Gel Globol (Exil) – a remedy for cockroaches: instructions for use

Gel Exil Schaben paste German gel paste Exil Schaben Paste is a fairly new product that is gradually gaining its niche among insecticides. The manufacturer positions it as an effective drug, previously produced under the Globol brand. Exil from cockroaches quickly found its buyers and has a high sales rating among analogues.

Operating principle

The gel is available in tube form. The drug contains the active ingredient chlorpyrifos 0.5% and special aromatic substances that attract pests. The paste-like texture makes Exil easy to apply in areas where cockroaches are most common. Insects show interest in the gel, taste it, and then bring particles of the toxic substance to their colony.

Infection occurs in the first 2-3 days after contact with the gel. Over the next week, the infestation spreads and domestic cockroaches begin to die. They are noticed in the daytime, when the Prussians crawl slowly in open space, completely losing their sense of self-preservation.

Gel for exterminating cockroaches Exil (GLOBOL) Schaben Paste 75g.

The new EXIL gel (previously produced under the GLOBOL/GLOBOL trademark) Schaben Paste is a guaranteed destruction of cockroaches and other crawling insects in apartments, warehouses, garages, entrances and other heated premises.

The first and most popular product on the Russian market in the form of a gel for killing cockroaches. An effective and reliable remedy for controlling cockroaches indoors. Simple and convenient application - apply EXIL (GLOBOL) gel and after a few days simply remove dead insects.

Operating principle

The principle of operation is to gradually infect the insect. The parasite does not die instantly after contact with the active substance, but retains it and brings it to a place where there is a large concentration of cockroaches or ants. In this way, the rest of the inhabitants of the colony become infected. The gel against cockroaches does not fight against individual specimens of the enemy, but destroys their entire settlement.

The destruction effect begins immediately after applying the gel, and a noticeable result will be noticeable within a few days. The peak effect on a cockroach colony occurs after about two weeks, after which all insects should disappear forever.

Mode of application

Before using the tube, knead the paste well.

  • The first method of applying the gel is to “plant” droplets at a distance of 5-10 cm from each other in places where cockroaches are expected to move. We leave it for impact. Carefully treat any cracks: in doors, windows, walls, etc. It wouldn’t hurt to drop some gel into the air duct in order to “block” the path for new “visitors”.
  • It is necessary to cut thin paper strips and apply the gel in a narrow continuous line or using the drip method. We place baits throughout the entire area of ​​the apartment. This method will allow you to get rid of the need in the future to wash the gel from difficult surfaces - tiles, glass, etc.

Active ingredient: 0.5% chlorpyrifos. Chlorpyrifos is a modern insecticide with a broad spectrum contact action. It quickly penetrates the insect's body and kills it. In this case, the substance is fixed on the pest’s legs, transferred to its nest and continues to destroy fellow insects.

One tube of EXIL gel is enough to treat 60-75 m2 of area (depending on the number of cockroaches).

Precautionary measures

Keep away from children and animals, keep away from food, drinks and animal feed. Do not swallow or get into eyes.

Attention! Beware of fakes . Please note that there are no gels under the Globol brand; all products with the inscription GLOBOL or GLOBAL (options GLOBOL, GLOBAL, GLOBOL, etc.) on the packaging and with a similar design are obviously counterfeit.

How to distinguish a fake Exil (Globol) gel from the original:

1. Gel under the Globol brand is no longer produced; 2. Original Exil gel is supplied only in 75 g tubes; 3. The packaging of counterfeit goods is made of thin cardboard, with faded colors; 4. The “GlobAl” trademark has nothing to do with the original, it is just a mimicry of a well-known brand.

Manufacturer: Terrasan GmbH. Made in Germany

Advantages and disadvantages

Any drug has its advantages and disadvantages over other analogues. The advantages of German Exil gel include:

  • convenient release format and application method;
  • safety for people;
  • economical use;
  • validity period up to 3 months;
  • absence of odors and allergens.

The disadvantages of gel paste include:

  • relatively high price;
  • the likelihood of children and animals having access to the applied gel;
  • periodic removal of dead insects;
  • habituation of cockroaches and their adaptation to insecticide.

Precautionary measures

Exile insecticidal gel, like any other toxic substance, requires certain caution during use and storage. The safety rules are:

  • do not use a product whose expiration date has expired;
  • for a long period the product should be left at room temperature with low humidity;
  • wash your hands after contact with poison;
  • keep the insecticide away from children and animals;
  • avoid contact of the substance with wounds and mucous membranes;
  • do not store near food;
  • Dispose of a tightly closed tube with household waste or in a plastic collection container.

In this case, a person is allowed to stay in the treated room without harm to health, but disinfestation in bedrooms and children's rooms is not recommended. Also, while baiting cockroaches, you need to monitor your pets and not allow them to eat insect traps, otherwise the animal may get a mild degree of intoxication.

Release form

Gel against cockroaches Exil Schaben paste has one release form - a tube weighing 75 grams, packed in a green cardboard box with a picture of a kitchen set and a dead cockroach. The manufacturer claims that one package is enough to treat a room of up to 75 square meters. meters. But consumption depends on the degree of pest damage and may vary.


The package contains a phrase with a spelling error: “From the Tarkans.” The manufacturer explains that this was done specifically to avoid counterfeit goods.

Benefits of the drug against cockroaches

Globol has the following advantages:

  • acts on the entire population of cockroaches in the house, and not on an individual pest;
  • it can be used indoors where there are small children;
  • This gel is inexpensive. On average, its price is 200 rubles;
  • with a small or medium pest infestation, one application of Global is enough to completely get rid of all insects in the house;
  • resistant to external factors, retains its structure in the open air;
  • It is quite easy to apply to all surfaces, including hard-to-reach ones.

Instructions for use

Exil gel is applied pointwise at intervals of 15-20 cm in areas where pests are localized and along their routes of movement.

Places in the apartment where cockroaches prefer to live:

  • under the bath;
  • behind drainpipes;
  • in the ventilation shaft;
  • next to the trash can;
  • near sinks and kitchen sinks;
  • in kitchen cabinets;
  • behind the baseboards;
  • under the wallpaper;
  • in cracks and joints between walls;
  • under large household appliances.

On a note!

To get to hard-to-reach places, it is recommended to apply Exil gel on small strips of paper and place them behind a closet, chest of drawers, under the refrigerator, or stove.

Complete destruction of adult individuals occurs after 2-3 weeks. To be sure, the gel should be reapplied to prevent a new invasion.

Description and composition

Exil Schaben is a paste-gel. The drug has a light yellow color and is available in tubes with a dispenser. The product has no odor. The main component is 0.05% chlorpyrifos - a contact organophosphorus insecticide. Also contains excipients:

  1. Cacao butter. This component is used as food bait.
  2. Catalysts.
  3. Water.

Thanks to its paste-like structure, Globol gel can be easily applied to any place in the apartment where pests are most often noticed.


After moving to a new apartment, I encountered hordes of cockroaches. After reading online reviews about Exile, which used to be called Globol, I decided to purchase this gel. In the first 3 weeks, the number of insects decreased noticeably. After 2 months I used the product again, but the second time it did not help get rid of cockroaches. I had to switch to an analogue of another brand.

Valentin, Moscow

I read a lot of positive reviews about Exile gel. I purchased it from an online store and used it according to the instructions. But the paste did not make any impression on the cockroaches. After that, I purchased the Russian product Super Fas and forgot about the existence of the Prussians.

Dasha, Omsk

How to use?

Using Exil is very simple. The gel is packaged in tubes with a special nozzle, so the product can be applied to any surface, even hard-to-reach. Instructions for use:

  1. Lightly knead the tube in your hand (this is necessary to distribute the concentrate inside the tube, this increases the effectiveness of the gel).
  2. Apply the product dotted or dotted along the surfaces.
  3. First of all, we treat the spaces behind the refrigerator, around the toilet, around the trash can, and behind the cabinets.
  4. Apply a thin layer of gel - applying a thick layer is simply wasteful, since the slightest contact of the insect with the gel is enough to kill the cockroach.
  5. If you have a huge colony of cockroaches in your apartment, apply the product around the entire perimeter of the apartment.

The product retains toxic properties for 3 months, and if the apartment has low humidity - up to six months. Therefore, after applying the product, there is no need to wash it off or wash it off; let it remain (the main thing is to prevent pets from coming into contact with the gel ).


Cockroach repellents in gel form are produced by the following brands:

  • Forssyth;
  • Dohlox;
  • Raptor;
  • Combat;
  • a href=»» target=»_blank»>Clean House.

For advanced cases, large numbers of insects should be dealt with comprehensively. In addition to using gel, you can use traps, aerosols, dusts, and do not forget about regular wet cleaning. Sometimes cockroaches appear from neighboring apartments through cracks and holes in ventilation shafts. You need to take care of insulating your home.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other product, Global paste-gel has its pros and cons. The advantages of the drug include:

  1. Convenient release form.
  2. Ease of application.
  3. Economical.
  4. Fast action. With a small infestation, the insects will disappear within 3-4 days.
  5. Long lasting. The drug does not need to be changed frequently on paper substrates.
  6. No allergens or odor.
  7. Possibility to use in hard-to-reach places.
  8. In addition to cockroaches, the gel will destroy bedbugs and flies in the house.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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