Flea combat - description, action, application, effectiveness  

Popular flea remedy Kombat. Composition of the drug and mechanism of action. How effective is the flea treatment? Is it dangerous for people and animals? How to properly process apartments. Tips and recommendations for use at home.

When pets live in the house, the owners are very familiar with the problem of fleas. These parasites bring enormous trouble to animals; in addition, they multiply quickly, which leads to infection of living quarters. If these blood-sucking parasites have settled in your apartment, measures must be taken immediately. They attack people in search of food; their bites are very painful and cause itching.

But the danger also lies in the fact that these bloodsucking creatures are carriers of infections. Now the market offers a huge range of various specialized products that help in the fight against parasites. One of the popular drugs is Combat for fleas, which we will consider in more detail later.

Description of the product

The drug is quite popular as a means of quickly getting rid of such “neighborhood” as fleas. We all know that these parasites are dangerous for both animals and people, so we should use the most effective means to prevent them from multiplying and creating huge populations in apartments.

You can purchase the product in different forms: spray, gel and trap. They can all be used in the fight against parasites and show fairly good results. But if the room is heavily infested, you should use a spray that will quickly destroy all individuals.

The effect of the drug is due to the main components cyphenothrin and imiprotrin. After applying the drug to the surface, fleas move around the apartment and come into contact with it. The drug remains on the body of the parasite and the active substances penetrate through the chitin coating into the body. The action of the active components is aimed at the nervous system, which causes paralysis and then death of the parasites.

Active substances

The insecticides imiprotrin and cyphenothrin are used as active reagents in SuperSpray. Both of them have a contact-intestinal effect; when the parasite gets on the body, they cause rapid paralysis and death of the insect.

The active ingredients in Multispray are permethrin and tetramethrin. Their action is similar to the previous ones.

IMPORTANT! When choosing between these two drugs to combat bedbugs and cockroaches, preference should be given to the highly specialized product “SuperSpray”.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Of course, the popularity of the drug appeared for a reason, thanks to many advantages, many choose the battalion commander.

The benefits include:

  • One treatment is enough to completely get rid of all adult individuals.
  • Easy and fast processing. There is no need to waste time preparing solutions; an aerosol is produced in spray bottles, with which it is easy to treat surfaces and large rooms.
  • Sold in any specialized stores, supermarkets, and you can also order in the online store.
  • When used correctly according to the instructions and subject to safety precautions, it will not harm humans or animals.
  • It can be used to treat not only hard surfaces, but also fabric ones; it can be used on linen and clothing.
  • There are no traces or stains left after use.
  • In order to treat hard-to-reach places, there is a special nozzle.

Of course, like all other specialized means, the battalion commander has its drawbacks:

  • There is a rather specific smell.
  • Does not affect egg laying, destroys only adults and requires additional treatments.
  • Immediately after treating the apartment, wet cleaning should not be carried out, as this significantly reduces efficiency. This means that during this period people and animals must leave the premises.
  • High cost when compared with other drugs of the same series.

Combat against fleas: reviews

“Kombat” helped us get rid of fleas. You shouldn’t skimp on the substance; it’s important to process everything thoroughly. The effect is one hundred percent. To be sure, the procedure was carried out twice.

Anna, Saratov

"Kombat" was recommended by a colleague. The fleas are gone, but it took three procedures. I recommend it to anyone who has encountered this problem.

Victor, Moscow

There are fleas in the children's room. They were destroyed only with the help of the “Combat” tool. I want to say that this is a very reliable drug.

Olga, Omsk

Preparing the premises

This stage is very important because it can significantly increase processing efficiency. Also, some actions are necessary to ensure the safety of those living in the premises.

  • You will need to move the furniture away from the walls to gain access to the baseboards, as well as the back walls of the furniture. When an apartment is heavily infested with parasites, you will need to dismantle beds, sofas, and armchairs in order to treat the frame, since fleas most often establish their colonies there.
  • Gently free the surfaces of all things. This applies to clothes, toys, etc.
  • Be sure to hide food, dishes and kitchen utensils so that the product does not get on them.
  • Remove bed linen, bedspreads and wash. This should also be done with animal bedding. After washing, things must be hung outside, and after drying, be sure to iron them.
  • If possible, the carpets are removed and sent to dry cleaning. If it is summer, you can simply hang them in the sun, but in winter they can be exposed to frost.
  • Be sure to thoroughly vacuum the entire room, especially carpeting and furniture. Remove dust and cobwebs. Carry out wet cleaning.

How to use

Instructions for use for all sprays Combat against cockroaches are the same:

  1. Prepare the room for processing. Pack food hermetically, cover the aquarium, ensure the absence of people and pets, turn off heating appliances and gas equipment.
  2. Disinsection should be carried out wearing a respirator, rubber gloves, a hat, and a robe. The presence of a respirator is not mandatory if the exterminator does not plan to use more than 1 cylinder. Spraying is carried out at temperatures from +10°C to +40°C with open windows, starting from the end opposite the door, gradually moving towards the exit.
  3. Shake the can. Direct a stream of spray at clusters of insects, at areas adjacent to baseboards, walls, pipes, plumbing fixtures, door frames, and garbage disposals. Avoid contact of aerosol with electrical wiring and light bulbs. Consumption is approximately 20 seconds of spray per 1 square. m.
  4. If there is a heavy infestation of cockroaches, all adjacent rooms need to be treated.
  5. 20-30 minutes after disinfestation, ventilate for half an hour. Surfaces with which there is daily contact are washed with a soda solution.
  6. Dead and paralyzed individuals are disposed of and burned.
  7. The procedure can be repeated no earlier than after 10 days.


Neglect of safety measures can provoke poisoning, manifested by nausea, vomiting, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, and headache. The victim must be taken outside and given a 2% soda solution to rinse the nasopharynx. If the insecticide gets into your eyes, rinse them and drop them with sodium sulfacide or novocaine.

Security measures

  • During the treatment, only one person remains in the apartment to carry out the procedure. He must definitely use protective equipment. You need to wear clothes and shoes that completely cover your body and prevent the entry of toxic chemicals. Gloves, a respirator, and safety glasses are also used. Remember that not only contact with the substance is dangerous, but also toxic fumes.
  • There should be no animals in the room, as the drug will cause poisoning and quite serious consequences.
  • If you have an aquarium, you need to take it out; when this is not possible, be sure to cover it and turn off the compressor.
  • While working with the substance, it is prohibited to eat, drink, or smoke.

Poison traps

These are plastic containers with adhesive backing and holes. Traps can be glued to the floor, walls and vertical surfaces of furniture.

The insecticide is inside the container. The peculiarity of the active component is its delayed damaging effect. Before the fatal effect occurs, the insect manages to eat the poison and return to the rest of the colony. After this, both the visitor to the trap and the relatives infected by it die.

The battalion commander produces 2 types of traps. They are the same in terms of the principle of influence and appearance, but differ in the purpose of destruction:

  • Combat SuperBait kills cockroaches;
  • Combat SuperAttack eliminates ants.

There are special traps for cockroaches.
Among insecticides, Combat traps are the most popular product among Russians. Customers have had both positive and negative experiences with a popular variety of insecticide.

Ease of useIneffective against large concentrations of pests
Cheaper than other Combat insecticidesMore expensive than traps of other brands
Neutral scentRelatively low power
Pet Safety
Getting rid of the entire insect colony
Kills pest larvae

Carrying out processing

The procedure must be carried out with the windows and doors closed so that the active components do not erode. The substance is applied to a height of 1 meter. It is necessary to treat the back walls of furniture, baseboards, walls, floors, hard-to-reach places, pay attention to cracks. Upon completion, you need to change clothes, put your work clothes in the wash, wash your hands, wash yourself and leave the room.

So, leave the room for at least 2 hours, and upon returning, ventilate it well to get rid of toxic fumes. Regarding wet cleaning, it is not recommended to do it immediately, so as not to reduce the effect of the drug. But here a very important point should be taken into account. When children and animals live in the apartment, contact with the drug can cause severe intoxication and lead to serious consequences.

In this case, there are two options, the first is that the family moves out of the apartment for a while and returns only after all the cleaning activities. Second, cleaning is carried out after 2 hours, and the drug remains only in hard-to-reach places.

Since the drug does not affect eggs, the procedure must be repeated after 2 weeks.

Remember that pets also need to be treated during this period. To do this, you need to contact a veterinarian who will recommend an effective and safe medicine. It is prohibited to use kombat for animals!

Release forms

Combat represents a whole line of products that includes broad-spectrum drugs:

  • Gel. A fairly convenient remedy against bedbugs, especially when the owners do not know what habitat they have chosen. It has the shape of a syringe, the gel is applied pointwise or in a strip. Furniture, baseboards, and other places where pests may be present are treated. It works as follows: when an insect comes into contact with it, the gel sticks to the chitinous shell, then it penetrates the body and kills it. The big advantage is that one bug can destroy other individuals, since by carrying the gel on itself it transfers it to others. Another advantage is its prolonged action, so after application to the surface it retains its activity for quite a long time. The gel is absolutely odorless. Does not emit toxic toxic fumes.
  • Aerosol. A good option is when the owners know the habitats of the parasites. It does the job well, but does not last long after spraying.
  • Combat Multispray. This drug has a broad spectrum of action. It allows you to destroy any pests. Also effective against flying insects.
  • Super Spray. Used against crawling pests. This drug is also available in Plus form, it has the same effect, but with an enhanced form.
  • Trap. They are boxes containing a potent insecticide. Such devices operate as follows: when a bug falls into a trap, poison sticks to it. The poison does not kill it on the spot, which allows the insect to reach its relatives and also “treat” it with the chemical. This allows you to destroy a fairly large number of pests, but 100% results are not guaranteed. Traps work as auxiliary and preventive.


Regarding the most popular forms of release for use in residential premises, consumers still prefer sprays. Let's look at their differences and advantages.


Perhaps the most popular option, it is difficult to name the exact reason why it is so in demand. The active substances permethrin and tetamethrin, thanks to which you can get rid of not only bedbugs, but also other pests. The remedy also has a drawback, the fact is that parasites develop immunity to these substances, then its use becomes useless. Insecticides containing these substances will also not help.


Contains imiprotrin and cyphenothrin. These are potent substances that allow you to get rid of parasites in a short time. But it should be said that the drug is effective only against crawling parasites. If we talk about the Plus form, it has a stronger effect.


Kombat traps are sold in the form of small boxes that are filled with 2% hydromethylnon. The component is a strong poison for bedbugs, and most importantly, it is not addictive to parasites.

“When I first encountered bedbugs, I panicked greatly, and the household chemicals department advised me to get a battalion. The bug infestation was very small, so I got rid of the parasites within a day, but the next time (about a year later the situation repeated itself) I did not get the same effect. True, there were already many more insects. It seems to me that the product is effective only if the bedbugs have not yet filled the apartment.” Svetlana

The poison does not immediately affect the bug - the insect becomes infected after passing through the trap, after which it manages to transfer a portion of the poison to the rest of the parasites. Thus, bedbugs become carriers of the drug. If the trap is left in the room for about a month, it will be able to cope even with an overgrown population of bedbugs.

Precautionary measures

When using flea medication to treat a room, you should take some precautions, namely:

  • since the container with the active substance is under pressure, you should not burn or disassemble it;
  • if the substance accidentally gets on the mucous membranes or in the eyes, rinse them with plenty of water;
  • if an allergic reaction or other side effects are present, you should immediately consult a doctor;
  • Do not drink, eat or smoke while working with the drug;
  • Upon completion of treatment, you must wash your face and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

“Combat” should be sprayed not only in the places where parasites are located, but also in their movements

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