Sulfur/tobacco block - features of application when processing greenhouses and cellars

FAS sulfur bomb is used to combat rodents, fungus, mold and insects. The smoke emanating from it penetrates into all cracks and corners and drives away small pests. Can be used to treat non-residential commercial buildings: sheds, barns, greenhouses, greenhouses and many other premises suffering from pests.

The sulfur bomb “Fas” is excellent for ridding large premises of rodents

Purpose of smoke bombs

Sulfur and tobacco bombs are intended for disinfection of greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses, cellars and vegetable stores. They are today the most popular means of fumigation for these purposes.

SULFUR block is a product intended for the destruction of bacterial infections, mold, fungi, insect pests in EMPTY vegetable stores, greenhouses and conservatories, as well as in cellars and basements outside residential premises. The fumigant in this case is sulfur dioxide - a gas formed during the smoldering of a sulfur bomb.

Examples of trademarks of SULFUR bombs

Unlike the sulfur block, which is used only for empty greenhouses and vegetable storages, the tobacco block allows processing in greenhouses at all stages of vegetative growth of plants, as well as in vegetable storehouses and cellars with vegetables and fruits already stored in them.

TOBACCO checker is effective in the fight against insect pests, such as: stalk beetles, sawflies, copperheads, leaf rollers, whiteflies, spider mites, thrips, aphids, potato moths, vegetable flies, cabbage moths, tomato moths, root mites and many others. Tobacco smoke promotes the growth and strengthening of plants. The use of tobacco in cellars and vegetable stores slows down the process of decomposition of chlorophyll, organic sugars and acids, starch, thereby extending the shelf life of products.

Examples of TOBACCO brands


Sulfur bomb Klimat, Vist, Hephaestus, or Fas is produced by many manufacturers, but the principle of operation is similar for all. As a rule, a standard package weighing 300 g consists of 6-7 tablets, the entire package is designed for a room volume of 10-20 cubic meters. Depending on the size of the greenhouse or basement, use the required number of tablets.

Active ingredient: sulfur 750 g/kg. Hazard class 2, toxic to humans, bees, birds. It is unacceptable to use a smoke bomb in the basements of residential buildings, cottages or the underground of a private house.

Operating principle: when a bomb smolders, sulfur dioxide is formed without foreign harmful impurities. It easily penetrates with air draft into all the cracks in the ceilings and walls of greenhouses and cellars and destroys pathogens, mold and insects.

The fumigant is sulfur dioxide, but in addition, upon contact with water (on wet surfaces, with water vapor), sulfurous acid is formed, which also cauterizes and kills organic matter.

Consumption rate and frequency of treatments

Depending on the composition of the checker, as well as on the nature of the treatments carried out (preventive or therapeutic), the consumption rates and frequency of treatments vary.

When using a sulfur bomb

Important – Treatment of greenhouses, hotbeds and greenhouses with a sulfur bomb is carried out ONLY BEFORE planting crops, or after harvesting

Type of treatmentsConsumption rate*
For greenhouses, hotbeds and conservatories60g/m3 or 1 checker weighing 300g. at 5m3
For basements and cellars30-60g/m3.

*Treatment with a sulfur bomb is carried out once

Treatment of cellars and vegetable stores with smoke bombs

Important - Empty cellars and basements must be treated with SULFUR pellets ONLY BEFORE STORING vegetables.

Sulfur bomb is available in different brands - Klimat, Vist, Hephaestus, Fomor or FAS. The principle of action, dosage and frequency of treatments are similar for all, there are no fundamental differences.

The following video shows the procedure for using a sulfur bomb when processing a greenhouse.

When using a tobacco stick

Type of treatmentsConsumption rateFrequency of treatments
In greenhouses for the prevention and stimulation of plant growth1 checker weighing 230-250g. at 50m3 up to 5 treatments, with an interval of 5-8 days
In greenhouses when insect pests are detected1 checker per 25-30m3.2-3 times, with an interval of 48 hours
Vegetable storage processing1 checker per 25-30m3up to 3 treatments, with an interval of 48 hours, for prevention - up to 6 treatments, with an interval of 7-10 days

Important - TOBACCO block can be used for processing greenhouses DURING the ENTIRE growing season of plants, and when processing cellars even if there are vegetables and fruits in them

Currently, the following brands of tobacco sticks are produced and used: “Hephaestus”, “Vulcan”, “Fitophtor”, “Fomor”. There are no significant differences between them; you can use any one.

The following video shows the procedure for using a tobacco stick.

What is it and how it works

Sulfur smoke bombs are simple designs that consist of a set of tablets of 5, 6, 7, 10 pieces. or sold in powder form, packaged in metal containers. Any smoke sulfur bomb contains sulfur. Its mass fraction is 75-80%.

The product comes with a wick, which ensures safe ignition of the sulfur bomb. Its burning duration is 2 minutes.

The principle of operation of these funds is simple. After their activation, toxic smoke begins to be released, filling the entire space in the room and penetrating into the most inaccessible places. Thanks to this, sulfur bombs are significantly more effective than other chemicals with fungicidal, insecticidal, and acaricidal effects. They also have an affordable price.

Fumigation procedure

  • Remove the checker and wick from the packaging.
  • Place the required number of checkers vertically on stands made of non-flammable material.
  • Place the checkers in the room being treated at a distance of at least 0.5 m from flammable objects.
  • Close transoms, sashes, windows. Eliminate gaps between frames, doors, cellar lids - seal with damp cloth, felt, foam rubber or other sealing agents.
  • For a SULFUR checker - put the wick on the corner of the checker and set it on fire, making sure that the smoldering process begins (a dark spot should form at the point of contact of the hot wick and the sulfur bomb), quickly leave the room, closing the door tightly.

Application of sulfur smoke bomb

  • For a TOBACCO stick - without removing the cardboard membranes, light the stick, after ignition, quickly remove your hands, since the combustion process immediately begins with abundant release of smoke without fire.

Use of tobacco smoke bomb

  • Fumigation (fumigation with smoke) is carried out within 24-36 hours. The smoke easily penetrates into all corners of the room being treated, thereby ensuring disinfection as effectively as possible.
  • After fumigation is completed, the room is ventilated for about 1-2 days until the specific odors completely disappear.

Using sulfur bombs in a greenhouse

Fumigation of greenhouses, greenhouses and greenhouses is often carried out in the fall, when the crops have already been harvested and the premises have been cleared of plant debris. Such actions are repeated in the spring, before planting, or when the seeds have already been sown. But processing is possible only as long as there are no green shoots. After this operation, it is advisable to water the soil with phytosporin so that the necessary microflora is restored.

Important: in order not to destroy beneficial microorganisms in the soil, it is forbidden to use more checker tablets than indicated in the instructions.

It has been noticed that low-temperature soil absorbs sulfuric acid more efficiently. This means that when the soil cools down to 10 degrees, the maximum impact occurs.

Getting started involves several sequential steps, according to the developed instructions:

  1. Get rid of plant debris. It is recommended to burn them to prevent the spread of diseases settled in the stems and leaves.
  2. Wear personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles, raincoat).
  3. Make the room as airtight as possible in order for the smoke to work better, and in order to protect the surrounding area: you may need to coat the joints with sealant.
  4. Wash all surfaces with soapy water, saturate them and the ground with water. Metal ceilings should be primed or painted to avoid oxidation.
  5. Before starting treatment, it is recommended to dig up the soil, since larvae and mold particles can lie in deep layers.
  6. The required number of checkers must be placed on iron sheets measuring at least 70*70 cm, or on bricks. If there is a dry island of soil left, you can install the tablets directly on it. Lastly, press the wick so that it protrudes to the side by about 3 centimeters.
  7. Light the wick and note whether smoldering has begun.
  8. The wick burns for about 2 minutes, giving the person the opportunity to leave the room and close the door as tightly as possible. If cracks are found, they should be sealed with tape.

To combat moles, checkers are usually placed in holes so that smoke fills the passages and smokes the animal away from the area.

For polycarbonate greenhouse

A smoke bomb for a polycarbonate greenhouse covered with film or glass is used when its frame is made of wooden beams and beams. When it is made of metal, the sulfur smoke will oxidize it, and the greenhouse will be damaged.

Polycarbonate does not visually deteriorate from exposure to smoke. Climatic factors such as sun rays and low temperatures bring much more harm to it. But before fumigation, all polymer surfaces should at least be wiped dry.

Now the industry produces bulk sulfur block for a greenhouse made of polycarbonate. It operates on the principle of an aerosol and almost does not damage the surface of the structure.

Important: in case of urgent need, metal structures are sometimes treated with special protective compounds. But these are very labor-intensive actions.

Sulfur bomb for the cellar

In cellars there is often high humidity, as a result of which mold grows rapidly. It appears due to insufficient ventilation or frequent flooding. In such conditions, it is impossible to get rid of perennial mold and fungi, even with repeated treatment. Therefore, the sulfur bomb is used as a temporary salvation.

And if the basement is located under a residential building, then the treatment is very dangerous. Once smoke enters the room, the acrid smell will permeate everything, and you will have to clear out the stench for at least a week and a half.

Therefore, before fumigating the cellar, you need to weigh the pros and cons. If moisture stagnation occurs once, then it is better to dry the room naturally. In case of regular flooding, it is advisable to equip the cellar with forced ventilation and replace rotten boards. Before these measures, it makes no sense to treat it with sulfur smoke.

Security measures

During production and storage, the checkers correspond to hazard class 4 (low-hazardous compound).

When working with a sulfur bomb, the work carried out is classified as hazard class 2 (dangerous compound) due to its irritating effect on mucous membranes.

Sulfur itself is practically harmless to people and animals, but the secondary product formed during decay - sulfur dioxide - poses a danger to mammals, birds, bees, etc.

Sulfur dioxide, released during smoldering sulfur bombs, is toxic and, if inhaled, can lead to severe poisoning, signs of which are manifested in dizziness, coughing attacks, hoarseness, pain in the eyes, nosebleeds, pain in the chest and epigastric region.

Treatment with checkers is carried out in the absence of people and pets. When planting a checker, use personal protective equipment. Upon completion of work, do not leave unused remains of the sulfur bomb on the soil surface and do not throw it into water bodies.

Safety measures during transportation, use and storage should be taken into account and observed in accordance with SanPiN 1.2.2584-10. According to the instructions, for the safe use of checkers, processing must be carried out by two people. One person is inside the room - places and lights the checker, the second is outside - to control the process.

Sulfur dioxide, which is released when sulfur bombs smolder, is toxic.

Unlike a sulfur bomb, the use of a tobacco bomb does not require the use of special protective measures.

First aid for poisoning

There are cases of sulfur smoke poisoning . The symptoms look like this:

  • dizziness or headache;
  • vomiting or nausea;
  • shortness of breath or pain in the lung area;
  • difficulty breathing, cough;
  • nose bleed.

If, after treating the premises, a person experiences symptoms from the list, the following actions must be taken immediately:

  • provide the victim with access to fresh air, having previously removed him from the treated area;
  • put a few drops of any nasal remedy into your nose;
  • give the victim inhalation from a 3% salt solution;
  • give an antihistamine.

This is interesting: remedies for mice in the country.

Then you need to call an ambulance team. Even if the victim feels better in the air, only a doctor can assess the consequences of poisoning for the body .

Features of processing polycarbonate greenhouses

All modern greenhouses are made of polycarbonate on a metal frame. When using a sulfur bomb, corrosion of the metal parts of the greenhouse is possible. To avoid this, you should insulate them - either primed and coated with a special coating, or lubricated with a thick layer of machine oil.

A galvanized profile also requires protection, but an aluminum profile does not require treatment.

The polycarbonate itself does not noticeably deteriorate from the sulfur bomb - it does not become cloudy or crack, unless the dosage is exceeded. Its destruction is facilitated by climatic factors - frost and sun, winds, snow load, etc.

Pros and cons of use

To understand whether it is worth using this particular product to clean your cellar or basement, you need to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of the product. The undoubted advantages of processing are:

  • affordable price;
  • ease of use;
  • complete disinfection of the premises.

Treating the cellar with a sulfur bomb makes it easy to get rid of the unpleasant presence of fungi and bacteria that are dangerous to human health and significantly reduce the shelf life of products.

The benefits of using this cleaning method are obvious, but you need to be aware of the disadvantages and take them into account:

  1. The main disadvantage of such disinfection is the inability to treat an already filled cellar. When storing potatoes and other vegetables, even in hermetically sealed jars, it is strictly prohibited to treat them with a sulfur bomb.
  2. The product is poisonous, you must use a respirator, protective gloves and leave the room immediately after making sure that the wick is burning normally.
  3. When using a checker, you must pay attention to fire safety.
  4. They are not used for processing cellars located in a private house or cottage. If there is a need for treatment, you should leave the house for several days, taking your pets, and then thoroughly ventilate all areas of the house.
  5. The use of this method of disinfection in apartment buildings is strictly prohibited.
  6. Products must be stored in a dry place, out of reach of children and pets.

Of course, the choice is always up to the consumer. When using the product, be careful and careful, follow the instructions for use exactly.

Remember: using a sulfur bomb in an apartment is prohibited and entails criminal liability.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of using smoke bombs include:

  • convenience and ease of use
  • maximum effect in destroying pathogens of fungal and bacterial plant diseases;
  • the ability to disinfect any surfaces from fungus, mold and rot;
  • destruction of not only insect pests, but also their larvae;
  • safe disposal of rats, house mice, voles using sulfur bombs;
  • air drying;
  • the opportunity to refuse the use of chemical pesticides.

The disadvantages include:

  • the released sulfur dioxide is toxic to humans and animals;
  • will not completely destroy fungal or pest spores in the soil;
  • oxidizes metal, it is not recommended to use a sulfur bomb for processing greenhouses with untreated metal profiles;
  • a smoke bomb is a fire hazard.

Sulfur block Fas - instructions

The volume of one bomb (three hundred grams) is enough to fumigate five cubic meters of basement or cellar volume, and ten cubic volumes of a greenhouse complex.

Instructions for using sulfur bombs in a basement or cellar

  • The basement should be inspected, and if there are food supplies in it, they should be removed:
  • vents, ventilation systems and windows (if any) must be tightly closed, and the cracks sealed with any material;
  • the door or hatch to the basement (or cellar) must also close well to prevent smoke from leaking from the basement between the door slope and the door itself;
  • Based on the cubic capacity of the basement, place the required number of checkers;
  • under the base of the “smoke stove” it is necessary to place any non-flammable object (brick is best);
  • the distance between flammable objects and the saber itself should not be less than fifty centimeters;
  • after lighting the wicks, the basement or cellar must be left (only two minutes are allocated for this process).

The smoldering time of the drug depends on the humidity and dampness of the room itself - if it is dry, then it will take half an hour to smolder. If the humidity is slightly increased, then a little more than an hour.

Let's celebrate! The so-called “fog” in the basement will fill the entire space within two days, then vents, ventilation systems or windows must be opened to ventilate the room, which will last a couple of days. After this, it will be possible to stay in the basement and carry out the necessary work.

Instructions for using sulfur bombs in a greenhouse

  • inspecting the greenhouse and removing all plant debris and weeds from it;
  • inspection of the greenhouse frame;
  • the metal frame of the greenhouse must be treated with grease or painted;
  • remove all metal products from the greenhouse;

The anhydride released by the checker can react with the metal, which will lead to corrosion!

  • it is necessary to check the integrity of the covering material and if there is damage, they should be repaired;
  • vents and windows must be tightly closed;
  • to achieve the best effect, the walls and soil in the greenhouse must be moistened with a spray bottle;
  • based on the volume of the greenhouse, “smoke vents” are placed in it;
  • under the base of the checker you must place any non-flammable object (brick or stone is best);
  • after lighting the wick, you will need to leave the greenhouse, tightly closing the door behind you;

The smoldering and release of anhydride will continue for about two hours, during which the “fog” will fill all corners of the greenhouse and settle on the walls.

Note! It will be possible to open the greenhouse for ventilation only after three days. It will be possible to carry out further work in the greenhouse only after the pungent odor has disappeared. When processing a basement, cellar or greenhouse, you must observe all personal safety measures!

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