Forsight for bedbugs - instructions for use, composition and mechanism of action, precautions and price

If bedbugs appear in your home, this does not necessarily mean that you have violated any hygiene standards. No one is immune from the appearance of these parasites, since they can live in newly purchased new furniture or come from neighbors who were unable to take steps to destroy them in time. It is important to start the fight against bloodsuckers as early as possible and choose the most effective remedy. The modern market can offer a fairly wide selection of such insecticides.

Some are capable of ridding a home of insects in a short period of time, but at the same time are quite toxic, others have a long period of action, but are practically harmless to humans and animals. The latter includes the drug Forsyth against bedbugs, which has an ideal price-quality ratio.

Useful materials

Read other articles about bedbugs:
Pay attention to home control products such as repellers and traps. Find out the main reasons for the appearance of bloodsuckers in the apartment, namely bed parasites

What do house bugs look like and how to get rid of them using various methods? Find out why they are dangerous for humans? How to recognize their bites, especially in children, and how to properly treat the damaged areas? To effectively combat these insects, find out what species there are, how they reproduce and feed, where you can find their nests and can they live in clothes? Read more about folk remedies, in particular vinegar and temperature effects. Effective preventive measures. Study several review articles about modern means of control, in particular against bed bugs. Check out the list of products that are safe for people and pets, and also find out how to properly prepare your apartment before treatment. If you cannot cope with parasites on your own, we recommend turning to professionals

They have effective destruction technologies and will be able to help you in the shortest possible time.

Watch a video on how to use the drug "Forsyth"

Causes of bedbugs

Obligate parasites cannot live without a host. Bedbugs attack a sleeping person and feed on blood. After saturation, the parasite has enough food supply for 5–6 days. For this reason, bedbugs do not bite people every night, but at a certain interval.

In addition to feeding, parasites find many secluded places for reproduction in a person’s home. The house is always warm, humidity is at an acceptable level.

Ideal habitat for bedbugs:

  • cushioned furniture;
  • rugs;
  • carpets;
  • sleeping area;
  • picture frames covered in dust;
  • areas behind peeling wallpaper;
  • old baseboards;
  • cluttered places.

The following signs will help you suspect the appearance of dangerous insects:

  • red spots appear on the body and itching is felt;
  • Traces of bedbug bites are not single - they form a kind of “path”, arranged in a chain. The reason is that the bug drinks blood in one place, crawls a few centimeters, bites a person again, and moves on. This continues until the parasite is satiated;
  • when there is an invasion of bedbugs in the bed, closet with clothes, near the baseboards, an unpleasant odor appears;
  • there are gradually more and more black dots on the wooden headboards of the bed: these are visible traces of the vital activity of parasites;
  • the bites on the body are noticeable, but the unpleasant squeak is not heard in the bedroom. This point allows you to distinguish a bedbug attack from mosquito bites.

Read useful information on how to properly provide first aid for insect bites and further treatment of the problem.

You can learn how to fight the cabbage caterpillar in the garden and preserve the harvest from this article.

General description and composition

Professional insecticide Forsyth can be used at home, for treating residential and non-residential premises, and even vehicles (minibuses, buses). The product is often used by SES specialists for complete sanitary treatment of premises.

All this indicates the high effectiveness of the product, which is explained by the “powerful” composition. This is both a plus and a minus of the product, because the components of Forsythe are very toxic even to humans and can lead to intoxication if the product is used incorrectly.

For home use, take Forsyth in bottles, canisters - for processing agricultural land

Forsythe composition:

  • fenthion 25 is a modern, powerful insecticide with high toxic properties, deadly for any insects, mammals, fish, amphibians;
  • stabilizers;
  • catalysts.

Forsyth has a rapid effect and leads to disruption of the nervous system of parasites 1-2 hours after their infection. The death of insects occurs within 3-7 hours. Before dying, they manage to infect other individuals who have been in contact with them.

The drug is available in bottles or canisters. The average cost of Forsyth in a bottle (for home use) is 300 rubles, in a canister (for treating agricultural plants) - 1600 rubles. You can purchase it in the pest control departments of agricultural or construction stores.

How does Forsyth act on insects, and does it help? (+video)

Forsyth is a very high-quality insecticide used by many professional exterminators. The product is effective for treating private houses or apartments, and for treating agricultural land and industrial complexes.

Resistance (immunity) in bedbugs or other insect pests to Forsyth components is very rare. Forsyth is so powerful that it is often used to bait rats and mice in basements and rural areas.

The drug is often used to eradicate cockroaches from the entire building, for which specialist exterminators are hired to treat basements, attics and ventilation ducts with Forsythe.

Is the product dangerous for humans and pets?

Being a professional means for disinfestation of residential and non-residential premises, Forsyth, if used incorrectly, is truly dangerous to the health of people and pets. It's all about the composition of the product, which contains a powerful toxin - fenthion.

Intoxication can be prevented by following all precautions prescribed by the manufacturer. You need to work in personal protective equipment, which includes safety glasses, rubber gloves, a change of clothes and a respirator.

Be sure to open the windows in the room being treated to ensure proper ventilation.

Without good air circulation, even a high-quality respirator will not help against intoxication with drug vapors.

Be sure to open the windows in the area being treated to ensure proper ventilation. Without good air circulation, even a high-quality respirator will not help against intoxication with drug vapors.

It is prohibited to use gauze bandages instead of a respirator - they will not provide adequate protection, and you are almost guaranteed to get poisoned. Symptoms of Forsyth poisoning include nausea, vomiting, headaches, bouts of dizziness, or even brief loss of consciousness.

Where can I buy Forsyth?

Forsyth is a professional preparation for exterminating insects, which is used mainly by specialists from pest control services. It goes on sale in canisters, the volume of which is 5-10 liters.

If you decide to use it to combat bedbugs, then, most likely, this product can be purchased at your local SES. There you will also receive instructions and detailed instructions regarding its use. In recent years, Forsythe has begun to appear in construction hypermarkets and gardening stores.

The fight against bedbugs must begin immediately, using the most effective, but at the same time safe for your own health, means. Forsyth fully satisfies these conditions, but still do not forget to study the instructions and use personal protective equipment.

The drug "Forsyth": description

This is a new generation insecticide. It is distinguished by the fact that it has low toxicity towards humans, but has a detrimental effect on bedbugs. Therefore, it can be used to treat premises without the risk of side effects, but strictly according to the instructions.

Characteristics of the drug:

  • The product is characterized by a contact action.
  • The product belongs to class 4, the lowest toxicity.
  • Available in the form of a concentrated suspension of golden sand color, with a brown tint.
  • A solution is prepared from the suspension. To do this, you need to take 1 liter of water and dilute 20 to 50 ml of the product in it, depending on the type of insect and the degree of infestation.
  • If there is a large presence of pests, this product can be used in combination with Chlorophos or Microcin, which will speed up the action of Foresight. This is due to the fact that these substances are more toxic.
  • The basis of the drug is the active ingredient fenthion 25%.
  • The effect of Foresight begins from the moment the parasites come into contact with the substance.
  • The substance, getting on the chitinous layer, penetrates the body of the parasite and begins to destroy the nervous system. As a result of this action, the insect becomes paralyzed and dies.
  • The substance exhibits its effect for 3 months, if wet cleaning is not carried out.
  • The product is equally effective on both adult individuals and their larvae.
  • "Foresight" is used to combat not only bedbugs, but also other harmful insects.
  • This product can be used to treat housing without the involvement of special services.

foresight for insect control

Watch this video on YouTube

Cost and reviews

It is believed that the drug is not cheap, since a bottle with a capacity of 50 ml costs from 250 to 300 rubles, and a bottle with a capacity of 100 ml costs about 450 rubles. These bottles are suitable for self-processing. For special services, volumes of 500 ml and 1 liter are produced, at prices of 1100 and 1700 rubles.

Most owners who have had to use Forsythe against bedbugs and other insects have only positive feedback. They are satisfied with the fact that it is a low-toxic product, but with a pronounced effect. It is enough to treat your home twice, and the bedbugs will disappear, although you often have to resort to more toxic means of control. This is especially true when there are too many parasites and conditions allow them to reliably hide in secluded places. This applies to old houses where there are many cracks and cracks, and repairs have not been done in a lifetime.

The contact action insecticide “Forsyth” has a detrimental effect on bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches, flies and other insects that like to appear in a person’s home. Despite the low toxicity, you should not endanger your life and the lives of other family members, especially children, expectant mothers, allergy sufferers and other frail or seriously ill family members. Therefore, you must strictly follow the requirements specified in the instructions.

Instructions for using "Foresight" against bedbugs

The buyer is recommended to study the features of using the product before purchasing. This will help to understand whether there is enough physical capacity, time and effort to implement the plan (processing the object).

Preparing the premises

The use of insecticides begins with cleaning. It is necessary to remove dust and traces of human activity with a damp cloth. Such measures make it possible to detect nests of parasites, so that these areas will be treated more thoroughly. Adults, larvae and eggs are destroyed where they were concentrated.

Other preparatory activities:

  • free up space next to the baseboards, for which it is necessary to move the furniture 10-15 cm closer to the center of the room;
  • the mattress is removed from the bed and placed vertically in any convenient place;
  • clean plants, aquarium;
  • woven products (bedspreads, curtains, bedding, wardrobe items) should be washed if possible, and the offspring can only be killed by exposure to high temperatures, which means they consider the method of washing, ironing, boiling or steaming;
  • the dishes are hermetically sealed and then taken out as far as possible from the processing epicenter;
  • Considering that the Forsyth bedbug repellent is highly toxic, when using it, there should be no animals or children in the room, only the person treating the room should be present;
  • the walls are freed from interior items (paintings, clocks, etc.), their frame/body also needs to be processed;
  • if you plan to use poison in winter, the carpet and upholstered furniture can be taken outside, since it is not recommended to treat these items with a highly toxic insecticide;
  • the furniture is partially dismantled (people's sleeping places), which will make it possible to process the most remote areas inside.

Olga, 38 years old, Samara

I used For Site, the drug was inexpensive, but I made a big mistake - I didn’t clear out the trash first. I did a wet cleaning, but all the things remained in their places, I think because of this, bites soon appeared on the body - parasites were still alive somewhere.

Surfaces must be cleaned of dust before use.

Preparation of working solution

Recommended ratio of main components: 20 ml of concentrated emulsion and 980 ml of liquid. This is enough to kill parasites

Moreover, it is important to mix the components at room temperature. You should also dilute the product with cool water (not too cold, but not warm or hot)

This will preserve the properties of the substance. It is recommended to prepare a solution for treating the room immediately before starting the procedure.

Karina, 34 years old, Omsk

I put on a respirator long before I started processing the apartment - even when I mixed the emulsion with water. I didn’t like the smell, but I still used the drug. In the end, it worked as it should, so it’s worth using it.

For spraying it is better to use a spray bottle

Surface treatment

Spraying the working product is performed once; after some time (1 to 2 weeks), the procedure can be repeated. Force site against bedbugs is used to protect all accessible surfaces:

  • floors;
  • walls (at least to a level of 0.5-1 m);
  • cabinets (from the back wall);
  • other furniture (except upholstered);
  • wall items;
  • wallpaper joints (but make sure that the emulsion does not leave traces);
  • internal structure of a sofa, bed (only hard materials are processed);
  • windowsill;
  • pallets of flowers.

Treatment is carried out in all rooms

Recommendations: what to do after treatment

You should leave the site for 2-3 hours, if possible, it is better to return later. This will eliminate bedbugs in a shorter period of time. Then you need to wipe some surfaces: door handles, switches. It is also recommended to do general cleaning, but not earlier than after 2 weeks. In this case, the protective layer can remain on surfaces for up to 6 weeks.

Inna, 34 years old, Belgorod

The drugs that used to always kill bedbugs stopped helping. I had to order Forsythe. This product seemed unpleasant to me at first, but later I got used to the smell and even stopped noticing it. Because of this, I forgot that it was time to do general cleaning; the surfaces were covered with insecticide for 1.5 months. I think this helped protect against re-infection.

General cleaning after treatment must be done after 2 weeks.

Price and places of purchase

Initially, it was possible to purchase the product only if you had the appropriate permits from the SES. It is now available to a wide range of consumers. You can order Foresight in online stores or buy it in specialized hypermarkets.

The cost of a 50 mg bottle ranges from 240-300 rubles. This amount is enough to process 20-25 square meters. m area. It is more profitable to buy cans of larger volume. So a liter container will cost 1600 rubles. When ordering in online stores, the price of the product may vary slightly depending on delivery conditions.

Foresight against bedbugs: instructions for use

Bedbug repellent can be purchased in the form of a gel or a special suspension. The drug must be used only in diluted form, which is why water is required for its preparation. It is not recommended to use warm water, since a certain amount of cold water will be required to obtain a homogeneous composition and neutralize the strong odor.

The product is diluted, as mentioned above, in the proportion of 50 ml of suspension per 1 liter of water. To make the processing process as comfortable and efficient as possible, you must purchase a suitable spray bottle in advance. If you don’t have such a product at hand, a regular brush can serve as an alternative.

Of course, it cannot be used when treating premises on an industrial scale, although this option is suitable for killing bedbugs in an ordinary apartment. The resulting solution cannot be stored for more than 8 hours, which must be taken into account when planning disinfection measures.

It is important to note that the above procedures are not required for the preparation of Forsyth, purchased in gel form. This drug is available ready for use.

In general, compliance with the necessary precautions will not be a serious problem, since the product is easy to use in practice

The resulting composition or gel must be used to treat areas where bedbugs accumulate.

In general, compliance with the necessary precautions will not be a serious problem, since the product is easy to use in practice. The resulting composition or gel must be used to treat areas where bedbugs accumulate. Foresight should be applied to furniture, sofa cushions and fittings

It is not recommended to carry out wet cleaning in rooms that have just been treated with the drug, as this will negate the preventive effects

Foresight should be applied to furniture, sofa cushions and fittings. It is not recommended to carry out wet cleaning in rooms that have just been treated with the drug, as this will negate the preventive effects

The resulting composition or gel must be used to treat areas where bedbugs accumulate. Foresight should be applied to furniture, sofa cushions and fittings. It is not recommended to carry out wet cleaning in rooms that have just been treated with the drug, as this will negate the preventive effects.

But such a measure as thorough ventilation of the room is not only useful, but also necessary. A few hours after ventilation, people will be able to stay in the room treated with the product without any threat.

As mentioned above, the product should be used in an empty room from which indoor plants and any pets have been removed.

The “Foresight” instructions contain all the necessary notes that need to be followed when processing and preventative cleaning of the premises; it will help solve the problem of pests as quickly and efficiently as possible.


If everything is done correctly and efficiently, you will get rid of bedbugs after the first treatment. Force Site is an excellent drug, we recommend it for use. However, there is a small fly in the ointment; according to the instructions, the product is stated as a universal drug that will help get rid of not only bedbugs, but also cockroaches and other insects. So, the cockroaches will die, but not all, but only a part. This is the “Achilles heel” of all universal insecticides; it is important to understand that some work well only on bedbugs, others on cockroaches. And in our case, this drug is ideal for killing bed bugs.

Instructions for use

Despite the low toxicity of the product declared by the manufacturer, like all chemicals, Foresight must be used correctly in order to protect yourself from various negative consequences. For this purpose, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for use so as not to risk your health.

Preparing the premises

How to proceed:

  • All things and objects that do not require treatment should be removed from the premises.
  • It is better to take all personal hygiene items, dishes and food out of the room or wrap them in film.
  • Paths and carpets are thoroughly vacuumed into a disposable bag - a dust collector, after which it is immediately taken out.
  • Evacuate everyone living in the living space, including pets.
  • It is better to disassemble the furniture, since parasites and other insects are always hiding in the cracks.
  • It is better to throw away old, unnecessary things or furniture immediately, without spending effort and money on processing them.
  • Seal all the cracks in the baseboards or replace them with new ones, glue or re-glue the wallpaper, seal existing cracks near the pipes of the heating system, sewerage, water supply, etc.
  • Wash, or better yet, boil linen, bedding, curtains and other things, and treat upholstered furniture with a steam generator.
  • Wash the floors and wipe off dust everywhere, especially in hard-to-reach places.
  • Remove house plants and aquarium.
  • Prepare special, or preferably old, unnecessary clothing for disinfestation.

Preparation of the solution

The method for preparing the active solution is as follows:

  • Read the instructions carefully and determine how much of the substance is needed to treat the premises by measuring their area.
  • If there are too many parasites, you will have to dilute 50 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water.
  • In other cases, as well as in cases of preventive treatment, 20-25 ml is sufficient.
  • “Forsyth” is diluted only in cold water, since warm water worsens the properties of the substance.
  • A third of the water is poured into the bucket, after which the suspension is poured in and stirred with a wooden stick.
  • To treat surfaces, it is better to use a sprayer or spray bottle.

The use of insecticide requires the use of personal protective equipment.

How to use Foresight tool

Watch this video on YouTube

Surface treatment

What should be done:

  • Treat headboards, walls, cabinets, carpets, floors, and baseboards with the prepared solution.
  • We should not forget about thresholds, window sills, cracks in furniture and other wooden structures. If the baseboards are old, then you need to pour more product into the cracks.
  • One bottle of concentrated suspension is enough to efficiently treat 20-40 square meters of area. If you treat only areas where parasites accumulate, then 50 ml of liquid is enough to treat a 3- or 4-room apartment.
  • After 7-10 days, the treatment must be repeated, since Foresight does not affect egg laying.

Recommendations: what to do after treatment

Precautions and effect of the drug:

  • Firstly, you need to leave your home for 12 hours to avoid getting poisoned. And although the effect of the drug is not strong, dizziness and nausea are guaranteed.
  • Returning to your apartment or house, first of all you need to wash the floors, wipe the furniture and headboards, as well as other surfaces on which drops of the substance have fallen.
  • You should not get rid of the product on baseboards, behind cabinets and in other hard-to-reach places, as it will remain valid for another 3 months.
  • After a couple of weeks, it is better to repeat the treatment.

Why do bedbugs appear in a person’s home?

Bedbugs are insects that cannot live without humans, as they feed on their blood. They go out hunting at night, when a person is fast asleep. After the insect drinks blood, it can safely stay in the shelter for almost a week. In connection with this fact, it should be noted that bites may not appear every night, but if there are a lot of insects, then it is not a fact that bites will appear at intervals of one week. Often there are too many bites.

In addition to food, ideal conditions for the life of bedbugs are created in a person’s home. Here you can always find where to hide and where to reproduce, since it is warm here and the humidity is at the proper level.

Where bedbugs can hide:

  • In upholstered furniture.
  • On the paths.
  • In carpets.
  • Under the bed.
  • Behind the paintings.
  • Behind the peeling wallpaper.
  • Behind the old baseboards.
  • In places where there are a lot of old unnecessary things.

The presence of bedbugs can be determined by the following factors:

  • Bite spots appear on the human body, which are accompanied by severe itching.
  • Bite marks form a kind of path. In other words, bedbugs do not make single bites. There may be several of them. The fact is that the bug drinks blood from several places that are located on the human body at a distance of several centimeters.
  • When bedbugs appear in a home, a rather unpleasant odor appears along with them, especially near those places where a person likes to relax.
  • Black spots appear on the wooden parts of the bed, which are a consequence of the activity of these parasites.
  • Many people believe that these are mosquito bites, so they do not pay serious attention to this fact for a long time. But mosquitoes make themselves known with a characteristic mosquito sound.

Instructions for use

One of the advantages of this product is the clear and detailed instructions for using Forsyth against bedbugs, which helps even an inexperienced “exterminator” to properly treat the room without harm to the body and surrounding people

To protect yourself, it is important to follow all safety rules and take precautions

Despite the fact that the Forsyth bedbug remedy is considered safe for humans and only causes irritation upon contact with the skin, the insecticide poses a real threat to the body if ingested. Before use, you must carefully prepare the room and wear a special protective suit.

Preparing the premises

The results of disinfestation largely depend on proper preparation of the premises. To treat an apartment with Forsyth bedbug poison, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Move all furniture (sofas, beds, wardrobes) to the center of the room to facilitate access to the walls that need to be treated first.
  2. Pack open food items or remove them from the premises. It is best to use sealed bags.
  3. Subject clothing and bedding to additional processing. Carefully inspect for bedbugs or their larvae and eggs. For preventative purposes, boil all items for 10 minutes at 100 degrees. Regular washing in the washing machine will not be enough to destroy all the parasites that may be on clothes and bedding. To consolidate the result, go over the items with a steam generator or iron. Pack everything in sealed bags and put away.
  4. If possible, disassemble sofas and beds. Remove mattresses, pillows, frames (if possible). Bedbugs like to make nests in dark, hard-to-reach places, so the inside of the furniture must be treated first.

Preparation of the solution

When the room is ready for treatment, you can proceed to diluting the solution

At this stage, it is important to strictly follow the instructions in order to take the correct dosage and not put yourself in danger. The process takes no more than 5-10 minutes

How to breed Forsyth from bedbugs:

  1. The product should be diluted in cool water in a deep container. For example, a plastic bucket. For 1 liter of water, take 25 mg of insecticide (half a bottle). Stir until the product is completely dispersed.
  2. For ease of use, it is recommended to take a spray bottle or spray bottle. Pour the solution inside and close the lid tightly to prevent drops from getting on your hands and clothes.
  3. Apply the solution immediately after dilution, until the product begins to settle. Its effectiveness will gradually decrease.

Home treatment

You should use Forsyth bedbug medicine when treating your home as follows:

  1. Before use, ventilate the room to get rid of foreign odors and impurities.
  2. Spray the product using a spray bottle. Treat areas with the greatest concentration of parasites, as well as hard-to-reach areas, most thoroughly. First of all, these include baseboards, the interior of furniture, frames, and fittings.
  3. Having sensed an unpleasant odor, bedbugs will begin to actively get out of their homes. To be sure, the parasites themselves can be sprayed again.
  4. To make the effect more obvious, you should not wash the walls for several days. All this time the remedy will continue to work.

Recommendations after treatment

After completing the procedure, you must leave the room for 2-3 hours. It is recommended to seal doorways and door frames with tape or thick paper to prevent air from escaping. During this time, the active components will finally be distributed over the surface of the room and create a layer that poisons the parasites.

Bedbugs will begin to actively emerge from their secluded corners. They will no longer bite, but they will not lose their ability to reproduce. Therefore, the room will need to be treated 1-2 more times to consolidate the result.

After the expiration date, ventilate the room. It is best to create a draft: open all windows and doors wide so that air can circulate freely inside the room. Treat furniture and door frames with soapy water to prevent harmful substances from entering the body.

Precautions when working with foresight

Forsyth, a bedbug preparation, is a chemical compound that can have a negative effect on living organisms, including people and animals, so the instructions for the chemical require caution when working with it. The product in the form of a suspension is considered the most effective due to the fact that it evaporates poorly, but upon contact with human skin, the drug can become a source of irritation to the mucous membrane of the eyes, as well as a cause for the development of hyperemia

The product in the form of a suspension is considered the most effective due to the fact that it evaporates poorly, but upon contact with human skin, the drug can become a source of irritation to the mucous membrane of the eyes, as well as a reason for the development of hyperemia.

Foresight can lead to severe poisoning of the body, which causes dizziness, vomiting, and fainting. Similar to working with other chemical poisons, the Forsyth bedbug remedy is sprayed, protecting the body with the help of individual means, including glasses that protect the eyes, gloves that prevent the chemical from getting on the skin of the hands, a gauze bandage or a respirator that prevents the poison from entering the body through respiratory tract.

After the destructive effect of foresight has expired, the room is ventilated, providing access to fresh air for half an hour. Clothing that has come into contact with the chemical must be thoroughly washed, and it is advisable to do this several times. Upholstered furniture is vacuumed and cleaned with warm water and detergents.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like other chemical compounds, Forsyth, which gets rid of bedbugs, has positive characteristics and some disadvantages.

An undoubted advantage is that the emulsion does not evaporate from the treated surfaces. Therefore, it is allowed for use in homes where small children and people suffering from allergic diseases live. It is allowed to be used in public places, including where food is located and food is eaten (in canteens, cafes and the like).

“Foresight” demonstrates a long period of influence on blood-sucking crawling insects (up to 4 months after disinfestation of housing, if you do not wipe off the treated surfaces). In this regard, it is not recommended to wash off the drug in areas of difficult access when doing general cleaning.

Instructions for use

Before you start using the Forsythe bedbug remedy, you need to determine the method of application and dosage of the toxic substance, which depends on the degree of infection of the object

It is important to remember that a working solution is used, which means you need to dilute the emulsion concentrate with water. You should not skip the main stages of processing, as the effectiveness of the product depends on this

Preparing the premises

Before using the Force site, the sleeping area is removed from bedbugs. You need to remove the bed linen and place the mattress near the bed. Moreover, sometimes it is necessary to literally dismantle the structure, since there is no other way to get to remote areas. Other preparatory measures:

Carefully inspect your bedding

  • clothes that are frequently used and not contaminated are removed from the premises, other items must be washed at high temperatures;
  • move furniture away from the walls, this allows you to apply the substance to baseboards and the back walls of cabinets;
  • All personal belongings, dishes, food are removed from the premises;
  • animals are removed, children should also not be present during the spraying procedure;
  • It is advisable to remove the aquarium; when this is not possible, it is covered with glass;
  • cut off access to sockets;
  • interior items are removed from the walls;
  • free up space under the window sill;
  • the carpet is also treated, but after that it needs to be washed, which can be done in a private home, and then dried outside.

Preparation of the solution

The amount of the substance varies from 20 to 50 ml per 1 liter of water. The choice of dosage depends on how heavily infested the room is. The solution should be prepared using cold water. Thermal exposure will contribute to the loss of properties of the substance.

You need to mix the product with a wooden spatula (kitchen utensils) or usually a stick. If you do not study the instructions for use of the drug, its effectiveness may decrease even before treatment begins.

Surface treatment

A 50 ml bottle is enough to kill bedbugs in a 1-2-room apartment, provided that the working solution is sprayed over all surfaces. When only areas where pests accumulate are treated, the consumption of the product will be significantly reduced. It is recommended to use a spray to deliver the poison over a large surface area. Difficult areas are treated with a brush or sponge. Places that need to be treated:

  • bed frame, sofa frame;
  • window sill (its lower part);
  • the perimeter of the sockets, but the substance should not be poured inside; in any case, you need to turn off the electricity before spraying the insecticide;
  • carpet covering;
  • baseboards;
  • furniture: inside and outside;
  • paintings (back side);
  • old household appliances that are no longer used or do not work.

The solution is applied using a spray bottle, sponge or brush

Recommendations: what to do after treatment

You need to mothball the apartment for 12 hours. After returning, you should ventilate the room and do a wet cleaning. But you are allowed to wipe only those surfaces that are often used, for example, the armrests of the sofa, the headboard of the bed, and door handles.

Mechanism of action

This drug is intended to combat cockroaches and can be used at production facilities and at home. It is often used by pest control services, which note its effectiveness and good results. But here it should be noted that specialized services in such procedures have extensive experience and are well acquainted with the rules of proper treatment of the room, on which the degree of effectiveness certainly depends.

Regarding exactly how the drug works, the mechanism is similar to many insecticides. When the product comes into contact with the parasite, the active substance remains on its chitinous shell. Penetrates the body and affects the nervous system. The insect weakens, paralysis occurs, and soon death occurs. Of course, the exposure time directly depends on the amount of active substance that gets on the bug, but usually a few minutes are enough.

This substance is applied to the surface and after treatment its activity remains for a month. But here it is worth saying that it has the greatest impact in the first two hours, then the activity decreases slightly. In addition, the activity of the components is also influenced by external factors, sun rays and heat.

Preparing the room before treatment

Before use, standard preparation is carried out in the apartment. Furniture is moved to the center of the room, paintings, carpets, and curtains are removed. If possible, chests of drawers and other pieces of furniture are disassembled. It is better to ventilate the room before starting baiting.

Children's toys, food and hygiene products are packaged in sealed bags. Dust in the apartment is thoroughly wiped away. You also need to wash the floors and properly treat the thresholds and baseboards. It is better to throw out very old upholstered furniture and well-used mattresses, since bedbugs can hide there.

Pets must be removed and aquariums must be closed: the smell of insecticide can be harmful to the fish.

Pros and cons of Foresight

This insecticide has enough advantages:

  1. Long-term Forsythe effect: the substance lasts up to 3-4 months, so the younger generation of bloodsuckers also dies. This also applies to bedbug larvae.
  2. Good result: if used correctly, the drug can destroy the entire population in 2 weeks.
  3. Easy to use working solution: just dilute the emulsion with water, and you can begin killing bed bugs.
  4. There are no toxic fumes, so the product can be used to treat children's institutions and catering establishments. Low toxicity is one of the main properties for which Forsyth is highly valued.

There are also disadvantages. Although this is an effective insecticide, you should not expect quick action from it: for about a week, pests can still poison the lives of their owners. In addition, the poison has an unpleasant odor, which takes 10-12 hours to dissipate. Not everyone is happy with the price: Forsyth is inexpensive, but many household medications are cheaper.

A relative disadvantage is the need to thoroughly process the apartment. Due to the fact that the insecticide has a contact effect, the substance must get on the insects and their nests. For this reason, places where bed bugs accumulate should not be missed.

Protective measures when working with the drug

Forsyth is a chemical drug with a toxic effect; it has practically no effect on humans, but prolonged interaction with the drug can cause poisoning or allergies. When working, you must use protective equipment.

To work with the drug, you must purchase protective equipment:

a respirator, if possible a gas mask, for working with aerosols, can be purchased at garden stores or sanitary and epidemiological stations; Vinyl or rubber gloves must fit well on the hands to allow high-quality processing; a sprayer, any garden one will do, it is important to pay attention to the volume of the container, the product can be diluted in it; glasses to protect eyes from the product; ideally closed overalls; in the absence of thick home clothes with long sleeves and trousers, the skin should be protected as much as possible from contact with the product.

When Forsyth comes into contact with the skin, the first reaction will be redness, after a short time itching and irritation will begin. If it gets into the eyes, they should be immediately rinsed with water, and soon you will go to an ophthalmologist to examine the mucous membrane of the eye.

Important! Before processing, remove all food and carefully close food cabinets.

General information about the drug Forsyth

A new generation insecticide actively affects bedbugs with low toxicity to humans. After treating the premises, the risk of side effects is minimal.

Features of the product:

  • contact insecticide;
  • toxicity class – IV (lowest);
  • concentrated suspension of golden sand color, sometimes with a slight brown tint;
  • A working solution is prepared for treating private houses, apartments, and industrial premises. Take from 20 to 50 ml of the composition per liter of water, depending on the type of insects and the degree of infestation;
  • The combination of Forsyth with Chlorophos or Microcin will help speed up the action of the product in case of large concentrations of parasites and pests. These products are more toxic, but the results will appear much faster;
  • active ingredient – ​​fenthion 25%;
  • active influence on parasites and pests begins after direct contact with treated surfaces;
  • after the particles of the drug penetrate the chitinous cover, antennae, and paws, the nervous system of the insects is gradually destroyed, paralysis and death of the pest occurs;
  • in areas where wet cleaning was not carried out after applying the composition, the residual effect lasts up to three months;
  • fenthion acts not only on adult insects, but also on insect larvae;
  • Forsythe product effectively destroys not only bedbugs, but also other parasites;
  • the composition is suitable for use at home without calling sanitary specialists.


The insecticide is often used by owners who want to independently introduce bed bugs and other insects from their homes. The drug Forsyth is not the cheapest remedy, but many choose this particular composition.


  • low toxicity class, absence of negative reactions when used correctly;
  • high efficiency;
  • destruction of adults and larvae;
  • prolonged action (up to 90 days while maintaining the insecticide layer);
  • acts not only on bedbugs, but also on other parasites, fleas, cockroaches, flies, ants;
  • practically no toxic fumes are released after application of the product;
  • ease of preparation of the working solution;
  • convenient packaging: it’s easy to choose a container with the drug for treating rooms of different sizes;
  • self-disinfestation is allowed;
  • economical consumption of the composition;
  • many positive reviews from owners who poisoned bedbugs themselves;
  • For maximum effect, in most cases one or two treatments are sufficient.

How to use insecticide: processing steps?

Since Karbofos is sold in powder or emulsion form, it must be mixed with water before cleaning. The amount of concentrated substance depends on the degree of contamination of the room. If bedbugs have just appeared, use a weak solution; if there are a large number of insects, prepare the liquid a little stronger. Be sure to follow the instructions for using Karbofos.

This is what the finished liquid looks like, but it cannot be stored!

To properly perform pest control against bedbugs, you need to go through several stages.

  1. On the scheduled baiting day, the house must be cleaned to remove all obstructive debris.
  2. Before you start cleaning, you need to find all the clusters of bedbugs. Remember that there may be several nests, so inspection must be carried out carefully. Bedbugs live near the place where the victim sleeps. The bed is their hunting ground. Therefore, first inspect the bed, mattress, bed frame, sofa, ottoman, crib. After that, you can move on to searching in the rest of the furniture, household appliances, under the carpet, in curtains and curtains. Carefully look through all cabinets and bookshelves. Then you can move on to baseboards, cracks and crevices in the wall, ceiling, door frames, and surfaces where furniture touches the wall.
  3. Since the insecticide has some toxicity for people and animals, it is better to remove your family and pets from the apartment. Ideally, no one should be at home for about a day, but if this is not possible, you can return after a walk or from guests in a few hours.
  4. Most often, bedbugs come into our homes from neighbors, so go around all nearby apartments and ask about the presence of insects. To get rid of parasites once and for all, it is better to carry out parallel treatment in all rooms where they are present.
  5. Remove all utensils, food, and personal hygiene items to uncontaminated areas.
  6. Move all furniture and household appliances to the center of the room, away from the walls. Tables and chairs can be turned upside down.
  7. All clothes, bed linen, curtains and other fabric items must be washed in hot water - +55°C, ironed with steam, put everything in vacuum bags and put away until the poisoning is over.
  8. The poison must be mixed with water right before cleaning, because the finished substance cannot be stored (see photo above).
  9. It is best to spray surfaces using a spray bottle. In order to apply the solution into the narrowest cracks, you can use a syringe or a brush, which will help reach the most secluded places in the room.
  10. We must not forget about our own safety. Together with Karbofos, buy rubber gloves, goggles, a robe, and a respirator.
  11. Spray all surfaces with insecticide. You need to start by treating the perimeter of the room - baseboards, walls, ceiling, doors. This is done in order to avoid the escape of surviving bedbugs to other rooms. Next we move on to furniture and appliances. Bedbugs also love ventilation pipes and electrical outlets. Before checking electrical cables, you must turn off the power. You can spray over heavily infected areas several times so that the poison is well absorbed by the surface.

After the process of cleaning the room from bedbugs is completed, it is better not to appear at home for one day. If there are no places to spend the night, then when you return to the apartment, you need to thoroughly ventilate it. Karbofos breaks down from alkali, so all places in contact with residents can be wiped with a rag soaked in an alkaline solution. It is better not to do general cleaning for a couple of weeks in order to increase the period of activity of the chemical on insects.

Some mandatory precautions should not be forgotten when working with chemical insecticides

Precautionary measures

The use of any chemical requires human protection, namely the skin, respiratory tract and eyes. That's because:

  • Use thick, long-sleeved clothing, preferably old and unwanted.
  • It is better to protect your eyes with special glasses.
  • Hands are protected with rubber gloves (med.
  • The use of a respirator is mandatory.
  • Do not eat, drink or smoke while toxic substances are sprayed.
  • After this, you need to wash yourself well, rinse your mouth, wash your hands with soap and water, and wash your clothes or throw them away.
  • Upon returning home, it is advisable to wash all surfaces that a person comes into contact with every day.
  • Do not forget to ventilate the room, especially since the product has an unpleasant odor.
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