Insecticide Iskra: types, properties, purpose, application

Spark Double Effect

In terms of the totality of consumer qualities - cost and efficiency of use, safety for people and animals, protection from pests with the help of Iskra. The double effect is most justified in a country house and a small plot of land, the products from which are used for personal consumption, i.e.
in small areas under dense polyculture - Iskra Double effect has a very wide range of effects on pests of a wide variety of crops. Iskra Double Effect also contains active potassium and microadditives, which helps plants quickly cope with stress from pest attacks. Instructions for using Spark Double Effect in tablet form are given in Fig. As you can see, the consumption of the drug is convenient: each time - a tablet in a bucket of water; the rest in undamaged original packaging will be stored in the refrigerator for the entire period stated by the manufacturer.

Instructions for use of the drug Iskra Double effect

To prepare a working solution, a 10 g tablet is first diluted in 0.5-1 liters of clean soft water, heated to 35-40 degrees. The tablet is placed in a cloth bag, suspended in water and waited for half an hour or an hour. Then the bag with the undissolved residue is removed, and the resulting mother liquor is poured in a thin stream while stirring into a container with water. This method is good because very soft water is needed only for preparing the mother solution, and a small amount of it can be obtained from a household shungite filter for tap water. The water in the supply container can now simply be settled tap water: if its hardness is within sanitary standards, flakes will not fall out and the solution will not lose its usefulness.


Types of the drug are intended for treating plants - fruits, vegetables, shrubs, indoor flowers:

  1. Iskra M. The insecticide is effective for treating areas with mass reproduction of pests, invasion of aphids and other insects. The waiting period for the effect is up to three days, varies depending on the air temperature. Suppresses the reproduction of insects both at the beginning of population development and at its peak. This type of insecticide takes longer to remove from plant tissues; the last treatment is completed 2 weeks before harvest. You can treat up to 3 times per season, but after 2 times the pests become addicted. Therefore, you need to alternate this type of drug with others. More toxic than other types of Spark, protective clothing is required. It is easily washed off from plants, so if it rains after treatment, repeated spraying is required.
  2. Iskra “Double Effect” drug. Safer for animals and people than the previous option, it can be used in small household plots and in the country. It has a wide spectrum of action against pests on different crops. Contains microadditives, potassium, which further strengthens the plant’s immunity. It can be used to process fruit trees, berry bushes, grapes, strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, sunflowers, peppers, and ornamental flowering plants. Spraying should not be carried out at the time of flowering and fruiting. Treatment is carried out either after harvesting or before the start of the budding phase.
  3. Spark "Golden". It is used for treating plants in the garden and indoors. Controls pests using a single spray method. Can also be used to control the Colorado potato beetle. It has a long waiting time for action. Available in the form of an emulsion or sticks for indoor flowers. Odorless, highly active insecticide.
  4. Spark Bio . It is made in the form of an emulsion; the entire ampoule must be used at once, since there is no expiration date. Unlike other insecticides, it has an effect even at temperatures above +28 degrees, so it is suitable not only for open ground, but also for greenhouses. Fights beetles, arthropods, caterpillars, slugs. Treatment is carried out by spraying. The most effective effect is on the larvae, the waiting period is up to 7 days. It is removed from plant tissues in up to 2 days, but when spraying, the solution should not be allowed to get into the ground, because the insecticide suppresses the development of beneficial soil microfauna.

Precautionary measures

When processing the area, take the following precautions:

  • Children and pets should be removed from the site in advance.
  • For work, use a respirator or gauze bandage, special glasses, and rubber gloves.
  • Breaks for meals, liquids, and smoking breaks are not allowed.
  • After treatment, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and rinse your mouth with clean water.
  • In case of contact with eyes or skin, rinse thoroughly with plenty of water.
  • In case of accidental ingestion, take a large amount of crushed activated carbon and immediately call an ambulance or consult a doctor.
  • The remaining solution cannot be stored. The container must be hermetically sealed and disposed of away from water sources (cannot be poured into the sewer!).
  • The drug should be stored in a dry place, inaccessible to children and pets, away from food and medical supplies.

The Colorado potato beetle appears more and more often in vegetable gardens of central Russia, significantly reducing the overall potato yield. Timely detection of the pest and taking decisive and adequate measures is the key to a good harvest.

Precaution is paramount

Despite its plant origin, the insecticidal drug Iskra double protection belongs to hazard class 3.

Thus, spraying is carried out wearing personal protective equipment:

  • glasses;
  • workwear;
  • mask;
  • gloves.

The pesticide label is retained for several days. When the first signs of poisoning or an accident occur, consult a doctor and present this package.

The duration of the pickling procedure should not exceed more than 3 hours, especially in hot weather. This is dangerous to your health.

Also during the spraying process it is prohibited:

  • smoking;
  • eating;
  • drink.

After the event, hands and face are washed with plenty of water and soap. The insecticidal product is stored in its original sealed packaging. A room with minimal humidity and no access to sunlight is selected for it. Compliance with these recommendations is mandatory.

Types of Spark

Modern plant protection products of systemic action, e.g. biocide against diseases Fitosporin is usually called so that a specialist can immediately understand their origin and/or chemical nature. With Iskra, the situation is completely different: it is just a trade name from the manufacturer (the Technoexport company), behind which lie 4 drugs that are completely unrelated chemically. What they have in common is that all Iskra preparations are “summer-tropical”: they are most effective at temperatures of +25 and above; in the range +18 – +25 no better than analogues; at +18 – +14 they are inferior to them, and below +13 they are not effective. The property, by the way, is very valuable, because... It is at +25 and above that many pests multiply intensively, and other remedies against them lose their effectiveness.

Iskra insecticidal preparations for pests are produced in 4 groups of chemical structure and effectiveness (see figure):

Types of insecticide for plant protection Spark

  • Iskra M is the active ingredient malathion. In fact, this clever word means an aqueous emulsion of good old karbofos. With all its properties: smelly, poisonous, takes a long time to be removed from plants, causes addiction to pests. However, Iskra M is not only inexpensive, but in many cases a valuable and very effective drug, see below.
  • Iskra Double Effect is based on plant-derived alkaloids permethrin and cypermethrin from the group of pyrethroids, i.e. naturally found in the pyrethrum plant. Both of them are nerve-paralytic poisons of contact-intestinal action, killing prey. sucking and leaf-eating larvae and partly adults (adult stage of arthropods); have no effect on oviposition. Cypermethrin is more of an acaricide (against ticks), and permethrin is an insecticide (against insects).
  • Iskra Zolotaya is made on the basis of nicotinoid alkaloids (from tobacco): the main active ingredient is imidacloprid. The action of Iskra Zolotaya is similar to tobacco dust, but stronger, and does not migrate in plants - treatment can be carried out on the eve of harvest.
  • The drug Iskra Bio is also available under the name Akarin, i.e. a remedy against ticks, but this is far from its only possible use, see below. The release form is a concentrated emulsion of avertin, a waste product of soil streptomyces (Streptomyces), or radiant fungi. Also does not migrate in plants. An environmentally friendly product, harmless to warm-blooded animals.

Spark Bio

The drug Iskra Bio is available in the form of an emulsion in ampoules of 1 ml. The remainder in the opened ampoule immediately loses its usefulness; The working solution is used immediately after preparation. A distinctive feature of Iskra Bio is that it is the “hottest” drug in this series: it is most effective at temperatures above +28, when other insecticides most often do not work at all. As a result, Iskra Bio is best suited for greenhouses and greenhouses.

Iskra Bio is suitable not only against aphids and mites, as indicated on the packaging. The spectrum of action of this drug is wide, and its use is possible against many types of arthropod pests; in particular, it works better than Iskra M with caterpillars, if they have not yet covered the green parts with a solid mass, but is ineffective against slugs. Treatment is carried out by spraying. The dosages are as follows (if the norm is not indicated, then this is based on 10 sq. m of planting area):

  • Spider mites – 1 ml per 1 liter of water.
  • Red mites and other fruit mites – 2 ml/1 l of water.
  • Schlehendahl mite (fruit) – 6 ml/1 l of water.
  • Thrips – 10 ml/1 liter of water.
  • Temperate fruit and rose aphids – 3 ml/1 liter of water. The consumption rate is 2-5 liters per tree and 1-1.5 liters per bush, depending on their age, see above.
  • Heat-loving aphids (melon, peach) – 8 ml/1 l. The consumption rate is the same.
  • Caterpillars of codling moths and moths - 3 ml/1 l of water at the same consumption rate.
  • Caterpillars of the leaf roller and moth - 6 ml/1 l of water, the consumption rate is the same.
  • Cabbage white caterpillars – 4 ml/1 liter of water. Consumption rate – 0.4-0.8 l/10 sq. m depending on the density of the pest on plants.
  • Colorado potato beetle larvae – 2 ml/1 liter of water. The consumption rate is 0.5-1 l per 10 square meters. m depending on the pest density.

Spark Bio has the strongest effect on larvae. It affects adults only with thin integuments: mites, aphids. The waiting period for action is 2-7 days. This will not harm the plants, because... Affected pests stop feeding immediately. The period for removing drug residues from products is 2 days; After this, the fruits treated with Iskra Bio can be eaten raw, washed.

Note: when using all Iskra preparations, you must avoid getting working solutions into the ground, because they also kill beneficial soil microfauna.

About the fight against aphids

It must be said that no Spark against aphids is 100% effective. There is no product that is harmless to plants and consumers of their products and completely destroys such delicate aphids. Each female aphid (males are very small, winged, fly and do not harm themselves) is a very powerful pump for its size, pumping a stream of plant juices, from which the insect absorbs only a small part of the nutrients, and most of all consumes moisture to compensate for its own losses for evaporation. This is why the sweet nutritious secretions of aphids attract ants and why poisons are washed out of the aphid's body before they have an effect. And therefore, the fight against aphids must be carried out comprehensively, using different means and methods, see video:

Video: drugs and aphid control

But the main way to get rid of aphids is to put lime on the area of ​​the ants grazing the aphids. Without their shepherds, an aphid colony is not viable, because adult aphids do not disperse on their own and are quickly destroyed by ladybugs, their larvae and lacewing larvae. These insects need to create favorable conditions on the site by using biological and agrotechnical methods of pest control available to small private owners.

Precautionary measures

The insecticide should be applied three times at intervals of 7 days, this will destroy not only adult pests, but also their offspring, which may appear after treatment from clutches of eggs.

Spark double effect, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness and efficiency, has gained popularity in private vegetable and fruit growing due to its availability and ease of use, as well as safety in its use.

It is worth remembering that when spraying with insecticides, not only harmful, but also beneficial insects can die, therefore, the more accurate the spraying, the less harm you will cause to the fauna of your garden, and this is very important. Sources




Natalia: this drug is simply necessary for winegrowers, gardeners and flower growers. It is effective not only against pests, but also against fungal infections.

Alex: I tested this drug on the Colorado potato beetle and aphids. It had a strong effect on the beetle, but not so much on the aphid. The composition sticks well to the leaves and does not overwhelm you with the smell, but I use it only for preventive purposes. There are stronger remedies for therapeutic treatments.

Ivan: I highly recommend this drug. Its action is fast and destructive for all pests, and most importantly – long-lasting. That is, one treatment will protect your garden from several generations of different pests.

Tasha: first tested the drug on indoor plants: violets, ornamental peppers and geraniums. Repeated treatment was carried out after 10 days. The plants recovered quite quickly, apparently thanks to the potassium contained in the composition. However, the tablet is designed to prepare 10 liters of solution, so it also treated garden flowers for preventive purposes. I got rid of the insects, but the Spark Double Effect had no effect on the ticks.

Official website and manufacturer's recommendations:

Iskra Golden

This pesticide is based on a substance from the nicotinoids category - imidaclorpide, which is harmful to a large range of insects. This type of spark is one of the newest insecticides and is used in 120 countries around the world.

It does not pose any particular harm to humans or animals; it is also non-toxic to the inhabitants of water bodies and earthworms. Poison for bees (class I).

Features of the drug Iskra Zolotaya

The product has a long-lasting protection effect and remains on plantings for up to 25-30 days. It is not afraid of rain, moisture during irrigation, and is actively absorbed into the ground part of crops, excluding fruits. The poison does not penetrate into tissues and does not accumulate in potato tubers.

Iskra Zolotaya is effective against a wide range of insects, but more often it is used against insidious aphids and the ubiquitous Colorado potato beetle (adults, larvae). It is effective in hot weather, and pests that have shown resistance to other drugs often die.


  • powder (40 grams);
  • emulsion (1 and 5 ml – ampoules, 10 ml – vials);
  • sticks (sticks) for preventive protection against insects that threaten indoor plants (contain insecticide, nutrients), packaged in blisters of 20 pieces.


Depending on the form of Iskra Zolotoy used, the dosage and consumption are calculated:

  • on potatoes - 8 grams of powder (1 ml of emulsion) stirred in a bucket of water, use a bucket for one hundred plantings;
  • on an apple tree - dissolve 40 grams (5 ml) in a bucket of water. Consumption – per hundred square meters (the norm is determined by the number of pests and the area affected by the crop) up to 10 liters;
  • for cucumbers – 40 grams (5 ml) per bucket. Consumption – liter per 10 sq. meters;
  • sticks are used on indoor plants; the quantity depends on the diameter of the flower pot. For small containers (6-9 cm) - one stick, for large pots (from 40 cm) - 5-6 sticks.

Cucumbers and ripe tomatoes are eaten after a week, potatoes are harvested no earlier than 3-4 weeks after the last spraying procedure.

Analogues of the product are Commander, Prestige, Tanrek, Corado.

Instructions for use

In order for insecticides to work and not cause harm, you need to use them according to the rules. A low concentration leads to the development of immunity in insects, and too high a concentration leads to burns on tissues. The instructions for the drug depend on the desired result and the type of product.

Preparation of working solution

The chemical “Iskra” is produced in the form of powder, liquid and tablets, which dissolve well in water. A single dose is diluted in 10 liters, the optimal temperature for work is at least +16 °C. Pour the component into a third of the bucket’s volume, stir for 6 minutes, and add the rest of the moisture. If you need to get a high concentration of the drug, then increase the amount of the chemical.

Features of using the drug for various crops

The pesticide in question, like any other agricultural product, is characterized by specific rules of application depending on the type of plant being treated.

  1. Spraying potatoes against beetles is carried out during active growth. To prepare the solution, mix 2 ml of poison with a bucket of water in a spray bottle. For 10 sq. m. you will need 0.5 liters of Iskra Zolotoy. If you use a “Double Effect” tablet, the volume will be enough for 100 squares.
  2. For fruit trees and ornamental shrubs it is better to use the tablet form. One dose is diluted according to the instructions, sprayed on the foliage, trunk, and shoots. For young specimens you will need no more than 2 liters, for old ones - 5.
  1. Arthropods destroy plantings of cucumbers, tomatoes and flowers. In the instructions for use, Iskra Zolotaya is recommended during mass outbreaks of parasites. A 5 ml ampoule is diluted in 10 liters of liquid. The consumption of the working solution is 2 liters per 10 squares. To kill aphids on indoor plants, 1 ml per 1 liter of water is enough.
  2. For flowers, berries and garden crops, it is better to use “Double Effect” in tablets – 1 pc. for 10 l. Spraying is carried out in the morning or evening, the consumption of the working solution is 3 liters per 20 square meters. m. It is forbidden to process by buds and before harvesting.

The Iskra Bio insecticide works at temperatures from +28 °C, so it is better suited for closed greenhouse conditions. The concentration of the product depends on the object of destruction (in ml per 1 liter of water):

  • thrips – 10;
  • ticks – 2-6;
  • young leaf rollers, moths – 6;
  • caterpillars – 4;
  • aphids on flowers, fruits – 3;
  • melon aphid – 8.

In case of mass invasion of a plot, farmers recommend the powerful Iskra M. The chemical kills pests a day after the procedure. To prepare the poison, use a bucket of slightly acidic water to which 5 ml of toxin is added. Consumption for mature trees is 5 liters, for young trees – 2, for bushes – 3. Root crops are treated at the rate of 0.2 ml per 1 sq. m., and melons and vegetables – 0.1. If it rains after the event, then the steps must be repeated.

“Spark” from aphids does not always show a positive effect. To get rid of small pests, you need to remove ants from the area.

The drug "Iskra" does not immediately kill parasites: the timing of death depends on the species. Colorado larvae die on the 20th day, the thrips colony - within a day. Affected specimens do not harm plants, but can cause death to pollinators. The repeated procedure should not be carried out earlier than after 2-3 weeks. Farmers recommend mechanical collection and disposal of young individuals.

Compatibility with other tools

Insecticides from the Iskra group can be combined with beetle and mite repellents, fungal dressings and growth stimulants. Alkaline-based preparations reduce the effectiveness of the solution and are therefore prohibited for mixing. When combined, the active components precipitate, losing their toxic properties.

Iskra Double Effect product application and benefits

When it is difficult to determine the pest or the area is “ruled” by several species of insects, Iskra Double Effect, an active drug based on permethrin and cypermethrin, will help. The insecticide is considered universal and more economical than the products presented above. Thanks to two active components, Iskra Double Effect has high protection against insect pests, and the method of application is extremely simple. The pesticide affects more than 60 types of pests without causing addiction to them. The release form of the pesticide is tablets. One package of Iskra Double Effect contains 1 insecticide tablet (10 g).

Advantageous features of the drug:

  • destroys mites, cherry, carrot and onion flies, Colorado potato beetles, aphids, moths, leaf beetles and other insects;
  • contains potassium additives. If, when using Spark Double Effect, the instructions for use were strictly followed, then plants severely damaged by insects are quickly restored;
  • quickly dissolves in liquid;
  • does not wash off with water. After treatment, the plants can be watered regularly. Frequent rains are not a problem either. Strict adherence to the instructions for use of the drug Iskra Double Effect ensures that the protective agent remains on the leaves and stems of crops for 20 days to 1 month;
  • combined with substances that do not contain alkali.

The crops are treated with a freshly prepared composition. The tablet from the bag should be diluted with a small volume of water (0.5-1 l), and then, stirring well, diluted with water to a volume of 10 l. According to the instructions, Spark from pests must be used in compliance with the following standards:

  • processing in dry and windless conditions;
  • spraying of the pesticide should begin in the morning or evening;
  • spray the concentrated composition evenly;
  • in cloudy weather, processing can be performed during the day.

Many gardeners are interested in answers to questions about the use of Iskra Double Effect, what is the waiting period after treatment, and when to do the first spraying. The active substance can be used during the entire vegetative period - the time of flowering, fruiting, and ovary. The components contained in the composition are safe for animals, birds and people. In case of severe damage to crops and heavy infestation of beds with pests, the drug Iskra, the instructions for use of which are described above, can be reused after 2-2.5 weeks.

Chemical composition and principle of action

The insecticide "Iskra" went on sale more than 20 years ago. Now farmers are offered 4 types, each of which affects specific parasites and their forms.

Chemicals consist of basic components:

  1. Cypermethrin. The acaricide paralyzes the nerve endings of pests, but does not destroy the masonry.
  2. Permethrin. The plant-based poison is found in pyrethrum chamomile.

After treating plants, the product leaves a thin protective layer on foliage, fruits and shoots. The active substances enter the insect's body along with food, causing paralysis and death.

The prolonged effect is enough to destroy a colony in the garden, garden or windowsill. The chemical works well at high temperatures (from +25 °C), and is not afraid of precipitation and drought.

Insecticides under the Iskra brand

  • "Spark. Double effect." Many summer residents nicknamed this insecticide “Ambulance.” And this is no coincidence, because this product not only effectively protects plants from harmful insects, but is also an excellent potassium fertilizer. It is capable of fighting more than 60 types of pests.
  • "Golden Spark". This type of insecticide is intended to protect plants from the Colorado potato beetle (both the adult pest and its larvae), thrips, whiteflies and other parasitic insects that damage mainly vegetable and ornamental crops.
  • "Iskra-M from caterpillars." An excellent product that can protect berry bushes and fruit trees from codling moths, moths, sawflies, leaf rollers, copperheads, scale insects and other pests.
  • "Iskra-Bio". This is a safe insecticide that effectively destroys various pests on both ornamental, flower, and berry, vegetable and fruit crops. The drug can be used until harvest. The advantage of this insecticide is that its solution can be used to treat those plants whose flowers are adjacent to ripening fruits.

Advantages of Iskra

All products for protecting the vegetation of gardens and vegetable gardens in this series have many positive aspects:

  • economical due to its low cost;
  • the ability to process plants over a large area;
  • Iskra pest control products are generally safe for humans and pets;
  • the products are characterized by rapid disintegration and the possibility of eating fruits and vegetables after a short period of time;
  • has a dual effect - as a protective agent and nourishment for plants.

Caterpillar repellent Iskra M

First aid for poisoning

Negative consequences after contact with the drug may occur as a result of non-compliance with the rules of use

In order not to seriously harm the body, it is important to immediately provide first aid:

  • In case of contact with skin, remove the product with a clean cloth or cotton wool and wash thoroughly with plenty of soap and water.
  • After eye injury, rinse with clean water. It is recommended to keep your eyes open at this time.
  • If the drug has been swallowed, you need to drink several glasses of water with the addition of activated carbon. It is recommended to take up to 5 tablets per 1 glass. Then artificially induce vomiting and urgently take the patient to the doctor.

Did you know? Today, the most dangerous insecticide is DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane). It was discovered in 1937 by the scientist P. Müller, who received the Nobel Prize for this.

Advantages and disadvantages

The products included in the Iskra complex differ not only in their chemical composition, but also in their effectiveness on different types of insects. They are suitable for treating almost 60 species of pests living in greenhouses and open soil.

All insecticides Iskra:

  • harmless to higher living organisms;
  • do not accumulate in plant tissues and do not affect the quality of the crop;
  • kill an insect in at least 15 minutes, maximum in an hour;
  • provide reliable protection of cultivated vegetation for a month;
  • when used correctly, they do not cause resistance;
  • have a short waiting period - processed fruits can be eaten within a week;
  • are inexpensive.

The drugs have few disadvantages, and they are mainly associated with excessive dosage and improper use.


  • the occurrence of an allergic reaction or asthmatic attack when working with the solution without chemical protection;
  • damage to cultivated vegetation and loss of yield due to non-compliance with the dosage of chemical use, when processed using a prohibited root method.

In what form are they produced?

The drug "Iskra", which effectively protects against pests, is produced in various forms:

  • “Spark double effect” – in tablets.
  • “Golden Spark” - in ampoules, in powder form, in 10 ml bottles, in tablets in the form of sticks (20 pieces).
  • "Iskra Bio" - in bottles and ampoules.
  • "Iskra M" - in bottles and ampoules.

Let's look at each pest control product in more detail.

Main properties and advantages:

"Spark double effect."

The most popular product among summer residents, which gives excellent results when used in their summer cottage or garden plot. It is distinguished by its versatility - it is suitable for all gardening plantings, it effectively destroys more than fifty insect pests of vegetables, fruits, berries, and flowers, without developing their addiction to the insecticide.

“Spark double effect” – in tablets

Recommended for use against:

  • aphids;
  • weevils;
  • ticks;
  • codling moths;
  • leaf rollers;
  • Colorado potato beetles;
  • moth.

The great advantage of this insecticide against pests is that it is filled with potassium fertilizer and a special component that helps damaged plants restore vitality, strengthen and increase green mass. That is, the tablets correspond to their name; they are actually two drugs in one shell - both protection and nutrition.

The spray solution is prepared according to the instructions for use. First, the tablet is dissolved in a small volume of liquid, after which the working solution must be filtered so that it does not clog the sprayer. Then the concentrate must be added with water until a ten-liter volume is obtained. The result is an adhesive suspension, which, due to its properties, adheres well to the surface of the greenery and is not washed off by raindrops.

It is recommended to repeat the treatment throughout the warm season, not only during growth, but also during fruit set and ripening.

Treating the garden against pests in the fall

They respond most well to spraying with the double-effect Iskra insecticide:

  • fruit plants (apple, pear, quince, sweet cherry, cherry). The drug destroys codling moths, aphids, leaf rollers, caterpillars, weevils, cherry flies, moths, and flower beetles. Trees are treated with 10 liters of liquid suspension. The amount of diluted liquid depends on the age of the plant or its damage by insects - this volume is enough for 5 seedlings or one adult tree;
  • all berry bushes, strawberries and wild strawberries. The drug destroys weevils, sawflies, leaf rollers, mites, and aphids. Liquid consumption is 1.5 liters per 10 square meters;
  • all legumes, eggplants, peppers, melons. The concentration of the solution is the same as for berry bushes;
  • tomatoes and cucumbers. They are treated against thrips, aphids and whiteflies. Use 2 liters of suspension per 10 m2;
  • beets, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, sunflowers. Consume 2 liters of solution per 10 m2.

Do not use the drug during flowering of berries and fruit trees. It is recommended to collect fruits and berries no earlier than 2–3 weeks after spraying.

"Golden spark."

The main effect of the drug is aimed at getting rid of the following pests:

Iskra Golden Green Belt 10 ml

The product is most effective in helping fruit trees, bushes with berries, vegetable root crops (especially potatoes), flowers and ornamental vegetation. The medicine is effective for a month. Iskra Zolotaya has proven itself well in hot weather conditions.

The stick form of this insecticide is used for indoor plants. These measures help in the fight against pests of potted flowers and at the same time nourish them with the necessary substances. The method of application is simple - the tablets are inserted into the soil at the same distance between the edge of the pot and the plant itself, the number of sticks depends on the size of the flowerpot. Detailed instructions can be found on the sachet with the drug.

"Iskra Bio"

This type of pest control works best at high air temperatures (from +25 degrees). Irrigation of plants with it should be carried out only in the evening, this is due to the fact that under the influence of the sun and oxygen, the active substance of the drug is subject to rapid decomposition. Given this circumstance, it is necessary to resort to repeated treatments.

Description and features of the insecticide

The Iskra complex of agrochemicals allows you to quickly destroy harmful insects on large crop areas, garden plots and indoor plants.

Insecticides are distinguished by their continuous action, destroying 98% of common pest species in one treatment. The drugs are ineffective only against mollusks and soil invertebrates.

Iskra preparations are used to treat:

  • indoor flowers, garden flower beds, ornamental shrubs;
  • legumes;
  • bulbous;
  • tuberous;
  • vegetables, leafy greens;
  • melon plants;
  • berry growers;
  • root vegetables;
  • greenhouse seedlings;
  • fruit trees.

The drug forms a thin film on the surface of leaves and stems. The insect eats the poison, falls into paralysis, and dies from exhaustion. The poison begins to act once it is on the surface of the pest’s body. But intoxication occurs after the poison enters the insect’s digestive tract. The pest population is destroyed 2 days after processing the plantation.

Iskra insecticides are effective in all weather conditions. Efficiency does not decrease during drought or precipitation. As the air temperature rises, the activity of the drug increases.

The Iskra complex has been known on the world market for more than 20 years. The popularity is due to the possibility of use in different climatic latitudes.

Plant treatment

The product is safe for humans and beneficial insects; it does not harm earthworms in the ground. The main active ingredient in it is imidacloprid. The Golden Spark pest repellent is used as follows.

To treat potatoes in order to get rid of aphids, ladybugs and Colorado potato beetles, you need to dilute 1 ml of the “Golden Spark” product in 5-10 liters of water. This amount of solution should be enough for 1 hundred square meters. To protect indoor cucumbers and tomatoes from thrips and aphids, you need to make a solution of 10 liters of water and 2 ml of “Golden Spark”. To destroy greenhouse whiteflies on the same crops, you need to mix 5 ml of the drug and 10 liters of water. To treat one hundred square meters, 5-10 liters of solution are needed, the exact amount depends on the number of pests.

You can protect roses and other ornamental plants from leaf-eating insects, aphids, and thrips by preparing a solution of 5-10 ml of product and 10 liters of water. The specified quantity is enough to process 1-2 acres.

Features and types

The Iskra line of insecticides is produced domestically. The first pest control product Iskra appeared in 2000, and since then the range has been constantly updated with new products.

In total, the kit includes five insecticides:

  • Iskra M;
  • Bio;
  • Golden;
  • Double effect;
  • Triple effect.

The composition contains various active components, which allows the use of Iskra group insecticides against most pests that attack vegetable beds and trees in the garden.

Effectiveness against insects has been proven in practice:

  • leaf-eating caterpillars;
  • whiteflies;
  • leaf roller;
  • spider mite;
  • moths;
  • aphids;
  • thrips;
  • Colorado potato beetle.

Most insects do not develop resistance to Spark, and one procedure is enough for an entire season. Suitable for all types of plantings:

  • open beds;
  • greenhouses;
  • film greenhouses, polycarbonate.

Method of using the drug Iskra-M against caterpillars

To treat apple trees, pears, quince, cherries, raspberries, grapes, strawberries, gooseberries and currants, you need to dilute 5 ml of the chemical in 5 liters of water. For each tree you will need from 2 to 5 liters of solution, for each bush - from 1 to 1.5 liters, depending on their size and growth. To treat vegetables and melons, it is necessary to make the same solution; it is used based on the fact that for every 10 m2 1 to 2 liters of insecticide are needed.

The indicated product “Iskra” has proven itself to be effective when treating plants in a greenhouse. The pest control product, the instructions for which make it easy to understand how to treat various crops, is effective against codling moths, mites, aphids, weevils, scale insects, copperheads, leaf rollers, false scale insects, cherry flies, moths, leaf, bud and shoot moths, gall midges, raspberry beetles, mealybugs, turnip and cabbage whiteflies, whiteflies, leaf miners and melon flies, and melon bugs.



Scope of application

Spark from aphids and other pests can be used:

  • agricultural enterprises;
  • on a personal plot;
  • in the garden;
  • in the room (for flower processing).

The use of this insecticide is effective in combating:

  • spider mites;
  • caterpillars;
  • aphids;
  • Colorado potato beetle;
  • whiteflies;
  • leaf rollers;
  • thrips;
  • moths.

It is used everywhere, used against different groups of insects - flying, ticks, beetles, sap-sucking. Pests (even with the highest possible frequency of treatments) do not adapt to the insecticide (except for some types of the drug).

Pesticide Iskra M

The letter M stands for malathion. It is a liquid version of karbofos, a rather strong odorous poison, moderately toxic to humans and bees. The additional inscription on the packaging reads “from caterpillars,” which is not entirely correct. It is preferable to take biological agents against caterpillars, as well as against aphids and mites. Malathion quickly kills any insects (however, over the years it can cause the emergence of stable populations) both in hot and cool weather. The active toxicity of the insecticide lasts 7-10 days. It is completely neutralized in the environment and on plants in approximately 4 weeks, after which the products can be collected. Residual traces on the fruits disappear after boiling (cooking).

Fighting method

The advantage of the chemical is its low price. Karbofos and its analogues should be used in case of really threatening pest dominance, alternating with pyrethroids (Inta-vir, Iskra Double effect) to prevent addiction. You should not carry out mass douches “just in case”, succumbing to the advertising of “preventive” measures. Spraying with Iskra M destroys almost all insects (except slugs). The drug is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 ml per liter. A bucket of such liquid is distributed over 100 square meters. Ornamental grasses, shrubs, and potted crops are sprayed during any period of the growing season (excluding the flowering phase - in the open air). Protective measures on vegetable crops are stopped 3-4 weeks before harvest. Fruit plantings and berry fields are sprayed before flowering, on young ovaries and after harvest. On raspberries (see planting features) and wild strawberries (after harvesting) they are used twice - in the phase of the beginning of bud protrusion and at the end of fruiting.

When working with liquid karbofos, you must wear protective clothing and keep children and animals away.

Storage and disposal of the drug

“Double effect spark” is kept out of the reach of children and animals. To prevent the poison from losing its effectiveness, store it in the dark at a temperature of +15 to 30 ° C, away from drugs, food and fire.

In the original packaging, the shelf life of the chemical is 2 years, in the working solution – 24 hours.

The insecticide should not be poured near ponds, water sources or near apiaries. Empty containers and expired poison are burned in specially equipped places. After spraying, the dishes and spray bottle are washed in soapy liquid and dried away from children and animals.

Preparations for soil pests


A powerful weapon against harmful ants!

A special remedy for harmful garden ants. The increased safety of the formulation distinguishes MURAVYIN from similar drugs. The ready-to-use drug is very convenient - there is no need to mix it with anything or dilute it with water.

Use of the drug "Muravin"

The main secret to successfully fighting mole crickets is in the unique recipe for the Medvetox bait.

Mole cricket is one of the most dangerous plant pests. It gnaws out sown seeds, damages underground parts of plants, and sometimes even eats seedlings and young plants. With its powerful jaws, the mole cricket makes passages in potatoes and other root vegetables, after which they rot or become inedible.

The problem with fighting mole crickets is that it is very difficult to force them to find a toxic substance in the ground and eat it.


– ready-made bait in the form of granules to protect vegetables, potatoes, other root crops and flower crops from mole crickets. The secret of Medvetox’s high efficiency lies in its unique bait recipe. She is so attractive to the mole cricket that the pest simply cannot refuse her! Thanks to a very keen sense of smell, the mole cricket finds bait in the ground and eats it with pleasure.

The taste and smell of the bait were carefully selected based on scientific knowledge about the mole cricket, numerous experiments with the pest and tested in field conditions.

One Medvetox granule is enough for a mole cricket to die a few hours after eating the bait.

How to use Medvetox correctly.

Make furrows 3-4 cm deep between or around the beds. Pour Medvetox into them. One packet of evenly scattered Medvetox should be enough for 10–15 m of furrow. It’s a good idea to lightly flavor the granules with vegetable oil. Fill the furrows with soil and water generously. Medvetox granules do not disintegrate in moist soil, as well as during watering and rain, which ensures their validity for more than 21 days.

Related drugs

"Iskra m"

"Iskra m" was developed against sucking and gnawing pests. The active ingredients in the drug are malathion and karbofos. Organophosphorus compounds are harmful to insects, but absolutely harmless to plants. This medicine can help you fight against vegetable garden invasion:

  1. Sawflies;
  2. Melon fly;
  3. Goldentail and codling moth;
  4. Hawthorns, silkworms;
  5. Moths and moths.

Moreover, the effect is on both adults and insect larvae. The drug, like Iskra Zolotaya, is not very expensive. It is compatible with fertilizers and effectively affects those species that are resistant to pyrethroid poisons.

"Iskra bio"

The medicinal substance "Iskra Bio" is an inexpensive insecticide made in Russia, which can be found on the counter under the name "Akarin". It is used against:

  1. Spider, red, fruit and fruit mites;
  2. Thrips;
  3. Temperate fruit aphids;
  4. Colorado potato beetle larvae;
  5. Caterpillars of leaf rollers, moths, white moths and many other dangerous creatures.

Iskra bio is produced in the form of a concentrated solution. The obvious advantages of the substance include its harmlessness to plants and mammals. Remember that this insecticide is best used in hot climates.

The drug has the best effect at temperatures from +28 degrees Celsius. But the main thing when protecting your garden from pests is to follow the rules for using the chemical and remember the valuable tips on the packaging.

Weed killers

"Ground Bio"

Weed-free garden! (5 ml ampoule, 10 ml package, 50 ml tube, 100 ml tube with measuring scale)

"Ground" is a new continuous action herbicide based on glyphosate. Destroys all types of weeds.

"Ground Bio" completely destroys any weeds, including their above-ground and underground parts. Acts on green growing weeds. Once on a plant, Ground Bio penetrates the green leaves and stems of weeds and spreads throughout the entire plant, including the root system. The drug blocks the synthesis of substances in the plant cells, and it dies. Treated weeds turn yellow after 7-14 days, and die off completely after 15-25 days.

Use of the drug "Ground Bio"

The drug "Roundup"

It is used to destroy weeds in tree trunks at a dose of 10 ml per 1 liter of water. Spraying during the weed growing season. Consumption: 5 l per 100 m2. Number of treatments – one.


"Agricola" is a new environmentally friendly complex fertilizer for foliar and root feeding of plants

The nutrients needed by plants included in Agricola are not applied to the soil like conventional fertilizers, but are easily absorbed directly by the leaves and stems after they are sprayed with an aqueous solution of Agricola. What are the advantages of foliar feeding of plants with Agricola? Since nutrients are supplied through the leaves, the process of their absorption is much more intense and produces results faster!

Firstly, Agricola is highly environmentally friendly; it does not contain heavy metal salts or chlorine. Secondly, Agricola prevents the entry of nitrates into plants. Thirdly, under the influence of foliar feeding, plants become stronger, grow faster, and better resist diseases and external unfavorable factors. There is an improvement in taste and nutritional properties (for example, an increase in the content of vitamin C, carotene, etc.).

Each group of cultures has its own type of “Agricola”. Their composition differs from each other and takes into account the needs of plants. For example, carrots need more potassium, cabbage needs phosphorus, and seedlings need more nitrogen to grow green mass.

Agricola gives an increase in yield in almost all cases. On arid, saline and cold soils, Agricola is simply irreplaceable. In these cases, with its help, the only effective way of feeding plants is realized directly through the leaves and stems.

Now Agricola fertilizers are sold in the form of granules in easily recognizable yellow bags and in bottles in the form of liquid concentrates for feeding not only vegetables, but also berries, fruit trees, and flowers. They can be used from spring to autumn.

“Agricola-1–7” – water-soluble granules:


– for white and red cabbage, cauliflower;


– for onions, garlic;


– for tomatoes, peppers, eggplants;


– for carrots, radishes, beets;


– for cucumbers, zucchini, squash, zucchini, melon;


– mixture for feeding vegetable seedlings;


– for indoor, balcony and garden flowers;

"Agricola-aqua" - concentrated liquid fertilizers:

"Agricola forward"

– for seedlings of vegetable and flower crops – enhances the growth and strengthening of the root system, accelerates the development of plants;

"Agricola Vegeta"

– for all vegetable crops – ensures intensive growth of green mass and ovary growth. Increases the vitamin content in vegetables;

"Agricola Fantasy"

– especially for indoor plants – increases the duration and intensity of flowering. Promotes enlargement of flowers and peduncles.


There are several active components - cypermethrin, permethrin. Insecticidal substances affect the nervous system of insects, disrupt the transmission of impulses, and cause paralysis. They enter the body through contact-intestinal route. The action begins instantly, and within 10 minutes the pest dies.

On a note!

In addition to insecticidal substances, the composition contains potassium additives. Strengthen the plant's immunity, speed up the recovery period after damage to the structure of the leaf and stem by pests.

Golden spark

The drug is available in the form of a liquid, which is contained in ampoules of up to 5 ml, bottles of 10 ml, and powders of 8–40 grams. It is very effective in combating not only the Colorado potato beetle, but also its larvae. Iskra is also used against other leaf-eating pests. The drug has a long-term effect - about 25 days. In addition, it is not susceptible to being washed off with water during irrigation or rain, and does not lose its effect in the heat, which is especially important for the south of our country.

Mode of application

The drug is used to protect various vegetable crops, bushes, and garden plants.
To use it, a solution is made based on the class of the pest and the plant culture and the amount of area being treated. If you purchased “Golden Spark” in an ampoule or bottle, then to prepare the solution you need to add 1 ml to 5–10 liters of water when processing potatoes. For cucumbers, tomatoes and ornamental plants, dilute 5 ml of the drug in 5–10 liters of water.

“Spark” is used as a spray on the outer parts of plants. Treatment should be carried out in the evening or early morning in calm weather. The prepared solution can be used to treat 1 hectare of area. The most economical processing method is to use “Golden Spark” in powder form.

Release forms and application

Iskra preparations are available in the form of powders, tablets and aqueous emulsions in ampoules and vials. Spark Gold, also in the form of sticks (sticks) for indoor plants, see pos. 4 in the top fig. and so on.

Different drugs can go on sale in the same forms (items 1 and 2 in the next figure), and the same one in different positions. 2 and 3. Therefore, you should not ask sellers for a bottle or bag of Iskra: they will most likely offer you the type that sells less well. It is necessary to clarify: what kind of Spark do you need? So let’s look at the types of this drug in more detail.

Spark Double Effect

Spark Double Effect is perhaps the most versatile, effective, economical and convenient product for use in the garden.

The active ingredients cypermethrin and permethrin, complementing each other, actively affect difficult-to-remove pests without causing them to become addicted. With the help of tablets, garden, vegetable, flower and ornamental crops can be quickly rid of more than 60 types of insect pests.

A dual-action insecticide is especially effective against aphids, mites, weevils, moths, and leaf-eating insects.

Spark Double Effect has another important property. Potassium fertilizer and special anti-stress additives are used as a filler in the tablets, which help the damaged plant to quickly recover and strengthen the immune system.

Mode of application

To prepare a working solution, one instant tablet is diluted in a small amount of water, after dissolution, the volume of the suspension is adjusted to 10 liters.

The resulting adhesive suspension, which tightly envelops the surface to be treated and is not washed off by rain or watering, is sprayed on the plants in accordance with the instructions.

Spraying is carried out with freshly prepared working solution in dry weather in the morning or evening hours. When carrying out the procedure, make sure that the surface of the plant infected with pests is evenly treated.

Treatment can be carried out throughout the entire growing season, including the time of flowering, ovary formation and fruiting.

You can repeat the procedure after 2 weeks.

Spark Double effect can be used with any non-alkaline preparations.

Back of the package, Spark Double Effect

Use correctly

Fruit and berry trees: apple, pear, quince, cherry, cherry from moths, leaf rollers, caterpillars, moths, flower beetles, weevils, aphids, cherry flies are sprayed at the rate of 10 liters of working solution per 1-5 trees, depending on the degree of infestation and age .

To protect berry bushes, wild strawberries, strawberries from weevils, leaf beetles, sawflies, aphids, mites, leaf rollers, use 1.5 liters of the drug for every 10 m².

Legumes affected by sawfly, leaf beetles, and root nodule weevils are treated with a suspension at the rate of 1.5 liters per 10 m².

The same amount of mixture is enough to save eggplants and peppers from aphids, the Colorado potato beetle and its larvae, and melons from the melon bug.

10 m² of tomatoes and cucumbers will get rid of thrips, aphids, whiteflies with 2 liters of solution.

Treating 10 m² of beds with a liter of the drug solution will protect beets from gnawing armyworms, cabbage from moths, armyworms and white borers, carrots from carrot flies and psyllids, sunflowers from meadow moths, potatoes from Colorado potato beetles, moths, and ladybugs.

Security measures

When working with Iskra Double Effect, you must follow the safety rules.

Spark Double effect is a moderately toxic drug (hazard class 3). Has an international certificate of compliance with environmental safety standards. Does not harm beneficial insects, water inhabitants, or warm-blooded animals. Non-phytotoxic, completely excreted from plants, breaking down into carbon dioxide, water and nitrogen after 2-3 weeks. In direct contact, may cause mild irritation to the skin and mucous membranes.

When working with Iskra Double Effect, follow standard safety rules:

  • use personal protective equipment;
  • refrain from eating, drinking, smoking;
  • Upon completion of work, perform hygiene procedures.

In case of poisoning:

  1. When the drug comes into contact with the skin, wipe thoroughly with gauze, a cotton pad, and rinse thoroughly with warm water and soap. The eyes are washed with running clean water.
  2. If the drug gets into the esophagus and gastrointestinal tract, wash the stomach with 5-6 tablets of activated carbon dissolved in 200 ml. Seek medical help.

Atropine, toxoginine, and PAM act as antidote.

Security measures

Spark Double Effect is a moderately toxic substance of the 3rd hazard class. This means that it is not dangerous to plants, people, pets, birds and fish.

However, you need to work with the drug in a respirator, rubber gloves, protective clothing and goggles. It is forbidden to eat, drink and smoke during the procedure. Upon completion of work, you need to rinse your mouth, wash your face and hands with soap. Clothes and accessories should also be washed and washed.

  • A reliable and simple remedy for grape oidium - colloidal sulfur

Characteristics of the drug

Composition and mode of action

“Golden Spark” is a modern organic insecticide. It is used in 120 countries to protect more than 140 plant crops, and is produced both in Russia and abroad.

The active ingredient in Iskra Golden is imidacloprid (take 200 grams of the substance per 1 liter of water). It easily penetrates the tissues and, along with the juice, spreads throughout the green part of the treated plant. “Golden Spark” acts as a fertilizer, so during treatment the vegetative part of the plant grows noticeably.

It also quickly eliminates pests from the beds and your plantings. The substance has a nerve-paralytic effect on them when “Golden Spark” is ingested with food. Poisoning by parasites begins already in the first hours of exposure, so one treatment is often enough to rid the crop of insect infestation.

The concentration of the drug in the cell sap does not change for about 15-30 days. You should not eat fruits, vegetables and herbs if 20 days have not passed since the last treatment with Iskra Gold. Violating this rule could result in serious food poisoning or critical consequences if you have severe allergies.

Advantages of the product

  • The product has a high protective effect against aphids, the Colorado potato beetle, all subspecies of thrips, whiteflies and many other dangerous pests from completely different natural latitudes,
  • “Iskra Zolotaya” is suitable for protecting a number of crops: ornamental plants, vegetables and flowers,
  • The insecticide has a long-term effect. After spraying, the solution is absorbed into all above-ground organs and tissues of the plant. Therefore, it can protect shoots and mature vegetables and flowers from danger even after rain and artificial watering. The product is not afraid of heat,
  • The medicine is resistant to other drugs, fertilizers and fertilizers,
  • Even if you use “Golden Spark” year after year, pests will not develop immunity. Experiments have shown that after using the drug for more than 10 seasons, insects have not developed defense mechanisms,
  • If you follow all the recommendations from the pack, “Golden Spark” will not become an invisible threat to humans, most beneficial insects, domestic animals, and garden birds.

Release form

The insecticide "Golden Spark" is sold in specialized garden stores. The product is quite inexpensive, which is why it has earned worldwide popularity. You can buy a bottle of 10 milliliters (about 80 rubles). There is an ampoule of 2 milliliters (about 21 rubles) and 1 milliliter (price starts from 15 rubles).

Packages of sticks for indoor pots, flower beds or small beds are also sold. One pack contains 20 pieces (at least 137 rubles).

Rules for storage and use

A closed bottle or box of pesticide should be stored in a darkened room. Temperatures range between -10 degrees Celsius and +30. Separate “Golden Spark” from food, human medicines, and also make sure that children or pets do not get the drug.

When spraying plants, be sure to use personal protective equipment: a disposable gown, face mask or respirator, rubberized gloves. Direct contact with liquid may cause painful burns.

You should not smoke or eat, drink water or any other drinks while working. After finishing spraying the plantations with Golden Spark, thoroughly wash your hands and face with soap and rinse your mouth.

Pay attention to the hazard classes of the drug. “Golden spark” is included in the group of substances of the third class. This means that the highest harmless concentration does not exceed 10 milligrams per cubic meter of air

This means that the highest harmless concentration does not exceed 10 milligrams per cubic meter of air.

For bees, the insecticide poses a mortal danger. Therefore, try to carry out processing in the early morning, when pollinators have not yet appeared on the site. Late evening or early twilight is also suitable. The safety zone for striped insects exceeds 4 kilometers.

Spark Triple Effect

One of the company’s latest developments is a drug with enhanced action against the potato pest – the insidious Colorado potato beetle. Contains three active ingredients:

  • permethrin;
  • imidaclorpid;
  • cypermethrin.

Like previous remedies, it is not poisonous to humans, but is dangerous to bees. It has a contact and intestinal effect on the pest. Released in tablets, each weighing 10.6 grams.

Features of the drug

It works quickly, voracious larvae die instantly, adults - 2-4 days. It takes 10 to 14 days to destroy a large population.

The maximum concentration of toxic substances persists for five days. Neutralization of the components in the plant takes a month, so the procedure is carried out no later than 30 days before harvesting the vegetable. Only one spraying on the ridges is sufficient; in exceptional cases, a second treatment is possible, but not earlier than after 1.5 months.


Dilute the drug in a liter of water (one tablet), mix thoroughly. Add 900 ml, stir again and spray the plantings.

The consumption of this amount of solution is for 2 acres.


The insectoacaricide mixes well in one solution with pesticides for treating pests and infections, with stimulants and other agricultural products, if they do not have an alkaline reaction. When combining drugs for treatment in one solution, you need to check them for compatibility, for which you take a little of both drugs, mix them in a container and see if there is an undesirable chemical reaction. If there is a change in color, temperature or consistency, or precipitation, the products must not be mixed. For treatment, you need to select other pesticides.

See also

Instructions for use of alphacypermethrin and where it is contained, dosageRead

Principle and range of action

Avertin N has a neurotoxic effect on pests and blocks nerve impulses. The pests do not die immediately, but immediately stop moving and feeding, that is, they can no longer cause harm to the plants. To prevent them from becoming poison for birds, you can collect them manually from your home plot.

The best processing time is at a temperature of 18-20 ° C, but at temperatures exceeding 28 ° C, the effectiveness only increases. The drug solution is not resistant to ultraviolet radiation and air, both on the surface of plants and on the soil. The half-life of avertin is only 0.5 days. The duration of the protective effect of the drug is 5-7 days.

Resistance in pests to Iskra Bio has not been detected. The substance is absorbed by the soil, but does not move in it and does not penetrate the roots into the plant. Not phytotoxic, the drug can be sprayed on plants that simultaneously bear fruits and flowers.

The insectoacaricide is used to destroy aphids, spider mites, cutworm caterpillars, codling moths, moths and leaf rollers, cabbage whites, thrips, Colorado potato beetles in the larval stage and other pests. It can also destroy ticks, and those that are resistant to popular drugs. The insectoacaricide has a long-term disorienting effect on nematode larvae, as a result of which they cannot find the roots of the plants they need.

Expert opinion

Zarechny Maxim Valerievich

Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best country expert.

Ask a Question

The following crops are treated with Iskra Bio: apple trees, currants, cabbage and potatoes, roses, tomatoes and eggplants, peppers and cucumbers.

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