Raid against cockroaches - the use of spray, gel and traps - their effectiveness and disadvantages

Application of a raid against cockroaches. What are the differences between sprays, gels and traps? Mechanism of action and composition of drugs. Efficiency and duration of action. How to properly carry out treatment at home. The advantages of the raid and its disadvantages. Tips and tricks.

Each of us tries in every possible way to protect our home and prevent the appearance of cockroaches. But, unfortunately, these “uninvited guests” do not ask permission and each of us may be faced with a situation where we urgently need to take measures to combat them. The worst thing in this situation is wasting time. After all, Prussians multiply very quickly, and it is much more difficult to destroy large colonies.

Regarding the choice of insecticidal products on the market, it is very large, on the one hand this is a big plus, because everyone can choose what will be most effective in this case. But on the other hand, such a large assortment sometimes becomes the reason for the wrong choice, and this is again wasted time. One of the remedies that is quite popular among consumers is cockroach raid. Before purchasing this or that product, you need to understand what you will be working with and how effective it is.

Mechanism of action

It is worth saying that this tool works comprehensively. The substance contains potent toxic chemicals, which, when they get on the cockroach, affect the nervous system, which leads to paralysis and then death. The substance has a contact-intestinal effect.

In addition, it is not necessary for all individuals to walk on the treated surface to become infected with poisons. It is enough for some cockroaches from the colony to make contact, so they will carry the poison on themselves and infect their relatives.

A type of insecticide brand Reid

On store windows you can find a variety of chemical insect repellents: pencils, gels, pastes, sprays, oregano, aerosols. The manufacturer of Raid brand insecticides has released a whole line of various drugs against cockroaches:

  • aerosol;
  • trap;
  • gel.

It is worth noting that the products have different compositions, methods of use and the strength of their effect on insects. The effectiveness and cost of insecticides of a given brand depend on these factors. The drugs have their pros and cons, but each effectively copes with its main task - fighting cockroaches. The raid kills cockroaches outright.

Release form and composition of the product

There are now several types of raid tools available, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • Spray. It is one of the most effective and promises quick and good results. Convenient and easy to use.
  • Gel. Unlike a spray, it has a slow effect. But the advantage is the long-term effect after treating the room.
  • Trap. It is more of an auxiliary and preventive remedy. In the fight against large colonies of cockroaches, as a separate pesticide it is ineffective.

The formulations use different active substances. For example, the MAX 4+1 raid has 2 active components at once, therefore it is considered the most effective among baits. The first component prevents the reproduction of Prussians, the second - in addition to its destructive effect, eliminates the possibility of addiction to the poison.

The spray is available in bottles of different colors, and they all have different active ingredients. If we talk about the purple bottle, then the destruction of cockroaches is carried out thanks to cyfluthrin. This spray has a milder aroma, which is important when people living in the room suffer from asthma, allergies and respiratory diseases. It is quite economical; with the help of a bottle you can treat 50 m2 of area. It is used not only against cockroaches, but also helps kill fleas, bedbugs and other insects. Has a prolonged effect up to 6 months after spraying.

The spray in a red bottle is quite popular. Its effectiveness is ensured by its composition, which includes 4 active substances: cypermethrin, prallethrin, imiprotrin and flavoring. The first 3 components are aimed at destroying individuals, they paralyze the insect, and then death occurs. The last component attracts insects with an aroma that they cannot bypass and always come into contact with the pesticide.

Regarding this form of release, such as gel, it refers to products that have a low level of toxicity, which makes them the most harmless. But despite this, they are quite effective, and in some cases simply irreplaceable. After all, a very common situation is when treating a room with an insecticide showed very good results, the cockroaches disappeared, but after a short period of time, they reappeared. This can happen for several reasons, the most common being young individuals that emerged from larvae. After all, it is not always possible to find nests, which means the clutches remain intact and the appearance of new longhorned beetles simply cannot be avoided. In such cases, gel raid helps a lot.

Dichlorvos is one of the most powerful raid agents. It is quite toxic and its use is only possible if the instructions are strictly followed. It allows you to cope with large colonies when the room is heavily infested. In addition, it has a huge advantage: thanks to poisons, you can get rid of the larvae. It is also worth mentioning about long-term exposure after spraying; pesticides are active for 6 weeks.

Traps are also irreplaceable, since in addition to their destructive effect on the Prussians, they are absolutely harmless to humans. They do not emit fumes that can cause harm. They operate as follows: each bait contains an insecticide that attracts pests and then has a detrimental effect.

Important Tips

  1. Even if there are a lot of cockroaches in your home, you should not use the aerosol in conjunction with traps. In this case, you will not get a positive result: the aerosol will only repel insects, which is why the traps will be inaccessible to them.
  2. If while using the aerosol product you feel unwell, which manifests itself in the form of a sore throat, shortness of breath, severe cough, dizziness or nausea, you should immediately stop working, go out into the fresh air and wash your face after a while.
  3. If the product gets on the mucous membranes, the eyes and nose should be immediately rinsed thoroughly with water. Moreover, this procedure is carried out for a long time. Upon completion, it is advisable to drip your eyes with a remedy that relieves irritation, or consult a doctor.
  4. If for some reason you or anyone else in your family is poisoned by contact with the active substance in the traps, then in this case you should first of all drink a lot of water and induce vomiting, after which you must call a carriage Ambulance.

When used correctly, “Raid” is truly capable of clearing your apartment of cockroaches. But when using drugs, you should not forget about your own safety. If it is established that insects are coming into your house from an apartment behind a wall, the fight against them must be carried out together with your neighbors, otherwise all your efforts and resources will be wasted.

Benefits and Features

When choosing an insecticide, it is necessary to take into account many factors on which the effectiveness of a particular product will depend.


Regarding the time period during which a positive result can be observed, it will be about 2 weeks, but you always need to take into account the degree of infection of the room; the more individuals there are, the more time it will take to destroy them.

The benefits include:

  • The composition contains additives that attract Prussians, so there is no need to specifically look for their nests; they will find the poison themselves.
  • During processing there is no discomfort due to the unpleasant odor that is present in most insecticides.
  • Easy and convenient to use.

There are also disadvantages:

  • If the apartment is heavily infested, such drugs are ineffective.
  • You should not use it in areas where pets live, because it is quite possible that they will want to try this treat, and this is quite dangerous for their health.


An indispensable bait for prevention purposes. They attract pests with a very pleasant smell. This product consists of a container in the middle of which there is a smelling insecticide. When a cockroach hears the smell, it sneaks into the container through the hole and becomes infected with a deadly poison.

In addition, he brings it on himself to the nests, where he infects other individuals. It is not recommended to use it during spray treatment, as the strong aroma of the aerosol will scare them away from the baits.


Of all the raid products, sprays are the most effective and easy to use. But to use them, you must study the instructions and strictly follow the instructions.

What to give preference to?

If there is a mass proliferation of cockroaches in the house, it is necessary to use an aerosol. This product gives an immediate effect, which can significantly reduce the number of pests in the house.

If there are few insects, it is better to use gel and traps. These cockroach repellents are less toxic and can clear your home of cockroaches without any problems. They can also be used to prevent infection. In this case, the gel should be applied to the threshold of the front door and window frames, and traps should be placed near ventilation hatches and under sinks. These measures will help prevent cockroaches from getting into your home from your neighbors.

Residential treatment

  • At the first stage, wet cleaning is carried out. It is necessary to remove all equipment and dishes. Store food in airtight containers or bags. All surfaces in the room are swept and washed. This is done so that the aerosol is well fixed on the surface, otherwise its effect will be significantly reduced.
  • The premises should only be treated using protective equipment. It is necessary to wear clothes that completely cover the body and use rubber gloves. Since application is carried out using a spray, you will need to wear safety glasses to prevent the substance from getting into your eyes. It is also necessary to protect yourself from toxic fumes entering the body through the respiratory tract, so a respirator is used.
  • If possible, move the furniture away from the walls so that there is access to the baseboards and the surface of the furniture from the back.
  • Should not be in the apartment
  • Shake the container before use. When spraying, maintain a distance from the surface; the container should be at least 20 centimeters from the surface to be treated.
  • Pay attention to such places as baseboards, radiators, window sills, ventilation, trash cans, space behind furniture, washbasin counters, pipes.

To achieve maximum results, the room must be closed for several days. But not everyone has this opportunity, so they leave their home for at least a few hours. Then you need to carry out wet cleaning and ventilate the apartment well. Wet cleaning is carried out using a soap or soap-soda solution, which will help neutralize the effect of poisons. Absolutely all exposed surfaces must be removed.

After 2 weeks, the procedure must be repeated. The fact is that this chemical does not destroy egg laying and young individuals will make themselves known. When repeated disinfestation, be sure to increase the concentration.

Trap Raid from cockroaches

The trap works in such a way that cockroaches, following tasty odors, fall into the flask and begin to eat the poison. The toxic substance that is part of the trap not only kills insects, but also sterilizes them, that is, does not allow them to reproduce anymore.

The upper part of the trap body is made of transparent material, thanks to which the bait and all the actions that take place in the trap are clearly visible.


  • Traps should be placed in dark areas or where cockroaches are most likely to live. It is best to place them under the bathtub, sinks, near the trash can, behind cabinets.
  • It should be noted that using a trap and a spray at the same time is strictly prohibited. In this situation, there will be no effect; the smell of the spray will scare away insects from the traps.

To enhance the effect of the trap, place bait near it, in the form of a bun or a piece of bread.

Experts believe that traps are more effective than sprays.

General information

Currently, the main damaging substance included in Raid is Abamectin. This product is a modern insecticide, which is obtained by fermentation of soil bacteria. Abamectin causes nerve paralysis. Cockroach poisoning occurs when the poison comes into direct contact with the body. Garden pests obtain poison through treated leaves.

In general, the product is used against a number of insect pests that cause damage to human households. Among them: grape and spider mites, tobacco thrips, apple worm, etc. The advantage of abamectin is that it is safe for humans.

Safety precautions

Follow the safety rules: a respirator and gloves will protect you from getting the product on your skin and lungs. After treatment, it is strongly recommended to change clothes.

It is worth paying attention to ensuring that pets are not in the area during treatment - they are also sensitive to pesticides. . The dosage of poisons cannot cause death, but intoxication and poor health when the spray gets into the lungs are guaranteed

The dosage of poisons cannot cause death, but intoxication and poor health when the spray gets into the lungs are guaranteed.

Alternative folk methods of fighting cockroaches. Average cost of manufacturing such products

Affordable and effective recipes:

  • alabaster and flour: the components are taken in equal parts (1:1), the dry mixture acts as bait and at the same time a killer (hardens in the body), the cost is up to 50 rubles. for 1 portion of the product (up to 300 g);
  • boric acid (1 package - 20 g) and 1 chicken egg yolk - the cost of such a mass is no more than 40 rubles;
  • an aqueous solution of essential oil (no more than 15 drops per 500 ml of water) - the finished product will cost 30-50 rubles, which depends on the type of oil (fir, tea tree, etc.).

Wet cleaning with the addition of essential oil repels insects and scents the air in the house

Mode of application

Before use, the bottle of insecticide must be shaken thoroughly so that all existing substances react. The aerosol should be used to treat all places where cockroaches can hide, as well as their most frequent escape routes. The product is sprayed at a distance of 20-30 cm from the required object.

How can you tell if a surface has been treated? It should appear lightly moisturized. Try to avoid overuse of insecticide. Working with a spray can is much easier than with chalk and bait. The sprayed product gets into hard-to-reach places. Its vapors spread throughout the room, which forces the cockroaches to leave it.

Precautionary measures

When starting treatment, you should remember that despite the low concentration of active ingredients, the aerosol is a source of toxic substances and, if used incorrectly, can be harmful to human health

Therefore, before starting processing, it is important to take care of your own safety:

  • Spray only with rubber gloves and a respiratory bandage (or mask).
  • Avoid contact of the product with exposed skin, eyes, and respiratory organs. If this does happen, immediately rinse your skin with running water and go out into the open air.
  • After airing and returning to the house, you should carry out a general wet cleaning, wiping off any surfaces on which the product came in contact (especially if there are children in the house), and be sure to remove the corpses of insects.

HELP: You also need to follow the rules for storing an aerosol can: do not heat it, do not hit it and keep it out of the reach of children.

How to prepare an apartment for baiting cockroaches

Before you disinfect your apartment, you should prepare it.

  • Remove all unnecessary things that may be placed when processing hard-to-reach places.
  • Wipe dust, baseboards, window sills, floors with detergent.
  • In the bedroom, remove bed linen and put things in closets.
  • Remove all personal hygiene items from the bathroom: toothbrushes, towels, razors, combs.
  • In the kitchen, pack the dishes, put the food in the refrigerator or take it out of the room while processing.
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