Lugovoy flea shampoo - description, application, effectiveness, reviews   

Applications of Lugovoy flea shampoo for cats and dogs. How does the drug affect parasites? Use against fleas, ticks, lice. Safety for animals. Terms of use. In what cases should shampoo not be used? Possible side effects. Analogues.

Pet owners are well aware of the problems that parasites such as fleas can cause. These small bloodsuckers attack our pets, inflicting painful bites, after which the wounds itch very much.

In addition, there is always a risk that bloodsuckers will transmit the infection to the animal. When the owners notice that a flea infestation has occurred, measures must be taken as soon as possible, since the situation is only getting worse every day.

Now there is a large selection of specialized products that allow you to quickly get rid of blood suckers. One of the popular drugs is Lugovoy flea shampoo, then we will look at it in more detail.

Characteristics and composition

Infection of pets most often occurs while walking outside. But remember that a cat that is completely domestic and never goes outside can become infected. The fact is that parasites can enter living quarters in different ways and attack a cat or dog. If we take into account their ability to reproduce quickly, then one flea that accidentally gets into the house can cause the appearance of a huge colony. You should not hope that they will disappear as suddenly as they appeared. Effective measures need to be taken.

Lugovoi shampoo is quite popular, it is used to combat not only fleas, but also other parasites, lice eaters, and ticks. This is a fairly fast-acting and effective product made in Russia.

The active component permethrin has a detrimental effect on parasites. This component belongs to modern synthetic substances. The action of the drug is carried out by contact. The big advantage is the effect on parasites at any stage of development. It also contains herbal extracts that have a beneficial effect on the skin and fur of the animal.


Young children and pet owners are especially susceptible to flea problems.

Anyone can become infected with fleas through contact with an animal or after visiting damp basements. A special anti-parasite shampoo for people will not only help paralyze insects, but also protect people from many dangerous diseases that fleas spread.

If you want to learn more useful information about using shampoo to remove fleas, then watch the video in this article.

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Text \ Photo Ekaterina Posted 10/23/2015



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    Types of shampoo

    There are several types of shampoo on the market, which allows you to choose an individual option specifically for your pet. You can buy it in bottles of different sizes: 160 ml, 250 ml.

    When choosing, you need to consider the following differences:

    • For cats and dogs. This is a universal shampoo that is suitable for use on both cats and dogs. The composition includes extracts of calendula, chamomile, coltsfoot.
    • For cats. The composition includes lanolin, as well as extracts of chamomile, dandelion, and plantain.
    • For dogs with short hair. The composition also contains lanolin and extracts of plantain, dandelion, and thyme.
    • For dogs with long hair. The composition includes special substances that moisturize and help care for long hair. Also includes extracts of sage, burdock, St. John's wort.

    Regardless of the type, the shampoo has a pleasant light aroma. When bathing your pet, they foam well and are easily washed off. When bathing, you must ensure that the shampoo does not get on your mucous membranes; if this happens, you must rinse thoroughly with water.

    general information

    It must be said right away that no matter how good the anti-lice shampoo is, it is unlikely to cope with parasite larvae. The thing is that the nit (and this is what the eggs of these parasites are usually called) is attached by an adult to a hair in a strong cocoon that is resistant to toxic substances. Therefore, even with repeated use of shampoo, the larvae cannot be dealt with just by washing your hair. Lice shampoo will only help kill individuals that have already hatched from eggs, but nits must be dealt with separately. For this purpose, you need to purchase a special comb and comb your hair thoroughly with it after washing. Some shampoos come with such a fine-toothed comb.


    In addition to the fact that this product provides quick and effective results, it has other advantages:

    • Affects and destroys almost all types of ectoparasites.
    • It has a low level of toxicity relative to domestic animals.
    • Affordable price.
    • Contains extracts of beneficial herbs, which has a beneficial effect on the skin and coat.
    • Has a pleasant smell.
    • Refers to low-allergenic products.
    • It does not dry out the animal’s skin and has no negative effects on either the coat or the skin.
    • Provides long-term protection for your pet.

    Preparations for removing parasites

    Infection with these pests can occur by chance (for example, a flea is brought into an apartment from street clothes or after visiting the basement). Very often, pet owners encounter this problem.

    To obtain a very effective result, the fight against parasites must be carried out comprehensively. To do this, you need to do a general cleaning of the room, treat clothes, and also use special products.

    Now the range of products for removing fleas from humans is in no way inferior to the number of drugs developed for animals. There are a huge number of healing products for the body and hair on store shelves.

    It is necessary to use shampoo in combination with other preventive measures, as fleas may appear again.


    Anti-parasite shampoo has a highly concentrated composition, which includes:

    • Useful ingredients;
    • Foaming compounds;
    • But the main active substances are chemicals that immobilize the nervous system of insects.

    These preparations, unlike ordinary shampoos, help get rid of small eggs and larvae of parasites, which lead to re-infection, due to the content of a natural component - celandine.

    Celandine - a natural fighter for body cleanliness

    Principle of action

    The active ingredients in the shampoo act on the nervous system of fleas. Substances enter the channels of cell membranes, which leads to a decrease in the polarization of nerves and paralysis of the insect.

    But complete defeat does not occur, therefore, after introducing the product, you need to carefully comb out the curls in order to completely remove the parasites. To do this, experts advise using a wooden hair comb with the rarest teeth.

    This is interesting: How to remove nose hair - simple, proven and effective methods

    Traces of flea bites can cause redness and excessive itching of the scalp

    Any product created to get rid of parasites must meet the following characteristics:

    • Absolute safety for health;
    • Greatest efficiency;
    • No allergic reaction, irritation or inflammation of the skin;
    • Convenience and ease of use.

    How to use?

    An annotation is attached to every healing and prophylactic remedy. It contains all the necessary steps for applying the product, a non-hazardous dose and the degree of effectiveness when used by patients of different ages.

    Antiparasitic agents must be used in accordance with the instructions on the package:

    • The shampoo can be applied to damp hair with your own hands, without using special protective gloves;
    • All actions must be done carefully to prevent the substance from getting into the eyes and mucous membranes. Some products should be used as regular shampoo, others are applied with a cotton swab directly under the hair roots;
    • For the product's components to affect fleas, you need to keep it on your head for up to 40 minutes. A plastic cap will help create a thermal effect;
    • The dose is also determined in accordance with the directions on the package . The product is washed off with a huge amount of warm water;
    • To remove paralyzed insects, you need to comb them out with a wide-toothed comb and then dry your hair.

    After using a strong remedy, parasites should be combed out of the head with a comb.

    Pay attention! This potent remedy should not be used to remove parasites from pregnant women, children and elderly people, as they contain unsafe ingredients.

    After using the product, hands should be washed with soap and water to avoid penetration of potent components into the gastrointestinal tract, and in case of contact with mucous membranes and eyes, with large amounts of water.

    Contraindications and application features

    Like all other insecticidal agents, Lugovoy has its contraindications, which must be taken into account so as not to harm the animal.

    These include:

    • Do not use on animals that have diseases or are in the recovery stage.
    • Cannot be used on weakened animals.
    • Do not use by pregnant or lactating animals.
    • Use for animals under 3 months is prohibited.
    • Prohibited for human use.

    During bathing, you should ensure that your pet does not lick the drug. Also, do not allow the drug to come into contact with mucous membranes.

    How dangerous are lice?

    Finally, I would like to describe the full picture of the dangers of lice. Everyone knows that the first sign of lice is itching on the scalp, but not everyone knows that when you scratch the skin after a bite, you can crush the louse and introduce parts of its feces into the damaged skin. This does not sound very pleasant, of course, just as the consequences of this process may turn out to be unfavorable. The real danger lies in the fact that lice can cause typhus. And this is much more serious than just parasites in the hair. So you definitely need to get rid of uninvited guests in a timely manner and not let your head get to such a state that it is covered in wounds from scratching.


    The disease causes a lot of inconvenience, and its carrier transmits lice to other people, and this can even happen on public transport. But besides this, pediculosis can also be caused by other serious diseases. Therefore, you should know in advance which shampoo is most suitable today for the treatment of head lice and other hair on the human body. By going to any pharmacy, you can find any of the options for anti-nit shampoo.

    How to use it correctly

    There is nothing difficult in processing, you need to perform the following steps:

    • The pet is placed in a bath; a basin can be used if the animal is not large.
    • It is very good to wet the wool with water.
    • Apply shampoo to the coat and rub with light massaging movements until a lather appears.
    • Leave the foam for 10 minutes.
    • Rinse off the foam thoroughly, in several stages, so that the product does not remain on the body.
    • Then comb and dry.

    It will be necessary to repeat the procedures after 10 days as a preventive measure and to prevent re-infection. Remember that you will need to treat your cat or dog's bedding.

    Folk remedies

    Everything new is well forgotten old

    There are, of course, so-called folk remedies for this scourge.

    They prepare them with their own hands and use them effectively.

    • Mix 200 milliliters of wine vinegar and 40 - 45 grams of ordinary salt thoroughly and add about a teaspoon of alcohol. Soak gauze with the solution and apply to the head. Hair should be dry. Lotions are made throughout the day. The compress is changed several times.
    • Kerosene plus vegetable oil, at a ratio of one to ten. The hair is treated and wrapped in wax paper and a towel and left for 12 hours. Then the head is washed and all parasites are combed out with a comb treated with vinegar.
    • A mixture of cranberry juice (50 grams of berries is usually enough) and honey (a teaspoon) helps against nits. The mixture is rubbed into the hair.
    • They say burdock and ninesil can also help. The leaves and stems are brewed, infused and filtered. The head is treated with a decoction.
    • Grind a cup of cumin seeds and mix with the same amount of apple cider vinegar. The solution is filtered and rubbed into the head. You need to keep your hair in the sun for about 20 minutes, and then do not wash off the solution for another five hours.

    Lice eggs (nits) are usually combed out with a comb

    Advice! Whatever lice remedy you choose, after treating your head, be sure to pay attention to bedding and general hygiene at home. Otherwise, re-infection cannot be avoided.

    Side effects

    Side effects are possible in animals that have individual intolerance to certain components of the shampoo. They can manifest themselves differently in everyone, most often there is increased salivation and lacrimation. Symptoms may appear on the skin in the form of irritation, inflammation, and redness.

    In such situations, it is necessary to rinse the fur and skin very well with water and give the animal an antihistamine. You need to contact a veterinarian, who, based on symptoms and health status, will give recommendations on next steps. Further use of shampoo is prohibited, so your doctor will help you choose an effective and safe replacement.

    Lotions, solutions

    Solutions containing insecticidal preparations are no less effective in controlling lice. This highly concentrated liquid must be used strictly in accordance with the included instructions.

    Hellebore water: both a lice remedy and a hair mask.

    • Affects adult lice.
    • Caution is required when using.
    • At the same time, it has a positive effect on the condition of the hair.

    The photo shows Medifox - an effective concentrate.

    • Kills lice and nits.
    • Toxic against scabies mites.
    • Before use, dilute with water in accordance with the recommendations in the instructions.
    • It is also available in gel form and is used in children aged six months.
    • Not for use by pregnant women or those with dermatological diseases.

    For clarity, all means are summarized in the table:

    Hellebore waterLotionModerate
    Concentrate MedifoxLotionHigh

    Now about the other means indicated in the table and a little about some others.

    Customer Reviews

    As a rule, an opinion about the quality of a drug is formed thanks to the reviews of those people who have already used it. Having studied them, we can note quite positive reviews regarding application and effectiveness.

    There is a pleasant aroma, ease of use and quick positive results. Reviews show that the use of Lugovoy allows you to quickly cure an infected animal and at the same time provide care for its fur.

    In addition, there is a lower price compared to foreign analogues. Shampoo is sold in any specialty store.


    And we had the opportunity to become acquainted with such parasites as lice and nits. My daughter is small, but she got infected somewhere. The D-95 product was recommended to me by a pharmacist at the pharmacy, it was developed for children, so as not to poison the skin and the body itself, it acts more mechanically, the liquid is easily distributed through the hair, overpowers everyone, and then I combed it thoroughly with a comb, also convenient, small teeth quickly everyone is pulled out. I made sure to take preventive measures, and that’s how I dealt with head lice.


    A child has a much higher risk of getting lice than an adult. Therefore, treatment and prevention of pediculosis in children has to be carried out more often. It is important that the treatment is convenient to use, does not cause allergies or discomfort, has a mild active base and is suitable for use in childhood.

    To combat head lice in children, you can use any popular shampoos: Veda (Veda-2), Paranit, Hygia, Tar, Pedilin, etc.

    This remedy may be suitable for those who have not been helped by regular shampoos made for people.

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