We use Raptor against cockroaches - the use of aerosol, gel, traps

Popular remedy Raptor against cockroaches. Composition and mechanism of action. The most effective forms of release. Reviews of aerosol, gel and traps. How to use it correctly at home. Advantages and disadvantages of all forms of release. Tips and tricks.

Apartment owners try to do everything possible to create comfort and coziness in their homes. But at any moment, a quiet and measured life can be disrupted by “uninvited guests.” And when we notice cockroaches in the apartment, we are overcome by panic, disgust, and many questions arise. We think about why this happened, where they came from and how to fix this problem.

It’s hard to believe, but in this time of innovative technologies and enormous opportunities, people are still fighting against unbearable cockroaches as many years ago. True, now we have a huge selection of all kinds of insecticides that can quickly and effectively rid us of the Prussians. One of the remedies is raptor for cockroaches, which is very popular and has many reviews.

Aerosol "Raptor"

It is worth saying that the aerosol form of release is considered the most effective. In addition, most strong insecticides require the preparation of solutions and mixtures before use; in this case, the drug does not require any preparatory procedures and is ready for use.


The effectiveness of the aerosol is due to the composition, which involves 3 active substances at once. The destructive effect is carried out using cypermethrin, tetramethrin, piperonyl butoxide, which perfectly complement each other and maximize effectiveness. As you know, pesticides have a very unpleasant and pungent odor; the raptor contains flavoring agents that remove them.

Mechanism of action

The active substances act in a complex manner and affect the cockroach through the respiratory organs, digestive system and chitinous membrane. Therefore, a cockroach can become infected with a pesticide by contact, simply by running over the drug, eating it with food, or simply inhaling the vapors. Pesticides affect the nervous system, causing paralysis and subsequently death.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other pesticide, this product has both positive and negative aspects.

The benefits include:

  • Effective and fast action. A sufficiently high concentration of pesticides makes it possible to eliminate large colonies in a very short period; the substances begin to affect cockroaches immediately after spraying the insecticide.
  • Easy to use. A convenient form of release, which makes it possible to use the product immediately after purchase; there is no need to waste time preparing any solutions or looking for a spray bottle.
  • Economical. In order to treat an area of ​​60 square meters, you will need only one bottle and this will be a complete treatment.

Regarding the shortcomings, the following can be noted:

  • Toxicity. When using, you will need to observe safety measures and strictly follow the recommendations, since it is dangerous for people and animals.
  • Short action. Once applied to the surface, the substance evaporates quickly, so to achieve good results, the procedure must be repeated.

When sprayed, microparticles can enter the respiratory tract and mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and eyes, and this is very dangerous to health. The use of protective equipment is mandatory. Also, people and animals should not be in the room during processing. Cleaning will be required after treatment to ensure the safety of residents. The composition contains a solvent, so marks may remain on some surfaces.


The price directly depends on the place of sale; on average, a bottle will cost 250 rubles.

Proper Use

Before the treatment itself, it is necessary to prepare the room. Move furniture away from the walls, hide food, kitchen utensils, and personal hygiene products. Sweep thoroughly, remove dust and wet clean. The drug should be placed on a clean surface.

Next, put on gloves, a respirator, safety glasses, and clothing should be with long sleeves. Shake the bottle and you can start applying. Attention is paid to hard-to-reach places, baseboards, back walls of cabinets, pipes, under the sink, behind the radiator, ventilation, all cracks and corners.

At the end of the procedure, change clothes, wash your hands with soap and wash. You need to leave the apartment for a while. Upon return, ventilate well and carry out wet cleaning using a soap solution. It is necessary to wash all surfaces that are accessible to humans and animals. The drug remains only in hard-to-reach places.


  • “Raptor helped us a lot. I managed to get rid of them in 2 times. True, the effect was not immediate, but the final result was pleasing.”
  • “Wasted time and money. After use, we found a couple of dead cockroaches, but that was the end of it. We tried to repeat the procedure, but it did not bring any effect.”

Release forms

When making cockroach repellents, manufacturers use various methods to overcome the adaptive mechanism of insects. One such method: a combination of different insecticides. If resistance is developed to one poison, the cockroach is killed by another. The poison can be in the form of a gel or an aerosol, and for each form it is advisable to use a different toxic substance. If the physiological features of insects were taken into account when developing the composition, the poison will be effective. This is exactly how the Russian brand Raptor approached the development of its line of cockroach repellents.

Raptor cockroach repellents are available in the following forms:

  1. Gel. Viscous colorless substance in blue-white tubes.
  2. Aerosol. A solution placed under pressure in a blue and white spray bottle.
  3. Trap. White or black plastic box with poisonous bait. Packaged in packages of colors characteristic of the series, 4 (or 6) pieces each.
  4. Aquafumigator. A metal container placed in a plastic container. An innovative tool.

The advisability of using each form depends on the degree of infection.

Gel: composition and mechanism of action on cockroaches

Raptor cockroach gel contains a broad-spectrum insecticide from the pyrethroid group, lambda-cyhalothrin. This highly effective toxic substance has a contact-intestinal effect. Once on the insect’s body, it partially penetrates the body through the spiracles and is partially swallowed when trying to clean the sticky gel from the legs and antennae. Paralyzes the nervous system.

The peculiarity of lambda-cyhalothrin is its delayed action. Death does not occur immediately, and the cockroach manages to infect its “compatriots.” The effectiveness is also enhanced by attractant substances that attract insects and encourage them to eat the poison. The preservatives included in the composition are responsible for the prolonged action. Thanks to them, the gel does not dry out for a long time, insecticides are not destroyed during prolonged exposure to the open air.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of Raptor gel:

  • Availability: you can purchase Raptor at any hardware store;
  • ease of use: the long spout makes it easy to distribute the gel even in hard-to-reach places, avoiding contact with the skin;
  • safety: the insecticide does not evaporate, it can be used in residential areas;
  • effectiveness: a carefully thought-out composition allows for complete destruction of the colony;
  • Raptor leaves no traces, its remains can be easily removed after disinfestation.

The product also has its disadvantages. One tube is enough for disinfestation of only 10 m2, which is not very economical. Cockroaches will not disappear immediately, but after a few weeks.

Instructions for use

Raptor gel against cockroaches is applied along baseboards and in places where insects accumulate in dotted strips with a distance of about 2 cm. The long spout eliminates the possibility of contact with the skin, so treatment can be carried out without gloves. If the gel accidentally gets on the skin, wash it off thoroughly with soap and water.

Disinsection will be more effective if:

  • treat not only the kitchen (where cockroaches are most often found), but also adjacent rooms;
  • Before using the product, do general cleaning.

If necessary, the treatment is repeated after 30 days. If there are too many insects, Raptor is applied as a solid line. The gel can be used in conjunction with traps. But it is not advisable to use it simultaneously with an aerosol: the smell of the latter will repel insects from the gel.

Aerosol: composition and mechanism of action on cockroaches

Aerosol Raptor against cockroaches contains cypermethrin (0.2%), tetramethrin (0.2%) and piperonyl butoxide (0.5%). The first refers to second generation pyrethroids. It is one of the most widely used insecticides in the world. Such popularity is ensured by a strong and stable contact-intestinal toxic effect on insects. Since cypermethrin began to be used relatively recently, cockroaches did not have time to develop resistance to it.

Tetramethrin is an insecticide-acaricide also classified as a pyrethroid. It is thanks to this that the aerosol acts not only on cockroaches, but also on other arthropods, including arachnids. This substance enters the body of insects through the respiratory tract, causing paralysis. Piperonyl butoxide is a synergist. It enhances the effect of both insecticides.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the aerosol is instant results. Insects die immediately after contact with the solution. The product is quite economical. At the low price of the can, its contents are enough to treat 50 m2. Aerosol Raptor is easy to use. Has a pleasant mint aroma.

At the same time, there are a number of disadvantages:

  1. Disappears quickly. Some cockroaches can avoid contact with poison. In this case, re-processing will be required.
  2. The aerosol is toxic to warm-blooded animals; strict adherence to the instructions is required during processing.
  3. Some surfaces may leave marks after treatment.

Instructions for use

Aerosol treatment is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • Preliminary preparation of the premises. Products are hermetically sealed and thoroughly cleaned.
  • Isolation of the disinfestation area. Pets and people without personal protective equipment should not be in the premises. All windows, doors and vents are tightly closed.
  • Treatment. Raptor is sprayed in places where insects are most concentrated: along baseboards, under bathtubs and sinks, around sewer pipes, trash cans, behind cabinets, and refrigerators.

Shake the can vigorously before use. The distance from the can to the surface to be treated is 20 cm. After disinsection, the room is kept closed for 15–20 minutes, and then thoroughly ventilated. All work is carried out with gloves; The respiratory organs are covered with a respirator and gauze bandage.

Traps: composition and mechanism of action on cockroaches

The manufacturer chose lambda-cyhalothrin, an effective pyrethroid with a delayed action, as the active substance for the Raptor cockroach trap. The same substance is used in the gel. The lambda-cyhalothrin trap is a black disc-shaped box. The poisonous bait is inside. Attracted by the smell of attractants, cockroaches eat the poison. Due to the narrow openings for penetration, the insect is smeared in a toxic substance, and carries it to the colony, where it infects other individuals.

Among the new products in the series is the “Double Force” trap. Its formula uses fipronil and emmamectin benzonate. Both insecticides are harmless to mammals and at the same time have a pronounced nerve-paralytic effect on arthropods. Infection occurs by intestinal and contact methods, death occurs within 4 days. The toxic effects of the two poisons complement each other, allowing resistance to be overcome. This type of trap is white.

Advantages and disadvantages, instructions for use

Raptor traps have a number of advantages:

  • compactness and ease of use;
  • aesthetics: no marks or stains;
  • safety;
  • high efficiency;
  • prolonged action;
  • Availability: You can purchase the product at any hardware store.

The product also has disadvantages. This is a high consumption: for every 10 m2 you will need 2-3 devices. It will be difficult to cope with a large population using traps alone. According to reviews, the best effect is achieved by combining this product with others. For example, you can use an aerosol and then set traps that will destroy the surviving cockroaches.

Traps are easy to place in places that cockroaches visit most often.

Aquafumigator: composition and mechanism of action

Among the new products in the series against cockroaches, the Raptor aquafumigator stands out. The main active ingredient here is cyphenothrin. This is a broad-spectrum insecticide developed in Japan. Cockroaches have not yet developed tolerance to it. Cyphenothrin has a nerve-paralytic effect not only on adults, but also on their larvae. At the same time, it is completely harmless to humans and pets.

The poisonous substance is placed inside a metal container, which, in turn, is enclosed in a plastic container. The aquafumigator is activated upon contact with liquid: a thermal reaction begins and vapors that are poisonous to insects are formed.

Instructions for use

The aquafumigator is easy to use. A container with poison is placed in a special liquid (supplied). Leave the room for the duration of action (2–3 hours). Since you are not directly involved in the processing, there is no need to use personal protective equipment. After the aquafumigator’s operating life has expired, you can safely return to the premises: the insects are finished.

Gel "Raptor"

This form of release is no less popular among consumers. The drug has fairly good results in terms of effectiveness and has some features.


The rather rare active substance lambda-cyhalothrin is used in this form of insecticide, which has shown good results. The composition also contains components that attract cockroaches with their aroma, and we all know that Prussians have a very developed sense of smell, so they quickly find the pesticide. There is also a concentrate, it promotes prolonged action. A component such as a gelling agent allows the substance to maintain its original shape without drying out or evaporating.

Mechanism of action

The effect on the cockroach’s body is the same as in the previous case. It affects the nervous system, leading to paralysis and death. But in this case, the action of the insecticide is slightly slower. Having soiled himself in the gel or eaten it, he returns to his nest, comes into contact with other individuals and thereby transmits the poison to his relatives. This leads to the fact that all individuals become infected and the population dies.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this form of release include:

  • Efficiency. Allows you to destroy large colonies and clean heavily contaminated premises.
  • Safety. It is not so dangerous for people and animals, since the toxic chemical does not enter the air and is not able to penetrate the respiratory tract. It is applied in hard-to-reach places, which means only pests can come into contact with it.
  • Bait. Thanks to the additives, the gel works as a bait, attracting cockroaches with its delicious aroma and will definitely try it.
  • Prolonged action. The gel base does not dry out and the active components act for a long period.
  • Convenient use. There is no need to prepare the product before use; just open the tube and apply the gel to the surface.


  • Not economical. One package is intended to treat an area of ​​10 square meters. You will need to purchase several packages for your apartment.
  • Slow action. Not suitable if you need to quickly get rid of the Prussians; it may take several weeks to completely clean the room.

Correct Application

Applying the gel is quite simple, the main thing is to prepare the room. Provide access to hard-to-reach places and carry out wet cleaning. It must be applied in a dotted line 2 by 2. Do not apply in places where children and animals can reach.


The price may vary, on average the cost is 230 rubles for 1 package of 75 ml gel.


  • "Did not help. I applied it according to the instructions, but didn’t notice any results. I tried to observe the behavior of cockroaches, it turned out that they avoided him.”
  • “We are very pleased with the gel. We can’t say that we got rid of pests in 1 day, but we are happy with the result. They don't bother us anymore."

How to get rid of cockroaches in the house?

What to do if cockroaches do appear in your home? As soon as you suspect the presence of pests in the apartment or notice a quickly escaping cockroach when entering the kitchen at night, immediately take up the issue of exterminating the insects before their numbers reach disaster proportions.

Of course, you can resort to traditional methods, one of which is freezing - ventilating the room at a significant sub-zero temperature (-5°C). But there are more modern and effective remedies for cockroaches, for example, Raptor.

  • The fastest way to attack insects is an aerosol. For example, RAPTOR® aerosol against crawling insects is very convenient to use. Thanks to its unique formula, the aerosol instantly destroys domestic insects and leaves behind a light mint aroma. The product is economical to use: one can is enough to treat a room of 50-60 sq.m.
  • The RAPTOR® insecticidal gel has shown high efficiency in the fight against cockroaches. The product also helps kill house ants. The gel contains substances that act as bait, attracting cockroaches with their scent. It provides protection for up to 6 months. The gel has a convenient packaging in the form of a tube with a long spout.
  • A less rapid, but no less effective remedy for cockroaches are RAPTOR® traps. Traps with a poisonous substance lure insects with smell and infect them through the digestive organs or by contact. An infected individual becomes a carrier and manages to transmit the poison to its fellows before it itself dies. For a room of 10 square meters. It is enough to use 2-3 traps.
  • Use the powerful Double Strength trap to remove cockroaches. The new generation bait used in the trap contains the scent of trace pheromones that cockroaches secrete. The “Double Strength” formula has no analogues in the world and has a detrimental effect even on cockroaches that have adapted to insecticidal drugs.
  • Don't want to waste time and effort on treating the room? The RAPTOR® product range includes a unique system for eliminating cockroaches - an aquafumigator. The active substance, developed by Japanese specialists, evaporates as a result of a thermal reaction and easily penetrates where insects hide (in cracks, under baseboards, in ventilation). The drug destroys cockroaches and their clutches. The system does not require personal presence during the operation process. Place the container in the center of the treated area on a flat surface and leave the room for 2-3 hours. The radius of action of one aquafumigator is 30 square meters. m. After 3 weeks, it is recommended to re-treat. Attention: if the apartment is equipped with fire safety sensors, turn them off before starting treatment.

Raptor traps

They are a plastic container with a toxic chemical in the middle. Components are added to the composition that attract cockroaches by smell, and the container has holes through which they get inside.


This insecticide uses fipronil, a fairly popular active substance. The composition also includes flavors, preservatives and a gelling agent, which allows the insecticide to act for a long time.

Mechanism of action

The action is absolutely identical to previous forms of release. It affects the nervous system, which causes paralysis in the insect, followed by death. The advantage in this case is that the poison does not act immediately, since, having soiled itself in it, it transfers it and infects other individuals.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Very convenient to use. It is enough to place traps around the apartment.
  • Complete security. In this option, all the poison is in the middle of the container, toxic substances do not evaporate, do not come into contact with the surface, and they are not accessible to children and animals.
  • Long lasting. They are effective for several months.


  • To eradicate a large population in a large area, you will need to use many traps.
  • Do not approach in cases where the apartment is heavily infested; it allows you to cope with a small number of pests.

How to use it correctly

It is necessary to install traps in those places where you notice a concentration of Prussians. It is advisable to monitor them and install them where they appear most often.


The approximate price is 220 rubles for 1 package, which includes 6 pieces of traps.


  • “We used the spray first and then installed traps, which we don’t regret at all. The fact is that cockroaches are coming to us from our neighbors, we are already tired of constant treatments. So after the next one we set the traps, now we don’t worry about anything.”
  • “When cockroaches appeared in our apartment, we used folk remedies, in the end there were even more of them and we bought traps. They didn’t want to use toxic substances because there were children at home. This did not end well, but we still had to move for a while and treat it with strong insecticides. But they left the traps and set them after all the procedures. I can say that as a preventive measure, they are irreplaceable, since sometimes mustachioed “friends” from our neighbors come running to us, but quickly disappear.”

Cockroach trap "Raptor" - reviews


I set traps for cockroaches about three months ago and forgot about this scourge. As my grandmother whispered, now you can calmly go into the kitchen or bathroom at night without fear of seeing unexpected guests. They work efficiently. The instructions say that the results last up to six months. Wait and see. No problems so far


I've had the traps for about 4 months. Pah-pah, no cockroaches. I like that there is no need to treat the room in any way. I placed traps in the right places and that’s it. They are odorless and have an adhesive sticker on the back, so you can hang the trap. After a week, the cockroaches begin to slowly disappear. The effect lasts for exactly six months.



“The traps didn't help. The cockroaches appeared every night and continued to appear. Not a single dead person was found. And they somehow avoided the disks themselves. Maybe they realized there was poison inside.”



If you only knew what useless nonsense I am for the raptor gel. And tell everyone you know - in one word, nonsense



I bought Raptor gel for cockroaches... the cockroaches eat it and are happy... and never die!!!



I used the gel, there are no shifts, they don’t touch it, it’s dried up and that’s it, and there are more and more of them.



Cockroaches have appeared! I was choosing between Raptor and Raid (traps). I bought a Raptor (~250r). The first two days the cockroaches almost didn’t appear, but then it was as if nothing had happened. I thought that modern nanotechnology was enough - I bought NeoDichlorvos. I splashed into the ill-fated habitat (the kitchen) and went to work. Came in the evening - and lo and behold! The entire kitchen is strewn with half-dead cockroaches. So to speak, the effect is on the face!




does not work

Do you want to give cockroaches a tasty treat for fifty hryvnia? Buy them a Raptor long-lasting cockroach trap. Or just any chocolates. The result will be the same.

I think that everyone has encountered the problem of cockroaches at least once. At one time, they completely disappeared from apartments (they say they could not tolerate radiation from mobile phones), but recently they began to appear back.

As soon as I noticed the uninvited guests, I immediately decided to treat them so that they wouldn’t bother meddling here anymore. When I saw the baits and read how they work, I decided that this was what I needed. She paid about fifty hryvnia, brought it home, and began removing the cockroaches.

The point is that in the box there is a set of traps that need to be glued in places where cockroaches run, and they will gradually be poisoned. As it says on the box, you should not expect quick results, since the product works slowly, allowing the insect to return to the colony and infect others, thus significantly reducing their number.

I put up twice the recommended amount of these traps, had patience (not an easy task in this case), and waited for action. Two (!) weeks have passed, and there are more cockroaches! They probably brought their relatives over for lunch! My patience ran out, I got them out in another, more complicated way (spending about fifty dollars again). I can say from myself: the idea is great (no need to stain anything with poison, I took off the bait and threw it away) but the traps themselves don’t work! Essentially, it's money down the drain.






Spending money

We have a lot of cockroaches at home and we don’t know how to kill them all. I purchased a Raptor cockroach trap from an online store, but unfortunately I didn’t like it. Firstly, the instructions are not clear. Secondly, the cockroaches remain the same.






wasted money

Doesn't work from the word AT ALL. Deception of the consumer, cockroaches don’t care about this miracle)). Don't waste your money, buy a good old fly swatter!






Did not help((((

I’m terribly afraid of cockroaches, when I found them at home, I couldn’t sleep peacefully, I turned on the lights everywhere at night ((((Since I have a cat and most of the remedies for these parasites were no longer available, I bought “raptor” traps (six traps in a package). Plastic boxes, They are attached with double-sided tape. In my opinion, the only plus is that it is easy to attach anywhere. Only the cockroaches have not gone away. I had to give the cat away for a while and try other means. The anti-cockroach gel (in syringes) helped me; it is easy to apply, and most importantly, it is effective. I got rid of these parasites, and I wish the same for you!!!!!



I haven’t seen a single live cockroach for more than ten years, and then a year ago they appeared. And right across the whole house. And there is a microwave, Wi-Fi, and a bunch of other household appliances, and it was these things that were attributed to their disappearance without a trace for such a long period. The funny thing is, I noticed a cockroach between the doors of the microwave oven, it was completely white (a microwave oven is not that harmless), I tried to get it, but it hid. My husband took it out, removed it and completely disassembled the door. And then I washed away a whole family of cockroaches (a third were white, adults, you see who was more irradiated).

I’ve been trying to get rid of them for a year now, washing the floor every day (I have small children at home). I don’t leave anything in the kitchen at night, I wipe the sink dry (otherwise they’re ready to go to the watering hole in herds). I constantly do general cleaning, take everything apart, move it away, wash it. But after a while the cockroaches appear again. Probably the whole house needs to fight at once!

The chemical attack began with Dohlox gel. The product worked initially! After the first application, I swept away the cockroaches in heaps. But they got used to it, and its use turned out to be useless. We bought Dichlorvos anti-cockroach aerosol. We did some general cleaning in the kitchen, went for a walk with the children, and my husband launched a gas attack. After that, cockroaches ran out of all the cracks (probably more than 200 individuals), and their husband began to beat them with slippers, they were slightly inhibited, so they almost finished off the milestones, and when cleaning they found the rest.

After this, the cockroaches were not seen for 2 weeks. But they returned again.

My husband decided to buy an even more effective product. The store recommended Raptor traps to him. A trap with a strong alluring aroma attracts a cockroach, it eats the poison, runs to the other cockroaches, infects them and dies. This is how the entire population dies. Well, he bought it! Price 199 rub.

There are 6 traps in the package. They must be placed in places where cockroaches are most active. I put it in the bathroom, near the trash can, near the refrigerator in the kitchen cabinet, at night I put it in the sink, one in the nursery under the bed, and the last one near the stove.

The traps have a strong apricot scent. There is adhesive tape on the back. Can be mounted on the wall. Sticks well and doesn't come off.

But a miracle did not happen, not only did the cockroaches not decrease, there were MUCH MORE of them! When cleaning, I found only 3 dead cockroaches. And this is 2 weeks after installing the traps. Therefore, I do not recommend this product! Don't waste your time and money on it!



Wrote a previous review about other traps

Destructive force.

The turn came with this. Already bought them after the previous ones. Well, we decided again. Aerosols from cockroaches from this company are not bad, but not long-lasting. Maybe the traps will work??

And what is the result? Again a one-sided game. We poison them, but they don’t care...

Yes, I’m writing a review, and at the moment he crawled out and is staring at me, widening his eyes and shaking his red mustache!!! And what nimble bastards they are, you can’t just kill them with your hands, I’m not afraid of them, but the kids are afraid and scared. What kind of animal is this???

We also set these traps, at first there was some effect, but a week passed and they arrived again)))

It’s not possible to get rid of it at all. Write, I will be glad for your help in getting rid of these abominations!!!

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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