Get Total (Get Total) remedy for bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, mosquitoes, flies, wasps, skin beetles, 100 ml

Among the new generation insecticides, Get Total is especially worth paying attention to. The modern product has a wide range of effects and will save you from the nightmare of pest infestation in the shortest possible time. You can buy Get Total if you are completely desperate in the long-term fight against bedbugs and other pests. A high-quality and original product is available to you right now!

The manufacturer has repeatedly tested this insecticide and created a formula that is guaranteed to have a wide range of effects.

Description of the drug Get

Get is an insecticidal agent for killing cockroaches, which is a milky-white or cream-colored suspension in a white polymer opaque bottle with a protective coating on the neck under a foil cap with the name of the drug.

The volume of the bottle is 100 ml. Get was previously produced under the name Gett. The previous version of the product was a liquid substance with chlorpyrifos as the active ingredient. Gett was sold in spray bottles.

The new Get product is also based on chlorpyrifos, but unlike its predecessor, the insecticide in the drug is enclosed in capsules. These capsules cannot be seen with the naked eye, since the size of one of them is 18 microns. The granules are placed in a lipid-water environment in individual protective shells.

An effective remedy for cockroaches with a powerful insecticide

It is no coincidence that the active substance is contained in microcapsules. The fact is that chlorpyrifos is a powerful insecticide belonging to class 1, i.e. to extremely toxic substances.

But thanks to the protective shell in which the poison is enclosed, the toxicity level is reduced to 3, which is safe for people and animals. Therefore, the drug has a reliable effect on cockroaches, which simply have no chance of acquiring immunity against the strongest toxin.

Another improvement in the new product is the low content of active substance. Chlorpyrifos is contained in the preparation in a volume of only 5%. Such a low concentration, also enclosed in microgranules, allows the drug to be safe for mammals, since this amount is insignificant for the human body and animals, but is sufficient to kill insects.

What is the difference between Gett and Get? Old and new release forms

The predecessor of modern Get products was a drug of a similar composition called Gett, which was discontinued. The difference between the drugs is their structure - the first generation product was an emulsion with a similar effect and composition.

Get differs from its predecessor:

  • greater efficiency;
  • duration of prolonged action;
  • a safer form of the drug;
  • the ability to dilute the drug to the desired concentration;
  • packaging in the form of a bottle, not a spray bottle.

Both products have a paralyzing effect on insects and are among the most effective products on the market.

Anna, Sverdlovsk:

“I was looking for Gett for cockroaches on sale, my friends recommended it and explained that it should be a white bottle with a spray bottle. A simple white bottle with a yellow label was found, but Get. It turned out that they were releasing it to replace the old one. It helped, although not in the way they described.”

How Get works

Chlorpyrifos has a contact effect on arthropods. After applying the drug to the surface, the liquid part dries, but the microcapsules remain. Cockroaches come into contact with them, the substance gets on the legs and body of the insects, penetrates the digestive system and respiratory organs.

Then it enters the body, causing convulsions, failure of internal organs, paralysis of the nervous system and death. The drug has a cumulative effect, the death of the first individuals occurs after about 5–7 days.

In the next 2 weeks, all individuals are destroyed. The drug itself retains its effect for another 3–5 months, preventing the appearance of new adults.

If there is a significant number of cockroaches, it is recommended to carry out two treatments every week or 10 days. In this case, complete relief may occur after 30 days from the date of the first spraying.

Get Total has an acute nerve-paralytic effect on insects

The active ingredient of Get Total is chlorpyrifos. It has an acute intestinal (if it enters the digestive tract) and contact (if it gets on the external integument of the insect’s body) effects, leading to muscle paralysis and death.

The mechanism of action of chlorpyrifos is similar to the activity of other organophosphorus compounds: it blocks the activity of cholinesterase and leads to the accumulation of acetylcholine in the nervous tissue. This leads first to excitation of the insect's muscles, then to paralysis and death.

At the same time, chlorpyrifos is considered the most resistant to environmental factors: it does not decompose under the influence of oxygen and light, and does not lose its properties after repeated wetting and drying. In microencapsulated form, its effect on insects is identical to that in a simple dissolved form, but in the same form it is safe for humans.

Tests show that upon contact with the liquid working solution of Get Total, bedbugs die in 2.5 hours, after moving on a surface on which the working solution has already dried - in 3-4 days. This is quite enough to completely destroy them in a residential area.

To speed up the action, Get Total is recommended to be used simultaneously with Get Express. The working solution from Get Express destroys bed bugs in 23 minutes, and Get Total protects the premises for several months.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

The drug Get has a number of clear advantages:

  • High efficiency. The drug is not addictive to insects, since toxicity class 1 poisons are too strong for the arthropod body to fight it. In addition, the effect of the product begins immediately after contact with cockroaches.
  • Low toxicity. The content of the active substance in the drug is quite small, so it does not harm humans and animals.
  • Easy to use. The product is simply diluted in water to the desired consistency.
  • No unpleasant odor. Get contains fragrances, so after spraying it, a slight citrus smell will remain in the apartment.
  • Cost-effectiveness of the product. One bottle is enough to treat a room of up to 100 m2.
  • Duration of residual effect. After spraying, the drug is effective for several more months (on average about 5).

The disadvantages include the rather high cost in comparison with other insecticidal agents. Another disadvantage is the fact that the drug is often counterfeited due to its popularity.


If we talk about efficiency, then the modern Goeth is in no way inferior to its ancestor relative. It even surpasses him in many ways. This is the most accessible and reliable method of disposal that does not harm people and animals.

Compared to Get and Gett, other drugs are inferior, if only because they are able to kill an insect only when it eats it. “Geths” act no less destructively on the outer shell of the parasite.


We do not have the opportunity to go somewhere while the insects are poisoning. Therefore, it was important to take a safe product. Moreover, we have a small child. We only sprayed behind furniture, cabinets, in ventilation, and in the common corridor. Cockroaches began to crawl out of there as if from gas chambers. And most importantly, there was no smell.

Vika, Tula

The drug Get is also an excellent way to protect your home from the penetration of parasites from the outside. For example, insects can also migrate from neighbors. If you smear the paths along which “unexpected guests” may come, then they will barely reach the poisonous line, turn around and run back. And even if they run across, they won’t survive in your premises for long. Get is not a repeller, it is a powerful insecticide that effectively destroys all individuals.


We tried a lot, but settled on Get. Now, if something happens, we immediately resort to it. What is noteworthy is that it not only destroys, it also does not allow cockroaches into the house. It's a pity that it's very expensive, but it mows everyone down the first time. And it is still unknown how much money you will have to spend buying many different ineffective products.

Wife, Saratov

Distinctive features of the original from the fake

In order not to purchase a fake, before purchasing, carefully examine the appearance of the drug bottle:

  • The bubble should be white and opaque.
  • The volume of the product is always 100 ml.
  • The label is bright yellow, with the name Get in black and framed in the shape of a shield.
  • Under the cap on the neck of the bottle there should be a foil protection with the brand logo.
  • The production date of the original is not written down in paint, but is applied in the form of an imprint (pressed into the label paper).
  • This product has the aroma of orange and alcohol. Other odors are a sign of counterfeit.
  • The cost of the original drug should be at least 700 rubles per bottle.

Before purchasing, you need to carefully study the appearance of the bottle to avoid counterfeiting.

Preparation for treatment with Get

Get is considered harmless to humans, but do not forget that it is still an insecticide. Therefore, before treating the room, take care of safety. It is enough to follow a few rules:

  • put on rubber gloves;
  • Protect your breathing with a respirator or mask;
  • provide a flow of fresh air into the rooms;
  • remove children, pregnant women and animals from home during treatment.

Preparation of the solution

When the room is properly prepared, you can begin preparing the solution:

  1. Prepare in advance a plastic or glass container in which you will dilute the suspension.
  2. For ease of spraying, prepare a spray bottle. As a last resort, you can use a brush, but then the process will be longer and more labor-intensive.
  3. Shake the bottle well before opening, as microcapsules will settle to the bottom over time.
  4. Dilute the suspension with water in a ratio of 1:10, i.e. For 100 ml of concentrate you need 1 liter of water. When spraying the product outdoors, the drug is diluted in a ratio of 1:5.

Precautionary measures

In its pure form, chlorpyrifos is a highly toxic substance and has a class 2 hazard to humans. But in Get preparations it is isolated by a lipid membrane and is practically harmless. However, when working with it, you must follow the safety rules:

  1. Wear gloves and a protective mask.
  2. Do not allow the product to come into contact with mucous membranes or exposed areas of the body.
  3. Use the drug only in diluted form.
  4. Do not leave the concentrate in places accessible to children and animals.
  5. The drug should not be sprayed on linen or clothing. Wash soiled items.
  6. In case of contact with skin or mucous membranes, rinse immediately with plenty of water.
  7. Accidentally ingested substances will be excreted naturally in urine and feces. To prevent poisoning, take several tablets of activated carbon.
  8. If signs of poisoning appear: abdominal pain, decreased vision, drink 2 glasses of 2% soda solution to induce vomiting. After this, consult a doctor.
  9. If there are signs of irritation on the skin or mucous membranes, consult a doctor.
  10. If signs of respiratory tract irritation appear, spend at least two hours in the fresh air and ventilate the room.
  11. The drug is harmful only to fish, reptiles and reptiles. Cold-blooded animals need to find a temporary shelter while fighting bedbugs.
  12. For aquarium fish there is a danger during processing. Cover the aquarium with film to prevent toxins from getting into the water.

Important! The drugs are non-toxic for warm-blooded animals! Signs of irritation are unlikely.

Application of the ready-made solution

When the drug is ready, the room is also prepared, it’s time to take action.

  • Wear rubber gloves and a mask. It is advisable to wear closed clothing to avoid contact of the product with the skin.
  • Start spraying Get where cockroaches are most concentrated: under upholstered furniture, behind cabinets, under the stove, behind the sink, etc.
  • Next, move to possible places of occurrence, such as baseboards, corners, cracks, and the back walls of furniture.
  • Re-treat obvious areas where cockroaches are located.

Do not spray the product directly on upholstered furniture (on the textile part); it is enough to apply the product in strips of 15–20 cm around. Spray walls only at the bottom, no more than 15 cm high.

Wet cleaning of the room after treatment should be carried out no earlier than 10 days later. Pets and family members can return immediately after treatment. If there is a person prone to allergies or small children under 3 years living in the house, pre-ventilate the rooms for half an hour.

Reviews about the drug Get

And cockroaches appeared. I was looking for a miracle remedy for a long time, because others did not help

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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