Combat against cockroaches - use of aerosols, gel, traps

Combat against cockroaches - use at home. Types and forms of release. Composition and active substances. What is effective to use at home? How to properly treat a room. Danger to people and animals. Safety precautions for use.

Neighbors such as cockroaches can appear in any apartment, even if we maintain perfect cleanliness. There may be several reasons for their appearance; it is simply impossible to eliminate them all. The only correct decision, if “uninvited guests” are noticed in the apartment, is to take effective measures as quickly as possible. Delay in this situation is simply unacceptable, since it threatens the proliferation of cockroaches, and then you will have to deal with large colonies, which is much more difficult.

But at the same time, you shouldn’t buy the first pesticide you come across, because it is, first of all, a poison that can be dangerous not only for Prussians, but also for people. It is necessary to study information regarding effectiveness so as not to waste energy, money and time. Next, you can get acquainted with the information of one of the popular means - combat against cockroaches.

Mechanism of action

Many insecticides are known to kill insects. For example, using some kind of pesticide, we can get rid of ants, bedbugs and, at the same time, cockroaches if they suddenly come running from our neighbors. In this case, Combat is known as an insecticide that is aimed specifically at combating cockroaches. Although it has a detrimental effect on other insects, it is especially effective against Prussians.

This action is associated with several factors. The fact is that cockroaches are not very picky eaters, and most of the insecticide enters the body with food, having a detrimental effect through the digestive tract. In addition, this product is capable of acting through contact, which significantly increases efficiency.

When a cockroach comes into contact with the product, it sticks to its body and legs. Next, toxic chemicals penetrate the body, the destructive effect is carried out directly on the nervous system. First the insect is paralyzed and then dies. But time passes from the moment he becomes infected until death occurs. During this period, he manages to contact other individuals and brings pesticides into the nests, due to which many cockroaches become infected.

Cockroach traps

Traps are the most popular. There is nothing new in their design and operating principle.

The alluring and very appetizing aroma for cockroaches attracts attention. Insects that are picky eaters try the bait

The poison enters the body and poisons the parasite.

Traps are suitable for prevention and are effective against small numbers of insects. This is their minus. And the plus is that they absolutely do not interfere with the residents’ normal lifestyle and are completely safe for the human body. The low toxicity of the product is safe for pets, even if they decide to try the insecticide.

IMPORTANT: Cockroaches are literally omnivores. Therefore, it will not be difficult to poison them

They have even been known to eat dead skin cells while a person sleeps.

The cockroach repellent works on the principle of a chain reaction. Cockroaches poison themselves and manage to poison their relatives. The traps look neat, and the colors of the containers are painted in shades of the laminate.

Composition and active substance

Combat is available in several types, each of which differs in its action and has its own advantages and features.

Available for purchase:

  • Aerosol. This form of release uses such active substances as cyphenothrin and imiprotrin. In addition to the fact that the product provides quick results, ideally selected components in the composition guarantee maximum effectiveness.
  • Spray. It also uses two active substances at once, which not only complement each other, but also enhance effectiveness: tetramethrin, permethrin.
  • Trap. In this case, hydramethylnon is used, the advantage of which is that it is safe and harmless to pets.
  • Gel. As in the previous version, the same pesticide is used. Quite easy to use and provide quick results.

Drug price

You can buy different forms of insecticide in any specialized store, in the appropriate department of the supermarket or at the market. The price differs depending on the release form and volume. Kombat aerosols are sold at prices starting from 200 rubles. You can also buy a trap that includes four containers for a price starting from 200 rubles. A syringe with gel will cost from 150 rubles for 30 mg.

Read our material on how to deal with household pests. You can learn more about bees by reading our detailed article.

Wasps - who are they and what is their function in nature? Follow the link for material that will answer these questions.

Release form

When the question arises about which insecticide to give preference to, you always need to take into account related factors, for example, in which room the treatment will be carried out, who lives in it, whether there are pets, how heavily infested the home is with pests, and others.

Only by taking into account all the parameters and factors can you make a choice that will ultimately be as effective as possible.


It is a fairly popular insecticide and is popular among consumers.

The following advantages of this form of release can be highlighted:

  • Use of several insecticides in the composition, which ensures maximum effectiveness.
  • Properly selected active substances eliminate the possibility of addiction in insects.
  • Prolonged action of substances that are active for 9 months.
  • Convenient use that does not require special skills. Easy to apply in hard to reach places.
  • Available in the form of a syringe filled with gel, economical application with a dotted line.

When using this type of product, you should strictly follow the instructions for use. Remember that the treatment is carried out using a pesticide, which means use protective equipment. In addition, the gel should be applied in hard-to-reach places where children and pets cannot reach.


Very popular for home use. Perfect for large spaces. It is a small container with holes in it and an insecticide in the middle. The pest enters through the hole and becomes infected with the pesticide. The substance is able to penetrate the chitinous membrane and affect nerve impulses. Next, the insect goes to its nest and comes into contact with other individuals, which ensures the transfer of poison to them.

The toxic chemical, which is located on the body of cockroaches, also enters the intestines, since when cleaning, the insect licks it off. Through the digestive tract, the substance acts almost instantly. Traps allow you to exterminate a large number of pests in a short period.


Regarding aerosols, they have both advantages and disadvantages. Speaking about the advantages, we should note the efficiency and fairly high results. It allows you to get rid of large colonies and clean heavily contaminated areas. In addition, they are convenient to use, since the sprayer allows you to treat different areas. The flexible nozzle with which the sprayer is equipped allows you to change the direction of the flow and limit the area of ​​application.

Noting the disadvantages, it is necessary to say about the toxicity of the drug; when using it, you must strictly follow the instructions. It is unacceptable to carry out treatment in a room where there are children and animals.

Combat aerosols are available in two versions, which are used in the fight not only against cockroaches, but also other insects:

  • Super Spray, Super Spray Plus. Capable of getting rid of the Prussians in a short time. Known as an insecticide that is effective for large infestations in a room. It should be said that the active substances can have a detrimental effect only on adult individuals; the larvae and egg laying remain untouched. Therefore, one treatment will not be enough; the procedure must be repeated to get rid of young individuals. Active substances are dangerous toxic chemicals for people and animals, which can cause quite serious harm if used incorrectly.
  • Multi Spray. Unlike the previous version, super spray and plus, it boasts wider use, but the effectiveness is much lower and it does not show good results, especially if it does not show large colonies. The fact is that it does not contain potent insecticides. On the one hand, this is a huge plus, since it is not so dangerous for people. But on the other hand, it is not able to act on the Prussians as a substance that destroys them. In this version, the battalion commander puts them to sleep for a while, after which they come to their senses.


Drugs with similar effects:

  • “Cleanbait” is a domestic analogue of “Kombat”, which differs favorably in price.
  • Pasta "Globol". Country of origin: Germany.

The main active poison, chlorpyrifos, is not addictive, so it is effective with prolonged use.

  • "Get" is a microencapsulated suspension with a wide spectrum of action. After dilution with water, barrier treatment is performed. The product is odorless and leaves no residue.
  • Gel "Raptor". Contains fruit flavors. The period of active work is 8 months after application.
  • "Regent". Sold in the form of ampoules, soluble capsules or powder. The main component is fipronil (safety class 2 insecticide). It is effective against a variety of insects, therefore it is widely used in agriculture.
  • Gel "Dohlox".

A simple and effective domestically produced drug based on fipronil.

How to make the right choice

If you need to choose an insecticide for treatment at home, you should always be guided by two main selection criteria: effectiveness and safety. Of course, you need to take into account the size of the area that will be processed. And the number of cockroaches in the room is very important.

  1. Aerosols should be used when there are large numbers of cockroaches in a room, as this form of release is the most effective. But be aware of the high level of toxicity.
  2. Gels will provide prolonged action.
  3. The trap is not able to cope with severe infestation, but can act as an auxiliary and preventive tool.

Quite often, in order to achieve quick results, combat weapons are used in combination. It looks like this. The room is treated using an aerosol, which allows you to exterminate all adult individuals very quickly. Next, the gel is applied and traps are set. They kill insects that, for example, came from neighbors, preventing them from settling in and reproducing. In addition, the larvae that remained untouched will appear in the form of young individuals, which will be immediately exterminated.

Analogs from other manufacturers

Products from domestic and imported manufacturers are available for sale.
Traps are produced in the form of gels, containers, and disks. The active substance is an insecticide; additionally, flavors are used to attract the attention of cockroaches, food additives, and non-drying glue. On average, the action lasts for 2 months. Effective drugs:

  • Clean house;
  • Forsyth;
  • Raid;
  • Raptor.

The universal remedy does not pose a danger to people or animals, but compliance with personal safety rules is required. You need to work with rubber gloves. If there are small children in the house, place Kombat traps in hard-to-reach places.

Original and fake

Unfortunately, the more popular the product, the higher the risk of purchasing a counterfeit. Therefore, it is quite likely to come across a non-original product on the market. In addition to the fact that a fake will not bring the desired result and financial resources will be wasted, there is also the danger that it is unknown what you will have to work with in a residential area.

Original products:

  • Has quality certificates, which be sure to ask at the point of sale.
  • The packaging has clear inscriptions, a hologram and an identification mark.
  • Choose specialized points of sale.
  • Focus on the average cost.
  • Do not purchase products from spontaneous markets.

Description of Combat tools

The drug is intended to kill various insects. It is represented by several species, each of which contains insecticides. Toxic substances are combined, which makes it possible to enhance the effect of the remedy against bedbugs. This reduces the risk of insects developing resistance. It becomes much easier to destroy them.

Considering that there are several varieties of Kombat brand drugs, you need to take into account the intended purpose when choosing. Not all of them are equally effective in fighting parasites

Pay attention to the release form and composition. It must be remembered that products containing the highest dose of insecticide and those used in combination with other poisons are often more effective.

Only some products from the professional line of products can completely destroy pests at all stages of development. Household analogues, such as Combat, help destroy adults and larvae. Parasites at the initial stage of development, which have just emerged from eggs, can die upon contact with a toxic substance remaining on surfaces or after repeated treatment.

Active ingredients and release forms

You can purchase the drug Combat for bedbugs in different versions:

  • gel-like substance;
  • traps;
  • aerosols.

These types of products contain various active ingredients. The most common option is the combined use of toxic substances. Insecticides that are used in this case:

  • permethrin is a type of substance of the pyrethroid group, the principle of action is based on damage to the insect through direct contact, it is a neurotropic poison, it affects the peripheral and central nervous system of parasites;
  • Cyphenothrin is a toxic substance of the pyrethroid group, it is recommended to use it if insects have developed resistance to the effects of organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides;
  • tetramethrin is an insecticide of the pyrethroid group, decomposes under the influence of solar radiation, when insects come into contact with the poison, signs of paralysis appear, and with frequent use, it helps to develop insect resistance to the poisonous substance;
  • Imiprotrin is another type of substance from the pyrethroid group; it acts as a neurotoxin and affects the nervous system of insects.

The gel-like substance is also used in the fight against bedbugs. This remedy can be used as a preventative measure or for destruction, but only along with other drugs. The level of effectiveness of the gel is not high enough if you are fighting crawling parasites. This product kills pests when used in areas where bedbugs are most likely to live or be found. The gel is odorless and colorless.

Kombat traps for bedbugs are ineffective if we consider them as the main measure to combat such insects. They can be used together with insecticides because... They only help to reduce the number of parasite colonies. The trap is a box containing a dose of poison. The likelihood that an insect will crawl through the trap is low, since parasites are attracted only by the smell of blood and carbon dioxide released by the body when breathing.

Table: review of Combat aerosols for bedbugs

To compare products and choose the most suitable option, you need to study their composition and properties. To do this, you can see the table below.

Drug nameCompoundApplication areaRelease form, container volume
MultisprayPermethrin – 0.1% Tetramethrin – 0.3% Solvents Propellant – propane-butaneA universal product that destroys various types of insects: cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, moths, skin beetles, etc.Aerosol, 400 ml
Super SprayImiprotrin – 0.1% Cyphenothrin – 0.3 Solvents Propellant – propane-butaneAny crawling insects, including bedbugs, moth larvae, and jumping insects - fleasAerosol, 500 ml
Super Spray +Imiprotrin – 0.1% Cyphenothrin – 0.3 Solvents Propellant – propane-butaneCrawling insects, additionally exhibits antibacterial propertiesAerosol, 400 ml

Available forms of release of the insecticide Combat

How to use it correctly

Each of the battalion commander's release forms has instructions for use, which you must read and strictly follow.

Regardless of which product you will use, be sure to prepare the room before processing, for this:

  • You need to sweep, wipe off all the dust, cobwebs and do a wet cleaning.
  • Be sure to move furniture away from the walls and clean it there as well.
  • Hide all dishes and food.
  • All surfaces must be free and clean.

If the product is applied to dirty surfaces, its effectiveness will decrease.

Remember that the treatment is carried out using toxic substances; the use of a respirator, gloves and safety glasses is mandatory. You must also wear clothing that completely covers your body.

Aerosol use:

  • The treatment must be carried out indoors; windows, ventilation holes and doors must be covered.
  • It is necessary to apply the aerosol 20 centimeters from the surface.
  • After treatment, leave the room after 20 minutes; ventilate it well.

Most often, this procedure is repeated after a month.

Using the trap:

  • It is enough to simply place them in places where pests have been noticed.

Gel usage:

  • Most often it is applied to baseboards behind cabinets and under sinks.
  • It should be applied in dotted lines at intervals of 2 centimeters.

Repeat the procedure no earlier than 1.5 months.

Security measures

  • During the treatment, only one person remains in the apartment to carry out the procedure. He must definitely use protective equipment. You need to wear clothes and shoes that completely cover your body and prevent the entry of toxic chemicals. Gloves, a respirator, and safety glasses are also used. Remember that not only contact with the substance is dangerous, but also toxic fumes.
  • There should be no animals in the room, as the drug will cause poisoning and quite serious consequences.
  • If you have an aquarium, you need to take it out; when this is not possible, be sure to cover it and turn off the compressor.
  • While working with the substance, it is prohibited to eat, drink, or smoke.

Danger to people and animals

Like any other insecticide, Combat is toxic and can harm humans and pets. Aerosol forms should not be used in areas where people with upper respiratory tract diseases, allergic reactions and asthma live. Refrain from using toxic forms if pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and small children live in the premises. The insecticide is no less dangerous for pets; use with extreme caution to avoid contact.

Always use protective equipment; in case of contact with skin or mucous membranes, rinse with plenty of water. If you experience any adverse symptoms, go out into fresh air and consult a doctor.

Types of aerosols "Combat"

In places that are difficult and inconvenient to access, it is most advisable to use sprays. The “Combat” spray against cockroaches, as buyers say, has been very successful in the fight against these insects and gives an excellent effect, since a short period of time after the spread of the product, the mass death of cockroaches begins.

“Combat Multispray” is a universal product and can be used to combat not only cockroaches, but also fleas, moths, mosquitoes, flies and other crawling and flying insects. Used in everyday life and in industrial premises, does not leave a strong odor. One cylinder can treat about 60 square meters. meters. Like any aerosol, it does not affect insect eggs, so it is recommended to re-treat it when new offspring emerge from the larvae. The main components of the insecticide are permethrin and tetramethrin.

“Combat Superspray” and “Combat Superspray Plus” are used to combat cockroaches and other crawling insects, while simultaneously disinfecting treated surfaces. The spray is very convenient to use, thanks to the additional spray nozzle. If there is a nozzle, the processing is carried out more accurately, without touching electrical equipment, fabrics, and just as effectively, getting into narrow and inaccessible places. This aerosol consists of cyphenothrin and imiprotrin, which cause paralysis in cockroaches. The drug is low-toxic for pets and people, and after spraying it leaves a light fruity or floral aroma. But ventilating the apartment after treatment is a necessary condition, but the disinfestation itself should be carried out only with the windows closed.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before drawing conclusions regarding the battalion commander, you should familiarize yourself with the main advantages and disadvantages.


  • The main advantage in favor of this product can be called efficiency.
  • Allows you to quickly cope with large colonies.
  • Simple and easy to use.


  • Toxicity, which means danger to people and pets.
  • High price.

Instructions for use

In case of minor contamination of the premises or for preventive purposes, place 3 traps per 10 square meters. m. area. If there are a large number of pests - 6 pieces. Remove the protective strip from the back side, glue it in places where insects are most concentrated, along the trajectory of their movement. Be sure to stick it near the trash can, washbasin, toilet, behind furniture, refrigerator, along baseboards.

On a note!

After 3 months, the Kombat discs are removed and replaced with new ones, if necessary. If the premises are heavily infested, to increase the effectiveness of the action, it is recommended to initially poison the insects with an aerosol or spray, then put up traps.

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