"Fufanon" / "Fufanon Nova" - instructions for use (purpose, dosage, regulations, safety, etc.)

Author: Elena N. https://floristics.info/ru/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=19 Category: Insecticides Published: February 28, 2012Republished: February 28, 2019Last edits: March 12, 2021

The main requirement for any insecticide is efficiency, and if, in addition to this, it also has the advantage of versatility, this will be a very valuable bonus to the main quality. Such properties are inherent in the drug Fufanon, produced by the famous Danish corporation Keminova. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Action of Fufanon

Fufanon belongs to the class of organophosphorus compounds. The active component of the drug is malathion, which paralyzes pests, which within 1-2 hours lose the ability to move and eat and die within 24 hours. The drug is resistant, so it should be alternated with other insecticides.

Analogues of Fufanon to one degree or another are Karbofos, Atlant, Insecto-ESTA, Avidust and Pedilin.

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Advantages of Fufanon over other drugs:

  • effective protection of a large number of crops, including agricultural ones;
  • effectiveness against a complex of gnawing and sucking pests, as well as against plant mites, including those resistant to pyrethroids;
  • exposure not only through direct contact with the organs of pests and through their digestive system, but also through the respiratory system;
  • active effect on adults and larvae;
  • high efficiency over a wide temperature range.


Substitutes for Fufanon are drugs based on the same active ingredient - malathion. These include:

  • Avidust;
  • Atlant 50% k.e.;
  • Insecto-ESTA;
  • Karbofos 50% a.e.;
  • Pedilin.

Preparations with organophosphorus substances:

  • Alioth;
  • Fly eater;
  • Vallar.

Nicotine preparations:

  • Gaucho;
  • Admir;
  • Confidor;
  • Kopfidor;
  • Biotlin Bau.

The drug Biotlin Bau is sold ready-to-use; it does not need to be diluted with liquid beforehand. Nicotinoids are recommended if insects have adapted to organophosphorus substances. Experienced farmers advise periodically changing insecticides so that parasites do not get used to them.

The following drugs effectively neutralize parasites:

  • Confidelin;
  • Corado;
  • Monsoon;
  • Tanrek.

The packages indicate the exact dosage of use and methods for preparing the mixture for spraying. The listed drugs cope well with pests such as:

  • aphid;
  • whitefly;
  • thrips.

Rules for choosing insecticides:

  • You cannot purchase drugs for future use; it is better to buy in small quantities for one-time use;
  • Before purchasing, you should carefully read the instructions;
  • When purchasing, you should take into account the ability of insects to adapt to the active substance of the drug.

Farmers recommend preparations based on waste products of beneficial microorganisms: they are safe for pets and do not harm bees. One of these drugs is Fitoverm. It is based on a substance produced by soil fungi. You can use Fitoverm without fear of harming pets, and the substance does not penetrate into fruits and root crops.

Instructions for use of Fufanon

Fufanon is available as an emulsion concentrate in 5 ml ampoules, 10 and 25 ml bottles and 5 liter canisters. Treatment of plants with Fufanon should be started as early as possible, without waiting for the economic threshold of harmfulness. To prepare a working solution, 10 ml of the drug is stirred in a small amount of water, after which the volume is adjusted to 10 liters.

CulturePestSolution consumption
Flower cropsAphids, mites, thrips1.5 l per 10 m2
Roses and other shrubsAphids, rose sawfly, spider mites1.5 l per 10 m2
Blackberries, raspberriesMites, raspberry beetle, strawberry and raspberry weevil, aphid2 l per 10 bushes
Gooseberries, currantsAphids, bud moths, scale insects, leaf rollers, gall midges, sawfly1-1.5 l per 1 bush
Strawberries, strawberriesSpider mite, sawfly, whitefly, strawberry and raspberry weevil5 l per 10 m2
Melon watermelonMelon ladybird, melon fly, aphids, mites5 l per 10 m2
CitrusScale insects, mites, whitefly2-5 l per 1 tree
GrapeMealybug, spider mite2-5 l per 1 bush
Plum, sweet cherry, cherry, pear, apple tree, quinceLeaf rollers, codling moths, mites, scale insects, sawflies, weevils, cherry fly2-5 l per 1 tree
CabbageAphids, bedbugs, flies, whitefish, moths, cutworms1 l per 10 m2
TomatoesAphids, whiteflies, spider mites1-3 l per 10 m2
Peppers, cucumbersAphids, spider mites, thrips, sprout flies1-1.5 l per 10 m2

Cucumbers in protected soil are treated only once, and tomatoes – 3 times, but no more, and fruit picking is allowed only 20 days after the last spraying (different instructions vary). When growing crops in open ground, the number of treatments should not exceed two, and harvesting can be done no earlier than three weeks after treatment.

Spray Fufanon solution on plants in the evening or in the morning in calm weather, trying to wet the leaves on both sides. However, the drug should not immediately drain from the leaves. The period of protective action lasts for several days after treatment, and in field conditions – from 10 to 14 days. Remains of the working solution cannot be stored; they must be disposed of in the manner established for such cases.

Advantages of the insecticide

  • Safety for humans, animals and birds.
  • Possibility of using the drug to protect almost all agricultural crops.
  • "Fufanon-nova" also causes the death of blood-sucking insects.
  • The product affects both adult pests and their larvae.
  • The effect of the drug lasts 10 days, the effectiveness does not depend on the weather.


On the compatibility of Fufanon with other chemicals, different sources provide mutually exclusive information: some do not recommend mixing Fufanon with any drugs, others report that it is compatible only with pyrethroids, others that it mixes normally with any insecticides, and several say that in tank mixtures with Fufanon you can only use Kurzat R, Poliram DF, Preparation No. 30, colloidal sulfur, Zircon and Epin Extra.

To make sure the drugs are compatible, you need to mix them in small quantities and see if there is any sediment.

Principles of use

To use Fufanon in agriculture, a number of rules must be followed:

  1. Spray crops at the first sign of parasites.
  2. On hot days, carry out the procedure either early in the morning or in the evening.
  3. Have time to carry out the treatment two hours before precipitation.
  4. It is good to moisten the plant for greater effectiveness of the product.

Frequent use of the chemical on the same crops causes parasites to become accustomed to it. Therefore, it is necessary to alternate the insecticide with other products. But before use, you need to check their compatibility.

To determine whether the chemicals are compatible, it is worth conducting a test. To do this, mix a small amount of each product in water. If flakes or suspensions form, then they are incompatible.

It is not recommended to use Fufanon with the following drugs:

  • those that contain copper;
  • alkalis containing calcium in the structure;
  • products with sulfur;
  • mineral fertilizers with sulfides;
  • products with an alkaline reaction.

Precautionary measures

  • You can work with the drug for no more than 3 hours in a row, using personal protective equipment: overalls, gloves, a respirator and goggles. Eating, smoking and drinking are prohibited during spraying.
  • After finishing work, the sprayer must be thoroughly rinsed, clothes washed, and accessories washed. Don't forget to also shower with detergent and rinse your mouth.
  • The container of the drug should not be thrown into landfills or water bodies. Under no circumstances should this container be used for other purposes: it must be burned in a special place, being careful not to inhale the smoke.

Main advantages of the drug

Numerous customer reviews confirm that Fufanon is distinguished by its effectiveness and affordability. Depending on their goals, consumers can purchase analogues of the drug: Fufanon-super, Fufanon-nova and Fufanon K.E. If we talk about Fufanon-super, then we can note the following advantages, which are confirmed even by specialists and gardeners with many years of experience:

  • Long period of plant protection after careful treatment. On average, the effect lasts for 31 days.
  • High activity.
  • Low percentage of negative impact on humans and the environment.
  • The active substance included in Fufanon has a unique fumigant effect.

Among the negative aspects, the only thing that can be noted is that it is undesirable to combine the drug with other insecticides. The group of exceptions includes only substances of the pyrethroid class .

First aid

The recommendations below are intended only for providing FIRST aid, after which you should immediately consult a doctor and follow his instructions! DO NOT SELF-medicate!

  • If the drug enters the body through the gastrointestinal tract or lungs, the victim should be taken to fresh air, changed clothes and allowed to rinse his mouth with a two percent soda solution.
  • If the drug gets into your eyes, rinse them with plenty of running water, trying to keep them open. In case of irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, you need to drip them with sodium sulfacyl (30%).
  • If Fufanon gets on your skin, you must remove the drug with a cloth or cotton wool, being careful not to rub it, and wash the affected area with soap and water.
  • If you experience a headache, bad taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, excessive salivation and other signs of poisoning, you should immediately consult a doctor! Treatment in such cases is symptomatic. The antidote is atropine, but it should only be taken under medical supervision.

Bottom line

The insecticide Fufanon and its varieties are widely used to protect gardens and vegetable gardens from insect pests. The drug is ready for use and is available in convenient packaging - vials, canisters and ampoules. To prepare the stock solution, you simply need to dilute the concentrate with clean water.

Fufanon has a significant drawback - resistance. If the insects managed to survive the first chemical attack, they mutate and become accustomed to the toxic substance. Some insects (cockroaches) can use toxic chemicals that are familiar to them as food. To prevent resistance, it is not recommended to use Fufanon twice in one season: you need to alternate insecticides.


Natalya: I was once again convinced that the instructions are not written in vain. I decided to make a stronger solvent and burned the leaves of indoor plants. Don't repeat my mistakes.

Andrey: on the advice of a friend, about three years ago I started treating my fruit trees with Fufanon with Epin Extra in early spring, and since then I have had no problems with pests. Still, prevention is very important!

Dmitry: I grow roses for sale. The task is labor-intensive, primarily due to pests. I worked with different drugs, but it was Fufanon that really helped, which I sprayed the roses with twice in the spring. From then until the end of the season, I did not find a single parasite on the flowers.

Lily: treated indoor flowers with Fufanon against midges and other pests. Action is like action, other drugs helped me, but I liked Fufanon because it does not have an unpleasant odor, from which the apartment needs to be ventilated for hours.

Natalia Petrovna: the drug is inexpensive, but effective. I spray it in the garden, in the vegetable garden, and on indoor flowers before returning them to the house after the summer holidays. An indispensable assistant.

Official website and manufacturer's recommendations: https://www.avgust.com/lph/product/4079/instrukciya/

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When and how to properly treat plants in spring and autumn

The use of Fufanon in spring and autumn has certain differences. They should be taken into account, since if these rules are not followed, serious harm will be caused to the crops:

  1. Fufanon solution should be used in early spring, before flowers bloom. It is necessary to process each leaf separately, spraying it thoroughly.
  2. In autumn, trees and shrubs are processed after the leaves have completely fallen. And although the instructions indicate that it is allowed to spray on leaves, still, if possible, it is better to postpone it to late autumn.

The ratio of components and application rates of the drug directly depend on the type of crop. Pros and cons of the insecticide;
ease of preparation and use of the solution; affordable price; durability of the effect; Possibility of use both in open ground and in greenhouses; high efficiency; widespread.

The main disadvantage of the drug is the inability to eat fruits immediately after processing. To do this, you should wait a certain period of time.

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