Regent 800 against insects - how to use the insecticide?

The insecticidal agent "Regent" has proven itself very well among effective and affordable means for controlling insects. The main active chemical element of the drug Regent 800 VG is a new generation synthetic insecticide fipronil , this toxic substance has a nerve-paralytic effect on indoor and garden pests.

Insects have not yet developed resistance to fipronil, discovered not so long ago by French chemists. Let's look at the composition of the drug, its features and instructions for use in everyday life and in the garden, and also pay attention to reviews from customers who have tried it in action.

Purpose and application

The insecticidal drug "Regent", originally developed to control the number of agricultural pests, subsequently became widely used to combat household insects:

  1. In agriculture. “Regent” is effectively used against pests from the orders of Orthoptera and Coleoptera ( ground beetle , bug bug (younger instar larvae), leech , Colorado potato beetle , locust ), as well as soil-dwelling pests (mole cricket, etc.) However, the scale of application is limited by high toxicity .
  2. For the purposes of medical, sanitary and household disinsection, "Regent" is used to destroy synanthropic cockroaches, ants , bedbugs in residential, industrial, medical, children's, and food facilities.
  3. Thanks to the systemic action of fipronil, Regent can be used in veterinary medicine against fleas and ticks .

Drug "Regent, VG", 80%

Algorithm for using insecticide

To deprive the population of synanthropic insects of any chance of survival, it is necessary to use Regent against cockroaches according to the instructions. Before starting work, prepare a solution.

The proportions indicated on the packaging are designed to destroy Colorado potato beetles and other garden pests. Cockroaches are more tenacious insects, so the dosage should be increased:

  • It is recommended to dilute a 5 ml Regent ampoule in 200-250 ml of water;
  • one sachet of the drug is dissolved in a glass (220 ml) of water.

The product is stirred until completely dissolved in water. The solution is poured into a spray bottle from which the premises will be treated. To provide access to areas where cockroaches are most concentrated, you will have to move the furniture away from the walls. Insects make their nests in dark, inaccessible places. The most intensive processing is subject to:

  • areas behind the baseboard;
  • window sill cracks and door frame;
  • back wall of furniture;
  • space under the kitchen sink;
  • sewer and water pipes;
  • ventilation ducts;
  • cushioned furniture.

Information. Regent's solution is odorless and colorless; it can be safely sprayed onto furniture upholstery and wallpaper.

Spraying occurs immediately after preparing the composition. The Regent solution loses its properties during storage, so it cannot be left for re-processing. During the spraying process, the spray bottle is located at a distance of 25 cm from the surface.

After treating the apartment, the drug is left for 1.5-2 hours. After this period, the room is ventilated. Places of constant contact are washed with a solution of table salt. The rest of the surface is not touched, allowing the drug to continue its toxic effect on cockroaches.


After two weeks, you will need to re-disinsection. The fact is that cockroach eggs are reliably protected by a special cocoon called ootheca, so they remain viable.

The second spray will require a solution of lower concentration. An ampoule or sachet of Regent 800 is diluted with 500 ml of water. The treatment procedure is similar to the instructions for the first disinfestation.

Composition and dosage form

The active ingredient (a.i.) of the insecticide “Regent” is fipronil , from the group of phenylpyrazoles.

The drug is available in the form:

water-dispersible granules (“Regent, VDG”) , 80% concentration (800g/kg). This is the main form of release. Packaged in bags or ampoules of 0.2g, 0.5g, 1g. or bottles of 100g. and 1l.

- con) , concentration 25g/kg. Currently rare, it is packaged in sealed bags or ampoules.

Preparation "Regent, CE", emulsion concentrate


Cleanliness in the apartment is the best way to avoid the reappearance of cockroaches. Daily cleaning, timely elimination of leaks and throwing away garbage are the basics of prevention. Moisture-loving insects need access to water; if they are deprived of it, they will consider the room unsuitable for living.

It is recommended to postpone watering the plants to the daytime, when the Prussians are passive. It is necessary to exclude access to food, especially wet ones. Don't forget that plastic bags are not a barrier for cockroaches.


Operating principle of "Regent"

The drug works on the contact-intestinal principle of influencing the insect - when the substance comes into contact with the legs or chitinous membranes, or when the drug is eaten with food. Fipronil blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to paralysis and subsequent death of the insect.

The insecticide "Regent" is characterized by a high speed of action; in the first 3-5 hours after application of the drug, the pest stops feeding, and irreversible paralysis occurs within 24 hours.

The protective effect of fipronil-based drugs is about 14 days.

Domestic analogues

The manufacturer of the product is German, produces the drug Regent 800 in original packaging under its own brand, but there are also substitutes for the insecticide with contact-intestinal action.

  1. Imidor;
  2. Corado;
  3. Tanrek;
  4. Image.

They also act on the nervous system of insects, paralyzing and destroying hated pests.

Processing regulations

Regulations for use against agricultural pests

To treat the Colorado potato beetle, leech, etc., dissolve the concentrate at the rate of 0.2 g. in 0.5 l. water, mix thoroughly, bring to a volume of 5-10 liters, adding water (depending on the type of pest) and mix thoroughly again. The resulting working solution is treated against pests by spraying the plants. It is recommended to carry out the treatment in the morning or evening, in calm and not rainy weather (at least 4-6 hours before rain).

The waiting period before harvesting is 30 days, the release time is 3 days.

Processed cropPestDosage kg/haProcessing FeaturesFrequency of treatmentsWaiting period

Colorado beetle0,02-0,025Treatment during the growing season, consumption up to 4 l./100m2230
WheatBread ground beetle0,03Treatment during the period of emergence of seedlings, consumption of r.r. 1-2 l./100m2 1No
WheatBug bug (younger instar larva)0,03Processing at the stage of milky ripeness, consumption of r.r. up to 4 l./100m2 230
Barley, wheatPijavica0,02-0,025Treatment during the growing season, flow rate 2-4 l./100m2 1-230

Regulations for use against household pests

Cockroaches, ants, bedbugsTo kill cockroaches, ants, etc. in enclosed spaces, use a more concentrated solution - 0.2 g. VG for 0.5 l. water.

For work, only freshly prepared working solution should be used; the remaining unused solution and the packaging of the drug should be disposed of with household waste.

Positive qualities of the drug

The product has been widely used for a long time and has received many reviews. Among the positive qualities, gardeners note the following characteristics:

  • No smell. The poison does not have an unpleasant aggressive odor, so it does not irritate the mucous membranes.
  • Efficiency. A correctly prepared solution destroys all insects in the treated area within a few days. For proper preparation, instructions for using the remedy for Colorado beetles Regent are included.
  • Economical. The cost of one package does not exceed 120 rubles.
  • Effective within three weeks after use. If insects enter from other areas and eat the treated foliage, the pests are guaranteed to die.
  • Convenience of preparation. One ampoule is intended for 10 liters of water. It is impossible to make a mistake with the dosage.

Restrictions and security

Insecticide "Regent" refers to:

  • classified as class 2 for humans, the drug is safe for earthworms and soil microorganisms;
  • Class 1 hazard for bees, the drug is extremely dangerous and toxic for them.

When working with the drug, generally accepted precautions should be observed:

  • do not use food containers for breeding;
  • use PPE - gloves, respirator, protective clothing, etc.;
  • During work, it is strictly forbidden to eat, drink, or smoke;
  • After work, wash your face and hands with soap and rinse your mouth.

When spraying the working solution, children and animals should be removed from the work area.

The manufacturer prohibits mixing the drug with other pesticides.

Storage conditions: should be stored separately from food and medicines, out of the reach of children. Storage temperature 0…+25C.

G" (from BASF)

Instructions for use against cockroaches

How concentrated the solution should be prepared depends, first of all, on the number of red Prussians in the room. If there are few cockroaches, then the best option for preparing a working solution is 1 ampoule or sachet of Regent insecticide per 1 liter of water; for large quantities – 1 ampoule (sachet) per 200-300 ml of water. To disinfect a standard apartment, 1 ampoule or 1 sachet is enough.

Spraying is best done using a spray bottle. This will allow you to treat even the most inaccessible places where insects can hide (cracks, space under the baseboard, bathroom, etc.).

After spraying, it is recommended to close windows, vents, doors and leave the room for about an hour. After this time, the room is ventilated, and all areas treated with insecticide are thoroughly washed with saline solution.

When using the Regent insecticide, all insects in an apartment or private house die within a few days. At the same time, a long-term residual effect of the drug is noted, which leads to the destruction of hatched larvae and to preventing the re-entry of cockroaches into the apartment.

When working with an insecticide, it is necessary to protect the eyes and respiratory tract, so treatment should be carried out with glasses and a respirator.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of using the drug "Regent":

  • no smell;
  • high speed of initial impact;
  • highly effective over a wide temperature range, stable at high temperatures in field conditions;
  • applicable to insect pests resistant to insecticides of other chemical classes;
  • ease of use and cost-effectiveness;
  • no chemical aggressiveness;
  • affects a large number of insects, including both adults and larvae;
  • non-phytotoxic if the instructions for use are followed.

The disadvantages include:

  • restrictions on the use of the drug associated with the toxicity of fipronil to bees and warm-blooded animals;
  • for medical disinsection, due to the high toxicity of the active substance fipronil for warm-blooded animals, only bait stations and gels based on it are allowed;
  • The presence of tolerance to fipronil in different populations of plants and insects limits the long-term use of the drug. Therefore, Regent is an excellent component of insecticide rotation schemes, including when used as food baits.

Concerns about Regent's toxicity

Many are tormented by the question: if it is effective in controlling pests, does it mean it is also dangerous for humans? The insecticide belongs to the third class of toxicity, so it is used with gloves, a mask and glasses. But it has minimal toxicity to people, taking into account a three-week period after application to plants. In the worst case, if the drug enters the body ahead of the dangerous period, it will cause nausea, dizziness and diarrhea. To avoid poisoning, follow the instructions for use of the drug.

Advantages and disadvantages

The regent is a pesticide that has not only advantages, but also some disadvantages that you need to know about before starting treatment.

The poison has the following positive features:

  • High level of efficiency,
  • Affordable price,
  • Economical use,
  • No pungent odor
  • Not characterized by phototoxicity,
  • Evenly distributed over the plant area,
  • Works even in hot weather conditions and rain.

If we talk about the minuses, then it is worth talking about toxicity, which also negatively affects bees. In addition, if the instructions are not followed and the concentration of the product in the solution is exceeded, there is a risk of not only killing pests, but also poisoning your own body.

Components of the product, release form

The active substance of Regent is the insecticide fipronil, which belongs to a new class of phenylpyrazoles chemicals. It is this component that is aimed at combating Colorado potato beetles in the garden plot.

Regent is produced in two forms:

  • Liquid suspension - ampoules of 1.5 and 5 milliliters,
  • Dry granules - a bag weighing 100 grams.

According to the instructions, the solution can be prepared using either a liquid suspension or dry granules. Since the insecticide for killing parasites belongs to a new class of chemicals, there is no possibility of causing addiction to pests.

Difference from other toxic agents

Regent differs from other means for exterminating cockroaches in its 100% effectiveness, availability and ease of use. The main features that are superior to the effects of other brands of poisons:

  • penetrates the cockroach’s body in several ways, due to which a larger number of individuals become infected;
  • the effectiveness of the product does not depend on external factors, changes in temperature, light or air humidity;
  • does not cause addiction in insects.
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