Smoke bombs for cockroaches in the apartment and in the house, how to properly poison them with smoke?

Rules for using a smoke bomb against cockroaches

As noted above, the use of a smoke bomb against cockroaches in an apartment requires significantly less effort in disinfestation than in the case of using many other means. The main work will consist of preparing the premises for the destruction of cockroaches and cleaning it after the procedure.

It should be borne in mind that the official instructions for most insecticidal smoke bombs do not provide for their use in residential premises (with the exception of the Samuro bomb, specially designed for treating premises). However, the following sequence of actions has been tested by apartment owners and has shown to be highly effective in practice, not only against cockroaches, but also in killing bedbugs and fleas.

In particular, before using a checker you must:

  1. Remove people and animals from the premises;
  2. Pack food, dishes, clothes, children's toys and bedding in plastic bags. In such a hermetically packaged form, they do not have to be taken out of the apartment. However, if you do not pack clothes, they will not deteriorate, but some types of fabrics are capable of retaining a specific odor for a long time, adsorbing volatile substances on their fibers;
  3. Open bedside tables and cabinets, move furniture and refrigerator away from the walls;
  4. If there are fire sensors, turn them off or cover them with cling film or tape;
  5. Seal the ventilation holes in the kitchen and bathroom areas;
  6. Close the windows, open the doors to all rooms, the bathroom and toilet.

To treat a room of up to 30 square meters, it is enough to use one Samuro checker. Although, when treating apartments of even a much smaller area, for reliable disinfestation it is better to buy at least two checkers at once, so that if necessary (if a few individuals survive), re-treatment can be carried out after about 2 weeks.

But let’s return to the question of using a smoke bomb in practice to destroy cockroaches. A metal basin or pan is placed on the floor in the middle of the kitchen, a checker is placed in it and lit. When using permethrin bombs (Samuro, Quiet Evening, City, Tsifum) there is no open flame, but the product warms up noticeably, which is accompanied by copious release of smoke.

As soon as smoke generation begins, you must immediately leave the room by closing the front door of the apartment. You should not wait long to watch the process: although permethrin is relatively safe for warm-blooded animals, you should not breathe such an insecticidal aerosol unless absolutely necessary.

The checker will smoke for about 5 minutes, and for about another 2 hours the resulting smoke will spread evenly throughout the apartment, settling on various surfaces, including the cockroaches themselves.

After 2 hours you can return to the apartment: doors, windows and ventilation holes are opened, a draft is created. The room is ventilated for at least 1 hour, then wet cleaning is carried out, after which residents can return to it.

As a rule, if the premises are seriously infested or if there are cockroaches in neighboring apartments, repeated treatment may be required after 1-2 weeks. This is normal - even when calling a pest control service, such control treatment in advanced cases is often required. It is carried out similarly to the first procedure.

It is also useful to read: Dohlox: insecticidal gel for cockroaches

And one more thing: Are the cockroaches hiding in all the cracks and there is no way to get to them? And smoke bombs reach them even where a needle cannot squeeze through...

Immediately after exterminating cockroaches, at first it is very important to take measures to prevent new individuals from entering the apartment from neighbors. It is often enough to use traps (with poisoned bait or glue), as well as treat the ventilation ducts around the perimeter with an insecticidal agent with a barrier effect

How to use a checker correctly for the best effect?

To avoid problems, always follow the instructions on the label. The information on the label tells you how to use the product safely.

Never use more smoke bombs per room than recommended. Smoke bombs come in different sizes. They are often sold in whole packages. Your apartment probably doesn't require that much. Before purchasing, determine the size of the area you plan to treat.

Then read the label on the smoke bomb to determine the amount you need. To calculate the volume of living space, multiply the length, width and height of each room and add the volumes of the rooms together.

Can a smoke bomb cause a fire?

Turn off anything that could cause a spark: light bulbs, gas fireplaces, unplug electrical appliances. Always install smoke bombs at least two meters away from gas or electrical appliances. Do not use smoke bombs in small enclosed spaces, in closets, under counters or under tables. This may cause the product to explode. Keep smoke bombs as far away from any ignition sources as possible.

How to store smoke bombs?

Store smoke bombs in a safe place, high up, in a locked cabinet, away from children. They are not protected from the pranks of children. Explain to children that they should not play with smoke bombs and other pesticide products. Once launched, the smoke bomb will operate until it burns out completely and cannot be stopped.

Is smoke dangerous for those who work with checkers?

While the smoke bomb is burning, you must be outside the treated area! Prepare in advance by removing children's toys and locking up food and pet food. Once you light the smoke bomb, leave the area and close the doors. Get everyone out, including pets. Do not return until the time indicated on the label has passed, usually two or four hours.

You should notify family members and neighbors in advance that you are planning a smoke treatment. Post a sign on the door stating that the area is being treated with smoke. It is also a good idea to alert the fire department if smoke sets off the fire alarm.

Before you finally go back, ventilate everything thoroughly! When you return, open the doors and windows to release any remaining fumes. If there is a strong smell, stay outside the house for some time to air it out.

Precautionary measures

The procedure should be carried out in long sleeves, glasses and a protective mask. It would also be useful to use a gas mask. Having completed all the work, it makes sense to take a hot shower. You should not light the wick alone, because if you do not leave the space in a timely manner, you can lose consciousness and remain in a smoke-filled room for a long time. After the action of the checker has ended, you will have to open the windows in the apartment

It is important to do this by holding your breath and leaving the apartment again as quickly as possible.

Another important rule is to use a wide and high container for the checker, from which it cannot fall out. The stand for the container must be stable. Of course, you should not leave the washer directly on the floor or on the surface of furniture, which will result in obvious damage to them.

Effective, but not in demand

Effective, but not in demand.

Paradox! With such efficiency , such low demand. Frankly, we had a hard time finding people who could give more or less intelligible reviews about checkers against cockroaches. The main reason for the lack of popularity is the stereotype about the extremely powerful impact , which is simply unnecessary for ordinary residential apartments.

But this is not the root of evil. The fact is that checkers are similar in their effect to equipment for “foggy” treatment of premises against parasites . Is this beneficial for pest control companies? Considering that many of them have quite influential owners who can launch any rumors on the Internet, the answer to this question lies on the surface.

Precautionary measures

Smoke bombs against cockroaches should be used according to the instructions. Do not forget about safety measures that will prevent unpleasant health consequences.

When using insecticides, it is recommended to follow the following tips:

Do not inhale insecticidal smoke. After starting the device, you need to leave home as quickly as possible. After the effect of the checker ends, you must open all windows and doors. This procedure must be completed in one breath, it is better to hold the air and quickly open the windows and doors

It is important that the smoke does not get into your lungs. The disinfestation process is recommended to be carried out using protective equipment. You must wear a sweater or any other long sleeve clothing, pants, gloves, and a face mask. After finishing the treatment, you must take a shower.

Ventilation of the room after treatment

After completion of the treatment (after 2-3 hours), all windows and doors in the apartment are opened wide, leaving in this position for 12-24 hours. If the premises are residential, then in addition to normal ventilation it is necessary:

  • sweep out or vacuum up all dead insects;
  • wash all accessible surfaces with shampoo (floors, cabinets, walls, if they are painted);
  • wash all the dishes;
  • wash or take out laundry and outerwear outside for airing.

Important! You can check into the room no earlier than one day later.

Processing security

The following precautions apply when handling smoke:

  • The treatment is carried out wearing a mask, goggles and a work coat. After work they take a shower.
  • The bowl in which the checker is burning must have sufficient volume. In order not to spoil the floor, it is installed on a stand.
  • The cat should not be allowed to eat dead cockroaches. This causes poisoning of the animal, since cats are sensitive to the insecticide in the drug.

Smoke bombs are a powerful way to kill cockroaches. They quickly and permanently rid your home of insects

These drugs are highly toxic and precautions must be taken when using them

Terms of use

Before using the drug, you should prepare the room. This is done as follows:

  • Children and animals are removed from the home.
  • They pack clothes, bedding, dishes, toys and other items into bags. If the textile is not hermetically sealed, it will absorb the smell of the insecticide.
  • Furniture is moved away from the walls, cabinet doors are opened, drawers are pulled out.
  • Fire sensors are turned off.
  • The windows and outer doors are tightly closed, and the interior doors are thrown wide open.
  • The ventilation is sealed with film to prevent parasites from escaping there.
  • Place a metal container in the kitchen and place a smoke bomb in it
  • Light the wick, if available. When smoke begins to be released, all people must leave the apartment. Inhalation of a poisonous insecticide leads to severe poisoning.

After 2 hours, you can return to the apartment and open all the windows to let the smoke out. Then they do wet cleaning. Pets return only after this.

Since the insecticide does not affect cockroach nests, the treatment is repeated after two weeks to destroy the insects hatched from the eggs. To guarantee the extermination of parasites, smoke treatment is combined with other drugs. To prevent re-infestation, install cockroach traps and use insect repellent chalk.

Popular manufacturers

Today, many trusted manufacturers have smoke bombs against pests in their assortment.

"Quiet evening"

A permethrin smoke bomb called “Quiet Evening” from the PyroFX brand is considered one of the most effective means of controlling pests. The checker, the cost of which is approximately 400-500 rubles, is effective both in open areas and indoors. According to the standard, one washer is enough to process 1 thousand cubic meters. A special advantage of this variety is the fact that the checker, in parallel with cockroaches, repels mosquitoes, flies and other pests. It should be mentioned that “Silent Evening” was originally intended only to scare away bloodsuckers.


The sulfur bomb "Climate" from Green Belt is most often used to treat grain storage facilities, agricultural buildings and even farms. This powerful product kills not only cockroaches, but also fleas and ticks. One 300-gram puck is enough to fumigate 10-15 cubic meters. The disadvantages of this product include the pungent odor that occurs during its use. The cost of “Climate” starts from 60 rubles.


“Fas” is also a sulfur-based saber, the average price of which is 50 rubles. This tool allows you to eradicate cockroaches from your apartment in a very short time.


The permethrin bomb "City" is designed to combat cockroaches, woodlice, ants and bedbugs both at commercial facilities and in residential enclosed spaces. The cost of one washer does not exceed 100-200 rubles, and it is sold in stores for fishermen, hunters and gardeners. "City" does not give off a flame, but when smoldering it warms up quite clearly.


The Raptor brand does not have smoke bombs against cockroaches in its assortment, but there is an aquafumigator with similar properties. This insecticidal fog generator produces smoke particles of a larger size than those produced when burning conventional washers, as a result of which they settle faster and are less likely to get into hidden places. As a result, the effect of use against cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas and other parasites is not always satisfactory. However, the big advantage of this drug is the possibility of using it when people are in an apartment.


The best smoke bombs for cockroaches also include Cypermethrin, a potent agent with a wide spectrum of action. The low-toxic drug successfully fights spiders, cockroaches, flies and other pests. It can be used both in industrial premises and in residential spaces.

Unlike conventional checkers, it works according to its own scheme: a container with contents is placed on top of a jar of water, as a result of which white smoke appears after a minute. The entire fumigation lasts about 10 minutes.

Analogues of the Raptor company

Liquid products act similarly to an aquafumigator. They have an immediate effect and do not provide long-lasting protection. Traps and gels contain a toxic substance, bait, and food additives. Cockroaches eat the drug and die. To kill a large number of insects, it is recommended to use several products together.

Raptor is the general name for a whole group of insecticidal agents. The manufacturer offers gel, traps, and aerosol. Let's look at the advantages of each of the products, and in addition, I'll tell you about a relatively new method of combating domestic insects - an aquafumigator.

We suggest you read: Traces of bedbug bites, how to get rid of bedbug bites on the body

Raptor gel

this is necessary so that the insect has time to infect as many fellows as possible before dying. Complete destruction of the entire population will take 2-3 days. The product is packaged in a plastic tube with a long spout; the volume is enough to treat a room of 10 square meters. The manufacturer recommends applying the drug pointwise at a distance of 2-4 cm.

The shape of the packaging allows you to treat hard-to-reach places - under the baseboard, behind cabinets, cracks in the walls, etc. The gel has a prolonged effect - even after six months it remains effective. This is possible thanks to the presence of a special fatty substance, thanks to which the formula remains active for several months.

I would like to warn you right away - if there are children and pets in the house, then treat the room in places inaccessible to children and pets. Still, the smell of the gel - and it smells like apricot jam - will attract not only insects, so do not forget about precautions.

Raptor trap

The trap is a plastic washer with holes, inside of which there is a poison that attracts insects due to the content of aromas. The principle of operation is no different from other traps - one cockroach that eats a poisoned treat infects the others, who die within a few hours.

The epidemic will last until the last cockroach dies. The trap will completely destroy all insects in two to three days and will remain effective for several months. For the next six months, you definitely don’t have to worry about recidivist cockroaches, but after 7-9 months, it makes sense to update the traps if a red-haired scout sneaks past your neighbors.

Raptor aerosol

An aerosol exterminator is useful for those who have discovered a cockroach nest and do not want to wait until they are poisoned using a trap or gel. The product contains tetramethrin and cypermethrin, that is, it has two effects: immediate and prolonged. Unlike similar drugs, Raptor aerosol does not have an unpleasant odor and smells like mint.

In addition to spraying directly on insects, in which cockroaches die from the penetration of the chemical composition into the body through contact with chitinous covers, the product is sprayed from a distance of 20 cm onto the back walls of furniture, into corners and crevices in the walls, behind the baseboard, etc. It is necessary to treat all places through which cockroaches can enter your home, as well as all routes of insects and their possible habitats.

With one bottle you can treat a room with an area of ​​50-60 square meters. Don’t forget about personal protective equipment - gloves and a respirator, as well as ventilating the apartment after disinfestation. For best results, repeat treatment after 3-4 weeks.

The most modern and easy-to-use product is, perhaps, the Raptor aquafumigator. This is a special device that emits fumes that are poisonous to insects, destroying all the insects in the house at once. Thanks to the operating principle of the aquafumigator, steam penetrates into the most inaccessible places, leaving not a single cockroach a chance.

The fumigator will kill not only adults, but also their eggs and larvae. Although during operation the device more closely resembles a smoke bomb than a pest control device, the product is extremely effective. Essentially, this is the same classic fumigator, but with the addition of water, hence the unusual name.

So, in the package you will find a plastic container, a metal cylinder with poison and a bag of water. The water must be poured into a container, and the cylinder with the powder must be placed in the water. A chemical reaction will occur and toxic vapor will begin to be released. The product is safe for people and animals. However, it is better to take children and pets away during treatment, go away on your own for 2-3 hours, and then ventilate thoroughly.

The manufacturer guarantees the complete and immediate destruction of cockroaches, but recommends repeating the treatment with an aquafumigator after a month - some insect eggs could survive, so it’s better to play it safe. The aquafumigator destroys insects thanks to the content of a special substance invented in Japan - cyphenothrin. This nerve paralytic insecticide leaves insects no chance and is a highly effective substance.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this insect repellent include:

  1. Valid everywhere. The smoke emitted by the saber can penetrate into any places, including hard-to-reach ones. Thanks to this, they can be used to remove pests from apartments and other premises.
  2. Multifunctionality. Here we are talking about a wide spectrum of action. Checkers are effective not only against bedbugs, but also other insects.
  3. Large area of ​​action. One bomb can cover 300 m2, which reduces the cost of disinfection of premises. Moreover, the effectiveness of the product directly depends on its composition, namely the amount of permethrin.
  4. Low cost. Some drugs are not cheap. But, this price is fully justified by the effectiveness of the product.

Despite these advantages, checkers also have some disadvantages. This explains why they have not become widespread. Among the main disadvantages of using such drugs it is worth highlighting:

  1. Smoke from a bomb can harm not only human health, but also significantly affect your pocket. This applies to the use of the product in rooms where a fire protection system is installed. When exposed to smoke, sensors may be triggered and send a signal to the control panel, followed by a call to the rescue service. A false call from the Ministry of Emergency Situations will cost the owner a lot. To avoid such problems, you should turn off the system prematurely or, if this is not possible, notify the relevant structures about the use of the checker.
  2. The smoke reaches all secluded places in the room where insect poisoning is carried out. But, at the same time, it is able to penetrate the ventilation shaft and spread throughout the house to neighboring apartments. The checker produces enough bedbug smoke to fill several floors. Therefore, when using it, you should make sure that there is no access to ventilation.
  3. Permethrin works slightly differently for pets and people. But if you inhale smoke for a long time, this will lead to intoxication of the body and various complications. There have been cases where people's well-being worsened even a few seconds after being in the work area.
  4. The insecticide affects only adults and larvae. At the same time, the eggs remain safe. Therefore, you will have to re-treat it at home.

Today, the market offers a wide range of Chinese and Japanese products, which are adapted for use in residential buildings. Of course, they are not cheap, especially when compared with domestic products.

Composition of cold fog

And since we know from the school curriculum that fog is formed from water, it is not difficult to guess that the main component is water, and the required amount of various insecticides is added to it.

Regardless of whether you do the cold fog treatment yourself or invite a professional service, the choice of insecticides remains the widest: the main condition is that the poison dissolves in water. However, before you go to the store and purchase an insecticide, it is worth understanding how this or that toxic substance works. Apparently, it is still better to give preference to those poisons that kill not only adult insects, but their larvae and eggs.

For home use of the cold fog baiting method, the drugs Get, Delta-Zone, and Lambda-Zone are usually used. Professionals have their own preferences: Minap-22, Sinuzan, Tetrix.

Cold exposure is one of the methods currently used to kill insects. Cockroaches have survival mechanisms that allow them to survive the cold. However, low-temperature treatment has been successfully used for etching them for more than a century. Lowering the room temperature below 15°C is often very effective in slowing or stopping insect growth, feeding and reproduction. Additional treatment with insecticides increases the impact of this unfavorable factor.

Non-standard approach

Let us immediately note that such products are no less effective in their impact than fellow insecticides sold separately. What can we say about aerosols? The “ordinary spray gun” is not capable of thoroughly destroying generally accepted scoundrels, since it is designed for precise spraying. Smoke spreads throughout the entire premises.

Also, take into account its prolonged action. And, by the way, what’s interesting is that the checkers contain insecticides directly

When purchasing one product, you pay for two products at the same time. To better understand how comprehensively the device realizes itself, just imagine the volumes of smoke that come from hookah smokers. When you use a checker there is even more of it! Alas, the scents are different!

The impact on “wall climbers” is as follows:

  • The poison contained in the smoke covers the surface of the bug's body and enters the respiratory tract. Also, the substance gradually penetrates unhindered into soft tissues, ultimately reaching a cluster of nerve cells.
  • The nerve nodes enter a stage of constant excitation, and this leads the insect to a sad end. Without having time to draw up a will for his descendants, the bug dies in torment comparable in severity to the love ordeals of Isolde, separated from Tristan.

Now we will tell you about the active components that “cause a commotion” in the insides of parasites.

Deadly elements of smoke bombs

A smoke bomb against bedbugs can contain the following:

  • Hexachlorane. It is widely used to this day in agriculture for baiting insects that harm crop growth (fruit and vegetable crops). Causes loss of coordination of movements.
  • Pyrethroids. Components that interact with other components. For bullying in an apartment, smoke bombs based on pyrethroids are optimal, since they are the least toxic.
  • Sulfur compounds. They allow you to get rid of both bloodsuckers and, at the same time, fleas, ticks, and Prussians.

Nuances and features

After the event, there is a chance that the bedbug larvae will continue to eke out their miserable existence, unlike the imago. Unfortunately, a single treatment cannot get rid of clutches of eggs.

To establish complete control in the room, you should do the procedure several times (carry out the second war no later than two weeks after the first effort). The main thing is not to forget about the means of disposal lying somewhere in the closet. Otherwise, as it happens: used once, forgotten, put aside forever due to short memory. By the way, under no circumstances should small children be allowed near checkers, because naughty children can do anything!

The additional use of “independent” insecticides will strengthen the foundation of effectiveness. Read about which ones to use in other articles on the site. Everything is described there in detail and clearly, without omitting important facts.

Can it be used in an apartment?

Using a smoke bomb in an apartment

Cypermethrin has low toxicity for humans and mammals. According to the GOST classification 12.1.007-76, it belongs to class 4 of low-hazard compounds. If you follow the rules for using checkers, cypermethrin, if it accidentally gets on human skin, will not give a sensitizing or irritating effect.

If we are talking about permethrin as such, due to its high toxicity, it is not intended for residential premises, but for industrial or agricultural facilities.

Advantages and disadvantages of use

Smoke bombs against bedbugs have the following advantages:

  1. High efficiency. Smoke penetrates absolutely into all corners of the room, destroying, among other things, those insects that are hidden under baseboards, wallpaper or upholstery. It is equally destructive for both adult parasites and larvae.
  2. Availability. On the Internet it is very easy to find an online store with smoke bombs against bedbugs. In offline retail outlets, checkers are not as widely available as sprays and crayons, due to their increased health hazard. You can purchase them in specialized stores of insecticides and gardening supplies. The cost of checkers starts from 100 rubles.
  3. Economical. One bomb is enough to clear a room of up to 300 m2 from bedbugs (if we are not talking about an aquafumigator).
  4. Versatility. At the same time as bedbugs, the smoke will destroy cockroaches, lice and molds that provoke the development of respiratory tract diseases in humans and animals.

The negative aspects of this disinfestation method are as follows:

  1. Smoke can travel through ventilation pipes to neighbors several floors up and down.
  2. If a fire alarm is installed in the room, it may go off.
  3. Intoxication due to permethrin inhalation, although unlikely, is still possible. This can happen if personal protective equipment was not used when treating the room, if the room was not ventilated for a sufficient time after treatment, or if it was not wet cleaned. Not only people, but also pets can suffer from intoxication.

Features of the action

Toxic smoke contains insecticides that affect the respiratory and nervous systems of insects. Causes muscle paralysis, convulsions, and rapid death of cockroaches of various species. Smoke penetrates into the smallest cracks, and the likelihood of pests hiding in secluded places is minimized. There is no residual effect. After airing and cleaning, the apartment is completely cleared of toxic substances.


Poisonous smoke does not kill insect larvae that are in the ooteca at the time of the smoke attack. Within a week, a new generation of cockroaches will emerge, ready to reproduce. It is required to carry out disinsection again 14 days after the first procedure.

To increase the effectiveness of the product, it is recommended to combine it with other insecticidal preparations. A good effect is achieved with the additional use of poisonous baits and insect traps.

What you need to know

You should take care of safety when using checkers. Experts do not recommend using them in multi-story buildings, since the toxic components also penetrate into nearby apartments. Such products are more suitable for treating country houses and industrial facilities.

Before using cockroach checkers, you should learn the basic rules that must be followed:

  • All activities are carried out in protective suits and respirators in order to prevent toxic substances from entering the skin and respiratory tract.
  • Such cockroach control products are not suitable for use if allergy or asthma sufferers live in the house.
  • Treatment should begin after plants, pets and food have been removed from the premises. If for certain reasons it is not possible to remove the aquarium from the room, then it is covered with a thick film.
  • Bedding and toys are removed from the room. After all, insecticidal substances are absorbed into textiles. Getting rid of an unpleasant odor is problematic.
  • These devices may only be used for their intended purpose.

Pros and cons of the technique

Reasons why you should use cold mist to get rid of cockroaches:

  • Instant penetration throughout the entire room and a detrimental effect on cockroaches
  • Without leaving any stains on the surface
  • Effectively tested against cockroaches
  • Environmentally friendly if all rules are followed, since the method allows you to use fewer chemicals with the same efficiency
  • Ease of use of the tool itself
  • Reliable


  • The method is labor-intensive for preliminary preparation and subsequent tidying
  • Quite dangerous in terms of toxicity
  • Expensive

What to do if cockroaches don't go away

If cockroaches remain after using checkers, you can try:

Insecticide - Raptor

  • purchase another product, but of a different brand and manufacturer;
  • treat the rooms with aerosols (advantage - they disappear quickly, there is no need to inform neighbors about the upcoming treatment);
  • mark all free surfaces with crayons and set traps;
  • apply freezing (increase the temperature);
  • purchase an ultrasonic repeller.

If none of the above helps, and the cockroaches remain even after repeated use of the sulfur bomb, after the required 2-3 weeks, try to negotiate with the neighbors about mass treatment of the entire entrance or even the house by professional exterminators. Specialists use drugs that are not commercially available, which means that cockroaches have not yet acquired resistance to them and therefore the probability that the insects will be expelled after general disinsection is about 95%.

Important! Alternatively, you can try to renovate your apartment by changing the old wallpaper and sealing all the cracks where insects usually hide

Particular attention is paid to plumbing and the holes left in the walls after its installation. In the future, the homeowner will only have to maintain cleanliness after repairs and promptly poison insects that run in from neighbors


Kirill, Moscow: “The sulfur bomb was bought a long time ago, but it came in handy only after moving to a new apartment. When concluding the lease, the owner convinced my wife that we would not find a better place anywhere. This may be true, but the cockroaches certainly couldn’t find anything better. They did not appear immediately, but only after 2-3 weeks, and in such quantities that ordinary sprayers such as “Diclofos” were not able to cope with them. I had to temporarily move in with friends and start baiting insects.”

Marina, Izhevsk: “My mother has a neighbor with three dogs in her house; it’s not worth mentioning what state they turned her apartment into. The fact that the entrance is full of cockroaches speaks for itself. They appeared in my mother’s apartment, and we can’t do anything to get them out. A friend recommended a sulfur bomb, we’ll try it.”

Sulfur bomb is an effective, but not safe, means for baiting cockroaches. It must be used with extreme caution and in full accordance with the instructions. The effect of application is about 95% the first time and reaches 100% when the insecticide is sprayed again.

*Prices are current as of August 2022.

What to choose for your home

If you need to disinfest a country house or cottage, then experts recommend using Japanese or Chinese smoke bombs against cockroaches.

Before using them, read the rules:

The aluminum packaging is carefully opened. At the top there is a red sticker that should remain intact. The plastic jar is filled with water up to the mark. The container with water is located in the center of the room. A container is placed in it

It is important to ensure that the arrows are pointing upward. After 30–60 seconds, white smoke will begin to enter the room.

This lasts no more than 10–15 minutes. But it is better not to touch the plastic jar for 30 minutes.

Which smoke bombs are effective against fleas?

When choosing a drug to combat these pests, you should pay attention to the following parameters: active substance (hereinafter referred to as AI), concentration of AI, charge mass. Another important factor is the form of release, that is, in what form the sublimated mixture of the checker is made. Below we have compiled a rating of checkers, all of them effectively cope with fleas, but there are nuances in their use, depending on the characteristics of the room and external factors.

Fomor Vet (DV cypermethrin 5%)

Smoke bomb “Fomor Vet” 50 g

The insecticidal smoke bomb Fomor Vet is available in a tin can in 50 g, 100 g and 200 g packs, similar to canned fish. The dark brown mixture is intended for insectoacaricidal treatment. Composition: cypermethrin 5% and sublimation mixture 95%. Designed for treating agricultural premises against periodontal beetles, fleas, mosquitoes, flies, chicken mites, cockroaches, wasps, bed bugs, ixodid ticks, and Persian ticks.

Instructions and rules of use

Using checkers it is allowed to carry out disinfestation of the following objects:

  • apartments;
  • private houses and dachas;
  • hangars and warehouses;
  • industrial areas;
  • garages;
  • gardens and campsites;
  • greenhouses and greenhouses.

Sometimes a one-time treatment is enough to completely rid your home of blood-sucking parasites. However, to achieve a guaranteed result, it is recommended to repeat the procedure after 2 weeks, since the smoke only affects adult bedbugs and larvae, but not eggs.

Security measures

Disinfestation using smoke bombs should be carried out only with personal protective equipment. They are put on before the actual use of checkers, and are removed only after the treatment of the room is completed and it has been ventilated.

Ideally, if there is an opportunity to wear a full chemical protective suit. Otherwise, you will need a respirator, rubber gloves and safety glasses. Gloves should be discarded after processing is completed.

You should wear personal protective equipment when lighting a smoke bomb.

In extreme cases, instead of a full protective kit, it is permissible to use a gauze bandage soaked in a soda solution: dilute a teaspoon of soda in one glass of water and soak the gauze with this liquid.

Preparation for processing

All windows in the room are tightly closed and ventilation holes are sealed with tape. Food, hygiene items, electronics and clothing are carefully packaged in impenetrable casings to prevent them from becoming saturated with smoke. All cabinets and drawers are opened so that smoke can easily penetrate them. Furniture is disassembled and laid out in parts on the floor. Bedding is removed from the mattresses and placed vertically, leaning against the wall. Fire safety sensors are turned off. There should be no objects left in the room that will first come into contact with smoke and then come into direct contact with human skin.

Processing process

If the checker is inside a jar and is activated by contact with liquid, this jar is filled with water to the indicated mark.

If the checker has a fuse, it is set on fire. To do this, the product is placed on a sheet of metal, inside a metal bucket, in a ceramic container, or on a brick. The burning of the checker lasts 10–20 minutes

It is important that there are no flammable objects within its reach

After this, the room is left for several hours - the exact time is indicated in the instructions for use of the checker. A maximum of 2 minutes is allotted to leave the room - this is how long it takes for the wick to burn, after which toxic smoke will begin to enter the air.

How to properly treat an apartment?

The apartment is processed by sequentially moving from one room to another.

Particular attention is paid to the most likely habitats of insects - the kitchen and bathroom. Proper preparation will help make the event more effective.

Preparing an apartment for disinfestation

Before treating cockroaches with cold fog, you need to do the following:

  • remove dishes from the kitchen, remove or seal food;
  • remove all hygiene products from the bathroom;
  • remove electrical appliances or cover them with plastic wrap;
  • remove all indoor plants;
  • remove or tightly close the aquarium by turning off the compressor;
  • thoroughly clean the room being treated (sweep, dust, wash the floor);
  • remove paintings hanging on the walls;
  • move furniture away from the walls;
  • remove bed linen, bedspreads, capes from furniture;
  • roll up carpets.


During treatment, all household members and pets must be removed from the apartment.

Killing cockroaches with cold fog

Disinsection with cold fog is similar to treating a room with sprays or aerosols, but is much more effective. Using a generator, the insecticide is sprayed into the air and rises to the ceiling. Due to their microscopic size, drops of solution penetrate into all cracks and cracks.

Thus, the poisonous substance will overtake the cockroach wherever it is. Gradually, the smallest particles settle on the surface, so that the effect of the poison will continue as soon as the cockroach crawls over the treated area.

Actions after disinfestation

After treatment with cold steam, you cannot stay in the apartment for at least 5 hours, but it is best not to visit it for 3 to 7 days. All this time, the windows must be tightly closed. Before your final return, you need to ventilate the apartment by opening all the windows. It will take at least 2-3 hours for the air in the apartment to become sufficiently clean.

What else needs to be done after disinfestation measures:

  • throw away any food that has not been collected, as insecticide particles may remain on them;
  • thoroughly wipe all surfaces, door and window handles, armrests, tabletops, switches, chair backs, cabinet doors and shelves, sinks, bathtubs, taps and mixers, stove and refrigerator with soap or soda solution.

It is recommended to wash floors 7 – 10 days after treatment. But if there are children or pets in the house, it is better not to wait this period, but to thoroughly wash the floor before the household members return.

Cleaning must be done with utmost care. If the apartment is large, it is worth calling representatives of the cleaning service, who will professionally clean all the premises from the effects of disinfestation.

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