Sulfur smoke bomb FAS - a remedy against mice and insects

FAS sulfur bomb is used to combat rodents, fungus, mold and insects. The smoke emanating from it penetrates into all cracks and corners and drives away small pests. Can be used to treat non-residential commercial buildings: sheds, barns, greenhouses, greenhouses and many other premises suffering from pests.

The sulfur bomb “Fas” is excellent for ridding large premises of rodents

Purpose and application

The FAS sulfur bomb has a triangular or cylindrical shape and is similar in appearance to a smoke grenade (due to the casing material). The body is made of polycarbonate, which prevents complete combustion of the product. Total weight - 300 g. Sulfur is the main active ingredient, it makes up 80% of the total weight.

The FAS checker is designed for use outdoors and in non-residential premises. The length of the wick built into the checker is quite long. This allows the person using the product to move to a safe distance after setting the fire. The use of sulfur bombs in residential premises is strictly prohibited.

This video describes the use of sulfur bombs:

Is used for:

  1. Pest control. Sulfur bomb is a good insect killer.
  2. Disinfection. The product effectively rids the treated area of ​​all types of fungi, mold and bacteria. Can be used in cellars, barns, greenhouses and other outbuildings. Smoke destroys any mold deposits in the most inaccessible places.
  3. For removing small rodents. Sulfur bombs are widely used against mice, rats, moles and other pests. The smoke kills small animals, but it simply drives away larger creatures, making them feel very uncomfortable.

The smoke emanating from the sulfur bomb penetrates into all crevices and secluded places, which allows you to completely get rid of insects

You can buy the product at absolutely any hardware store or supermarket that specializes in selling summer goods. In such stores, you should look for a disinfectant in the pest and rodent control department. The average price of a FAS checker ranges from 50 to 70 rubles.

Terms of disinfection

When is the best time to treat a greenhouse with a sulfur bomb to achieve maximum effect? This is one of the main questions that worries every gardener. The disinfection procedure should be left until autumn or spring. The premises are disinfected with sulfur bombs in September and early October, when the growing season of crops ends. The greenhouse should be cleaned first.

When deciding when it is best to process in the spring, you should focus on the timing of planting the first crops. Disinfection with a sulfur bomb is carried out around April, but no later than 2 weeks before planting.

Domestic use

The FAS sulfur smoke bomb must be used strictly following the instructions. Failure to comply with them can result in unpleasant consequences for a person.

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Sulfur ointment: instructions for use, price and reviews


Get Total - a modern means for effective control of insects


Getting rid of cockroaches and bedbugs with Xulat Micro


Xulat C25 - a powerful modern remedy for cockroaches and bedbugs

The instructions for using FAS sulfur bombs are quite simple:

  1. Before use, remove food, plants and pets from the premises, and remove all objects and furniture if possible.
  2. Coat iron products with anti-corrosion lubricants or paint: sulfur dioxide contained in smoke increases corrosion of unprotected areas of metals.

    Sulfur smoke can cause damage to a number of materials it comes into contact with.

  3. Objects that could not be removed from the room being treated must be isolated from exposure to smoke. To do this, you need to cover them with thick film and seal them with tape.
  4. All cracks in doors, windows and other openings must be eliminated by first sealing them with tape or puttingty (if these are holes in the walls). Such actions will increase the effectiveness of the bomb without creating leaks and concentrating the smoke in the treated area.
  5. Before using a checker, you need to make sure that there are no flammable substances or materials within a meter radius of the burning site. If they are present, then they must be removed.

    Before using a sulfur bomb, make sure that there are no flammable substances nearby so as not to cause a fire.

  6. If the place where the product is used itself consists of a material that can ignite, then it is necessary to assemble a pedestal from non-flammable material with a height of 10-15 cm. Its length and width must be at least 30 cm. This will not allow combustion products to enter the space surrounding the pedestal.
  7. After the checker is placed in the burning place, you need to insert a wick into it and set it on fire. The wick glows for about 30 seconds. This time will be enough to go outside.
  8. After making sure that the combustion process has begun, you need to leave the room as soon as possible. After leaving the room being treated, you need to seal the gaps between the door and the jamb with tape.

Depending on the air humidity in the room, the burning time can vary from 30 minutes. up to 1.5 hours. After the room has been treated, you cannot enter there for 1.5-2 days. After this period, you need to ventilate the room for one or two days. If the smell of sulfur is still felt, then you need to extend the ventilation time until the smell disappears completely.

Chemical bomb against bloodsuckers, operating principle indoors

The active ingredient is permethrin 13% in combination with excipients. (Amonium, fir oil, organic substrate...)

The ratio of insecticide deposited on the surface is about 1 mg per 1 cubic meter; such a concentration can only be achieved by ordering disinfestation.

The smoke bomb has proven itself to be a ruthless killer against bedbugs.

Within 60-120 minutes, volatile vapors of insecticides are released into the air, which penetrate into the most hidden places that people cannot reach, including smoke that penetrates the upholstery of furniture.

The settled smoke is absorbed through chitin, falling on the bodies of bedbugs, penetrating into the respiratory system, the smoke causes a nerve disorder. This is how Checker City kills bedbugs.

After the smoke settles, a protective film forms on the surfaces; it serves as a barrier against the reappearance of bedbugs for 5-7 days, simultaneously destroying not only bedbugs, but also most other parasites (cockroaches, fleas, ants, mosquitoes, spiders, etc.) film, the bloodsucker is guaranteed the same nervous paralysis and rapid death.

Important! Toxic smoke does not affect the eggs; to destroy the colony, repeat the treatment completely after 14 days.

Possible harm and safety precautions

Although the manufacturer reports that the product is safe for humans, you should not linger in the treated area for a long time. The composition of a sulfur bomb includes sulfur dioxide, which can cause harm to the body, even if a person is wearing PPE (personal protective equipment).

For animals that may be indoors, the smoke from the bomb is dangerous and even fatal. It's all about sulfur dioxide contained in the smoke. It causes serious and sometimes irreparable damage to almost all internal organs in animals. Therefore, before using the checker, you must make sure that there are no livestock or pets in the area being treated.

Smoke can also have a negative effect on plants and food. You must ensure that all these items are removed from the room before use. You cannot leave food indoors, even if it is canned.

According to the instructions, the FAS checker has the fourth hazard class (low-hazard compounds). It won't do any harm until it's set on fire. But during use, the hazard class rises to second. Therefore, the second class (hazardous compounds) is indicated on the packaging.

For normal operation, according to the rules of use, people processing the premises must wear respirators (or gas masks) and rubber gloves. Homemade respiratory protection products will not save you from the harm caused by a saber. Only professional equipment can properly protect the human body.

Sulfur releases toxic substances when ignited; you should not stay in a room where a sulfur bomb is burning for a long time.

Cleaning the room must be carried out by two people. The two of them can seal cracks and remove objects that could be damaged. When setting fire to a FAS checker, it is necessary that both of them wear respirators and gloves. In this case, one of the people lights the fuse, and the second one insures it at the exit.

After treating the room, you need to thoroughly rinse those areas of the body that were exposed when the product was set on fire. You can also rinse your nose and mouth with a salt solution. Used respirator filters should be replaced and disposed of.

Characteristics of sulfur bomb

Sulfur bomb is produced by various manufacturers, but they all have a similar design and operating principle. On average, the weight of the package contains 300 grams of the substance, and may include several tablets. Calculation of the appropriate amount of product depends on the volume of the room. The late blight checker consists largely of sulfur, its amount is at least 750 grams per kilogram of the substance. This makes checkers effective, but they are assigned a danger level of 2.

The use of tablets with the composition is prohibited under the following conditions:

  • in apartments, houses, and other inhabited buildings;
  • in rooms under living rooms;
  • in greenhouses and other premises adjacent to the house or cottage.

The reason is toxicity to birds, bees, animals, and people.

The characteristics of the sulfur bomb are as follows:

  1. After ignition, a sulfurous type of gas is created; it does not have harmful third-party additives.
  2. Smoldering smoke spreads with the flow of the air mass, reaching all parts of the rooms, seeping through minimal distances in the floor surface.
  3. Wherever the composition enters, mold, insects, and pathogens are destroyed.

The fumigant of checkers is sulfur dioxide; also, upon contact with moisture in any form, sulfurous acid is created.

First aid for poisoning

There are cases of sulfur smoke poisoning . The symptoms look like this:

  • dizziness or headache;
  • vomiting or nausea;
  • shortness of breath or pain in the lung area;
  • difficulty breathing, cough;
  • nose bleed.

If, after treating the premises, a person experiences symptoms from the list, the following actions must be taken immediately:

  • provide the victim with access to fresh air, having previously removed him from the treated area;
  • put a few drops of any nasal remedy into your nose;
  • give the victim inhalation from a 3% salt solution;
  • give an antihistamine.

This is interesting: remedies for mice in the country.

Then you need to call an ambulance team. Even if the victim feels better in the air, only a doctor can assess the consequences of poisoning for the body .

The use of sulfur bombs in the treatment of greenhouses

Late blight checkers in the presence of plants lead to burns, for this reason their use in the presence of flowers on balconies, greenhouses, and so on is not allowed. It is allowed to process only empty rooms without mushrooms, vegetables, plants, or animals. Fumigation of greenhouses from pests is carried out after clearing the shelves of cans and removing iron objects. In this case, wooden boxes for products must be left inside. Treatment should not coincide with spraying or scattering of other disinfectants.

Positive reviews


Efficiency, price.

In a wooden greenhouse at the end of the gardening season, I decided to use a sulfur bomb to disinfect and destroy insect pests. The use of sulfur bombs is quite universal, both for basements, cellars, greenhouses and hotbeds.

The manufacturer took care of colorful packaging and clear instructions.

After unpacking, all that remains is to simply light the wick and leave the room, of course following the manufacturer’s instructions.

When the checker begins to smolder well, the smoke finds all imaginable and inconceivable cracks in the holes, which is better to be nearby and not think about! I left it in the greenhouse overnight.

The effectiveness of the sulfur bomb is very high, the only limitation stated by the manufacturer is that metal products must be protected to avoid corrosion.

I used it in a wooden greenhouse, I think I could try using it in a painted metal one.

Good afternoon Probably, my review will be of interest only to gardeners, since the review will be about the sulfur garden bomb “FAS” for treating greenhouses, cellars and basements.

The cost of a checker is 35 rubles. Produced by Agrovit LLC (Moscow region, Balashikha).

The weight of the checker is 300 gr. One checker is enough to treat a greenhouse with an area of ​​5 cubic meters. m., cellar or vegetable pit - 5-10 cubic meters. m.

I bought a checker in late autumn, but did not have time to treat the greenhouse, since after the burning of the checker, the greenhouse must be closed within 24 hours, the processing process is in progress, and then the greenhouse is completely ventilated within 48 hours. Since the weather in the fall was unstable, we decided to leave the treatment until the spring.

The other day I went to the garden and treated the greenhouse.

I tried to photograph as much as possible everything that happens to the saber during the smoldering process. But it was difficult to photograph all the stages, since the saber has a very pungent and suffocating smell of smoke.

She placed the checker vertically in the greenhouse, put a wick on top and set it on fire. And already on the small burn I smelled sulfur. I decided to immediately leave the greenhouse. And as soon as I took a step, the smell of sulfur entered the bronchi and a suffocating cough ensued.

She closed the entrance doors to the greenhouse. The checker was smoldering. The entire smoldering process took approximately 40-60 minutes.

From time to time I opened a crack in the door to see what was happening with the checker. The entire greenhouse was in fog. But when I opened the door a little, the smell seeped out and began to sting my eyes. I decided not to take any more risks.

The next day I arrived, opened all the doors for ventilation and saw that the garlic that I had growing there (grew on its own), all the leaves of the garlic had turned white and withered.

The composition of the checker: sulfur, gypsum only for giving shape.


Sulfur block cannot be used together with other processing agents.

I really liked the sulfur checker. A very effective remedy for combating mold, insects and others. Now, knowing the whole process, I will take care of processing the greenhouse both in autumn and spring.

The Fas checker is designed to combat rodents, fungal microorganisms and insects that can harm the harvested crop. Convenient to use, affordable and widespread (sold in every city) - it is a convenient means of pest control.

Despite the ease of use, the checker must be used in compliance with all safety rules.

Description of the product and principle of its action

A set of tablets containing one single substance - sulfur - is called a sulfur block.

One package contains 5, 6, 7 or 10 tablets . The weight of the package, as well as the amount of sulfur, are also different. Depending on the size of the room, a certain number of tablets are taken.

This fungicidal agent is not only intended for greenhouses. With its help, they fight mold in basements, disinfect vegetable stores, and prepare flower greenhouses. In a word, they are used wherever it is necessary to destroy fungus, bacteria, all types of mold as long as possible, and also get rid of ticks and rodents.

The principle of action of sulfur tablets is very simple. A certain number of tablets are taken and set on fire in a tightly closed greenhouse . The tablet smolders very slowly, but this period is enough to repel rodents and some insects for a long time.

Smoke from the bomb easily fills all hard-to-penetrate areas of the greenhouse, making this type of disinfection very effective . With their help, not only the walls of the room are disinfected, but also the soil. This product is produced by several manufacturers, but this does not affect the principle of action.

Sulfur smoke is toxic to bees, birds and humans . Smoke bombs should not be used in residential basements. The sulfur tablet should not be used with any other disinfectant.

Popular types of checkers from manufacturers

Smoke bombs from various manufacturers can be found on sale on the Russian market in specialized stores. The most popular drugs are:

  • Sulfur blocks for greenhouses “Climate” are the most popular. They have a fairly standard design with a wick that is lit. Climate is used for processing vegetable stores and on livestock farms. This type of checker works very well against fleas and lice. Its price is about 70 rubles per package.
  • The smoke bomb for the FAS greenhouse is cheaper, but very toxic. After treating the room, long ventilation is required. This drug should not be used in premises where animals will be kept.
  • Smoke bombs against insects "ITI" are often used in homestead farming. In this product, instead of sulfur, a substance is added - permethrin. It is considered more effective for killing cockroaches, ants and woodlice. Of all the types of smoke bombs for treating greenhouses, this product is the most expensive, its price reaches 290 rubles.
  • For large rooms, it would be ideal to use Vulcan, another type of sulfur smoke bombs. It is capable of handling large warehouses of logistics centers or enterprises. It has an inexpensive price - up to 50 rubles.
  • “Peshka-S” is well suited for polycarbonate greenhouses; this product works well against unwanted insects.

Consumption rate and frequency of treatments

Depending on the composition of the checker, as well as on the nature of the treatments carried out (preventive or therapeutic), the consumption rates and frequency of treatments vary.

When using a sulfur bomb

Important – Treatment of greenhouses, hotbeds and greenhouses with a sulfur bomb is carried out ONLY BEFORE planting crops, or after harvesting

Type of treatmentsConsumption rate*
For greenhouses, hotbeds and conservatories60g/m3 or 1 checker weighing 300g. at 5m3
For basements and cellars30-60g/m3.

*Treatment with a sulfur bomb is carried out once

Treatment of cellars and vegetable stores with smoke bombs

Important - Empty cellars and basements must be treated with SULFUR pellets ONLY BEFORE STORING vegetables.

Sulfur bomb is available in different brands - Klimat, Vist, Hephaestus, Fomor or FAS. The principle of action, dosage and frequency of treatments are similar for all, there are no fundamental differences.

The following video shows the procedure for using a sulfur bomb when processing a greenhouse.

When using a tobacco stick

Type of treatmentsConsumption rateFrequency of treatments
In greenhouses for the prevention and stimulation of plant growth1 checker weighing 230-250g. at 50m3 up to 5 treatments, with an interval of 5-8 days
In greenhouses when insect pests are detected1 checker per 25-30m3.2-3 times, with an interval of 48 hours
Vegetable storage processing1 checker per 25-30m3up to 3 treatments, with an interval of 48 hours, for prevention - up to 6 treatments, with an interval of 7-10 days

Important - TOBACCO block can be used for processing greenhouses DURING the ENTIRE growing season of plants, and when processing cellars even if there are vegetables and fruits in them

Currently, the following brands of tobacco sticks are produced and used: “Hephaestus”, “Vulcan”, “Fitophtor”, “Fomor”. There are no significant differences between them; you can use any one.

The following video shows the procedure for using a tobacco stick.

Treatment of vegetable stores, cellars and basements with a sulfur smoke bomb

In such conditions, both tobacco and sulfur are used. In rooms of this type, mold often develops and dampness is present. The reason for this situation is most often flooding, as well as the lack of a high-quality ventilation process. Ideally, these factors should be eliminated, otherwise the sulfur bomb will be a temporary measure. The product destroys lesions on the surface, but if the fungus or mold has eaten too deeply, fumigation will not be able to eliminate the threat completely. If pests and mold are present, fumigation is carried out in 3 passes.

The sulfur checker should be used with caution. It cannot be used in basements below residential buildings, this is extremely dangerous. Houses always have gaps in the ceilings, even small ones. Sulfur dioxide will leak out, accompanied by an extremely unpleasant odor. Its weathering can take up to 10 days. To treat a basement in a residential building, people must be evicted for two weeks. Also, checkers should not come into contact with food; for this reason, only empty rooms are processed. Accordingly, their use in basements under residential buildings is not advisable; poisonous gas is dangerous, even fatal. It should not be inhaled, and after using the checkers, wash your hands and face thoroughly, and rinse your mouth (even though the work is done with gloves). But for vegetable storage and basements outside houses, sulfur bombs are very convenient and give an excellent effect.

Disinfection and treatment of vegetable storage

Disadvantages and pros

The sulfur bomb has its weaknesses:

  • A sulfur bomb cannot remove old, deep-seated mold in wood.
  • Many spores of dangerous fungi remain in the soil.
  • Metal structures oxidize under the influence of sulfur smoke.
  • The substance released during smoldering is very toxic. If all precautions are not followed, severe intoxication can occur.
  • Not suitable for treating plants, since the composition of the checker can destroy any organic matter. Therefore, it is not used for indoor flowers on loggias and balconies.
  • When using the checker, remove all flammable objects as far away as possible.
  • The product is inexpensive, which means its use is justified from an economic point of view.
  • Very high efficiency of the product at a fairly low price.
  • Manufacturers have provided for the safety of using the checker; the time from the start of ignition of the wick to the smoke of the checker is about two minutes.

Neutral reviews


Disinfects and disinfects, dries and fights insect pests.


The effect lasts no more than 3 months, I did not have a wick, it is toxic - you need to be careful when storing and using it.

Since I live in a private house, every autumn before the new harvest I treat the cellar with a sulfur bomb “Fas”. This must be done, because it will not be possible to disinfect the cellar with a regular fire - it will only dry it out.

Sulfur dioxide, released when the bomb burns, is toxic, so you must take precautions and not enter the treated room during treatment (24-36 hours) and after (you need to ventilate the room for 48 hours). The smell when burning is unpleasantly sour. When storing, you must also be careful and protect the saber from dampness.

Before processing, you need to close the cellar lid and plug all the cracks. One bomb is enough for me for the cellar, since the impact area is up to 10 m3.

The packaging says that the checker is set on fire using a special wick, but I didn’t find it. They just lit a small fire of birch bark and wood chips and put a saber on top - it burned to the ground.

The effect lasts for 3 months, so using a saber to fight rats and mice is ineffective. Believe me, you won’t scare them, they will come back. And mold appears again closer to spring. But the checker does not provide a long-term guarantee.

Can be used not only in the cellar, but also in the greenhouse.

I will recommend this checker to everyone, because you can’t do without it.


price, convenience.


designed for 3 months, does not cope well with mold and mildew, is toxic.

Back in June, when my brother was visiting, I forced him to caulk my underground floor in the house (it was not refrigerated well and the potatoes were growing very strongly). When all the work was completed, we noticed the mold and my brother advised me to buy a cellar checker. But it only caught my eye recently; of course, I bought it.

At the top of the sulfur bomb is a wick. It can be cut into the amount you need, but my subfloor was suitable for the consumption rate (such a block is used for 5-10 cubic meters) and so I decided to use it completely. According to the instructions, it cannot be placed in a metal dish, and the floor is wooden, so I placed it on the floor right in this saucer and lit the wick. Since the sulfur dioxide released during combustion is very toxic, I had to quickly “remove” from the underground, but I noticed how the checker was burning: a spot of neon light. According to the instructions, you need to wait a day, or even 36 hours, but my saber stood for 12-14 hours (I left it overnight), and in the morning curiosity prevailed and I looked into the underground.

There was such a pile of ash left. And in fact there was no smell anymore, but there was mold, but not as much as before. And it hung like lifeless white threads. I also had to treat it with white to be sure. But a couple of spiders were absolutely dead. Of course, it’s too early to talk about the further effect, but it’s clear that I will buy checkers, especially since there is still an effect, there’s no fuss with them, the price is 42 rubles. What won’t you do for the sake of the harvest! ))


effective, not expensive.


acrid odor, odor.

Despite the fact that we have been keeping chickens for many years, this is the first time we have encountered a problem with mites. First, we noticed that several chickens became lethargic and some fell on their feet. This went on for several days until several chickens died. We put the remaining patients in a box and then we finally understood what was going on. At night, the mites crawled throughout the box.

The next day, my husband went to the market and bought a FAS sulfur bomb. It's very cheap. Our chicken coop is small, so one checker was enough for us.

Before using the product, we cleaned the chicken coop, swept it, closed the windows, my husband put the saber itself in an iron bucket and set it on fire. There is a special wick that smolders and the saber emits acrid smoke. We closed the door to the chicken coop tightly, but still, smoke came out through the cracks. When working with a saber, you need to put a mask on your face and try to leave the room being processed as quickly as possible.

Our saber burned for about an hour. We didn’t open the chicken coop for another day so that everything inside the barn would become saturated with smoke. Afterwards, we opened the chicken coop and ventilated it for a couple of days. Only after this, with peace of mind, we moved the bird back into the chicken coop. Now we carefully examine the chickens and so far no mites have been noticed.

I recommend FAS sulfur checker to all summer residents and livestock breeders.

Two clarifications. Gaseous sulfur dioxide is formed, dissolving in water to form sulfuric acid. There is always moisture in the basement, so I would take the cans out. And one more thing - you need to plug all the cracks in the garage floor (cellar ceiling), and open the garage for ventilation. Yes, in fact, all this is written in the instructions for the checker. If you break the jars, coat the lids with grease

Enough for at least a year.

When a sulfur bomb burns, sulfur oxides are formed - sulfuric (mainly) and sulfurous anhydrides. The combination of sulfuric anhydride with water is unstable and disintegrates. Oxidizing it to sulfur, which forms sulfuric acid, requires high temperatures (400-500 degrees), which you simply do not have. So just ventilate and that's it.

PS. While I was writing, my throat began to feel sore—I had taken a sip of this very thing at one time. anhydride.

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