Top list of ear mite remedies for dogs - selecting the most effective drugs

Due to the wrong actions of the dog owner, treatment of ear mites (otodectosis, ear scabies) is delayed for months and costs 2-3 thousand rubles. The fact is that most people thoughtlessly apply the drug for otodectosis, which was recommended by the seller. And you can get rid of the disease in a couple of weeks and for 300 rubles, if you know how to act.

In the review: I looked at the features of using anti-ear mite products that are sold in the CIS countries. These are drops in the ears, lotions, drops on the withers, ointments, gels, sprays and injections. He described when and how to use them, precautions, and indicated prices.

If you don’t want to waste time, go to the end of the article. The mechanism for fast and cheap treatment is described step by step there.

Review navigation:

  • Lotions
  • Ear drops
  • Sprays
  • Ointments and gels
  • Drops on the withers
  • Solutions for injections
  • Conclusion and choice

Descriptions of drugs and prices are current as of November 2022 and are constantly updated.


1. Odin600 rub.
2. Epi-Otic900-100 rub.
3. Ear Cleaner350-400 rub.

Lotions by themselves do not get rid of mites. They are used to clean and prepare the ears before applying the main preparations. If crusts, sulfur, dirt, and waste products of parasites remain, the medications will have little effect.


Cleansing lotion based on the antiseptic chlorhexidine, acetic and lactic acid. Otodin is used for hygienic cleaning of ears and when affected by otodectosis. In the first case, the product is used as it gets dirty, in the second - twice a day for 2 weeks.

From one place, 2-3 drops are instilled into both ears. Bend the shells, massage, after 20-30 seconds remove dirt, sulfur, and crusts with a cotton swab. Treatment drugs are applied after 20-25 minutes.

Average price – 600 rub.


Epi-Otic is more than just an antiseptic cleaning solution. It helps maintain the microflora and health of the ears, improves the condition of the dermis, removes dried crusts, eliminates itching and unpleasant odor. The medicine does not contain alcohol, and its pH is 7, so it does not irritate the skin.

Epi-Otic is an ideal option when otodectosis is complicated by otitis media, injuries, or deep scratching. True, the medicine is expensive - 900-1000 rubles.

To clean, insert the tip of the bottle into the sink and gently squeeze until the lotion flows out. Apply 2-3 times a day until symptoms subside. Then - a couple of times a week for prevention.

Ear Cleaner from GlobalVet

Ear Cleaner is usually used for prevention - with regular use, it reduces the risk of infectious lesions and mite infestation. But the lotion is also good for cleansing from sulfur, dirt, crusts, and parasite waste products.

Ear Cleaner disinfects due to sodium hydrogen phosphate and benzalkonium chloride, dries the dermis due to the presence of sodium chloride and zinc sulfate, and promotes wound healing due to glycerol. This is a good medicine in terms of price/quality ratio - it is sold for 350-400 rubles.

Sponges are moistened with lotion and wiped over the skin. Then instill 5-10 drops. and massage the ears at the base. For otodectosis, it is used 2-3 times a day, for prevention - 1-2 times a week.


Can a dog spread ear mites to other pets?

Yes. At risk are dogs, cats, ferrets, and raccoons. All animals in contact must undergo treatment.

Can a person get ear mites from a dog?

Yes, ticks can move onto the human body, but they only parasitize animals; they quickly die on humans. The risk of infection is minimal; there is no need to be afraid of contact with your pet due to the fact that the tick is transmitted to humans.

However, some people prone to allergic reactions may develop a condition called “false scabies.” The symptoms of this allergic reaction are similar to those of otodectosis. This condition does not require treatment - as soon as the dog is cured, the person will lose all symptoms.

Anti-mite ear drops

1. Surolan700 rub.
2. Oricin450 rub.
3. Leopard150 rub.
4. Amitrazine100 rub.
5. Aurikan480 rub.
6. Dekta120-150 rub.
7. Otoferonol Gold110-130 rub.
8. Anandin Plus60-70 rub.
9. Otovedin60 rub.
10. Tsipam160 rub.
11. Amit Forte200 rub.
12. Bio-Groom Ear Mite Treatment450 rub.

Ear drops are the most common dosage form for otodectosis. The popularity is explained by the ease of use: it takes 2-3 seconds to instill funds.


Complex action drug. It is used when otodectosis is complicated by otitis media. Renders:

  • antibacterial effect - due to the antibiotic polymyxin;
  • antimycotic - due to the presence of miconazole nitrate;
  • antipruritic and anti-inflammatory - thanks to the glucocorticoid prednisolone.

Surolan is instilled 5 drops. in each ear daily for 2 weeks. It is safe for pregnant and lactating bitches. But drops are prohibited in cases of perforation of the eardrum and individual intolerance.

Cost – 700 rub. for a 15 ml bottle, 1,100 rub. – per 30 ml bottle.

Read a detailed review of Surolan drops


Prescribed for ear scabies complicated by bacterial or fungal otitis. Oricin has a complex effect due to:

  • nitrofurazone – a broad-spectrum antibacterial substance;
  • ivermectin – leads to the death of ticks;
  • sodium propionate – inhibits the spread of fungi;
  • tetracaine - anesthetizes.

Before use, remove dirt, crusts, and sulfur. Then instill 2 drops. small breeds of dogs, 3-4 each for medium breeds, 5 each for large breeds. The ears are folded into an envelope and massaged at the base so that the liquid is better distributed.

If the dog shakes its head after instillation, it is fixed for 2-3 minutes. If it gets on the fur, wipe off the product.

Price – 450 rub.


The most popular anti-tick drops.

They are sold in every pet store and are cheap - about 150 rubles. However, they cause irritation and allergies in dogs intolerant to diazinon.

Bury Bars 3-5 drops. After a week, the treatment is repeated. If the medication does not help, they select another one.


Amitrazine Plus
Another inexpensive medicine - sold for 100 rubles. per bottle. Works comprehensively: relieves itching, inflammation and pain, soothes the skin, kills bacteria and parasites.

The product is based on a solution of amitrazine with dimexide. If the dog is allergic to these substances, choose another remedy. Also, the drug should not be used by pregnant bitches.

Sponges are moistened with amitrazine and wiped over the skin. Or instill 3-5 drops. Frequency of use – every 3 days, maximum number of procedures – 6.


The medicine disinfects and has a detrimental effect on mites and bacteria. Additionally, Aurikan relieves inflammation, itching and pain relief. In addition, the product softens baked crusts and promotes their removal. Therefore, the medicine is suitable for complex forms of otodectosis, when the animal does not allow its ears to be treated with lotions or ointments due to pain.

Buried every day for a week. After – every 3-4 days for a month. Dosage in drops:

  • 5 – for small breed dogs;
  • 10-15 – for medium dogs;
  • 20-30 – for large and giant breeds.

Aurikan costs 480 rubles.


An inexpensive comprehensive remedy for the treatment of ear scabies - Dekta is sold for 120-150 rubles. Suitable for the treatment of otodectosis complicated by otitis media.

Amitraz in the composition leads to the death of adult ticks and their larvae. Levomycetin is an antibiotic effective against most types of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Propolis inhibits the growth of microbes and fungi, relieves inflammation, and stimulates repair.

Dekta is instilled in 3-5 drops. in each ear. After 5-7 days, the procedure is repeated. The maximum number of treatments is 3.

Decta is prohibited for pregnant, malnourished animals, dogs with infectious diseases and kittens up to a month old.

Otoferonol Gold

Effective and cheap ear drops. They have a detrimental effect on adult and larval forms and eliminate the disease in just 1-2 weeks. And they cost 110-130 rubles.

Thanks to cycloferon, Otoferonol Gold is prescribed when a viral infection occurs. And the propolis extract in the composition has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and wound-healing properties.

Use Otoferonol Gold 3-5 drops. once into each sink. If the symptoms have not disappeared within a week, the treatment is repeated.

Anandin Plus

Contains antibiotics, acaricidal and anti-inflammatory substances. Inexpensive (costs 60-70 rubles), but toxic. Therefore you cannot:

  • handle the dog close to fish and bees;
  • apply the medication with bare hands - wear rubber gloves;
  • apply to pregnant and lactating bitches;
  • smoke, drink, eat during the procedure.

During treatment, increased salivation and itching are possible.

Instill 3-5 drops, then massage the ears at the base. Manipulations are carried out once a day until recovery - usually within 3-7 days. If the symptoms do not go away, the therapy is repeated. Treatment is not interrupted, otherwise it will have to be started again.


A natural remedy based on pine essential oil and extract of 9 herbs. Otovedin is indicated as an auxiliary medication - it facilitates the cleansing of the ears, the removal of crusts and black plaque from the depths of the passage.

Otovedin is first heated in a water bath to 20-25°C. Instill 3-5 drops. The course is not limited - it is used until the symptoms of otodectosis disappear.

Cost – 60 rub.


Tsipam drops
A preparation based on 2 powerful insectoacaricides - amitraz and the pyrethroid cypermethrin. These substances penetrate the spiracles and chitinous shell of insects, causing their paralysis and death. Tsipam is effective against multiple parasitic infections - it is detrimental to:

  • ticks – ixodid, sarcoptoid, demodectic;
  • lice eaters;
  • lice;
  • fleas

First, soak a sponge in Tsipam and wipe the sink. Then instill 3-6 drops, repeat the manipulation after 3-5 days.

Tsipam is prohibited for pregnant, sick, malnourished dogs and puppies up to 1.5 months. Treat the animal with gloves; if the solution gets on the skin or mucous membranes, wash it off with running water.

Price – 160 rub.

Amit Forte

Amit Forte is suitable for pets with allergies to tick saliva - thanks to diphenhydramine, the medication has an antihistamine effect. It also relieves inflammation, relieves pain, and fipronil in the composition causes paralysis and death of parasites.

Amit Forte is instilled 3-4 drops. twice a day for 7-10 days. If necessary, the course is repeated after a week.

Low toxic. However, there are some tips:

  • Do not use for pregnant or lactating females;
  • Do not use on puppies under 2 months of age;
  • do not handle sick or exhausted pets;
  • Perform the procedure with gloves, and upon completion, wash your hands with soap;
  • you cannot eat, drink or smoke during the procedure;
  • For 20-25 minutes after treatment, make sure that the dog does not itch or lick the medicine.

They sell for 200 rubles.

Bio-Groom Ear Mite Treatment

Ear drops contain a natural insecticide - pyrethrin and aloe vera extract.
Bio-Groom Ear is a low-toxic product, suitable for dogs with allergies to acaricides. And the herbal medicinal squeeze relieves itching and hyperemia, stimulates reparation. From 3 to 10 drops are dripped into the channels. depending on the size of the pet. I massage the ears and let the pet shake its head. Repeat every other day until the passages are cleared.

They sell for 450 rubles. per 30 ml bottle.

Read also

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1. Ivermek250 rub.
2. Acaromectin150 RUR
3. Anti-flea spray

Sprays are similar in convenience to drops. But they are used carefully - if the animal breaks away, the sprayed product will get into the eyes or mouth. Therefore, this dosage form is less popular.


Spray Ivermec
A drug based on ivermectin, a substance effective against sarcoptic mites, lice, and nematodes.

Ivermek is sprayed onto the shell with 4-9 sprays, depending on the size of the animal. The procedure is repeated after 3-5 days. If otodectosis does not go away, the course is extended.

Ivermek is prohibited for pregnant and lactating bitches, puppies up to 1.5 months, sick and weakened dogs.

After treatment, pets cannot be bathed for 2 days. During this period, contacts are limited; after stroking, hands are washed with soap.

Costs 250 rubles.


Another spray based on ivermectin. Additionally contains alcohol for disinfection and mineral oil, which accelerates healing. Plus it costs less - 150 rubles.

Acaromectin is sprayed inside the ears in a dosage of 1-2.5 ml. Do not exceed the dose - profuse salivation, muscle tremors, and weakness are possible. Dirt, sulfur, and exudate are first cleaned out. The procedure is repeated after 8-10 days.

Acaromectin should not be used simultaneously with other anti-parasite drugs, in kittens up to a month old, in pregnant or sick dogs.

Anti-Flea Spray

Moderately toxic medication.
It is preferred when the dog is affected by 2 or more types of parasites. Thanks to fenthion and permethrin, the product gets rid of ticks, fleas, and lice. However, Anti-Flea Spray is used with caution:

  • the dog is processed outside, away from fish, bees, and birds;
  • the manipulation is carried out wearing gloves and a respirator;
  • to prevent licking, put a muzzle on the pet and do not remove it until the spray dries;
  • Do not pet the dog for 24 hours, do not bathe it for another day and prohibit contact with children.

Anti-Flea spray is prohibited for kittens under 8 weeks, pregnant and weakened animals.

Act now

Many owners are frightened by the complexity and painstakingness of therapeutic procedures. In the early stages, the disease is treated for 7 days, then preventive measures are started. In an advanced state, drug therapy will take at least a month, after which a long rehabilitation and restoration of immunity is carried out. During therapy, the pet is quarantined, completely excluding its contact with other animals.

It is important to adhere to all instructions from a veterinarian.

If you notice alarming symptoms, do not let the situation take its course. Remember that despite a positive prognosis in 90% of cases, 10% result in complete hearing loss or death in affected animals. An ear mite that has reached the nerve tissue is the most dangerous possible outcome.

Monitor your pet's condition and do not forget about prevention. If you suspect otodectosis, do not hesitate and do not try to treat the animal yourself. After all, an incorrect diagnosis can cost lives.

You should acquire a useful habit: make an appointment at the veterinary clinic once a month. During a structural examination, the doctor will pay attention to all the details in your pet's health, which will prevent any diseases and maintain his health.

The health of your pet is entirely in your hands, so you need to carefully monitor it!

Ointments and gels

1. Aversectin ointment60-70 rub.
2. Amidel-gel NEO190 rub.
3. Ordermil800 rub.
4. Sulfur-dectar ointment50 rub.

Ointments and gels are the best option for treating otodectosis. Parasites cannot lay eggs on oily surfaces. They are best used in combination with lotions, sprays or drops.

Aversectin ointment

Aversectin ointment
The most popular among ointments for ear scabies. It is effective, quickly eliminates the manifestations of otodectosis, and does not irritate the skin. And it costs only 60-70 rubles.

Aversectin ointment is applied to the cleaned shells in an even layer. Then the ears are folded and massaged. Treatments are repeated every 5-7 days until recovery.

The ointment is prohibited for puppies under 2 months, sick, pregnant and lactating dogs. Toxic to fish and bees.

Amidel-gel NEO

Amidel-gel NEO
Low-toxic and safe gel, available in a convenient dispenser syringe. Amidel-gel is a complex preparation. He contains:

  • acaricide amitraz - the main substance leading to the death of parasites;
  • lidocaine - anesthetizes, eliminates itching and inflammation: as a result, the animal itches less, which promotes healing;
  • Methyluracil is a reparative component that accelerates skin restoration.

0.5-2 ml of gel is placed into the cleaned ears, depending on the weight of the pet. The treatment is repeated 1-2 times every 5-7 days.

Amidel-NEO is approved for pregnant and lactating dogs. It should not be used on sick, malnourished dogs or puppies under 2 weeks of age.

Price – 190 rub.


Oridermyl has the most extensive action among ointments. He:

  • relieves pain and hyperemia;
  • eliminates bacterial and fungal infections - indicated for otitis media;
  • kills otodectosis, sarcaptoid, demodectic and choriptosis mites.

Apply twice with a break of a week. If necessary, repeat the course after 7-14 days. The drug is prohibited:

  • puppies and decorative breeds weighing less than 1.5 kg;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • for allergy sufferers;
  • with perforation of the eardrum.

During treatment, the sick pet is isolated from other animals and children.

Price – 800 rub.

Sulfur-tar ointment

Time-tested remedy.
Sulfur-tar ointment disinfects, eliminates bacteria and microbes, and leads to the death of parasites. And it costs a penny - 50 rubles. for a 40 g jar. The ointment is applied to the inner surface of the ears and the skin around them with a diameter of 2-4 cm. The procedures are carried out 1-2 times a day until the crusts separate. There is no need to clean the shells or trim the fur.

Sulfur-tar ointment can be used in combination with other medications. It is safe and suitable for everyone.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Dog ear hygiene plays a big role in maintaining healthy ears.
  2. Ear diseases can be caused by many reasons, and further treatment depends on this. These are mainly: parasites, inflammatory processes, pathogenic fungi, bacteria and allergic reactions.
  3. The main symptoms of ear diseases: the dog scratches its ears, shakes its head, tilts its head to one side, redness and swelling of the ears, dirt and a characteristic smell from the auricle.
  4. Types of ear drops: for hygienic cleaning, antibacterial, antifungal and against mites.
  5. Many of them combine several actions.

The article is based on the expert opinion of the author. Before using medications, be sure to consult a specialist.

Drops on the withers

1. Stronghold250-450 rub.
2. Frontline450-600 rub.
3. Dana100-150 rub.
4. Finprist240-360 rub.

Drops on the withers are a convenient option: their application will take about 10 seconds. But, although the drugs are indicated for parasitic infestations, they do not always help. These remedies are good for prevention, but for treatment it is better to choose other options.

Plus drops on the withers - they are effective against ticks, fleas, and lice. And some of them are against worms.

Check out our rating of drops on the withers against ticks and fleas.


Stronghold drops
A complete review of stronghold drops.

Effective and popular drops based on selamectin. Helps against roundworms, ticks and insects. They cost 250-450 rubles. depending on the volume of the pipette and the weight of the animal.

The product is applied once, pointwise between the shoulder blades or on the withers. You can repeat the manipulation after a month.

Stronghold is prohibited from being used in puppies under 1.5 months, in emaciated animals, or injected into the ears. Do not drink, smoke or eat during treatment. Contact with your pet is limited for 2 hours.


Frontline Hola Drops
Effective against fleas, lice, lice, and ticks. Frontline Spot-On is produced in 4 forms for pets of different weights: 2-10 kg, 10-20 kg, 20-40 kg and 40-60 kg.

Frontline Spot-On is injected into the ears, 4-6 drops each, and the remaining liquid in a pipette is applied to the withers. Do not use for puppies under 2 months. Allowed for pregnant and lactating dogs. During processing, adhere to standard precautions and hygiene.

They sell for 450-600 rubles. depending on the release form.

Review and instructions for use of Frontline for dogs.


Insectoacaricidal drops Dana
The drug is similar to Frontile, only developed by a Moscow company, so it costs less - 100-150 rubles per pipette.

Place 3-5 drops in the ears, fold the shells and massage at the base. The remaining liquid is applied pointwise to the withers. Repeat treatment 2-3 times every 5-7 days.

Dana Spot-On contains alcohol, so it irritates the olfactory receptors and can cause hypersalivation.

Dana is prohibited for kittens under 3 months and animals weighing less than 2 kg.


Fiprist contains the substance fipronil. After application, it is evenly distributed throughout the body, accumulates in the sebaceous glands and is released along with their contents onto the skin. As a result, the toxin penetrates into the parasites during bites, leading to their death.

Fiprist is dripped 4-6 drops at a time, the remainder is applied between the shoulder blades. The medicine is valid for 1 month. It is prohibited to use:

  • puppies up to 2 months;
  • dogs weighing less than 2 kg;
  • weakened pets;
  • close to fish and rabbits.

Cost – 240-360 rubles. depending on the release form and the size of the animal.

Description of the disease

Otodectosis is the colonization of a dog’s ears by a whole army of microscopic parasites from the subclass of arthropods. It feeds on blood, lymph, tissues, and sulfur. While in the animal's body, arthropods actively reproduce. The ear mite is gray-whitish in color. Its length is less than half a millimeter. The insect cannot be seen with the naked eye. But it is possible to recognize an uninvited guest who has settled in the auricle.

Solutions in injections and emulsions

1. Neostomazan10-20 rub.
2. Aversect70 rub.
3. Otodectin65 rub.
4. Epacid-Alpha60 rub.

Injection solutions are the cheapest remedies for parasites. But they also have other advantages: the drugs work against all ectoparasites, and some of them are used both for treating pets and for treating premises.

Not all animal owners know about injection solutions. But this is an excellent solution - with one remedy you treat your pet and get rid of parasites in the house.


The cheapest remedy for ear mites for dogs is Neostomazan. They sell it for 10-20 rubles. per 1 ml ampoule. Take 2 cones of 1 ml for treating an animal, and 2 of 5-10 ml for treating an apartment/house.

Dosage for treating animals is 1 ml of medication per 200 ml of water. Neostomazan is used in 2 ways:

  • wipe the ears with swabs soaked in the solution;
  • bathe the dog - soak the sponge in the solution, apply it all over the body except the face, wrap the dog in 2-3 towels and keep it for 20-30 minutes.

The solution for treatment is also prepared - 1 ml per 200 ml of water. Pour the product into a spray bottle and spray thresholds, baseboards, carpets, upholstered furniture, and beds.

Neostomazan has a pungent odor like gasoline or kerosene. But it disappears in 10-15 minutes.

Aversect K&S 0.2%

Aversect K&S
Aversect is intended for intramuscular or subcutaneous injections. After administration, the medicine spreads throughout the dog’s tissues and organs and has a detrimental effect on ticks, insects, and worms.

Aversect is administered at the rate of 0.2 mg of the active substance aversectin C1 per 1 kg. After 7-10 days a second injection is given. The medicine is prohibited:

  • kittens up to 7 weeks;
  • whelping bitches;
  • old dogs;
  • sick pets.

Price – 70 rub. per ampoule.


Another solution for subcutaneous injection. Otodectin is administered to puppies from 2 months and healthy adult dogs. Use with caution in pets with liver and kidney pathologies, collie, boxer, sheltie, bobtail and related breeds. Dose – 0.2 ml of the active ingredient ivermectin per 1 kg.

A 5 ml bottle costs 65 rubles.


Epacid-Alpha is an emulsion based on alphacypermethrin, which acts against insects and ticks. Designed for outdoor use. Costs 60 rubles for a 10 ml bottle.

Epacid-Alfa is applied to clean skin. Shake off the bottle, draw the contents into a syringe without a needle and inject 1-1.5 ml into each ear. After 3-5 days the manipulation is repeated.

Prohibited for pregnant and lactating dogs, puppies under 2 months, and malnourished pets.

Prevention of otodectosis in domestic dogs

As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. By following basic preventive measures, the dog will remain healthy and long, costly and troublesome treatment will be avoided.

Ear mite prevention measures:

  1. The most effective way to prevent otodectosis is regular treatment with insectoacaricidal agents. It is necessary to use anti-ear mite products from early spring (as soon as the snow melts) until late autumn (before frost).
  2. Prevention should be carried out regularly throughout the season. You should not delay treating your pet even for a few days, especially if the dog actively communicates on the street with its fellow tribesmen.
  3. If for some reason the animal is not treated, it is prohibited to allow it to interact with other dogs (especially stray cats).
  4. The owner must follow the rules of hygiene - wash his hands after going outside, before petting the pet; Don't let your dog lick your shoes.


An accurate diagnosis of otodectosis can only be made in a clinical setting. It is necessary to take swabs from both ears and examine them under a microscope. Under magnification, you can very clearly see the ticks themselves, and then the diagnosis is obvious.

Thus, when you bring your pet to the clinic, the veterinarian performs the following manipulations:

  1. External examination of the ears. Based on its results, the smell from the ear canal is determined, possibly wounds from scratching, the presence of dark brown discharge or crusts.
  2. A scraping is taken for analysis. The manipulation is carried out using a special stick, about 10 cm long, with a cotton swab at the end (it is not recommended to use a regular cotton swab, as the cotton swab can fly off and remain in the ear canal).
  3. A smear is prepared from the scraping and examined under a microscope. All this does not take much time.
  4. Next, your pet’s ears will be cleaned and treatment will be prescribed.


  1. The disease develops from the animal's anxiety.
  2. The dog tends to rub against any object, often shakes its head to the sides, and tries to reach its ears with its paws to scratch them.
  3. Often the animal appears depressed, accompanied by nervous seizures.
  4. The body temperature is very high, the animal turns its head towards the sore ear.
  5. No appetite.
  6. The neglected condition leads to the appearance of scratches, abrasions, and suppuration.

When the exudate combines with tick feces, it becomes gray-brown in color, usually dries and has an unpleasant odor, and forms a crust.

How does infection occur?

Your pet can contract ear mites from contact with a sick animal. This could be another dog on a walk or a street animal. Otodectosis is especially common among stray dogs and cats. Almost every second street dog and cat is a carrier of ear mites.

Fur-bearing animals can also be infected with otodex. So, if your dog had to interact with a ferret, for example, or a fox, then it’s better to watch her ears.

The above applies to domestic animals; contact with wild animals should not be allowed at all.


If you do not take the necessary actions in a timely manner and do not consult a specialist, your dog may develop serious complications, for example:

  1. Inflammation of the middle ear.
  2. Perforation of the eardrum.
  3. Meningitis.
  4. Labyrinthitis.
  5. Arachnoiditis.

It is important to remember that the complication is an inflammatory process that regresses into the inner and middle ear. From there comes the damage to the meninges. This course of events leads either to complete loss of hearing or to the death of the animal.

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