City smoke bomb for bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, mosquitoes, flies, 50 g

In modern conditions, it is extremely difficult to combat insects at home and in public areas. Pests have acquired immunity to the main active ingredients, so even professional products often do not have the desired effect.

In our online store you will find an inexpensive and effective solution to this problem.

We offer to buy Checker City at a favorable price right now. Even when insecticides for professional use do not produce results, such a product gets rid of parasites 100% and retains the effect for a long time. Re-processing will no longer be required.

Composition of the City smoke bomb for exterminating insects

The smoke emitted by the saber is an unusual combustion product. It has a specific composition. It assumes the presence of a substance that is special and which guarantees a high-quality result of the work. Smoke bombs have different compositions. The degree of effectiveness depends on the elements of the composition. Below you will find information on where it is best to carry out the pest control procedure.

City smoke bomb composition: peat + pyrotechnic mixture + Permethrin 13%

Where can the destruction procedure be carried out with a City smoke bomb?

Smoke bombs are not prohibited from being used in one-story residential premises and apartments. But insecticidal bombs of this type can be used in apartment buildings, provided that ventilation hatches and possible cracks in adjacent rooms are clogged. It is worth noting that the room will be completely filled with smoke. It is impossible to exclude penetration into any wall. That is why this method is not recommended in residential premises unless absolutely necessary. In this case, this is a fight against bedbugs for longer than 3 months.

You can safely use a smoke bomb in warehouses, basements or auxiliary public catering facilities.

Correct use of a smoke bomb depends on strict adherence to the instructions regarding its use. You need to be very careful both before and after the procedure.

Preparing the area before using a smoke bomb

To use a smoke bomb, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of the carrier's smoke venting. A large number of cracks can allow fog to evaporate and penetrate into other rooms where people may be present.

  • Ensure that all food products are hermetically sealed;
  • Seal the ventilation with tape or plug it tightly with a cloth;
  • Close windows and doors;
  • Eliminate other possible gaps
  • Remove everyone from the premises, including pets.

Smoky ammunition for smoking house bugs

City smoke bomb is a pyrotechnic composition of insecticidal components, pressed into one briquette (“tablet”, block). When set on fire, the material smolders, releasing smoke of toxic ingredients that fills the room and kills insects.

Checkers act on the principle of Asian incense; along with the smoke, microparticles of poison for insects are transferred.

A distinctive feature of smoke bombs is their high efficiency in killing parasites in one day.

A modern insecticide, classified as a pyrethroid, causes paralysis and subsequent death in bedbugs. The method of application is similar to aerosols, but unlike aerosols, checkers do not require manual application, do not require special skills, the smoke distributes the active substance and destroys bedbugs on its own. For treating apartments, experts recommend bombs exclusively based on pyrethroids, this is due to the fact that other bombs, for example, those based on sulfur, are dangerous for use in closed spaces.

Checkers are popular in Asia, especially in China, due to the fact that all insects can be removed at once in one treatment.

Important! To eliminate bedbugs in a residential area, choose and use only pyrethroid-based bombs. Permethrin is merciless against the hated bedbugs and is safe for humans when used correctly.

City smoke bomb installation process

Having calculated the required number of checkers relative to the norm that is necessary for use, you should:

  • place the checker in pre-prepared containers (ceramic cup, iron basin are suitable)
  • When setting fire, you need to make sure that the process of smoke emission has begun
  • leave the premises immediately, closing the door tightly behind you

Required time to process the premises

In order for the release of the combustion product to occur, it is necessary to wait a certain amount of time. This period can last up to 2 minutes. During this time, all participants in the procedure must leave the premises. From the moment the bomb starts burning, smoke can be released from 1 hour to 3 hours. After the end of the combustion, do not enter the room for another 3 hours. 30 minutes of ventilation. In total, 6-7 hours should pass from the start of combustion until it is safe to stay in the room . The product will have an effect on pests for another 2 weeks.

The first thing you need to do when returning to the room is to ventilate it. After long-term ventilation, you can begin cleaning. You will need to sweep out all the dead insects. (if there are any)

Preparing for disinfestation

The checker is mainly designed for use in open or non-residential areas up to 1000 m2, it is convenient to use in a private home. There are some nuances in the apartment; firstly, you must notify all your neighbors so that the fire brigade is not called. Turn off fire alarms so they don't go off. Close ventilation shafts, drains, sewerage, water supply, windows, vents and entrance doors. Carry out preparatory measures for disinfestation:

  • Initially, cleaning the room with a vacuum cleaner will help to open the nests and determine the total number of bedbugs.
  • Move all furniture away from the walls.
  • Remove bedding, curtains and drapes and put them in the wash.
  • Remove carpets, paintings and decorative items from the walls.
  • Houseplants and aquarium should be covered or removed.
  • Pack food, dishes, cosmetics and personal hygiene products in plastic bags.
  • Clear the room of people and animals, at least for a couple of hours.

City checkers consumption rates

The purpose is that the checker is used to exterminate pests. These are most often flies, cockroaches, bedbugs, and fleas. The checker consists of a substance called permethrin. The procedure is carried out in accordance with all the above measures and involves complete ventilation of the room several hours after the procedure. The checker, in turn, is insecticidal.

What area does the City checker cover?


Number of cubic meters

Cockroaches 45
Ants 60
Bedbugs 20
Fleas 60
flies 10
Mosquitoes 100
Wasps 10

The weight of the checker is only 50 grams. It is small and round in shape.

Checker City is usually used in warehouses or storage facilities. You can buy a City smoke bomb for bedbugs in any online store on a similar topic.

According to the recommendations for use, it is worth noting that the first stage is closing all possible windows and doors. The next step is to set the checker on fire. You will need to leave it for several hours. During this time, all pests will die. After completing the procedure, the room should be ventilated for about two more hours. This remedy will remain in effect for another week. The City smoke bomb is recognized as an effective means of killing insects.

City has some chemical properties:

  • Contains permethrin, which leads to the complete destruction of insects.
  • With the help of the technical mixture, a trap occurs, which appears in the form of a cylindrical cup.
  • Has a pine fragrance to add aroma.

The City insecticidal bomb releases a special substance, permethrin, which in turn spreads simultaneously with the smoke and penetrates the insect’s body. There it has a rather depressing effect. As a result, the nervous system does not work correctly, which leads to paralysis and, as a result, complete death.

Insects have always aroused interest with their behavior. During his life, a person shows interest in almost every type of insect. He can peer for a long time and observe behavior, sometimes even admire, but this only happens until one moment: until one of the insects suddenly enters his house.

When a person sees a bug in his apartment, he immediately tries in every possible way to get rid of it. The same applies to rats, cockroaches, mice and other possible inhabitants. The owner of the apartment will do everything possible to get rid of his unwanted “guests” as quickly as possible. It no longer matters to him how he gets rid of the insect. You can throw it out into the street, or you can crush it right in your apartment, you can poison it. A person is always ready to protect his personal space from insects. Such a neighborhood is absolutely incompatible.

As a rule, removing cockroaches is a complex and lengthy process. The modern market provides a huge selection of means to get rid of cockroaches. The effectiveness of disposal, in turn, directly depends on the quality of the chosen drug. This article will reveal the essence of the problem and suggest possible solutions to the problem of getting rid of pests.


The main active ingredient of the composition is permethrin at a concentration of 13%. Fir oil, ammonium nitrate and peat substrate are used as auxiliary components.

Pest damage occurs within the first two hours. The residual effect of the insecticide is 14 days, as you will see for yourself. In the air of the working area, the intensity of permethrin accumulation is 1 mg per cubic meter. Similar results cannot be achieved with other forms of insect repellent.

Checker City from bedbugs

It's no secret that very often, both in the apartment and at work, people are faced with the problem of bed bugs.| Frequently asked questions about bedbugs FAQ | FAQ This fact is quite unpleasant and requires prompt solutions. Many people know about the problem of bedbugs, but not everyone knows how harmful they are to the human body. The danger of contact with bedbugs is that they can carry various diseases. It could be a fever or a plague. For humans, such diseases are quite dangerous, so you need to get rid of bedbugs immediately. In addition, these insects carry the hepatitis virus. The infection process for humans occurs through inhalation of particles produced by bedbug excrement. Do checkers help against bedbugs? Information on this issue will be presented in the article below.

Bedbugs can bite people at night. They feed on blood by striking the skin with their proboscis. Many researchers are still concerned about the question of whether an insect can be a carrier of infectious diseases. It has not been proven that bed bugs have ever infected humans. However, one should not take their presence calmly. There are a huge number of people in the world who categorically cannot tolerate the bites of any parasites. A side effect is allergies, which in turn are accompanied by allergies, rashes and the appearance of red spots on the body. Subsequently, this can develop into a prolonged and at the same time unpleasant itching.

The most common diseases carried by bedbugs:

  • heppatitis
  • smallpox
  • typhus
  • tuberculosis

This information confirms the danger of living with bed bugs under the same roof. Bed bugs must be destroyed as quickly as possible after discovery.

Operating principle

A smoke bomb has become a rather unusual method of removing bed bugs, which owners have begun to resort to. There are many means to kill flies and mosquitoes, but there are far fewer effective ways to combat bedbugs.

As a result of long-term experiments, it was found that sulfur gas has a very negative effect on these small pests. Sulfur compounds that transform into sulfur dioxide during the burning of the bomb - a toxic compound that has come to be used for antifungal, insecticidal and bactericidal treatment.

These products may contain hexachlorane. Hexachlorane is a contact-intestinal insecticide that has a nerve-paralytic effect. A component similar in action is permethrin. The 10% content of permethrin in the bomb allows you to repel and destroy most types of insects.

Didecyldimethylammonium bromide, which has high fungicidal and bactericidal activity, can also be used.

However, sulfur smoke bombs can pose a serious threat not only to parasites, but also to human health. For this reason, this product should be used very carefully, observing safety precautions.

The principle of operation is that smoke particles will mix with molecules of active insecticidal substances. The gaseous state of this product will allow it to penetrate into the most inaccessible places, small crevices and remote cavities, into basements, floors, and furniture grooves. Thanks to this condition, the active substance will quickly find contact with bedbugs that have settled in the house.

Bedbugs usually become active in the evening, and bite people mainly at night when he is sleeping. Therefore, it becomes difficult to detect the location of insect nests, since it is practically impossible to see them. Accordingly, it is difficult to treat a room from bedbugs if you do not know where they are hiding. A smoke bomb is an ideal option in this regard. To use it, it is not at all necessary to accurately determine the habitat of the parasites.

The fight against bedbugs with the help of acrid smoke has become a very effective measure, and is now increasingly used in domestic conditions. Most suitable for places where there are no large concentrations of people or pets (for example, warehouses, basements, cellars, storerooms).

City smoke bomb for cockroaches

These creatures are dangerous to humans just like bedbugs. These insects can provoke the development of diseases that are dangerous to the body. Below we will provide detailed information about the consequences of cockroaches in order to be able to assess the possible risks.

Common diseases caused by cockroaches:

  • tetanus
  • tuberculosis
  • diphtheria
  • trachoma
  • heppatitis

In addition to these diseases, cockroaches very often cause all kinds of allergic reactions. Chitin, which is part of a cockroach's shell, can fall off and mix with dust. Wet cleaning should be done on a regular basis. If this is not done on time, the person develops asthma and conjunctivitis. In addition to harmful bacteria, cockroaches also carry germs of worms. They can easily get into food.

In that case. If you manage to spot at least one Prussian, you need to immediately take measures to exterminate them. There are a huge number of funds today, but not all of them are as effective as you would like. The procedure for killing bedbugs with a smoke bomb is very popular.

In order to protect yourself from possible consequences from cockroaches, you need to follow a few simple rules.

The first factor is a full understanding of the possible risks. Cockroaches very often live where food is located. That is why they tend to stay in people’s apartments as long as possible. In search of food, they often run around the table in the hope of refreshment. In addition, they love to run through the trash can. It is on these planes that the most harmful bacteria are found.

To avoid infection you must:

  • Wash dishes thoroughly.
  • Close the trash bag.
  • Clean the table thoroughly, wiping off all the crumbs.
  • Store food in airtight containers.

Processing process

For treatment, you need to place the smoke porridge against bedbugs in a metal container and place the device in the center of the room. Depending on the activation method, you need to light the wick or pour water. As soon as smoke starts to be released, you cannot stay in the apartment. The room should be closed for 4-5 hours.

Quiet evening

How to effectively get rid of cockroaches with a smoke bomb

The fastest method for getting rid of cockroaches is to use smoke bombs. This invention appeared on the market relatively recently, but is already popular. The method is in demand due to its high efficiency. Below are the main features of the operation of smoke bombs:

  • This option is economical. For exterminating pests over a large area, the method is considered very effective.
  • There are objects that are so contaminated that you can only get rid of insects by poisoning them on your territory and only through the use of smoke bombs.
  • During the expiration of the smoke, all insects die.
  • Lack of any physical work.
  • Guaranteed positive results.
  • No additional costs.

A smoke bomb can also kill bedbugs, flies and other types of unwanted insects. The price of a smoke bomb for bedbugs can be viewed on the Internet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all existing insecticides, the Quiet Evening smoke bomb has its pros and cons.

The advantages include:

  1. Smoke treatment is more convenient - it penetrates everywhere.
  2. Residual effect - deposited plaque after combustion lasts for 2 weeks.
  3. Not dangerous - plant origin is safe for people and pets.
  4. Ease of use - very convenient when used in large open areas, cottages, vegetable gardens, private houses.

Disadvantages of the drug:

  1. The main disadvantages include only preparation for processing; sometimes it is difficult to negotiate with neighbors.
  2. Some may be wary of the price; it varies depending on the region, but on average 400 - 480 rubles.

Basic precautions

There should be no people on the premises during the operation.

Main advantages:

  • High quality
  • Ease of use
  • Result guarantee
  • Fast action

As a rule, City checkers suppliers offer the client a guarantee for up to 1 year, which in turn once again confirms the level of quality. When purchasing goods in an online store, it is possible to make full payment immediately using a bank card and it is also possible to pay for the order by invoice.

Conclusions on the product

Checker City is a quality product that is very profitable to purchase. As a rule, it is used to get rid of pests once and for all in an enterprise or in any warehouse. A bedbug checker is an effective remedy, since after the procedure the insects will disappear for a long time. The article discussed the main methods of carrying out this procedure, as well as precautions.

✏️ Instructions for use of Checker City

Product description

The insecticide is produced by the manufacturer in a polymer package of 50 g. There is a conical depression on the upper surface of the cylinder. The shelf life of such a product while maintaining the effect of the active substance is two years.

In Moscow, you can get Shashka City quickly and start pest control immediately. If you are tired of being around pests and cannot achieve total destruction of parasites, then use such a pyrotechnic product. If you follow the operating rules, safety is guaranteed.

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