents or windows.

Expert opinion

Mityuk Stefania Bogdanovna

Personally, boric acid powder helped me get rid of spiders in my dacha. After cleaning the premises, I prepared a solution of 1 sachet and 1 liter of warm water, moistened a rag with the resulting liquid and walked over all the places where there had previously been cobwebs. In order for arthropods to leave the house, this treatment must be carried out every week.

Folk remedies

If you don’t have chemicals and pharmaceuticals at hand, you can use folk remedies:


Combine vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio. Use for spraying corners, baseboards and other “problem” surfaces.

Vinegar essence

Use for rubbing baseboards, windows, doors and other surfaces on which arthropods can move.

Aerosols based on essential oils

Buy essential oils of tea tree, eucalyptus, cedar, mint, geranium, lemon balm or lemongrass at the pharmacy. Add 15 drops of the product to a spray bottle filled with water and shake. Use to spray areas where spiders may live.

Where and why do they appear?

Let's take a closer look at where spiders appear in apartments. Usually arachnids live outdoors and from there they can enter a person’s home in single quantities.

Insects settle in large numbers in houses and apartments when there is sufficient food for them. The favorite delicacy of arthropods is other small insects.

Let's look at other reasons why many spiders appear in an apartment:

  • rare cleaning of premises;
  • accumulation of large amounts of dust in secluded corners of the home;
  • lack of natural light in the room;
  • poor sealing of gaps between doors, windows and staircases;
  • missing or damaged mosquito nets on windows;
  • windows not closed at night;
  • the presence of old woolen items in closets.

With torn mosquito nets and open windows, not only spiders, but also their food source - butterflies, mosquitoes, midges - easily penetrate into a private house.

In order to eliminate spiders, you must first examine the nooks and crannies of the room:

  • areas under the bathroom;
  • mezzanine;
  • storerooms;
  • areas behind baseboards;
  • areas under the refrigerator;
  • wardrobes with fur or clothes.

In the basements

Be sure to whitewash basement ceilings with lime. Arthropods do not digest it. This simple method will deprive you of the “pleasure” of seeing spiders for a long time.

In apartments

Meticulous cleaning, reliably blocking access to spiders, and depriving them of food are the most proven methods of eliminating insects. Even after getting rid of them, do not neglect your home.

On the balconies

By constantly eating other insects, spiders are able to provide invaluable benefits to humans. But there is also harm from them. The cobwebs do not add any attractiveness to the room. What outweighs the benefit or harm, you need to decide for yourself. Only after this choose an alternative - to coexist peacefully or to constantly fight arthropods.

Spiders are one of the most numerous orders of arthropods. Large and dangerous species live only in hot countries. Russian spiders are completely harmless, they run away when a person appears, they rarely bite, the bite is slightly painful, and does not pose a danger.

The reasons for the appearance of arthropods in houses are:

  • open windows and doors;
  • cracks in frames;
  • heat coming from the home;
  • presence of food.

The spider population will not grow if the young have nothing to eat. The main reason for the large prevalence of arachnids in an apartment is the insects living in it.

In private homes, spiders crawl out of cluttered attics and basements, and outbuildings. Insects swarm around livestock and poultry, attracting arachnids and causing their population to continually grow. A light animal can be carried into a home by the wind; a person carries it on things and clothing.

Traditionally, it was believed that spiders were even beneficial, as they cleaned the house of flies, which are carriers of infection. Nowadays, many drugs have been created that remove insects, and people no longer need the help of arachnids.

Spiders can take up residence in any home. Getting into it by accident through:

  • cracks in walls, floors or ceilings;
  • open windows, doors;
  • clothes, soil, plants brought into the house;
  • furniture and other items that were stored outside.

Arthropods are delayed if the conditions for their existence are favorable:

  • comfortable temperature without sudden fluctuations;
  • there is a food base;
  • suitable level of air humidity: heat-loving arthropods settle in dry living spaces, such as the bedroom and kitchen; others prefer the bathroom or balcony.

Most often, predators remain in poorly cleaned rooms, where there is a lot of food for them: flies, bedbugs, cockroaches and other small insects.

How to get rid of it in the garden

If arachnids have chosen bushes and trees, it is worth thinking about what exactly attracted them to the site. In most cases, these are a variety of pests attracted by organic debris or bright outdoor lighting. You can eliminate the cause by installing yellow-light sodium gas-discharge lamps and clearing the area of ​​anything that can serve as food for insects (last year's leaves, tops, rotting fruits and vegetables).

The next step should be to destroy the nests, which look like small balls shrouded in cobwebs. By doing this, you deprive the spider of offspring and prevent it from reproducing.

It is recommended to wear thick rubber gloves when destroying nests: the arthropods guarding the oviposition are quite aggressive and can bite.

Folk remedies

It is not recommended to use chemicals to exterminate spiders in the garden, as it is expensive and has a detrimental effect on the pollination process of plants.

The optimal solution would be to use folk remedies:

Mint and lavender

In order for spiders to leave the territory, it is enough to plant any of the listed plants on it. If desired, flowerpots with mint and lavender can be placed around the entire perimeter of the site.


Collect horse chestnut fruits. Break or pierce them to intensify the smell. Place it on the site.


Boil 4 liters of water, add a pack of smoking or chewing tobacco. Infuse, strain through a sieve or cheesecloth. Take 200 ml of the prepared product and add 100 ml of lemon-scented dishwashing gel. Mix thoroughly and pour into a spray bottle, treat the area. Do not use near beds where tomatoes are growing.


Modern manufacturers have not limited themselves to aerosols when fighting insects for a long time, but they are convenient to use and are highly effective.


A well-known brand produces various anti-insect preparations. The description of the aerosol states that, in addition to ants and cockroaches, the product allows you to get rid of spiders. The manufacturer guarantees that arthropods will not appear in the room for up to six months after its use.

Joker Bun

Turkish development against spiders and other insects. The product is odorless and recommended for both indoor and outdoor spaces. When it hits an insect, it instantly dies. After drying, the aerosol repels pests.


A budget-friendly solution is crayons. White lines are not noticeable on the walls; you can draw them near the web and on the floor. The insecticide is effective for up to a month; washed out lines are painted on again if necessary.

Glue traps

To combat spider infestations, you can use special traps with sticky material applied to the surface. The device should be placed under furniture, inside cabinets, opposite baseboards. Many supporters of this option for protecting your home from arthropods leave positive reviews about it, speaking about the effectiveness and, most importantly, the safety of this product, in contrast to insecticides such as dichlorvos against the presence of spiders.

Insecticidal chalk

Special chalk will help protect your home from uninvited guests. Its application is quite simple - the substance needs to be applied to the baseboards, this will provide a reliable barrier to insects.


The Raptor series of drugs destroys different types of insects living in homes. The following forms of insecticides are available:

  • aerosol;
  • gel;
  • aquafumigator;
  • trap.

Aerosol agents are considered the most effective and convenient against spiders. They are easy to spray near cobwebs, in corners where animals gather. The spray does not leave marks on the walls.


A proven remedy for arthropods is Diatomite. Its main advantage is the absence of harm to people and animals. The substance should be spread near the cracks in the baseboards.

Aerosol Raptor against crawling insects

A popular Russian company produces insect control products. The raptor not only deprives the spiders of food, but also kills them themselves. For 2–4 months after using the aerosol, you will not see arthropods in your home.

Dust Clean House

A 50-gram sachet of the product is designed to treat insects in a living area of ​​10 square meters. meters. If the room from which you want to remove spiders is larger, then purchase several bags of Dust. The drug is intended for the extermination of various pests and is in great demand among consumers, primarily because of its low cost. However, in order to get rid of spiders in the house forever, it is better to combine it with other drugs.

Attention! Before you fight spiders using any chemical at home, you need to read the instructions on the package and also make sure that the expiration date has not expired.

Chalk “Brownie” or “Mashenka”

Both products are designed to fight cockroaches, ants, and bedbugs. But if you are worried about Mizgiri, “Mashenka” and “Brownie” will cope with this problem perfectly. Draw with chalk where the cobwebs are most often visible.

What not to use for fighting

Do you fight spiders on your property or in your house?

Not really

When exterminating spiders, you should avoid using the following methods:

  • Use of ineffective drugs . When choosing a chemical, it is important to ensure that it is intended to control arthropods. Most drugs against flies and mosquitoes can only stupefy the spider, but not kill it.
  • Adhesive tapes . Many arthropods live in one place, weaving webs and waiting for their prey. Therefore, catching them with Velcro is practically useless.
  • Collecting spiders by hand . Some gardeners prefer to collect adult individuals in jars and then destroy them or transfer them to another place, but this method is ineffective and dangerous. To clear an area of ​​spiders, you have to risk your own health. According to pediatrician Komarovsky, an arthropod bite can be accompanied by severe pain and the development of an allergic reaction.
  • Use to deter dead spiders . There is no point in laying out the corpses of arthropods on the site, since this does not affect the behavior of their relatives.

If there are few spiders in the dacha and they do not cause discomfort, there is no need to exterminate them. In nature, arthropods perform an important function by reducing insect populations and protecting plants from pests. This recommendation does not apply to areas with large numbers of spiders. The magazine “Super Summer Resident” recommends: “when a large space is covered with cobwebs, you should contact the sanitary service.”

Killing a spider is a good omen

There are countries in the world where people believe that if you kill a spider, this action can attract good fortune. However, everyone warns: you should not try to hurt or kill a living creature in order to attract good luck or wealth - this will not bring anything good.

According to some beliefs, anyone who accidentally kills a spider is freed from forty sins.

If you stumble upon a dead spider or accidentally squash one, it’s okay. A bad omen only applies to those who kill spiders on purpose.

Traditional methods

We suggest considering several options for traditional methods of getting rid of insects.

Lemon juice

Spiders don't like the scent of lemon, so the juice is widely used to get rid of them.


As a folk method of eliminating insects, all parts of the nut are used. Therefore, you can take branches, fruits, leaves or even nut peels and place them in places where pests live.

horse chestnut

The chestnut is cut into several pieces, which are placed in the corners where insects are most often seen. Thanks to the specific aroma of the fruit, spiders will leave their place of residence.

Herbs and spices

You can poison these annoying guests with spices and herbs. Place cloves, pepper, and basil in the habitat of arthropods along window structures. Spices will drive away spiders with their specific smell.

Ground red pepper

Ground red pepper in tandem with vinegar is a very effective substance that repels spiders.

You will need:

  • 15 g pepper;
  • 60–75 ml vinegar;
  • 0.5 liters of water.

Mix all ingredients and spray the room with a spray bottle.

Flowerpots with lavender

Place pots of dried or fresh lavender flowers in your rooms, add the plant's essential oil to a cotton ball, and then place it in the dust bag of your vacuum cleaner. The dissipating aroma during cleaning will repel insects.

Interesting! You can add the plant extract to baking soda, and then sprinkle it on carpets and upholstered furniture for 20 minutes. This procedure will eliminate insects, help remove dirty stains on furniture and disinfect it.

Fragrant esters

Eucalyptus or peppermint oil is a very effective, and most importantly, simple means of repelling pests. Dissolve 20 drops of ether in 1 liter. water and spray the room with a spray bottle, paying special attention to baseboards, window sills and doorways. You can also soak cotton sponges in the solution and push them into the cracks through which spiders enter the house.


If there is tobacco in the house, it can also protect against spiders. Scatter the dry fraction in the corners of the room. In the open space around the house, you can plant a plantation of the plant and also scatter a small amount of tobacco around the house. This event will protect the premises from unexpected guests.


This pet can not only catch mice, but will also provide support in the fight against spiders. So, there is nothing better for cats than to hone their skills on small insects that accidentally get into their homes.

Ground cinnamon

For humans, cinnamon smells amazing, but for spiders this aroma is very unpleasant, so when it appears, the insects take flight. Sprinkle the spice in the suspected habitats of the pest and add new portions as the smell dissipates.


This drug is considered proven in the fight against spiders. The product is safe for both humans and animals. Along with this, the substances included in its composition are harmful to insects.


The most effective representatives are lemon and orange. Directions for use:

  • Fresh fruits are chopped and placed in the corners of the home.
  • Citric acid is mixed with water and all rooms are sprayed.

Boric acid

If there are a lot of insects in the house, including cockroaches, they can be poisoned using a proven product such as boric acid. This substance should be scattered in baseboards and near cracks.

Important! For all inhabitants of the apartment (owners and animals), such a powder will not cause harm; it is safe, unlike aerosols with a chemical composition.

Peppermint oil
This product produces a pungent odor that small insects cannot tolerate. You need to take hot water, dissolve a few drops of this product in it and spray the arthropod habitats.

Sheep's wool

Also, spiders are not happy with the smell of sheep skin, so you can safely leave a small piece of wool or yarn near the web.

Maclura or lemon

The maclura is cut into pieces and laid out around the room. This aroma repels insects.

Vinegar and water

To eliminate insects in this way, you will need to mix half a glass of 9% vinegar and the same amount of water. The prepared solution is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed on those places where uninvited guests prefer to be. When they come into contact with vinegar, they die. To prevent new uninvited guests from appearing, you need to pour a small amount of vinegar into containers, such as bottle caps, and leave them in the corners of the room.

The last tip should not be taken into account if there are small children in the house or apartment.

Peppermint essential oil

For this method, you will need to dilute about 20 drops of this essential oil in one liter of liquid. The finished mixture is poured into a spray bottle, which is used to spray the baseboards and corners of the room. Such a measure will force the pests to change their place of residence, since spiders are afraid of this smell. Instead of mint, eucalyptus or tea tree oil will also work.

Preventive measures

As a rule, such events do not require any special expenditure of time or money, but they have a noticeable effect if everything is done on an ongoing basis, not forgetting that breaks in events are necessarily used by insects to “populate” an apartment or house. This is especially important for those who do not want to put up with an unpleasant neighborhood.

Therefore, the first thing to do is to take care of the cleanliness and order of your home. A mess always attracts various kinds of insects and not just spiders. And here you should always remember not that spiders may appear in the apartment, but that food for spiders does not appear in the apartment. If it is not there, then one spider may settle in the home, which will make sure that some pest does not appear here. If 1-2 spiders settle in an apartment, then, as a rule, they are invisible to the owners, since they do not annoy the residents, like other pests that do not mind profiting from leftover food, and maybe even food supplies.

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