Combat Professional cockroach traps, 10 pcs

It is sometimes completely impossible to fight a large number of cockroaches. The insects seem to come out of nowhere. After prolonged persecution, the colony begins to grow again.

There are different ways to escape the attack of incredibly dangerous parasites, but which one will be most effective.

Only now we are offering a profitable purchase of Combat Professional - special traps that are excellent at fighting cockroaches. Products from South Korea have repeatedly proven their effectiveness in cases where Russian insecticides were completely powerless.

Mechanism of action

Insecticides primarily destroy Prussians. The speed of action of chemicals on bedbugs and other insects is much lower. This is due to several reasons. Firstly, Prussians are omnivores, so in a very short time poisons affect almost their entire intestinal tract.

Secondly, the drugs can have an additional contact effect on pests. The main lethal effect of exposure to the parasite is the blocking of nerve impulses passing through the fibers of the cockroach's peripheral system.

Simply put, the product paralyzes the cockroach by getting on its shell and legs. But before this, the insect is able to move for some time and manages to infect almost all the inhabitants of the nest.

Advantages and disadvantages

The appearance of cockroaches disrupts the usual way of life, they provoke disgust and pose a threat, spreading infections and pathogenic microorganisms. There is an immediate desire to get rid of uninvited “neighbors” as quickly as possible, but the choice of a chemical must be approached with all responsibility.

Only in this case will pest control bring a positive result. Each of the Kombat brand drugs against cockroaches has its own pros and cons, taking into account which will allow you to achieve an excellent effect after treatment.

TrapMaximum efficiency, the toxic substance contained in the traps has a delayed effect. An infected insect, before dying, poisons the pests that come into contact with it. Pests will not disappear instantly. It will take about a week before the chain reaction of infections causes the population to plummet.
Safety: the products are not toxic to people and animals, and do not have an unpleasant pungent aroma. The poison is enclosed in a plastic container to prevent accidental ingestion High consumption. If there are a lot of pests, several traps will be needed to completely eradicate them.
Aesthetics: attractive appearance allows you to use the product without disturbing the interior of the room. And the products from the “Decor” collection are painted like laminate, which makes them almost invisible
Convenience: they can be used in several ways - laid out on the floor, glued to walls and other surfaces thanks to a special square with adhesive on the back side.
AerosolConvenient spraying. Unlike similar drugs, this one has a special attachment. Due to it, you can get a thin directed jet, which makes the processing as precise as possible. During disinfestation, special personal protective equipment will be required.
The result is noticeable immediately after treatmentThe effect of the product is not as long-lasting as that of gel-based preparations; Additional treatments may be required
Additional disinfectant effect. The aerosol destroys not only pests, but also carriers of infectious diseases that they can carry on themselves
Availability: The aerosol product can be purchased at any supermarket or hardware store.
GelEconomical consumption. On average, you only need one tube to treat an apartment.
High efficiency. Insects happily eat the gel and carry particles of the product on their antennae and legs into the nest, poisoning other pests. The gel retains its insecticidal effect in the open air for a long time; surviving or newly hatched cockroaches can try the “treat” left for them.
Availability: the drug is sold in all hardware stores
The gel-like composition does not release toxic elements into the air, so it can be safely used in a residential apartment
Convenience. Due to the dispenser syringe and narrow spout, it is convenient to apply the product to the surface without dirtying your palms

One of the disadvantages of the gel-like product is the lack of immediate action. The complete disappearance of insects will have to wait at least 7 days, and possibly 10-15 days. The priority when choosing a specific insecticide depends on a number of reasons: the total area of ​​the apartment, the degree of toxicity, the number of insects.

Instructions for use

There are no special regulations for the use of such cockroach traps:

  • All containers with tablets are unpacked and attached with a sticky base to cabinets or other surfaces.
  • It is better to select those places where cockroaches appear most often, this will speed up the process of exterminating pests.

Precautionary measures

Kombat cockroach traps are absolutely safe for apartment residents, as they are odorless, and the insecticide itself is hidden in a plastic box.

This means that there are no precautions in using such a means of combating annoying insects, the main thing is not to tear off the capsule and not get the contents with your hands, so that the tablet inside remains intact and does not come into contact with human skin or mucous membranes.

Note! If there are small children or pets in the house, it is better to attach the box with insecticide where children and pets do not have access.

What to choose

When choosing an insecticide option and calculating the required amount of product, you need to take into account the degree of infestation of the apartment by insects and the area that needs to be treated.

The fastest effect is obtained by treating an apartment with a spray: aerosol insecticides almost immediately destroy most of all insects present in the house. But to get rid of the entire colony, it is safer to use gels and traps together with the spray. But to combat the cockroaches that come into the apartment from time to time, it is most profitable and convenient to use traps.

Despite the relatively low level of toxicity of Combat products, we must not forget about safety precautions, especially when working with aerosols. On the packaging of Combat products there are simple and clear instructions for use, which must be followed when using the drug.

You can buy Combat products at any large hardware store or specialized online store. Approximate price for products:

  • Combat SuperAttack trap (6 pcs.) – 240 rub.,
  • Combat New SuperBait trap (6 discs, valid for 3 months) – 480 RUR,
  • Aerosol Combat Super Spray – 420 rub.,
  • Aerosol Combat Super Spray Plus – 380 rub.,
  • Combat supergel 80g. – 350 rub.

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

Buying such a trap is not difficult, since the product is quite popular and in demand. It is purchased for further sale by hardware stores, specialty stores and large supermarkets for their respective departments.

If you don’t want to go to the store to buy traps, you can order them in the online store, which will give you the opportunity to get additional advice from an online specialist on the site and save money.

Good to know! For example, the price for a box of 4 traps on the Internet ranges from 170 to 250 rubles. You can buy Kombat traps in the supermarket for 200-350 rubles. And of course, in the store the price is higher; usually the cost range for 4 traps varies from 220 to 370 rubles.

Poison traps

The most effective traps for cockroaches are boxes with insecticides inside. The bait has a pleasant smell for insects. Crawling inside, the Prussian eats the poison, and can bring some of it on its paws and body to the colony. After a short time, he dies, infecting his relatives.

On the back of cockroach traps there is a sticky layer with which the box can be attached to walls and in hard-to-reach places. Manufacturers of cockroach traps use various toxic compounds as active ingredients:

  • chlorpyrifos,
  • lambda cyhalothrin,
  • hydramethylnon,
  • fipronil.

On a note!

If you use a product from the same company for a long time, over time the insects may develop immunity to the poison. Therefore, it is recommended to buy traps with different insecticides.

Combat Superbyte

Trap Kombat Superbyte

The manufacturer of these devices uses a very strong insecticide, hydramethylnon, to kill arthropods. This type of insecticide is capable of infecting a large number of individuals in a short time. Due to the strong effect of the poison, one package with four traps is enough to completely exterminate a colony of insects within one apartment. Retail price is about 200 rubles.


After moving to a new apartment, we encountered such a scourge as black cockroaches. Friends advised me to buy insecticidal traps for cockroaches. We bought several pieces of the Kombat brand and placed them throughout the apartment. After 3-4 months, the Prussians stopped coming into our sight. Recently we moved furniture and found a lot of dead insects under it. So these devices work.

Alexander, Moscow


The action of the insecticidal box is based on the chemical substance finpronil, which is not highly toxic to humans. Pests may become resistant to this drug and eventually stop responding to it. Therefore, it is recommended to use the Dohlox insecticide in combination with other products. The price of the package is 110 rubles. There are 6 devices in the package.


The cockroach trap bait contains the strong poison chlorpyrifos, which causes paralysis of the nervous system in insects. It is also effective in causing the individual to carry particles of poison on its body, thereby infecting the entire colony. Six boxes of poisonous treats are included in the kit, costing from 150 rubles.


I’ve been living in an apartment building for many years, but only a year ago I encountered an entire invasion of red-haired Prussians! No matter what I tried to get them out, it was all to no avail. Then I asked the neighbors if they had them. It turned out that the closest neighbors had the same problem, but everyone tried to poison them at different times, and these bastards crawled from one apartment to another. Only when we all united together and at the same time set traps with poison and spread gel under the baseboards, only then did we get rid of the cockroaches completely. So I advise everyone to do pest control together with their neighbors.

Kristina, Krasnodar


I saw a cockroach and decided to immediately destroy it to prevent the spread of insects. The multispray worked after the first use, there are no more traces of pests!

Ekaterina, Lipetsk

Cockroaches became a real disaster, they were everywhere! The superspray turned out to be quite effective. But the insects returned after a while, apparently the spray does not destroy the eggs.

Anna, Voronezh

The battalion commander was pleased, the cockroaches disappeared after the first use. Taking into account the fact that they appeared recently and did not have time to reproduce – 5 out of 5!

Sergey, Yaroslavl

Analogs from the same manufacturer

The brand produces a fast-acting insecticidal aerosol, Combat. Does not contain an unpleasant odor, the maximum effect lasts for 2 hours, the effect of the poison is finally neutralized within a week. Kills mature and immature insects. After thorough disinsection, it is recommended to put up Kombat traps to consolidate the result and prevent re-infection. A bottle with a capacity of 500 ml costs around 350 rubles.

When to use which release form

The company's specialists have developed a line of their products, endowing each form with effectiveness for combating domestic insects. At the same time, different forms have their own specifics and are distinguished by their originality in use.


Gel Combat affects both adult and newly born insects and can cope with a large number of cockroaches. After all, not only insects who directly tasted the gel fall under its influence, but also those who subsequently came into contact with cockroaches poisoned by the delayed-action drug.

Gels are convenient for treating large surfaces. The substance, which contains a small tube, is enough to apply to problem areas throughout the apartment. This gives the gel another feature: economical use.

It is necessary to take into account this feature of the drug: the gel does not have an immediate effect. But 7-14 days are enough to notice that there are no insects in the room.


Spray is the fastest acting drug. Unlike gels and traps, its results will appear within 24 hours after use.

Combat sprays are indispensable for treating a room upon moving in, and also performed well if they were sprayed at the first meeting with unwanted insects.

True, Combat in the form of an aerosol will not give results if the cockroaches have managed to lay eggs in the room; with the help of a spray you can only get rid of an adult cockroach.


Combat traps are placed in different corners of the room. Therefore, the manufacturer produces them in packs of 4 pieces. They manage to provide good results when the fight against cockroaches is started in a timely manner and a small number of insects live in the room. If there is a large population of cockroaches, it will be necessary to increase costs if traps are used to combat them: their number will also have to be increased.

Traps are left in the room for up to 3 months. After the cockroaches disappear, you can notice them fresh to consolidate the result and for preventive purposes.

Combat gel as an insect control option

Combat Roach Killing Gel, Source Kill Max, as well as Combat SuperGel are perhaps the most common and effective remedy for cockroaches from the entire Combat line. The gel has the form of a syringe, so it is easy to apply to the floor surface in the corners of rooms, under tables, in places where insects are often found. The composition of the trap and the gel are similar, so their effect is identical. They contain the insecticide hydramethylnon, which effectively destroys the entire colony of cockroaches. The gel is very easy to use. If you do not want to stain parquet or linoleum, squeeze a few drops of gel onto pre-prepared coasters; they can be cut from a milk or juice carton.

The cost of Gel Combat against cockroaches is on average 300 rubles per 80 grams. This amount is quite enough to treat an entire apartment with a large population of cockroaches. There are many similar gel preparations on the market, but one cannot say with certainty about their potency. Gel Combat is really very effective, this is proven by customer reviews.

Reviews of gel against cockroaches Combat SuperGel

“We put drops of gel on cardboards and placed them all over the house. A week later, not a single live cockroach, only dead carcasses in different corners. One syringe is enough for three or four treatments. A very effective remedy!”

“The Kombat gel surprised me with its lethal effect. The cockroaches died out within two days. Moreover, it has a long-term effect (up to 12 months), and the infected cockroach carries the poison to the rest of its relatives, infecting everyone. We were afraid that there might be eggs left from which these red insects would escape again, but no, after a month we still haven’t seen a single live cockroach. Super Gel works wonders!”

In conclusion, it is worth saying that Combat products are leading edge on the market. The effectiveness of this company’s brand has long been noted by customers and is widely used throughout the post-Soviet space.


How insecticides work

Insecticides are special substances that are used to combat harmful insects - cockroaches, ants, and so on. It’s unlikely that anyone would find it pleasant to be in the vicinity of such creatures, but it just so happens that a human home is the optimal place for cockroaches to live comfortably.

They especially love the kitchen: it’s warm, often humid, and there’s always something to eat—uncovered food, crumbs, pieces of food, drops of water in the sink.

If you let things take their course, before you know it, the red-haired family will grow to alarming proportions. It is possible and necessary to fight cockroaches, and this is where insecticides come in handy. These substances are made from pesticides and are divided into four groups depending on the method of exposure to the insect:

  • intestinal (enters the body orally);
  • contact (enter the body through the skin);
  • systemic (absorbed by the plant, which then becomes lethal to the insect pest - common in agriculture);
  • fumigants/respiratory insecticides (enter the body through the respiratory tract).

Precautionary measures

Of all the Kombat brand cockroach repellents, the trap is considered the most harmless to others. The tablet is packaged in a plastic box, which prevents accidental entry of the insecticide into the digestive tract of pets and small children.

Application of the gel

As for the gel, you will have to take precautions by protecting the areas where the drug is applied from animals and children.

When using aerosols, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Before treating the premises, remove pets and family members from the home for a while;
  • work is carried out in clothing that maximally protects all parts of the body;
  • Be sure to wear a respirator and safety glasses.

The chemicals in Combat sprays are not lethal to humans, but can lead to poisoning.

Aerosols Combat against cockroaches

The Combat Aerosol product, used against cockroaches, is very popular among buyers for the reason that it acts on insects even in hard-to-reach places, they die in a matter of seconds, you just need to press the sprayer. Let us mention that aerosols have practically no effect on eggs, so it is much better to use another product that is more “long-lasting,” for example, a gel. Please note that no people should be in the room when using the aerosol. The person doing the cleaning must wear a mask. Pets must be removed from the apartment or room that is being treated with chemical spray.

Aerosol Combat Super Spray

Aerosol “Combat Super Spray” and “Super Spray Plus” are aimed at killing cockroaches, bedbugs, house ants, fleas, spiders and other crawling insects. Release form: golden-colored aerosol can with a volume of 400 and 500 ml. The average cost of a bottle is 500 rubles.

Combat Super Spray and Super Spray Plus are very effective cockroach repellents. One cylinder is enough to treat an apartment several times. The lid has a convenient sprayer built into it for getting into hard-to-reach places; point the tube behind the sofa or behind the refrigerator and spray the poison. Cockroaches die instantly. Unfortunately, this chemical does not affect eggs with larvae, so cockroaches may appear again and it will be necessary to re-treat. It is advisable to use the spray in conjunction with the gel, which we will discuss later.

The aerosol contains modern pyrethroids - imiprotrin and cyphenothrin, which have a faster and more toxic effect. They are absorbed through the outer integument of the insect, after which paralysis and death occur. The spray is not very toxic for humans and animals, but it is better to spray repellents against cockroaches and bedbugs while wearing a mask or respirator.

Reviews of Combat Super Spray insect repellent spray

Spray "Combat" Super Spray is a powerful weapon in the fight against domestic insects. It can be purchased at any home improvement store and is simple and convenient to use. We have collected reviews from open sources confirming the effectiveness of this product in the fight against insect pests.

“The neighbors poisoned bedbugs (as it later turned out), but with some ineffective means, these nasty creatures did not die, but ran into our apartment! The whole family woke up bitten, of course they were scared, but they immediately ran to the store to buy some anti-bedbug medicine. The manager advised me to take Kombat super spray, so we bought it. We worked all the corners and went for a walk for a few hours. Using a tube in a spray bottle, we sprayed the product behind the baseboards, behind the bed and in other hard-to-reach places where bedbugs could settle. The smell of Kombat is tolerable, it even gives off some kind of floral aroma. But inhaling these substances is harmful, so they sprayed it in masks, and after a few hours the room was well ventilated. The next day there were no new bites, the bugs died. I hope they won’t appear again, and if suddenly there are only a few left, we’ll re-process them in a couple of days. I recommend Super spray, it really helped us!”

“It’s not for nothing that they called it “Super Spray”; it really is very effective. A cockroach runs along the wall, you spray on it, it immediately falls. I treated a rented apartment, the bottle was enough and even remained for the second treatment. The cockroaches have disappeared. They used to run all over the place, they were terribly annoying, but now they’re not there at all, the product is worth the money!”

Aerosol Combat Multi Spray

Unlike SuperSpray aerosol, Multi Spray has a wide spectrum of action; it destroys flying and crawling insects, while being cheaper than the first. Has a pleasant lemon scent. According to the manufacturer, the spray destroys cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, butterflies and moth larvae, flies, mosquitoes, midges, ticks, spiders and ants. It is recommended to spray the product directly on insects, their possible and actual habitats. In fact, Combat Multi Spray is weaker compared to Super Spray. This confirms both the price difference and customer reviews. The average price of an aerosol is 300 rubles per 400 ml. We recommend adding 200 rubles and buying the proven and well-proven “Super Spray” and you will see a noticeable effect.

Reviews of Combat Multi Spray insect repellent spray

“There were bugs in the sofa, there was a can of Combat Multi spray at home. I sprayed it all over the sofa, inside and out, and also treated the baseboards and all other places where insects might accumulate. The bugs just escaped! They did not die out, but simply retreated. The next day they appeared again. Not the best remedy. I bought another product from the same company, it helped, there were dead bedbugs lying under the upholstery of the sofa. Vacuumed, steamed, no more bedbugs appeared.”

“This spray is a total disappointment. No matter how much you spray, the moth doesn’t even react; it just sits on the ceiling. I had to spank him with a slipper. A weak product with a tasty smell. Looks more like an air freshener."

Many buyers have noticed that this drug has a short-term effect and is intended more to drive away insects, but not to destroy them. Cases are often described when a solution is sprayed directly onto an insect, it falls “dead”, and after two hours it comes to life and runs away. We do not undertake to say that the product is useless. Perhaps customers received expired products. In the fight against cockroaches, it is worth using stronger drugs.

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