Green Belt Climate sulfur smoke bomb for treating basements and greenhouses, 300 g

A smoke bomb is the most practical and time-tested means for quickly, effectively processing a cellar. The active substance quickly spreads throughout a closed area during the combustion process, and the result lasts for a long time. This method will be economical in comparison with the use of other professional means, without being inferior in effectiveness.

You can buy a sulfur smoke bomb Climate + wick at a profit in our online store. You can choose from original products from global manufacturers. You get effective rodenticides and insecticides at the most affordable cost.


Sulfur smoke bomb Climate + wick in Moscow is in high demand due to its low price and high efficiency. The product is simultaneously an insecticide, rodenticide and fungicide. The triple complex action will not leave the slightest chance for pests and pathogenic fungi. You save as much as possible on room treatment and get by with just one working unit.

The sulfur bomb will smoke out rats and mice, ticks and midges, and disinfect mold. The use of this composition is optimal in an enclosed area. To prevent the process of corrosion of metal surfaces, pre-lubricate them with grease.

Generally, a sulfur smoke bomb is ideal for the following purposes:

  • Disinfection in the cellar in the shortest possible time;
  • Pest control;
  • Quick destruction of moles and rodents;
  • Disinsection of the greenhouse before planting vegetable or fruit crops.

In our online store there is always an affordable price for the Climate + wick sulfur smoke bomb, so you can save a lot of money.

Review of checkers on the market

To make it easier to navigate the wide range of similar products on the market, below are the most popular models from different manufacturers, which have proven themselves on the positive side and have collected many good reviews:

  1. Climate is one of the most popular varieties, having a standard design with a wick that needs to be lit. It is most often used for treating storerooms, cellars and greenhouses, as well as various premises on livestock farms, since it very effectively destroys lice and fleas. The cost is only 65 rubles.
  2. FAS is another domestic product that is actually a complete analogue of Climate. Such checkers are no less effective, but they are not recommended to be used for treating premises where animals are kept or, at least, to ventilate them for a longer period, which is 2-3 weeks. This is due to the fact that FAS emits smoke with a much more pungent and toxic odor. The approximate cost is 50 rubles.
  3. CITY is one of the most popular insecticidal pyrotechnics, the main component of which is not sulfur, but permethrin 13%. This makes it most effective at killing most types of insects, including cockroaches, ants, and. The average price is 250-280 rubles.
  4. Vulcan is capable of treating fairly large spaces with sulfur smoke, so it is most often used for large office premises, for example, logistics centers or various enterprises. The price is 40-50 rubles.


The main active ingredient of the checker is sulfur in a concentration of 75%. The air in the room is intensively heated and smoky with toxic smoke, after which harmful microorganisms, insects and rodents quickly die. Additionally, you provide effective prevention against mold and rot.

When used correctly, this product is absolutely safe and provides high yields in greenhouses. The low cost of the sulfur bomb is harmoniously combined with high efficiency, and its use is extremely simple.

A special wick guarantees a two-minute combustion delay, which will allow people to quickly leave the area.

Instructions for using a smoke bomb Climate

Please note : when burning, sulfur dioxide is released, which is the main component of sulfuric acid. This smoke is toxic, so using this product is dangerous for humans.

Product consumption is as follows: 1 tablet weighing 30 grams per 1 cubic meter of air space - if treatment is carried out against mold and other harmful bacteria. For treatment against insects and rodents, the concentration can be increased or the treatment can be repeated.

To disinfect greenhouses, the spray must be used 24-36 hours before sowing seeds or planting seedlings. To disinfect various types of storage facilities, it is correct to carry out the treatment no later than 5 days before planting the crop.

Now let’s talk about how to use a sulfur smoke bomb so as not to poison yourself and not damage the contents of the room being treated.

The rules of application are as follows:

  1. Before using the checker, you need to remove all contents from the room that will be processed: food, things, wooden and metal shelving. If the combustion products of the tablets settle on food, they will become inedible for both people and animals.
  2. All metal objects that cannot be removed (door and window handles, stairs, racks, shelves, etc.) must be thoroughly lubricated with thick grease or painted (if the product is painted, you need to check if there is paint everywhere). Unprotected metal that gets sulfur dioxide will oxidize and quickly begin to rust.
  3. Combustion must take place in a completely sealed room. Before installing the checker, you need to hermetically close all windows and plug the ventilation ducts.
  4. Prepare everything to quickly and tightly close the doors, since you will have to leave the room very quickly after setting it on fire. It is most convenient to use wide tape.
  5. Prepare clothes that cover your entire body as much as possible, glasses, gloves, hide your hair.
  6. Ideally, two people should do the job: one person installs and lights the saber, the second insures him, and in case of an unforeseen situation helps him leave the room.

Instructions for use of the Climate checker

When all the preparatory stages have been completed, you can begin processing the room:

  1. Place a platform made of non-flammable material in the middle of the room. Its size should be at least 30x30 cm. A homemade brick pedestal, or unnecessary ceramic or metal containers will do.
  2. Place the Climate checker on the platform.
  3. Check: are all openings and cracks through which smoke can get out covered (it is especially dangerous if it gets into residential areas)?
  4. Insert the wick between the two tablets.
  5. Light the fuse and leave the room immediately. The wick will smolder for about 90-120 seconds (naturally, it is recommended to have time to leave the room much earlier, with a reserve). As soon as it begins to smolder, the smell can already be heard: this is normal, and until the tablet burns completely it is not dangerous.
  6. Close the door tightly. Seal the cracks around the door leaf with tape.

When you go outside, take off your clothes and wash them. Also wash your face and hands thoroughly.

The burning of the checker will last about 1-1.5 hours. After this, the room should remain hermetically sealed for another 24-36 hours.

After this time, open all doors, windows, and ventilation ducts to ventilate the room.

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Mode of application

Pre-grease metal surfaces or door handles or insulate them well to prevent rust from forming. Be sure to seal the room to prevent toxic smoke from leaking into the environment. A plate of metal or other fireproof material is placed on the floor in the center of the cellar or greenhouse, which will serve as a backing for the checker.

Place the wick, light it and leave the room immediately. Fumigation must be carried out before planting for 24 hours, and then the area must be ventilated for up to ten days. Ventilation in the cellar is carried out for two days until the smell disappears completely.

It is important to store the sulfur smoke bomb in a dry and cool place out of the reach of children until use.

Greenhouse processing technology

The process of fumigating a greenhouse with a sulfur bomb does not take much time - the bomb burns for several hours. However, the effect of sulfur dioxide continues for two to three days. To increase the effectiveness of the product, it is recommended to choose the correct dosage and follow the step-by-step processing instructions.

Calculation of sulfur bomb dosage

The checker consists of several tablets, which allows you to most accurately select the dose of the active substance. The calculation is based on the volume of the greenhouse, the consumption of the active substance is indicated on the packaging.

Action of sulfur bomb

Below is an example calculation.

  1. For processing the greenhouse, a “Climate” checker weighing 300 grams, 10 tablets was selected. The size of the greenhouse is 3x6x2.2 meters.
  2. Calculating the volume of a greenhouse is quite simple: you need to multiply its geometric dimensions in meters, the result is the volume in cubic meters. For the given dimensions of the greenhouse it will be 3·6·2.2=39.6 m3.
  3. According to the manufacturer’s recommendations, one block weighing 300 g is enough to process 20 m3 of a greenhouse.
  4. To process the greenhouse you will need 39.6:20=1.98, that is, 2 checkers of 300 g or 20 tablets.

The estimated number of checkers is distributed into several groups so that fumigation is carried out evenly. It should be noted that the wick smoldering time is 90 seconds, after which poisonous gas is released. The number of checkers must be calculated so that you have time to set them on fire and leave the greenhouse in a minute and a half.

Important! If the greenhouse volume is large and several bombs are used at the same time, it is recommended to use a gas mask and a protective suit to avoid poisoning.

How to use a sulfur bomb in a greenhouse

Not only the effectiveness of processing, but also your safety depends on the correct use of the checker. Therefore, it is recommended to strictly follow the instructions given in Table 2.

Instructions for use of FAS sulfur smoke bomb

Table 2. Step-by-step instructions for using sulfur bombs in a greenhouse.

Steps, illustrationsDescription of actions
Cleaning of cultivated plants and weedsTreatment of the greenhouse with a sulfur bomb is carried out only after complete removal of vegetation from the greenhouse. Cultivated plants are removed, tops and residues are burned. It is not recommended to use them for compost. Weeds are pulled out, paying special attention to plants with powerful taproots. Pest larvae often hide in their root rosettes for the winter. If signs of disease or pests are detected, the weeds are burned or taken outside the garden. Healthy plants can be placed in a compost heap.
General cleaning in the greenhouseThe walls of the greenhouse are washed with warm water and liquid detergent. For washing I use a soft sponge or rag; the use of brushes and scrapers for polycarbonate is not recommended - you can damage its surface, after which it becomes cloudy. When washing, pay special attention to the joints of the polycarbonate and the frame. Dust and dirt usually accumulate there, where bacteria, fungal spores and mites overwinter. They can be further cleaned with a soft brush. Finally, the walls of the greenhouse are washed with water from a hose.
TillageSmoke from a sulfur bomb can penetrate only into loose soil to a depth of no more than 5 cm. Most pests lay their larvae at greater depths for the winter. Therefore, to increase the efficiency of processing, it is recommended to dig up the soil in the greenhouse and loosen it. In this case, the larvae and pests will appear on the surface and will be destroyed. The top layer of soil can be removed and taken outside the greenhouse.
Greenhouse sealingUsing a sulfur bomb is only possible in a sealed room, otherwise the smoke will escape and the bomb will be ineffective. In addition, the smoke is poisonous, and if it comes out you can get poisoned. The greenhouse is sealed by sealing cracks and joints with sealant, tape or putty. To enter the greenhouse, one of the doors is left, and it can be sealed using a rubber window seal, and after igniting the checkers, it can be additionally sealed with tape.
Protection of metal structuresWhen exposed to sulfur dioxide on unprotected metal, a corrosion center is formed. Therefore, checker manufacturers recommend coating unpainted metal parts with grease or other thick organic-based lubricant before starting processing. If paint chips are observed on the frame of the greenhouse, it is recommended to first restore the coating and dry it. Particular attention should be paid to parts that experience mechanical stress: door hinges, door frames and vents - these are where the paint comes off most often.
Ensuring personal safetyThe smoke from the bomb is poisonous and can cause irritation if it comes into contact with wet skin. Therefore, before starting processing, it is necessary to put on protective clothing - a special suit or overalls made of thick fabric with long sleeves. Gloves are put on your hands and your head is protected with a hood or scarf. The respiratory organs are protected with a respirator. If possible, use a gas mask.
Wetting surfacesTo increase efficiency, immediately before treatment, moisten the walls of the greenhouse and the top layer of soil with a hose or sprayer. High humidity promotes the conversion of sulfur dioxide into sulfurous acid, which is an antiseptic and preservative. When in contact with moisture, ash or some mineral fertilizers, sulfurous acid turns into sulfuric acid, the effect of which on the soil is extremely negative, so you cannot fertilize the soil in the greenhouse before treating it with a saber!
Preparing the base for the checkerThe sulfur bomb heats up when smoldering; to use it, it is necessary to prepare a non-combustible base. This could be paving slabs, a sheet of metal, an enamel basin or bucket. If there are concrete or tiled paths in the greenhouse, you can place the saber directly on them, provided that there are no flammable objects nearby.
Lighting a checkerThe checker is placed strictly vertically on the base, and the wick that comes with the checker is inserted under the top tablet. In its absence, the saber is ignited using a newspaper. After making sure that the wick is burning steadily, you need to quickly leave the greenhouse and close the door behind you. If there are cracks in the door, they are immediately sealed with tape or sealed in some other way.
Fumigation and disinfection of the greenhouseThe emission of smoke continues for several hours. It completely fills the greenhouse, settles on the walls, soil and in hard-to-reach places. The effect of anhydride on bacteria and pests continues for 24-72 hours, so it is better not to open the greenhouse for the next three days.
Ventilation and subsequent cleaningAfter holding for three days in the greenhouse, open the doors and vents and ventilate it until the specific odor completely disappears. To avoid clouding of the polycarbonate and corrosion of the frame, it is recommended to rinse the greenhouse with a small amount of clean water.
Subsequent soil treatment with EM preparationsSulfur has a negative effect on soil microorganisms and kills beneficial fungi and bacteria. To restore soil fertility, it is recommended to add a solution of biological products, such as Emochka, Baikal EM1, Siyanie EM2, before the start of the new season. Treatment is carried out in the spring after the upper layers of the soil have been warmed to a temperature of +15°C. The solution temperature should be within 25±5 °C. The soil is watered from a watering can and left for 5-7 days, after which the plants begin to be planted.

How to set fire to a sulfur bomb in a greenhouse

Disinfection of a polycarbonate greenhouse in the fall

Treatment must begin with the removal of all plant residues, weeds, mulch - various pests can hide and overwinter in them. Tops affected by diseases and pests are burned. Read more here.

Is it necessary to wash the greenhouse after a sulfur bomb?

After burning a sulfur bomb, it is not necessary to wash the greenhouse; on the contrary, to maintain a long-term effect, it is better not to do this. However, 2 days after ventilation it is worth inspecting the room. If there is mold on the walls, after exposure to smoke it will become soft, so cleaning it off will not be difficult.

Also, after the procedure, it is advisable to add bacterial fertilizer to the soil, for example, Nitragin, Phosphorobacterin, Azotobacterin and others. If they are not there, you can also add organic matter - urea, chicken droppings, manure.

Sulfur bomb for the cellar

The problem with cellars is dampness and mold. But these are consequences, and the cause, as a rule, is insufficient ventilation or regular flooding. The use of a sulfur bomb in this case is a temporary measure; it will not be possible to completely destroy ingrained mold and mildew even by using fumigation 2 or 3 times.

In addition, if the cellar is located under the floor of a residential building, the use of sulfur bombs can be extremely dangerous. If there are cracks in the ceilings (and there certainly are), sulfur dioxide, which has a very unpleasant odor, can be felt on the ground floor almost immediately. Ventilation (opening all windows and doors) until complete decontamination may take about 7-10 days. That is, if it is necessary to treat a basement or cellar in a residential building, you need to evict people from it for at least two weeks.

But whether the effect of inconvenience is worth it is a moot point: if the flooding was one-time (an accidental leak) and there is an opportunity to properly dry the room, then it is worth it. If the basement is regularly flooded or good ventilation is not installed, or the rotten floor is not replaced, then there is no point in treating the sulfur bomb.


  • the sulfur dioxide released is toxic to humans and animals if inhaled, causing death
  • will not destroy mold deeply embedded in wood
  • will not destroy fungal or pest spores in the soil
  • Before processing a vegetable storehouse or cellar, you need to remove all vegetables
  • oxidizes metal
  • survives burns on plants, cannot be used to control disease or mites on live plants in a greenhouse, balcony or greenhouse
  • a smoke bomb is a fire hazard and must be placed further away from flammable material
  • It is not allowed to treat basements or cellars with high humidity, for example, when there is close groundwater

The benefits and harms of sulfur bombs for polycarbonate greenhouses

Treating greenhouses with smoke often gives a more noticeable effect than using various drugs or folk remedies. Sulfur gas, circulated during combustion, penetrates well into the soil and hard-to-reach corners, destroying a wide variety of pests. The use of sulfur bombs provides several advantages:

  1. The product is versatile. It allows you to completely destroy almost all common insect pests, as well as fungi, bacteria and viruses.
  2. The processing is quite simple, even a novice amateur can handle it.
  3. Minimal labor costs: no need to dilute the solution, walk next to the bushes and spray them. It is enough to set fire to a few pieces and immediately leave the greenhouse.
  4. Affordability – checkers, as a rule, are cheaper than even the most common drugs. In addition, they replace both insecticides and fungicides.

However, this tool also has several disadvantages:

  1. Care must be taken to observe safety precautions and observe the emission of smoke for fire safety purposes. Sulfur dioxide in high concentrations can be harmful to health.
  2. The gas released during combustion has a bad effect on metal structures. Therefore, they must first be treated with a primer or grease.

It is important to understand that fumigating a greenhouse with a sulfur bomb is allowed in the fall and spring, when there are no plants in it. Burning during other periods (summer) is dangerous for seedlings. If at this point there are problems with insects and other pests, insecticides, fungicides and folk remedies should be used.

Sulfur powder is ignited from the wick


If the room is large, you need to distribute the tablets in different places, evenly over the area, start lighting from the checkers located further from the exit, so as not to have time to inhale.

After setting fire to a bomb in a greenhouse or greenhouse, leave the area as quickly as possible. Warn your dacha neighbors in advance - when the tablets smolder, gas leaks through the cracks in the structure. You can reduce this leakage by sealing all possible joints and crevices with tape.

Powdered sulfur can cause eczema, and the fumes can cause poisoning, so you only need to handle the saber while wearing gloves, and wash your hands immediately after handling. Avoid any inhalation of smoldering bomb fumes.


  • You can store food in vegetable stores or cellars no earlier than 5 days after processing
  • After fumigation, keep the room closed for 24-36 hours
  • after 36 hours, open for ventilation for 48 hours
  • The protective effect of sulfur smoke is 8-12 days

When to treat a greenhouse with a sulfur bomb

It is best to apply the treatment in early autumn. Also in some situations, a spring procedure is allowed. But this product cannot be used in the summer - there should be no plants in the greenhouse.

When to treat a greenhouse with a sulfur bomb in the spring

In the spring, burning checkers is necessary only in 2 cases:

  1. For some reason, the procedure was not carried out last fall.
  2. The pest invasion was very large; many bushes suffered from fungi and other pathogens.

It should be noted that in the spring, the treatment of the greenhouse with a sulfur bomb is carried out only in April or even in May, when the soil has warmed up to at least 10 degrees Celsius.

Sulfur bomb in a greenhouse in autumn

Autumn is the optimal time for burning sulfur bombs in a greenhouse. You can start the procedure immediately after harvesting. The area is cleared, all flammable materials, liquids and objects are removed, and then several bombs are set on fire according to the instructions. Repeated treatment is carried out only in cases where there was a severe insect infestation in the summer. This can be done after 1-2 days.

Particular attention should be paid to the air temperature. It is better to treat the greenhouse with a sulfur bomb in early autumn, when the daytime temperature is consistently above 10-15 degrees. The fact is that if it is cool outside or even freezing, sulfuric acid will begin to form as a by-product. It is well absorbed by the soil and can impair fertility.

The optimal period for processing the greenhouse is the second half of September

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