How to protect your dog from mosquitoes? Choosing repellents or traditional methods

Mosquito repellents for dogs are produced in the form of a spray, aerosol, drops, collars, or prepare the preparations yourself. With the onset of warmer weather, every pet owner thinks about how to protect their dog from mosquitoes and midges. Among the huge range of products, several products stand out. Flea products are mainly used for dogs, since the effect of such drugs extends to all blood-sucking insects.

What is the danger

A mosquito is a small, blood-sucking insect that also leaves itchy marks on the animal's skin. Nature took care of four-legged animals, giving them long and thick hair. But even such a dense barrier will not be able to provide complete protection. Smooth-haired breeds generally have no chance of self-rescue and therefore the owner must be able to choose an effective remedy for the animals.


Most often, mosquitoes attack dogs in the ears, nose and even eyes.

An itchy bump on the body after a bite is far from the worst danger from a mosquito bite. These insects are carriers of dangerous diseases. These include various kinds of invasive diseases that arise as a result of parasites entering the body. If such an infection is ignored, the animal may die.

Safety when using drops against ticks and fleas

All drugs considered are certified and registered in the Russian Federation. According to the degree of impact on the body, they are classified as moderately dangerous substances (hazard class 3 or 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), in recommended doses they do not have skin-irritating and resorptive-toxic, embryotoxic and teratogenic effects. If it gets into the gala, mild irritation is possible. The drugs are toxic to rabbits, bees, fish and other aquatic organisms.

In case of overdose, excessive salivation, muscle tremors, and vomiting are possible. In this case, the drug is washed off with water and detergent, and the animal is prescribed antihistamines and symptomatic therapy.

Choosing the best mosquito repellent for dogs

Mosquitoes cause trouble not only for humans, but also for their four-legged friend. It is the owner’s responsibility to protect his animal from annoying insects and provide him with a comfortable and healthy life. In specialized stores or pharmacies you can buy a mosquito repellent for dogs that is suitable for the individual characteristics of your pet.

The need to use mosquito repellent for dogs

Pesky mosquitoes often prefer the blood of animals that are unable to protect themselves on their own. For the owner, bites on his pet go unnoticed, while the dog suffers from itching and has a hard time enduring insect attacks.

Short-haired breeds, which lack a natural protective barrier, often suffer from mosquito attacks, but those with long hair also have vulnerable spots: muzzle, ears, nose. Sverbezh is far from the only trouble that appears after mosquito bites. There are also more serious consequences, and some of them even pose a danger to the life of the animal:

  • allergic reaction to a bite. It manifests itself as severe itching, the dog literally tears at the affected area. The skin swells; if there are several bites, quite serious swelling may occur and the body temperature will rise. An acute allergic reaction may be accompanied by suffocation, convulsions, vomiting, loss of consciousness, and disorientation;
  • dirofilariasis. Infection with helminths is the most dangerous consequence, which can lead to the death of the animal. Heartworms are a special type of parasite that live under the skin, in the muscles, in the lungs and sometimes even in the heart of a dog. It can reach a size of 30 cm. Without proper treatment, parasites in a dog’s body develop quite quickly and can provoke thrombosis or embolism.

In addition, mosquitoes spread a lot of other diseases - West Nile fever, eastern and western equine encephalitis, systemic lupine erythema. There is no guarantee that your dog will not contract a particular disease, so it is better to prevent it than to look for a way to cure it later.

Classification of funds

In order to avoid having to save the health or even the life of your pet, it is better to take care in advance of purchasing a reliable means of protection against blood-sucking creatures. This issue is especially relevant with the onset of warmer weather and the season of traveling out of town.

Mosquito sprays for dogs are as convenient to use as possible.

Modern mosquito repellents are presented in convenient forms and doses. It is necessary to choose the most suitable product from the offered range, because not all drugs are equally suitable for animals. The most common are:

  • sprays are preparations in the form of aerosols for active dogs. Valid from a week to a month. They are effective against both mosquitoes and other insects, including fleas and ticks. After treatment with the spray, the dog cannot be bathed, since most of the preparations dissolve in water and lose their properties. If you are outdoors and the animal takes a dip in a pond, you should reapply the product. Spray the entire fur, ears, belly and face, after closing the eyes;
  • Drops are repellents convenient for one-time use when traveling or on vacation. Suitable for small dogs. They are used by applying a certain dose to the withers of the animal. If the dog is large in size, several places on the body should be treated at once. The effect of the drops is designed for up to 2 months; these are mainly waterproof products that continue to act even after water procedures or rain;
  • Collars are special accessories for dogs that protect against mosquitoes using sound signals or special impregnation of the material. The effect of collars is the longest, lasting up to six months. By purchasing it at the beginning of the season, you don’t have to worry about protecting your pet all summer long. Manufacturers recommend leaving the mosquito collar on, even at home.

The choice of mosquito repellents for dogs should be based on certain rules:

  • age and weight of the animal. The instructions specify age criteria, as well as the required dosages;
  • for puppies and pregnant dogs there is a special group of drugs with a specific composition;
  • individual characteristics of the animal, the presence of diseases or allergies to the components of the selected product.

Repellents intended for humans should not be used on dogs. They contain toxic substances, and if an animal licks them, the consequences can be very tragic.

The Most Effective Mosquito Sprays for Dogs

Mosquito repellents are the most popular among dog owners. They are easy to use, effective, and there is a huge selection available.

  1. BloechNet. A series of drugs for animals of any breed. There are preparations for small animals whose weight does not exceed 10 kg, as well as for those prone to allergies. Mosquito spray for dogs has a wide spectrum of action. The drug lasts for about a month. In the first 3 days after treatment, the animal should not be bathed or let out in the rain.
  2. Frontline. The active ingredients are fipronil and permethrin. They complement each other's actions well, causing paralysis and death in parasites. The spray protects the animal for 1-2 months. You cannot pet your dog for 12 hours after spraying; bathing is not recommended for 3 days.
  3. Green Fort. A natural product containing essential oils. This allows the spray to be used by pregnant dogs, nursing dogs and puppies. Natural preparations are not as effective and require frequent use, at least once a week.

Before purchasing a spray, be sure to read the instructions in the package insert or consult with the seller.


Anti-mosquito dog collars

A special device that will protect against mosquitoes using sound signals or special impregnation of the manufacturing material. Manufacturers recommend not removing the mosquito collar even while at home.

Various natural oils of citronella, eucalyptus, geranium, cedar or chemical reagents can be used as an insecticide.

What means of protection are there?

Mosquito repellents for dogs

The owner can only choose an effective method to protect the dog from mosquitoes and midges through experience. There are a lot of options for this. When selecting a product, you must take into account the age and weight of the pet. Each drug is always accompanied by detailed instructions for use, which must be studied.

To save your dog from mosquitoes you can use:

  1. Sprays.
  2. Drops.
  3. Collars.
  4. Traditional methods.

To ensure complete safety of the dog, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment. In this case, the risk of catching a dangerous infection and encountering difficulties in eliminating the consequences after bites is significantly reduced.

Help with advice. How to protect your dog from mosquitoes

Help with advice. How to protect your dog from mosquitoes

Post by valisak » May 31, 2013, 08:15

Re: Help with advice. How to protect your dog from mosquitoes

Post by Tatyana66 » May 31, 2013, 08:22 here everything is very well described on how to protect a dog. How to protect your dog from midges

Among the various antiparasitic agents offered on the pet products market, the drugs “BlochNet” and “Frontline” stand out. Among other insect control products, these products include drops and sprays in their lines that are specifically labeled as repellent against mosquitoes and midges.

Special sprays “Creolin” and “Tseperil”, applied in the dosage required for a dog of a given weight, will reliably protect your pet from midges.

Kiltix collars help save dogs from mosquitoes, but very often cause allergies in dogs.

Green Fort bio-drops will prevent blood-sucking insects from getting to your dog, and they can be used on sick, weakened and pregnant animals.

Children's midge sprays are very effective against midges and midges. Spray it on your palms and rub it over the animal.

Artificial vanillin, a white crystalline powder, is very good at repelling midges from people and animals. The powder must be ground into powder and sprinkled on the dog.

One of the most effective remedies against midges and mosquitoes is clove oil, which is sold in regular pharmacies. Apply to the dog in the amount of 1 drop on the head and 1 drop on the croup. The repellent effect lasts from 3 to 6 hours.

Insect repellent sprays, lotions and aerosols

The most popular and easy to use drugs. You can spray the product on anything: clothes, body, head (hair), any objects in the room (except heating devices and elements).


  • it is necessary to provide protection for the eyes and respiratory tract when spraying;
  • not all drugs are approved for children;
  • used in limited quantities during the day/night;
  • sometimes have a pungent odor.

Drugs in this group provide protection for 5-6 hours or more and have a 100% result. Some repellents are alcohol-based and do not contain additional caring ingredients, so they require the subsequent use of nourishing creams (after taking a bath or shower) to moisturize the skin. Spray lotions contain skin softening components. Sprays have been developed for treating clothing, tents, etc. with a significant period of protection.

Essential oils for bad breath in dogs

In recent years, there have been some scientific studies on the use of essential oils to treat bad breath in dogs, which have shown some promising results. A 2013 study noted that pepper and rosemary essential oils have natural antimicrobial properties, which are thought to be caused by the high levels of thymol in the essential oil.

When dogs were given a diluted mouthwash with pepper and rosemary essential oils, it significantly reduced bad breath, helped fight gingivitis, and promoted dogs' oral health.

Ointment, gel, foam, balm and cream against mosquitoes and midges

Ointments, gels, foams, creams, etc. – the most commonly used drugs after aerosols and sprays. They can be applied to the body, face, hands (avoiding contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes). The advantage compared to spray forms is the virtual absence of an unpleasant irritating odor.


  • in the case of a dense texture, stains may appear on clothes and linens;
  • short-term protection (only a few hours);
  • unprotected areas under clothing.

This is an ideal choice for people with delicate, sensitive skin and children. Many drugs can be used by patients with allergies (see instructions for the product); they have a complex effect and include essential oils and other natural substances.

Fumigators, spirals, candles and bracelets are also used against mosquitoes and midges. A large assortment of a wide variety of drugs to protect against insect bites can be found in Stolichka pharmacies. Please also pay attention to the availability of a variety of preparations (creams, gels, etc.) intended for treating the skin after bites.

Periods of greatest insect activity

All insects are especially active at different times of the day. So, in hot sunny weather you can easily find horseflies. Mosquitoes are capable of sucking blood around the clock. Bumblebees can attack starting in May, and wasps and bees - with the onset of the summer months. Midges are active throughout the daylight hours.

The presence of certain insects also depends on the area. For example, horseflies live almost everywhere. There are many of them in forest areas, near water bodies and in marshy areas. Ordinary mosquitoes are found almost everywhere. Midges are most often found in river valleys, near fast-flowing water, in the taiga, etc.


An insecticide-based product for animals has a wide spectrum of action. Available in the form of a spray, drops. Protects against mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects.

Use mosquito repellent spray for dogs outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. The can is held at arm's length, with 15 cm remaining to the fur. During treatment, care must be taken to ensure that the drug does not get into the eyes, mucous membranes of the mouth, or nose.

Dog protection lasts for about a month. The effectiveness depends on the number of times your pet is bathed. You should not do water treatments for 3 days after treating the animal; you should not let it out into the rain for 2 hours after spraying. Preparations for protecting dogs from mosquitoes BlochNet Drops differ from sprays only in the composition of the auxiliary components. It should be applied to the withers, or along the spine so that the animal cannot lick off the product. Within 2 hours, the active components enter the bloodstream and are distributed throughout the body. The protection begins to take effect 3 hours after treating the dog.

BlochNet is produced against mosquitoes for cats; it differs in the concentration of the active component. The validity period is the same.

The drug should not be used by pregnant or lactating females, puppies under 12 months, sick or weakened animals.


Dog Mosquito Sprays
Mosquito repellent spray for dogs is one of the most popular forms. It is very convenient to use. It is enough just to direct the flow of funds to the right place. It doesn't take much time to treat your dog. This is especially convenient for pets who are highly active. Disadvantages include higher cost and higher consumption.


A series for protecting dogs, which includes not only sprays. You can buy it in almost any store. The average cost for a can of spray is 250 rubles. The series includes preparations for animals whose weight does not exceed 10 kg, as well as for large breeds weighing 30-40 kg. There is a series for animals prone to allergic reactions.


I only trust BloechNet. Protects against a wide range of pests. During the summer season, my pet was not bitten even once. The pleasure is not the cheapest, but the result is worth it. Over the summer we used up at least 3 cylinders.

Yulia, Chelyabinsk


Spray Bars provides long-term protection, since the active ingredient fipronil is absorbed into the upper layers of the skin and retains its effect for up to 4 weeks. Price 160-190 rubles.

Bayer Bolfo

Well-deserved German quality. The effect lasts for about a month. Doesn't kill mosquitoes, but repels them. Complete protection of dogs from mosquitoes, ticks and fleas is provided thanks to propoxur. Price from 500 rubles.


For puppies I always buy only Bolfo. Expensive, for three dogs it costs about 7 grand per summer. For adults I take something simpler. Only once did the spray misfire. I found a tick behind the ear on the puppy. The quality of protection largely depends on the correct treatment of the dog.

Ilya, Kislovodsk

Small breed dogs are allowed to use mosquito repellent for cats. You must first consult a specialist.


The Frontline series is a new generation of products that have gained recognition around the world. Dogs are protected by fipronil and permethrin. The substances complement each other’s actions, act on the nervous system of parasites, causing paralysis and death.

Frontline Tri Act spray is distributed throughout the animal's fur and provides protection against blood-sucking insects for 1 to 2 months. The dog should be splashed outdoors. You cannot pet your pet for 12 hours; bathing is allowed after 3 days.

It differs from other drugs in that it does not penetrate into the general bloodstream, which reduces the likelihood of side effects. The active components are concentrated in the hair follicles and the upper layers of the skin.

Is mint safe for dogs?

With several beneficial properties and a very pleasant smell, pet owners may be wondering, “Is peppermint bad for dogs?” Although using any form of peppermint on dogs can cause adverse reactions, peppermint essential oil in particular is considered highly toxic.

Flea sprays with peppermint essential oil have been reported to cause adverse reactions such as agitation, anorexia, hypersalivation, lethargy, and vomiting. , convulsions, tremors and vomiting. Any product that uses peppermint oil for dogs carries a risk of accidental ingestion and is not recommended.

Green Fort

Biological, natural preparation based on essential oils. The composition includes citronella, lavender, cinnamon, cloves. Available in the form of spray and drops. Natural repellents for dogs can be used by pregnant and lactating females and small puppies. Mosquito repellents for pets The effectiveness of biological products is somewhat lower than insecticides. The dog must be treated in dry weather and the procedure must be repeated every week. The main advantage is that GreenFort has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components.


Repellents for dogs in the form of drops
Repellents for dogs in the form of drops are very convenient to take with you on trips and on vacation. They take up very little space and are easy to use. In order to protect your pet, you need to apply the amount of the drug indicated in the instructions to the withers. For large dog breeds, the drops should be applied to several places at once to provide protection to the entire body.


Only healthy individuals are allowed to be treated with mosquito repellents. Pregnant, lactating or weakened dogs must first be shown to a veterinarian to select a safe product.

Drops are recommended for use on pets no younger than 2 months. After application, be sure to allow the drug to absorb and begin to act.


After application, unwanted insects will be eliminated for at least a month. The maximum validity period is 6 weeks. Produced by Bayer. Price 600 rubles. The active ingredients of Advantix are permethrin and imidacloprid.


It was very difficult to handle a large dog with long and thick hair. They were afraid to exceed the maximum amount, but the amount used turned out to be little. As a result, mosquitoes kept circling around our Chester. Several bites were still discovered the next morning. The drops work, but need to be handled very carefully.

Anastasia, Tver


Series are available for dogs up to 60 kg. They have systemic and contact effects. The substance is based on permethrin and fipronil. One treatment is enough for a month. You cannot smear a dog that is less than 2 months old. Bars drops have a similar effect.


Mosquito collar from the German company Bayer, known throughout the world. Available in 3 sizes, yellow. It contains 2 active components – flumethrin, propoxur. Accumulates in the epidermis and hair follicles.

The effect of the collar begins within 2 days, as the active substances are distributed. It does not have a repellent effect; mosquitoes land on the animal’s fur, come into contact with the toxic substance, and die. According to the manufacturers, the collar retains its properties for 7 months.

Creolin, Tsiperil

The preparations contain the insecticide cypermethrin. Upon contact with it, insects begin to paralyze and die. The products are available in the form of a concentrated solution. It must be diluted in the required dosage with water immediately before use.

On a note!

The drugs are used not only in the fight against blood-sucking insects, but are also used to treat skin diseases and fungal infections. It is recommended to use the products under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Protection with folk remedies

You can save your dog from mosquitoes without using expensive professional medications. It is enough to take a few minutes of free time and prepare an effective remedy with your own hands.

  • Vanillin is dissolved in water, poured into a spray bottle, and the dog's fur is sprayed against mosquitoes either completely or in a certain place - along the ridge.
  • Dilute 25 ml of birch tar in 1 liter of water at room temperature. Wool should be processed. The protection lasts for several days against any blood-sucking insects.
  • Essential oils for mosquitoes: geranium, cloves, lavender, citronella. The dog must be smeared daily. It is allowed to carry out the procedure indoors. Pull back the fur and apply oil to the skin. A few drops in the area of ​​the head and withers are enough.

Human repellents cannot be used to protect dogs from mosquitoes, but children's repellents up to one year old are allowed. Every owner is obliged to rid their pets of blood-sucking insects. When choosing an effective remedy, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, age, weight, and health status. If the dog has been bitten by mosquitoes and midges, it is necessary to provide the animal with qualified assistance.

Mosquitoes are a necessary evil. We don’t let him get to us

Not only adults suffer from insects, but also children (and not all repellents are approved for children, which complicates the selection of products) and pets.

Humanity has been trying to protect itself from these bloodsuckers throughout its history. But if previously we had only natural essential oils from mosquitoes, such as clove oil, citronella, eucalyptus, geranium, now we have various achievements of the chemical industry in our arsenal.

Do not underestimate the effect of the former and be afraid of the unnatural origin of the latter. Each is effective in its own way, safety confirmed by many years of research and practical application.

How to make a repellent for mosquitoes, midges and other insects at home

Essential oils against mosquitoes, wasps, ticks, fleas, flies, and midges will help reduce contact with chemicals - the use of natural substances is effective in nature and at home. Natural essential essences contain many biologically active components and are characterized by a specific odor.

The persistent aroma allows you to get rid of annoying insects absolutely safely for health and for a long time. When choosing a product, it is recommended to consider the following: Eucalyptus, basil, citronella, cloves, lavender, thyme, livzea - ​​these are universal remedies that act on all groups of arthropods.

Geranium, palmarosa, lavender and geranium protect against ticks, which is important when relaxing in nature, on hikes, on picnics. Citronella, mint, cedar, lavender, eucalyptus, sassafrasal get rid of flies. Orange eliminates fleas - a drop of the drug can be applied to the withers of pets animals.


The intense bitter-herbaceous smell of wormwood quickly repels insects such as midges, flies, wasps, cockroaches, and it protects against ants no less effectively. Essential oil can be used both at home and in the country, placing it in an aroma holder.

The product in an amount equal to 10 drops is combined with base oil and used for its intended purpose.

Clove oil is characterized by a tart aroma, which is pleasant to humans, but has a detrimental effect on ticks and mosquitoes.

The drug is safe for children and adults.

It is recommended to apply a few drops to clothing when going to the forest, park areas, or public gardens. And also dilute 2 drops of oil in 1 tbsp. l of any base oil and apply to exposed skin.

Mint will help get rid of the clouds of midges that pester a person in the evening hours both in the countryside and in the city.

Lavender can be considered one of the most powerful remedies.

Essential oils against mosquitoes based on this plant not only protect against insects (from moths and their larvae, wood lice, bedbugs), but also help relieve nervous excitement.

For home use, you can prepare the following product: place 200 ml of water and 1 tsp in a bottle with a spray nozzle. lavender essential oil. The drug is sprayed indoors twice a day.

Cedar and fir

Coniferous varieties are also effective against mosquitoes and small flies. To treat the skin, you can prepare an oily substance.

It is recommended to regularly treat your home with geranium oil against various domestic parasites, such as body lice, bedbugs, and fleas.

The drug is diluted in 100 ml of alcohol (1 tsp) and placed in a container with a spray bottle. The product is sprayed on bedding, cabinet shelves, crevices, mattresses, pillows and other places where insects can hide.

Rosemary can be added to shampoos and hair conditioners to prevent lice infestation, which is especially important for students, schoolchildren and children in kindergartens.

Using an oil product in aroma makers will save the house from the penetration of most insects. The most effective and simple method is when essential oils from mosquitoes and other insects are mixed with any base preparation (grape seeds, peach).

Dangerous guest - dust mite

Dust mites are a source of allergens for people in the home, but even noticing this problem is sometimes difficult. Although the insects themselves are not harmful, many people are allergic to their droppings, which are found in mattresses, pillows, carpets and furniture. Between 100,000 and 10 million dust mites live in a single mattress. This type of mite is dangerous for children, as they are more likely to suffer from sensitivity to dust. The study assessed the toxicity, that is, the “poisonousness” of juniper oil and its components for ticks, as well as the effect of 4 spray formulas with concentrations from 10 to 40 mg/l. In biotesting, the most toxic compounds for insects were methyl eugenol and guaiacol, the indicators of these substances were comparable to those of a traditional repellent. The use of 30 or 40 mg/l experimental sprays provided 96 and 100% lethality, which is higher than that of traditional means. The result is achieved through the action of evaporation (Kim, Perumalsamy, Shin, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea, 2017).

The following work evaluated the effect of basil essential oil against ticks. The experiment used 1, 2, 3 and 4% sprays based on this substance. Their results were then compared with the results of treatment with permethrin, a standard drug for repelling and killing ticks. It turned out that the use of 3 and 4% sprays provided 97 and 100% mortality of ticks, respectively, while permethrin at a concentration of 2.5 g/liter of spray treatment resulted in 17% mortality. Basil oil can be a natural way to get rid of the problem (Perumalsamy, Kim, Kim, Hwang, Ahn, Seoul National University, South Korea, 2014).

Mosquitoes protection

Mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects are dangerous for dogs due to the fact that they serve as intermediate hosts for the biohelminth dirofilaria. Dirofilariasis is a vector-borne parasitic disease characterized by cardiac, hepatic and renal complications. Just a few years ago, data on cases of dirofilariasis were only in the Far East and in the southern regions: in Russia in the Rostov region, Krasnodar region, the Republic of Adygea, Stavropol region. In Europe - in Greece and Bulgaria. But recently, sick animals are increasingly appearing in the Moscow region and Moscow. In Europe, the geography of their habitat, alas, has also expanded (picture from the ESCCAP (European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites) website):

Dirofilariasis is an invasive disease caused by round helminths of the genus Dirofylaria. Dogs are parasitized by two species - D. immitis and D. repens, which differ in that in the mature form (helminths themselves), the former are localized in the cavities of the heart and large vessels (pulmonary artery, aorta), and the latter - in the subcutaneous tissue, although occasionally can also be found in unusual places: eyes, brain, abdominal cavity and spinal cord. Larvae - microfilariae travel through the blood, concentrating on the periphery in the morning and evening hours, since mosquitoes are especially active in attacking at this time. Three days after the bite, most of the larvae are in the subcutaneous tissues. By day 21, most of the larvae have migrated into the dog's abdominal tissues; by day 41, they migrate between muscle fibers and penetrate the veins, which carry them to the heart and lungs. At the final stage, on day 50, up to 70% of the worms reach the pulmonary vessels. At 90 – 120 days they are 1 to 1.5 inches long. After this, the female worms will increase in length by almost ten times. They become sexually mature 120 days after infection. When preventing diroflariasis, we kill monthly larvae in the skin with sizes ranging from 1.09-1.65 mm or during migration between muscles, etc. (slightly larger). With prophylaxis once every 3 months, the death of the larvae will already occur in the vessels of the lungs, when the size of the larvae is more than 20 mm. (Source: American Heartworm Society website

Bayer has a graphic, creepy cartoon showing how microflaria enter a dog’s body and develop there. Dogs in regions that are permanently affected by dirofilariasis must undergo annual diagnostics: – Blood test for the presence of microfilariae (microscopic examination or Knott test). Feature: detects all microfilariae present in the blood, regardless of genus and species (this can be not only representatives of the genus Dirofilaria). But microfilariae in the blood will be detected in this test only when both males and females are parasitized at the same time. – Enzyme immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method, which can be used to detect antibodies to heartworms or the antigen itself. – Rapid tests for immunochromatographic detection of D. immitis agents in blood serum, blood plasma and whole blood of dogs. – Additional studies: indirect fluorescence methods, chest x-ray, echocardiography, angiography. It is very important to apply one or another treatment regimen based on a specific type of heartworm: when applying a loading dose of angelmint to an animal (especially a small one) affected by D. immitis, there is a risk of intense blockage of blood vessels by dead heartworms, which can lead to extremely serious consequences.

Prevention of dirofilariasis

All prophylactic agents for the fight against diroflaria currently belong to the macrocyclic lactone (ML) class of drugs: these are moxidectin, ivermectin and milbemycin oxime for monthly oral administration or in the form of drops on the withers. The life cycle of heartworms determines the frequency of prevention - once a month. The prophylactic dose is 0.006 mg (6 mcg) per kg of dog weight. Treatment begins a month before the start of the mosquito and midge flight season and is completed no earlier than 1 month after the end of the insect flight. Before using drugs that destroy mature heartworms, it is imperative to test for their presence in the blood! In case of a positive test, treatment should only be carried out under the supervision of veterinarians!

Human infection

A person can also become infected from his pet with various diseases that were transmitted to him from a mosquito. But for this procedure it is necessary that the mosquito initially infects the dog, and then after about 2 weeks in warm weather (+14 C) bites the person. Most often, a person gets heartworm disease from a dog through a mosquito.

Once in the blood, the larva soon outgrows and settles in some secluded corner of our body. The only time it can be dangerous is when it settles in a vital area.

What to do if your dog is bitten by an insect?

It is important to quickly determine whether a dog has been bitten or stung. If a dog suddenly begins to scratch its face, chew its legs, or any part of its body begins to swell, then it can be considered that it has been bitten by an insect.

Identify the insect. Look around, there may be a lot of flying or crawling insects around.

For bee stings, look at the sting. Bees are the only insects that leave their stings in their victims. These stings that are left behind continue to release venom, so removing them reduces the maximum amount of venom a dog can receive.

You can remove the sting with a simple credit card by simply running the tip over your pet's fur a few times. Do not use tweezers, as this may cause you to squeeze out more venom. Fortunately, other flying insects (wasps and hornets) do not leave their stings at the site of the bite.

Soothe the bite area. Make a thick paste of baking soda and water and apply it to the bite.

Minimize swelling. Apply ice to the bite site for 10 minutes to reduce swelling. For large bites, a cold, damp towel is best.

Prevent an allergic reaction. Give your dog a small dose of an antihistamine (such as diphenhydramine) to minimize the reaction and reduce itching. Consult your veterinarian about the appropriate dosage for your pet.

Reduce the trauma of scratching. If the dog continues to lick or scratch the bite site, use a special cone collar. Constant scratching will delay healing and increase the chance of infection.

Maintain your dog's water and food intake. Give your dog fresh water. Dogs that have been stung in the mouth often have difficulty eating dry food, so it can be softened with warm water.

About clean environment

In addition to products that protect your pets from mosquitoes, there are many products whose task is to completely prevent bloodsuckers from entering your private territory.

Don't forget about gutters! Leaves and other debris clog the holes and rainwater accumulates in the pipes - an excellent breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Faulty faucets, pipes and air conditioners can leak and leave puddles in open and hidden areas. Record risk areas and check them at least once every two days, removing accumulated moisture.

If you have a small artificial pond or swimming pool, be sure to change the water twice a week. These are the most popular habitats for young mosquitoes.

If there is an empty inflatable pool on the site or some objects or structures are covered with polyethylene or tarpaulin, check these places - rainwater is probably accumulating there, since waterproof materials do not allow it to go into the ground.

If you water your garden manually or using automatic irrigation systems in the summer, make sure that water does not accumulate in low areas, between beds, in holes and ditches.

Water conducive to mosquito breeding can accumulate in the most unexpected places: in an old mailbox, potholes in the road, cavities and openings in building structures. Such places need to be found, drained and sealed.

Signs of an attack

Do mosquitoes bite dogs? The answer is yes. Puppies and dogs with short hair are especially susceptible to attack. But dogs with thick fur often suffer from bloodsuckers. The presence of bites can be determined by the animal’s behavior and external signs.

After a bite, the female injects a special secretion that prevents blood from clotting and makes feeding easier. The body reacts to damage to the skin or the introduction of a foreign substance with an allergy. The degree of its manifestation depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the sensitivity of the skin.

On a note!

During a normal reaction, swelling, redness, and itching appear on the pet’s body. The size of the blister is no more than 5 mm. The bites are placed randomly. Pests bite on the neck, back, ears, and muzzle. If a mosquito bites the eye, severe swelling and watery eyes appear. Photos of mosquito bites on dogs are presented below.

Oils for healthy dog ​​skin

Dogs' skin is just as prone to dryness and irritation as ours. While there may be several possible essential oils for dry dog ​​skin, helichrysum essential oil mixed with almond or coconut carrier oils can provide a soothing effect.

Some dog owners have applied 1-2 diluted drops of this oil topically to their pet's affected area to moisturize and reduce irritation. Be careful when using essential oils for dog skin problems, as allergic reactions to the oils can make the situation worse. Before using essential oils on your pet, be sure to consult with your veterinarian.

When is an insect bite a serious danger?

Like some people, many dogs suffer from allergies (hypersensitivity) to insect bites. The level of reaction depends on the dog's immune system and the type of insect. The allergic reaction usually occurs within 20 minutes of the bite, but can sometimes take several hours to occur, so careful monitoring of the dog is often critical.

Severe reactions (anaphylaxis) can be fatal, so acting quickly is again critical.

Your dog will need emergency veterinary care at the first sign of:

  1. Severe swelling of the head and neck, which may make breathing difficult. Swelling of these areas can occur even if the bite was elsewhere.
  2. Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. Some dogs may pant more than usual because the tumor is in the airway. Do not try to find out the cause; take your dog to the vet immediately.
  3. Excessive drooling. If the swelling is in the throat, the dog may have difficulty swallowing saliva and lets it out.
  4. Excessive excitement. Some dogs become restless due to severe itching and difficulty breathing. In addition, insect venom can affect their nervous system.
  5. Vomiting or diarrhea. Even mild vomiting and soft stools can indicate serious problems.
  6. Dizziness or disorientation. If your dog stumbles or exhibits unusual behavior, this could be a sign of an anaphylactic reaction.
  7. Cramps. Don't hesitate and call your doctor.

Drug treatment can save your dog's life and is aimed at reducing the allergic reaction and preventing shock. In addition to antihistamines, your veterinarian may give your dog corticosteroids or epinephrine. The dog may need to be hospitalized and put on an IV, as well as blood and urine tests. The length of your hospital stay depends on your dog's response to therapy, but typically requires at least 1-2 days.

Mosquito repellents for dogs are produced in the form of a spray, aerosol, drops, collars, or prepare the preparations yourself. With the onset of warmer weather, every pet owner thinks about how to protect their dog from mosquitoes and midges. Among the huge range of products, several products stand out. They are mainly used, since the effect of such drugs extends to all blood-sucking insects.

Essential Oils for Arthritis in Dogs

If your dog suffers from arthritis, there are alternatives to pharmaceutical pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications. Among essential oils for arthritis, frankincense essential oil has been recognized as one of the best.

A 2012 study found that frankincense essential oil improved symptoms of inflammation and arthritis in 71% of animals. With natural anti-rheumatic arthritis and anti-inflammatory properties, frankincense essential oil can help calm your aging pet.

Places prone to insect attack

The severity of the consequences depends on the location of the bite:

  • Skin. The easiest of the options. Usually it all ends with the appearance of itching, redness or a small tumor.
  • The mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Bites in the sublingual area are especially dangerous.
  • Bites often occur in the pet's eye area. The eye may rapidly swell or close completely. The pet will feel a burning sensation, itching, the bite site will become painful, and the eye will turn red. You can often hear the question of what to do if midges bite your pet in the eye? In fact, the treatment process is not very different from helping an animal bite any other part of the body. Experts recommend the use of tetracycline eye ointment.

Signs of acarapidosis in insects

The main difficulty is that the disease does not immediately make itself felt. The disease can be identified by some typical signs that appear in bees:

  • sick insects stay in a group, and by evening most of them die;
  • there is an asymmetrical folding of the wings, as the pectoral muscles are damaged or deformed;
  • During the first flight or after rain, insects try to crawl along the board to take off, but they are unable to take off. If they take off, they fall instantly.

The main symptoms of this disease may appear during wintering or with the onset of spring, when cold temperatures, rains and winds are observed.

Algorithm of urgent actions

Experienced dog breeders know what to do if a dog is bitten by a midge.

There are cases of severe allergic reactions after midge bites. The occurrence of certain symptoms should be of particular concern. Immediate veterinary care is required if the pet's breathing becomes difficult and shortness of breath appears; there is copious secretion of saliva; the animal is overly excited; diarrhea or vomiting appeared; disorientation in space, as well as convulsions.

A dog that has been bitten by a midge may need medications from different groups:

  • Cardiac drugs (for example, cordiamine).
  • Antihistamines that need to be given as intramuscular injections or given in tablet form - suprastin, tavegil, diphenhydramine.
  • Diuretic injections – Lasix and others.
  • Ointments that soothe itching - lorinden for midge attacks, dermazin or celestoderm. Tetracycline ointment is used for the eyes.

The dosage of all medications depends on the size of the pets.

This is how even a small midge can threaten the lives of pets. Drug treatment helps to minimize allergic manifestations and shock in the animal. Sometimes there is a need to hospitalize the dog and connect it to an IV. Doctors may take blood and urine tests. Treatment in a hospital setting can take two days or more.

What kind of midges bite dogs?

Midges are a whole family of dipterous insects classified as midges. There are about 1,800 species of midges in the world. They painfully bite humans and animals, literally gnawing out pieces of flesh, and also cause severe allergic reactions and carry a number of diseases (mainly African and American species). Dogs are bitten by midges that live in grass and near water bodies.

Drosophila flies can lay eggs in open wounds of dogs

Most often, smooth-haired or short-haired pets are attacked by these insects. The bite, as a rule, occurs on areas of the animal's body that are not protected by thick fur - the ears, muzzle, paws and stomach. The animal, trying to get rid of the itching, scratches the bite site until it blisters and sometimes even bleeds.

In addition, midge bites can cause dogs to develop a disease called simulidotoxicosis. You need to know the periods of activity of midges and mosquitoes: the former bite only during daylight hours, the latter - around the clock.

A dog’s immune system is not always able to independently cope with toxins that enter it along with insect saliva. That is why four-legged human friends so need the attention and care of a loving owner.

Prevention of midge and mosquito bites

In order not to have to urgently save the life of your pet, you should take care in advance to ensure that it is not bitten. Modern insect repellents can help with this.

The pet products market provides owners of dogs and other pets with a wide selection of repellents:

Vanillin (artificial) can also act as a means of repelling mosquitoes and midges, not only from animals, but also from people. It needs to be ground into powder and sprinkled on the animal; Clove oil is considered one of the most effective folk remedies in preventing mosquito and midge bites. You can easily buy it at any pharmacy. Previously, clove-scented cologne was used for the same purpose. In order to protect the animal for a period of three to six hours, you just need to drop one drop on the dog’s head and one drop on the croup; “Smart spray” is positioned by manufacturers as an effective means of protecting animals from a number of insects, however, there are a number of conditions for its use: it cannot be applied to the mucous membrane and irritated areas of the skin; it should be sprayed onto the animal’s fur only in the fresh air, until it is evenly moistened. Manufacturers warn that this product may cause an allergic reaction in the animal;

Advantix - drops against fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. It is a combined insecto-acaricidal preparation in the form of a clear liquid with a weak specific odor. Designed for both puppies and adult dogs. Available in the form of pipettes in blisters. Dosages are calculated based on the weight of the dogs. Has earned many positive reviews from dog breeders; Veterinary expert - drops on the withers to protect against ticks, fleas and dipterous insects. It is also used for the treatment and prevention of entomosis (caused by fleas), acarosis (caused by ticks); Sanofly is a drug intended to protect cattle, horses and dogs from flying insects, ticks and fleas. For dogs, apply to the skin (not to the coat) at the withers in doses corresponding to their weight: up to 10 kg - 1 ml, 10 - 20 kg - 2 ml, 20 - 30 - 3 ml, 30 - 40 - 4 ml and more than 40 kg - 5 ml of product. It should absolutely not be applied to dirty, wet or damaged skin. Dogs should only be treated with it when biting insects are active. Available in special canisters;

There are many other drugs that are marketed as ways to protect animals from insect bites, and more are becoming available every day. When going for a walk, you need to remember the threat posed by midge bites.

The reaction of the animal’s body to such a very painful and by no means harmless bite is purely individual. An allergic reaction to a bite can occur in different ways and can sometimes kill a dog.

It is very important to be truly attentive to your animal in order to notice threatening symptoms in time

You can try to protect the insect with children's repellents that are suitable for humans, however, they can cause allergies or poisoning if the dog accidentally licks the spray or cream from its body. If you decide to use human products, then you need to apply them to places where the animal cannot reach with its tongue (the same applies to all types of insect drops).

Many dog ​​owners perceive mosquito bites as a normal, fleeting phenomenon. Symptoms go away on their own without special treatment. More attention is paid to ticks. However, a simple bite from a small bloodsucker can cause serious health consequences. How to help if your dog has been bitten by mosquitoes depends on the complexity of the symptoms.


To prevent insect bites, they are used in the form of drops, collars, or sprays. One of the most effective and safe drugs is Smart Spray for Dogs. The product protects against mosquitoes, mosquitoes, ticks, and other midges.

The active components are oils of medicinal plants, which repel mosquitoes with a persistent odor. Contains cloves, lavender, geranium, lemon balm, eucalyptus, castor bean, citronella. The repellent has antibacterial, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, analgesic, tonic, and healing properties. Used to prevent attacks by blood-sucking insects and to eliminate bite marks.

Dogs are allowed to be sprayed up to 4 times a day. The drug is completely safe, does not cause an allergic reaction, and is suitable for puppies of any age. It should be sprayed from a distance of 20 cm from the surface of the wool. Aerosol protection after one application lasts a maximum of 2 hours. A bottle with a capacity of 250 ml costs an average of 260 rubles.

Summer has come. This means it’s time for outdoor picnics, hiking, long walks in parks and... mosquitoes. It would seem that what could be dangerous about an insect bite? But if we are still trying to protect ourselves and our loved ones in some way, for example by purchasing a special spray or ointment, then the idea that a mosquito could threaten a beloved dog will not occur to many people. However, there is such a disease as dirofilariasis, and if the necessary measures are not taken in time, the animal may die. Dirofilariasis is damage to the blood vessels of the lungs and heart by worms that enter the animal’s bloodstream through a mosquito bite. Often the disease is incompatible with life. Unfortunately, in most cases, owners find out about their pet’s illness when it is too late.

When a mosquito bites, it infects the animal with helminth larvae, but they do not settle in the gastrointestinal tract, where they are easy to detect, but in the heart and blood vessels. And so, growing, the helminth leads to blockage of blood vessels, and then the animal dies. Adult helminths can only be removed surgically or using dangerous drugs, which in both cases poses a serious danger to the animal. Therefore, in solving the problem, prevention comes to the fore. But, as often happens, pet owners don’t always think about it.

Don* (15 years old)

...A dog named Don was admitted to the Le Murre clinic. Age – 15 years old, toy terrier mix. The owners complained of the animal's shortness of breath and cough, which occurred without physical activity. Upon examination, veterinarians determined that the animal’s condition was extremely serious and unstable. Severe shortness of breath and heart murmurs were diagnosed.

The dog was taken to intensive care, but the animal died anyway. After research, it turned out that Don died due to heart failure, which was caused by damage to large vessels by heartworms. According to the clinic’s veterinarian Olga Kostenko, timely preventive treatment could prevent the death of the animal. Also, consultation with a veterinarian could detect the disease in the early stages and prevent consequences.

Rick* (7 years old)

...The owners of a 7-year-old German shepherd named Rick came to the Ursa Major clinic. The dog lived in the courtyard of a private house, several months ago he began to cough, began to get tired quickly, refused to play, ate poorly, lost weight, but his stomach, on the contrary, increased in size. The owners tried to treat the animal themselves, but to no avail.

These animals (*names have been changed for ethical reasons - editor's note) could live if their owners received timely information about heartworms and the danger they pose. According to experts, every third dog is infected with heartworms and absolutely all dogs in the Krasnodar Territory are at risk of infection.

Remember, we are responsible for those we have tamed.

*There are contraindications. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Many dog ​​owners perceive mosquito bites as a normal, fleeting phenomenon. Symptoms go away on their own without special treatment. More attention is paid to ticks. However, a simple bite from a small bloodsucker can cause serious health consequences. How to help if your dog has been bitten by mosquitoes depends on the complexity of the symptoms.

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