Flea drops "Dana Ultra": reviews, composition and effectiveness

Fleas are parasitic insects whose presence causes great discomfort to animals. In addition, bloodsuckers are carriers of dangerous infectious diseases, and therefore they are no less dangerous for humans. That is why caring owners of pets use various drugs to combat parasites. Among the huge variety of veterinary products, Dana drops for dogs are one of the most convenient and effective drugs.

Infection with exoparasites

Dogs and cats have long been home to fleas. It is even believed that this neighborhood is beneficial for both parties. A healthy animal has substances in its blood that inhibit the growth of parasites and slow down their activity. As a result, fleas do not cause any concern to the owner.

But as soon as the animal’s immunity decreases, the parasites begin to actively multiply. In this case, their population grows greatly and begins to cause only harm. This especially applies to pets. The pet begins to itch, suppuration may appear in the scratches, and the condition of the coat worsens. Young and old animals are especially affected by fleas. In addition, if a pet becomes infected with parasites on the street, they can get some kind of infectious disease.

This possibility is always present even for those animals that only walk in the yard. And if the owners take their pet to the forest or to the country, it can pick up more than just fleas. Exoparasites also include ixodid and ear mites, lice, and lice. All of them can carry infectious diseases and cause serious trouble to the animal.

Proper storage

Since the medicine contains many volatile and rapidly evaporating compounds, its storage has a number of important features and nuances:

  • It is necessary to strictly observe the temperature regime. Not higher than +25° Celsius, but not lower than 0°. In principle, a short-term drop in temperature below zero is acceptable (the medicine contains agents that do not freeze immediately), but is not encouraged. Prolonged exposure to excessively low or high temperatures leads to the destruction of the drug.

  • It is necessary to protect the drug well from direct sunlight. UV radiation has a detrimental effect on almost any medicine, and the drops we describe are no exception. In addition, the medicine begins to actively evaporate, which in some cases can even lead to damage to the dispensing pipettes.
  • Do not store drops (especially open ones) with food. This medicine, as we have repeatedly noted, is prone to rapid evaporation. Eating foods soaked in the fumes of the drug will not lead to anything good; even cases of severe poisoning are possible.
  • The medicine should be stored out of the reach of small children and pets. This is very important, since neglecting this rule can lead to tragic consequences.
  • Finally, the medicine is stored for no more than two years. After this period, its use is strictly prohibited.

General recommendations

Treatment of adult cats against fleas is carried out according to indications, that is, when fleas are detected in the animal and for preventive purposes.

Kittens are treated from the age of one month, if necessary. Kittens become infected from their mother, so it is advisable to remove fleas from a cat before she has offspring.

During processing, the drug is selected taking into account age and physiological condition (pregnant, lactating, having certain health problems).

After the animal’s fleas are destroyed, preventive treatments are carried out at the frequency specified in the instructions, or an anti-flea collar is put on, which is changed according to the time limits specified in the instructions for this drug.

When treating a cat for fleas, you need to take into account the development cycle of insects. If the product used does not destroy flea eggs and larvae, but only affects adult fleas, then the treatment is repeated after 10 days. This will guarantee the complete destruction of parasites that may hatch from eggs and larvae preserved after the first procedure.

We must not forget about grooming items, beds and rugs, where the cat spends most of its time - they should also be disinfested to avoid re-infection.

Reviews from dog breeders

Yana. Previously, we had never heard of ticks. But more and more often I began to learn from fellow dog lovers about the infection and even death of dogs. We treated our terrier with Dana Ultra drops. It’s convenient to drip; ticks were found after treatment, but only dead ones.

Ramil. Last year I used a different product. Fat marks appeared on the dog, and the hair came out. I decided to change the drug. According to the instructions, it turns out that Dana is less toxic than imported products. Although it does not give a 100% guarantee. We tried to dig it in: there were no stains, the hair didn’t come out, the ticks were dead, the fleas were gone. I will repeat it in a month.

Olga. I read that Dana is one of the most harmless drugs. The dog is small, there is a fear of overdose. Over the summer they dripped three times. The ticks were removed, but there were no signs of infection.

General characteristics of the drug

One of the most common drugs against various exoparasites is Dana Ultra. Reviews about it note that it is convenient to use, animals tolerate it well, and parasites die within 24 hours. The drug is available in the form of drops in special pipettes. This allows you to accurately dose the required amount of product. In this form, the drug is a yellowish liquid with a lemon smell.

In addition, there is also a Dana Ultra flea collar. Reviews note that its use is absolutely safe. While wearing the collar, the animal is completely protected from all types of exoparasites.

All Dana Ultra preparations have significant advantages over other insecticidal agents:

Who are they acting against?

Drops are effective against:

  • fleas;
  • ticks;
  • lice eaters.

The product is equally poisonous to a number of tick families, so it can be considered universal. With the help of the drug you can get rid of ixodid, demoked and other types of ticks. Drops are also considered a means of prevention against parasites. You can also find out why a tick is dangerous and what to do if you find one.

Dosage of Comfortis tablets

Considering the presence of a certain concentration of toxic substances in the drug, its dosage must be approached with particular care. The manufacturer took this point into account, so the instructions for Comfortis tablets explain in great detail the required volume of the drug in relation to the weight, age and type of animal

Comfortis for cats is suggested to be used in an amount of 50 to 100 mg per kilogram of body weight. Similarly, it is worth calculating the dosage for indoor dogs of small breeds. At the same time, for large dogs the drug is dosed at the rate of 50–70 mg per kilogram of weight.

The tablets are taken to animals along with food. To make the animal feel more comfortable about an unfamiliar object in a bowl of food, the tablets are given the smell of meat food.

Composition and effect

Increasingly, veterinarians recommend using Dana Ultra drops to prevent infection with exoparasites and to get rid of them. Reviews note that this remedy is more effective than many others. It destroys not only adults, but also larvae and even eggs. In addition, parasites do not develop resistance with regular use of the drug.

This can be explained by the special composition of the Dana Ultra product. Its effectiveness is ensured by a combination of three active components:

  • Fipronil is the most effective and safe insectoacaricidal substance. It penetrates the blood of parasites and disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses. As a result, paralysis and death of the insect occurs.
  • Thiamethoxam complements the action of fipronil, as it has similar properties.
  • Pyriproxyfen affects parasites at the larval stage. This substance prevents their normal development, which stops the growth of the parasite population.

The drug has a prolonged effect due to the fact that the active ingredients accumulate in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the animal. They will gradually spread over the skin without penetrating the blood.

How does an animal become infected with worms?

Even if a cat is completely domestic, this does not mean that it cannot become infected with helminths. Adult parasites and their larvae are found in the soil and grass, so a person can bring them home on his shoes. Also, pets may encounter worms in the following cases:

  • drank unboiled water;
  • ate raw river fish;
  • have been in contact with a sick cat or dog.

If a dog or cat has fleas, then there is a high probability that the pet will need to be treated for helminths. The appearance of worms in a cat or dog is indicated by a lethargic state, hair loss or dull appearance, loss or, conversely, increased appetite, weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea, and a constant desire to drink. In kittens, the presence of worms in the body is indicated by a swollen belly and pale mucous membranes.

Features of application

Many pet owners are familiar with the drug "Dana Ultra". Reviews of its use note that it is effective against fleas, lice, lice, ear mites and sarcoptic mites. It also reliably protects the animal from ixodid ticks.

The drug is used by applying drops to the skin of dogs and cats in places that are inaccessible for licking. Usually this is a place on the back between the shoulder blades or the neck slightly below the back of the head. The required dosage is selected based on the weight of the animal. The drug is packaged in droppers already designed for a certain weight. You just need to carefully read the information on the packaging.

The drug should be applied only to dry, intact skin. For 2 days after treatment, you should not bathe your pet, it is not advisable to pet it, and it should be protected from direct sunlight. During this time, you need to protect the animal from communicating with children. Repeated treatment can be carried out no more than once a month. To make the treatment more effective, you need to replace your pet’s bedding after the procedure.

To destroy an ixodid tick, if it has already attached itself to the skin, you need to drop 1-2 drops on it and the skin around it. Usually after 20 minutes it dies and either falls off on its own or can be removed without any problems. When treating ear mites, the drug is instilled into the ear, the auricle is bent and lightly massaged. This way the product will be distributed over a larger surface.


Very convenient to apply. Doesn't take much time. And it doesn’t cause any particular difficulties. You can apply drops to the withers or back in any position of the animal: when it is standing, lying or sitting.

Processed only once a month. There is no need to constantly bathe your pet with shampoos and torment you with water treatments. Because by their nature, cats do not like water.

Long-term exposure promises protection against new fleas and saves from old ones. A few hours after the procedure, Dan drops are distributed throughout the coat and carried by the blood. For fleas, the fatal dose will be after one meal. Gradually all the parasites become infected and die. The effect can be noticed after a few days, when the animal stops constantly scratching.

Affordable price. The product can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy or specialty store for animals. The average cost of a package is 155 rubles.

Folk remedies for fleas

You can also fight fleas on your cat using folk remedies; they are safe and quite effective.

Several recipes for folk remedies against fleas for cats:

  • Homemade shampoo. Grind a piece of baby soap on a fine grater, add hot water and heat over a fire until a jelly-like consistency is obtained. After cooling, add a tablespoon of strong nettle broth, a teaspoon of grated onions and one egg yolk. Wet the cat's fur and lather with the resulting mixture. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse;
  • Pour a head of peeled garlic into a glass of water and leave for 12 hours. Rub the resulting infusion into the animal’s withers;
  • Take two tablespoons of dry tansy, eucalyptus and wormwood herbs. Pour two glasses of boiling water and leave. Using the resulting infusion, moisten the animal’s fur, dry without rinsing;
  • Litter filled with pine needles or pine sawdust will serve as a good flea repellent. If the cat uses it regularly, this will be a good prevention of the appearance of skin parasites.

Dana Ultra drops for dogs

Reviews of their use note that the drug is effective even for large animals with long hair. If the dog weighs more than 40 kg, you need to apply the drops to several places on the skin, but so that he cannot reach there with his tongue. The dosage of drops for dogs should be as follows:

  • for puppies and miniature breeds, use one 0.4 ml pipette;
  • dogs weighing 5 to 10 kg need 0.8 ml;
  • For medium breeds of dogs, a dosage of 1.6 ml is used;
  • large animals over 20 kg need 3.2 ml;
  • if the dog weighs more than 40 kg, 4.8 ml will be required for treatment.


Dana Ultra in the form of a spray contains fipronil and cyfluthrin. In this regard, the drug is successfully used not only for the treatment and prevention of entomosis in dogs, but also to protect animals from ticks and flying insects (mosquitoes, flies, etc.). The product is packaged in bottles equipped with spray heads, so it is convenient to use.

How to apply

If Dana spray is used for prevention or treatment, the actions are performed in the following sequence:

  1. Shake the bottle.
  2. Spray the product evenly over the entire body of the animal. Keep the spray head at a distance of 20-25 cm from your pet.
  3. If the hair is long, it should be lifted with your hand so that the medicinal solution penetrates the skin.

For 1 kg of weight you need 2-4 ml of spray. Calculating the dose is easy - one press is equal to 0.5 ml. Processing must be carried out outdoors. If this is not possible, be sure to open the vents or windows, and after completing the procedure, check the room thoroughly.

Note! Until the solution dries, do not let the animal lick it off. To do this, use a cervical collar, muzzle or braid.

Dana Ultra drops for cats

Reviews about the treatment of furry pets against fleas with this drug are mostly positive. The main thing is to choose the right dosage. Drops are sold separately for dogs and cats, and the amount of the drug in the packages is different. Therefore, you need to buy drops for cats. They are available in two versions: for small and young animals weighing up to 4 kg 0.3 ml, and for all others - 0.6 ml.

In addition, there is also a Dana Ultra collar for cats. Reviews note that it is convenient to use, it protects against infection if the pet often walks in nature. But not all cats can walk normally in a collar, so drops are still more common.

Contraindicated for whom

The drug is low-toxic, so it is recommended even for puppies over 2 kilograms.

However, in order to exclude possible harm to the offspring, the drug cannot be used to treat pregnant dogs, during the period of feeding puppies and for puppies up to 1.5-2 months.

Also, you should not use it on animals that are sick or weakened after illness.

Dana drops will help get rid of parasites quickly

Contraindications and side effects

Any healthy animals over 10 weeks of age can be treated with the drug. Do not use drops or a collar on weakened or pregnant pets. Infectious diseases, decreased immunity, and individual intolerance may also be contraindications for treatment. When treating ear mites, drops should not be used on animals with a perforated eardrum.

The drug "Dana Ultra" belongs to substances of hazard class 3. When used correctly, it has no toxic effect on animals and does not irritate the skin. It is only undesirable to get drops into the eyes and mucous membranes, as redness and burning may occur.

Otherwise, side effects very rarely occur when using the drug "Dana Ultra". Reviews from veterinarians note that some animals may develop vomiting, depression, and muscle weakness. In case of such reactions, you need to wash off the drug with a detergent and give your pet an adsorbent.

Precautionary measures

When applying Dan drops to your pet, follow the generally accepted rules: do not let the animal swallow the product (and, of course, do not do it yourself), avoid contact with your skin and mucous membranes. After handling your dog, wash your hands thoroughly. If you notice signs of hypersensitivity in an animal to the components of the drops, immediately wash it with shampoo and contact a veterinary clinic.

What are the advantages of Comfortis tablets?

  • They have a long period of insecticidal action after a single application;
  • The drug is quickly eliminated from the body;
  • Easy to use;
  • Can be used even if the skin is damaged - wounds, dermatitis, etc.;
  • It has a mild effect and does not harm the animal’s body;
  • Can be used for preventive purposes.
  • The product is easily accessible, it is not difficult to buy it at a pet store or order it online.

When to use

All dosage forms of Dana are designed to combat ectoparasites. The drug is used for infection with the following types of arthropods and insects:

  • fleas;
  • lice;
  • lice eaters;
  • scabies mites, including otodectosis mites;
  • ixodid ticks;
  • demodectic mites.

The medicine is well suited for the prevention of entomosis and acarosis. It is especially recommended to use it during the period of activity of external parasites, that is, in the warm season.

Note! If there is a high risk of infection, for example, a strong spread of ticks, frequent walks in the forest, etc., it is recommended to combine the use of the drug in different dosage forms. When using drops, a collar, shampoo or spray will provide additional protection.

Features of application depend on the form of release of the antiparasitic agent.

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