Flea and tick inspector for cats: composition, how to use, reviews, analogues

Inspector flea and tick remedy for cats: description

The drug for cats Inspector appears as a colorless or pale yellow oily liquid.

Inspector drops are a clear or light yellow oily liquid

Composition of the drug

The Inspector product consists of the following substances:

  • fipronil, the share of which is 10% of the total weight of the drug;
  • moxidectin, 2.5%;
  • polyethylene glycol, 28.4%;
  • diethylene glycol monoethyl ether (DEME), 58.8%;
  • butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), 0.1%;
  • butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), 0.2%.

The components fipronil and moxidectin act as the main active substances in this preparation. The influence of the first of them is detrimental to arthropods; with its help, the work of their GABA-dependent receptors is blocked, which causes a failure of the nerve impulses transmitted in the body of the parasites, then the death of the arthropods occurs.

During application of the drug, fipronil practically does not penetrate into the cat’s body, but is fixed on its coat, the outer layer of skin, spreading further throughout all parts of the four-legged body. This substance can have its effect for a long time. The absorption of another component, moxidectin, occurs, on the contrary, quickly. Its task is to paralyze arthropods. In the body, it penetrates into the blood, tissues, cells and comes out with feces.

Other substances in the Inspector serve as additional components.

Release form

One of the versions of this drug is intended for cats, the other for dogs. The drug for treating cats against fleas and ticks is Inspector Total K, the letter C on the label indicates that this is a medicine for dogs.

Drops for cats are called Inspector Total K, the marking contains the letter K

The form of release of this product is pipettes made of polymeric materials. Such pipettes are packaged in blisters, which are inserted into cardboard boxes, which also include instructions for using the drops. In accordance with the volume of liquid inside the pipette, they are produced in 0.4 ml; 2.5; 4.

Storage conditions

Inspector drops are stored in the manufacturer’s packaging under the following conditions:

  • the place where they are stored should be dry and dark;
  • the temperature in the room where they are located cannot fall below 0 0 and exceed 30 0C;
  • Food and cat food should not be stored near them.

The drops cannot be left in an open package, so after opening it, the contents of the tube must be used immediately.

The period during which the Inspector is suitable for use is 3 years from the date of manufacture.

general characteristics

Inspector drops are a colorless liquid with a light oily structure.
The container in which they are sold is also a pipette, ensuring ease of use and ease of application. The drug contains the following components:

  1. Fipronil is the main active ingredient; it is a well-known type of insecticide. This component was chosen for a reason, since it retained all the positive aspects of the substances of the permethrin group, but at the same time is much safer for cats due to its low level of toxicity. The content is about 10%.
  2. Moxidectin is another insecticidal substance that is absorbed into the skin and enters the bloodstream, after which it has a detrimental effect on parasites. This component, like fipronil, was chosen because it is safe for cats, which usually do not tolerate permethrin and its analogues well. The content of the composition is about 2.5%.
  3. Isopropanol is one of the simplest alcohol compounds and functions as an auxiliary component.
  4. Dimethyl sulfoxide is a solvent substance that is included in many medicines intended for both humans and animals.
  5. Polyethylene glycol is one of the polymers responsible for the structure of the drug and is included in the composition in a minimal amount.

In what cases is it used

This drug is effective in combating animal infestations with various parasites and insects:

  • lice eaters;
  • fleas;
  • lice;
  • microfilaria larvae parasitizing in the blood;
  • mites of various types (hypodermic, ixodid, scabies, sarcoptoid);
  • intestinal nematodes (roundworms);
  • helminths.

The inspector is used when the cat has fleas, ticks, lice

The inspector is prescribed to cats for the purpose of preventive measures and therapy for the following diseases:

  • demodicosis caused by subcutaneous mites;
  • sarcoptic mange (scabies);
  • entomosis associated with the appearance of fleas and lice;
  • otodecosis (ear scabies);
  • toxocariasis, damage to the gastrointestinal tract by helminths;
  • trichocephalosis (causative agent - nematode).

This drug is used as a preventative against heartworm disease, a parasitic disease caused by heart parasites. The inspector is effective only in the fight against larvae and is able to prevent the development of the disease, but is not suitable for its therapy.


Binacar drops are used for preventive treatment and elimination of wingless insects that parasitize domestic animals. The drug is effective against almost all types of insects that parasitize domestic animals:

  • ixodid ticks;
  • fleas;
  • lice;
  • sarcoptic and demodectic mites;
  • lice eaters, etc.

Thanks to the repellent properties of the drug, cats are protected from flying insects. Binacar is safe for animals and can even be used on kittens from 8 weeks of age.

Why are fleas dangerous?

Insects that parasitize the body of pets do not just bother them by biting. Fleas cause skin irritation, and with severe infestation, purulent inflammation of the skin - pyoderma - can develop. Pathogenic bacteria can enter the body through micro-wounds on the body.

A common disease in domestic cats and kittens is flea dermatitis. Flea saliva contains more than 15 antigens, each of which can cause an allergic reaction. Dermatitis manifests itself as dulling and hair loss, and ulcers and scars may be observed on the skin.

Fleas feed on the cat's blood, and in particularly severe cases of infection with ectoparasites, anemia - anemia - may develop. Small, weakened kittens can even die from blood loss if there is a severe flea infestation.

Fleas are carriers of worm eggs. The cat bites out fleas from the fur, which enter the animal's stomach and intestines, causing helminthiasis. Some types of ticks are carriers of deadly diseases, in particular piroplasmosis. Protozoan microorganisms attack the pet's liver and kidneys.

Instructions for use

Inspector for cats is used externally.

The drug Inspector is used for external use.

Drops dosage

For cats, the dosage of the drug is selected according to their body weight:

  • for kittens whose weight does not reach 1 kg, the drops are dosed as follows: 1 drop of medicine per 500 g of kitten’s body weight;
  • cats whose weight starts from 1 kg, but does not reach 4, need 1 pipette of solution with a volume of 0.4 ml;
  • representatives of felines whose weight is in the range of 4–8 kg require a volume of the drug of 0.8 ml;
  • For pets weighing more than 8 kg, this drug is taken in a volume of 0.1 ml of medicine per 1 kg of animal weight.

Application order

It is recommended to treat your tailed pet with this drug in the following sequence:

  • Study the instructions included with the drug and make sure that the cat has no contraindications to the use of this product.
  • Check if the animal has noticeable scratched areas of skin, open wounds, or other injuries, since such areas cannot be treated with medicine. If the wool is not damaged, proceed to the processing procedure.
  • It is preferable to apply the drug to the animal on the withers area between the shoulder blades so that the pet cannot lick it off. It is necessary that the cat's fur in this area be dry before the procedure.
  • Then you need to break off the tip of the pipette.
  • To quickly act on the medicine, push the cat’s fur at the withers to the sides with your hands and drop the medicine with a pipette onto an open area of ​​skin: for a small animal in one place, and when the cat is large, then apply the product to 2 or 3 places in the direction of the spine.

To achieve the best therapeutic effect, it is not recommended to bathe the cat after applying the drug for 5-6 days.

After treatment with the Inspector, the cat cannot be washed for several days.

This product shows its effect 12 hours after treating the animal with it. The procedure for applying drops to the cat must be carried out at least 24 hours before it takes a walk in places where ticks may be found.

Precautionary measures

This is a moderately toxic product belonging to hazard group 3.

The substances that make up the drops pose a mortal danger to many parasites. And with regard to exposure to people and cats, the drops are safe if used correctly and self-protection measures are taken:

  • Treatment of cats with this product should be carried out in rooms with good ventilation, away from food preparation and food storage areas.
  • Before using this drug, it is recommended to wear rubber gloves to protect your hands.
  • When the person performing the treatment has a chronic disease of the respiratory system, it must be carried out in a protective gauze bandage.
  • When using the drops, you should not drink, eat, or smoke in order to prevent the medicine from penetrating the digestive organs.
  • After applying the drops, hands should be washed with soap.
  • In a situation where the person performing such a procedure has an increased sensitivity to this medicine, it is necessary to avoid direct contact with it. If the drug gets on the skin or mucous membranes, you need to rinse these areas under plenty of running water, and if signs of an allergy to the medicine appear, you must immediately contact the clinic.
  • Avoid tactile contact with the animal for 2–3 days after treatment with the drug; children should not be allowed near the animal during this time.

To avoid an overdose, the next treatment with the drug should be carried out after a month or more.

Inspector drops are reapplied to the cat no earlier than a month later.

Video: mistakes made by pet owners when treating their pets with antiparasitic agents

The principle of action of the medicine

Due to the content of 2 active components at once, the drug has a combined effect. Fipronil is distributed throughout the skin and coat of cats, accumulates in the epidermis, hair follicles and ducts of the sebaceous glands. Upon contact with a bloodsucker, it blocks the passage of a nerve impulse in its body, disrupting the functioning of the central nervous system, leading to paralysis and death.

Moxidectin enters the bloodstream through the skin and, having a neurotoxic effect, paralyzes ectoparasites and worms, which no longer adhere to the intestinal walls and are excreted in the feces. It is almost completely excreted in feces and, if the dosage is observed, does not have a toxic effect. The active substances remain in the body for a long time, which provides long-term protection: from ticks - up to 4 weeks, from fleas and lice - up to 6.

Contraindications, side effects

The use of this drug for cats is contraindicated in a number of cases, namely:

  • when the animal has an individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug;
  • if cats are weakened, sick with infectious diseases.

When using the medicine in accordance with the instructions for its use, there are no side effects. It happens that when treated with the drug, redness and itching appear on the animal’s skin. In cases associated with the occurrence of an allergic reaction, the cat should be washed using a hypoallergenic shampoo, the animal should be given an antihistamine (suprastin, diphenhydramine, tavegil) and the veterinarian should receive symptomatic treatment.

As a result of an overdose of the drug during treatment, the animal may experience vomiting, increased salivation, and trembling in the body. In such cases, the applied product is immediately washed off the cat and a veterinarian is consulted.

Security measures

When working with the product, you must adhere to standard safety standards applied when using medicinal chemistry. Persons with personal intolerance to the drug should exclude the possibility of tactile contact with the solution. During treatment, you should refrain from eating or drinking water, as well as smoking. For two days after the procedure, contact with the pet by small children is prohibited. If the substance accidentally gets into the eyes or onto the skin, rinse the drug with plenty of water. If you experience allergy symptoms, the affected person should immediately seek medical help, taking the instructions for the medication with you.

Is it possible to use the Inspector for kittens? pregnant cats

For kittens weighing less than 1 kg; In pregnant cats, the drug Inspector should be used with caution; it is better to consult a veterinarian about this. His help is also needed in a situation where a cat feeds kittens for a long time, and if the kitten is not weaned, the mother cat can become poisoned by licking the baby treated with the drug.

It is better to use Inspector drops to a kitten weighing less than 1 kg after consultation with a veterinarian

Terms of use

When using “Inspector” to combat ectoparasites, nematodes and helminths, follow simple recommendations for use:

  1. Before processing, bathe the animal.
  2. The drug should be applied to clean and dry skin. Do not use the product if the skin is damaged.
  3. Cut off the top of the pipette and apply drops to the skin, spreading the fur to the side.
  4. Apply the product at the base of the skull and between the shoulder blades. For large animals, the drug is applied to several places. It is important that the dog does not lick the drug.
  5. Do not carry out water procedures for 3-4 days and do not let the animal into water bodies.
  6. During the period of use of the drug, avoid shampoos.
  7. Inspector cannot be used with other antiparasitic medications, but combined use with symptomatic or etiological medications is acceptable.
  8. Do not exceed the indicated doses to prevent intoxication of the pet’s body.

Advantages and disadvantages

This drug has a number of irrefutable advantages:

  • High performance compared to similar insecticides. Treatment of the animal is carried out at home in a few minutes.
  • It eliminates the need for pets to wear anti-flea collars.
  • With the use of Inspector drops, the procedures of regular bathing with the use of antiparasitic detergents and prolonged combing of parasites from the fur become unnecessary.
  • The drug can not only destroy insects in the body of cats, but also prevent new infections of animals with parasites.
  • This drug is safer than sprays, which an animal can lick off if applied carelessly to its fur.
  • The product is not dangerous to humans if he follows the above rules of protection.

The drug Inspector does not pose a danger to cats and humans if the rules of protection are followed.

At the same time, the Inspector contains strong insecticides, so these drops should be used with the permission of a veterinarian to avoid side effects.

This product does not kill flea faces because they exist separately from adult fleas and can only be killed if they penetrate the treated cat's fur. To destroy fleas along with larvae, you need to disinfect the entire house, not forgetting the places where the cat likes to sleep.

Fortunately, my cat has not yet been seriously attacked by blood-sucking parasites. The cat loves to walk down the street with his brothers. I bought flea collars for my previous cats, but they rubbed the cats’ necks. I had never heard of the drug Inspector for cats before, but I liked its wide spectrum of action, ease of use and effectiveness. If necessary, I will definitely use it.


When used in accordance with the instructions, “Inspector” does its job really well - fleas and ticks die within 3-4 hours after treatment, worms within 5-6 hours. Sometimes repeated treatment is required in order to “finish off” new individuals hatched from eggs.


“Inspector” is an effective flea and tick drug for cats and does not pose a serious danger to the health of people and animals.

For more effective treatment against worms, veterinarians advise giving the cat a tablet 10-14 days after treatment with drops. Since “Inspector” drops for cats do not always work against worms.

Note! Since parasites do not live on cats, but only feed, if a flea or helminthic infestation is detected, the apartment must also be treated. It is better to throw away the pet's beds and pillows or wash them in a Delcid solution with bleach.


Similar products can replace Inspector drops in the fight against various parasites:

  • Advocate. This drug is pale yellow to brown in color. It is produced in the form of pipettes. Their volume is 0.4 ml for cats weighing up to 4 kg; For animals weighing 4–8 kg, a 0.8 ml pipette is required. For pets weighing more than 8 kg, a combination of available forms of the drug is used. Pipettes are packaged in blisters of 3, 4, 6 pieces. The drug is widely used and destroys fleas, sarcoptic mites, heartworm larvae, worms, and nematodes.
  • Stronghold. Used to control fleas, ticks, and internal parasites. Shows high activity in the prevention of dirofilariasis. For cats, the content of the main substance in it is 6%, the release form is pipettes with a volume of 0.25 ml, with a purple cap - for cats weighing less than 2.5 kg;
  • 0.75 ml, with a blue cap - for cats weighing from 2.5 to 7.5 kg;
  • 1 ml, with a brown-gray cap - for animals whose weight is from 7.5 to 10 kg;
  • if the cat weighs more than 10 kg, use a combination of pipettes of different volumes in relation to the exact weight of the cat.
  • Frontline. The drug effectively destroys eggs, parasite larvae, various types of mites, relieves itching from insect bites, and resists dermatitis caused by fleas. Its main advantage is its speed and moisture resistance; the animal can be bathed 48 hours after treatment. The drug is packaged in 0.5 ml pipettes. A single dose, regardless of the cat’s body weight, is 1 pipette (0.5 ml).
  • Leopard. These are drops against fleas, ticks (ixodid, scabies), lice, lice, used for cats over 8 weeks of age. The package contains 3 pipettes, 1 ml each. The dosage for small cats is calculated drop by drop, with an animal weighing up to 1 kg - 10 drops, from 1 to 3 kg - 20 drops. One pipette is intended for animals weighing 3 kg or more. For kittens, these drops are produced with special markings.
  • Photo gallery: what drugs can replace Inspector drops

    Advocate drops destroy fleas, ticks, nematodes, worms

    Stronghold pipettes have different caps for animals with different body weights

    The advantage of Frontline is its speed and moisture resistance

    One pipette of the drug Bars is intended for cats weighing more than 3 kg

    Table: analogues of Inspector drops

    Name of the drugCompoundSafety of usePrice, rub.
    AdvocateImidacloprid, which causes paralysis and death of parasites. Moxidectin, which destroys the connection between muscle tissue and the nervous system in arthropods. Excipients: benzyl alcohol, butylated hydroxytoluene, propylene carbonate Moderately dangerous drug (hazard class 3), in recommended doses does not cause toxic or irritating effects, it is well tolerated by animals300–500 for 1 pipette
    StrongholdSelamictin, the main active ingredient that blocks the transmission of nerve signals. Excipients: dipropylene glycol, isopropyl alcohol The drug has a hazard class of 3. At the recommended dose there are no adverse reactions. 1000–1500 per pack of 3 pieces
    FrontlineFipronil - main active ingredient, methoprene, auxiliary components: polyvidone, butylated hydroxyanisole, polysorbateSafe for all cats and kittens over 8 weeks weighing more than 21 kg, unless the cat has an individual intolerance to the drug.300–400 per pipette
    LeopardFipronil - active substance, dicarboximide, diflubenzuron, excipients: isopropyl alcohol, polyethylene glycolDoes not harm animals or people170–200 for a pack of 3 pipettes

    TOP 8 best drugs

    The most used, and therefore effective, drugs in the form of drops are the following:

    1. Bravecto;
    2. Inspector;
    3. Advantix;
    4. Frontline;
    5. PRAC-TIC (Practitioner);
    6. Fiprist Combo;
    7. Leopard;
    8. Insectal.

    Bravecto drops (MSD Animal Health, Netherlands)

    Anti-tick drops for dogs "Bravecto"

    • Purpose – prevention of infection by ixodid ticks (Ixodes spp., Dermacentor spp., Haemaphysalis elliptica) and other parasites;
    • Active ingredient: fluralaner;
    • The duration of protection is up to 12 weeks, the waiting period is 8 hours against fleas and 12 hours against ticks;
    • Restrictions – prohibition on processing animals under 2 months and/or weighing up to 2 kg;
    • Price from 1100 rub. up to 1650 rub.

    Drops "Inspector"

    Anti-tick drops for dogs “Inspector”

    • Purpose - prevention of damage to dogs by insect parasites, as well as treatment of otodectosis, entomosis, and other diseases caused by ixodid tick bites, as well as nematodes of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.;
    • Composition – 2-component active ingredient (fipronil and moxidectin) and auxiliary components;
    • Different dosages for dogs weighing: 1-4kg, 4-10kg, 10-25kg, 25-40kg, 40-60kg;
    • Duration of protection up to 60 days;
    • Restrictions – prohibition on processing dogs under 7 weeks of age and/or weighing up to 1 kg;
    • Price from 290 rub. up to 580 rub. per package.

    Best articles: Blood in cat stool

    Advantix drops (Bayer, Germany)

    Anti-tick drops for dogs "Advantix"

    • Purpose - to protect dogs from insect pests: fleas, lice, lice, mosquitoes, flies, midges, mosquitoes and ixodid ticks.
    • Composition – 2-component drug (imidacloprid and permethrin);
    • Different dosages for dogs weighing: up to 4 kg, 4-10 kg, 10-25 kg, more than 25 kg;
    • Restrictions – prohibition on processing dogs under 7 weeks and/or weighing less than 1.5 kg.
    • Duration of protection is up to one month, the drug is additionally a repellent;
    • Price from 380 to 2200 rubles.

    Drops "Frontline" (Merial)

    Anti-tick drops for dogs "Frontlight"

    • Purpose – preventive protection against ticks and other parasites in all phases of their development;
    • Active ingredient: fipronil;
    • Different dosages for dogs weighing: 2-10kg, 10-20kg, 20-40kg;
    • The duration of protection is 4-6 weeks, the waiting period is 24 hours;
    • Price from 500 rub. up to 750 rub.

    Drops “PRAC-TIC” / “Praktik” (Elanco, Germany)

    Drops against ticks and fleas for dogs "Praktik"

    • Purpose – prevention of damage by ticks, fleas and other insects that parasitize dogs.
    • Active ingredient: pyriprole (class of phenylpyrazoles);
    • Different dosages for dogs weighing: 2-4.5 kg, 4.5-11 kg, 11-22 kg, 22-50 kg;
    • Duration of protection is up to 30 days against ixodid ticks and up to 60 days against fleas;;
    • Price from 750-2400 rub.

    Drops “Fiprist Combo” (KRKA, Slovenia)

    Anti-tick drops for dogs "Fiprist"

    • Purpose – protection against ixodid ticks, fleas, lice eaters, mosquitoes, mosquitoes and other pests;
    • Composition – 2-component insectoacaricide (fipronil + S-methoprene);
    • The duration of protection is up to 30 days, the waiting period is 24 hours against fleas and 48 hours against ticks;
    • Price from 400 rub. per package.

    Drops "Bars" (AVZ)

    Anti-tick drops for dogs "Bars"

    • Purpose - for the prevention of damage by ixodid ticks, lice, fleas, as well as treatment of otentomosis, sarcoptic mange, otodectosis, cheyletiellosis, etc.
    • Composition – 3-component drug (fipronil – 50 mg/ml, diflubenzuron – 1 mg/ml, dicarboximide (MGK-264) – 5 mg/ml) and excipients;
    • Duration of protection is up to 2 months;
    • Restrictions – prohibition on processing dogs under 7 weeks of age;
    • Price from 130 rub. up to 240 rub. per package.

    Drops "Insectal" (Ekoprom, Russia)

    Drops against fleas and ticks for dogs "Insectal"

    • Purpose – to protect dogs from ixodid and sarcoptic ticks, as well as fleas and lice in all phases of their development;
    • Active ingredient – ​​2 components (fipronil-10% and pyriproxyfen-2%);
    • Different dosages for dogs weighing: 2-10kg, 10-20kg, 20-40kg, 40-60kg;
    • The period of protective action is up to 60 days;
    • Restrictions – prohibition on processing dogs less than 3 months old and/or weighing less than 2 kg;
    • Price from 70 to 190 rubles.


    I apply Inspector to my animals as a preventive measure: in the spring, when the snow melts, in July-August and at the end of September. Actually, this is rare: in the summer you need to apply the solution almost every month, but I look at the condition of the animals. If there are no fleas and ticks on anyone, then I don’t touch them. I process everyone in one day. I try to do this on the eve of the weekend in order to monitor the condition of the cats - you never know if an allergy or poisoning will happen. I actually drop it on the back of the head, because, I don’t know how anyone does it, but my “gymnasts” reach the area of ​​the shoulder blades, where in theory the product should be dripped, and can lick it off. And we don't need this. Sometimes you have to use drops outside of the schedule, and even in winter, if someone still catches fleas. The product begins to act approximately from the third day. During this time, it manages to be absorbed into the skin and enter the blood. The inspector poisons only adult insects, so in order to get rid of parasites seriously and for a long time, you have to re-treat them every month, and also wash or at least shake and ventilate cat beds and bedding. If everything is done correctly, then with treatment, fleas disappear in a week, and with prevention, they do not appear at all.

    LadyBug https://irecommend.ru/content/protivoparazitarnye-sredstva-inspector-total-k-inspektor-total-k-dlya-koshek-menee-4kg-ot-vn

    We cured our cat together with the doctors! Tests showed he had worms, and the doctor suggested this product to us: Inspector Total K. It is good because it helps against worms, fleas and other nasty small cat rodents. As the veterinarian explained: the product spreads through the skin and therefore even the cat’s ears do not need to be cleaned of ticks. We used to spray liquid into the cat's ear, clamp one ear, then the other - the procedure was painful not only for the cat. We're usually exhausted and scratched afterward. The packaging is in the form of a small flat tube - you just need to cut off the tip of the tube. Apply the product to the withers and that’s it, the process has begun: the parasites will leave the body in slender columns. Our cat is 7 months old and weighs 4 kilograms, we were given a pipette just for this weight of animals. Do not use the product on small kittens, highly sensitive animals and pregnant females. The anthelmintic effect of the drug lasts for two months. Of course, the doctor does not recommend giving your cat raw meat and fish to avoid intestinal problems. Now the cat is in complete order - he runs around with his tail raised.


    I have used the product that will be discussed in my review several times and have no doubt about its effectiveness. As well as being safe - all my cats remained alive and well. Difficulty in use arises only if several animals need to be treated simultaneously in one apartment. I'll share my experience. The first time I used these drops was 2 years ago, when I adopted a cat with 2 kittens from the street. The animals were infested with fleas, the pet store recommended Inspector. The kittens were about a month old, they were too small to use the drops, but there was not much choice - the husband threatened to throw them back into the street. I dropped a drop on each person’s withers + an adult cat. By the way, dripping is not very convenient - the nose is thick, the cat breaks out. The liquid is oily, it is easy to smear with it when the animal fidgets in your hands, be careful or use gloves. Since the cats constantly lick each other, the family had to be separated and placed in different rooms. Oh, how they screamed and scratched! Having somehow dozed off to the sounds of a cat orchestra, the next morning I simply let everyone out, cowardly thinking that it would be better for them to die than for my husband to kill me. Everyone remained alive and well, there was not the slightest hint of poisoning even in the kittens. No more than 12 hours have passed since application. The second experiment was carried out a few days ago. We currently have 2 foster kittens at home, a female cat and a female cat. Since we live on the first floor, the cat ran away at the beginning of summer and returned infested with fleas, which quickly took over new territories in the form of the fur coats of the other 3 animals. I had to go get the drops again. This time I decided to do something smarter. I dredged the cats early in the morning, placing them in different rooms. I also fed them, because well-fed cats go to bed and don’t suffer from loneliness. During the day, the screaming was not particularly audible, I alternately let out the cat, then the male cat, so that they would not realize that they were being kept in isolation. In addition, the cat was cunningly wrapped in a scarf so that he would not lick himself. After 12 hours, as night fell, an idea came to my mind. I decided to make a blanket for each cat using improvised materials. For the kittens, old socks with slits for the paws worked; for the cat I made a kimono from the hood of an old robe. I sat with the cats in the hallway for two hours, watching to see if they would take off the blankets; not one of them figured out how to do it. Then I put the kittens in the toilet (they don’t lick each other that much), and left the cat and the cat in the wild. Result: everyone is alive and well, we haven’t remembered about fleas for 3 days. I don’t want to say that this is absolutely the right thing to do, but if you have more than one cat and there is no way to separate them after treatment, perhaps my experience will be useful.

    Marinichka https://otzovik.com/review_5326901.html

    A safe and easy-to-use drug, Inspector will help pets quickly and permanently get rid of external and internal parasites that live in their bodies and cause many problems in a cat’s daily life.

    It is possible to defeat parasites!

    Antiparasitic Complex® - Reliable and safe removal of parasites in 21 days!

    • The composition includes only natural ingredients;
    • Does not cause side effects;
    • Absolutely safe;
    • Protects the liver, heart, lungs, stomach, skin from parasites;
    • Removes waste products of parasites from the body.
    • Effectively destroys most types of helminths in 21 days.

    There is now a preferential program for free packaging. Read expert opinion.

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